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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. [quote name='Obsidian_Rose']Thank you for your efforts. May I ask one more question? How do I put it in my signiture?[/quote] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18824[/*IMG] Copy and past that into your siggy (Without the * in it), I figured, since I couldn't make a good banner for you, I'd help you with the code.
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Joey got up and moved to Kris, ?Kris, I?m sorry, but you can?t do it, no offence, but you seem slightly weak, you can have Hunter, I just don?t want to see you get hurt, I can take much more then most.? Joey?s voice quivered, she did like Hunter very much, but to see Kris so? she paused when Kris?s still slightly frightening look gazed upon her, ?And, you may not have noticed, but the ghosts attack you more, meaning you have a thinner wall between the spirits-? Hunter was astonished. ?Which mean it?ll be easier for me to do it.? Kris said. Joey sighed, ?No, it means that before you finish the ritual, the ghost could pull your soul right out, or push it around, either way the ritual won?t be finished, and well, you?ll die. I can?t let Hunter go through that trauma.? She picked up Hunter and Kris?s hands, ?I know what you two are thinking.? She dropped their hands and walked out, pausing at the door and whispering, ?Hunter, Kris, trust me? please, I'm not an idiot.? At that she left, holding back a few tears.[/COLOR]
  3. Sign-up Name: Fuji-Iro Age: 15 Race: 1/2 Elf 1/2 Winged One Class: Magic User/Thief (is that OK?) Weapons: 10 mini Shurikons, and 3 normal/large shurikons, and a clear crystal orb, that changes colr when use for different things. Appearence: (URL: [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=kohimeohse&image=3[/url] ) Bio/Personality: I'll edit in a moment, my computers acting weird, must restart.
  4. *Nods* I like. Ok, Ihink I'm going to sound annoying, but here's a general tip, if the text doesn't show up well in one font, bold it. Try that on the one you just made, It will probaly be 100% more effective to see, and it'll be like (I'm) yelling. Get it? Other then that, bravo, I think you are using MSpaint, or a program you have no clue how to use. And yes, for all those people who wish to have their name graced in my siggy, I'm still accepting. lol * I have decided to use my own flower avi, but banners and avi's are still welcome.
  5. Banner- Add a border and make the text... un-blue, some other color is it's not a problem. Avi- Coolnes.. PURPLE!!! Sorry, I'm a tad crazy. But I like. *nods* It's good to see a few fans of the traditonal square avi. I'm still accepting submisions, you know me, I live to MiX IT uP! lol
  6. Boredum, what else? Well, me and my bestist friends all have this thing we do because I know this is childish, but we roleplay off the computer, I'm the only one who usually doesn't change into some bizzare outfit. Anyway, I became obsessed with the name Sakura, and my nickname (given to be by a member who hasn'rt posted since she signed up, who is also my friend) called my Ryu a few times, no clue why though, so eventually it went from Lfy of the Dragons, to Hotaru, to Ryu Sakura, and now my nickname to my friends is Moose, or Fuji-Iro Moose.
  7. [quote name='White Akita']So, you don't get replies do you? neither do I. This one is good too! like I said before your damn good and should keep writing. there is a lot of thought. how much time do you put into these? I only ask because i'm envious![/quote] On average.. about ten minutes, but the really good ones like the ones I've posted, only come once every few weeks. Here's a short one [FONT=Times New Roman][I][B]Your's[/B] Dreamin' of another day... When you and I, Can be together, [INDENT] [/INDENT][INDENT]Forever.[/INDENT] Wishing that you could stay, Dreamin' of the other day, Where we sat around, Being lazy as hell, The only sound, The clock tower's bell, Swaying in the wind.[/I][/FONT] Hope you like, and sorry for not updating, I was away on vacation.
  8. OMG! Ryu Sakura is going soft!!! AH!!!! >_> Nope, I'm just in the mood for some flowers, preferably tinted a dark color or somthing. I really am not picky. Oh, and you may have noticed I'm back. Well, I'm here to stay, no more vacations, only sleepaway camp during the summer. Back to the point, I want a weird banner and matching avi, I don't care about the size or the color either. Please include the quote "Me? Going soft? TO HELL WITH THEE!"
  9. [COLOR=Blue]Joey fell over, ?AH!!!! I?m being ambushed by pillows! Ah!!!? She fell over laughing. ?Jeeze, Jiae you really need to calm down in the morning, most of us aren?t awake yet.? She motioned to Rodney, giggling. ?Well sorry for being enthusiastic about getting people up.? Jiae started laughing while grabbing the nearest pillow and tossing it at the door, a moment later and it would have completely missed Rodney. The pillow burst sending feathers all over him. With that Joey and Jiae fell over laughing and snickering. Rodney scowled and wiped the feathers off his head. ?Yay, feathers? I?m overjoyed.? The sarcasm was so thick you could cut it with a knife? if it was solid. Joey got up and shook herself, her short blue hair swaying. ?Do we have any coffee left??[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: I added how she looks in the sign-up. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy]OOC: [quote name='bogger3k']OCC: Don't hate me for this.[/quote] I don't.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue] *** Joey?s face turned red as he moved back to where he was before. ?What? Well, I knew he was a flirt? but? So confused?? She got up, ?Um? Hunter, I think I should go and get the books I put on hold in the library, they might help.? She pulled out a few scrolls and muttered ?and I?ll set these ?Spirit Wards? so the ghosts can get very close.? She turned and walked out, hearing and felling Hunter?s astonishment behind her. Only one thing he said actually escaped his lips that were loud enough to hear, ?I?m sorry.? As she got outside and started walking to the library the guilt of leaving him there made the fact that he kissed her seem only more real.[/COLOR] *** [COLOR=Navy]OOC: Sorry for not posting in a while, I had to go to three Seders, and help my mom fix ours. And sorry for the short-ness, I?m going to a Seder tonight too.[/COLOR]
  11. You should read the actual Puss in Boots book, it's well, there's really no princess involved, except for the one the peasnt boy falls in love with... or a dead (haha) sexy evil person... Puss helps people... Like, he goes and gets fish to sell for the peasnt so he can buy clothes.... But write another chapter, I want to see what happens with the sexy babies. lol
  12. *Falls over laughing and pounds the floor till there is a dent in the wood* Um.. oops.. Anyway... THAT'S GOT TO BE ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS I'VE EVER READ! Ehem except for my stories! *evil laughter* But your's I gotta admit is funny, and the scary thing is is that I've read 'Puss In Boots' but it's very differnt from that... anyway... I COMMAND YOU TO MAKE A SECOND CHAPTER! *clears throat* Ehem *bursts out laughing and falls on the floor agian*
  13. Spiders... water and plastic made to look like glass. Don't ask, when they are all put together they look really creepy. And I'm really scasred of nothing else, my family hates me, so why the hell should I care or be scared of losing them? EDIT: And I'm afriad of small places too, can't stand cars and small air planes, or elevators... they freck me out.
  14. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DeepPink]Grrr... No one ever reads my writings, so I've decided to bother you all with somthig really long so at least you'll have an excuse not to reply, you lazy [blip]s. Also, if you have no clue who Eclipse and Reanef are, they are from Demon Diary, but reading it is not nessicary to understand this, I may remove any referals to that if I get a good idea for charactor names and such. Kairi giggled and poked Hikiri, ?Are you sure?? Hikiri snapped poking Kairi back, ?Of course!? ?Well, we don?t know if it will work?? Theelios mused, she got up and walked over to the desk. ?Am I not a genius?? Kairi smirked and crossed her arms, looking quite smug. ?Depends on what type.? Hikiri burst out laughing. Kairi?s cheeks turned red. Theelios glared, ?That?s not nice.? Theelios whacked Hikiri in the head with the roll of newspaper she was holding. Hikiri flinched, ?Ow! What?s in that? Lead?? Hikiri clutched her head. Theelios slid a metal bar out of the roll. ?Knew this was going to come in handy.? She smiled. ?Why you!? Hikiri drew her katana, lashing out at Theelios. Khirby held Hikiri back. ?Err? not now.? She tried to look innocent. ?Ok.? Hikiri chirped and sheathed her katana. She smiled a bight and cheery smile so big no one would or could notice the fire in her eyes. ?Yeah? Ok?? Kairi looked uncertain of her friend?s sudden cheeriness, but no one else seemed concerned so why should she? She calmed down, but at the same moment Hikiri drew her katana and started to whack Kairi with it, but it broke on her head. There was quiet. ?Uh? might I ask what happened?? Kairi?s eyes were shut and she had a smile, a confused smile but a smile. ?You got me whacked in the head? Now you break my katana?? Hikiri had rage all over her face. ?First, I whacked you of my own will second, no one not even she knows her past, so? she could possibly have a meta-? she was cut off by a gust of wind coming from the windows. They looked over. A man floated thru the window and stopped the wind by pulling it into his hand. ?My lord, you must come with me now.? All four of the girls had confused looks until Theelios spoke, ?Um? I think you need glasses or something, they?re aren?t any guys here.? The man blinked, ?But I was just summoned here by the gods to take my new lord to his palace. They said a sword just broke on his head and someone was trying to kill him.? Kairi stood up. ?I?m no guy but a katana just broke on my head, and someone was trying to kill me.? She then added in a soft voice, ?Not that it?s important, I am a useless girl.? She rolled her eyes. The man laughed, ?Ha, but you?re a girl, you can?t be my new lord.? ?Well, excuse me mister pretty boy.? Kairi snapped back. He was obviously stunned; he was finally taking notice to the power surrounding him. His mouth was agape. ?But you can?t you have the power but?? he shook his head. ?No, the gods are teasing me. I may be the 5th strongest demon in the world, and Eclipse?s little brother, but that doesn?t give them an excuse to tease me!? he turned around. ?Wait did you say Eclipse?? Kairi asked, the anger rushing out of her. ?Yes, stupid mortal. He is my older brother, and 4th strongest demon in the world.? He smirked. Kairi closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ?Take me with you.? Instead of her normal clueless expression her face was set in stone with pure determination. ?No, you have no right to come with me, the great Kharll.? Kharll crackled. ?But?? her hands were trembling. ?But I need to know about my past.? A tear dripped down her cheek. ?Uh? Well, What are your names? If I?m going to be nice and ask the gods I think I should at least know that.? Kairi wiped her tears. ?Kairi.? ?Theelios, the political genius.? Theelios proudly exclaimed. ?I?m Hikiri and that?s Khirby.? Hikiri pointed to herself and then Khirby. ?Hm? What interesting names?? Kharll mumbled. ?Well, I?ll be back in a moment.? In a flash of light and smoke he was gone. Moments later he was back with a bump on his head. ?Ow?? ?What happened?? Kairi inquired. ?Err? Kairi, I mean? My Lady.? Kharll Kairi?s eyes opened wide, her cheeks pink, her mouth open in astonishment. ?W-what?? ?You?re the demon lor--Err?lady.? Kharll obviously hated the way it sounded. ?I was instructed to bring all of you to her home, the castle of the late, Lord Rikkuu.? Theelios heard this and gasped. ?You mean Lord Rikkuu One of The Greatest Demon Lords to ever live?? ?Yes.? His response was solemn and mournful in tone. Theelios chirped ?Wow! What a great honor, but how can our Kairi be the next Rikkuu? She is a girl, and her name isn?t even Rikkuu. Demon Lord powers are passed thru names.? ?The gods wonder too. But for some reason she has the power to be the next Rikkuu. Despite different names and bloodlines.? Kharll answered. ?I?m only doing what I?ve been told.? ?But why are we coming?? Hikiri mused. ?Why would I know?!?!? He yelled his patience was going thin. ?Because you are the demon.? Khirby replied. ?Well, she is too!? He pointed at Kairi. ?She has the power to prove it.? ?Well, let?s go. I mean we have no one here that cares about us anyway. I just need to pack?? She paused. ?So would you leave us alone for a while? Otherwise you?ll be bombarded with clothes and stuff.? Kairi pointed at the door. ?Now.? ?Yes, my lady.? As he walked out his cape billowed out behind him like there was a strong wind. After he exited they slammed the door, and burst into talk. ?Let?s bring all we can. That way, we won?t get mad at ourselves if we forget.? Khirby yelled above the slamming of doors and drawers. ??K? everyone responded and continued on their packing. After about an hour they were done, the room bare, everything that can be carried packed. They opened the door and saw Kharll sitting on the floor. ?Ok, we?re ready.? Hikiri smiled, her voice cheerful. He got up and looked at everything they were bringing. ?What in hell do you think you are bringing? I?m not a chauffeur.? He fumed. ?We know.? Theelios replied flatly. ?We just don?t want to end up forgetting something important.? She paused then added very quietly, ?Like our project.? ?Come on then.? He pulled his hand out of his cloak and cast a spell to open a tesseract. ?Just jump in.? Theelios jumped, Hikiri jumped, Khirby jumped, and then Kairi jumped. Kharll followed shaking his head. ?Girls, what weirdos.? Then he heard thru the tesseract, ?Thank you!? He walked thru and he appeared in a huge hall, the girls we looking around in astonishment. The first to speak was Hikiri, ?When?s dinner? I?m hungry.? ?Later, now I have to show you to your rooms.? He snapped his fingers and another man dressed in a black robe, wearing a black cloak over it, entered from a side room. He seemed fairly young, possibly in what humans would think to be 21. He smiled; ?Yes?? then he noticed there were only two men in this room, Kharll and himself. ?Where is his majesty?? ?You mean, her ladyship.? He snapped at him. And pushed Kairi forward. ?This is her ladyship.? He paused ?And he is your teacher, Hellion. Alright Hikiri?? ?Who?s my teacher?? Khirby murmured. ?Your teacher is Theelios. I hope that?s ok Theelios. But you are far above genius, and we have no other teachers.? ?Oh, it?s ok. I don?t mind.? She smiled and walked over to Khirby, at the same time Hikiri was waking over to Hellion to talk, just so she won?t feel awkward first lesson. ?Then who is my teacher?? Kairi asks Kharll. ?Eclipse, and you will have a fellow student Raenef. But I have to warn you Raenef is an amateur. But you are not, being as before I even met you, you were using your powers in never before used ways.? Kharll walked off. ?Come on, I won?t show you your rooms again!? His shoes tapped against the floor making an even click, which was soon followed by many uneven taps and squeaks. ?So, we each get different rooms?? Hikiri had caught up to Kharll. ?Yes, why did you think you wouldn?t?? Kharll looked down at her, he was at least a good five heads taller. ?Hm?? Oh? I just didn?t know that?s all.? Hikiri slowed down a bit, falling into line out with Khirby. ?Hey Khirb. Do you think you could forge another katana for me?? ?You never give up do you?? Khirby was tired and looked it. That was the first time she was ever really tired, usually she?s hyper. Hikiri make a quick smart reply. ?Nope.? She grinned madly. ?You are all so immature.? Theelios walked quickly to catch up. ?Hey!? Hikiri?s face want as red as a tomato. Kharll stopped. ?Shut up you three idiots. Hikiri here is your room.? He pointed to two large wooden doors, with gold handles. ?Go in, it should suit your taste, it?s spelled so if you don?t like something it will change to how you want it.? Hikiri opened the doors, ?Bye.? She waved at them as they continued their walk. ?My legs hurt!? Khirby wailed. ?Your room is next, so be quiet.? Kharll was officially pissed. Khirby knew when to shut up. ?Ok.? She walked a little faster to keep up. ?And here it is.? Kharll stopped walking and pointed to another set of doors. Khirby walked in, waving good-bye. ?Bye-ness.? Kairi called back to her. Khirby shook her head, and then vanished thru the doors, which slammed shut. ?Why me?? Kharll complained. ?Because, I said so!? Kairi laughed evilly. He growled. ?And how much longer till my room?? Theelios inquired. ?Just a little further.? He snapped. ?Alright, don?t yell.? Theelios crossed her arms. ?Here you go.? He signaled two doors. Which Theelios walked thru without saying a word, or making any movement. ?And my room is?? Kairi said breaking the moment?s silence. ?Just ahead.? Kharll rolled his eyes. ?Girls?? ?Hey! That?s not nice!? Kairi yelled at him. ?Here is your room.? He pointed to two very large doors with elegant silver handles. ?Ok, I?m going to sleep. ?Night.? Kairi opens the doors and walks in. It is a large room covered in many shades of purple. Kairi is open mouthed, stunned, bewildered, astonished and amazed. ?W-wow, It?s just like my dream room.? She put down her stuff, smiles and skips over to the canopy bed. ?I?m tired, screw meeting up with them later, I need sleep!? Kairi pushes the curtains open, realizes she is still wearing her school uniform. ?Nope can?t wear this.? She walks over to her luggage and sifts thru it. ?Aha!? she gasps as she pulls out light purple silky PJs, with dark purple swirls. She grins then runs to the bathroom. After five minutes she comes out, teeth brushed, hair combed, and ready for bed. ?So tired?.? She mumbles as she slowly walks over to the bed. She jumps in and falls asleep. Kairi?s sleep is fitful, she tosses and turns, worried about what comes next. The moon rises, the moon sets. The stars fade, the sun rises. Kairi woke up later then she normally would. ?Smells like?? she sniffs the air. ?Gross!? She opens the room door and walks out, walking toward the kitchen only to find Kharll making pancakes. Suddenly the stove goes on fire and Kharll starts to yell. Khirby who is always the first up no matter what yells back, ?You?re a demon, do something about it!? Kharll made no attempt to put out the fire so Khirby walks over to the wall and pulls out the fire extinguisher and sprays it all over the stove. ?Stupid.? All the girls?s eyes widened and they gasped. ?Wow, Khirb, for once you?re the one calling someone else stupid.? ?Well, I may seem idiot outside of the kitchen, but I?m really good at cooking and kitchen safety.? She blushed, ?I?m not and idiot al the time.? ?Well you are most of the time.? Hikiri grinned, ?Anyway? when will you get a chance to make that katana for me?? *** Anyway... Hope those of you how bothered to read it all, please tell me what you think, and I know the hall and gonig to their rooms part seems funny, that part is basicly releif from all the MAJOR weirdness, but what you've read so far is only a fragment of what's to come. .It's 7 pages long in a WORD doc, times new roman, size: 14, so I than you for reading it all the way through.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. I'm not sure if I have A.D.D. or not, but a few people think I do, the shrink I vist says it may be why I don't pay attention in class and don't do homework, but that's not true... I'm on the internet or reading a book! lol Sorry, had to say that. Anyway.. a few of my friends have mild cases of A.D.D. and a few have other stuff... Me... I'm the one who has everthing but a metal disorder. I have a skin condition that if not treated could lead to somthing not very pleasnt, my right eye drifts slighty to the outside, or inside if I'm not focusing and just staring into space not thinking about anything (it's probaly a muscle thing), not to mention that I'm missing a bone in my wrist, my average body tempature is below normal, and... I don't get cold or hot (kinda weird ain't it?) Anyway... From my knowlage I do not have a mental disorder, but am going to be tested for one.
  16. [FONT=Times New Roman][I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Thank you, some one replied!!!! *dances around in circles* Whenever I post somthing no one ever replies. Anyway.. I'm going to add a few poems. They are right below. [Title-Less] I woke up in the morning, A few days before, The snow melted, And the grass turned green, Only to find, a warm crystal scene. The snow may not have been gone, The birds not come back, The trees with only branches, no leaves, But I couldn?t pick it out just then, What made it so special, And then I saw my friend. She greeted me with a warm smile, Stronger then the sun, A soft hello, Gentler then a zephyr, But her eyes were the same, Only with a sense of renewal. I looked at myself and saw the same me, The one who has always been, A tall, smart girl left in the backdrop of another?s beauty, A friend?s loveliness, made myself pale in comparison, But yet? I was not jealous, or envious, Because I made others red with fury, Just for being her friend. But yet again, I did not know, What made the day so perfect, So utterly wonderful, Then it hit me, right in the nose! I was turning thirteen, A special day for all! A day when I could be, Changed and renewed, And emerge from my old self, As a new, older, better me, One who would make other?s, Be, red with envy. I was now a woman, Tall and smart, Ready to take on the world. Yes, I know it is all weird... I was bored and had almost 30 differnt things going into my head at once!!![/COLOR][/I][/FONT]
  17. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Joey blushed and waved good-bye to Hunter as she stepped inside her house. ?Joanne, where have you been?? she paused and stared at Joey?s slightly bloody clothes. ?What happened?? ??Um? I?? Joey?s mind was racing what could she tell her mom that she would believe? ?Um? oh yeah, in the art room I went to pick something up but a? um? scissor fell from the ceiling and struck me, I had to get stitches, don?t worry, it was the school art room, and the scissor was theirs, so the bill was covered.? ?Well are you alright?? ?Yeah I?m fine, I?m just going to go to sleep.? Joey mumbled as she slumped up the stairs and into her room. She changed and got into her bed.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DeepPink]Name: Joanne (aka Joey) Blackshadow (She made it up.) Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: (They are URLS) [URL=http://www.angelroms.com/anime/Anime%20Girls/General/General-00156.jpg]Neat Clothes[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelroms.com/anime/Anime%20Girls/General/General-00162.jpg]Night Gear[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelroms.com/anime/Anime%20Girls/General/General-00163.jpg]Normal Outfit[/URL] Personality: Gun fetish, and blood obsessed makes her a cold, and oddly happy child in a gang. She has a good poker face so know one really knows what she?s thinking. Joey speaks her mind, but stays calm. Willing to be killed: Eh? Don?t care. Bio: Joey, Blackshadow, Thief, Joanne, whatever you may know her as was normal, until she found out she was adopted, then her adopted mother left because Joey was unhappy, and she couldn?t take it. Her father beat her out of rage for his wife?s departure, and Joey took it, excuse the phrasing, like a man, she didn?t deny that she went a little crazy, or that it was her fault her adoptive mother left. Joey ran away because she started to go crazy again, and didn?t want to hurt anyone. She teamed up with a local gang and made them almost unstoppable. But after a few years and she turned 13, she decided, that the memories she had of her childhood didn?t belong to her, but to another girl, one in the past, so she used her powers on herself, so the memories would be pushed back, only available if she actually spent time to call them from her memory. Family: - Mom: Unknown - Dad: Unknown (Adopted father beat her, so she ran away.) - Siblings: Unknown Who: A girl in the gang and Jiae?s best friend. Weapons: A small black pistol and a silver dagger also her power of telepathy may be used as a weapon, but not often, usually for communication with Jiae.[/COLOR]
  19. [FONT=Times New Roman][I][B]A Locked Book In The Attic.[/B] Poems, and writings of a dreamer? [B]Notebook[/B] A place of hidden thoughts, Only known to me, A doodle here and there, Dreams and fantasies? A picture in my mind, Written on a wall, Soon to be replaced, And fading evermore. A dreamer like me, Would take her pen, And race it across the page, Writing what I thought and dreamed, Never to be erased. [B]Bookworm[/B] I sit in the corner, Because I read a book. The look and laugh, Because I read a book. Laughing and sneering, Because I read a book. I tell them to leave me alone, Because I have feelings too. The look they give me, Because I have feelings too. Stabs and hurts, Because I have feelings too. [B]Candlestick Wick[/B] A bit of rope hidden within, A waxy cylinder of gold, When lit a bright glow, Of yellow and the untold. [B]Background:[/B] I thought this up because most poems I have read were about something else, or someone else, not a journal/diary style, showing a bit of what the person sees, hears, smells, feels, tastes, wants, hates, loves. What do you think? Read and Review, please. Don't spam, and please keep it to criticism and comments please. *Notes, in [B]Bookworm[/B], it is read as in "I wil read a book," not "I have read a book."[/I][/FONT]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed]?Storm, can I help fix the jet?? Joey yelled from the stairs to the jet. ?No, you wouldn?t know how to work it.? Storm yelled back. ?Can I fix the wing? The tip?s shredded.? Joey started to walk inside the jet. ?Fine, just don?t make a mess.? Storm replied pushing the toolbox over. Joey grabbed some tools and headed back out. ?Okay.? She jumped onto the wing and pulled out a wire clipper. She cut a few dangling and fried wires. ?Uhg, what happened to this? Looks like something set it one fire? Or at least burned it.? She cut some of the spare wire and started to reconnect the wires. ?This is going to take forever.? She sighed as she looked at the entire wing. ?Huh, what?s this?? She picked up a stone. ?OUCH!? She yelled as she dropped it onto the ground. ?That?s burning hot!? She shook her hand and tried to stay calm. ?The frickin? hurt! Must stay calm and not fry it?? her eyebrows twitched and she started to glow. ?Must stay calm? Must stay calm? OH HELL WITH IT!? She used her powers to shatter it. ?I feel better.? She got back to her work, not aware of the eyes looking at her.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DeepPink]Joey sat down on the 'spin' chair next to Maria. "What did you find?" "Nothing much, only two sites." Maria opened up two windows on the computer. "Can I hack them? Often they have stuff hidden in files on sites like this, where you either need a URL, or a password." Joey lifted her left arm and winced. "Ow..." "You real shouldn't move your arm right now, you're not indestructible." Hunter sighed. You really should listen to a doctor.? ?I?m not listening to some idiot who spent his life sitting in front of a book, reading how to do things before they even knew what they were.? She fumed as she tried to lift it again. ?Ow? Fine I?ll stop.? ?Well, not that you won?t try to hurt yourself again, let?s get to work on this stuff.? Maria angled the computer screen to face every one.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DimGray][B]Name:[/B] Joanne (Joey) Evans [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Weapons:[/B] Two Shurikens, and a small silver dagger, with ?Joey? inscribed in the hilt. [B]Magic:[/B] -Not Applicable- [B]Appearance:[/B] Joey has short spiky platinum blond hair, and silver eyes. She is pale and her oversized blood red trench coat is always unbuttoned exposing a tight black tang top, and baggy black pants. The baggy pants have a silver chain holding her brother?s old dagger in her pocket, it falls out frequently, so to prevent from losing it she has a chain wrapped around the hilt. Her two shurikens, are hidden in an inside pocket of her coat. [B]Biography:[/B] During the raids she and her brother, the real Joey, tried to escape, but Joey was captured, leaving Joanne behind. Joanne took her brothers name in his memory, besides most called her that being they looked exactly alike, except she had long hair. Joey had grabbed the dagger he dropped as he was being dragged away. She swore she would get revenge, and cut her hair to look just like him. Then she ran, the capital was only an hour?s walk, she had to get there and when she did, she asked if she could be someone to go to stop the force. They accepted with reluctance.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Name: Joanne (Joey) Evans Age: 15 Code-Name: Azure Witch Mutant power/Mutation: Her powers are exactly like Wanda?s from X-men Evolution, only weaker and less controllable. Description: She is average height, and of slight build. Her hair is short, spiky and platinum blond, her eyes a silvery blue. When she?s going to school, and just casual she wears black baggy pants, and a baggy black shirt reading ?It?s Better to be hated for what you are, then loved for what you are not.? Or ?I?d love to have a battle of wits with you, but you seem unarmed.? When she transforms she puts on a black dress that goes down to her knees, and black boots, her hair simply falls out f it?s normal spikes and brushes her the top of her ears. Side: X-Men?s side. Biography: (Kind of like, Wanda?s in X-men Evolution) Her mother though she was psycho because she used to blow things up when she wasn?t near them, and then later claim that there was something there. Besides that she was always jumpy, constantly hearing things in here head, voices, and disaster sounds booming in her ears. After 10 years her mother gave up and sent her to a mental institution where after only two months she broke out, and was trying to find one of the voices, the one she thought could help. She arrived at The Xavier Institute only find out she was a mutant. At first she didn?t believe it, then Charles Xavier helped her through her problems, he had just started to help her control her powers when he was killed, Joey got scared and lost control of her powers completely, now when she?s scared, or angry, they lash out, and no can stop them. I'm writing the rest right now, well after I go finish some stuff, but I wanted to make sure I had a place, so I'm posting it, expect the rest by 2:00am (at the lastest) tomorrow. (EDIT: I finished posting it. Okies. :) )[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Joey stumbled into the room, her arm bleeding. "Damnit, damnit, damnit." she cursed. "What happened?" Hunter asked. ?The stupid ghost-thing got to me while I was coming over here. You happen to have some paper towels?? Joey winced. ?Are you sure you can stand it? Should we bring you to a hospital?? Hunter tried to keep her from falling over, as the others rushed to her. ?It?s not that bad... It?s just a cut? A very deep cut.? Joey replied trying to laugh. ?Move your hand now!? Hunter yelled at her as her pushed her hand away from the wound. ?Damn. Does on anyone have a cell phone? Get an ambulance.? ?NO! NO WAY AM I GOING INTO AN AMBULANCE! I DON?T CARE IF I?M CUT OR NOT, DAMNIT, I JUST WON?T! Get me a band-aid? well, a few.? Joey was acting overly calm; she had a high pain tolerance, but absolutely no tolerance for ambulances. They gave her headaches.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DeepPink]?Yeah, there was this little sphere floating around, knocking things over.? Joey replied. ?Did you get rid of it? Was anyone hurt?? Hunter inquired. Joey shook her head, ?No, I don?t think anyone but me saw it?? Hunter was relived, ?Good, then whoever or whatever is doing this isn?t strong enough yet.? ?I used a spell I had found.? She pulled out a scroll, ?This, I?m not exactly sure what it means? But it really got rid of that ghost like thing.? She put it back into her pocket. ?Well, I?m skipping second period want to come? Or do you have a test or something? ?Um?? Hunter was a little startled. ?No time to wait. Bye.? Joey ran off.[/COLOR]
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