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Santogi Anatoga

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About Santogi Anatoga

  • Birthday 07/09/1989

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    Sandman Fo SHo
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    Mindless drones carryout my every command...damn mindless idiots!
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  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]As far as funny goes South Park would be a 10 and Family Guy a 6. Not that it dosn't have its monments. Maybe I like the profanity and *BLEEPS* of S.P. apposed[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]to the hell and damn swearing of F.G., but they're both weak compared to Futurerama! "I'm a big robot and I need a big cearel!" Bender[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]Snow, snow, snow, white, fluffy, cold, freezing, curse of the earth! :flaming: :alcohol: If it were not for snow and ice I could have way less embaressing stories. If I were off of school for a whole week I would practice my sax, sovel snow, play[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]video games, shovel snow, read alot, shovel snow, scrape ice, throw salt, and did i forget shoveling snow? I guess those are the breaks when you're the only guy in your household! :flaming: :flaming: [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. Great banner! I guess a matching AVI would be nice!
  4. :alcohol: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]You[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]can[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]use[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]your[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]own[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]pics if[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]needed.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] :alcohol:
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]Of course[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]Vash[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]would win,[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]he never [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]misses [/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]his target[/COLOR]. [COLOR=Purple]And[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]lets not [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]forget,[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow] he has [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]three [/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]different [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]guns to [/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]choose [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]from.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow](Left Gunarm, [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]his actual gun,[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]and his rarely used Angel Arm)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. Sorry there was an error... :flaming: MY BUSH PICS WONT WORK so here are some TRIGUN pics insted. COULD YOU MAKE A BANNER FROM THEM?
  7. If it were not for the Fairly Odd Parents, I would not watch Nikelodian at all. (That and Rugrats: AllGrown Up.)
  8. Honor to me is somewhat lost.This is part of the reason I came up with the philosophy that "people suck" and thats all there is to it.Now,I'm not sayin that all people suck,but some do. "Bronze is more precious than gold,for bronze brings forth life and honor.So make my enemy a golden spear and sword blade and me bronze."Theseis,The King Must Die (Just thought I'd throw that in there.)
  9. Yeah,I've read this manga and its totally choice man.If they ever come out with an anime fore it I would watch it all the time. 8) No,but really Iliked the anime and the manga .They are both cool.
  10. I'd go with Gotenks aswell.As for the look,I think he would be more like a mutated Piccolo.lol.Just kidding,he would be mostly Goten.
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