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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. Yes! Okies, I just fee like I sould say something... At my school people call me goth because I like Invader Zim, I wear black, and like metal, punk, rock and like the dark. Hey, I have an eye condition, so too much bright light drives me crazy... and, Invader Zim just rules okay? I wear black because it looks good on me, and because I can't stand pastels and light colors. I wear dark blue and dark green alot too. And yes, I shop at Hot Topic, why? Because I love the t-shirts and the pants are comfy. I don't care if it's owned by Gap, if it's comfy, and won't hurt my eyes, and fits me... I'm probaly buying it, owning it or saving up to buy it. Oh, and before I forget, yes I do use strong sunblock, why? Because I have pale skin and burn, not tan, and I have scars from sunburn, it was nasty... my skin was all blistery and pink... and it felt like it was melting. Oh, and also, yes, I wear lots of dark make-up, why? Because I look dead and it scares the crap out of my peers. XP Joking, I do wear dark make-up, but, I don't go overboard, it makes me look slightly older, which is good seeing as I'm 13 and look like I'm a tall 11-year-old... And that concludes my ramblings for today! Huzzah!
  2. Name: Alice (Last name unknown) Code Name: Simplicity Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Here: [url]http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/41-10.htm[/url] Only without the whatever it is that look like feathers, and her hair is black and her outfit is reds and blacks. Type: Quick Powers: Teleportation, super-speed and hover. Strength: 3 Speed: 6 Intelligence: 5 Durability: 3 Energy: 3 Fighting Skills: Personality: Bio: Edit later? me busy!
  3. [COLOR=DeepPink]?A half-breed?? In a world dominated by demons, half-breeds are scarce. The few who do exist are outcasts, either left in the rain, or forced onto the hot sand. Three goddesses, well half goddesses, were banished to the earth by the heavens. Alice, The One Winged Demon, she was half goddess and half demon. She was the most unholy of all mixes; demons and heaven beings are not to mix. Arylle was the most human like of the three, only the wing stood in her way. Skye, The Wise Human, she was mostly goddess, but had human blood mixed in. Shameful really, if that little bit of human blood wasn?t there, she would be the most wonderful goddess. And Naomi, a dreadful wreck? Half goddess, one quarter demon, and one quarter human, her mixes enabled her great power, but made her an outcast on all fields. The three were like sisters, always together, never apart, they stood in line, and killed those who wanted to kill them. Little did they know, the Gods were pulling the strings to make them fail. But they stood strong, walking on the hot sand, or running in the rain, heads held up high. Today they turn 13. Returning to where they were cast down, will be a challenge. They have one year. A path that will test their friendship, power and heart. Only those who wish to live will join them. Heaven is decaying, and without their earthy power to revive it, it shall perish. *** Alice looked at the rising sun. ?Happy Birthday.? She sighed, thirteen years on earth, now marked by a morning sun. A rose fell from the sky, and landed in front of her. Attached at the bottom was a note? ?Alice, my dear child? It was requested that I send you this message, The Demon King, your father, has cast a curse upon the heavens, only you and your friends can stop it? please? He is now sitting in the chair of the God of Angels, my brother?. God of Heaven? is dead. Please? you have one year.? [/COLOR]
  4. Name: Alice Mack Age: 19 gender: female organisation: Halo corp. weapon: apperence: Bio: Me edit later... I have a preformance in less then an hour.. I have ta go... ^^;;
  5. Ok.. both of you are signed up and ready, ev4eryone's in.. I';ll start this in a bit.. me have homework.. But if it doesn't get up by tonight, (I have a play proformance to do...) then it will be up tommorow.
  6. Alright... If callmegoddess04 doesn't post her sign-up for skye within 48 hours, it is a free for all, look at my and Imi's for a genveral Idea, Skye is the girl in my pic on the right. OK? I need one other emeber besides Skye...
  7. Well what do you need to put in it? An image? What? We cold help you more if we knew what you were trying to do.
  8. Ok.. Those who asked for Skye and Naomi.. Look at my post.. and you'll see the stuff... make it so it fits with mine. -nods- than we can start.. sign ups will still be open.
  9. Only one preob firepheonix.. no more heaven beings.. I said that I think... If not.. No more Heaven Beings!!!
  10. [FONT=Book Antiqua]Sign-Ups Name: Alice Gender: Female Age: 13 Human/Demon/Half-Breed: Half-Breed, Half Goddess, Half Demon Biography: Cast from heaven, and despised by earth, she and her three friends traveled from place to place. Trying to hide their secrets. Originally Alice had two wings, but one was cut off when she was almost raped. Her other wind is badly damaged and she can no longer fly, but even when she did, the heavens thought she wanted to get back to heaven? So they shot her down anyway. A life where she can?t go to even her mother the Goddess of Angels. She spent a time with her father, the Demon King, but son his army revolted, and she was banished, but not before an attempt at raping her, for a second time. Now she has turned 13, and she must save the home that once though she and her friends were repulsive. Appearance: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19495[/IMG] Alice on the left, Skye on the right, Naomi in the center. Weapons: Shurikens and explosives. Special Skills/Fighting Styles: Street fighting and ninjutsu. Edit in a while.. me busy...[/FONT]
  11. Couldyou give more of a backgorund story? I'm sortof lost... and also a slip of required feild to fill out. Look at another RPG for an example.
  12. [COLOR=DeepPink]?A half-breed?? In a world dominated by demons, half-breeds are scarce. The few who do exist are outcasts, either left in the rain, or forced onto the hot sand. Three goddesses, well half goddesses, were banished to the earth by the heavens. Alice, The One Winged Demon, she was half goddess and half demon. She was the most unholy of all mixes; demons and heaven beings are not to mix. Arylle was the most human like of the three, only the wing stood in her way. Skye, The Wise Human, she was mostly goddess, but had human blood mixed in. Shameful really, if that little bit of human blood wasn?t there, she would be the most wonderful goddess. And Naomi, a dreadful wreck? Half goddess, one quarter demon, and one quarter human, her mixes enabled her great power, but made her an outcast on all fields. The three were like sisters, always together, never apart, they stood in line, and killed those who wanted to kill them. Little did they know, the Gods were pulling the strings to make them fail. But they stood strong, walking on the hot sand, or running in the rain, heads held up high. Today they turn 13. Returning to where they were cast down, will be a challenge. They have one year. A path that will test their friendship, power and heart. Only those who wish to live will join them. Heaven is decaying, and without their earthy power to revive it, it shall perish. ****** Sign-Ups Name: (I have Alice, If you want Skye or Naomi, talk to me.) Gender: Age: Human/Demon/Half-Breed (What mix, no heaven beings): Biography: Appearance: Weapons: Special Skills/Fighting Styles: (If any) I'll add my sign-up later. EDIT: Skye and Naomi are taken.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DeepPink][FONT=Book Antiqua]Name: Alice Age: 15 Gender: Female Weapon: Shurikens and Explosives Bio: Alice was also sent to the orphanage. She always caused havoc. But she had this cute little girl smile that would make everyone forget. Some called it a memory trick. But even then that was the last thing they remember. She used to be traveling from place to place each month? But finally found a place she liked, and stayed, no one could move her now. (I was listening to ?Gunpowder Tea? when I wrote that.) Personality: She is often emotionless, but only in looks; she never trained herself to smile. What she is usually feeling is a combination of a sick and twisted glee, crossed with a soft thoughtful afternoon. Appearance: See attachment, she?s the girl in black.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. Ryu_Sakura

    Naruto RPG

    Kiki stopped dead, she was going to ask him if he wanted to alunch fireworks with her on saturday night... she had bought tons of them the day before. She glared at Sakura. 'Damn her.' She sighs and walked off down the road, she needed to let out her anger on a bunch of stupid thewives, and she knew just where. As she skipped down the path, sky growing darker, a few kids walked along the road, going the oposit way she was. "Creek?" she muttered. "Yeah, but they have arms for once." The boy showed her a cut along his arm. She smirked "Don't worry, so am I." she flashed her explosives and shuriken from the bag she was holding. The shuriken glinted in the moonlight.
  15. Ryu_Sakura

    Naruto RPG

    "Bleh.. whatever. Naruto.. is a little too.. boreing, his tricks get old. At least my tricks have creativity!" Kiki grinned, "Kiki does mean chaos." She smirked and said to them, "Ah, but... Sasuke... is.. boreing. He's only doing it for his clan. Jeeze..." Kiki skipped down the path after Naruto, before he did something stupid. Agian. Behind her were snickers of laughter. "Laugh at me all you want, prissies, I'm going to have fun!" They were stunned, they thought she was too far to hear them. OOC: Sorry... Busy... gotta go.
  16. Ryu_Sakura

    Naruto RPG

    Kiki grinned as she spotted Sakura, "Hey! Sakura!" she waved. "What's up?" "Nothing... just bored..." Sakura responed "Really? Somthings always going on.. some just never see it..." kik was always full of 'wise' words... though somtimes they lead to trouble... "Where's Naruto? did he oversleep?" Sakura sighed "No, for once he didn't, I think he's after Sasuke" Kiki laughed and ran down the road, Naruto always did exactly what he wanted, which disgusted many, but amazed few. Sakura seemed to hate him though... Like totaly dispise, Kiki found him funny, and Sasuke acted like he was better. Sakura had a crush on Sasuke... it wasa obvois... Kiki didn't like him at all... too... 'Yuck, like old ramen.' as Kiki would say.
  17. Name: Kiki Tenshi Age:12 Appearnce: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18915[/url] Bio: Kiki was abandoned when she was little because her mother went insane, and her father claimed that she was possesed... She triand to become a ninja, and made her dream. Other info: She currently has no crush, but she likes guys who don't care what others think of them. FinisheD!!!
  18. [COLOR=DeepPink]Joey ran from the hospital, all the way she cried. ?I can?t love, what a curse?? Joey?s mind rushed, into a dark whirling torrent, and then flinging into confusion, then anger and back. She collapsed after running all the way across town, to the graveyard. In the evening light, something felt odd. The tombstones glowed with and unearthly tinge of gold, and the sky seemed to darken quicker then ever. She called the first name that came to her mind. ?HUNTER! HELP!? in a moment she was down on the grass clutching her head, trying to focus. ?help me??? she collapsed and fell into a sleep.[/COLOR]
  19. Ryu_Sakura


    [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DeepPink]Name: Arylle Mae Forest Age: 17 Race: Hyrulian (The Zelda people) Gender: Female bio: Her birth was unwanted in the land she lived, she was cursed. A curse to the land and all who and what lives there? Despised by the people she was left in the Lost Woods, soon after she was believed to be dead. But against all odds she was found by a young man, only about 20, who took her in and rose her, not knowing of the curse. He died when she was 12, and she though of him as a father, but his last words were not to her, but her ?brother?. He had told her brother of a portal to get us away from the war filled land, but the brother selfishly ran off, not caring for Arylle. She had to find her way there. Eventually she did, and spent the rest of her life, well until the day after 17, as a thief on the streets of Ionia. Description: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19106]Here[/URL] And [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19105]Here[/URL] Mental description: She is emotionless, she decided young that emotions cause trouble. But she has yet to feel love, and therefore is helpless against preventing it. Weapon(s): Shurikens, explosives.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [COLOR=DeepPink]Well, I've personaly cut myself. I have some scars to prove it. I cut myself becuase of my mother. She used to (and still does) make me feel terible about myself. When I did it I was hooked. ^^;;; I managed to stop by talking to my best friend. She lives in Japan, she killed herself a few weeks ago because she cut too deep. :( But she was the reason I stopped, I tried to stop her.. but I couldn't my dad just died a few months ago, and another one of my friends hung herself over a building. i couln't stop her. What you should do is... don't listen to my advice, well my advice works often, I'm just not really sure about this... Just find out what's making her depressed. Talk about it, understand it, take all sharp objects away from her, explain to her pain is bad, if she hurts or kills herself she can't blame anyone else, but she can't blame herself, it's all really a jumble to me, I don't know why I stopped cutting... but the scars are still there... they'll never go away. Tell her that. If she stops then she'll have no reason to be upset... eh.. ignore me... I'm rambling agian... but think about it, she's cutting because she's depressed.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DeepPink]Joey was in tears and Hunter was about to be. "I'm really sorry Hunter.. about all this..." She took a tissue fro the table and wiped away her tears. "Wind agreed to go to sleep until she is needed. But, the only way I could put a spell to keep her asleep was by," she paused and bit her lip, "by... giving away my heart..." the tears started rolling agian "I can't love anyone anymore... " Hunter was in shock, "Why? Who took it-" A pound on the wall cut him off. Joey glanced at the door, "It's probaly Rod." she took a breath then said, "Wind took it. When she's truly needed or all that I cared for might perish, I'll get it back. But if she's revived for no reason, it means I wasn't true to those I loved, and my heart will destroy itself." Hunter looked over at her and took a good loke at her face. He stuttered. "...empty?..." Joey's lifeless eyes scared the hell out of him. "I'm sorry." Joey got up and walked out.[/COLOR]
  22. Ryu_Sakura

    Black Moon

    [COLOR=DeepPink]Name: Arylle Mae Age: 17 gender: Female Bio: Arylle was a loner, she always was. Or at least since she can remember. The past 16 years have been a blur. Nothing at all she can remember. Only her name, and an image of a map (she has a photographic memory). She decided, tat because she knows nothing else, she must follow the map, to the end. It may hold secrets, or their might be a shard of a memory there (I?ve been watching too much ?Big O?, lol). Weapons: Explosives Secondary weapons: Shurikens Description: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19106]Here[/URL] And [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19105]Here[/URL] element: Dream (or Psychic, but if I can?t have those: Wind)[/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='FirePheonix727][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen']OK, pretty good guys. Ryu_Sakura, first off, the attachments didn't show up, so you probably just forgot to add them. Also, I'd like a little more detail in your bio... after all, it's your life.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DeepPink][FONT=Fixedsys]I know, I was rushed of the computer, I ment to finish it, so I'll do it tommorow, being rushed off again soon.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=deeppink]Name: Alice Malice Arena Name: Bubblegum Pink Gender: Female Age: 18 Appearance: (See attachments, sorry, I really like them and felt there was no way to describe?) Arena appearance: She basically looks the same, but she normally has a royal blue short dress (down to her knees) with slits up the sides up to her lower hips. The design on the dress is bubblegum pink (hence the name) sakura flowers. Tying back her already short hair is a dark pink ribbon that holds a bit of her hair up on one side. On her feet she wears white toe socks and pink sandals. Abilities and/or weapons: She is very fast and lightweight enabling her to jump to great heights. Her weapon range consists of shurikens and mini explosives. Carries around gunpowder, matches and other tools for making explosives. Personality: Alice when in school or with friends is very? odd. She likes books, politics and stuff? She also happens to be a smart mouth. She doesn?t show feelings very often, but when she does, it?s usually a twisted evil, like enjoying others pain, and stuff. Bio: Well, she has a few great friends, her mother and father sent her to a foster home when she was little? she blew up her school in 6th grade, she likes manga, anime, and politics? Yeah, and she HATES little kids.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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