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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. [QUOTE=MarkM]Well if your 'Back' then you should know the rules already.... But just in case you don't rember...then click Rules under 'General' in the toolbar. Welcome Back? -Mark[/QUOTE] *Bonks* Stop acting like a mod, 'cause you aren't one stupid. Silly Mark... Anyway.. Welcome back Annie, I havn't seen you around. I hope you get on alot more then you expect, I know many peoples here would like that.
  2. [COLOR=DeepPink]?Thanks.? Joey mumbled as he helped her up, most guys weren?t nice to girls like Joey, she as a tomboy, she like video games and track and computers, well that was an understatement, she LOVED technology such as computers. Most guys liked preppy girls, who were rich and like make-up and crap like that. Joey couldn?t stand that nasty substance! ?Well, I?ve got to go, I promised someone I?d go and fix their computer tonight, I need to get the supplies. But don?t worry! If I find anything out I?ll tell you.? She grinned and left. (Sorry about length? I just had a dance performance, and I?m kinda tired, not to mention that I had to read those pages, because I hadn?t been on lately?)[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DeepPink]Joey nodded, ?Yeah, obviously! I?ve been studying this school forever and was delighted when my parent?s told me I was going here!? She saved and turned off her game, stuffing it in her purse. ?Why do you?? She picked up a notebook out of her bag. ?I have some notes about it here if you want.? She held out the book and placed it on the table. ?It?s all I could get? Legally.? She had this malicious grin on her face. ?You mean you hacked into the school?s database about stuff like that?? Hunter gasped. ?No, much higher,? she paused and looked around, ?The government?s weird and dangerous but unproved cases list! They had so much about this school! But most of it was about last year?s slaughter of those two kids?? Her face turned red, ?Why did I tell him that?? ?You did it?!?!? He saw the red on her face. ?Well, I wouldn?t say that? I?d say a spell did it.? She opened up a page in the book with names of books and pages. She brushed her finger along it, looking for one, she found it, then got up and walked over to the librarian?s desk, ?Excuse me, but where would I find ?Spirit Spells?, and the-? a little child started to cry and scream, blocking off the rest of what she said. ?Be quiet!? the librarian yelled at the kid. ?Sure, over there for that book, and in the back room for the newspaper. Here are the keys, give them back when you?re done.? She handed her the keys. ?Thank you.? Joey walked over to Hunter and handed him the keys, ?Hold those for a moment, the book is really large, and heavy.? She pranced off to where the librarian was pointing and came back a few minutes later lugging a huge brown leather bound book with gold typewritten text on the cover entitling it ?Spirit Spells?. She put it on the floor. ?What? It?s too heavy!? She looked back at her notes and read what page, ?457, Ok.? She put her finger at a random page and opened it, eventually reaching 457. [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DeepPink]She wasn?t startled, but he was, seeing as the ?book? was a video game, inside a hollow book shell. ?Oh, so whatcha playin??? She looked at him and glared, obviously pissed for being disturbed, but relieved seeing as he wasn?t there to torment her. ?Oh, it?s a GameGirl, They remade a GameBoy, but more girl oriented.? ?I mean what?s the game?? he replied smoothly. ?I?m sorry, it?s Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, the girl version. Not of any interest to boys.? ?So, what?s your name anyway?? ?I?m Joey, I mean Joanne.? She turned a little red, then went back to her game. ?So some kids gave you a nickname that stuck huh?? ?Yeah, so now you know my name, and I think it?s only polite I know yours.? She looked up at him, pausing her game.[/COLOR]
  5. Great job, but now it looks kinda... off, move it to the center... or back dwon to the bottom... The text looks really funny there... I have to agree, your cropping skills need work... But so do mine, who am I to complain?
  6. On the megaman one, if you just took out the black and stuff around the text, It' would be really great. The other one needs a border...
  7. [QUOTE=Ruby][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Fuji-Iro Kaminari: Not much to say about this one. Other then very cute, you've done a very good job on the color theme and border. Because the bg really matches the character. Good choice of colors, light spot, and a nice size of the border. Only problem I can find id the character still has some white pixels around her. Over all, nicely done. ^^ Space Lain: I always love your Lain banners. Nice choice of image, nice dark colors and shades. I like the bg that you used, it fits the her personality. You've done a good job on having the shades of blue, black, purple all together. The space look goes well with the look in her eyes. I like the screen lines. Might work well if you put one of the lyrics as a quote. It kind of bugs me how the border seems to fade/go away. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=LightPurple] On the space lain one there was actually somthing there *cough*middlefinger*cough* but I didn't want to get banned, so I edited it out so I could put it on this site. The white pixles were left there on purpose, well, sorta, firsat I am too lazy to crop them out, and second, I actuallly think it makes her look like she's glowing a tiny bit...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DeepPink]Name- Pherret -> Pinkchu Age- 15 race-Hylian Genius Bio- Pherret was spunky, loud and way ahead of her time, while most are being awed by the invention of an automatic seed-shooter, she is building a contraption to stop dark forces from entering her home town of Kamianakia. Most called her crazy or insane, but little did they know she could have saved them, if only they had helped. Several months later she had the barrier up, only an hour too late, the monsters had struck and destroyed her village, taking all her life?s work with it. She mourned the loss of her work, friend (Her only one, Sasame) and her family. She gave up trying to help others, now she was left alone, her powers and mind useful for nothing, then she figured, ?I will help herself, and do what I want! I?m not a Pherret, I?m Pinkchu goddammit!? and left her past. Description- (URL: [url]http://www.anime-ghost.de/images/news-31_august_2002.gif[/url]) Battle weapon- Samurai Blade Any other weapons- Scrolls of Time[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=deepPink]Hello, it is I, Ryu Sakura on another rampage of banner and avi making. Ok, tonight I am putting up two banners that need a quote, or somthing... If you have an ideas, or plain suggestion for them please tell me! (Preferably here) [B]Fuji-Iro Kaminari (Translation Light Purple Thunder, Filename: kaminari banner lightpurple2):[/B] I love this one! It took me forever to get the putple background into just the right places, yes, it is the same image posted several times in multiple places. I really think it needs a quote... But I have no idea what to put! I'm at a mojor loss! [B]Space Lain (Filename: space lain1e2): [/B] Eh, I like it, but I think it's kinda funky, and blanc.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Green]Kaminari skipped on the path, ?Hey, Pinkchu, why am I doing this again?? [I]You?re a shaman, and the battle to be Shaman Master, is coming in a few months! You already know a few techniques but that won?t be enough.[/I] ?So, I?m going to Tokyo to meet up with your grandma, a shaman. Yeah, yeah! I know.? Kaminari grinned, she was hopping that she could skip some training on the old hag, and go buy some new clothes. [I]You better not be thinking what I think you?re thinking![/I] ?Hey, I?m not the plasma figure floating around! Don?t yell at me!? Kaminari and Pinkchu we linked by an event, Kaminari had killed Pink?s friend, Pinkchu getting killed a few months later. [I]Please, let?s focus on getting there, trust me, my grandma isn?t mean, and if you do your work, she?ll let you go shopping, probably even give you a few Yen to do so.[/I] ?Alright.? A few passerbies?s looked at Kaminari like she was crazy. ?Hey, haven?t you ever seen someone with a.? Pinkchu poked her. ?WTF?? [I]You can?t go around telling people that, they might send the asylum on you![/I] ?Like last time? Fine, I?ll shut up!? they continued their walk in peace, soon arriving at the edge of Tokyo. ?Yeah! We?re there!? She skipped along the road, going to the center of town. [I]After we reach town?s center, turn right, then left into an ally, you?ll see a sign that reads, ?Hideaway?. Go in there, and I?ll follow, she?ll sense me, and I?ll tell her all about it.[/I][/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='Kyokokeiji']here ya go one sesshomaru avatar[/quote] Umm... this was kinda old... but thanks, when I make a new Sesshy banner I'll use it. Thankies. :)
  12. [COLOR=DarkGreen]What pisses me off? Let's see... People who think they'll [B]never[/B] die, [B]never[/B] get hurt, [B]never[/B] lose, [B]never-ever [/B] get into a fight or lose a loved one. Idiots, why do they have to be permitted to walk the earth? They just polute the gene pool. Snobs, I just can't friggin' stand them! they go all like, "Well, excuse me." when they slammed into you and knock thier own books onto the floor and expect you to pick them up. And when they are in the lunch room and they cut you, and you ask them to move but they say, "Hm? Oh, that was [I]you[/I] talking, bu-bye." I just can't stand them! Anything bad-smelling, and loud noises, my ears and nose are sensitive! People who whine, and little kids, espicailly babies, they cry which is loud and they smell, and wake you up all the time. And, a Slow internet connection. YHes, indeed my whole life is on the web, most people hate me for one reason or another so to make any friends (But it's not like I try) you have to be all fake and stuff. and online, i'm connected to people who will like me for me, not a fake "me" that I can do. And pushy people, people who nag, people who cry at every little thing, emotional people, people who tell you stuff like, "Ewe you like that?" or "You're such a slob, gross!" Note, i'm not a slob, only slightly disorganized, organization is not my strong point. Thank you for listning to tonights rant.[/COLOR]
  13. *Glomps* Thanks to both of you! I'll use them both, seeing as not very many even know what Saiyuki is. I have no corrections or additions, they all look great!
  14. *glomps Keiji* Hiya! Name: Kitsune Hikari Age: 15 Height: 5?1? Weight: 94 lbs Appearance: (URL: [url]http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/schoolgirls/pretty%20school%20girl.JPG[/url]) Bio: Kitsune met Keiji when she was 13, at a tornament. Before she met him her life was a dump, but thatnks to him and this mystirus man, her life is wonderful Element: Fire Sub-Element: Wind Weapon: Shuriken (Covered in fire, and carried by wind) Spirit Name: Fiore (Fox-ish) Height: 5?6? Weight: 100 S. Appearance: (URL: [url]http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/general/joan.jpg[/url]) S. Bio: Fiore is a fox demon who died while in a human like form, that is why she looks human. She doesn't speak about her past, only of the future. Oh, and never call her Fayori, it's Fiore you twit! She goes crazy if you piss her off evan a little, totaly oposite Kitsune. Status: Whichever is winning. I'll add the rest later.
  15. Arylle got off the bus slowly, 'Why did I do this?' She walked up to Dragon Warrior (Gavynn), "Um... Hi, I'm Arylle." Arylle turened and followed the two other girls, her face red. *** Sorry short, I hate intros.
  16. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hm... I can identify with only two people. That first person is well, I don't know if everyone consders it an anime but I do, Well, Raven from Teen Titans, she geyts piss very quick, it takes her forever to warm up to people and stuff, she also have those really cool power, I may not have those, but I have premotions. So that's really [/COLOR] The other one is Anna from Shgaman King, I take no crap! Well, that all the people unless you add Reanef from Demon Diary, yes I know he is a guy, but I act just like him except when, I'm pissed, but I usually act like him, oh I don't want to spoil the book, the [spoiler]personality I'm talking about is the fused one, good and evil. Smart yet funny and weird. *nods*[/spoiler]
  17. Name: Joanne W. Nickanme Joey. (Don't ask) Age: 15 Gender: Female Spells: Kasumi, Kaze, Nami. Spell Effects: Kasumi: Creates a think haze, that if she is strong enough turns into a force field, trapping all caught in it. Kaze: Creates a strong wind. Nami: Water blasts from where the spellis cast, usually drowing the opponent. Description: (URL: [url]http://www.angelroms.com/anime/Anime%20Girls/School%20Girl/SchoolGirls-00043.jpg[/url]) Bio: She is a tomboy, always getting into fights, strong will, loves video games and is constantly suspended for almost murdering fellow student (usaully because they harmed her video games), she also sheould not be in school if it wen't that her mother wasn't the principal, she's killed 2 students for reasons unknown, even to her. Everything else that I would be to put would be very irrelevent.
  18. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']Aren't those the testicles or something off a mountain goat?[/color][/quote] Actually what my mom siad they were were cow testies. Yuck, she said she had them and liked it. :sick: :sick: :sick: Thankfuly I've never tried them. *shudder* But I still say the weirdest thing I've ever had was the paper from a pixie stick, I still don't think it is edible, but it's sugury, and tasty, and sweet, yet sour, with a hint of tree. :D
  19. Nope, but my mom says it's what is rotting my brain out (I don't really mean that, ya know.) I can watch anything I want, for all she cares I can go out and buy $400 worth of mautre anime. But I won't 'cause I'm not that type of person, I'll stick to mostly clean, yet just perverted enough to have inuendos. heh, I like that word, it's meaning is funny, just like schaudanfroid. Did I spell that right?
  20. [QUOTE=Hells Fire]I propose a question to you out there. If somebody had dropped a blank check that just needed a sum and your name on it. What would you do, cash in or turn the check over to the proper authorty? Remember you couldn't get caught or nothing, it would be a clean get a away. [/QUOTE] I'd burn it. Yes, I'm a pyro. And I have almost no self controll, best get rid of temptation. I can totally get what you are saying. I lose stuff all the time, so now (or that past three weeks) (This is a little off topic.) I've been really paronide and to top it off my friend almost got killed and is in the hospital right now. Her parents don't think they can pay for her and her brother's injuries! So, they're going to sue the person who did it to them. i'm not telling who, or what happened! I although I was there, but thankful am not the cause, I was the one who saved them from being killed! But now all three of us are not well. I'm paronied and sprind my ancle and wriste, both of them have many many injuries which will not be stated here. (Back on track) I lost money like that before, but the person who found it was a security gaurd, and he saw my ID and handed it back to me. I'm so happy, I had over $800 in there, I was going to buy somthings then put some of whats left in the bank.
  21. I was wondering if anyone would bother to make me a Saiyuki banner with Cho Hakkai on it please inlcude Arylle (Because for those who care is my real first name) and "He's mine! Go away!" I'm not going to be too pick about this one, play around with it. Just make sure you can see his face. ;)
  22. Ryu_Sakura

    Internal Ninja

    Joanne took a deep breath and leaped off the cliff. ?Yeah!? She flipped and splashed into that water, it was deep so she didn?t hurt herself. She got up and squeezed water out of her hair. ?Wet, wet, wet, wet?? She shook her head. ?Uh oh? Something doesn?t feel right, and my brother is a resistance leader so someone may be after me! ****!!!? She took off at a run, leaping past trees tripping over a leg. ?What the?? She looked over and saw that there was a man, about 30, staring at her. ?Um? Hi?? She got up and brushed herself off. ?I?m sorry mister. But?? She heard it again. ?I have to go.?
  23. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Blaire looked over to Abby and saw her doodling too. She grinned, and invaded Abby?s head. ?Stupid stupid pencil! GAH!? Abby yelled in her head. ?Whoa, I didn?t know you were that crazy.? ?Who said that?? She almost said aloud. ?Me.? ?Who is ?me??? ?Blaire you silly!? ?What? How did you get in my head?? ?I?m a telepath.? ?Really? Cool.? ?Well, it?s boring. People are so uninteresting. But tapping into trolls head and confusing them is fun.? She grins and shows Abby a picture she drew of a collapsed troll, it was a very detailed sketch too. ?That?s really good.? ?Ehem, do you have something to share?? Ms. Griffinlyf glared at them. Blaire tapped into her mind planting the thought ?What did they do? I?m just freaking out, get back to the lesson.? ?Nevermind. I?m sorry, back to the lesson!? ?That was close what did you do?? ?Tap into her mind, no one but the headmaster knows I?m a telepath.? ?How does he know?? ?Eh? Long story.? The bell rang. ?Onto your next class!?[/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='FirePheonix727']lol, Ya made this one on S.T. too... yes, now I know your OB identity... heh, you don't seem so random anymore...[/quote] That's cause I told you. So far everyone who has sign-ed up is in. I need at least three more though...
  25. Ah, only one problem, the whole mage thing doesn't really work. It was more a mage gathered them all together at the top of the world, but the "good" ones found out and ripped open a whole in time and space. Other then that fine. :) Thanks for signing up.
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