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Everything posted by TheBlackMagus

  1. Name: Angel "Thorn" Phoenix Age:26 Callsign: A Thorned Rose Gender: Male Alliance: Southern vipers Bio:Living an average life as an movie Stuntman. Angel had a history in acrobatics. He also was know for having a very bad gambeling habit. One day angel made the mistake of crossing the Yakuza loan sharks in a bet, and lost. Since he couldent pay them. They killed his Wife and his children. After nearly dying tying to exact his revenge. He leaves Japan, to find a way to numb the pain. Unsatisfied and restless He Moves back to his home town Temple, Texas. 2 years later, gaining a wife. Yet still tormented by the past, Angel leaves her behind. And later encounter?s an old acupuncturist .He was old and willing to teach is strange art. Angel, ended up creating a strange bond with the old man. After a few years of apprenticeship Angel twisted his new technique into a deadly art. His needle point Technique can kill a man Swiftly and silently. Now, endowed with this new skill. He maked a name for himself, in the world of assassins. He has crossed Adam's Angels before, yet he never allowed himself to stay in there presents for to long. His enigmatic nature makes him a great killer. Now called "Thorn" he would be an asset to anyone who wants someone dead. A few years of cold blooded killing, Thorn was given a mission to kill one of the Yakuza bosses. Taking the job in belife that he would get his revenge, he began an rather extended search. It led him deeper into the yakuza than ever before. His first opertunity to kill his target, he was Stunded by the sight of his first wife and an unfamiliar kid. His mind became even more twised than before. So later that night. At a hotel in tokyo, A massacare was commited. Every henchmen layed across the floor covered in needles, And in the room with the Yakuza boss and his wife and kid Stood Thorn covered in blood. By the time the police showed up there were Needels in the Man and child, And in the woman Was a Thorned white rose buried in her ribe cage. With his new and Disturbed identity, Thorn reconstructed his face and altered his body to be femenin. He grew his nails long and eligant, And then cut small holes under his nails so to hide the needels in his skin. He consumed his life with death, killing every target with almost flawless compleation. This was to not last though. When his wife in the states came to Osaka, Japan to find him. Till this day he regret telling her where he was going. Insted of leaving him, like he did her. Insted she stayed and became a sidkick of sorts. She got a job at a toy store, and begain to support him on is missions. All was well and good untill he became badly wounded during an job where the police had poked there nose into. and they needed more money then they thought. So she decited to steal money from the store she worked at. Letting her love for him blind her judgment, she went through with it, And like love blinded her judgment. Sombody had her blnded, but didnt stop there, they droped her off at the apartment she stayed at without her hands. Thorn found her on the steps, and with his wound, rushed her to the hospital. Although he was a semi-know killer. she has a clean record so he took her in the hospital. when the doctors took her a few cops noticed Thorn. and gave chase. Thron got away and returned to the apartment. He sewed his wounds up with a string of wire. He let it heal for a few days, until he got a package from the toy company, on the box it wrote. " Next time, she better keep her hands to herself." Thorn opend the box to see Leanne's severed hands. From that day, Thorn searches for anyone of anything linked to the toy company. He found out the man that odered his wifes mutilation was a man named Adam. Afterward he had met up with a group called the Southern Vipers, there mission to take down Adam pursuaded him to join. Personality:He seems to keep to himself. His Bi-polar attitude seems to change with every situation. He doent talk about killing much. During a job though, his attitude becomes as twisted as his Technique. Weapon: Any needle type weapon and a Rapier, Pluse his signiture Rose pin. [IMG]http://www.thenaturalconnection.net/acu-faqs/needles.jpg[/IMG] [url]http://www.weaponmasters.com/index.html?ID=e9414c53d3cf80da7dcf89fd8aa2deb9&ITEM=PC-1027S&SORT=PRICE_UP&FDX=11&FMAX=10[/url] Photo: [url]http://www.genesis3.co.kr/part2/character/saladin.htm[/url]
  2. Miazmodon get in the RV. and sits on the back and closes his eyes. His shirt covered in dust. [COLOR=darkblue]" you see brother..... you try to become "Friends" with them and they dont even trust you....."[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]" go away..... It was funn...."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]"They dont trust you you fool!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]" SHUT UP!"[/COLOR] His eyes tense as he opens his eyes and looks out the window.....
  3. Miazmodon smiles and reaches around his neck, and takes off a gold necklace. [I]"Carmize" [/I] Miazmodon smiles.[I]" I want you to have this, My mother gave me this necklace when I was about your age."[/I] Carmize lifts her hair and allows Miazmodon to place it around her neck. [B]But why give it to me?[/B] asked Carmize, Chinkan looks at miazmodon. [I]"Well lets just say I know how you feel. "[/I] He rubs the side a carmize's face then turns and looks out of the window.
  4. Sitting indian style, Wearing bluejeans and a tanktop with a leather vest. Is Miazmodon, he looks at Chinkan. [I]" dont be so jumpy, Im not the enemy."[/I] With his chin in his hand he tilts his head and smiles rather childishly.[I]"Im just here for the ride."[/I] [B]"Bullsh*t!"[/B] Shouted chinkan, her eyes lock into Miazmodon.[B]" you brought Aruzan's wife here to kill me!"[/B] Miazmodon's smile fades as he fully turns to her. [I]"Wrong, She brought me.*[/I] He exposes a slowly healing bit mark on his neck. [I]" Now im a part of this, like it or not...."[/I] He looks at Aruzan and lowers his head.[I]" And, I know about you and her... your past...If I may request an alliance. Our pasts are already tied together... and for some reason my sister wants both chinkan and Ryu dead...I need answers, as well as you both."[/I] He leans aginst the RV looking at both chinkan and Aruzan as he awaits there reply...
  5. (lol ^.- I wont) She pins him to the ground and bite his neck. Her teeth sink in as she pushes Miazmodon into submission he begins to see flashes of millions of humans dieing by her hands. His Fangs begin to forcefully grow causing his gums to bleed. The last flashes he sees are of Aruzan and His Father and sister. She swiftly lets go of him and wipes her mouth. [COLOR=teal]" your blood tastes strange, bitter yet sweet, like a drug it sends s rush through the body." [/COLOR] Miazmodon gets up as his thick crimson blood stains the tops of his coat. [I]" Whats wrong? To much for you?"[/I] He smiles. [I]"That head rush your speaking of is a mixture of the blood of the living and of the dead."[/I] She holds the side of her head as she falls to one knee. Miazmodon feels a bit dizzy from the blood lose and kneels down next to her. [I]"Aruzan....your husband?" [/I] She looks up to him, still feeling a massive pain through her body. She nods and looks directly into his eyes. Miazmodon looks back at her.[COLOR=crimson]"Dammit, now im in deeper than I even wanted to be...."[/COLOR]
  6. Sitting on a bench at the park, reading a book. Miazmodon's expressionless face begins to gain a slight pigment. [COLOR=crimson]" So sis, you and father liked killing humans...." [/COLOR] His teeth begin to grins as he reads on. [COLOR=crimson]" But then why was my mother not killed by him?" "Dammit, why doesnt this make an...."[/COLOR] His thought was interupted when he notices names on a seperate page written in Lunic. [COLOR=skyblue]Aruzan[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Chinkan[/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]Carmiz[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Hakira[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Ryu[/COLOR] "huh?" his eyes widen as he reads the other names.[COLOR=crimson]"those are the names of that group of people." "So, my father and sister planed on this?"[/COLOR] He closes the book and places it into his robe. [COLOR=crimson]"she was using me, Damn"[/COLOR] He gets up and walks out of the park and to his apartment.[COLOR=crimson]"I think ill have a night out on the town, to clear my mind."[/COLOR] He changes into an all white fancy suits with a black tie and shoes. Then he ties his hair back into a nice long braid. [COLOR=crimson]"Time now for a well diserved break, crawling around spying on people isnt somthing I like to do..."[/COLOR] He looks into the mirror glaring at an almost transparent reflection. He slightly smiles now beliving he is free of his sisters voice. He takes his Break from the shadows.[COLOR=crimson]" actually Im glad th mask is off..."[/COLOR] The door closes behind him as a smile crosses his face.
  7. Miazmodon, still hidden yet also very close by. He watches over them as they leave the station.[COLOR=darkblue]" You did well, But next time you must kill them."[/COLOR] miazmodon sitts atop a building still following there every move.[COLOR=crimson]" That is somthing I refuse to do...."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]But why? [/COLOR] Carmize stops and looks up at Miazmodon and smiles, then turns back around and catches up with the group. [COLOR=crimson]" Because....Even if they dont see it that way, I think I actually have people that I can call friends......."[/COLOR] He stands up and Leaps off the building.
  8. [I]oh, Chinkan.... I didnt know you wanted to kill me so bad.... But you can not kill what you can not feel...[/I] He falls of the edge of the building towards chinkan. As soon as the connect he bursts into purlpe and white sand. Suddenly chinkan began to loose momentum and her foot sliped form under her and she fell before she could reach the top of the building, And all of the rage and hate that once filled her hart fadded.Meanwhile Miazmodon appers on the ground holding the ring, he placese it on his finger. [COLOR=crimson]" I should never rush fate...."[/COLOR] Chinkan falls only to be caught by Miazmodon. He wals over to Aruzan and smiles. [I]This must be yours....[/I] He lightly chuckels. Chinkan gets up ans pushes Miazmodon away. Ryu slips around a building and trys to sneak off. Miazmodon quickly spots Ryu, but them decides to ignore him. Miazmodon walks over to one half of his mask and kneels on one knee. then runs his hand on the engraved tear. Carmize and Narika walk up to him and carmize places her cold hand on his shoulder. [B]Why dont you stay with us?[/B] she says naively. his smirks and tilts his head toward her.[I]I dont think Im welcome.....[/I]
  9. :demon:The smoke from his guns slowly disapates. Ryu and Chinkan charge at him in a blaze of power and fury. Miazmodon stands still and watches as Ryu opens his hands to reveal very sharp claws, and Chinkan's hands inveloped with flames. [I]oh, this is gonna......[/I] Ryu slashes down at miazmodon as Chinkan fires a piller of flame at him. Miazmodon's body falls to one knee and smolders. [B]That was to easy.[/B] says Ryu. Suddnly a arm wraps around chinkans neck and flips her in the air. Ryu turns around only to meet a steel-toe boot to the face. Miazmodon then pics his guns up from where he was standing and fired them both at Ryu and Chinkan while they were in mid air. Chinkan lands first then gets up.[B]you Basterd.[/B] she sticks her finger into the bullet wound and pulls out a glowing bullet. Ryu lands on his feet and spits the bullet out of his mouth.[I] That son of a b~tch shot me in the neck![/I] Chinkan and Ryu looks at Miazmodon as he places his guns down. [I]Yeah, I made those bullets so they would be able to pierce into the body of Higher demons... Makeing you easy to h....[/I] Ryu throws a spike into the temple of Miazmodon's mask cracking it. Then Chinkan picks up her sword, and smashes the mask dead in the center. Everything seem to pause as the Mask splits and shatters from his face. Miazmodon punches chinkan hin the stomach and throws her into Ryu. Ryu catches her and they both ready there weapons. Ryu emits his Death Dimention blade, as Chinkan's flames cover even her sword making it sparkle in white flames. [B]Ready to die freak?[/B] Ryu taunts.[I]you......you will not kill me....Fate ends to soon if you do that......[/I] Miazmodon lifts his head and His face becomes clear. He resembles an Ice queen of sorts. His skin is unmarked and sorft looksing yet his pale icy lips and skin make him look frozen. [I]Now who will attack me again?.....I think you might want to move a bit faster.....[/I] His expressionless face sends a chill to both Ryu and Chinkan. Miazmodon clips his guns to his sids and makes a Runic symbol into the air and thrusts his hand into it, Pulling out a Crimson blade with purple Runes. [I]Now, you will learn the Beauty that sleeps within battle.......[/I]
  10. Blackness covered the sky, as the battle raged on. Aruzan began to retreat with the others but he saw A masked figure holding two guns. It resembled Miazmodon but his hair is longer and tattoos cover his chest. the figure flickers as it steps closer to the battle. Carmize lets go of aruzan and step towards The man and stops infront of him. [B]I want you to help her.[/B] She says coldly and without fear. He looks down at her and tilts his head , and nods. [I]I Will do as you ask....[/I] He looks back up and walks up to Aruzan and nods to him and says. [I]Even if oyu dont know it, your destiny and theres are now one....[/I] He hesitates and taps his gun to his mask.[I]As well is mine...[/I] He says kindly,[B]I dont understand, stop speaking in choped up sentences...[/B] Miazmodon laughs.[I]All you need to understand is your role, your and your ....friend are keys.... but ryu...he is somthing different......[/I] He steps closer to the battle and stops pointing each crimson gun at both Ryu and chinkan.
  11. Watching swiftly following there every move, Miazmodon clicks his guns together. Manafesting a melody that only Chinkan and Ryu can dance to. [COLOR=crimson]" I can not allow nether of them to die, but I dont want to risk losing control.....Damn."[/COLOR] He solemly stands there until a voice from his past echos into his head.[COLOR=darkblue]"Oh, little brother.... Your messes are yours alone... No matter who wins many will die after.... And the blood will be on your head....."[/COLOR] he closes his eyes and and droplet of blood leaks from the eye of his mask. [COLOR=crimson]" Sister, why do you still haunt me?"[/COLOR] A black aura surrounds him as his white eyes cycle through the colors of Red, Blue,purple, black, and white. He Bellows out a ear piercing scream. Shattering glass and causing the ground within the area to shake. [I]....D...DAMN YOU!!!!!![/I] He screams as his veins turn black. His robe rips off of his body, Reveailing runic tattoos and markings that his veins seem to be pulsating to. His hair begins to grow down to his back and his arms and legs become a bit longer. [COLOR=crimson]"I will not lose control! I have a mission I must complet!"[/COLOR] As soon as the sreaming stoped, Miazmodon is gone.
  12. Very disatisfied with the sudden chaos that has insued. Miazmodon jumps from the roof, and walks up to Aruzan and Carmize. Carmize tightly holds Aruzan as the masked man approches.[I] Aruzan Chinkan is in danger...[/I] His Voice seems to carry a heavy burden. [B]Who are you? and why do you say that Ch......[/B] Miazmodon Growls at Aruzan,[I]That doesnt matter! All you need to know is that she is going to die If you dont help her control herself![/I] Suddenly a unsettling power fills the air. [I]oh,[/I] He says calmly.[I]They are begining to do battle.....[/I] He turns away from Aruzan stoping half way to look at Carmize. [COLOR=crimson]" no, she.....it cant......."[/COLOR] He cuts his head away from her and pulls 2 crimson colt magnums from his robe. [I]If you dont know where she is....Follow the smell of demon's and Luna blood..[/I] He leaps into the air and out of sight.
  13. *By the time Ryu woke up, Miazmodon was gone. It was night now and it had still been raining. Miazmodon had been searching for the last of the three persons he had been following* [I]Azuran....the last.......[/I] He stands facing the hotel, but then chinkan cought his eye. [I]I wasnt expecting her to be here! Damn.[/I] He eyes widen as he swiftly crawls up the wall and hides. [COLOR=darkred]This isnt good, if shes with azuran then .....[/COLOR] He looks around and crawls to the roof. Chinkan looks up with a puzzeled look on her face. [COLOR=darkred]"Damn ! If she saw me that would cause a situation I dont need to deal with... "[/COLOR] she walks in and he waits above the room. [I]s~it......this is bad...[/I] he makes a perch above there room and waits*
  14. [I]where are you going? there is no way to get away from the sun or myself...[/I] Ryu turns to him his white pupeled black eyes burn into him. his porclean making his glare even more feindish. [I]But I can save y..[/I] [B]I dont want or need your help![/B] Ryu whails out to the masked man. The Man shrugs and chuckels.[I]well you choose death....[/I] He ludges toward him and before he fired the magnum, grabs his arm and leads to a nearby building, then in through the door. a few minutes later it begins to rain....[I]you may chose to dye, but I need you alive.... I want some answers....[/I] he leans on the door, the room is dimly lit and there ar no windows or other exits. [I]But if you refuse, I might need to use force.....[/I]
  15. [I]Well isnt this a suprise.... I thought you knew.[/I] before he could turn around to leave, Chinkan shouts to him. [B]What the hell do you mean? Your not making sence![/B] he continues to leave ignoring her. [B] Hey! Whats your problem!?[/B] he turns his head towards her. [I]You are of no use to me if you dont know who you are....[/I] He reaches into his robe and throws her a ring with a deep purple dimond. She catches it and looks at him questioning his gift and sanity. [I]Its a reminder, that we will meet again....[/I] He swiftly runs in the direction Ryu had left in. Thinking to himself,[U]Well, maybe the man has answers to my question...?[/U]
  16. Sitting atop a building, was a strange figure. he watches below, his black nails tap the mask that covers his face. [I]Ah, so I has right about her...well this will be fun.[/I] He slowly stand up, only holding his balance using the tips of his feet. The wind blows as he stands watching her. [I] Here goes nothin...[/I] He slowly falls foward and begins to run down the side of the building. His freakish black and white eyes focus on her. Chinkan faintly hears quickly tapping foot steps echoing in the sky. suddenly she turns around and spots the man right befor he jumps of the building. She draws her blade and points it at his head as he lands. [I]No need to be so haisty...miss.[/I] his posture seems okward, as he looks at her. He doesnt turn all the way around to face her, but his torso is bend toward her. Chinkan sences a chaotic aura comming off of him, but it doenst seem threatining. [B]Who the hell are you![/B] She asks. He tilts his head and turns all the way around. [I]I am Miazmondon...Miazmodon cold. I already know who you are....[/I] She slowly lowers her blade.[B]What are you? a stalker![/B] he chuckels a bit and shakes his head.[I]no, I am not. But I have followed you, and we seem to have somthing in common..... We are more than we appear...[/I]
  17. (im new at this forum, so I hope this can fit in) Name: Miazmodon Cold Age: unknown Race: Dunpeal (May have been subject to experimentations.) Voice: Deep and smooth Looks: He wears a pale blue robe, with an ice blue brim. He wears it loosly over his body exposing his chest. Which has two tattoo like marks shaped like runes. His Hair is crystal white, Covering his white puples and blacked eyes. Even his lips looks as if he is freezing. His face is pale and smooth he also has another tattoo under his left eye, shaped like a tear. Also his face is mainly covered by a porcelain mask. The mask has but one detail and thats the tear under the left eye.On the back of his hands Miazmodon has Runic marks aswell. He stands six feet tall and his posture is awkward yet stable. his nails are jet black and as hard as diamond. His build is thin yet very muscular. Bio: heh, I remember bits and pieces about my childhood. I have a vamperic father and a human mother. My Father had other childeren but I only know of one, my sister....now that I think of it I dont even remember her much either. eh, My mother was a lovely woman... but she died a long time ago. After that I wondered for a while and well I dont remember much.... It gets a bit foggy. The only thing that I know is that I woke up in the street looking like this....I dont know what happened to me but I think it would be best for me to find out....
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