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Everything posted by Sweet Pie
[COLOR=coral][B]I do have to wear school uniform. My classmates wuld wear the skirt so short. After high school than you don't have to wear school uniform. But if you go to JUNIOR COLLEGE, You still have to wear school uniform. I've no problem with wearing school uniform ^_^ The uniform is simple like ANIME STYLE too. You picture it.[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=coral][B]I live in SOUTH-EAST ASIA region, Singapore. Northern part of Singapore wherre it is somewhere near to the city.[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=coral][B] BAD BOY: It would be GENJO SANZO(SAIYUKI). He's one hot-tempered huy and one of the hot and sexy guys. Love his undergarments. BEAUTIFUL BOY: It would be Toya of Ayashi no Ceres. He's very quiet yet interesting and intrigued me. He's hot under the covers. The other bishouhen would be Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi. He's got beautiful face and body and very independent and protective. TOP 5 1. Toya (AYASHI NO CERES) he's got to be one of the sexiest guys I've seen. 2. Nakago (Fushigi Yuugi)So Seducing...that you can't explain especially the eyes. 3. Genjo Sanzo (SAIYUKI)Sexy in his undergarments. 4. Amiboshi (Fushigi Yuugi) he's a cutie not to be missed 5. Sanosuke Sagara (Samurai x/Ruruoni Kenshin) he got sexy biceps![/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=coral][B]There's a lot of SWORDMEN in the ANIME WORLD. So, who's your fav.? It can have a list from Himura Kenshin(SamuraiX/Ruruoni Kenshin) to Haru Glory(RAVE) to Hotohori(Fushigi Yuugi) to Inuyasha(Inuyasha) and so on... I would chose Kenshin because, he's the GREATEST. I love his fighting style. A great samurai, perhaps?He's skillful yet it's hard to determined his moves.[/COLOR][/B]
Fansubs are great because they help understand the anime. Soon enough, we understand Japanese bit by bit. Fansubs I've watch: 1. Gensomaden Saiyuki 2. Slamdunk 3. Yu-Gi-Oh 4. Ayashi no Ceres 5. Fushigi Yuugi and etc.
I like TOYA AND AYA from AYASHI NO CERES. TOYA is very quiet and looks hot. AYA is very sweet. They really show their love for each other. Nothing will stop their love for each other. True love, huh?
All about Ayashi no Ceres... Talk about them here......... ANYWAY, I love Ayashi no Ceres so much. Yu Watase's story always has a sad/touching/emotional ending, just like the her previous work Fushigi Yuugi. Of course there's lots of bishounens (beautiful boys)in there. But I do really have a soft spot for TOOYA ^_^ He looks hot with his red dyed hair. Aki is so cute but he died at the end of the anime. Tooya and Aya looks good together. Whose that specs guy,......I forgot his name. Ahh...the one who works in the MIKAGE CORPORATION. I think he likes Aya too. Ceres on the other hand, looks so serious. Just can't imagine how she can be the CO-STAR. In the novel I read, it said that Tooya died after saving Aya and his baby. The anime is AWESOME ^_^ got to love it so much. It's so sad....+_+ The comic in English is not out yet here. But I'll be waiting for them.
So, WHAT IS YOUR FAV ANIME? My fav anime is SAIYUKI because the story line is interesting and the characters were creatively drawn (they're beautiful). The Opening song is great too. [SIZE=3][COLOR=crimson]SO WHAT'S YOURS?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
I like to watch anime esp from Japan bcoz of its unique graphics and storyline. The characters are beautiful. The scene of the drawing are so detailed. And the music is always entertaining. I'd prefer anime than Eng cartoons. ^_^ But of coz I still do like Bugs Bunny n stuff, u know?
So far, this site has a lot of anime mp3s: [URL]http://www.animemp3s.org[/URL] [IMG]http://www.canberrasec.net/~c1e412/MyWeb/tidus%20and%20yuna%2002.jpg[/IMG] Love this pic ^_^ Yuna n Tidus together....
Anime ALL ABOUT SAIYUKI!! Ps: SAIYUKI RELOAD anime series.....
Sweet Pie replied to Sweet Pie's topic in Otaku Central
My fav character in saiyuki is.... ALL OF 'EM!! Sanzo's a hottie(he's sexy in his undergarment) Hakkai's so gorgeous and handsome(he looks gd without his upper clothes) Goku's so cute and adorable..KAWAII ^_^ Gojyo's a woman's guy...wonderful. For the KOU-taichi, I LOVE KOUGAIJI!! He's hot...sexy abs!! below is a pic of KOU [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/Kou/Kougaiji02.jpg[/IMG] AND Nataku's so cute! [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/nataku/nataku03.jpg[/IMG] *NATAKU smiling [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/Group/Group04.html[/IMG] THEY'RE HOT!!! -
Anime ALL ABOUT SAIYUKI!! Ps: SAIYUKI RELOAD anime series.....
Sweet Pie replied to Sweet Pie's topic in Otaku Central
That a anime called SAIYUKI(Journey To The West)It follows the popular chinese legend~ "Journey to the west". But the story line and characters have been altered by manga-kan: Minekura Kazuya. Genjo Sanzo was summoned with three other demon to stop the revival of the mighty demon, Gyumao. He had been sealed by fighting god, Nataku. But recently, his wife, Gokyumen and some other people are going to unseal Gyumao so that they can have their on world. Sanzo and gang was in tenkai(heaven) in their previous life. After a fight and damage they had done during a party to celebrate Nataku's win against Gyumao. They were all sentence to the world below. But Goku was imprisoned in a dark cave at Mount Gogyo. In the world below, their memory of their previous life was sealed. Hakuryuu their dragon-turn-jeep was formerly a militery officer in tenkai. Here's the name of their previoys life: Genjo Sanzo->Konzen Douji, a person who is in-charge of paperworks in heaven. Son Goku->Son Goku; same name becoz he was not prosecuted. He is a child who is lonely and befriends with Nataku. Sha Gojyo->Taisho Kenren;a great soldier Cho Hakkai->Gensui Tenpou; a field-marshal but pretends to be Kenren's subordinate. [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/Gaiden/Gaiden11.jpg[/IMG] the one upside down is Goku,in front from left:Kenren, Konzen, Tenpou. [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/nataku/nataku01.jpg[/IMG] *this is a pic of NATAKU. But he's in coma. A pic of him smiling n winking. I'll post it later. ^_^ -
Anime ALL ABOUT SAIYUKI!! Ps: SAIYUKI RELOAD anime series.....
Sweet Pie replied to Sweet Pie's topic in Otaku Central
Thanx for that reply! ^_^ I didn't know u're a fan of 'em. So anyway, AYA wat's ur fav character in SAIYUKI? FOR the time being, I will not be able to post (but maybe I could post..depend on the situation). I've got my final-year exams actually to the exact, in progress.... So plz bear with it. ^_^ [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/Group/Group78.jpg[/IMG] BE MY BUDDY!!!!^_^ -
I'm looking forward for more adventure and fighting! Juz can't wait to see Orlando Bloom!
Anime ALL ABOUT SAIYUKI!! Ps: SAIYUKI RELOAD anime series.....
Sweet Pie posted a topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=red][B][SIZE=3]SAIYUKI: ALL ABOUT THEM[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] They're back for SEASON 3 this fall BUT it will be telecast ONLY in JAPAN. Here's a sneak preview on them, I'll post more about the story, villians and their former life in Tenkai later. WATCH OUT FOR MORE!! :D :excited: [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/Group/Group93.jpg[/IMG] *from left:Sanzo, Hakkai, Goku, Hakuryuu(dragon) & Gojyo [COLOR=indigo][B][U][SIZE=3]GENJO SANZO[/COLOR][/B][/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/Sanzo/Sanzo27.jpg[/IMG] *this pic is the monk in his casual clothes AGE: 23 RACE:HUMAN FORMER NAME: KORYU His a monk who doesn't follow rules. He refuse to shave hie head. He's a bad boy, smokes, drinks and gambles. His weapon is the gun and the Evil Sutra. He NEVER smile and will always beat GOKU and GOJYO but not HAKKAI. It is said that HAKKAI is like his late master, KOMYO SANZO. AND, only HAKKAI can raed what SANZO never say. ^_^ NOT to forget this monk wears a SEXY undergarment. He's hot!!! [COLOR=indigo][B][U][SIZE=3]SON GOKU[/COLOR][/B][/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/Goku/Goku67[/IMG] *Goku thumbs up! AGE: 18 RACE: WILD MONKEY He's a lively kid and always pick a fight with Gojyo! HE LOVES TO EAT and 4ever hungry! It's difficult to stop him when he turns to SENTEI TAISEN! [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/Goku/Goku22.jpg[/IMG] *Goku become a youkai (SENTEI TAISEN) [COLOR=indigo][B][U][SIZE=3]SHA GOJYO[/COLOR][/B][/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/Gojyo/Gojyo38.jpg[/IMG] *Gojyo looking good AGE: 22 RACE:1/2 HUMAN-1/2YOUKAI(DEMON) He's very into women. Women is his first love. He smokes juz like Sanzo and gambles but can never beat HAKKAI. He called SANZO, [COLOR=red]CORRUPTED MONK[/COLOR] Always fighting with Goku. And a best-friend to HAKKAI. [COLOR=indigo][B][U][SIZE=3]CHO HAKKAI[/COLOR][/B][/U][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/Hakkai/Hakkai83.jpg[/IMG] *him not smilling !_! AGE: 22 RACE: YOUKAI(DEMON) but formerly a human He's the peacemaker and never did any of his group-mates quarrel with him! He's the best in poker game and drinking. he always smile & no one knows what he's thinking. [IMG]http://www.gensomaden-saiyuki.net/Gallery/Group/Group10.jpg[/IMG] *they all looking so good and cool in casual clothes! [QUOTE]WatCh OuT FoR MoRe!!!*^*^*^[/QUOTE]:D -
[EMAIL=baby_aki_devil@hotmail.com]SwEeT PiE ^_^[/EMAIL] [QUOTE]U be my friend, I'll be your friend!!![/QUOTE] [list] Hi! There! [IMG]http://www.canberrasec.net/~c1e412/MyWeb/rikkusigpic4.jpg[/IMG] *pic of rikku! Beutiful isn't she? I'm new, so I would want some friends! ^_^ Anyway, I LOVE anime music a lot!! I ve got some on my COMPUTER. BUT they are for your personal copy ONLY and should be deleted in 24hrs after u receive it/download it. Here's the list: 1. 1000 no kotoba(eng version)FFX-2 2. Real Emotion(eng version)FFX-2 3. Real Emotion(japanese version)FFX-2 4. Scarlet->Ayashi no Ceres 5. Sekai ga owaru made wa-> Slam Dunk season2, ending 6. Bunny Doll -> SAIYUKI ___________________________________________________ [IMG]http://www.canberrasec.net/~c1e412/MyWeb/FFX-2_sig05.gif[/IMG] My FAV anime song: ->SCARLET(ballad song) anime: ayashi no ceres artist: Iwao Junko ->REAL EMOTION(lively tempo) PS2: FFX-2 artist: Koda Kumi ->FOR REAL(pop-rock, sort of) anime: saiyuki artist: not sure ->1000 no kotoba(very beautiful vocal)PS2: FFX-2 artist Koda Kumi ->Sekai ga owaru made wa(very deep male vocal) anime:SlamDunk artist:Wands (i think?!) *from the above u can conclude that I'm a fan of Koda Kumi! THERE'S SO MANY n I list a few of them only. PLZ REPLY!!! :excited: :whoops: :D