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Everything posted by pheonix

  1. is it possable 2 equip every ability in ff9 if u reach level 100?:cross:
  2. i dont think any of the names in ff games mean anything.
  3. pheonix

    dbz rpg

    you can have any 5 starting attacks and your item can be from any planet.
  4. pheonix

    dbz rpg

    if anyone wants to join r dragonball rpg go to [url]www.geocities.com/millenwiseau/[/url] :cool: it will be updated every week!!;)
  5. no there is none of the ff games have any connectins execpt that cid is in most of them
  6. pheonix


    if anyone wants to join r dragonball rpg please go to [url]www.geocities.com/millenwiseau/[/url] :p it will be updated every week.
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