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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. *wink wink nudge nudge* ok t-man i'll let you in. and please fix your posts people.
  2. thank you so much! at least one person read the rules! and i have to up date that story... i will in a week or so. my internets down so i'm on my sisters and she doesn't have e-mail. and unless storm fixes her post within 1 week you can have it, if not, then choose another, or if they are all filled up. i'll just put another of my newer friends on (Athia)
  3. "hey wait!" Chi calls tears streaming down her cheeks as keith flys into the clouds. "wait!" suddenly she feels soft feathers brush her bare shoulders, and looks around to see beautiful silver wings, with a 6-foot-wing-span. "wow!" she says as she tries to move them, she succedes and starts to fly after him. "wait up! I'm comming!" chi yells trying to go faster but to no availe. "hey I wanna come!" Shisu calls after Chi. chi turns around and picks up Shisu. "please don't call me Chi, it's Tenshi, ok? I don't really like that name you see it mean blood. and Tenshi means angel, I made it up myself." Tenshi says to Shisu giggling.
  4. oh wow! *drops dead and revives* cool, i would be honared if you would make me an inu-yasha banner. and where did you find the pics? its had to find as good qualaty pics of inu-yasha. or at least for me.
  5. i'm sorry but i just relized that EVERY single one ovf you broke at least one rule, mainly #9, i will not except anyone if they do not fix it. please fix it within the next week or die! *evil grin* not really but please read the rules. because if you brake another (that goes for all of you) i will not allow you to play. "in order for a game to be fun for all there must be rules to keep it equal." ~Sun-Ae P. and Naomi P. S. "read the rules or die *pulls out a fork and pokes your eyes out*" ~Abby R. and Faye W.
  6. Chi shakes her head as she puls herself to her feet. "what happened? I dont remember any thing." she looks up ar shisu, "now i remeber, i'm sorry, about that... its not my fault. please forgive me." chi says eyes cast down. "you killed all those people, you excpecte me to forgive you?!?!" Shisu screams, and keith plugs his ears. "do you need to scream? any way let's finish this!" chi looks around for somthing, she spots it and darts over to it, flings it at keith "take this!" she says as the ring hits his hand when he holds it out in defence. "there! mwahahahaha!!!" she giggles as keith returns to normal.
  7. I have had dreams like that too. exept, they are usually very usless, or extremly important. like... *mist apeares and vanishes* like when... [I]i was sitting on a rock ontop of a waterfall, and then a tree is about to fall, but my friend who is sitting in the path of it doesnt notice and i dont either until... i have a day-dream where it was excatly the same but the tree fell on my friend... so i snapped out of it and a moment before the tree fell i yelled at my friend to move. and then she only had a few scratches. [/I]
  8. you're excepted. please lengthen your posts for the real rpg. remember its 3rd player, not first. (like you say he/she instead of I or me.) i will set up the rpg tommorow.
  9. were you born as a wiccan or did you chose to be one? and salso, is it hard/take much time to study all the aspects of wicca?
  10. i'm sorry but its poruing where i live, well outside the tree anyway, so i have to protect y manga, computer, gameboy, cd player, clothes and cds. did i mention my Kia-Stern posters? no! it doesnt show!
  11. dude! will you make me new banners? one that will kinda match my avi, and one thats completly unrealated, and one that shows my unfilled love for Kai-Stern? please include Unmatching: Erutis, Cris and (dark) Raenef (demon diary) "A girl, 2 boys, and a personality transplant. Matching: Chii +dark Chii (chobits), Sakura (card captors), and Subaru (.hack//sign) saying "Warriors Can Be Pretty". italasizing Can. Unfilled love for Kia-Stern: Kia-Stern drunk (it happens alot!), Kia-Sten, being wierd, and Kia-Stern. surrounded by hearts saying "he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me..." please? just say if you cant find a drunk Kia-Stern i gots losts on my walls that i can scan. mwhahahahahahahaha..... moo.
  12. that doesnt help i live in a tree, *****!!! my office is in the trees center, and it runs on batteries. and i cant aford a tv anyway. and just so you know i was kicked out om my house. so, me and my friends had my current resedence set up, over the summer. and now i'm thankful we did!!! by the way do you actually know anything about wicca? just cure-e-us(SP?)...
  13. I almost never dream, i usually have nightmares. it goes like this, *** "come on, wake up" a voice yells, "no..." the body responds "i need to take you to hell now!" it yells again "who are you?" the body says agian "death now come on!" "no!" "i dont have time for this, fine be a ghost like i care." *** i'm floating around, in space, i think..., a star or somthing shoots by and brushes my cheek, burning it. "what do you want in my realm?" "i am not here, i am myself, not in your relam." *** i walk into a field, i sit under a tree. the field lights on fire i cant move, i was sitting on the tree for 100 years. i die a second time in the flames... *** i'm lost about that one too. and dont ask about my others most consst of knives, shiny and pionty objcts, guns, blood, crazy assylem people, green men, ect.. just dont ask.
  14. [COLOR=skyblue]Many of my friends say i'm not related to a wiccan (my birthmother) because those religions are dead. i don't agree, yet i have no clue of knowing. also i have friends who claim to be wiccans, and my friend called them worshipers of the devil, and lying, *****es. i am utterly lost. who can provide proof or somthing that can sway my friends opion(sp?)? or just give my your opion(sp?).[/COLOR]
  15. Great! you are all exepted, but make sure your spelling and capitalization doesnt get sloppy, *pokes T-man*
  16. i know what you mean i was abused and still am, by my teachers (menatl) and my parents (mantal and physical). i've tried every thing, and i have knives hidden all over my room so nomatter where i am i can find one. and i carry a dagger around at school, no one but me knows about, and well you people who read this. but you cant possibly go to my school. its and upereclass twon filled with drunk teens and ****. ya know?
  17. ok, well here is who i would date: 1. Kia-Stern, he is hot and he is so cute when hez drunk, besides being nice and all my friends say we would look so cute together. 2. Garfakcy, the whole imortal human obssed with killing humans is about the most bestest thing in the world. 3. Raenef after he had the personality change from the "talking book" in Book 4. 4. Prince Seiris, he may be a pretty boy, but he is the coolest and oldest of his brothers. not to mention the fact that one of my friends thinks i would be cute with him. 5. Darres, hes hot a strong fighter and AND he is funny.
  18. i understand your situation. i was sleeping on the bus when (sopposadly (SP?)) i fell onto a friend of mine (a guy). then i woke up and he i have to admit is pervey, so he started touching me *nudge* up near my neck, but i didnt move because he he was soft, (big soft sweat shirt) and i was teird. then i relized what he was doing and panicked. i fell asleep agian, and i dont remember the rest, exept my other friend (a girl) told me he was playing with my hair the rest of the ride. so ever since then i've avoded him, but hes wrote me letters and made calls asking why, i dont know why, he just makes me feel akward. but i miss him! he was the ONLY guy i could talk to, and i have to admit, when hes wasnt being pervey, has was nice. you see, my least fav emotion is uncertenty, so if i'm confused and unconforable. and i personaly think he was fingering my silver and glass necklace. but i dont know... and my opion if you like him, be his friend if he pulls a move on you and you dont like it, tell him to stop, and if after a couple stops he doesnt stop consider him about being your friend.
  19. if your angry or whatever and you want to cut somthing buy a tube of Galaxy slime. and cut it to shreds dont worry put it back in the tube for half an hour and itll be good as new, or write yor feelings down, cut a piece of paper kil inanamate (ps?) objects. i donno, whatever floats your boat.
  20. i almost cut my self like that, it was at at slumber party, every one knows that i should be in the cookoo house for anger manage ment so to piss me off they made fun of me and stuff. i told them to shut up and they told me to cut myself. i said no, they lauged and said your afraid? and i said no. then they said ha! miss tough 11 year old 8th grader is afraid to cut herself! they laughed i got angrey and pulled my dagger (i never take it out of my pocket or remove it more then six feet away) and i was about to cut myslef when my friend now my best friend sad. "dont you idiot! they're trying to piss you off dont give them satisfaction" i didnt, i hate those girls now and am not friends with them. and i'm so thankful i didnt cut myself. its all a matter of will and good friends. try to invite people you like over, for stuying, or any ecsuse so if you get upset, they'll be there to slap you in the face and say "you idiot!"
  21. merin giggles, "your funny keith..." she says "but boring... its all been done before..." she pauses "so could you do some thing not boring?" she says light flashing in her eyes. "like what?" he says. "i donno. you figure it out and come find me." she runs of thru the woods at lighnig speed.
  22. Rena stays back to kill it, she dodges and slashes it vanishes and reappers "what?!?! it must be a virus! i'm logging out, i dont want a virus on my com. i'll report it later." she trys to log out, but she stays logged in. what? she thinks, and trys over and over, then relizing that its .hack//SIGN all over again. "no, it cant be happening, not to me! not now! i have a test soon! my exam!" she runs away from the monster cursing under her breath at the... well what ever it is who chose her to get stuck in the game. 'you no longer need to wonder' a dark voice says, 'i am Kite' it says as it fades away. Rena sits there in that darkness feeling her self fall into its dark hands... she wakes up suddenly feeling Hilind shake her "are you ok?" he says. "no, first that girl, now... now him..." she says as she passes out.
  23. [COLOR=royalblue]Many years past, six beads were held by six very different people, the Ice Bead, the Earth Bead, the Star Bead, the Dark Bead, the Light Bead, and the Flute Bead. Each had their own power, but only the one they were given to may wield it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]There were also Six Bells, the bells music if played with the Flute Bead, could do whatever the players wished. Each Bell had it's own name, Tone, Melody, Kisu, Shi, and the twin Bells Yami and Hikaru.[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]The Beads & Bells[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]The Ice Bead: has the power to control snow, ice, and rain. It is most power full in winter, and weakest spring. it is weak against the Star Bead, and it is strongest against the Earth Bead.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]The Earth Bead: has the power to make plants grow, and die. It is also one of the stronger Beads. It is strongest in spring and weakest in fall. It is weak against the Ice Bead, yet strong against the Flute Bead.[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]The Light Bead: has the power to bend light and create illusions that can't be de-spelled until the bead says so because it is not a spell but light simply being bended. It is weak against the Dark Bead and strong against the Flute Bead. Seasons do not affect it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]The Flute Bead: is linked with the Bells and makes anyone hear things that aren't there, therefore confusing the enemy and giving it an advantage. It is weak against the Light Bead and is not very strong against any particulare Bead. Seasons do not affect it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The Dark Bead: has the power to stop or suck up light, making anything around it unable to see, atomaticly letting it win. it is strong against the Light Bead and not strong towards and specific Bead. Seasons to not affect it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]The Star Bead: is the strongest of all Beads, there is no Bead that can defete it. it has the power to open black holes and cause huge problems with the entire universe if it is given to the wrong human. Seasons do not affect it. It has no weaknesses, and is strong against all the Beads.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Tone: is the Bell that controlles the Bells pitches.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Melody: is the Bell that sets the song melody.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Kisu decides the emotion of the song. [/COLOR] Shi says when the song ends. [COLOR=coral]The Twin Bells Yami and Hikaru play the song. [/COLOR] *** Sign up: Name Age Bell and Bead Ocupation Bio Aperence Personality *** My sign up: Yuki 13 Twin Bell Hikaru and the Star Bead Priestess She has none, no memories, nothing, all she knows is that she fell from the sky like a comet. Pale skin, average height, long black tinged purple hair, dark purple eyes, a purple komono with light purple wind swirls that wrap around it. Shy, quiet, and spacey. *** Rules Do not make up your own bead/bell. they are not permitted to be demons, (only priestesess, humans and monks). No suddenly makeing up a speicial attack (or anything) with out clearing it with me first. If you want to be a perv. you may, it spices things up. and all the good animes have em, (inu-yasha ect...) please stick to the story line. *** Story *** In Fudal Japan, six people with amazing skills arived, the land at the time was a mess, those people fixed the land and brought it into the light. None knew much about themselves only that they had power, and it needed to be used... *** I will finish the story once people sign up. It is impossable for me to do what I need to do until then.
  24. yeah, i know what you mean, but once you read the 6th you wont wanna stop. me and my best friend cried the day after the 9th was realesed.,, we finished it and wanted to read the next. and megumi, its Kharl.
  25. Merin ran as fast as she could, dodging trees with lightning accuracy. She was blur, the only thing anyone saw, was a rush of leaves flying up where she had stepped moments before. She pulled out her dagger and was running to Deamongo. She laughed when she got there see the people crouch down and shudder, some ran into their houses others fled to the fields. She walked over to a young man and giggled, ?Where is a sword smith shop?? he didn?t answer; ?now boy, or you?ll be heading to hell.? She commanded. The boy responded ?down that way and it?ll be on you left.? She looked at him and said, ?Puny mortal.? And took off again. She reached the shop and walked in. an old man sat behind the counter, ?may I help you?? he said with a husky voice. ?Yes, I would like a finely crafted reverse blade sword. One that can cut diamond in half at a slight touch.? She growled. ?Yes sure, I am the best in the world. What would you like me to use for the blade? Some rare stone or silver? Or gold for that matter.? The old man says with a gleam in his eyes that says ?anything?, ?what stones?? she says curiously. ?Hmmm, lets see?? he fumbles thru a large book, ?aha, moon stones and star stones, they hold magic power naturally so their easier to wield and lighter, beside being able to cut diamonds even when they are blunt. Meaning if you drop it, it will create a crack in the ground, a very deep crack.? He says polishing a dagger he was holding. ?I want a moon dagger, star arrows, and a silver reverse blade sword. A sword so sharp it can cut thru diamond.? She says her red-ish silver eyes glowed. ?Certainly.? The man says as he walks to the back room and gets the supplies. ?Come back in a day or two if you want ?em to be perfect.? She left continuing her chase of Raven and Shisu.
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