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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Fixedsys]Wind's crazyness started to take over agian. But Joey was set in stone, she wouldn't move, she would brake the stupid curse. 'Wind, it's your fault! Seal yourself back up! I'll release you agian when everything calms down.' Joey used the last bit of her energy to confine wind back up. Joey collpased. Wind made one last attempt to brake out, 'No! I don't want to be in the darkness agian!!!' Wind faught until she too was out of energy. They were in blackness, sent into a whirling torrent. OOC: Sorry shortness, must do homework!!![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Fixedsys]OOC: Wind is powered by Joeys fellings, HOW IS THAT NOT PENITRATING YOU THINK SKULLS? IC: Wind was shocked, and Joey was making a fuss insider her head agian 'What the **** are you thinking Wind? Why are you acting that evil?' 'No clue, somthing just came ov----' 'Shut up!' Joey got control, "Hunter! I've got controll, don't hurt Wind! She can't control anything!!! Nkow us out and we might be able to push whatever is making her act funny out! Please! Do it when I'm in control" Hunter didn't move from his spot on the floor, then he looked up. "QUICK YOU MORON!" Joey tried to stand still even though there was yelling in her head, and forces attacking her body.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Fixedsys]Hm... Eh... I have a few... I love to sign to random songs on my Winamp, endlessly, infact right now I'm sighing along to 'Beetlejuice' the opening theme for the show. I have this mad obsession with Dee from -FAKE-, (I've even planned on how to kill Ryo, and JJ! Mwahahaha!) But I will sit there just rambling on to my little sister (the one who hates anime/manga and just tell her how i'll kill both of them, usully involving their corpses to be mutalated. ^^ Violence is good!) This is very embarassing.... I sleep with stuffed animals. ^^;; Used to sleepl every day with a teddy bear I named Mr.Fuzzumsuzzumuzzumuzzms, even though it's a girl. ^^; But now only if I'm really upset, and then I might talk to her! ^^;;;;;;;;;[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=fixedsys]Thyme?s normally emotionless face looked down at the petty human. She giggled as the human started to dance again, a dance of death. The human girl waved a sword around as it struck parts of her body. The girl screamed. Thyme laughed, and made the dance more reckless and fast. The girl stopped resisting, screams stopped, and fell limp. Thyme sighed, ?It was fun while it lasted.? She jumped down from the roof and picked up her sword out of the girl?s hands, and in a quick motion swiped it above her head, as if cutting string, making the girl fall to the ground. Thyme turned around to hear footsteps, she quickly hid her sword and stood over the body as if in wonder, then quickly picked up a dagger that somehow found it way to the girl?s hand. They approached. ?What did you do?? One of them asked. ?I didn?t do anything, I heard screaming and came to look around.? Thyme?s face looked like a doll?s face, utterly emotionless.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Fixedsys]?Whatever, I gotta go. And remember, defile Joey, defile me. I?m more powerful then you, when I?m mad.? She winked then turned around. ?Bye!? Wind flipped into the air then vanished. ?Wind? What?s going on?? Joey mumbled into Wind?s mind. ?Well, you have to be a virgin to perform the ritual, so, he?s trying to make you suffer by making you helpless, which is often worse then death.? Wind replied. ?But, still, I don?t get why? no wait, I?m just plain lost? So Hunter and everyone else thinks we are two people? Stupid.? ?Indeed. Well, technically we are, only because we have two minds, but one soul, which actually shouldn?t exist? so? I really don?t get it either.? ?But where are we?? ?A rift in between the spirit world and the mortal world, or another ?staircase?.? ?Okay? I?m just going to relax for a while, just stay hidden and don?t do anything rash, Wind.?[/FONT][/COLOR]
Ghostbusters, Beetlejuice, and Teenage Sharks?
Ryu_Sakura replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Fixedsys]That was a bad pun, and yeah, that's what I was talking about... I haven't seen or heard them say anything about the show FOREVER, so the name slipped my mind. ^^;;;; Beetlejuice, I liked everthing about the cartoon, and real action. Ghostbusters, where in hell did you get those toys! Must have![/FONT][/COLOR] -
[FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=DarkOrange]Hm.. then what I looked up was incorrect. Meh, but people do need to get a kick in the butt once in a while, oh and you spelled [I]aggressive[/I] wrong. And just so you know, I have lots of self-confidence, why else would I freakin' yell at teachers, glare at others, and be plain old mean to peopple I don't like? I'm not freakin' afriad of others, they are afraid of me, (it's not my fault I'm the cutest little girl in school who just happens to be able to kick ***). :P Oh, and if I offended anyone, I don't care, I'm in a real pissy mood! :flaming: My twin sister stole my colored pencils, and left them at her friends house! :( Now I can't finish my art assigment! And I won't be able to get into Accelerated Art!!! Annoying little sisters. *steal's Skye's chair and wacks her sister who just walked into the room* ::BANG:: Mwahahaha. I feel a bit better, now I just need to find a solid folding chair and smak her down the stairs till she goes over to her friens house and gets them back! (Our mom won't drive her back to her friends house but she's too lazy to walk)[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=DarkOrange]Kairi giggled and poked Hikiri, ?Are you sure?? Hikiri snapped poking Kairi back, ?Of course!? ?Well, we don?t know if it will work?? Theelios mused, she got up and walked over to the desk. ?Am I not a genius?? Kairi smirked and crossed her arms, looking quite smug. ?Depends on what type.? Hikiri burst out laughing. Kairi?s cheeks turned red. Theelios glared, ?That?s not nice.? Theelios whacked Hikiri in the head with the roll of newspaper she was holding. Hikiri flinched, ?Ow! What?s in that? Lead?? Hikiri clutched her head. Theelios slid a metal bar out of the roll. ?Knew this was going to come in handy.? She smiled. ?Why you!? Hikiri drew her katana, lashing out at Theelios. Khirby held Hikiri back. ?Err? not now.? She tried to look innocent. ?Ok.? Hikiri chirped and sheathed her katana. She smiled a bight and cheery smile so big no one would or could notice the fire in her eyes. ?Yeah? Ok?? Kairi looked uncertain of her friend?s sudden cheeriness, but no one else seemed concerned so why should she? She calmed down, but at the same moment Hikiri drew her katana and started to whack Kairi with it, but it broke on her head. There was quiet. ?Uh? might I ask what happened?? Kairi?s eyes were shut and she had a smile, a confused smile but a smile. ?You got me whacked in the head? Now you break my katana?? Hikiri had rage all over her face. ?First, I whacked you of my own will second, no one not even she knows her past, so? she could possibly have a meta-? she was cut off by a gust of wind coming from the windows. They looked over. A man floated thru the window and stopped the wind by pulling it into his hand. ?My lord, you must come with me now.? All four of the girls had confused looks until Theelios spoke, ?Um? I think you need glasses or something, they?re aren?t any guys here.? The man blinked, ?But I was just summoned here by the gods to take my new lord to his palace. They said a sword just broke on his head and someone was trying to kill him.? Kairi stood up. ?I?m no guy but a katana just broke on my head, and someone was trying to kill me.? She then added in a soft voice, ?Not that it?s important, I am a useless girl.? She rolled her eyes. The man laughed, ?Ha, but you?re a girl, you can?t be my new lord.? ?Well, excuse me mister pretty boy.? Kairi snapped back. He was obviously stunned; he was finally taking notice to the power surrounding him. His mouth was agape. ?But you can?t you have the power but?? he shook his head. ?No, the gods are teasing me. I may be the 5th strongest demon in the world, and Eclipse?s little brother, but that doesn?t give them an excuse to tease me!? he turned around. ?Wait did you say Eclipse?? Kairi asked, the anger rushing out of her. ?Something about that name reminds me of something? but what?? ?Yes, stupid mortal. He is my older brother, and 4th strongest demon in the world.? He smirked. Kairi closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ?Take me with you.? Instead of her normal clueless expression her face was set in stone with pure determination. ?No, you have no right to come with me, the great Kharll.? Kharll crackled. ?But?? her hands were trembling. ?But I need to know about my past.? A tear threatened to drip down her cheek. ?Uh? Well, What are your names? If I?m going to be nice and ask the gods I think I should at least know that.? Kairi wiped her tears. ?Kairi.? ?Theelios, the political genius.? Theelios proudly exclaimed. ?I?m Hikiri and that?s Khirby.? Hikiri pointed to herself and then Khirby. ?Hm? What interesting names?? Kharll mumbled. ?Well, I?ll be back in a moment.? In a flash of light and smoke he was gone. Moments later he was back with a bump on his head. ?Ow?? ?What happened?? Kairi inquired. ?Err? Kairi, I mean? My Lady.? Kharll Kairi?s eyes opened wide, her cheeks pink, her mouth open in astonishment. ?W-what?? ?You?re the demon lor--Err?lady.? Kharll obviously hated the way it sounded. ?I was instructed to bring all of you to her home, the castle of the late, Lord Rikkuu.? Theelios heard this and gasped. ?You mean Lord Rikkuu One of The Greatest Demon Lords to ever live?? ?Yes.? His response was solemn and mournful in tone. Theelios chirped ?Wow! What a great honor, but how can our Kairi be the next Rikkuu? She is a girl, and her name isn?t even Rikkuu. Demon Lord powers are passed thru names.? ?The gods wonder too. But for some reason she has the power to be the next Rikkuu. Despite different names and bloodlines.? Kharll answered. ?I?m only doing what I?ve been told.? ?But why are we coming?? Hikiri mused. ?Why would I know?!?!? He yelled his patience was going thin. ?Because you are the demon.? Khirby replied. ?Well, she is too!? He pointed at Kairi. ?She has the power to prove it.? ?Well, let?s go. I mean we have no one here that cares about us anyway. I just need to pack?? She paused. ?So would you leave us alone for a while? Otherwise you?ll be bombarded with clothes and stuff.? Kairi pointed at the door. ?Now.? ?Yes, my lady.? As he walked out his cape billowed out behind him like there was a strong wind. After he exited they slammed the door, and burst into talk. ?Let?s bring all we can. That way, we won?t get mad at ourselves if we forget.? Khirby yelled above the slamming of doors and drawers. ??K? everyone responded and continued on their packing. After about an hour they were done, the room bare, everything that can be carried packed. They opened the door and saw Kharll sitting on the floor. ?Ok, we?re ready.? Hikiri smiled, her voice cheerful. He got up and looked at everything they were bringing. ?What in hell do you think you are bringing? I?m not a chauffeur.? He fumed. ?We know.? Theelios replied flatly. ?We just don?t want to end up forgetting something important.? She paused then added very quietly in an annoyed tone, ?Like our project.? ?Come on then.? He pulled his hand out of his cloak and cast a spell to open a tesseract. ?Just jump in.? Theelios jumped, Hikiri jumped, Khirby jumped, and then Kairi jumped. Kharll followed shaking his head. ?Girls, what weirdos.? Then he heard thru the tesseract, ?Thank you!? He walked thru and he appeared in a huge hall, the girls were looking around in astonishment. The first to speak was Hikiri, ?When?s dinner? I?m hungry.? ?Later, now I have to show you to your rooms.? He snapped his fingers and another man dressed in a black robe, wearing a black cloak over it, entered from a side room. He seemed fairly young, possibly in what humans would think to be 21. He smiled; ?Yes?? then he noticed there were only two men in this room, Kharll and himself. ?Where is his majesty?? ?You mean, her ladyship.? He snapped at him. And pushed Kairi forward. ?This is her ladyship.? He paused ?And he is your teacher, Hellion. Alright Hikiri?? ?Who?s my teacher?? Khirby murmured. ?Your teacher is Theelios. I hope that?s ok Theelios. But you are far above genius, and we have no other teachers.? ?Oh, it?s ok. I don?t mind.? She smiled and walked over to Khirby, at the same time Hikiri was waking over to Hellion to talk, just so she won?t feel awkward first lesson. ?Then who is my teacher?? Kairi asks Kharll. ?Eclipse, and you will have a fellow student Raenef. But I have to warn you Raenef is an amateur. But you are not, being as before I even met you, you were using your powers in never before used ways.? Kharll walked off. ?Come on, I won?t show you your rooms again!? His shoes tapped against the floor making an even click, which was soon followed by many uneven taps and squeaks. ?So, we each get different rooms?? Hikiri had caught up to Kharll. ?Yes, why did you think you wouldn?t?? Kharll looked down at her, he was at least a good five heads taller. ?Hm?? Oh? I just didn?t know that?s all.? Hikiri slowed down a bit, falling into line out with Khirby. ?Hey Khirb. Do you think you could forge another katana for me?? ?You never give up do you?? Khirby was tired and looked it. That was the first time she was ever really tired, usually she?s hyper. Hikiri make a quick smart reply. ?Nope.? She grinned madly. ?You are all so immature.? Theelios walked quickly to catch up. ?Hey!? Hikiri?s face want as red as a tomato. Kharll stopped. ?Shut up you three idiots. Hikiri here is your room.? He pointed to two large wooden doors, with gold handles. ?Go in, it should suit your taste, it?s spelled so if you don?t like something it will change to how you want it.? Hikiri opened the doors, ?Bye.? She waved at them as they continued their walk. ?My legs hurt!? Khirby wailed. ?Your room is next, so be quiet.? Kharll was officially pissed. Khirby knew when to shut up. ?Ok.? She walked a little faster to keep up. ?And here it is.? Kharll stopped walking and pointed to another set of doors. Khirby walked in, waving good-bye. ?Bye-ness.? Kairi called back to her. Khirby shook her head, and then vanished thru the doors, which slammed shut. ?Why me?? Kharll complained. ?Because, I said so!? Kairi laughed evilly. He growled. ?And how much longer till my room?? Theelios inquired. ?Just a little further.? He snapped. ?Alright, don?t yell.? Theelios crossed her arms. ?Here you go.? He signaled two doors. Which Theelios walked thru without saying a word, or making any movement. ?And my room is?? Kairi said breaking the moment?s silence. ?Just ahead.? Kharll rolled his eyes. ?Girls?? ?Hey! That?s not nice!? Kairi yelled at him. ?Here is your room.? He pointed to two very large doors with elegant silver handles. ?Ok, I?m going to sleep. ?Night.? Kairi opened the doors and walked in. The room was a large room covered in many shades of purple. Kairi was open mouthed, stunned, bewildered, astonished and amazed. ?W-wow, It?s just like my dream room.? She put down her stuff, smiled and skipped over to the canopy bed. ?I?m tired, screw meeting up with them later, I need sleep!? Kairi pushed the curtains open, then realized she was still wearing her school uniform. ?Nope can?t wear this.? She walked over to her luggage and sifted thru it. ?Aha!? she gasped as she pulled out light purple silky PJs, with dark purple swirls. She grinned then ran to the bathroom. After five minutes she came out, teeth brushed, hair combed, and ready for bed. ?So tired?.? She mumbled as she slowly walked over to the bed. She jumped in and fell asleep. Kairi?s sleep was fitful, she tossed and turned, worried about what comes next. *** The moon rose, the moon set. The stars faded, the sun rose. *** Kairi woke up later then she normally would. ?Smells like?? she sniffed the air. ?Gross!? She opened the room door and walked out, walking toward the kitchen only to find Kharll making pancakes. Suddenly the stove went on fire and Kharll started to yell. Khirby who is always the first up no matter what yelled back, ?You?re a demon, do something about it!? Kharll made no attempt to put out the fire so Khirby walked over to the wall and pulled out the fire extinguisher and sprayed it all over the stove. ?Stupid.? All the girls?s eyes widened and they gasped. ?Wow, Khirb, for once you?re the one calling someone else stupid.? ?Well, I may seem idiot outside of the kitchen, but I?m really good at cooking and kitchen safety.? She blushed, ?I?m not and idiot al the time.? ?Well you are most of the time.? Hikiri grinned, ?Anyway? when will you get a chance to make that katana for me?? ?Dunno?? Khirby said, walking back to her seat next to Hikiri. Theelios pulled over a chair next to her and motioned Kairi over ?Come on, let?s talk about? the project?? At first Kairi was lost, ?What project? ?? The wheels were turning but no one was home? well, actually they were, they just fell asleep on the job, just waking up by an abrupt alarm clock. ?Oh? that?? she sighed and joined them at the table. ?So? where shall we start for today? Or should we recover what we did last time?? Theelios nodded, ?Recover from last time, it took you a moment to even remember what it was.? Kairi blushed. ?Yes! So? We were talking about how to blast out the U.S. capital, causing (We hope) havoc enough to put Theelios into the spotlight, and up for President,? Hikiri recited, ?and also since her biological mother is royal family in England, she could easily weasel her way into power there too, then marry into French powers.? Hikiri took a big breath about to continue on, only to have Theelios interrupt. ?Ah, but I don?t want to marry. I want to simply become a power there.? Kairi shot her hand up, then put it back down ?Sorry, bad habit.? She blinked twice then cleared her throat. ?But then wouldn?t you become a target for terrorists? Well, I don?t want us to seem bad or anything, but bombing a place isn?t very nice, nor is it legal. I just really REALLY don?t want to start another world war.? They shuddered, they knew world war IV was coming. ?Kairi, you had started world war III because your jet that you made flew over D.C. and since it was a way advanced fighter jet, with Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic writing on the sides of it stating ?The Glory of Red.? The president freaked and started bombing those countries.? Theelios murmured. ?Idiots.? They all sighed. ?The thing wasn?t even armed! I mean. Hello! It was remote control, unarmed, and had nothing that could be used to harm someone, well without harming itself, but it took so much time to hand pick the parts and put it together? Why would I destroy it!? Kairi fumed, ?Americans these days? Use your brains please! Thank goodness I?m German. I can?t be classified as an American; in fact, many blame us Germans for that other world war. It was HITLER! HITLER! Not us!? Kairi?s fists were clenched. ?But you don?t even know if you?re German or not, my family found you in Germany, so they said you were German. I?m pure English, 100% No less!? Hikiri jumped out of her seat and stood on the table, a grin from ear to ear. ?An? no one can deny it!? ?But you don?t speak like an English person? You sound more American then the rest of us.? Theelios pointed out as she got up to pour herself some orange juice. ?Don?t remind me.? Hikiri glared at the head behind the orange container. ?The scary thing is, is that you are the American one, yet you sound so? not American.? She plopped back down in her chair, ?And WHY IN HELL IS EVERYONE SO QUIET!!! It?s not normal?? ?Lack of caffeine, and sugar!? Kairi cheered and jumped out of the chair. ?Wanna go get some? Come on!!!? She yanked Hikiri out of the chair and out of the room singing something about? llamas, sugar, cows, purple, and chocolate chickens. ?Owies! Don?t yank my arm? It hurts now!? Hikiri wailed.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=DarkOrange]I know, I saw 60minutes. But that's horrid! They're human too! How could people do that? I mean [U][B][I]Hello![/I][/B][/U] put yourself in their minds, hear what they think and feel, then transfer it to yourself. Get it? It's like, 'Oh look some prisoners from Irac, let's torture them!' Now let's alter that... *blip* It's like, 'Oh look some Americans, let's torture them!' Jeeze, that's discrimination! Both ways! Just because someone is different, or they are prisoners, doesn't mean you can take matters into your own hands and *coughs* make them do that stuff, it's not right, only if the law said so, and even then it's not right![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=DarkOrange]Crackers... *steals* Anyway, I am very anti-social, I have a few really good friends, but other then that I have many pen pals. I used to be the most popular girl in schoo (Grade K-early Grade 4), then I became 'great' friends with a backstabber, she found my secrets, and told the people who hated me enough already, in 3 days, I had only one friend, (we still talk, but we aren't on the 'friend' level) then as soon as I made more friends she dropped me. Now I'm stuck with those who I met at that time (with about 6 additions, in a 3-4 year time period!)[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=DarkOrange]Ever heard of them? When I was little I would go over to my best friend's house (we now hate each other though) we would spend hours on end watching those shows. I LOVE Ghostbusters more then anything, except Beetlejuice, now that was the best TV show I've EVER seen. Lydia is soo cool. (OMFG! I remebered her name!) Well, anyway I havn't seen those shows in like FOREVER, but I wanted to know if anyone liked those shows, and tell me if you know where I can buy them. ^^;; I'm not kidding. I really want to see those shows ((agian)).[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=DarkOrange]*Laughs at Skye discomfort* Well, I've been discriminated, but I've never discriminated anyone. And you know how some people call people who aren't white, african americans and what not? If they were born in america THEY ARE AMERICAN not African American. Jeeze, when I'm called German/Russian/Japanese/British/Danish because my ansestors are from there, it pisses me off. >.
Sign Up The Dreamer(Rated R for sexual content, violence, language, ext.)
Ryu_Sakura replied to Skye's topic in Theater
[quote name='callmegoddess04][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=2][COLOR=Orange]Veeery nice! Thnx, Arylle! I like Charisma! Hey, Arylle, Joey and Kaitlen are buds, right? Anywhoos... ::chases after those who didn't sign up with ehr folding chair::[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Fixedsys] Yep, okies. :) *pulls out -FAKE- 3* NO! Ryo and dee are making out agian! Dee's mine! T_T Back to the point, okay, Joey and Kaitlen can be friends. (One's better then none.)[/FONT][/COLOR] -
Sign Up The Dreamer(Rated R for sexual content, violence, language, ext.)
Ryu_Sakura replied to Skye's topic in Theater
[FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=DarkOrange]*Fears the folding chair* Name: Joanne (Joey) Laytner (Yes, I?ve read too much -FAKE-.) Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Joey is a tall and pale, medium build 11th grader. She usually wears black baggy pants and a baggy black top, usually saying something rude, like ?I?d love to have a battle of wits with you, but you seem unarmed?, though is known for wearing Japanese school uniforms for no reason. Her dark brown hair is usually down, brushing the top of her shoulders, her eyes are dark brown and very deep. Personality: Joey?s personality depends on who she?s with, she can be outgoing and funny around her friends, or completely anti-social around people she doesn?t like. If she?s alone, then she has a poker face (you know what I mean right?) Short Bio: When Joey was very little, she was abandoned in an orphanage, she lived her life there until she got a scholarship to go to a really good high school across the country, she took that chance and went there. Now she has a bunch of friends, but she the weirdest. Other: Joey?s Bi, but she has a thing for cute gay/bi guys, straight people creep her out. Also, she doesn?t believe in gods, or anything in religion. Joey also has one thing that makes her different from every one else she can use telekinesis.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=DarkOrange]?I know, but unfortunately, every time me and ?Joey? are reborn, well in a sense, anyway, we?re one soul? but how do I explain it? Um?? Wind paused. ?Well in plain English, we are two pieces of one soul, I only take control when immense anger or whatnot is the only thing driving Joey?s mind, she?s not very sensible when she?s pissed, no wonder when I was asleep she killed a few students.? Every one looked at Wind confused. OOC: Sorry, I don?t have very much time. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
1.) Have you ever cheated in anyway on a test or paper? Nope. Plain and simple, i don't need to. 2.)Do you think that a person would cheat if he or she thought they could get a away with it? Duh, humans are greedy selfish stupid morons! What do you think? NOTE: I am not human, the little green men told me so. :P (Sorry, too much cafffine daos that to me.) 3.)What do you think is more important in the long run: your GPA or your integrity? Hm... coffee? Well really.... my integrity. Why should I cheat and whatnot? It'll just make me fail stuff in the future. On a side note, I only get bad grades becasue I ignore the teachers, if I actually pay attention I talk back, and I don't do homework. I ace tests, projects, and any thing involving Technology class (That's the only class I do homework for!).
What tricks do you use to fake being sick?
Ryu_Sakura replied to 50 cent's topic in General Discussion
What do I do to get out of school? Simple. 1. Say the night before, "I think I'm gonna puke." and make fake puke using oatmeal, and a few ingreadians I won't tell. :P My secret! 2. Get up in the morning and say, "I've got cramps." (This only works if you're a girl and it's the time of the month.) It's belivable for me because, when I get cramps I will drop my school books and fall over in pain. 3. Whack myself with somthing heavy, usually a chair, make it look like and accident. 4. "Get a head-ache." and complain until the parent/house-keeper gives up. 5. Wake up late and refuse to leave bed. 6. Make a big scene about getting up, chuck anything around you at whoever disturbed you, then cry and scream until they leave you alone. 7. Get up, act as if in pain the entire time, then right before you leave complain that you have a _______ (insert somthing there) then say, "I really am sick? Why don't you ever belive me? I HATE YOU!" Then hide in your room until they can't wait any longer to bring you to the bus/school. Usually they'll give up. Mwahahah, I've been working on perfecting my acts since grade 1. I'm no n00be at getting out of school, if I am at school I just ask the nurse to go home, then she'll say why, aqnd I go, I've got a head-ache or somthing. :P Can't beat me, I've missed about 28 school days not being sick, and 10 being sick, 20 because my dad died, and 1 for mental health. -
Ok, I was talking to Doll the other day, and we both agreed no more puppet mages, only I may be one (well you can make up your own, just explain them) All who have chosen to be a puppet mage must change it, I don't have the time to pm anyone. I now have limited time on the web, so what time I have I don't want to spend on pming people who don't read posts after they sign-up. If the person, or persons do not fix it, they will not be in it. Ask Doll, we both agree about that. (Or at least that's the way it came through to me.)
[COLOR=Navy]Wind sniffed the air, ?Blood? Hunter?s direction? Oh, crap.? She picked up the last egg and smashed it on the mailbox. ?Idiots, those moronic ghosts better not be there.? She quickly walked to his house, and burst open the door to see Hunter lying on the floor, thankfully not dead, but close to it. For a second the old Joey?s thoughts broke through, ?WTF!?!? Hunter what the hell? Did you kill yourself because of me?? Wind smacked herself, ?Joey is gone, and I remain.? She shook herself. ?Damnit, Hunter you stupid mortal!? She picked him up and carried him out the door, leaving a trail of blood. ?Hunter you better pray that you wake up.? Wind said sourly.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]A few days had past since Joey stormed out. But Joey, was no longer Joey, I guess you could say, she was, but very different. Her hair was no longer blond, nor her eyes purple. Her eyes turned ruby, and her hair jet black. Though, that didn?t match her new powers, they were of water and wind magic, dark cerulean in color. Her personality changed tremendously. She no longer cared for video games and such petty nonsense. Her main obsession was toying with minds. Quickly she made friends with a dark wizard, but she cared little for that friendship, as she only wanted a few things in return for her alliance with him. Joey asked for her new features, and new clothes, along with a new name, ?Wind Pirate?. Her eyes red as they were stood out on her still pale face and tight black shirt. Her pants pretty much were the same, only covered in chains, not just one on her right hip. Her old sneakers were replaced by new shiny black boots, still using chains for laces. ?Dork, WTF? Why in hell did you go and change my room around!?!?? Wind yelled out the door. No response, ?Whatever.? Wind flicked her hand and the room rearranged. ?I?m going to the surface, can I take a few mind-less drones of yours? I wanna go torment those annoying little twerps. Okies?? She didn?t wait for a reply, because there never was one. Her boots tapped the floor, making small clicks on the ground, other then that dead silence. She started to hum, and then came to a door, in the rotten old mansion and kicked it open. ?Hm? Flamer, Icy, and Shokc, come with me.? She glared at the ectoplasm figures before her. ?Now.? They followed her as she walked up a spiraled staircase, until they reached the surface. It was night, the night before Halloween, Mischief Night. ?Ooh! Goodie.? Wind and her party strolled to Hunter?s house, which was oddly nearby (It always was that close, but the stairs weren?t, which just tells you who changed them). ?I?ll be back for you later.? Wind said blowing a kiss at the silhouette in the only illuminated window in the house, which she knew to be Hunter. She grinned then took her ghost friends further down the street, then she entered a side road, as she walked the ghosts behind her drifted off. ?Where do you think you?re going?? She said, though she knew very well, they were going to Kris?s house. Driven by her emotions. They pleaded at her with large ghostly eyes ?Alright, go, I have some egging and such to do.?[/COLOR] OOC: Mwahahahahahahaha EVIL!!!!! Sorry, I'm just a little cookoo, and some of you may already know, but my newest nickname is Pirate Neko. So that's where Wind Pirate comes from.
[COLOR=Purple]Joey shrugged, she never liked boys much anyway, mostly idiots. Hunter was nice and all, but he had Kris? Why would he need an annoying third wheel? Not her problem she decided. ?Hunter? I like you too, it?s just?? She shook her head, and walked off? Again alone? Like before? ?A boy I like, and once again he?s swamped by another girl.? Joey?s anger raced, at that little rat, who stole her first love, and now the one who stole her last. For the second time in her life, her eyes turned steely, icy, yet burning hot. ?I may not be the prettiest girl, I may not be the best, but to hell with thee!? she stormed out, her fists clenched, nails digging into her flesh, but she had an unexpected grin on her face-no a smirk. She was going to make sure that Kris could be with Hunter, but only after she had her fun. Joey?s already dark purple eyes darkened. Her blond hair and pale skin looked white against them. Her black chain-laced sneakers smacked the ground as she ran to the graveyard.[/COLOR] OOC: Bwahahahaha Evil-ness rox my sox. Joey was boring me, always being nice, after all, if you look back on the sign-up, she was pretty violent.
Name: Thyme (Pronounced Time) Nickname (Or name most know her as: Sage) Age: Personality: Appearance: Ok, I?m going to sign up, just a few q?s. What time period is it? Is ?Doll? a vampire? And can we be puppet mages? Puppet mages live forever too, only they don?t have fangs, but always seem to have a ghostly glow about them, like a specter or ghost, and often look like (excuse the wording,) dolls, or puppets. The reason why they are mages is because they can make things move (telekinesis) but they prefer the use of invisible threads, making the victim a puppet. I also think you should add more to the sign-up, give it more substance, and less confusion. (suggestions to add) Race (vampire human, puppet mage or W/E) Gender magic/weapons and whatnot. You don't have to follow my suggestions, yes [U][B]SUGGESTIONS[/B][/U], but I think this RPG has a great idea, and don't want the mods to flush it. [COLOR=Red]EDIT: Teh new sign-up Name: Thyme (Pronounced Time) Nickname (Or name most know her as: Sage) Age: (looks about 13) Gender: Female Race: Puppet Mage (Human) Personality: She?s like a puppet, she changes how she feels to suit her, (It takes a lot of self control) Appearance: (Attachment) Magic/weapons: A Shadow Katana, and a dagger. (And telekinesis if you count that) Special Powers: Telekinesis and other mind powers. Weaknesses: Mind blocks and going into idiot?s minds. [/COLOR]
Name: Mae Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Mae is a little above average height, but thin. She is very pale, her eyes are light purple, hair a light gold and she despises bright lights. Her usual attire consists of black boots with chains for laces, black pants and a tight black shirt. Alliance: Faction Race: Human Weapon: A flute, and a dagger. Element: Time Reason to join: She joined because she couldn?t stand those mud-brained idiots of demons. Bio: Mae was the usual human, nothing special, only when she turned 13 she developed a taste for blood (preferably demon) and she also came down with a case of amnesia. She lost everything, all her memories, and her life. In her hysteria she gained an ability (from the insanity, not from anything else so it is very unstable and hard to control), telekinesis. I edited!!!
Hm... I don't remember, but the first animes I actually saw and liked were: OutlawStar, Trigun, Gundam Wing, and .hack//sign. Yes, I saw them all on Cartoon Network, and I still like all of them today! lol I'm a die hard OutlawStar and Trigun fan, and Gundam wing, but last time I got to watch it was about a year ago... Anyway... I think I was 5 when I saw my first anime... I think it was... Something... but it was in japaese and my brother's friend was translating it into french (that was all I spoke at the time!) I don't remeber linking it, too girly I think... (And the scary thing is, is that now I like shojo,^^;;) At the time I was into Power Rangers: Mighty Morphin'. 0.o I still like that show thank you, Amy is the best! Pink Ranger 4ever! lolz ~Sakura
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Demon-Lord Kaze Katana The Fifth, but prefers Demon-Lord Yami Kasumi The Fifth. (Nickname: Kiddy) Age: 13 (Human years) Element: Wind Appearance: Like: (URL: [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=kohimeohse&image=30[/url] ) Only pale, her hair is longer and silver-purple, her eyes an endless, deep purple. Bio: She could have been spoiled rotten as a kid, she was an heir to a throne, but she left when she was 7, to try to find the place of the gods, and take the power from them, when she did find a way at age 8, she failed. She had gotten too close to a temple, and the tried to get rid of her. Because she at the time was young, and ignored her teachers too much, she panicked and ran back home. She was yelled at for it, but they were also happy, because she lost some of her rude attitude, that would have gotten the land killed if not for the fact she could freeze time and kill the enemy first, by using a simple method, of grabbing the family sword, and stabbing the frozen bodies. When she turned 12 she killed her father because he angered her too much, and she thought being the only possible heir, she shouldn?t be treated as such. At 13, she was finally given the title Demon-Lord. So, she kicked her family out, and her other teachers, leaving only Theelios, her servant and magic teacher. Servant: Theelios, Kiddy nicknamed him ?Holy Demon? because he was raised by a temple.[/COLOR]