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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura
heh, I added the quote to that one banner, but I don't really like the color the text is in, I think I'll change it later. but then I'll probally make it slightly opace. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16882[/IMG]
heh, at school some kids call me fire arms, probaly 'cause i get into so many fights. wierd, huh? I'm the 2nd shortest girl in my friend group, and I'm the 58th shortest in the school. But I have a bad temper and get pissed off alot, so it seems to fit. (slightly 0.o)
[color=pink][size=1]I took your advice, Blue border it now has! Sorry about that, I ment to type lilac, not lavender. oh and before I forget *forgoteted* heh, and now I claim today as offiacl PINK(ish blue) Day.[/size][/color] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16873[/IMG]
A: Oracle of Seasons, Ores (or Orrs, or Ors or Orres I don't remeber how the spell it.) Q: How many dungeons are in all the Zelda games total? (Ohhhhhhhhhh I'm asking you to add! heheh me ish evil ^_^)
[color=pink][size=1]Yeah, I am using psp7, not just psp, there is a difference. I hate the gap too, but i have no clue what to put there, I'm thinking "I am me and there is no other me." thats my favotire thing Lain says, but she says it every episode at least 2, which bugs me, havn't they heard of overuse of a good quote? I made this one I really like, but it's small, so anyways... Here it is! [/color][/size] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16872[/IMG]
[color=lilac][size=1]Virus?s Revenge Yuki looked back at her best friend, she could not believe what she was just dared to do. ''Play 'The World'? You know ever since that incident with my mom," she paused, "She was locked in the game and put in coma, and I don't think she fully recovered." "Oh come on! They took out all the bugs, and now a days there is only the occasional hacker." Kagami replied. "I [i]am[/i] a hacker." Yuki said, her eyes glancing at the door to make sure her father didn?t hear. "Just try it for me?" Kagami gave her the puppy-pout. "You know that doesn?t work on me." She glanced at her again and now saw her logging in. "If you don't want to then I'll go alone." "Wait I'll go." She puts the virtual reality visor on. {On the screen} Username: dotHacker Password: ****** You are now logged in. Message Boards Game Message System Now entering the game. Please Wait? Welcome. {In The Game} ''Kagami where are you?'' ''Right next to you. And in the game I?m Chibi ok?'' ''Is that you? You look so? so? slutty.'' ''Wow, I didn?t know you had the Limited Edition WaveMaster HeavyBlade?'' ''I didn't know it was so rare. Great now I'm going to stand out.'' ''You sure will, It's one-of-a-kind. Come on let's go.'' ''Don't we need a party?'' ''No I'm taking you to an easy dungeon, and I've leveled up already. I'm at level 10.'' ''Hey! You said you?ve never been in the world before.'' ''Did I? Oops?? Chibi flashed a mischievous grin. ''Oh well, it doesn't matter anymore, this game looks cool, let's go!'' Hacker runs off towards a warp gate. ''Hey how did you find the warp gate so quick?'' ''I read the manual.'' But just then a group of players comes up to them. The one and only Wavemaster of the group says, ''Is that a limited edition player format?'' ''Uh, yeah.'' ''Hey wanna join our party?'' The obviously youngest of the group says. ''Sure, just wait a min.'' Chibi says, "I'm logging out I have to go home. Bye.'' {Logged Out} "Then I'll log out too. Bye.?{Log Out Denied} "Um, what happens when it says log out denied?" "Don't know, oh maybe that virus is still in the game.......... Run guys she?s infected!" the group runs off. {In The Real World} "Yuki! Yuki! Wake up!" Kagami yells at the unconscious Yuki. "Wake up!" tears start to stream down Kagami?s cheeks. "Sota! Get your dad, Yuki?s not waking up!" *** It's not too late to join! Sign-up in the Recruitment Forum! *** People who may post here: Ryu Sakura Kitty [strike]Mage15[/strike] NOT ANYMORE! jro13 Wave_of_Death *** All who signed-up please pm me if you have a question, and those who want to have a special trait like being trapped ect... then also pm me. It has begun! "The beggining of the end, the start of the finish."[/color][/size]
really good, but the image on top is really badly cropped, there is white bits all around it. other then that really good. but the text should prabally be a little higher up, don't you think?
[color=lilac][size=1]There is this other pic I really want to use, but I can't crop at all, so it's a pain. but if i get off my lazy bum it might be up on Friday. Oh, and here is another one I cooked up. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16860[/IMG] OMG! It's like the first one I ever did with a border! wow! but It's white so you may not see it.[/size][/color]
[color=lilac][size=1]Hello, long time no banner. Well, I got tierd of making oh-so-perky-and-happy banners, and I also found a new favorite anime, Serial Experiments Lain, that I was inspired, to make a banner and avi. The Avi is my current one. NOTE: They will not just be about Lain, but about other anime's too. heh I had to say that. NOW The Banner! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16850[/IMG] [/color][/size]
I agree, but it should also include when it will start, because havn't you noticed, the sign-up is at the bottom of the page, you re-fresh it, and suddenly its at the top with a 1 line post saying: "Great I think we have enough people let's start this." Three days later. "OK, this will be fun, I can't wait for it to start." The next day, "Alright I'll start this now, is every one ok with that. it's under "_________" Ok? please post." Now those were really unneeded, that whole thing could have been done through pm-ing, and have saved other, newer RPGs the chance to even get sign-ups.
It might be the right size in PIXELS, but in memory, it may be too, big, thats why I haven't posted anything, (yet). And it bugs me too, so your not alone.
Witches..... Does everyone think thay are bad.
Ryu_Sakura replied to catdemon's topic in General Discussion
Yes, Dan you are correct, and dagger, there is such thing as spelling mistakes. and Harry, that is completely incorect. the reson smart women were hated (feared) was because of the Roman Catholic Church, i forget excactly why, but women who showed more intelegence then a man, or somtimes a midwife, were killed. EDIT: I just looked it up and it says it's punishment for what Eve did. i think thats also why (or so they say) women have pain during childbirth. -
Witches..... Does everyone think thay are bad.
Ryu_Sakura replied to catdemon's topic in General Discussion
[color=lilac][size=1]Ehem, like others said, there is no such thing as a witch, you may be confusing the term with [i]wiccan[/i]; a follower of wicca. wiccans do not worship Satan or the devil, it was just an excuse for people a long time ago to kill execptionaly smart or any women. the Salem Witch trials was actually started by a group of girls escpecially Abigail Willams, who wanted revenge on Martha Corey for taking her love away from her. so thats how that started. people confused wiccans, and other forms of paganism with witchcraft, the art of the devil (or so my catholic friend says) actually some forms of paganism revole around nature and nutrality. I may add more history later, when i reseerch some more, *just learning* EDIT: Dagger, it was a spelling mistake, jeeze. o.0 it's not my fault the typo fairy loves me.[/color][/size] -
coolness. my name is Arylle, pronounced A-rill like till just replace the t with an r. this was a cool idea, translating other's name, i should start one where i change them into moo language, or the legenday ish language. hehe just jokin' (>^^)>
your wrong, it's windwaker, oracle of ages, majora's mask, oracania of time, and link's awakening, WHY: windwaker, well don't the tunes count? oracle of ages: you play a harp in oder to beat the game, majora's mask, you play songs, link's awakening, you collect instruments, oracania: you play songs, My question: Name each year all the zelda games were released, and what thier names are. *please only count offical games.
sign up name: Yuki/Nayru, Yuki is the good side, and Nayru [naR-ru] is the evil-er side. age: 13 descripation: Nayru: [url]http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/angels/dark%20angel.jpg[/url] and Yuki: Nayru in a school uniform. skills: teleportation, (only short distances) and to push things into death, permenently. weapon: a doubled headed axe. grade: 9th element: Death Bio: she (Nayru and Yuki will be referd to as she, not they.) is fairly new to the school, so she doesn't know much, exept that if she fails this time, she is off to boarding school. Nayru erased their memory, be cause of an incident that if Yuki knew of would blame her self, and comit suicide, meaning no more Nayru Of Chaos. I'll add the rest of the bio later, I have to sleep. :sleep:
George W. Bush, The Idiot of America.
Ryu_Sakura replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in General Discussion
Yes, it was my mother, oh and please don't yell at her, it's not her fault she has dexlexia (sp?). oh, and i may have been a little too quick to get angry, and I also may have bben a bit rude, (Sorry!) but I haven't been havie a great week you'll see why tomorrow, or later tonight. ish gotta find a mod to close this, my mothers sad enough about her problem, she didn't get into the school she wanted, among other things. And for those I insulted, please for give a very close family member... never mind. Ok, had to get that out. -
[SIZE=1][color=deeppink][I]Yuki glanced around, ?holy ____, I?m in trouble, let?s go to a different area so I can?t erase something.? She grabs their hands and wisps them of through the chaos gate and into Hacker Hideaway, Kia looks around, ?How did you get in here? You didn?t say any words.? She looks puzzled. ?It was easy, all I had to do was hack into our location and replace us here, no passwords necessary.? Yuki looks at her palms, they are covered in blood, she flips her hands over to see more blood. ?What the? the? something is wrong with this game!? she quickly enters a code in the fabric of the world, now they no longer see a heavy axe with a blue dress but a heavy axe with a red dress. Sorry for the short post, I have to go do somthing.[/SIZE][/color][/I]
George W. Bush, The Idiot of America.
Ryu_Sakura replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in General Discussion
Oh, just to tell you any [i]other[/i] person could have done better, but what he did was stupid, foolish, and a waste of cash, and no I highly doubt they woud've attaked if someone eles was in office. But, just let me say this: "Bush is an idiot, another person would have atempted to prevent war, but he didn't in fact he seemed eger." So, i may not be the smartest or most politicly aware. that is all i have to say, of and I don't have a TV. only a porsible dvd player the TV broke 2 years ago, and i havent gotten off my but long enough to fix it. and i relized that it was planned but like i said, we could have prevented some death and damage to the Iraqi people with the help of a more educated president, her ataced with our thinking all the pros and cons of attacing at a time of economical crisi, in our own land. How do you think we could help another contry when we were in trouble our selves? Do me the favor, think about that. Sorry if that seems like rambling, oh and I took over my daughter's computer for the moment, so thats my bit. ~Sakura's Mom. EDIT: I got my computer back, and sorry if i seem childish, but tonight i'm kinda pissed off. sorry, I'll just go ahead and hide in my corner till I calm down Goodnight. well, i'll be on, just in the adventure area. oh, and I will quote him because i like a good laugh. "The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country." - George W. Bush "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure." - George W. Bush "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'." - Governor George W. Bush "I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future." - Governor George W. Bush "The future will be better tomorrow." - Governor George W. Bush "We're going to have the best educated American people in the world." - Governor George W. Bush "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made." - Governor George W. Bush "We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe." - Governor George W. Bush "Public speaking is very easy." - Governor George W. Bush "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls." - Governor George W. Bush "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur." - Governor George W. Bush "For NASA, space is still a high priority." - Governor George W. Bush "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children." - Governor George W. Bush "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." - Governor George W. Bush "It's time for the human race to enter the solar system." - Governor George W. Bush oh, by the way this list was found on [url]www.00fun.com[/url] oh, and i'm not a teenager, yet, so excuse me i'm still a preteen, I'm 12. -
[i][SIZE=1][color=pink]George W. Bush, The [strike]President[/strike] Idiot of America. I think that this may have been brought up several times, but today during dinner me and my family had a heated debate on the stupidity of our presidents, which ended up as an Anti-George W. Bush debate, like why he shouldn?t be elected again, why he shouldn?t have been elected at all, and all his faults. Well, just to make things clear, I don?t want this to become an ?All Texans Are Stupid? thread but just one releasing all our hatred for George. Here is my statement, ?He is a badly educated twit who started the war with Iraq for personal reasons, and if he wasn?t elected president none of this would have ever happened (meaning someone wanted revenge on his family).? The reason I added the last part was, because to me and the other politically aware people in my house say that the terrorists are patient, they could wait a long time before making a move, and he was the fault they were waiting for, but I?m not saying Gore would have been much better seeing as though they both have a low intelligence level. Oh, and so people don?t yell at me I?m putting this in ?We of America are not stupid we just have a low EQ, the ability to postpone personal pleasure for future gain.? I know this has probaly already been done, but I was really intrired on how my family's opinions changed. [/SIZE][/color][/i]
If I adopted, note adopted (why increase the already over populated world right?) then I would name them odd names (not reallly ^^), like months that people don't usually name kids, or days, which are also not comonly used for names. but if I had to pick an odd name i would choose, Sesiana, I made it up all by myself, :dead: i got the idea from aperson in Dragon Knights's name, Cesia. hehe... Don't ask me why I'm weird, complement it! no really do! heheh, names are funny, my real name sounds like Aryll, but it has an e on the end, Kinda funny because WindWaker is my fav game. 0.o
[SIZE=1][color=deeppink][I]"well, let's get to the point, I can't log out." she pauses seeing what happend to her little place, she sighed, "Darn those dam virus destroyers! hold on a moment." She quickly does a little trick and suddenly the area is covered in grass with trees surrounding the area in a circle, it seems real enough until you glance at the sky to find it's not blue, but an evil shade of purple-red. "Sorry about the alkward colors, they change when my mood changes, funny before early today it didn't do that." she sighs, because Kite is still looking around, not paying any mind to her. she coughs, "As I was saying I can't log out, and you being a good player, and me being a hacker, who has just hacked back into the system with almost no power, I need your help, If I contact the system administragtor I will get booted, and since I can't log out, I might become deleted data, and you wouldn't want me to get removed would you?" she gave him a sad face, and then cluched her right side oh her face, "ow, sorry it feels like somthing just hit me." there is a crash in the background, "Shi- Come on let's go! they found this server and are deleting it! come on!"she grabs Kite's hand and pulls out her mini chaos gate, "Go!" she yells at it and they are instantly back in the hometown.[/SIZE][/color][/I]
hm.. thats a toughy, my favorite charactor is Subaru, don't knoiw why, she is just cool-ish, her outfit is a little slutty, but heavy axes are coolness, but she is just really cool, and i believe her name is the name of a constalation, hence the stars on Subaru cars. but some people may say she is a bad charactor, but she isn't really, just differnt, and thats why the .hack series is so cool.
A: go to the boat race, flip all switches in secret cave. well, i don't exactly know what in the subneriens, but i know there are some charts, and rupees. Q: in TWW what happens if you finish the game and save it to a knew file? NOTE the answer has a slight but not major spoiler. in fact it doesn't affect the gameplay at all!
oh, there is one thing wrong, i don't want any more hackers. and your image doesn't show. please fix that and you in.