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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura
thank you, i could make you one if you like, you could be my OB sister, part of my OB family... that position comes with a free banner. oh and amity here is the banner if you like it i'll add the avi (post here and i'll get it to you): if you like it and decide to use it you must cradit me by putting my name Right below it, like say: Many Thanks To Ryu_Sakura for the Banner. other wise i'm replace it with a pile of poo. (trust me i've done it) [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529521[/IMG] right click on the link select 'copy shortcut' go to you profile editor put [ IMG ] (link) [/ IMG ] remember no spaces.
My first Kiss is: Non-Excistant. well my former boyfriend tried to fiss me but ended up with a broken leg and a bloody face and arms, and legs. (i pushed him of the top of a oddly steep hill *wink wink nudge nugde* a cliff it wasn't that high but it is steep!)
Welcome to the Random Banner Contest! there are only a few rules, and requirments. the award to 1st place/best quility/most creative/best placed/runner-up is a banner made pesonaly by me. if you have any questions please pm me. also if you do win you may request three deitails you want on it, no more then that, because i will be very busy doing other's banners too. Judges: Ryu_Sakura Ruby, the expriened banner/avi maker, and a good critque T-Man the good eye. (he looks more for mistakes, i'm not taking any junk) Rules 5 entries max anime themed if you are a judge you may not enter please include a quote/name, preferably quote be nice you are not permitted to make rude remarks, or compliments to other contestents, its so people can't hurt others feeling or boost others confidence nothing 13 or over. (simple fact that i don't wanna get in trouble) Jugding based on all factors 10 points, grainyness of image 5 points, positioning 5 points, color of font 10 points, font legibility 10 points, phrase 5 points, creativity 10 points, eye chatching 5 points, motion (does it have some sence of movemnt? like is the sword suspended in air, with flames from friction or is it at the side? rating depens on the style of every thing, so it is saying, "does it match?") 10 points, and size 10 points, and border/without boarder (this depends on whether it need one or not.) 5 points, obediance (did you follow the rules?) 5 points, in total should equal 90 points. End time: December 24, is the last time you can put your banner in. no ecxeptions, unless you have pmd me a decent reason. like you need to fix something but you have to go to the hospital because your mom is sick. but i will only make a MAX of 2 exceptions. thats pretty much it. and like i said any quesions pm, if you think i'm missing something pm too. [B]Will a mod close this? i just made a very bad mistake. i thought it got deleted.. it just went down on the page.[/B] and dragon girl the other REAl one is further down on the page, *sweatdrop* sorry for confusion. i honestly thought it got deleted. please don't ban me! i didn't mean it!
well i have a lot of nick names... i'll list some of them unless you wanne bereading this till the 31. Chibi- i'm the 2nd shortest in my group and the ony one who is german and speaks a little japenese. well tecnicly i can't speak, i can actually write it. and i'm slightly mute, meaning i don't talk alot only to yell at people in anger, Ishka-moose- don't ask ishka-evil- i am the crazy german geunus! though my spelling is the worst in my grade. *sweatdrop* SilentGirl- well, i don't talk to any one but one friend, she is probaly the only one i drop the silent act for. Salem Witch- now this one pisses me off, i think you can figure it out. Type-O-Fae. i think you know why. AnipaLuza, a nick the "preps" at my school gave me. Ryu Sakura- no reason, i just one day acidently signed a paper that i was going to give to my friend for her b-day, and it ended up sticking Sakura- plain and simple its a pretty name! and Abby Anime Manga Sakura Cherry Silent Kitty Coffee Hyper Bunny The 13th- i don't really know i think my firends made it up at my b-day party last year... *ponders* or mabey not, but i don't have a better reason.
thanks ruby, i hope you relized i pmed you. heheh, i have a new banner! i have no clue what i was thinking making so many... oh well! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529429[/IMG] oh and anyone no where i can laod images for free? (ones too big for me to load here, like a pic i drew, (its HUDGE!))
yeah, me too, thats why i did it. and i was board. oh,, look! one a daid a week ago! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529247[/IMG]
i only need 2 hours of sleep. and i havn't been at schoool latly *sick* so i use all my time making them, it takers about 30 min to find the pic, 40 min to decide where to put it and the size, 10 to crop if needed, and an hour to fix colors and other stuff. so in total: 2 hours and 20 min. each. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529236[/IMG]
That was the point! *bops t-man* ooooo! look a new banner! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529223[/IMG]
yeah, i did it after my dance class, not ballet thank you very much, it was modern dance. and thanks t. heres a new one! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529204[/IMG]
Welcome to the Random Banner Contest! there are only a few rules, and requirments. The award to 1st place/best quility/most creative/best placed/runner-up is a banner made pesonaly by me. If you have any questions please pm me. Also if you do win you may request three deitails you want on it, no more then that, because I will be very busy doing other's banners too. [B]Judges[/B] Ryu_Sakura Ruby, the expriened banner/avi maker, and a good critque T-Man the good eye. (he looks more for mistakes, i'm not taking any junk) [B]Rules[/B] 5 entries max Anime themed If you are a judge you may not enter Please include a quote/name, preferably quote Be nice You are not permitted to make rude remarks, or compliments to other contestents, its so people can't hurt others feeling or boost others confidence Nothing rated 13 or over. (simple fact that i don't wanna get in trouble) [B]Jugding System[/B] [I]Based on all factors[/I] Grainyness of image 5 points Positioning 5 points Color of font 10 points Font legibility 10 points Phrase 5 points Creativity 10 points Eye chatching 5 points Motion (does it have some sence of movemnt? like is the sword suspended in air, with flames from friction or is it at the side? and size 10 points Border/without boarder (this depends on whether it need one or not.) 5 points Obediance (did you follow the rules?) 5 points In total should equal 70 points or about my adding well that forget it... End time: December 24, is the last time you can put your banner in. No ecxeptions, unless you have pm-ed me a decent reason. like you need to fix something but you have to go to the hospital because your mom is sick. But i will only make a MAX of 2 exceptions. Thats pretty much it. And like I said any quesions pm, if you think I'm missing something pm too. [I]Dark DragonGirl: you did it right, and in ordanance with the rulse i cna't give you a complament or critasism. but i would. but i can't. but thats what you do to get it on your banner page. thats what i do. you can see my banner thread on: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=34617[/url] that should be the right url...[/I]
a little... here is another banner i made. (ps i have 34 more to post so keep replying) please do not, click the image link. wait 5 min an i'll have the image up here *points to below the text* [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529158[/IMG] and my entry for the contest for the new otakuboards heading banner thing-a-ma-bob [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529081[/IMG] *growls* someone didn't listen very well. *fangs grow* heheheh need to kill. * takes a pill* AH! now i fell better. i forgot to take my meds today! silly me! *bops*
I know this is kinda bad, but oh well... and sorry it's in bmp. I'm afriad if I save it any other way it will get grainy. [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=529081[/IMG]
oh cours i've heard of them, and yeah, they are stupid. but at my school thay are called "MOB" or "MakeOutBraclets" but usually mob so they don't get busted. and since our school has a strict dress code we have to wear long sleves or half or three quarter. but the rules are diff here. the game is called "slip" the rules? 1. a person gives one to a person 2. the person brakes it (on purpose or acident) 3. they make out. the colors don't matter. and its just gross, 'cause they have to make out the moment they see each other. drop books in hall and get on the floor. once a boy tried to give on to me but i refused, and now i'm made fun of cause i won't acept it, (stupid right?) but itll die down by the end of the mounth, minus 2 weeks of vacation!
Ryu_Sakura replied to Mitch's topic in Help & Feedback
its # 1! i tell you! i blame them *points to some random guy on the street who ducks down and says "ah don't kill me! i an old man!"* it dosn't happen to me then agian i am internet explorer lover. and user ~.0 but it can be either. i mena really, hasn't anybody herd of the AOL great hack? er not that i know much about it... *tries to hide in a corner* -
i was board! once again... i was on google looking up .hack and aura. i saw the pic and HAD to do a banner. hope you people like it! heheh, Boardum: the key to pure stupidity. ~ Abby (me!) [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=528094[/IMG]
Abby awoke to the boy with a staff huddled over her, splashing water on her face. ?What in hell happened?? she managed to mutter. He looked at her and said, ?You don?t remember? You fell from the tree.? ?Err? I did?? ?Yeah, and then this monster thing came and tried to take you. But a light flashed and your friends were gone, and a bunch of ?galaxy scouts? appeared. I don?t remember what happened next, but the monster was gone and your friends were back but knocked unconscious. I hope they are all right?? ?Really?? she pauses then giggles, ?Who could have thought my mother was right?? then she burst out into a laughing fit.
well, aol, is a piece of ****. i used to have it and it sucks. if i wasn't trying to go on the web (meaning i had already got on.) it disconected and said sa,jsnfkuhwqngqwehnjdlhclakfmkvm.. ya know what ever it says and never let me on any of the sites i used to go on. (piece of **** ain't it?) tell him if theres a library and the have internet connected scoms go there, or find another way, but getting internet explorer is what i have and it works fine.
Ok, it's now officialy iratating me how every time someone has a problem they start a new thread. More than half the time it's about the same thing. Ok I'm starting a page to help people by organizing all the advice posted here, (at least for a while), it will be neater and more efficiant so instead of starting a post about a problem with school over and over, (diffrent people of course!), and have the same info repeted, it will all be put in one simple little thread. Any problem post here! By the way if it's kinda personal. fell free to pm me. i probaly have delt with it. if not i can tell you soe one who has, and therefore give you the most efficiant help.
my advice to you: turn off the computer get out your textbook get out you study guide. review both. get a good nights sleep. wake up eat a healthy breakfist take a deep breath before the test. make sure you have a sharp pencil, or a working pen. if you have a study hall or lunch before that class: study! but keep calm! stress is the #1 killer of tests!
:blush: i didn't do the middle pick by meself i had help1 from ym friend whi is going to graduate collage this year. she is really great with graphics!
Abby shifted around when the guys spoke to her and looked at her. She couldn?t stop thinking about the boy with the staff. These boys were creeping her out with their beer coated breath and a odd looking their eyes she felt she had to get away. She last saw him climb a tree. She ran after him. When she got to the base of the tree she realized how big it was. She didn?t care the guys who were talking to her before had sent out one of the low lifes in their group after her she had no time to think, she grabbed the closest branch and climbed, she climbed very high when the kid caught up to her, he was tugging on her ankle. When she looked back he was trying to pull her down, she gasped he was heavy! She couldn?t hold on and longer, she shook her leg and he fell off. She saw him scramble to his friends. She smirked, and passed out. She started to fall down. Her dress ripped and torn at the edges her hair filled with leaves and twigs. (t-man aka tyler: please post as soon as possible. i have an idea! *grins evily*)
nice! *claps till hands fall off* oops were they supposed to do that? o well. i had psp 7 never could figure it out but tha fact that you could work psp8 well lets give you a hand! *picks up hand off the floor* some were a little sloppy the text was odd colored. and it was badly cut. (some) but other then those minor *coughNotReallycough* difficulties greate! but what can i say? yours are bettter then min! *wink*
not really, i found them on a white background and then i saw that image on that bg and i didn't like where it was put so i cut the area i wanted subaru in and pasted the other subaru there. here is the one for you Ruby! (right click the link, scroll to copy shortcut, and press. now you have the short cut! nifty trick isn't it?) [color=teal]Please do not upload BMPs. It becomes very tedious to have to go through so much to simple view a banner, so I uploaded a JPG version for you. Keep this in mind for future uploads. -Syk3[/color]
i found out why! it took a while but i figured it out! i have to take "happy pills" because my dad is siick and can die any day. and they make my hyper and hilusanate (sp?). sorry for al the bothering. but you can call me a liar all you want, but i still belive in the supernatrul.
Abby looked up at the immature bunch she calls friends. ?Geeze I?m surrounded by weirdoes? wait I kinda am one?? she glances up at Faye who is smiling and holding out her hand to help her up. She clasps it and pulls herself up. ?Thanks? she mumbles. They all get up and leave the dorm. None of them have a car and can?t afford a taxi, due to the strict ?no after/before school jobs? rule. They walk down to Cherry Park, near the forest. They arrive only talking a little and staying close together. Abby looks to the side and sees a weird looking guy with a staff. ?I wonder what?s that?s for?? he looks her way. She blushes and stumbles after her friends in the dark from the trees.