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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. Ryu_Sakura


    [SIZE=1][color=deeppink][I]Well, she attempted to log out. Like she always does she shut her eyes so she wouldn?t see the flicker of pure white light that signals the shut off of the system, but she say no red on her eyelids, so she wearily opened her eyes only to be staring at the alley which she altered, and in flashing red text at the bottom it said, ?Logout Denied?? She was stunned this had never happened before. She wandered toward the chaos gate, she glanced around then entered, ?alone, change, me? the passwords to her place in the world, a place she had made herself. She missed Kite.[/SIZE][/color][/I] [SIZE=1][color=silver][I][To: Kite] [From: Yuki] The passwords are: alone, change, me. Come find me. Hurry. [end][/SIZE][/color][/I] *** I hope this is ok.
  2. cool, i like the frozen part, i could never be that origional, lol, i'm never orgional. but cold you just change the part about her firend? it doesn't fit with the story very well.
  3. I wish I had a camera, but my 20-year-old one broke a year agoe, can you believe it that camera's older then me! but I loved to take pictures, even really bad ones, I like to waner in the woods till I found somthing beautiful, then I go home and devolpe it. hm.. I don't really like to edit my photos althought there is the occasional screen tint, Ya know the plastic clear thing that are clear and tinted a color? I used to use them to create like for a forest photo, I would do green or gold, for the ocean a shade of green-blue, or whatever. for me it was somthing to pass the time, but I was good at it, I was at least good at somthing, when I was 9, I was such a ditz. well, when i was 10 too, but at 11 i became the walking disaster, wi would go further but then this would go off topic, very of topicc ~.^
  4. Ryu_Sakura


    [SIZE=1][color=deeppink][I]Yuki gave them a cold glare, ?What is your problem? Are you mental or something? Or is the vacuum in your head finally crushing your skull?? Yuki loved to make comebacks, she loved smart mouthing, but when someone picked on her it wasn?t her problem it was theirs. She was a low profile player killer, or rather she used to be before she got banned. She used to be Trilogy, but was banned because she killed several moderators and many players in her rage, though they knew they couldn?t keep her out, she was an experienced hacker after all. But this time she was over her head, she had just restarted after 3 times being banned, so she was at a low level and skill, thankfully she knew exactly where hidden rare items are. She ran towards the nearest one, it was right in front of their eyes, and they went thru it at least once during their time in the world, she walked up to the chaos gate, and muttered ?Transportation gate be mine!? and held out her hand, almost immediately a mini chaos gate appeared in her hand, now where ever she was she could teleport to this gate. ?I love these little bugs I planted here when I first started playing.? She smirked and walked back toward the ally, right above them sat an annoying little bird that when you got a feather from it gave you 10 levels, it was a hack a previous player put there, now if only she could lure them away long enough for her to get the feather.[/SIZE][/color][/I] *** I hope all the ?hacks? I put in are ok, ?cause in the world there are hacks, and cheats, so why can?t I put some in? Pm me if something?s wrong.
  5. But I don't have anything to do with the color red, exept for the eyes, but thats all. so I was confused, ok, I'll post, I just need to write one... But thanks, I didn't even relized you tried to put me in. edit: ish is insane, ish can't see, ish need glasses, *bonks* stupid stupid me!
  6. wave, would you somhow fit me into the story, like for example you bump into me in a dungeon, or i bump into you in a stor, I'm not really in the mood to put myself in. ::sigh:: *lazy* :p
  7. Sara I'm going to hug you to death, I don't know how to draw straight lines. ::sigh:: Curse me and my don't read manuals for drawing programs. I'll read them for anything else, but not for drawing programs... Oops i have to go to school now, bye. (I'll try it later, but first learning!)o.0 EDIT: SARA YOU WERE RIGHTR! *does a dance* oh and *hugs sara till her eyes pop out* heheheheh... I'll add a border to those later, I'm doing hw that was due four days ago lol ^^ Ryu_Sakura=Ulitmate Procrastionater (sp?)
  8. I hate borders and pink is THE coolness. can't denie talk to the hand! I blame the hyper on all that soda i drank, oh and the ramen too. ^^ heheheheh this was really pointless, and i mean REALLY. but, i think it needs a border or diffrent color text, what do you think? [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=542209[/IMG]
  9. My Sign Up: Name: dotHacker Position: Hacker Class: Limited Edition WaveMaster HeavyBlade Level: 1 Weapon: Wave rod with the ability to turn into a heavyblade at the wielder¡¯s command. Appearance: [see attachment] Personality: quiet, often cold, Cause: She was dared. In Real Life: Name: Yuki _____ Age: 13 Occupation: Student Appearance: Tall, blond, silver purple eyes, unusually thin. She normally wears black pants and a red long sleeve shirt, or her green uniform. Sword verson of Wave Rod: similar to Mimru/Balck Rose's but it has purple marks, and it has wings engraved in silver on the hilt.
  10. Virus?s revenge Yuki looked back at her best friend, she could not believe what she was just dared to do. ''Play 'The World'? You know ever since that incident with my mom," she paused, "She was locked put in coma, and I don't think she fully recovered." "Oh come on! They took out all the bugs, and now a days there is only the occasional hacker." Kagami replied. "I [I]am[/I] a hacker." Yuki said, her eyes glancing at the door to make sure her father didn?t hear. "Just try it for me?" Kagami gave her the puppy-pout. "You know that doesn?t work on me." She glanced at her again and now saw her logging in. "If you don't want to then I'll go alone." "Wait I'll go." She puts the virtual reality visor on. {On the screen} Username: dotHacker Password: ****** You are now logged in. Message Boards Game Message System Now entering the game. Please Wait? Welcome. {In The Game} ''Kagami where are you?'' ''Right next to you. And in the game I?m Chibi ok?'' ''Is that you? You look so? so? slutty.'' ''Wow, I didn?t know you had the Limited Edition WaveMaster HeavyBlade?'' ''I didn't know it was so rare. Great now I'm going to stand out.'' ''You sure will, It's one-of-a-kind. Come on let's go.'' ''Don't we need a party?'' ''No I'm taking you to an easy dungeon, and I've leveled up already. I'm at level 10.'' ''Hey! You said you?ve never been in the world before.'' ''Did I? Oops?? Chibi flashed a mischievous grin. ''Oh well, it doesn't matter anymore, this game looks cool, let's go!'' Hacker runs off towards a warp gate. ''Hey how did you find the warp gate so quick?'' ''I read the manual.'' But just then a group of players comes up to them. The one and only Wavemaster of the group says, ''Is that a limited edition player format?'' ''Uh, yeah.'' ''Hey wanna join our party?'' The obviously youngest of the group says. ''Sure, just wait a min.'' Chibi says, "I'm logging out I have to go home. Bye.'' {Logged Out} "Then I'll log out too. Bye.?{Log Out Denied} "Um, what happens when it says log out denied?" "Don't know, oh maybe that virus is still in the game. Run guys she?s infected!" the group runs off. Sign Up: Name: Position: (Player or Hacker) Class: Level: (1-30) Weapon: Appearance: Personality: Cause: In Real Life: Name: Age: Occupation: Appearance: (I'll add my sign up when I'm done with it.) I edited it so the sybols should be gone.
  11. yeah, i know some of them need borders, but I can't figure out how to have them 3 pixles from the edge and not on the edge... I can't draw straight lines. oh and ignore my spelling if there are any mistakes the coffe michine broke. :bawl: this one i did out of bordum. there is another, but i like this one, ^.^ and the opcaity. or how ever you spell it. EDIT: Changed, this one is now the one i made for my best friend Naomisan24! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=541881[/IMG] EDIT: if you wanted to see the chii one e-mai lme, I'm replacing it with a diff one.
  12. Name: Yuki Class: heavy axe Level: 1 Gender: Female height: 5' 0" Main Element: Water Weapon: Begginer's Axe (lv. 1), (donno tell me what it's called, I havent played any sort of hack game or whatched any hack shows as of late) Apperance: subaru style outfit that is deep blue not light blue, with blond hair tipped blue and red eyes streaked with silver and black. her wings are shiny like they are wet and are dark blue.
  13. I got an idea! "Ther is always a reason to smile... even when you're walking on the walls." hope you like, oh and nice start. before i forget if you use my quote please credit me. 'cause i like that quote, its mine! *hugs piece of paper* mine i say!
  14. yep, I agre, ish hate the color of the text, you can't see the r in your. :sigh: Look what i Finished! This timew i used lots of effects, but it took me a long time. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&attachmentid=16563[/IMG]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]In general, they look good. Some little stuff that could make them better... Your text is all kinda hard to read (although the "Princess" bit is very pretty.) The orange-red on orange-red and blue on blue are just...straining. In the last one, "fades" and "but" are both not-easy to read, on account of the yellow border and the light background behind them. You have some nice pictures to work with, though. Maybe just some tinkering (repositioning and/or changing color) with the text. And the first ones would really benefit fro some sort of border, just to bring them together. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Thats what I was thinking... hm... thank goodness I have the urls to the images. i'm going to edit them tomorrow, well not edit, re-do. Lookie This is a normal one. :rolleyes: but I need to change the color of the text, :sigh: thats what you get for learnig how to use a program with no help. -_- [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=541165[/IMG] hm... the text is too light I think...
  16. yeah, I know, right now behind the internet I was just playing with the effects. Note: The Aged NewsPaper Effect is coolness, I'll probaly use it alot, along whit sepia, or whatever it's called. First one with effects! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=541151[/IMG] And Katana Don't Insult Perfection. It's not my fault.
  17. [color=teal]Mod-approved double post. Post above was deleted due to spam. -Syk3[/color] I just noticed why, I'm not used to looking at images like that, being so clear and all. Well, I just cooked up a matching avi for the Princess one. and here it is: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=541127[/IMG] The text is hard to read, and the fact that the text is so small is bad, but other then that I think it's great.
  18. [color=teal]Mod-approved double post. Post above was deleted due to spam. -Syk3[/color] Thank you. As usual I am perfect. Here is one I just finished while ago. (let's say, an hour ago?) [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=541115[/IMG] hm... there is somthing wrong... just what is it? EDIT: when I posted this it was aproxametly 1 hour and 34 min. from when I made it.
  19. [color=orange]Hey, I FINALLY figured out how to work PaintShop Pro. :sweat: Took me forever didn't it? Well here is the second one I made usind it, the first one stunk. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=541079[/IMG] I call It: Princess. [/color]
  20. Coolness! my faves: rice'balls with vanilla pudding, sugar on apples and coconut, (the inside) colyflower with spices, and: paper filled with sugar, and yes i do eat the paper. The poem i thought up while writting this post :dead: Call me wierd, Call me odd, Call me feared, Call me Tod, But no matter what i'm always me, Ready, Set 1, 2, 3! oh and yes, a new nick name of mine is tod, (Totally Odd Drawer) don't ask.
  21. [QUOTE]Q: Name all the items obtainable in the Four Swords Adventure (Found on item pedestals).[/B][/QUOTE] A: Those would be: Armor Seeds, Black Rupees, bombs, boomerang, bow and arrows, heart, heart container, fairy, gnat hat, keys (all keys, I don't know the type of all of them, but I know of gold and silver, there are four types of keys including these), sword, shield, rupee shards, rupees (red, green, blue), big rupees (red, green, blue), roc's cape, razor seeds, pegasus seeds, pegasus shoes, magnectic glove. I think i went over board, and put every obtainable item/equipment on there. :sigh: That should be all of them. oops. this whole question is kind of a spoiler, best put the tags in. [spoiler] Q: What color is Aryll's Dress, what image is on it, and where is the image? NOTE: This is AFTER you beat the game once. (I'm not telling how you can get up to aryll's special dress all through the game. Don't ask me how, I won't tell. and I only figured it out 'cause I'm paranoied)[/spoiler] Please only answer this if you beat WindWaker, and you can't answer it UNLESS you Beat WindWaker. And when you answer please put the spoiler tags. don't want to spoil the game and it's best trick!
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by naomisan24 [/i] [B]I speak English fluently, along with Arabic, Japanese, and Hebrew not-so-fluently. Over the years, I have increased my articulacy in Spanish, French(temporarily), and Russian, with our root languages German, Greek, and Latin on the side. I know exactly what you mean! Linguistics is deplorable as a talent! [/B][/QUOTE] 0.o if this is the Naomi S. i know then you don't speak german and arabic fluently (and japanese you liar) and where in hell did you learn french?, you only speak the parts you know well, (which isn't all that much) but thats only if your my best-friend from school if not, then i don't know... ok, my first language was french, then since i had to go to school in america i learned english, i stopped speaking french and am now atempting to re-learn it. i speak german (not that fluently, but I do), and am studying japanese with the naomi i know's older sister. i always feel like people are taking advantage of me and my spoken words. (and does the languages of ish, and moo count?) can you disifer this? pm me with the anwser for a surprise! it's in french: "Je suis tres bazzar, Mercy." (i may have mistyped it, I may speak well, but i still can't spell.)
  23. 2 words, Differnt Timezones. have you ever thought you could be getting things mixed up because your in diffrent timezones? if your going to ask what time mothing is on, you should state your timezone. that might be why, but what do i know?
  24. Name: (not yet known, she hasn't figured it out herself, constant memory loss :sweat: ) Age: 12 Gender: female Race: Elf Description: She wears the Hero's Clothes (The WindWaker) for no reason whatsoever, but she dyed it purple and put a white skull on the bottem left side, the only thing differnt is she tossed the hat out the window and out to sea. her hair is blond with dyed purple tips. her eyes are an odd shade of purple-pink. Bio: He family died before she was 2, she only survived due to some power that protected her. she has spent her life up to this point trying to figure out what protected her and not her family. Main Weapon: Bow and Arrows Other Weapons: a Sword, and a power that is the oposit of the triforce, it attacts evil not repels it. Good or Evil: ??? both/mystery, she helps both sides to her advantige.
  25. I think it is atomaticly acepted, but I could be wrong, log in, and do whatever, look in members, find your name press it, and you should come to a page that shows your submitted works. (but i could be wrong *hasn't submitted anything*)
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