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Everything posted by TheBlackMagus

  1. I shall play multuple people but this will be my active character... Name: Vincent Takatori Age:? S.O.A: An (X) across the target's face. Looks: [URL=http://h-kamui.hp.infoseek.co.jp/gal/kuroda04.html]Vincent Takatori[/URL] Bio: Not to be mistaken with Takatori corp. Vincent is a bounty hunter that loves money and cigarettes. The omega and Blood Guilds have it out for him. So he has taken shelter in the Killer's Kiss guild. Alliance: Himself.....oh and Killer's Kiss
  2. Keori Is a 23 year old Veteran assassin. He was one of the elites, for the Takatori corperation. Raised to be a killer, Keori had grown empty. Until he had met a Woman by the name of Noh Oda. She was also an assassin, But not for Takatori. She worked for a rival group that was spying on the Omega assassins of the Takatori corperation. Unfortunatly Keori and Noh had fallin in love causing a rift in her mission. A few Years into there relationship, Keori found out about her Spying, But despite his loyalty to th Omega, he ignored allowed it to continue. One evening Keori was called to assassinate an enemy member of the rival group, Noh was his Target. This was the first misson he had failed. He tried his best to give her a chance to escape, but by the time he had a chance to warn her. She was found laying at the feet of his equal and friend, Tetsu Nobunaga. Keori was seen as a traitor for his relationship with her. He was to be killed on the spot, But Tetsu allowed Keori to have a head start and Leave. Now 3 Years later, Keori Had gained power creating an underground assassin's Guild, named Killer's Kiss. Who will you join? Assassin groups: Omega - Eldest of the 3 assassin guilds, Main mission Find and kill the rouge assassin. Blood - A rival assassin guild of Omega, the assassins here are radical and reckless. Mission Anyone from Omega must die, so we may become great! Killer's Kiss - Very much in the dark, Keori kept his guild very well hidden. Mission Humiliate and destroy thge Omega guild. Name: Age: Style of assassinating: Looks: Bio: Alliance: [Example] Name: Keori Aka. Kri Age: 29 S.O.A: Decapatation Looks:White fluffy hair, Amber eyes, Fair skin, Always wears deep blue clothing. Bio: (look above) Alliance:Killer's Kiss
  3. New Name:Rain Garbiel Laharl[IMG][/IMG]
  4. Still watching her from the dark, Rain lets her plundg off the balcony. " Well, we just dont learn." He grins and shakes his head. He debates if he should catch her, but he felt that if she kept on acting the way she does, she would be better off dead. Although he also knew the fall wouldn't kill her. So he decited to go after her. " If she wants to die, then Ill let her die." He lunges after her and disappers in a rain of purple mist. As hakira nears the ground Rain catches her. Then as they land Hakira opens her eyes. Rain's oral cavity begins to extend as he instantly sinks his teath into her neck. Hakira's body tenses in the sudden rush of passion with a hell of a lot of pain. She can feel the blood being pulled from her body. As everything became a bright white, He drops her to the ground. " You want death.... then you'll know dead.....Personally" He crosses his nail across his vain, and force feeds her his syrup like black blood. A rush of pain, death, even Hell itself past into her. Her blood thickend as her blood merged with his. Rain whipes his mouth as he watches this take place. "Feels like your chest his caving in...huh?" His fingers twitch as his blood mixes with her's inside him. "Every though, every tear you shed.I now am apart of that, This is my curse and now its also yours. She flails violently on the floor. "You may not respect me....But you will understand me...." Finally Hakira's sorrow filled his body. "I hope one day you might understand. When you live with pain, You become a pain." He gives a faint smile. "If you live through this, then your stronger than what you think you are." He walks away from Hakira towards the park. " oh, when your done come see me....you'll know where i'll be." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [COLOR=orangered]I didnt really change Hakira, the changes are totlally up to you. But I just gave her the ability to hear Rain in her head from time to time....(when needed). so pretty much she can sence him.[/COLOR]
  5. From behind Hakira, Rain crawls down the wall. "You know? Your sickening...." Rain grunts. Hakira cuts her eyes at him to express her anger. "What would you know!?" Her voice shutters. Rain folds his arms, "way more than you know." "your just being a spoiled little brat, normally I wouldnt care about your sulking for Ryu." He pushes off the wall. "But I havent been here for more than an hour, and I have to look at the depressing little fucker you've become." TO defend herself she get up and trys to walk through the door, but Rain pushes her back. "Im not done yet!" He stands directly infront of her. "You obviously dont understand hat sorrow is." "I want you to imagine the one you care about." his fist tightens,"Imagine having to leave them to keep them alive. His eyes burn with rage as his eyes connect with hers. "Or Have someone you "thought" you could love, Selling you out and nearly killing you....." He turns his back to her, "Sounds familiar.....Hakira?" Sarcasm saturates his final words as he crawls back up the wall and into the darkness.
  6. "Actually, we dont know exactly where he is." the voice echos from the walls. Carmilla steps from the shadows and nods to them. Aruzan looks at her then at Hakira thenn he states. "You didnt say that." She smiles and chinkan taps Aruzan's shoulder, and motions for him to look behind him. He does so, and is greeted with glowing blue eyes. Aruzan jumps back, "Dont do that!" Rain snickers and brushes his hair back. Carmilla kneels down to Hakira and caresses her cheek. "dont feel so sad my dear." "He still lives." She stands up and takes of her jacket. Rain glances over hakira and lowers his eyes. Then footsteps are heard down the hall. "Damn, Dracula..." Rain says under his breath. And with that said he jumps onto the ceiling and crawls into the shadows.
  7. Rain smiles and Breushes his fingers through his hair. Aruzan dips chinkan again and when he lifts her back up Rain was gone. "Damn, I hate it when he does that." Chinkan announces. While still dancing, chinkan and Aruzan search around the area. Suddenly Aruzan spots Rain talking to a woman similarly dressed like him. "you look familiar." Rain still holds his smile. "Have we met before?" He leans agains a wall. "actually yes," She steps up to him. "I has been over 100 years, and you still look the same." Rain's eyes widden in suprise. "Carmilla? Daughter of one of Dracula's servants." She nods and slides her fingers in his hair. "so rain, Why have you left Draculas court?" Rain snickers and lowers his head. "Well its a bit of a long story."
  8. Sitting atop a roof, Miazmodon watches the people on the street. His bordom sets in as he begins to do his favorite stunt. Running down the side of a building and jumping off a few feet from the ground. Instead of just landing though he grapples onto a pole ans sing once around then lets go. While flipping in the air he gets a slight sence of a familiar aura. He then latches on to the side of another building and swiftly claws his way up. when he did make it to the top his sights lay upon a sillouhette. The Shadow turns around and glanced at him. Rain knew from that moment the ryu wasnt dead. Although he didnt know if this was ryu or not. He felt the same energy that he felt at there first meeting.
  9. How long has it been since the wedding?...wll I'll assume it has been about 4 days. since a honeymoon can last from 1-2 weeks or longer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dropping the false name "Miazmodon Cold". Rain Gabriel Laharl began to live his life again. He never made it to london, due to the sudden lose of his wings. Also without money, Rain decited to just hang around. Now injoying every moment of his life.He would be found reading in the park, Or at a Rave club. Still plagued by the sudden changes in and around him. Reluctent to meet the "Gang" in fear of another problem. He actually hopes to see them almost everyday. His bad habit of jumping around rooftops, and teleporting around places has not changed. Rain felt that he needed a new look, so he dyed his hair crimson red. Even his wardrope changed into a Neo goth punk. With a trenchcoat, knee high boots, and fishnet arm covers.
  10. :eek: When did miazmodon become a perv? AND WHO WOULD BRING CONDOMES TO THER HONEYMOON! Sex Sex Sex...Geez calm your hormones!:smirk: ...anyway... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miazmodon towards a window and smiles. oh dont save any cake for me. Im goin back to london to see my sis. Aruzan nods. Miazmodon winks, "oh enjoy the present, and dont let her ware you out to soon." He makes it over to the window and Aruzan stops him. "yo, are you going to say goodbye to everyone?" Miazmodon brushes his hair out of the way. "Nah..." then the window opens and he drops out of it.
  11. Name: Clive Gallows Alias: Neo Helsing Race: Spainish american Species: Cyberneticly & geneticly enhanced human Age: Unknown, yet he appears to be around his 30's Gender: Male Alliance: AVD Weapons: Redemption- A cybernetic blade connected to his also cybernetic arm and wrist. When activated, the blade juts next to his fore-arm. Just by will he can flip it up next to his hand and back, like a quill. The metal is a mix of silver and titanium, it is strictly experimental. Hellura-Fal-ginuma Needles- When looked upon these thin quills of metal seem just to be inlarged sewing needles, But when placed in any suface they explode within seconds. The explosion isnt big but it still gives its share in damage. Personality: Calm, wreckless, highly inteligent, and witty. Bio: Heh, it's actually a funny story. I was a scientist, a damn good scientist. Some of the genetic enhancement on humans were due to me, thank you. I also took some of the enhancements for myself. Longer life, advanced agility, and hightened senses, etc. Anyway, I was astounded by the vampiric species. So, I studied heavily into them. I found out so much....maybe a little too much. I became consumed into their world. I started to experiment with dead vampires, I was getting nowhere. Then my lab....MY LAB! Was attacked and taken over by a bunch of men. Vampires or human, I dont know. Frankly, I was dead....well almost dead, but my brother had found me and saved my life. I lost 25% of my body, but due to the genetics, I was able to live. My brother and I rebuilt the lost 25% of my body in another lab. He was part of the Lowendove, geez he was seriously pissed.Well at this point I am a damned cyborg. My whole left arm, left shin, and right eye. After that, my brother and I were close. He killed the vamps, I disected them. He took me on a mission once and we ran into this female vampire. She was calm at first, actually if she didn't try to kill me, I would be interested in her. She finally attacked my brother and I, and bit him and myself. We caught her and I began to work on a serum. I failed to save my brother, but I injected myself. The serum making me look younger than I really am. The only downfall is my memory is now damaged. So, I keep a journal. My memory is still fading. I don't remember my age, and with all these changes to my body, I cant even tell anymore. The Lowendove scientists experimented on the vampire girl. They were pretty much killing her, so was I. Until I developed a New elixer created from her DNA. It was hard a painfull, for her and myself. I used her blood and nullified the vampiric gene, then injected it into myself. I didn't want to kill The girl, so I let her free...oops...she escaped, and so did I. Personally, I think the Lowendove are crazy. All I needed a lab,heh.... Now all I need is to be alone, but that's not going to happen until this damn war is over. The Lowendove think I'm dead. I ended up joining the AVD. My joining the AVD is another long, boring story. I don't think you want to hear.
  12. The area around chinkan and Aruzan becoms misty. and a light taping is heard behind them. chinkan looks into the shadow and sees a pair of glowing jade eyes. Aruzan begins to notice her sudden disinterest in there activity. Then Chikan rolls of the bedd taking the sheet with her. Aruzan grabs a bit of the sheet to try to cover himself with. "RYU!" Chinkan grouls. "How did you get in here you pervert." The figure stands up and steps into the light. His pale blue tinted skin covered in scars. And his wings lay around him, and his once toned body is now increased in size. "Do you kids, think you have time for this?" His Deep and soft voice flows out. "miazmodon?" chinkan questions
  13. It was raining when it happend. She Let him into my house, and they had sex on my bed. To bad for them..... I was home. I had my suspisions, She did it once before. Heh, when I said That if she cheated on me again, I'd kill her........I thought I was joking. Both of there blood ran from the bed to the living room. There screams of agony filled the air. The smell of iron and fear merged with there screams. I can remember the police staring at me as I began to pull the man's heart out, using his arteries. Haha... Breaking through his rib cage with a blunt object.....they say..... I did it with my bare hands. Him and My wife died by my bare hands. When people ask me, "Do you feel bad for what you did?" I just smile and Answer there question with this question. Do you thinks she She would have felt sorry for breaking my heart? hhmhmhmhm......hehehehehe........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This story takes place in the city of Nerohalem, in the year 2256. A man (Myer Val Delhan) pleaded guilty to the grusome murder of a man and woman. Sara Delhan & paul Kellon. Instead of placing him in jail or death row. He was placed in Nero Asylem for examination. He is thought to have a strange mental disease. Due to the frequent changes in mood and strength. To make things worse, there is another killer with this similar problem. The way this killer murders his victims is by breaking there rib cage, with his bare hands. they call him Id. Due to the animalistic nature of the killing, but Id is not doing this out of rage....its for fun. The requrments for this RP. Detective Therapist other Inmates Docter (not really needed)Family of killer, and wife. If you choose one of them:They can be played in anyway you want. but they need to be connected to Myer in some way. Sign up Name: Age: Gender: Apperance: Role: (If choosen) Bio:
  14. Name:Harlie Benidict Age:18 Gender:Male Grade:Super Senior ( a student that didnt have enought credits to pass during there real senior year . So they come back to school for only a few classes.) Apperance:He is about 5" 10", His body is toned not big or small. He has dark tan skin and long blond hair (Ganguro boy). Personality:Kind, calm, a closet pervert Misc: He wears skater jeans, and a Dress shirts. His ears are pierced, and he has purple contacts. Plus there are rumors that he may be bisexual
  15. Occ: Vincent and I, are in london, not you guys. Sorry if my post confuzed you. But I still dont see how you guys though.....nevermind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rain falls down thick, as water begins to run down there faces. Vincent Smiles and wipes Miazmodon's hair from his face. "I've missed you, since you moved to the states." "What have you been up to?" She says sarcasticly. " Dont treat me like an idiot." Miazmodon snaps back. "You know what I've been doing." She smiles again and looks up at the falling rain. "well then, what the bloody hell are you doing all the way here?" Miazmodon stands up. " Im here to escort you to America, Ryu Is much stronger than before." Vincent tooks at him. "Well, YOU decited not to kill him." "why is it my problem too? Rain." Miazmodon tilts his head. " Because. Vincent, Hes goning to kill us all." "A war is starting, and Ryu is leading one of the armies." Vincent sits up. "And the humans?" Miazmodon looks at the city. "Will die before they know it."
  16. Flying at highs speeds, Miazmodon passes through the clouds.[COLOR=crimson]" London at last...Now sis, we will meet."[/COLOR] He eventually makes it to the clocktower. He lands ontop of a ledge, as if he was a gargoyle. From behind a hand streaches down his chest. " Vincent." A grin crossed her face. "oh, little brother, you've gotten big." She crosses her hand to his cheek and has him face her. He looks at her, and feintly smiles. "I dont know why Im not angery at you." "Heh, I should kill you right now." She gets close to his face almost as if she was to kiss him. and smiles. The night sky pours with blue light and rain. Lightning flashes in the sky as they sit face to face.
  17. im not upset or anything, But Miazmodon did have his rib cage snaped open and his spine run through by ryu. So I doubt he was able to even move. But i guess ill play along.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Failing to his sister's influence, Miazmodon's sister manipulates his body. Giving him the ability to move. The zombies near as Miazmodon ignores the pain... he smiles as a woman's voice slithers from his mouth. " You can do what you want to this body, it is but a mear puppet. He rips of his shirt, exposing an bloddy and broken rub cage. His Heart shown slowly beating / bleeding. A mesh of both Miazmodon's and the woman's voice his heard. " Kuradus Ulidanas Fruna Gallos...." The zombies grow closer. " Darudamos herafulia Madugara." There bodies surround him as blood forcfully rips from there bodies and from the ground, even from yards away blood flew into the gaping holes him Miazmodon's back and chest. [COLOR=darkblue]" Brother, with these powers we will kill them all!"[/COLOR] The smile creeps across his face. [COLOR=crimson]" We?.....Hehehe......hahAHAHAHAHAHA! THERE IS NO WE!"[/COLOR] The skin on his back streachs and rips open as three Raven Wings Flap wildly. He flys upward, then swoops down grabing Hakira then flies back up. He looks at her as she punches him in the face. " you know I was sorry for what happend, and I WAS gonna tell you That i care about you.....but that feeling is now buried.... Thank you...and goodbye." He hurls her downward into a mound of bodies. unharmed she gets up and watches as he dissappers into the fog. [COLOR=crimson]" Its about time I see you again dear Vincent....."[/COLOR]
  18. Finding himself in a sea of the dead. Miazmodon' s Body riped open..." b...but how, How am I still alive?" Tears roll across his face as he stares into nothingness. "Am I truly dead to begin with?" Or is this what Hell is like? His eyes franticly look around him, His sight no better than a new born child's. His black blood seeping out like molasis. The pain subsides as bits down on his bottem lip and tries to move. [COLOR=darkblue]"you weak little shit, do you need my help now?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]" I will sooner burn in hell than go on being a slve to a Bitch like you!"[/COLOR] Her voice echos as she laughs at him. The laugh begins to drive him mad as he continues to try to move.
  19. The mind of Miazmodon overflowed with memories of thigs tat were once forgotten. thin crimson tears spilled from his eyes, and down his cheeks. The Pain surrging through his body grew numb. The ring on chinkan's finger pulsates wildly, the band tighted as if alive. Then for a split second Chinkan became one with Miazmodon, hearing his sister's ranting about how foolish he is. Ryu's chuckles, and Hakira's face....
  20. He staggered around and fell to one knee. [COLOR=darkblue]" Give in to your blood, and your will live....."[/COLOR] His black blood oozes from his side. He looks at hakira, a defeated look coveres his face. [I]" Hakira....I'm....."[/I] Ryu appers from the black aura around them, And stabs Miazmodon in the back. [B]" heh, no need for any pathetic speeches. Now, sleep....."[/B] He twists the sword, The sounds of bones cracking is heard from miles as miazmodon's eyes fade.
  21. Hot on Hakira's tail, Miazmodon stops at the sight of The rag doll. He pick it up and grips it tight. The scent of both Ryu and Hakira are close by. He almost thinks to go back but his passion to find her grew stronger. He didnt understand why, but he didnt questio nthe feeling neither. His pursute became more than a mission to him as he ignored all fears of meeting Ryu or dieing. His only job was to find Hakira. A few Minutes later Miazmodon catches up with the two and tosses the doll into the air. It lands infront of both Hakira and Ryu. They trun around to find Miazmodon standing without fear or doubt. "Hakira, Ryu..." His voice softly passes through his lips. The world seems to pause as they stand looking at one another.
  22. OOC: Now that wasnt so hard now was it? ^.^ thanks! ____________________________________________________ His Begins to sniff the air as he catches a bit of hakira's scent. He decides to not tell the others that he has gone. So he puts his leather jacket on and leavs the ring on the table for chinkan to find, then follows Hakira's scent. [COLOR=darkblue]" you know where shes going.... Ryu will kill you, unless....."[/COLOR] As he hops from tree to tree, at an mind blowing speed. [COLOR=crimson]" Ryu? Dont tell me shes going to him...."[/COLOR] He begins to move faster. [COLOR=darkblue]" The only way to even stand a chance against this new foe is to give in to darker parts of your soul"[/COLOR] Claw marks on the trees and ground, are the only trail left my him.[COLOR=crimson]" Damn, Why did you let father do this to me? "[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]" He wanted to know what the blood of Human, Luna, Nosferatu, And the vampier king himself would create."[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]" IT DOES NOTHING!, I AM AN ABOMINATION!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]"Give in, you might even impress the new king of the luna kind."[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]" Ryu....."[/COLOR]
  23. Miazmodon looks at carmize and smiles. [I]" There is no need to say such things."[/I] Carmize looks up at him. [B]" Why not?"[/B] Her Naive yet serious eyes looking dead at him. [I]" Fate does not want you in her place, you have an very imprtant role in this situation."[/I] He gets out of his seat and kneels down to her. [I] " you are very brave. you have a hero's soul, you will know when your time to be a hero comes."[/I] Her face shows a bit of confusion yet a great amount of understanding. He gets up and walks by Hakira, She peeks up at him, And just for a second there eyes met but cut away soon after. He walks out the door and goes to the pool and sits down near the water.
  24. [I]OCC: Sorry for not posting, and thanks for keeping me in the groove. ^.^[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miazmodon over hears Aruzan and Chinkan's consersation. He listens for a bit and then goes and sits down. Aruzan comes up from behind him and sits down across from him. [B]" Chinkan and I were...."[/B] Miazmodon finishes his sentence.[I]"Talking, and you want me to find out what Ryu is up to." [/I] Aruzan nods. [B]" Are you up for it?"[/B] [I]"Sure why not. Ill leave tommarow morning."[/I]
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