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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. when I was little I used to think that... I was really spoiled back then... but due to recent (BLANK) events with my father's health and my mother's sanity I'm not excpecting any more then Faerie Wars for my little sister. i'm plannig on getting my mom a big stuffed animal, and my dad a picture frame that I made for him with a picture of all of us in it. i'm not really sopposed to celebrate x-mass, cause i was adopted and my family was jewish, or somthing... its too foggy to remeber. *sighs* oh well, to me it's the giving. I mean I like it when I get a good boow or some fuzzy slipper 'cause i have a cold bedroom, but I really don't mind, I worked alot around my block to save the money to help my mom to pay the bills and help make my dad feel loved, and to keep my sister from trying to run away agian... I have one insane family...
  2. I made this up after reading a book on a erson named Sage so it's kind of herb/spices based, in odd ways. _______ [b]The Story[/b] [i]In the Realm of BaraMori, strong winds blow. The winds caused great alarm in the Northern Wood because the Frost Pixie were dying out. One day it was reported by an apprentice to the Great Mage of The North, that the last frost pixie had died that morning. He sighed and crossed out frost pixies in his book, ?Creatures of The Realm?. Several other names were crossed out too, the Tibits, the Frolens, the Chibinotos, and the Friendly Maker Pixan, were all crossed out. The apprentice look worried, then he gathered his mind and spoke, ?Sir, why do you cross them out? Why do you not make more with your magik? Why do-? he was cut off my his Master?s waving hand. ?Not now Soto. This is no time to ask something, it is time to find out why all the few magical creatures we have are dying due to some ?natural? cause.? Soto looked up at his master, and saw deep worry lines. He became afraid, ?Master why is this happening?? there was a pause then Master replied, ?I don?t know, it?s got to be the apocalypse?? *** The voices faded, and Sage sighed, she hated those memories that flooded her sleep, but tonight?s was different, she had a feeling that it was not just a memory. She had had premotions like this before, but none of which she heard the words. She heard some giggling to her left, she pauses and heard it again, she glanced over to see to lumps on the bed next to her, she sighed then grinned, ?Nutmeg, Clover. Why do you always giggle like that in the dead of night?? she then realized she had just spoke using her old accent, the smiled slipped off her face in an instant, ?oh no! If the Mistress heard me I?m so dead!? she saw two little heads pop out of the sheets still giggling, they saw her frown and realized what Sage was thinking, ?Oh don?t worry! We won?t tell.? ?Thank you.? Sage mumbled, ?Please go to sleep, remember we?re running tomorrow.? ?Ok, don?t get snappy.? They said it with a tone of voice that said we?re about to. Nutmeg, slid off the bed and moved to the one on the right of Clover. ?Ga?night!? Nutmeg clasped her hand over her mouth, she did it, she started talking like that again. She cursed mentally. ?Well good night?? she waited a moment ?Please don?t tell on me either.? In the morning? Clover and Nutmeg awoke at 3.54 with Sage hovering over their clothe chests, ?Come on! We have to hurry! We have to leave before anyone wakes up!? she heard stirring in the back area of the room, to see Juniper and Ginger looking at her. ?You can come if you want, I know you?ve wanted to escape for a while. Come on lets pack.? She quickly want back to her packing, a moment later Nutmeg and Clover were out of bed and getting their own stuff ready. Sage looked at the other beds, all empty, the others escaped already and we need to meet them at Harvest River, by next week. She sighed deep in thought the realizing her canvas bag was packed and she had all she needed. The others were ready too. She sat down to slip on her walking boots and the others did the same, in moments there was a group of five young girls ready to run away from the noble school. Sage's knee length red dress stood out in all the sad mournful blues and grays, she looks around flung open the window and leaped out. [/i] People needed: Sage (Taken by Ryu_Sakura) Clover (Taken by Noelle) Nutmeg (Taken by sunnybunny7 ) Ginger (open) Juniper (open) [b]Sign-Up[/b] Name: one of the above Age: all are 13-14 Gender: all are girls unless you pm me to fit a boy into the plot. Skills: (max 2) Nutmeg must have invisability, and Clover must have potion making. weapon: max 3, (ex: wand, staff, stick, sword, dagger, or mage map) and please be sensable like no staff sword AND wand, now thats just stupid to have three large weapons, where are you going to keep them? Bio: Description: (all girls are tall or a bit above average height, and LOOK frail) (I'll add more but thats all for now) [i]My Sign-up[/i] Sage 14 Female Tresspasser; the ability to walk thru walls, physical, magikal, and metal, Psychic energy; all types reading minds, moving objetcs with out hands, extrem mental strength and Mage Staff Magik; the type of magik a Mage uses thru/by using a staff. Wind Staff, Wind Sword and East Mage Map. Sage is a really quiet girl, she likes books and maps, she always dreamed of becoming a mage master, but due to her royal heratidge, like all her friends, are forbidden to do so. sh dosn't know her father, acording to her mother the noble school mistriss he left her with Sage, the youngest daughter, Maple, the second oldest and Silvya the third oldest, he had taken the oldest daughter one night and never came back. Sage is a tall, frail looking young girl, she has pionted ears like an elf, but a little smaller, shetends to wear knee lengh dresses or baggy pands and shirts, she usally wears a knee length blood red dress. her eyes are a deep purple and her hiar is a very light blue. *** The only thing is it's THIRD person, meaning you say She, not I, ect... if you have any questions pm or e-mail me, i don't want ANYONE spamming this thread.
  3. How do you make grids, and what program do you use? I hate it When I don't know somthing. And nice job on those two. I'm in love with your backgrounds. I never could figure out how to do it. *sob* I can't contorl my mouse so i have trouble with stuff like that. Where did you get the insiration, I lost the little I have for the next month. 1. I think the digimon one is really good, but the background colors don't match. Try orange insted of red, or green insted of blue. 2. The shippo avi is really funny, I love it! The inu-yasha festival banner is so neat. But the font color is kind of odd, it would look better with red. 3. YAY! Sai Saici!!! Sai Saici is so cool I LOVE the quote and it's totally true. (A friend said that.) 4. The Mia one is well, blue. I love the color blue, and i envy you and your ability to be able to do decent sun shines (well, whatever they are thats what I call them.) The only thing is you should make the name stand out more. And Syk3, I'm sorry if the other post was messy... that day my sister spilled crackers all over it, and I didn't know until after I posted. Then after I got it cleaned I forgot about that post and never edited it. Sorry, please forgive me. *sad face* :bawl: My sister is so crule. *looks at the 2 broken speakers and wimpers*
  4. oh thanks Syk3, i was going to take care of that but i had a coughing fit and got a real bad headace, *gone now* me and my bestist freind ever were at her house because we both got really sick, does 103.4 fever say anything? so i wasn't able to focus long enoug to type, my fevers down to 100.7, and my average is 96.6-9 (not sure too lazy to finish math problem) ubt please remove any NON-ANIME banners. please, *coughing fit* sorry, not well, need sleep to lazt to argue... [UPDATE] i just crushed my hand in a door today and am having alot of trouble typing. please forgive the fact i havnt had time to post my ratings of the banners. and artommy or whatever your out. you didn't falow the rules. bu-bye.
  5. Wonderful! everyone thatnks for joining i just relized today i may not beable to get online on the 31, so its moving back down to the 24. sorry for any trouble.
  6. The Kindness The kindness you showed me is a sweet tune, And if there was a moon tonight, I?d pull it down for you. The gentleness in how you said it, Made me feel true. But in truth I?m no more then, A little Truth for you. I was sent her to help you out, To make you see the truth. But I got blinded in my haste, And now you are too. If I could change something I did, It would be this: It?s only possible to get true bliss, When you help other who are true. They can help you find a way, And make dreams come true. The only way you?ll pass in life, Is to do what you feel is true. But in truth I did nothing more, Then blind you. ~For a friend~ ps Friend, if i make you cry i'm sorry.
  7. you want one? *looks around* why? well i have one but no pla ce to upload it *lazy*
  8. you relize dekans are tree spirtes, like [IMG]http://www.zeldalegends.net/gallery/categories/The_Wind_Waker/Official_Art/Characters/media/makar.jpg[/IMG] and no this is not my image i got it off of [url]http://www.zeldalegends.net[/url] ok? and if you live on ontset, you can't really be a dekan, i should have metioned that...
  9. i made up this version, but the opening is based, err mostly copeid from the original form. ____________ Long ago, there existed a kingdom where a golden power lay hidden. One day, a man of great evil found this power and took it for himself, and with it at his command, he spread darkness across the kingdom. But then? just as all hope had died a young girl clothed in blue appeared as if from nowhere. Wielding a blade that repelled evil, she sealed the dark one away and gave the land light. This girl, who traveled through time to save the land, was known as the Princess of Time. The girl?s tale was passed down through generations until it became legend. And then a day came when a fell wind began to blow across the kingdom, and the great evil once again crept forth from the depths of the earth. The people believed that the Princess of Time would save them. But the princess did not appear? What became of the kingdom? None remain who know. The memory of the kingdom vanished, but its legend survived on the wind?s breath. On a certain island it became customary to garb young girls in blue when they came of age. Clothed in the blue of the sea they aspire to find heroic blades and cast evil down. The elders wish only for the youths to know courage like the princess of legend? One summer day, on Maple?s 12 birthday, a mysterious bird came into view. Maple grabbed her telescope from her brother?s hands, she looked toward the birds and saw a person, a little boy wriggling in its claws. _______________ I will add more, I just need a basis to start with. [B]SignUp[/B] Name: Age: (8-13) Gender: Island: (Deku (a tree sprite), Ontset ( a girl, boy or pirate), or Old Hyrule (Evil man) Race: (dekan (needed 2), ontsets (needed 4), or Evil Man (only 1)) Ocupation: (pirate, wise man/woman, henchmen, girls of age, boys of date, sprite, evil man) Bio: Weapon(s): (up to six) Desription: (will continue later...) [I]My Sign-Up[/I] Maple 12 Female Ontset Ontsets Girl of Age Maple was abandonded on Ontset island by a mystirius woman who nobody knew. the woman told them to raise her and call her whatever they liked. they took Maple in and riased her fearing the woman was a goddess of wind or water, for reasons that the child was able to make the tide go in or out, and the wind to be clam or fierce. they also found out at an early time that she was extreamly intelegent and could read others minds. she fancied weapons and boats, they amused her. Wind Sword, a sword that had wind in each swing, Water Bell, a bell that controlled water, Flute, a flute that tends to do whatever the player wants, a wand that "seems" to do nothing, and a cloak that mimics the sea. [IMG]http://www.zeldalegends.net/gallery/categories/The_Wind_Waker/Official_Art/Characters/media/aryll.gif[/IMG] but with her hair down, and longer, (a bit longer then sholder length), she is also taller. her oult fit is that type of blue but without the flowers and is like Link's but no hat, and it goes down to my knees, also there is no belt or tights/legging whaterver you call 'em. and the sleeves are long and loose. her eyes are purple.
  10. I hope you all know you can enter more than one banner, up to five actually. And if this wasn't my contest I would enter this, I was so bord... What I would enter: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=530084[/IMG] I'm thinking of making a club to go with that banner do you think anyone would join? pm your answers, if you have DO NOT post it here, I don't wanna have this thread closed for getting of topic.
  11. ok, right click on the link, (its a bmp, sorry) press copy shortcut, go to edit profile put [ IMG ] (link) [ / IMG ] and make sure the link you copied is pasted there. also remember NO spaces. like if it was moo then you would put the [] directly around it and inbetwen [] and [] put no space, oh darn i'm getting confusing... oh and dragon girl you should so the same. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=530050[/IMG]
  12. i hope you all relize that epidoe was on last night, or the night before *no sense of time* it was really cool! *runs around singing the .hack//sign opening theme* i love that show...
  13. i was board and i was in spired by the lengend of the twilight, no not really but oh well. this should be the right one... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=530043[/IMG]
  14. [b][SIZE=3]Notice![/SIZE][/b] The end date has changed from the 24th, to the 31st. please take note, i have had some requests to extend it so i will. that is all. [b]If anyone has questions please feel free to pm me.[/b]
  15. ok, i fianly decided to post. (it may not be complete i have 2 hour delay for school, and i'm board outa hell...) [B]A[/B]nime, why should i explain it when your all here because of it? [B]B[/B]aseball bats, they're fun to hit people with. [B]C[/B]omputers, i love to go online, play games, do complete crazy stuff... [B]D[/B]rawing pencils, just gotta love 'em! [B]E[/B]lves, cause they are so darn cute! [B]F[/B]eathers! the soft lightness is so, so cool! [B]G[/B]raph paper, it hard to do certin thing without. [B]H[/B]appieness, although with my dad gone why should i be? [B]I[/B]ce, it's cool. literaly [B]J[/B]-pop its odd. [B]K[/B]itties! who can resite the cute? [B]L[/B]etters, woth out them i can't write. [B]M[/B]ore video games, simple they're fun [B]N[/B]othing, casue you NEED quiet [B]O[/B]rangina its tasty! [B]P[/B]aper, it's better then writing on bark... [B]Q[/B]uil pens, so neat. [B]R[/B]ibbons, they look pretty... [B]S[/B]wimming, its so awsome! *flashes 1st place backstroke ribbon* i was going against 9th grades, and i was only in 5th. (at the time) [B]T[/B]ime uhg i need more. [B]U[/B]upwards, i hate all other directions... [B]V[/B]enus, its orange-ish... [B]W[/B]ater, its so nice... [B]X[/B]-rays if they didn't exsit i would be in hell of a lota trouble. [B]Y[/B]ogurt, the kick and easy breafast. [B]Z[/B]igurats i think its some type of market... oops time to get dressed. i'll finish it after school, (my most hw giving classes are 1st and 2nd period, but no! i still have fourth! *sobs*) well i finished it just now.. bye. people!
  16. wonderful! we have lotsa entries, (hey, who can brake their own rules? at least till judging!) but i'm just curious what does that say? *points to Otakusennen's 1'st banner* i can't see, it very well, but it's my sisters com, and it's moniter is REALLY bad. (my com is screwed up. ::sigh:: )
  17. your welcome amity, i'm sorry if i did something to make you sad, :( i made a new banner [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529808[/IMG]
  18. i think people like that are mean, people can belive who and what they want. if they want to let people like that drag them in, it's thier problem, (i TRIPLE posted? i thought my com wasn't working so after 2 tries i turned it of? i didn't even think it got thru... i'm really sorry Sara.) [COLOR=orangered][size=1]Triple-posting is bad bad bad. -Sara.[/size][/COLOR]
  19. well i usualy watch japanese anime either in japenese or in german, not really english. and i retract my previous coment, pokemon is an anime, a slightly stupid one, no doubt, but still an anime, 1 word = not a quote 2 words or more = a quote
  20. i don't wanna act like a mod either, but i hate spammers, READ the RULES! ok? it'll me otakuboards a better place.
  21. this has been driving me crazy, i have no clue where the OB family thing came from. i heard it came from another forum but i actually have no clue. could you tell me? Also are you part of one? Do you want to be part of one? And lastly: Do you think it's stupid? Do you think it's cool? Do you thikn it's funny? i am part of one and it's funny because Ruby is my OB mom, and dark_dragongirl is my twin, and after only a day of knowing each other we have devoloped so many jokes its stupid. i don't think it's stupid but it's kind of taking friends in and having your own family rpg in pms. i think it is cool because you meet new people, and have lotsa fun. yes i o think its funny! it's so much fun to bops ruby on the head. *bops* heehee... whast your opinion
  22. no offence but i can't see them. try again. [12/21/03] i can see them.
  23. A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Somewhat Agree D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree 1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow. a 2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately. a 3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate. b 4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere. b SECTION B Please try to keep your answers relatively short in this section. 5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards? everyday! 6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are?a little to strict but it might help if there was a min of letters you had to have. (prevent spam) 7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards? yes, i mean people should beable to use the words they want how they want them in thier writting. 8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)? 9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards? doesn't matter... i like 'em the way they are. 10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com? yes. 11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future? signed up and happy. 12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards? yep. 13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting? both the arena and art. 14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service? If we included a chat, would you use it? i might... 15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it? no. i don't have a cell phone. 16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum? i don't know i don't usaully partake in those events. 17) If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be? catagorey... a boy/girl manga thing... like sialor moon on the girl side and something else on the boy side... 18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be? otaku gamer, there is never much there. that intrests me. 19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be? the ability to post midis like in the opening post. 20) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered? 9. not perfict but really great!
  24. um... sorry but i don't consiede pokemon and anime. try "americanized tv show" from japan. please if its not to much trouble pick another of your banner, (i know you have alot!) and i also know that acording to the rules you lose points for no quote... *refers to rule book* yes i am correct... i'm not sure about sonic, i love the show, (sonic, sonic x, sonic the hedgehog ect...) but i really don't know...
  25. here is our banner! wear it proudly in our siggy! pm me for the code. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529543[/IMG]
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