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- Birthday 01/30/1990
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Name: Alen Servixs Age:20 Gender: male Appearence: tall, black hair, orange/black jagged shirt, white sun glass, brown shorts Team/occupation: mercenary Zoid: Raynos Zoid armaments/equipment: Equipped with a 5-shot gun mounted under the neck, and 2 plasma guns Zoid fuzor: (don't know if tese two can go together or not) Gun Sniper:weaponsTail mounted rifle, 2 wrist mounted 30mm machine guns. 2 16-shot missile pods, Wild Weasel unit Ultimate X/alpha zoid:none Organoid: none Bio: As a child he alwas loved zoids. When he grow up he figured that he like to run different errands which include killing. He was very good at killing. He soon started doing more & more killing errands. He only tells his history to his freinds. He likes to be alone.
"Zaratan can you go faster ?" "Yes Alen I can". Griffion can you glide & gain alltitude?" "Yes". "Zaratan lets go farther up & faster. Griffion see if you can keep up with us & tell me if you want us to slow down.Hare you'll have to hang on tight. Hay bell would you like a ride?"said Alen. Bell nodded & hoped on. Zaratan jumped & started to take off. Griffion started to glide. They passed over Tracy and Kris. They saw where Amber & Glen stopped. Ahead of them they saw a blockade of 20 Golems & 1 Titan. "Zaratan land down there" shouted Alen. Zaratan nodded & went down. "Hay whats the problem Glen?" asked Alen. "Well it lokes like we've got a fight on our hands" answered Glen.
Back at he dungeon. "Rena look out" yelled hunter. Rena jumped back to avoid the monster & shoot at it. The blast hit it directly in the head. It fell over in one hit. When it disapperaed it leaft behind a treasure chest. Rena opened it and found a statue. "Oh it one of those treasures" she said .She put it in her inventory. "I guess i'll sell it later" said Rena They all just started walking on. They walked till they hit a wall. "What to do now?" asked Hunter. "I don't know" said Hilind. Rena walked to the wall. Every one but Rena fell down a hole. She jumped in after them smillieing. They all landed with a thud. They stood up."Well I'm glad thats over " said Hunter rubing his head. All the sudden the ground shook & leaned back. They all slid off it. They say a giant dragonish type monster. "Run" Rena yelled. They all ran untill they gained some distance from it.
Alen jumped in front of his shrine. "Zaratan,Griffion,Hare come here now" yelled Alen. All of them jumped nehind Him. " Now every body & jour monsters, get behind me" Alen yelled even louder then befor. The all dropped what they hwere doing. "This is takeing to long. We need to finish this soon. Lets all just do one of our strongest attack" said Alen. "O.k." they all said. Zaratan did a dive charged ,Griffion did a jump kick ,Hare did a bullethead, Kelmadics did a fist shot, suzurin did a ring 3, tiger did a bolt, Tiger did a SpinAttack,Mochi did a roll attack, Big Blue did a wchop. They all attacked at one point in front of there enemies. All there attacks combined made a massive explosion right under Sheal & Amber. The two of them & there monsters flew bck a littile.
Alen ran up to the regeneration shrine. He put one of the disks in it. It started swirling around. A Griffon appeared. "Griffion go stand at the door" said Alen. "Yes sir" said the Griffion. He put the second disk on the shrine. Then their was a loud rumble. A Zaratan appeared. It roared loudly. " Zaratan go wait by Griffion" said Alen The Zaratan just flew off. Alen ran towards the entrence. Daton put down his popcorn & ran towards the shrine."Griffion use a plow kick attack" yelled Alen. Daton did an one two attack. They hit each other at the same time. They both fell over & got up agian.
"I'll go in, just tell me what to do." said Alex. "Ok heres what you need to do. First get behind it, then you need to pry losse a container in the back." Evean said. "Ok I got it." said Alex He started to run down a hallway. He opened a vent shaft. "Hay guys over me when I come out behind them. Rember to distract them." said Alex. He went in to the shaft & crawled to the vent behind the students. The other started firing at the students. All the students except two advanced towards the others. He was about to pry losse the container when the other students came back. They all were about to shot him when Angel & mirage came in & shot the students. "Hay Alex get rid of that thing while I hold off the students" yelled Angel. Alex started prying losse the container. "Ok I got it off" yelled Alex. Everybody started to charge the kids. All the kids ran off. "Lets corner them" evry body yelled at ounce. Alex & Evean partnered up & went after the students. Siriko & Vash went down a left hallway. Suzuki , Angel, & Mirage went down a right hallway.
"Hare use a furyfury attack" yelled Alen. "Bell use a pokkorin attack" Glen yelled. They both hit each other at the same time. They both fell down. Neither of them got up at fisrt. "I guess we'll call this a tie" Glen said. "I guess your right" Alen said. "We'll have to rebattle later" yelled Alen. He gave Hare acouple of barreies. Hare seemed better. "Hare use a furyfury attack at the door of the shrine" Alen yelled. Hare charged at the shrine. A person & three monster jumped out. "Hay what are you four doing here. This is priviate property. And that is my shrine. Now get out." Alen yelled very angerly. "Why should we" The person said.
"I have a plan Evean" Alex said. " First I'll find the kids & tease them so they they'll chase me. I'll lead them into the student wing. You & Siriko will be in the vents. When I get there you pick me up into the vents. When they get there we'll ambush them. You & Siriko can bombard them with water ballons from the bazkoos & I'll snipe them out. So what do you think of my plan you two." "I think it is crazy Alex" Evean said. "Well I don't see you coming up with a plan"said Alex. "Let's just try it " Siriko said. "OH & here Flash I made a squirt gun that you ca use" said Alex. Flash growled & took the squirt gun. "Ok you get going & I'll be there soon" said Alex. Alex ran towards the kids meeting place. He started squirting all of them. He ran away & half of them chased him. When he got to the wing of the students room Evean & Sirko picked him up. The students looked around woundering about where Alex went. "Know" they heard somebody yell. Evean & Siriko bombared them with there bazkoos while Alex & Flash started squirting them. They all heared foot steps & yells from the other students. Evean, Flash, Siriko, & Alex stopped what they were doing & ran into a hall. They opened a vent & they jumped in it. "Well what do you think?"asked Alex They did'nt answear.They all crawled back to the hallway they were just in.
Once Alex was untangled tangled he saw Nitsu , Flash , & Suzuka comeing down the hall. Alex ran to his room & and picked up three gigantic squirt guns. He handed one to Siriko & Evean. "Hey Nitsu, Flash, & Suzuka are coming down the hall. On the count of three we get them." said Alex. "1..2..3.. charge." All three of them blasted them with water. "Hay" Nitsu & Suzuka all yelled at once. Alex , Siriko, & Evean all fell down laughing uncontrolable. Nitsu & Suzuka both charged them. The three of them screamed & ran down the hall past flash & dash. The two orgianoids just looked at them all & cooked there heads then growled a little .
Name: Alen Age:15 Appearence:brown hair, golden gloves without the fingers, red shorts, orange shirt Bio: i'm an expolerer, I'm sort of a loner, i'll help if theres a good reason, I have few friends Monster: a hair Others: Griffon (raiden/durahan) Zaratan (dragon/lesione)
Hunter ran at one of the monsters slashing quickly. The fouth attacked Amaya. She jumped up to dodge. Hilind finaly took one down with his energy shots. The one hunter was fighting hit him & pushed him back. He charged at it wiyh all his speed & might. "There togher then I thought"said Hilinder & Hunter at the same time. The second monster hilinder was fighting went down. Then Hunter swung his glaive in an eight shape. Rena seemed surprised at how Huntor attacked. The monster went down. "Hey Amaya do you need any help" yelld Huntor. "Naw I can do this by myself" said Amaya. She then shot ten energy shots in arow. The fourth then went down. "That was amusing" said Rena. They started to walk on until they reached a stone wall with writing inscribed in it. When they read it all it said was (I am taller than the trees & the sky it's self. I go deep into the ground. I can be treachously sharp or very rough. What am I.) Amaya said one word. A mountain. The wall disappered & than a huge rockish like creature appeared. It then attacked them.
"Mmmmm. These are some good pancakes Suzuki" said Alex while wipeing his mouth. "Erm thanks I guess Alex" said Suzuki. "Hey Siriko are you done eating?" asked Alex " Almost just give me a minute" said Siriko. "Are you felling any better Dash?" asked Alex. "Grarr" growled Dash. "I'll take that as a yes" said Alex. "So are you ready for that run with Dash,Split,& me?" asked Siriko. "Of course I am"said Alex. The three of them ran to the hanger. They each jumped into their own zoids. Then Dash jumped into Split. They started to run out of the base. Siriko waited afew kilomiteres just outside the base waiting for Alex to catch up.
[b]Name:[/b] Hunter [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Type:[/b] Long arm [b]Level:[/b] 70 [b]Bio:[/b]He likes to hang out with his friends alot in the world. He'll help those who he thinks needs it. He hangs out with the player known as Hilind. He likes to fight people. [b]Apperence:[/b] orange hair, blue eyes, a orange with amix of yellow jacket, red shorts, silver hand gloves with the fingers missing ,
Siriko & Alex are standing in the hall way to Siriko's room. "Let's see how Dash is doing" said Alex. They walked in. They wacthed Dash sleep. "First of all I'll need to know a few things" said Alex. "Ok" said Siriko. " Is Dash sleeping more than 9 hours, how long has Dash been acting like this, how has he been acting, & has he been exsposed to any magnetic feilds? " asked Alex. "He is sleeping more than 9 hours, he's been acting like this for two days, he was acting violent ,we did pass a magnetic field three days ago" said Siriko. " Hmmmm, come with me" said Alex. They walked to the zoid hanger. They went to Alex's gunblaster. He opened a compart ment. He took out a blue,greyish colered rock. " This is a mixture of zoid-magnite & a rock treated with a magnetic field for months. I recived it as a pament from a scientist acouple months ago. He said it would help orginoids who are haveing problems sleeping & acting violently. It's your choise if you want to try it out" said Alex. "Well if this can help Dash its worth a try" said Siriko. Alex picked upthe rock & walked back to her room. "So lets try it" said Siriko. Siriko opened Dash's mouth while Alex put the rock in his mouth. They then took astep back. Dash sudenlly woke up & figited aliitle. He acted normaly it seemed. They went closer to him. Siriko peted him on the head. All three of them left to the hanger.
O.O.C: T man said I could join. My sign up's in the recruitment. Alex walked through the base. He still wasn't used to how big it was. "I figured that this place was big even with out that second wing but still" alex thought as he continued to look around. He had come there a couple of weeks ago in hopes to improve his skills. As he walked he herd the sound of shouting. He walked into the room and looked around. He saw a bunch of computer equipment and screens showing a battle going on. "What's going on here. I thought i'd be the only one awake at this time" alex thought as he walked up to a girl with a head set on. "Your names siriko right? What's going on in here" alex asked. "Ya i'm siriko. Evean and angle left after talim for a match" siriko said. "I herd he died in there first fight" alex said supprised. "It's seems that he lived but we weren't told" siriko said. Alex looked around and saw people hanging around tracy. "Hey tracy. What are you doing" alex asked. "We're placing bets on who'll walk out with the least damaged zoid. Wana place a bet" tracy asked. "I'll place ten bucks on evean" alex said tossing the money to tracy. Tracy caught it and wrote alex's name down. Alex grabed a seat and sat next to siriko to watch the battle.