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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. ok, what I'm going to do is add all my other poems from other threads and put them here. well, they are all based kinda on the topic featured on the title so... ~ I welcome the darkness, As if it were light, Into my heart it flows. My blood runs cold, My heart beats fast, My eyes shift across the room. To the window, To my desk, To the knife, To the mirror. Where my reflection, Waits for me, To join it, In my own little World. High in the sky, Past the clouds, And moon, Into the stars. The realm of darkness, It calls to me, To where my heart, Has already gone. It has waited for many years, For me to return, And to regain my throne, As Princess Chi. Forever it waits patiently, Yet always calling to me, Whispering to the stars, Who say to me. Return, Return! You belong with us, In the night sky, Forever shrouded in Shadow. * Forever dreams, Dance thru my head, Pestering me beyond sanity. I have felt the river, I have seen the bridge, I have walked the path across. The visions in my head, Grow stronger every day, Brighter, more clear, As the black and white fade away. Today I have seen, My death your death, The end of time. The end of time will come someday, When my visions will fade away, Turning the rainbows to black, And the people to white. My body will be destroyed, And all life will perish, But no matter what, I will still have my, Own little world across the bridge. ** blood is stained on my walls, on my hands, and in my heart. forever i must hide this secret, never to be found, hiding it with all my might, only leaving hints as i begin to die. the pain comes, and every thing turns black. the shadows have come, i think, the pain will go, i think, but my soul will stay, forever bound to this secret. *** Forever Meadow Forever, Is only an ilusion, Set by the human mind. But the meadow, In not imagonation, Nor is it reality. The Meadow is there, It always has been, Always will, But man started to destroy it, Creating a path, A burned out dirt path, That leads the evil minions, To my mind, Slowly stealing my sanity. (Remember the chikens Ruby?) **** It As i lie there dying, you walk in the door, i thought you came for me, but you came for it, nothing more. you ripped out my heart, and took it away, now i slowly start to deacay, as my dream fades away, I will never be with you again. ***** I stand there, Lonely, waiting for, Someone who will never come, Someone who was never here, Someone who is not existent, Someone who never was, Someone who never will. Although the memory of them, Is fresh in my mind, I feel them hold my hand, A hand of empty and faded photographs, A hand who I never held, A hand who never was. ****** Fading away as the days go by, I look to the sky, Trying to grasp what color was sawn, Holding on till all is gone. I stepped into to the shadows, For I could not hold on, I shivered with fear from my heat to toes, Nothing is left all is gone. No sound, No light, No sky, No ground, No fight, No lie. I had lost it all, I faded into death, And as I fell, The sound drains away, Leaving nothing but a cold bitter silence. ******* Truth be told, He called. Lies be gone, He sung. But I cant, Whispers a soft voice. ******** Blame in on me, Lies I did not say, I did no wrong, As you accuse me, Can?t you see, Knowing I am me, and not she? And that I did nothing wrong, Nothing at all, Did no wrong for you to accuse me. While I stand there denying what you say, How can you not see the perpetrator standing there with thee, Isn?t it she not me who has cast bad wills upon us, Tisn?t me! I yell, only to be bound tighter into the web of lies, Exclaiming I did not, for she did wrong not me. ********* Mooing at the Moon, Oh, how I moo, Oh, the moon. I moo all night when the moon is, Near, mooing away, till it is day, Getting nowhere, nothing done, Until I decide to moo at the sun. ********** The Kindness The kindness you showed me is a sweet tune, And if there was a moon tonight, I?d pull it down for you. The gentleness in how you said it, Made me feel true. But in truth I?m no more then, A little Truth for you. I was sent her to help you out, To make you see the truth. But I got blinded in my haste, And now you are too. If I could change something I did, It would be this: It?s only possible to get true bliss, When you help other who are true. They can help you find a way, And make dreams come true. The only way you?ll pass in life, Is to do what you feel is true. But in truth I did nothing more, Then blind you. ~For a friend~ *********** I came up with this while listing to ?Numb? by Linkin Park. Note: there are Quotes from the song they will be in ??. ?I'm tired of being what you want me to be,? How controlled can?t you be? ?Every step that I take is another mistake to you,? How can I be more like you? ?Can't you see that you're smothering me,? I can?t see how you?re not smothering me. ?Is be more like me and be less like you,? what do I have to do to make you see? ************ Angel Why do you mock me? Your feathered wings flash in the light, Your little eyes glinting with spite. Do you mock me for my dream? Or because I can?t go on to achieve? The times change you say, But I am still a little lost angel with no wings. My dreams fall apart, I can never fly. Never join you in the sky, Stuck on the ground unable to leave this spot. ************* Anger Anger the feeling you feel inside, Strong and deep almost makes you die. You jump of a building with a gun, Shooting at people walking by never getting done. You?ll never die with that feeling inside, Though it poisons, Your soul and mind. ************** Tell a Story. Tell a story of dreams come true. Tell a story of what you can do. Tell a story of where all is well. Tell a story of an old bell. Tell a story of an angels dream. Tell a story of clouds of cream. ok, hope you like them all!
  2. A poem without song, A poem without tune, A poem with nothing, Nothing but doom. Doom of failure, Doom of dark, Doom of lark. Silly game of 1, Silly games of 2, Silly games, games of true. Truth has died, Lies run free, And dreams fall, No hearts to be. Forever locked away in an old box, Collecting dust and covered in socks, The key was lost way back when, Back when the key was in front of them. They lost hope and stayed away, Faithless and wondering, True as day. Keeping the box hidden on a shelf, Silly games, poems, dreams to melt, An angel sits on top of the box, Carved in glass but soft as a fox. The angel stayed there as faithful as can be, Holding its post till it be rotten and me, I cannot be here, cannot say these words, To write them is a crime, A crime against the. A crime so foul even I may not speak, Of the consequences waiting for me, The words are so true, They do not fit here, In the world of lies anger and fear. *** It makes no sense, well to me it does, but...
  3. oh! coolness! there is only one problem the text in the top left hand corner is hard to read, but it might be my monitor... and i got bord looking at it after 2 seconds. you should animate it or do somthing, its boring just like that.
  4. [quote]Question: In Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker what is the name of the Wind Spirit who comments on your potential not ability as a Wind Waker...[/quote] and do you mean un-ability? or ability? cause you put not ability, and it could be a typo. but if you mean un... then... hm.. there are two... A: Raichin (I think...) Q: In Windwaker what is the King of Hyrule's (full) name? (tell me if i'm wrong, cuase it will be the other one, (not saying it here cuase if it's right i don't want anyone else to get it) mwhahaha)
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Meh. Boogiepop Phantom (which happens to be one of my all-time favorite series, just so you know) [i]might[/i] make a good video game, but not if it were purely fighting-based. One of the main pleasures of watching Boogiepop is slowly learning how all of the characters' stories intersect, so I'd like a BP game to include just as many plot twists and puzzles as the actual show. I think that it'd be best if you played as either Nagi or Boogiepop ([spoiler]Toka, not Boogiepop Phantom[/spoiler]), or had the ability to switch between them. Since both get to see decent amounts of action, the game wouldn't have to be purely intellectual. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] LIke I said before, Boogiepop is the best,[spoiler] and I call both Boogiepop Phantom and Toka, Boggiepop for some reason.[/spoiler] (It may be because I only need to see one episode, the 1st :sweat: ) *nods* it is kinda too much fighting based. but its so cool, and it's not really mainstream which makes it less possible. *sigh* darn those mainstream junk!
  6. To put a twist on the other thread, "What Video game would make a good anime?". I personaly think that Boogiepop Phantom or Silent Mobius, would make great games. you would track people/monsters down and defete them. And yes, I am insane. Downsides to those: It would be short, the animes are short so the game would be short unless they added more things to do, like side quests, or for SIlent Mobus, you could play as Lucifer Katsumi, or Katsumi. It wouldn't matter if they added Lucifer Katsumi or not, but it would add some to the game and you could be evil *wink*;) But for Boogiepop, it would be kinda hard, I'm mean who would you play as Boogiepop or another charactor for each little part? *dead* Hm... I wounder what would happen if they did turn more animes into games then they already do.
  7. I was at fye today, and i forget which., but one of the final fantasys has it's own anime. just so you know, oh and it has 5 (i think) dvds. but as an update, i think Super Mario Suynshoine would make a good anime. don't ask. its a new idea that comes to me when i have too much caffine.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]I don't think people make fun of you because of your hair color...[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Are you saying I'm stupid? or ditzy? excuse me. for being the 12-year-old previus 9th grader! *pissed* I mean DINTRS! oh, and my friend who's dad works at the record company, is now EX-friend, (another one of my 9th grade friends said, since i'm in a new school and have gone back in grades, (the school doesn't let kids skip grades) she can't be my friend) oh and would a mod please close this. I am now getting really pissed cause i have a feeling that people will start to flame at me for what i've posted here, (although I really don't see a reason, for the flaming, I'm just saying that it's not right to be made fun of cuase you hair color, your gender, you skin color, or you religion, or even your home town or country. )
  9. actually, we had been talking with her for a little while,and i was going insane from boardum. so i just asked a question, by the way my friend saw panic in her eyes, and she turned very pale. well, my friend said that, I was lost in a Zelda game. *Zelda Fanatic* oh... this is getting off topic. *pulls it back on tracks* I still think there are exeptions to the not stupid blond thing, Hilary, Brittney, and others! *sound like an ad person* you can by the stupiod blond CD, feturing the only stupid blonds! (mostly singers and really stupid people.)
  10. well, i met hilary, and asked her one question, "How many days are in a year?" she stammerd then found an excuse to leave the room, and just so you know, my friends dad works at a record company.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MissMoony [/i] [B]Hahahahaha! I'm Not blonde! Only a blonde could've made this thread! Whahahahahahahhehehehehehe! I have ORANGE FUR!!![/B][/QUOTE] I am a blond... an I also get teased 'cause I'm german, and have blond hair AND blue eyes... ok back to the point, I ahte those jokes and wish only for thier demise. I wish I could burn the creator(s) to the ground, using dry ice, then setting them on fire. And has anyone noticed how I am one of the people you would think would not be a blond? that last forum I was on every one thought I was asian (I speak a little japanese), and had dyed my hair some odd color... Most thought lime green, or pink... I hate the no, i dont hate them that would show i have any feelings twords them, i feel nothing twords them (I hate-er have no feeling twoards them so stongly its pointless)i hate them, i like i said want to kill them in so painfull and slow way.
  12. *high fives* Your right, we can't be labled we are to perfect. XD not really, and !!! I just got word via e-mail (literaly WORD) that due to a petition I started in my new schoopl, anyone saying a blond joke or any type of joke similar to that gets detention, or a phone call home for being bad. I am a hero to all the blonds! (at least the ones in my school) *jumps for joy* technicly i actually got the e-mail eysterday, but I havn't checked my e-mail for a couple days. I'm so happy! *bounces off the walls*
  13. Have you ever seen some one making fun of blonds because they're "stupid"? I admit, some are stupid like for example: Hilary Duff, but most of us are smart, evil, and anime-obsessed. And just so you know I'm including myself in that catagory, for I am a blond. I hate blond jokes because I am the smartest girl in my school, I should be in 7th, as I am 12, but I am in 9th, or would be if my new school distric would permit it. I also have a few faults: I cannot spell, I have no clue how to work PSP, I can't work a toaster (but I can take apart a computer and put it back together so it works, WITHOUT help), and I have a sight problem that keeps me from seeing anything more than 8 feet from my face, it gets all blurry. Blonds are human, most people put us in the catagory of "preps" I hope you all know my favorite store is Hot Topic, and my favorite band is Simple Plan. I am the most anti-lable girl in my school, (can't stand being called nerd, geek, freak, punk, or goth as I am normaly called.) For the past 3 years I have been made fun of publicly for being the "only" natural blond in my grade. They call me nerd, because I wear glasses, and love to be on the computer. They also call me goth because I wear black, and am very pale (natural thank you, no bleaching my skin for me!). I can't stand blond joke and would like to hear your ideas on those nasty jokes. PS: How would you like it if the blonds got revenge? "The nasty brunette", or "The dorky hair dyer", or even "The anti-animation black haired person"? How would you like it then?
  14. it's har to play if you can't use you left (my good or rather old good hand) to play. (i found out the other day a bone dissolved there. the docters have no clue how.) 1. be sure to write EVERY thing you learn, most importantly the wind requirim (sp?) with out it you'll have so much trouble with the game. 2. check it agian, look at it a differnt way. 3. USE THE POTS! those little pots that glow in dungeons really help. trust me. i would have never betten a certin boss with out being able to use it to warp. back to the point. yes the graphics have some errors as all 3d games do. yet it is intriging and makes you wonder. "how the hell am i going to beat this boss?" they are hard to beat, use all your items. look around in 1st person veiw if you don't know what to do next. if you arn't sure whethor or not to jump in. have your self (or a pig) push you in! (no idea where that came from. i am crazy...)
  15. Loging in: User Name: Tenshi Yami Player class: Blademaster Player type: Newbie Level: 1 Looks: Short dark pink hair (it goes a little past her ears), with a dark blue dress that goes to her knees. She is pale and has thick silver braclets on both wrists. Her eyes are always covered by her bangs so you can't see the color of her eyes. Weapon name: ??? (I don't know what to call it. pm with a suggestion) Weapon level: 1 Weapon skills: ??? (no clue. pm me.) I hope this is ok, except for the weapon names and stuff.
  16. Well hello. i thank you for looking at all my writing. it's not all that great but it's my work. Chi Story (A work in progress) Chi looked around, it was a busy street, and she tired to get some one to stop so she could ask directions, but to no avail. So she decided to find some one who would come with her somewhere, she glanced around, and spotted two people chatting. But just as she started to go towards them some one yelled, "witch! Look at her clothes! And she has a bright aura around her... it looks like... like a soft warm breeze in..." the man trailed off... "What?" she shrieks as she pulls at her clothes. "I don't know what you talking abou- AHHHHHHHH,? she screams as two punks grab her and pull her away on their brooms. (One twisted world right?) "Yeah, great job Kioshi! She?ll be worth a lot at the Cloud Market!" the younger of the two yokai boys calls. "I know, I?m not stupid just no one will buy her in those clothes she has on, but we better hurry and get her their before nightfall. Leo! Pick up some nice clothes and meet me there" " 'K!" Leo says as he zooms off towards a clothes shop. A moment later Kioshi has got Chi firmly tied down and zooms of towards the clouds. 'I must be dreaming' Chi says to herself, 'but if I am then why do these bonds hurt? But it has to be. It just has to be!' "Hey whatcha talking to yourself about girly? Is it interesting? Oh and whats your name I never found out." he says a he pulls the cloth out of her mouth. "My name is Chi!? Chi yells as loud as she can, thinking she's near the ground. "If your hoping some one will save you, your out of luck, we're high above the ground shooting towards the clouds." he says about to laugh, "and we need to change that name of yours... hm... How 'bout Hotaru? 'Cause you glow like uh... I don't really know." Chi nods her head because she is afraid of heights and does not want him to drop her. "And your name is Kioshi, right?" Chi asks timidly. "Why yes," he smirks as Chi shudders from his fangs, ?I guess she really is magical? he says to himself. *** Atop the mountain, Everend, sits a smiling young girl, and a deep gold dragon. The dragon?s eyes glow a gentle amber, and the girl?s a happy blue. Her black hair fluttered in the wind. The flowers seemed to bloom at Hana?s touch. The rose thorns did not prick her, the stems did not crush. When her clear, happy blue eyes saw the young girl being whisked off by two nasty bandits. Their clear, happiness drained away. ?Cheeri!? Hana called with her high-pitched voice. A giant golden dragon flew out from behind a tree. ?See those bandits? Let?s get them!? Hana grabbed a hold of its tail and Cheeri jolted up towards the clouds so she could scare the bandits and keep her good reputation about not chasing people in the sky. As they flew higher, Cheeri?s warm, golden scales shone, and Hana?s pale pink silk cape flew backwards, its shine blinding onlookers. They quickly took their place in the clouds, preparing to catch the bandits. The thieves flew right below them. ?Now!? Hana whispered as Cheeri started to fly down to get them. Something snapped the bandit look behind him to see the ropes he had used to tie the girl down snapped and she was on the back of a beautiful gold dragon. *** A mature looking girl about the age of 12, looked up to see a gold dragon with a black haired rider, wearing a pink cape. ?How tacky? the girl though only then realizing they were chasing bandits who kidnapped another young girl. The girl who was kidnapped did not look like someone from around here, and with further examination, the girl saw she had dark purple hair that gleamed in the morning sun, and an outfit that was so odd she could not describe it. ?Oh, Mint, snap out of it,? she says aloud but to herself. Mint shakes her head, ?Those bandits probably have another animal? she says afraid of other people who may have come to take over the world, for that was her obsession. ?Kiko?? Kakayana coos next to her mistress, Mint. ?No, Kakayana, she is not here to try to become a priestess. If she was, she wouldn?t let herself be caught by bandits.? Mint says rolling her eyes. ?Ka kappa tu.? Kakayana chirps. ?You have a point, she could have been resting, or was too tired to defend herself?? Mint says back. ?Let?s help out!? she yells, glancing up at the sky only to see they saved her. ?Kakayana let?s go to say hello, and find out what happened ok?? Mint says standing up and adjusting her clothes. ?Ko? Kakayana coos happily. As they run to the valley the gold dragon landed in. *** ?Hey Mint! Wait up!? a little girl screams as she pulls on her shoes and runs after Mint. Just after she crosses the old wood plank bridge she trips on a stone as Mint weaves herself between the trees and out of sight. ?Wait up!? she screams. She gets back up and starts to run again, moments later she realizes that she has no clue where she is going, Mint long since gone, and no one around. The little girl decides to just go straight. She walks along the narrow path, looking around for a clearing. ?Mint?? She whines as she stumbles over a root, and lands on her face. Her cheek starts to bleed. She walks over to a stream to wash her face, free of dirt, when she notices she?s bleeding. She gasps, then her little hands bunch into fists and fire burns in her eyes. ?I?m not the one who should be bleeding!? she yells with such volume, birds form all over fly from their roost into the sky, ?I am Terra! Princess of Pirates, and I will not be treated with such manner!? Terra screams as she goes into a rampage pulling out a sword and killing everything insight, and the things she couldn?t kill, like rocks for example, she simply destroyed. *** Terrera runs till she finds the clearing, then calms down as she walks over to Hana, and her dragon, eyes wide in awe. ?Beautiful?? she gasps ?Where did you meet her? I mean it is a her right?? ?Correct. She is Cherri. And who are you?? oh you don?t know who I am yet, sorry. I am Hana.? Hana giggles. ?Oh, um? I?m Terr--err? Teran.? She says almost letting out her real name. ?Terrer or Ternan? Or did you say Terra? Oh well I don?t really care.? Hana says her eyes trying to see into Terrera?s soul, but her soul is too clouded by shadow to penetrate. Cherri nuzzles Hana, eyes keeping a close watch on Terra. ?Ohhh?? Chi mumbles as she regains conciseness. She opens her deep purple eyes, ?where am I?? she mumbles looking aghast at her surroundings. ?Your on the valley of Everend, one of the largest mountains in the world.? Mint says all matter-of-fact her hair dancing in the light. ?But may I ask, whom are you?? ?Well, I?m Chi. Who are you? And you?? she points to Mint and Terra, ?and you.? She points to Hana. ?I?m Mint.? Says looking board. Terrera smiles, ?I?m Terran.? ?I?m Hana.? She giggles. ?You ask silly questions, I thought you would have known me, being a healer, and one of the best.? ?I?m a politician in training.? Mint smirks, ?we?re very rare.? ?You?re a politician?? Terrera giggles, ?I never knew that.? ?That?s because you don?t listen.? Mint glowers. ?So hold it, your Mint, your Terran, and your Han-ip!? she feels a warm breath against her back. She turns around and sees the dragon looking at her. ?Ah! What?s that?? she points a shaking finger at the dragon. ?Oh, that?s just Cherri, don?t be afraid she?s harmless unless you do something bad.? Terrera moves away from the dragon. The last comment scared her. ~~~ Next Story: Galaxy Scouts The sailor scouts weren?t strong enough. The battle for the universe went on for a very long time, as long as anyone could remember. Then one day in the Fall of 2072, five strange girls showed up each with a different skill. Abby was extraordinary with all fighting, especially with guns and knives. She was known for murdering many people. Besides having offers to go to an assassin academy, she was a very normal girl, with the exception of having a scar across her back and dark purple eyes. While timid Sun-Ae was wonderful with healing. She could heal people with her touch and voice. She aspired to become a doctor, but no college would take her because she well, had a few problems, her handwriting was far too neat, and she was always too organized. Megan always loved fighting, but was great with stealth and speed. She was always blamed for missing objects at school, and beat the record for the entire world for speed so most thought she was an android, and considered her a threat to humanity. Faye was definitely the best with magic; so much she left the others in awe at the simplest spells. But her personal favorite spell was a spell to create illusions. She was often considered ?different? just because she made people see what wasn?t there and not see what was there, and they all knew it. And Naomi was obviously the politician. What else was left? And anyway, she was always the logical one and was Anti-George-Bush, because a long time ago has sent the United States of America?s economy down the drain. Just like the others she was very normal but; just like the others she had a few abnormalities. Like, she always had no expression, and the only clue to her expression was in faint flickers of light in her eyes. *** As usual the day started off in dorm Chaos13 with Abby waking every one up screaming about well who knows what she was yelling, they were all too tired to think. Every one got up, did their morning routine in silence except for the occasional, no common, collapsing of girls, who had been attacked by Abby and her sharp teeth and knives. Every one thought it was a normal day, but for them it was quite awkward and usually they just have an odd day for a normal person, but to them it was very normal. They all went to their own school, did their own stuff, and then when they got back to room Chaos13, they found small charms on necklaces and bracelets for every one with a little slip of paper addressed to them. It said, ?Dear Ladies, we have some bad news. The scouts were killed, only I remain. I have sent these lockets to you hoping they will awake long sleeping memories.? Then covering the rest of the note was covered with dried blood. They all looked at Abby. ?Hey! For once it wasn?t me!? she exclaimed. They turned away, too stunned to speak. In turn the turned over tier own locket and read the inscription. Naomi?s said ?Layea Lady Galaxy?. She thought about it but remembered only a highly political land where, if you were a politician, you were treated like a king or queen. Megan?s said ?Soraru Lady Galaxy?. She saw a town where people had a power competition based on speed and stealth. Sun-Ae?s said ?Kayko Lady Galaxy?. The word Kayko reminder her of something but it was too far back in her memories to remember. Faye?s said ?Tayme Lady Galaxy?. Right away she knew the name Tayme, before she left her hometown when she was two, someone said, ?May we name the princess, milady?? The only one, who had a vivid memory, and the only one who got knocked out from it, was the most insane and unstable of the girls, Abby. She remembered from long ago, she sat on a silver throne covered with emerald silk cushions and finely cut stones, that shone like the morning dew on thin blades of grass at first light. The throne sat in a room adorned with green silk, stones and tiles. Someone says startling her ?Has the princess been named?? ?Yes, we chose Merin. It just felt right, and her mother died in? that battle? before she told us her name, so we could not name her, and all the other names she cried when she was called them. But, this one she smiled. Which startled half the court, being she usually cried, and threw her toy gun at people when she was upset.? A young, soft voice responded? As Abby awoke she was surrounded by, not her friends but by a young lady dressed in a pale white dress that hung over her feet. ?Merin, is that what they call you? I am your mother. I was killed in the war of the universe. And now I pass on my skill to you.? She says as she places her hand on Abby?s forehead. ?Mother what is your name?? Abby managed to say. ?Shh? That is not important, what is, is that you get my power? but I will tell you it is? my time is short. You have my power, but I cannot tell you what to do with it. You may choose.? She whispers. ?And my name is, Aki? she disappears into nothing. ?Wait mommy! Don?t go!? she cries suddenly awaking into her own room, her friends staring at her. ?Come on! Shaman King is on!? Naomi says being completely oblivious to Abby?s obvious tears. ?Hey! Can?t you see she?s upset!?!?? Sun-Ae says always being the first to care. ?Just leave me alone.? Abby says with a tone that states loud and clear ?leave-me-alone-or-DIE?. She gets up and walks towards the window, drawing out her gun. She puts it right up to the window; muscles ready to pull the trigger, then suddenly drops the gun, and starts to curse under her breath. *** Megan walks over picks up the gun, and puts it on the wood desk. ?Abby are you ok?? ?Yes, I just had another vision, a sad one? at least for me.? Abby mutters. ?Ok, just snap out of it, we?ve got school!? retorts Naomi, brown eyes glaring, for once actually showing feeling. Abby walks over to Naomi and says as she walks past, ?You will never understand.? And she continues walking out the door her black purple hair flowing out behind her as if there was wind... ?Come on Sun-Ae we?re late already!? Faye yells from the door looking at her watch. ?Ok!? Sun-Ae calls as she runs after her pulling on Megan?s arm. ?Ow! Let go! I have legs I can walk!? snaps Megan as she slithers out of Sun-Ae?s grip and runs after Faye at a faster pace. She catches up to Faye, ?hey where?s Abby?? she says as she looks down the hall. ?Hm?? Faye says as she looks up from Dragon Knights 10. ?Where?s Abby?? Megan repeats with impatience, her gold eyes roll at Faye?s incompetence; Sun-Ae had just caught up with them announcing her arrival with heavy breathing. ?Oh, she walks down the hall, and out the door. And chucked the locket out the window.? Faye says looking back at the manga, hair tumbling over her shoulders. ?We better get that later.? Sun-Ae says glancing out the window to her left. ?Yup, anyway, when do you have a break? I was hoping that we could go to the library.? Faye asks with plea full eyes. ?Umm. Sixth period, so where will we meet? How ?bout in the lobby?? Megan says ignoring Faye?s eyes. ??K!? Faye and Sun-Ae respond in unison. *** Abby walked down the hall to her next class, ?Assassin Skills Advanced 10?, mumbling how much she hates the world. She walked up to the door, paused, and walked in. Right away she dodged to the right, then to the left, and again to the and left. She dodged all traps that came at her in simple steps. The idea was to show that simplicity sometimes saved your life other times it did not, like if you simply stood still. She walked over to the traps and disabled them, ?no use now that they are empty.? She heard her friends walk in after her, laughing at some joke, or rather joke of a person. They all sat down in the back, giggling and talking the entire time because if they got mad, well the teachers don?t like to remember what happened last time. ~~~ Next Story: The Three Royals of the Feudal Age I plopped down on the gnarled roots of an ancient tree. To many I would look dead or in a deep sleep never to wake up, but still that?s wasn?t true, I was wounded from a fierce battle. No, the battle was not for money, power, or control of the land but of love. And I unfortunately lost. Deeply wounded on the inside and still fighting other battle wounds on the out, I was in great pain. ?Lady Rin?? a confused fox demon questioned as she slid down the tree. ?Yes, I?m Rin? I need to find a healer? Do you happen to know, where the closest one is?? I managed to mumble. ?No, Mistress Rin, I am a fox and I have no royal blood. My healer wouldn?t be able to help you.? She replied feeling uncomfortable around one of The Royal Three. ?Oh. And be the way I?m Hideko. Ok? ?Mistress, Lady make up your mind! Now help me up and get me to the healer! Royal or not!? I let my anger control me again. I was now breathing hard. END of today's stories. Hope you enjoy my writing critisism is welcomed.
  17. i hope you know what you posted are not fanfics, they are bloopers. just so you know. sorry about your family and all, my family is going through stuff like that. really good bloopers, very funny. *blows up Miroku* die pervert! and well the butt thing was gross yet totaly funny. *shoves a poison dart up Miroku's butt with a 100ft. pole* mwahahahaha...
  18. I came up with this while listing to ?Numb? by Linkin Park. Note: there are Quotes from the song they will be in ??. ?I'm tired of being what you want me to be,? How controlled can?t you be? ?Every step that I take is another mistake to you,? How can I be more like you? ?Can't you see that you're smothering me,? I can?t see how you?re not smothering me. ?Is be more like me and be less like you,? what do I have to do to make you see? *** wow, that turned out bad. O.o Here is another i think better. *** Angel Why do you mock me? Your feathered wings flash in the light, Your little eyes glinting with spite. Do you mock me for my dream? Or because I can?t go on to achieve? The times change you say, But I am still a little lost angel with no wings. My dreams fall apart, I can never fly. Never join you in the sky, Stuck on the ground unable to leave this spot. *** now that was better wasn't it?
  19. dead... ishk think new years is stupid. o.0 my sister taped a confety ball over my bed and now i have to clesan the mess up. it turned new years a little while ago. hope you enjoy this new year. i hate new years, it just another excuse for stupidity by the human race. since early this morning i'm oficcialy the non-human girl, ish is now the pinkish catgirl... it all the ears fault! *points to pink cat ears* ok back to the point. evil new years. *takes over the world and bans new years parties* yay... :drunk: ishka crazy
  20. every one is in but jro13, he didn't make his post more detailed. like add then name of the sword ect...
  21. The bell of future, or Fortruth, rang loudly thundering across the castle grounds, no one was up at the bell tower today for it was a celebration, and the bell rang on its own. The man or rather woman, who was supposed to be there recording the bells song was killed the night before. They were celebrating her death. She was the Prophet of Doom, according to legend as long as she was in the vicinity of the sound of the bell, Foreverworld would be doomed. The people rejoiced singing and laughing. Then a group of very observant children said, ?The bell in the tallest tower is ringing! Please! Stop and look!? One by one the musicians stopped causing the dancers to stop with in turn made the laughing men and women stop, when all was quiet the bell started booming with noise, the other prophets heard the sound and right away they screamed, ?Just like 600 years ago, all the Prophets of Doom are reeking their revenge! Flee!? ? ? ? Nobody knows what happened to that kingdom, only of its name and the night of rejoice. Then in the year 2072 in the Kingdom of Prophets, there is an bell jutting out of the ground like it was dropped or it was being pulled or pushed out of the sand, out in the Middle Desert, a passer by was walking along the desert only to come across a cracked bell. The man hurried to the nearest town to tell the people there. He became rich and dies rich, the town was excavated and all was well for a time. 50 years after the town was pulled out of its sandy grave ?accidents? began to happen. Terrible accidents, debris falling from buildings and landing on people 20 feet away, sand shifting so quickly people got trapped in the old buildings, and worst of all little boys who had done nothing wrong we flung around in the wind and landed on an old awkwardly placed spire, who?s blood and bodies fell onto the trucks where the artifacts were supposed to go in order to be shipped off for study. People talked of a ghost whose mission in death was to keep people from the truth. But that story scared off the workers instead of inspiring them. The workers left and the town was buried again. 100 years after that in the present? A young girl was found crying on the sands just out side the old town, the sand has released it from it sandy grave. But now, terrible things are happening around the Seven Towns of the Prophets. First the elders died from some illness that turns everything inside of them black, then the young girls and boys who were training under the elders eyes died screaming in their sleep, and soon after that several strange things happen, a girl falls from the sky but does no harm in fact helps the people with creating little gadgets that help them with their work. And quickly following in her arrival other children come wandering to the village New Fortruth saying they had no idea why they came here, only that a voice was calling them? *** Fiore ponders the name inscribed on her sword ?Yuri Katana? it means sword lily, or lily sword depending on how you use it. Meaning it could be a name or the sword. ?If only I knew, it would solve so much!? she mentally hits herself forcing her to hold her head then fall over. She had heard of the strange new children who came to town recently and never paid much mind to them, after all she had no clue herself why she came. A knock on her door startled her, she paused considering the idea to open it telepathically, but then thought it polite to go to the actual door itself and greet her guest. She placed her hand on the doorknob and turned pulling the heavy old door open. ?Hello.? Fiore said with a cheery disposition that would have frightened her if she was not being polite. Right away the first thing she noticed about her guest was that it was not a normal villager but instead one of the mystery kids that came? --------------- Hope you like that little part that I added please be sure to read all they way through it I made many changes. Also I know it does not stat that the goddess of chaos rules but she does, I?ll explain in my next post when you all learn a bit more. KEY: ?? Around something means thoughts. ?? Around something means spoken words. *** Means break or next part, or from a different view. And please no blooper style writing. EX: Kagome: hi inuyasha! *She walks over to him* Inuyahsa: hey! *He pushes Kagome away* Nothing like that. People permitted to post here: Nefertimon K.K.C and jro13 once he makes his sign-up more descriptive.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] Um. *glances to Gamecube* :toothy: Anyways...I usually try to gain all the crap Nintendo stuffed into Super Smash Bros. Melee...because they really did stuff a whole bunch of stuff in this one. :p Or play Wind Waker. Other than that, it's either going on the internet, reading/writing, or hanging out with people. I usually don't enjoy going out as in [i]out[/i] during the winter because I'm always lazy and whatnot. Or I draw.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] what? *dies* thats all I do. but today i'm fianlly getting off my bum to go to hot topic and a really awsome manga store in new york city. Yay hot topic! no. Yay hottopic.com! *hails* online shopping lets you be lazy, no it tells you to be lazy.but i have been sleeping till about 1:00 latly... :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: ignore me i just woke up and had lotsa chocolate.
  23. oh your right, ::sighs:: oh deare any suggestions i will add Whim, Legend, Lore, Truth, Lie, Try, Ability, Sincerity. and thats about it. any suggestions? if you've got a nice long list or a short one don't pm me, put it in your sign-up at the bottem underlined. or bold. preferably underlined. oh and darn you! i was arguing with my selft whether or not to change wanderer to dancer. (ish is a famos dance where ishk lives in real life.) we need 1-2 more poeple, from now on you make make up your own prophet symbol. this will stay open aslong as the rpg is still being posted on. the rpg will start tomorrow.
  24. EHEM! did i not say i was going to be the prophet of night? *shakes finger at jro13* next time FINISH reading the opening post. and you unacepted until you clean up that post of yours! (all the uneeded .,() and such.) Here is my Sign-Up Name: Yuri Katana, or Fiore. Nickname: Mori (It rhymes with Yuri and Fiore.) Age: 12 Gender: Female Race: Human Occupation: Prophet and Wanderer. Weapon: The Lily Sword, hence her name, and Kasumi Flute, the flute that changes weather. Prophet: Dark, Night, Age, and Despair. Skills: Telekinetic powers, and agility. Home Town: none. Bio: 2 years before the Goddess Chaos took over she fell from the night sky like a falling star. Ever since then she has been wandering, knowing only of the future, the other prophets names and her own prophecy. Regular Appearance: She wears a long dark purple cloak over a short black shirt and white blouse. Her eyes are pale silver and always seem to be seeing soothing other then what?s there. Her hair is black streaked with purple, silver and blue. Prophet Appearance: A purple cloak over a midnight black dress with dark blue and silver ribbons wrapping around the waist. She has a silver tiara that has three separate points on pointing up, on pointing left and one pointing right. With an aqua stone in the center. Her eyes change to a deeper silver flecked with blue.
  25. ok it's like trigun only filled with prophets and such. i just need to finish editing the last bit of the opening story and we are all set for that. any other questions don't pm me post it in the post you have signed up in, it will just help me keep my inbox emptyer and this forum less confusing. please check back at this post occasionaly. and at the first one too. Answers: no spacific towns Skills: should match your personlaity and prophet style. regular apperence: how you would look normaly no jeans and stuff. lke a tan cloak covering tan pants and a brown shirt, something you can classify as [i]normal[/i] prophet appence: somthing that makes you special, an odd colored cloak? a bright red fire coverd hat? somthing unusaul you are a prophet with magik are you not? Spelling Refrence Magik = magic (nick names and other stuff to be added)
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