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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura
Chi slowly walks twords a big meadow. "come on. i want to explore." she says as she runs into the grass. she trips and flips over and lands on her stomach giggling. suddenly she stop her laughing fit and sits staight up. now she starts to laugh evily. keith starts staring at her. "what wrong?" she giggles "i've been locked up inside her for days. its so, BOOOOORING." she laughs as she stands up. "and don't call me Chi." she pauses "my name is Merin."she walks tword the forest. "come on. or do you want me to remove that ring?" she pauses eyeing it. "now, or i will" he starts to walk twords her. he steps next to her, and she laughs "you know if i wanted i could kill you now..." she says, "but i thinki could have more fun taking over this stupid place... with a friend, who is almost as evil as me." she pauses "like your dark side." keith tenses up, " how about, hm?" she dosn't wait for a responce but instead grabs the ring and pulls it off. (ishk was bordy-wordy, and i think this game needed spicing up.)
Sign Up what is this? a ZELDA RPG? [12 and up (language, and violance)]
Ryu_Sakura replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in Theater
people i have updates the sign up. please take a look and i also have anelosed another two images. please tell me which you thing i should use as my image. and also please be descriptive on your sing up. image one: [url]http://kawaii.nl/gallery/chobits01_1024768.jpg[/url] image two: [url]http://syaron.isp.st/chobits_note.jpg[/url] and also include the image i had on my origanal sign-up. -
first lilix please read the rules. i'll give you thi last warning. please change your char to one of mine char names. and every one. NO LAST NAMES. its just i don't want to have to remember every one and a while the last names. ok? please check and make sure you read the rules.
The sailor scouts weren?t strong enough. The battle for the universe went on for a very long time, as long as anyone could remember. Then one day in the Fall of 2072, five strange girls showed up each with a different skill. Abby was extraordinary with all fighting, especially with guns and knives. She was known for murdering many people. Besides having offers to go to an assassin academy, she was a very normal girl, with the exception of having a scar across her back and having dark purple eyes. While timid Sun-Ae was wonderful with healing. She could heal people with her touch and voice. She aspired to become a doctor, but no college would take her because she well, had a few problems, her handwriting was far too neat, and she was always too organized. Megan always loved fighting, but was great with stealth and speed. She was always blamed for missing objects at school, and beat the record for the entire world for speed so most thought she was an android, and considered her a threat to humanity. Faye was definitely the best with magic; so much she left the others in awe at the simplest spells. But her personal favorite spell was a spell to create illusions. She was often considered ?different? just because she made people see what wasn?t there and they all knew it. And Naomi was obviously the politician. What else was left? And anyway, she was always the logical one and was Anti-George-Bush, because a long time ago has sent the United States of America?s economy down the drain. Just like the others she was very normal but; just like the others she had a few abnormalities. Like, she always had no expression, and the only clue to her expression was in faint flickers of light in her eyes. *** As usual the day started off in dorm Chaos13 with Abby waking every one up screaming about well who knows what she was yelling, they were all too tired to think. Every one got up, did their morning routine in silence except for the occasional, no common, collapsing of girls, who had been attacked by Abby and her sharp teeth and knives. Every one thought it was a normal day, but for them it was quite awkward and usually they just have an odd day for a normal person, but to them it was very normal. They all went to their own school, did their own stuff, and then when they got back to room Chaos13, they found small charms on necklaces and bracelets for every one with a little slip of paper addressed to them. It said, ?Dear Ladies, we have some bad news. The scouts were killed, only I remain. I have sent these lockets to you hoping they will awake long sleeping memories.? Then covering the rest of the note was covered with dried blood. They all looked at Abby. ?Hey! For once it wasn?t me!? she exclaimed. They turned away, too stunned to speak. In turn the turned over tier own locket and read the inscription. Naomi?s said ?Liea Lady Galaxy Truedell?. She thought about it but remembered only a highly political land where, if you were a politician, you were treated like a king or queen. Megan?s said ?Stae Lady Galaxy Staeren?. She saw a town where people had a power competition based on speed and stealth. Sun-Ae?s said ?Kako Lady Galaxy Mayon?. The word Mayon reminder her of something but it was too far back in her memories to remember. Faye?s said ?Trion Lady Galaxy Maytrion?. Right away she knew the name Trion, before she left her home town when she was two, someone said, ?May we name the princess, milady Trion?? The only one, who had a vivid memory, and the only one who got knocked out from it, was the most insane and unstable of the girls, Abby. She remembered from long ago, she sat on a silver throne covered with emerald silk cushions and finely cut stones, that shone like the morning dew on thin blades of grass at first light. The throne sat in a room adorned with green silk, stones and tiles. Someone says startling her ?Has the princess been named?? ?Yes, we chose Merin. It just felt right, and her mother died in? that battle? before she told us her name, so we could not name her, and all the other names she cried when she was called them. But, this one she smiled. Which startled half the court, being she usually cried, and threw her toy gun at people when she was upset.? A young, soft voice responded? As Abby awoke she was surrounded by, not her friends but by a young lady dressed in a pale white dress that hung over her feet. ?Merin, is that what they call you? I am your mother. I was killed in the war of the universe. And now I pass on my skill to you.? She says as she places her hand on Abby?s forehead. ?Mother what is your name?? Abby managed to say. ?Shh? That is not important, what is, is that you get my power? but I will tell you it is? my time is short. You have my power, but I cannot tell you what to do with it. You may choose.? She whispers. ?And my name is, Aki? she disappears into nothing. ?Wait mommy! Don?t go!? she cries suddenly awaking into her own room, her friends staring at her. ?Come on! Shaman King is on!? Naomi says being completely oblivious to Abby?s obvious tears. ?Hey! Can?t you see she?s upset!?!?? Sun-Ae says always being the first to care. ?Just leave me alone.? Abby says with a tone that states loud and clear ?leave-me-alone-or-DIE?. She gets up and walks towards the window, drawing out her gun. She puts it right up to the window; mussels ready to pull the trigger, then suddenly drops the gun, and starts to curse under her breath. *** Rules: 1. you must sign up corectly after the first two times you try, i don't have enought time to tell you exaclty how to do it. 2. you may not suddenly come up with a new attack or item while in a battle ect. YOU MUST CLARAFIE IT WITH ME FIRST. 3. please choose you charactor carefully. i spent many hours that i could have been doing homework on this. 4. no suddenly deciding you char. has a personality change keep them the way they are! they are based on my friends with diff names of ourse, but i am the one with the name Abby. 5. if you are a boy, pm with your personality, and i will create a char that would work for you, and if you do not like it i will do it over. 6. you must read every ones post and keep it RELEVENT!!! 7. must include a WRITEN decription!!! 8. it is 3rd person! not first! 9. in your bio put chibiness in capital letters 10. please use my chars. that i base on my friends. 11. NO LAST NAMES! 12. if you brake a rule i'll give you two tries to fix it. if you don't under stand anything, just ask i'm a nice person. *coughNOTcough* my sign up: name: Abby (Merin) age: 14, ( please be 13 or 14) bio: never knew any one but her friends who's parents were killed by a mystiorus force. they move and live together. aperence: like rini exept taller and has cloudy, emty, silvery-purple eyes and her hair is a pale blue-ish silver. fave manga or anime: Dragon Knights School: Tokyo School for Gifted Girls (all the girls go here) please read the rules and i am the only one who cantell someone if thier post is wrong!
[COLOR=silver]"Thank you very much, but I don't even know your name. mine's Chi" she says raising a hand. before he could answer a loud thump covered his voice. "just forget it. i'll find out sooner or later" Chi giggles. "but can you bring me back to... oh shoot!!! i don't know the name of the town! but i think it is... that way." she says, vaugely pointing to a direction to the north east. she starts to walk off. "arn't you comming? " (i'll finish later my com keeps freezing.) [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuyashagurl_15 [/i] [B]Lillix grabbed her blade. She held it in a clutched grip as the others got ready. It hit the follr and looked around the room growling. The others watched it cautiously. When the thing decided to attack It ran at Rena. [/B][/QUOTE] ^ just so you know.. i'm out side the dungeon... Rena walks lazily twords town complinging that this game is so boring, she tries to log out but can't tries agian (i'm just trying to keep the classic part up! and i'll finish when i get an insparation, i used all my last one on another post.)
Chi Looked around, it was a busy street, she tired to get some one to stop so she could ask directions, but to no availe. so she decided to find some one who would come with her some where, she glaned around, and spotted two people chatting. but just as she started to go twords them some one yelled "witch! look at her clothes! and she has a bright aura around her... it looks like... like a soft warm breeze in..." the man trailed off... "what?" she shriecks as she pulls at her clothes. "i don't know what you talking abou- AHHHHHHHH" she sceams as two punks grab her and pull her away on their brooms. (one twisted world right?) "yeah, great job Kioshi! she'll be woth alot at the Cloud Market!" the younger of the two yokai boys calls. "i know, i'm not stupid just no one will buy her in those clothes she has on, but we better hurry and get her their before nightfall. Leo! pick up some nice clothes and meet me there" " 'k!" Leo says as he zooms off twords a clothes shop. a moment later Kioshi has got chi firmly tied down and zooms of twords the clouds. 'i must be dreaming' chi says to herself, 'but if i am then why do these bonds hurt? but is has to be. it just has to be!' "hey whatcha talking to yourself about girly? is it interesting? oh and whats your name i never found out." he says a he pulls the cloth out of her mouth. "my name is Chi!"chi yells as loud as she can, thinking she's near the gound, "if your hoping some one will save you, your out of luck, we're high above the ground shooting twords the clouds." he says about to laugh, "and we need to change that name of yours... hm... how 'bout Hotaru? 'cause you glow like uh... i don't really know." chi nods her head because she is afraid of hights and does not want him to drop her. "and your name is Kioshi, right?" chi asks timidly "why yes," he smirks as chi shudders from his fangs, i guess she really is magical. ------------- ish had my computer fixed and was abble to post a nice long post YAY!
The four Oracles, Din, the Oracle of Seasons, Nayru, the Oracle of Ages, Link, the Oracle of Courage, and Melfina, the Oracle of Dreams, have banned together to stop their new enemy, Verendry (ver-end-drE), the fifth Oracle, the Oracle of Shame, (Link's female twin), and destroy her. they travel to the Realm of Shadow (the one in Link to the Past (It comes back!)) but find themselves powerless agsainst her in her own realm, so they destroy it and she escapes to Hyrule and riecks havic. now they must destroy her before she find the sixth and seventh Oracles, the Oracl of Shadow (Kayko,the ultimate evil), and the Oracle of Light (Silla, the ultimate good), and if she uses thier power all will be lost. ------------------ sign up: charactor (Link (M), Zelda (f), Impa (f), Ralph (m), Din (f), Nayru (f), Verendry (f), Kayko (f), or Silla (f).) age (please be around my age if your an Oracle and way below if your a human) special skill (i don't care just make it match you char. and if you a human like impa make it healing or swords. but impa must be healing) boyfriend/girlfriend: (you don't have to have one) dislikes (of the group at least one, i like conflict) how they look (i will get an image for each.) favorate item, (please be a REAL item.) a nick name. fave dungeon (can be made up) *** Melfina 17 and a half human years (a bit over) (when converted into Oracle years she is 176 years old) psychic abilities (all including moving objects with mind and reading minds and stuff.) major crush on Link. Ralph, who has a crush on me. image enclosed WindWaker Wand. Dust StarSeas (its a space dungeon/water/planet dungeon) please keep cheking for updates.
i was working on this with my friend sunnybunny7 during luch, she did the top pic, and i did the girl at the bottom, but i didn/t drew her in luch i did her after luch during science then study hall. oops... ishk made a boo boo. *waks in head* its a pic of lis little girl, my scanner was actin wierd and it didn't come out right. but its really cool! so when my scanners fixed i'll put it up!
the little girl he had met before waarped onto the field "god i'm sorry about before when i saw you, i blanked out and something took over" she said suddenly relizing what was going on. "Holy chimps of Hell!" she screams as she jumps to battle position and sticks a nearby monster, "i didn't know there we any of these left! my mom told me of these from when she played!" the girl says as she dodges the monsters tenticle. (ishky finishky tomaroky.)
Writing Forever World Poems (i might get these published!)
Ryu_Sakura replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in Creative Works
It As i lie there dying, you walk in the door, i thought you came for me, but you came for it, nothing more. you ripped out my heart, and took it away, now i slowly start to deacay, as my dream fades away, I will never be with you again. i have no clue where this idea came from but i like the turn out! :rotflmao: starting tomarow i will take requests for poems in your siggys, all i ask is a pic to inspire me, a tittle and a link to this thread when i've given it to you. [updated Nov. 19, 03] I stand there, Lonely, waiting for, Someone who will never come, Someone who was never here, Someone who is not existent, Someone who never was, Someone who never will. Although the memory of them, Is fresh in my mind, I feel them hold my hand, A hand of empty and faded photographs, A hand who I never held, A hand who never was. *** Fading away as the days go by, I look to the sky, Trying to grasp what color was sawn, Holding on till all is gone. I stepped into to the shadows, For I could not hold on, I shivered with fear from my heat to toes, Nothing is left all is gone. No sound, No light, No sky, No ground, No fight, No lie. I had lost it all, I faded into death, And as I fell, The sound drains away, Leaving nothing but a cold bitter silence. *** Truth be told, He called. Lies be gone, He sung. But I cant, Whispers a soft voice. *** Blame in on me, Lies I did not say, I did no wrong, As you accuse me, Can?t you see, Knowing I am me, and not she? And that I did nothing wrong, Nothing at all, Did no wrong for you to accuse me. While I stand there denying what you say, How can you not see the perpetrator standing there with thee, Isn?t it she not me who has cast bad wills upon us, Tisn?t me! I yell, only to be bound tighter into the web of lies, Exclaiming I did not, for she did wrong not me. *** Mooing at the Moon, Oh, how I moo, Oh, the moon. I moo all night when the moon is, Near, mooing away, till it is day, Getting nowhere, nothing done, Until I decide to moo at the sun. [Updated: Decembre 20, '03] The Kindness The kindness you showed me is a sweet tune, And if there was a moon tonight, I?d pull it down for you. The gentleness in how you said it, Made me feel true. But in truth I?m no more then, A little Truth for you. I was sent her to help you out, To make you see the truth. But I got blinded in my haste, And now you are too. If I could change something I did, It would be this: It?s only possible to get true bliss, When you help other who are true. They can help you find a way, And make dreams come true. The only way you?ll pass in life, Is to do what you feel is true. But in truth I did nothing more, Then blind you. ~For a friend~ by the way Decembre i french for december. (the french months are bouncing in my head...) [UPDATED January 1st] I came up with this while listing to ?Numb? by Linkin Park. Note: there are Quotes from the song they will be in ??. ?I'm tired of being what you want me to be,? How controlled can?t you be? ?Every step that I take is another mistake to you,? How can I be more like you? ?Can't you see that you're smothering me,? I can?t see how you?re not smothering me. ?Is be more like me and be less like you,? what do I have to do to make you see? *** wow, that turned out bad. O.o *** Angel Why do you mock me? Your feathered wings flash in the light, Your little eyes glinting with spite. Do you mock me for my dream? Or because I can?t go on to achieve? The times change you say, But I am still a little lost angel with no wings. My dreams fall apart, I can never fly. Never join you in the sky, Stuck on the ground unable to leave this spot. *** i kinda like that one... *** Anger Anger the feeling you feel inside, Strong and deep almost makes you die. You jump of a building with a gun, Shooting at people walking by never getting done. You?ll never die with that feeling inside, Though it poisons, Your soul and mind. *** i think that one is odd. *** Tell a Story. Tell a story of dreams come true. Tell a story of what you can do. Tell a story of where all is well. Tell a story of an old bell. Tell a story of an angels dream. Tell a story of clouds of cream. *** no clue where this came from. -
Chi started going crazy after coming here, they fough and fought until she went mad and killed them all, the schools gone only she remains. now she's left with a demon, an angel and her own confused soul. her demon self brought her to the realm of adventure, and in shock she losses her body, and the only way to get back home lies within it! she must travel the land to find it, trying to controlle her own angel and demon might be quite a chalenge. she travels to a nearby village, Deamongo, the village of new beginning... she mets several humans with angels and demons, or plain wierd alter egos, that is where your quest begins... [if you want to join please sign up in the recruitement section under 'Bout Real High School]
ok, i'll open it up as: Real 'Bout High School (ishy messed up on tittle b4)and check er oo tyler!
i think you might want to pm arch about it, you see we started and he needs to aprove you first.
i never liked people, and they hated me back. i was abused by other kids and by my parents, (that stopped when i was 5 and threatend to get a lawer). every one hated me, no not hated but more around absolutly undeniably hated. i was a loner, i got no friends at all till 6th grade (last year) and they were in 8th grade, so i studied with them and by the end of the year the school disrtict hated me because i got into fights alot, becasue people thought i was a nerdy weekling, but oh no! did they have some news! i broke a kids nose when i was 8, and snapped a kids arm when i was 9, does that tell you some thing or what. so they became afriad. then a while later i took a test to see if i should skip a couple grades and i did now i'm in 9th grade (what a skip!) so bascily ever since i was little i loved books computers, i never did well with the microwave or toaster, (i broke the past 14) but i was amazing with computer skills. and in total my modow is: I love my books and manga and they love me. by the way ice i can relate, i just went to a high school for the mentaly challenged, (not really but its for really smart girls with depression and junk) and after a few weeks i have brightend almost half the school (happy day! :rolleyes: ), and pissed all my teachers off in the prossece (yay! :smirk: ), so now the school is quite girls are smiling and i'm bord outta my mind, and EVERY one knows my name!
no! please stick to MY sign up! and do NOT go off and make your own, yes i am talking to you MR.HUMANMYSTIC!
a little girl stood only feet away, staring up tword the sky... "I miss him... he will never come back, mommy said, but there he is." she says to herself, and walks tword the boy who just came running, and hugs him. "I missed you, mummy said you wouldn't come back but I knew you would, mummy said you we gone forever, but i knew you wern't" she mumbles. "wh-who are you?" he pants. "your sister" she says while looking up at him with vacant eyes. (do you like or should i change it? hehehehe the double sister thing, DOUBLE the confusion.)
"ah! finnaly!" Rena says as she steps out of the shadow filled dungeon. "where to next" she whispers to herself as she fingers the outfits she got from the truesure chest. "hmmmmmmmm....." *beep* [ATTENTION ALL PLAYERS!: on Saturday Night there will be a Post-Halloween Party in the Graveyard of Time [section GOTFESTVAL] Costumes can be found in ALL dungeons up until the end of the party. limited editon ones will be found at the new just opend dungeon. *blip* let us correct our selves, the limited editon one-of-a-kind cosumes have been ound by Rena! the one and only Level 99 non-staff member in The World!] "ahh... finaly some respect. I must go in one of my 1 of a kind costumes to show off!! but which to wear... oh yeah this!" she shriekes as she pulls out the Sakura-Style komono. "it may be quite un-scary, but- i love it!" [To: Akurei, hello! i got the rare costumes, heheheheheh, so are you going to go to the halloween party? i am, and i wanted to lend my other two out fits to people. From: Rena] (ish fix later-er tommarow.)
you shouldn't have asked that! 1. complete out law star DVD box set 2. complete cowboy bebop box set 3. complete inu-yasha box set 4. complete sailor moon box set 5. every single dragon knight manga 6. clothes from hot topic 7. (ahhhhhhhhhhh i have over 36 more *me ish greedy* but i'm to lazy to type it all.)
rena grabs the komono and cat outfit and says "it isnt your busieness what i do outside the world, and - hey? why do you care?" (i'll finish tomarow)
bye the way she's 15 in the series and 16 in the movies. bye the way, when will we start? (if we get enough people) i think my friend might jion maby as the girl vesion of shippo or as sango. and sango is 18. (or at least last time i was on the offical fan site..) and shippou is.. 6? rin in the show is 5 1/2. and inu-yahsa is 76, which means sesshomaru is 176.
Name: Kaze (Kagome's sister that fell down the well right after birth) Age: 13 Gender: female Appearance: like the image below exept older taller with all straight hair and silver eyes, with a Dark Blue Short Style Komono (a komono just like that but dark blue and plain. with silver bubbles) Weapon: she needs none, she has extrem power. but she prefers broad swords. Bio: she fell down the well before any one but her mother and father knew she was born, she was raised by sesshomaru. inherited demon powers from Sesshomaru. (find out more when we start.) Personality: dark angry, demonic powers. (under stand more as this goes along.) by the way i will not change anything but the name! i really like it but i will, and sorry if i was correcting people on things but i am slightly a perfectionist. and i really don't like people who yell at other people for trying to get things right. besides i DIDN'T yell at anyone when i corrected. (and by the way what period during the seires/movies are we playing in?) and sorry if i sound angry i haven't slept for 3 days.
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Ryu_Sakura replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
Forever Meadow Forever, Is only an ilusion, Set by the human mind. But the meadow, In not imagonation, Nor is it reality. The Meadow is there, It always has been, Always will, But man started to destroy it, Creating a path, A burned out dirt path, That leads the evil minions, To my mind, Slowly stealing my sanity. or in other words the chickens steal my sanity one by one. -
Writing Forever World Poems (i might get these published!)
Ryu_Sakura replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=crimson] blood is stained on my walls, on my hands, and in my heart. forever i must hide this secret, never to be found, hiding it with all my might, only leaving hints as i begin to die. the pain comes, and every thing turns black. the shadows have come, i think, the pain will go, i think, but my soul will stay, forever bound to this secret. [/COLOR] thank you i know i'm crazy, but i will always be me. And another: [COLOR=skyblue]Forever Meadow Forever, Is only an ilusion, Set by the human mind. But the meadow, In not imagonation, Nor is it reality. The Meadow is there, It always has been, Always will, But man started to destroy it, Creating a path, A burned out dirt path, That leads the evil minions, To my mind, Slowly stealing my sanity.[/COLOR] or in other words the chickens steal my sanity one by one. -
i write best outside in a quite meadow, or humming to my slower of my bazzilon inu-yahsa cds. or well, right after i draw and i'm fired up. ^^ but my fav place is deep in the woods where no one can find me with a sleeping bag flashlight, bug begone, and tent. (last time i did that i got in so much trouble cause ya see i tend not to tewll my parnts anythig ecpecial it i want to go to the woods.)