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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. well the piont was to use tha same pic to create very different veiws. and ruby should i make you a banner? please?
  2. thank you! *bows* thank you! *falls over laughing8 i use paint! erpaint for kids, in my opinion piant for kids works much better. and yeah, the trigun one is really bad. i did that one in paint. i told you paint for kids works better. made another! i was feeling sad a moment ago. now i happy! *bounces around* ::bounce...bounce...bounce...:: heheh Mister Tomato... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=526269[/IMG] i'l not sure i like this one... but it's ok.
  3. Once apon a time this girl was board, she was surfing the web and came across a couple beautiful pics. She had nothing else to do so... she came up with these! Mwahahahaha... ehem sorry, I am a little hyper... please pm me if you have a request, and CONSTRUCTIVE critisism is welcomed! [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=526252[/IMG] You may NOT use this one. It is my first one and I want it to stay on this page or in my siggy only. I got it right! I got it right! *dances for joy* thank you! *bows* Here is the other one: its Trigun. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=525911[/IMG] And once again... I was board.
  4. Abby had gotten the ribbons and made the dress, it was a dark purple and blue layered dress, with silver ribbons on the sleeves. She put it on and twirled around twice, that ribbons danced around her trailing past her knees. The dress only went to her knees so she was shocked they went that long, ?but? she thought ?oh well I have to pull up my hair.? She grabbed a brush and ran it trough her long hair. Then she picked up two long purple ribbons she had bought. And tied her hair up in two small buns leaving some of her long hair down. She glanced at herself in the mirror, and picked up the locket. She looked back down at the inscription, and shook her head, ?no, I wont won?t wear this, I?ll look stupid.? And with that she ran off after the others.
  5. my fave element is wind, it can destroy fire, splatter water, shatter ice, shake earth, control weather, so it controls where lightnigns goes ect. oh! isn't it cool? and by the way *blows out the fire* heheheheh... sorry i couldn't resist. but i also like moon dust. (I made that element up don't steal it. or i will send the forks on you!)
  6. Name: Yuki Age: 18 Gender: female Weapon(s): stun gun and a small dagger. Description: just like millie. exept a tad shorted and hair is dyed black with red streaks. normaly wears a knee lengh black dress, and a silver chain necklace with a red charm, that glows. Bio: She's Millies twin who went after her because millie forgot her toothbrush, and ended up staying with them. but not every where she tends to wander off and get into huge trouble. she always was good friends with her sister, but one day she left without her tooth brush, and Yuki went after her, and got stuck in the whole mess. after that she has hated her sister. Side: neither, she doesn't know what is going on, it's not her fault she was dragged into this! and if you want you can use this banner i made. i was board and i found the image, so i turned it into a banner.
  7. Abby also had childish powers, like Faye, and so did Sun-Ae. She liked to turn her plushies into live animals, but she liked to keep them fuzzy, even if they were scaly in real life. She loved to tease light, by gathering it in a ball, and compressing it into multicolored crystals. But, she wasn?t an expert, in fact she only could do it because Faye let her have some of the skill, by transferring it telepathically, which was Abby?s doing. Sun-Ae also got it that way, but she had only got it because Faye was feeling nice, and gave a bit more away, but Sun-Ae could only turn real animals to plushies, the only ones who could turn them back were Abby and Faye. Abby looked up to see Faye staring at her, with a look that says ?Are you ok?? when Faye saw that Abby had spotted her she quickly turned back to her work. Abby finally gave up on being cynical, and decided to smile. ?It feels good to smile after all that frowning, and sulking? don?t you think?? she always had conversations with her twin in the 13th dimension. Her twin?s name was Mallory, though they were not true twins they looked exactly alike and had similar skills, they believed the other to be a girl from their imagination, which became real but was flung into an alternate space and time. Abby waited for a response, none came, that has never happened before, Mallory never sleeps, and the only way she wouldn?t or rather couldn?t was if she was dead, or tossed past the 15th dimension, the 8th Gate of Death. Meaning, not quite dead to too close to the dead world or 28th Gate to be reached. Abby though ?oh well, she never does anything bat send a picture of herself, all I have to do to see her is put my hair up and get a tan.? She says to herself smiling at her pale almost white skin. She never was tan, and didn?t want to be. She had little fashion sense except not to run around in white go-go boats dyed neon pink hair and a skimpy little neon pink dress, plastic type. The ones they wore, over 100 years ago! She giggled as she remembered Faye?s costume when she was three, a mini skirt and tang top made to look like those silly outfits, but nowadays people either dressed in white and black skin tight clothes with a sciency-look, or anything they wanted that wasn?t over 100 years old. Abby and the rest of the gang, (Faye, Sun-Ae, Naomi, and Megan (Megan is still available and if you know some one who might want the part pm me)) were going to the park, because there was a party going on and they were invited. They only were a little nervous because at this particular party would be boys. Abby had never spoken to a boy in her life! Neither had any other girl in their group. They all wanted to look pleasant; after all it was actually their first party outside of their ring of friends. Abby saw this really nice dress in a store, but she could not afford it, and she was gifted with a thread and needle, so she was going to make one of her own. She had already bought four shades of dark purple and blue silk cloth, she just needed to get some silver thread, and some 1 in. thick varied length silver ribbons, ones that are shiny like silk. She was planning on making it that night. Her train of thought was interrupted by the last bell of the day; she rushed out of class clasping Faye's hand. They ran to their lockers that were next to each other but across the hall from Naomi?s and Sun-Ae?s. (Megan?s was on the opposite side of the main hall.) They grabbed their stuff and ran outside to the Gate Tree, the biggest tree alive in Tokyo. To discuss their plans. *** how do you like???
  8. The sailor scouts weren?t strong enough. The battle for the universe went on for a very long time, as long as anyone could remember. Then one day in the Fall of 2072, five strange girls showed up each with a different skill. Abby was extraordinary with all fighting, especially with guns and knives. She was known for murdering many people. Besides having offers to go to an assassin academy, she was a very normal girl, with the exception of having a scar across her back and dark purple eyes. While timid Sun-Ae was wonderful with healing. She could heal people with her touch and voice. She aspired to become a doctor, but no college would take her because she well, had a few problems, her handwriting was far too neat, and she was always too organized. Megan always loved fighting, but was great with stealth and speed. She was always blamed for missing objects at school, and beat the record for the entire world for speed so most thought she was an android, and considered her a threat to humanity. Faye was definitely the best with magic; so much she left the others in awe at the simplest spells. But her personal favorite spell was a spell to create illusions. She was often considered ?different? just because she made people see what wasn?t there and not see what was there, and they all knew it. And Naomi was obviously the politician. What else was left? And anyway, she was always the logical one and was Anti-George-Bush, because a long time ago has sent the United States of America?s economy down the drain. Just like the others she was very normal but; just like the others she had a few abnormalities. Like, she always had no expression, and the only clue to her expression was in faint flickers of light in her eyes. *** As usual the day started off in dorm Chaos13 with Abby waking every one up screaming about well who knows what she was yelling, they were all too tired to think. Every one got up, did their morning routine in silence except for the occasional, no common, collapsing of girls, who had been attacked by Abby and her sharp teeth and knives. Every one thought it was a normal day, but for them it was quite awkward and usually they just have an odd day for a normal person, but to them it was very normal. They all went to their own school, did their own stuff, and then when they got back to room Chaos13, they found small charms on necklaces and bracelets for every one with a little slip of paper addressed to them. It said, ?Dear Ladies, we have some bad news. The scouts were killed, only I remain. I have sent these lockets to you hoping they will awake long sleeping memories.? Then covering the rest of the note was covered with dried blood. They all looked at Abby. ?Hey! For once it wasn?t me!? she exclaimed. They turned away, too stunned to speak. In turn the turned over tier own locket and read the inscription. Naomi?s said ?Layea Lady Galaxy?. She thought about it but remembered only a highly political land where, if you were a politician, you were treated like a king or queen. Megan?s said ?Soraru Lady Galaxy?. She saw a town where people had a power competition based on speed and stealth. Sun-Ae?s said ?Kayko Lady Galaxy?. The word Kayko reminder her of something but it was too far back in her memories to remember. Faye?s said ?Tayme Lady Galaxy?. Right away she knew the name Tayme, before she left her hometown when she was two, someone said, ?May we name the princess, milady?? The only one, who had a vivid memory, and the only one who got knocked out from it, was the most insane and unstable of the girls, Abby. She remembered from long ago, she sat on a silver throne covered with emerald silk cushions and finely cut stones, that shone like the morning dew on thin blades of grass at first light. The throne sat in a room adorned with green silk, stones and tiles. Someone says startling her ?Has the princess been named?? ?Yes, we chose Merin. It just felt right, and her mother died in? that battle? before she told us her name, so we could not name her, and all the other names she cried when she was called them. But, this one she smiled. Which startled half the court, being she usually cried, and threw her toy gun at people when she was upset.? A young, soft voice responded? As Abby awoke she was surrounded by, not her friends but by a young lady dressed in a pale white dress that hung over her feet. ?Merin, is that what they call you? I am your mother. I was killed in the war of the universe. And now I pass on my skill to you.? She says as she places her hand on Abby?s forehead. ?Mother what is your name?? Abby managed to say. ?Shh? That is not important, what is, is that you get my power? but I will tell you it is? my time is short. You have my power, but I cannot tell you what to do with it. You may choose.? She whispers. ?And my name is, Aki? she disappears into nothing. ?Wait mommy! Don?t go!? she cries suddenly awaking into her own room, her friends staring at her. ?Come on! Shaman King is on!? Naomi says being completely oblivious to Abby?s obvious tears. ?Hey! Can?t you see she?s upset!?!?? Sun-Ae says always being the first to care. ?Just leave me alone.? Abby says with a tone that states loud and clear ?leave-me-alone-or-DIE?. She gets up and walks towards the window, drawing out her gun. She puts it right up to the window; muscles ready to pull the trigger, then suddenly drops the gun, and starts to curse under her breath. *** --------- i hope you all don't mind that i added on, and edited, *bops herself* ok, the part added on was my post. ---------
  9. so thats, sunny, fayefaye, abbz, tsuba, nao... ok? so who wants to get started? i was thinking tonight, i just one at least one person to yell in my face, "let's get started!" *mimics and yells in face* oh well now someone yelled in my face, so LET'S START! let the cows sing! and i edited the story, nothing about charactors.
  10. -IF- she does sure. and you'll be the first to hear. by the way t-man could you have a nick-name? please? i'm too lazy to type it.
  11. bush is an ijit (idiot)! he cant tell me or my friends or anyone else in this Dumb (close one!) world, i was adopted and my mother knew that it was "my body my choice." i can't stand people like him! *pulls out a pitch fork and a couple bombs.* i really want to bomb him, and send this little fork thru his guts! *holds up rather largh pitch fork and bombs* and besides 1. the world is OVER populated 2. and he is and idiot, thats all we need.
  12. yeah i quess but at this point i too freaked out to sleep. (i saw thm in the fireplace!) and my incence is burnig agian, they are comming back. and i'm paniced. ok, not paniced but its more of an emotion then i usualy have.
  13. why don't you be naomi? only Faye, Abby, and Sun-ae, are being used. (for who is who cheack acouple posts up.) i'm sorry, but Athia requested not to be in this until she could come over to my house to write it herself, (she doesn't have internet *dies*) PS one question: WHO IS AMY? (both of you.)
  14. ok... but that doesn't explain... never mind thanks for your help!
  15. yeah i guess, and no only incence. but i'm Miss Paranormal. ghosts and stuff, i believe in. but i could be that i haven't had more then four hours of sleep for 3 days. then agian i don't need much sleep.
  16. [COLOR=skyblue]Today, and the past few days I have been seeing images in my incence (sp?), they speak, and flutter around my room, suddenly vanishing. And what's more is the red hot tip, tends to glow silver, tinted red, not like normal, and no it's not new incence, (sp?) it's the same odl stuff I always use.[/COLOR]
  17. Merin sences thier presence behind her and quickly turns to the north, she runs and soon it starts to snow, she trips on a rock hidden in the soft, white blanket, and passes out. the snow covers her like it did the grass, her summer clothes were to light, and she shivered in her sleep. [COLOR=deeppink]In her mind she search desperatly for keith, looking, watching, listning. but nothing came up, the snow had blocked out her mind senses! she wanted to panic, but it was to cold, and the sleepy darkness seemed so warm...[/COLOR]
  18. hand in homework, my grade went for D- to and A+ by handing in my hw.
  19. Chi wakes up from the blast. she gets up and hugs keith for getting her out, "thanks, but i didn't want you help." she glares and punches him in the stomuch, he doubles over and colapses on his face. Merin smiles, turns and leaves. she runs as fast as light. she truns around and rushes back, kieth still knocked out and grabs the dagger, which almost imidiantly truns into the sword, "seems as though it only takes an evil force to turn it into a sword." and she runs off again twords the east.
  20. Ohkami: you get Faye. Ryu: you get Abby, oops that me. Inuyashafan418: you get Sun-Ae T-Man: you get Tsubasa. Arika: you get Naomi ok! if you do not see your name there, simply look BELOW! EVERYONE ELSE: RE-READ THE RULES. (or the fork will Ge'cha!)
  21. [COLOR=deeppink]Chi used her mind powers to invade Keith's mind, when she got thru the locks of his past she inveded the area the dark Keith had aldeady tekn over and claimed some for herself. "i want a says in his mind so leave me alone!" she yels at dark keith. "and he'll probaly be glad that its me not you, who ownd this part." she stomps her foot. and casts may protection spells. [/COLOR] (outside of his mind) he woke up hearoing Chi scream, and moan. Shisu was quiet, but she shifted around alot. He tried to wake them up, but to no avial. Then he suddenly became awar of his surroundings, they were locked in a room, the walls were a deep red, and surrounding each of them was a force field, so they could cast no spells or attack anything. *This is my 100th post!!!
  22. Tenshi wakes up and shakes her head, the shake drove Chi out from deep inside her mind. "what happend? Tenshi gave me part of the memories of herself before fading to deep into my mind to recover." she pauses, "arcording to the memories she was forced back into my mind by some demonic force. coming from," she pauses again "the east, twords the mountains." she faints again.
  23. Tenshi stares at the mountains then drop Shisu, Keith flys dorw to catch her and grabs her in mid-scream. "dark........evil......no.........escape.....help....darkness taking over...." Tenshi says as her wings fade and she falls downward head first. (i'll finish later.)
  24. um... just so you know its not a chat. its a FORUM. meaning no spammming (which is what you are doing), no double posts, so before a mod yells at you and you get banned,why don't you delete those extra posts, and put them all into one longer post.
  25. thank you for correcting it, if you know storm well, pm her and tell er remind her to fix her post.
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