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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. Then you've probaly have had bad seeweed, it's actually pretty good if you get a good kind, from a good trustworthy store. Now the weirdest thing I've ever eaten would be.... the paper from those paper pixies sticks, it's good I tell you! GOOD! But, it's pretty gross and hard to chew, and I doubt good for my health...
  2. [COLOR=DeepPink]Tylerness kept on flying despite that Fushi had fallen asleep on his back. ?Why does she insist that if people go ballistic we leave for a few hours then return?? He mentally growled as her turned back toward the town. ?Hm? Did?. You say somtin?? Fushi mumbled not quite awake yet. ?No, nothing. Let?s go back to our house all right? It?s cold.? ?Ok. Let?s go.? They fly back to town and land on their roof, Fushi runs inside to grab a scale pick and a coat. She comes out a few minutes later and sits on Tyler?s claws, picking out the dirt and yuck with the pick. ?What do you do to your feet? Gross!? she yells as she pulls out a flattened cheese roll. ?Yucky!? ?Oops.? Tylerness sighs. ?Oh well, I think you?re pretty clean today, I did just clean you yesterday. You haven?t been on your own lately have you? Why don?t you go do what you want for a while, just be back here before you have to go to sleep!? She giggled, ?Dragons are funny.? ?We are not funny! We just tend to step on things, it?s not my fault I can?t see where my feet go.? He glares at her. ?Sorry! No need to get in a hissy fit!? She sighed. ?Bye, see you later.? He flew off knocking Fushi?s coat off, she didn?t bother to put it on, she just grabbed it and dropped it in through the sunroof, closing it after. ?Hey!? ?Sorry.? Then he vanished into the clouds. ?Well, time to go get today?s orders.? She leaped off the roof and walked down the road entering a bar. A waitress walked by and said, ?Aren?t you a little too young to be here?? ?No.? Fushi replied coolly taking off her cloak. The woman saw the crest and nodded. Fushi walked over to a dark corner picking up an envelope that was pushed across the table. ?Thanks.? She opened it, ?No way! I can?t do that! I have a dragon! I just can?t!? ?Do it or I?ll remove that crest of yours.? A voice in the shadows replied. ?Fine.? She walked off folding the note and tossing it back at the table barely missing a hand that had come out to grab it. A small knife fell out of it. And the hand retracted as if expecting an explosion. Fushi walked out grabbing her cloak and skipping off toward the festival grounds, they were almost done setting up, in the commotion she slipped by, grabbing a dragon carving and jolting out of there. She ran faster, and stealthier then most could even believe possible. ?That was close.? she gasped as she ducked into an alleyway, a guard walked by. ?Most guards don?t like to come over here.? She gasped trying not to breath in the rancid scent. She wrapped the carving in her cloak and swung it on her back. She looked at the wall and started to scale it. She reached the top panting. ?I hate that place.? She walked across the roof tops, leaping over the thin spaces between them, she hung down from the edge and slid through a window, unwrapping the carving and placing it on the floor, leaving her ?card?, a red square of cloth with a dragon eye on it. ?This job is so annoying.? She muttered as she leaped out the window and started to run toward her house. She got home to find Tyler flying around above looking for her. ?Tyler! Down here!? she yelled up at him. ?Fushi! I?m cold!? ?Is that all you ever think about?? ?No I think about sleep too!? Fushi sighed, Tylerness was always difficult. ?Well let?s go in.? she opened the room running up the stairs and unlocked the attic sunroof, which was big enough for him to crawl in and have her close it over his head, and wings. It creacked open and he flew in. ?Night.? She sighed as she shut it ad walked down the steps to her room.[/COLOR]
  3. Sign-Up Name: Joanne Age: 13 Apperance: [url]http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/angels/darkangel2.jpg[/url] Just she doen't have the wings. (If it doesn't work pm me and I'll uplaod it.) Bio: She has no sob story, she was raised in a normal familly with an older brother and sister. Her mother and father passed away when she was a kid, she never knew them and never cared. She loves her brother and sucks up to him, well did unti he moved out of town. She doesn't like her sister that much so she stays out of the house as much as she can. Element: Light Water Skills:BubbleBoom: To make exploding bubbles, they are filled with water. Bubble: To form bubbles and water that come out of her hand into a whip or beam. Weapon(s): Water blade: A blade made out of water that for some reason is a tough as dimond (the strongest substance, meaning it tkaes alot to brake it) If it gets broken you just need to put water on it and it reforms what was lost. Personality: She is a fun-loving teen, obsessed with well, fun and exciment, oh and she isn't afaid of anything no matter how "scary" it is. hope it A.O.K.
  4. Actually in Save the Homeland you stall can marry them, but it ends there. Oh, and there are 12 endings, so get them all! I may be a girl but I'm a major fan of the Harvest moon games. ::Sigh:: I am a weirdo... I'm a major obsesser. And I'm going crazy cause I can't wait for the girl version of Freinds of Mineral Town!!! *Dances* I pity myself (Due to insanity), but waiting for the girl version of Freinds of Mineral town will be worth the wait!
  5. [COLOR=Indigo]Fuji-Iro slits her eyes at Sakin. "Really?" she says, a grin on her face. ?Ok, so what did you sense?? ?No!? Chi and Kaisui scream. ?What did you see?? ?Our town? It?s getting destroyed? We have to go back!? Chi yells. ?No! We can?t we have to stop him, we can prevent more deaths! And we might find a way to revive those that have died.? Kantron yells back. ?To the east, please.? Kayin tells Fuji-Iro. ?I?m too tired! My powers aren?t limitless ya know! I can usually take this much, but I?m holding three people! I?m not used to doing that? In fact if I continue using my power up so fast I might drop them, through holes in the wind. It?s hard enough to carry two!? Fuji-Iro complains. ?Come on, let?s just do this. You can hold out for a little while. Right?? Chi asks, looking worried. ?Yeah, but only a little while.? Fuji-Iro mutters. ?It seems no one has noticed that the wind under their feet has become weaker?? They fly on the wind, Fuji-Iro?s power weakening? until it?s so weak she starts to bright it closer and closer to the ground, then 100 feet above ground she passes out, letting Chi, Kaisui, and Kayin drop with her. They float a little, the last bit of wind delaying part of the high drop.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]You in all laws of human rights you can, only Bush thinks agianst it. I've been called lesbian I don't care, infact I take it as a complement, I may not be lesbian but I still do. Why do I? Because they are saying I'm different, and I like that. But it is still an insult because they are using a word that describes a person's lover for another of the same gender as an insult. It is rude, nasty and selfish. For a girl (like me) Don't you love your mother? Then acording to that you are lesbian. Boys do you love your father? Then you are gay. I really hate the way Bush and other people are removing the right to marry who you want where you want. I can't stand it! It's agianst all that is just! Infact I'd rather be lesbian then any of those one track minds who think love is between a girl and boy. But I do not because I really hate most girls I know, and really like this guy... So yeah. But I have nothing against you Inuyahsa Fandom. I think you're one of the most kind and sweet people for admitting it and not caring what others think.[/COLOR]
  7. "Well, then let's go save your parents! but first, do you remeber anything on the map? Or did your memory of it get erased too? If so I may know who did it, he was the one who killed my brother thinking he had the power of wind, I managed to escape but..." Fuji-Iro muttered. "Well, no, nothing." Chi sighed, "Now we have to go find somone who knows where the person you area talking about is." "I don't think anyone knows. I was little, so I don't remeber anything but lots of blood." *** I'm trying to revitalize this RPG, SOMEONE HELP ME! Oh, and this short post is due to the fact I don't know what I'm soposed to aim towards...
  8. Alrighty... when you get it, just edit your post with it. NOTE: THAS HAS BEEN STARTED. Please post. Unless you wanna get lost. Or die earlly on, making you out an unable to play without special permission from me. Please read thru all that has been posted, especially my last post.
  9. [COLOR=Green]Blaire woke up to the hustle and bustle of the first day of term, well, most of the day was welcomes and junk. She got dressed and walked into the common room. seeing a few others who were sorted into her house. She walked over to Alton. "Um... Your name's Alton right? I'm Blaire. Nice to meet ya." "Hello." Alton wasnn't in the mood for talk, last nights conversation was enough to piss him off for a while, but blaire seemed nice. He made himself some Coffee. "Want some?" "Sure, I like coffee, though most kids our age think it's gross." She gladly took a cup of coffee from him and drank some. "Yummy." she grinned, 'I think I've made a freind, for once.' *** Sorry it's short, but you people better get postin'![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][U][B]Slytherins from now one make your posts green, Gryffendors red, Hufflepuffs blue, and Ravenclaws black. Thank you. [/B] [/U] [/COLOR]
  10. Fushi heard the comoton and ran off to find out what it was. "A wild dragon... WOW! Tylerness! Where are you?" She looked behind her to see Tylerness being bombarded by angry merchents and gaurds. "Hey! Leave Tylerness alone!" She yelled at them. "You mean you know this dragon?" They asked not taking their eyes off it. "Yeah, not leave him alone! Tyler let's go." Tyler waddled away from the crowd and let Fushi get on him. "Just so you know, a normal dragon being attacked like that wil fight back, Tyler was just shaking from the cold." She smirked as the people cowered. She and Tylerness flew off. *** Sorry short.. I'm sick... Hard to think...
  11. [COLOR=Crimson]In the age of dark terror and darkness, vampires and demons run rapid? A group of misfits, and outcasts are the only ones who can save the world now; and they aren?t on the ?Good? side, but on the ?Dark?. The ?Good? side was the cause of all the problems. They told the vampires that they could not suck human blood, which caused human overpopulation and angry vampires. They said that demons had to wear limiters, humans who wanted revenge killed many demons. They asked magic folk to stop casting spells, which made all species suffer. They demanded angels bless the humans; the angels who said that their blessings were earned not requested were destroyed. The only ones who could save the world were tossed ten years into the future. There?s still a chance, but it is very slim, they must find the ?Great Power? and bring it to the top of the world. No one knows where the ?Great Power? is hidden, the only clue is in many prophecies telling of a band of unlikely friends, and their adventures, through other dimensions, times, and places. ?Only Hope? May hold their only clue, and their only chance. The few who know of it actually believe it exists, and even fewer know where it may be. Sign-up Name: (Simple) Age: (Vampires/Vampresses should be: 15-60, Humans should be 13-30, Mages/Magic Folk should be 40-190, Demons may be any age over 19.) Gender: (Either male or female, no genderless people.) Race: (Vampires/Vampresses, Humans, Magic Folk/Mages, or Demons) Biography: (Simple, avoid sob stories, the whole world is sad enough as it is!) Personality: (Don?t list, describe how they act ect?) Appearance: (Be descriptive, and you may use an image, but please describe part of it anyway, like the part that doesn?t fit you person just right.) Weapons: (Please have it be something your character would use.) Other Items: (Scrolls, magic supplies, daggers, ect? Please DESCRIBE THEM.) Special Traits: (Odd coloring, weird body parts, ect? Describe it!) Powers: (Obvious, describe them!) Social Class: (Not just, rich, poor, but like Royal, and then say how or whatever.) NOTE: ONLY THE TOP FIVE BEST WILL BE PART OF THE MISFITS GROUP, IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT ONCE FIVE PEOPLE HAVE SIGNED UP YOU CAN?T BE IN IT!!! (I said the five BEST!) Also If you do not make it into the Misfits, then I may ask you to be someone who joins us in our quest, or you may become an enemy, the so-called ?Good? side. I can and will reject any I think is not up to the standards for this, unless you state that you will finish it up later or have told me that you are still working on it. I?ll add mine later, I?m really tired (An' sick, Ish gots reawy sick...)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]EDIT: My Sign-Up Name: Kurai Ran (Dark Orchid) Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: Vampress Biography: Personality: She doesn?t listen to anyone no matter what, and never has feelings for anyone so she rarely save their butts when they get into trouble, she usually gets bored, and flies off. Appearance: URL: [url]http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/angels/darkangel2.jpg[/url] Though her wings are black, not white. And her eyes are slight dark, though still green. Weapons: Black Staff; a 7 ft. black energy staff and Yami Katana; a silver sword, reverse blade, it is slight enchanted, only with enough power not to brake no matter what force is put against it. Other Items: She has a sheath for he sword, and a cover and back strap for her staff. Special Traits: Her right eye is more of a light green. Also she can make her wings appear and disappear at random. Powers: Telekinesis, and defense magic. Social Class: She is a top quality thief.[/COLOR]
  12. "Amber don't you go nere my brother if you're with that idiot, Joey! Seto is my twin, and I don't want you near him!" she was pissed off because no one told her about the incident even thought Seto had asked someone to. "Welll, excuse me!" she pulled he hand away from Joey's. They both glared at each other. "Um... why don't you to stop fighting... For Seto's sake?" Joey said. "Fine!" they yelled. "Make a truce." Joey nagged. "Shut up! Fine! Truce!" They were now mad at Joey for getting involved. They held up their hands and made a temperary truce. "Ok... Now that that's settled." Yugi mumbled. "So, what happened while I was in New York?" Fenryl asked.
  13. Fushi woke up and jumped out of bed. ?Tyler! Tylerness! Wake up!? she bonks Tylerness with a pillow. Tylerness opens his eyes and blinks. [color=gold]?Yes??[/color] his voice booms in her head. ?Will you think softer?? she giggles. ?You dragons are so loud!? She walked into the closet to change and came out with her brown dress on. ?Come on.? She pulled on her gold cloak and jumped out the second story window, landing on her feet. Several people nearby were staring. She blinked, they blinked and walked on. ?What?s with them?? [color=gold]?Maybe they think you?re something bad, you did just jump out of a second story window and land without a scratch, most would end up dead.?[/color] He replied. ?Oh? Ok! Anyway, today?s mission: Get some food!? Her stomach growled. ?Soon.? She sighed, ?Being a thief isn?t easy, especially when you?re a part time alchemist.? She nodded and walked off, Tylerness right behind her. Tylerness was a small gold dragon, yet still big enough for her to ride him, with blue eyes. [color=gold]?Why do you have to be so childish? You?re 16!?[/color] He glared. ?So?? more people started to stare, normal dragons and their masters/friends talked completely in their heads. *** I hope this gets REALLY interesting...
  14. Shaman Name: Kaminari Age: 14 Description: (URL) [url]http://www.anime-ghost.de/images/news-31_august_2002.gif[/url] Personality: She is loud, spunky, and sharp. Bio: Her parents died when she turned 13, well, she killed them by accident, she didn?t mean to, but the fact that she hated them took over? Fighting style: Integration Ghost Name: Pinkchu Bio: Well, she was 12, she died, (accident) and she doesn?t know how so she stays here trying to find out. Personality: Loud, Spunky, and Sharp. (IMAGE: [url]http://www.pikachu.idv.tw/Crystal/girl.gif[/url]) Both: Main Weapons: Thunder Katana. Side Weapons: Sharp Staff, (a short staff wish a blade on the end.) and anything that is lying around, like sticks and squeaky hammers. Techniques: Thunder slash, lightning blade. (Very basic electric powers, both must be used through the thunder katana.) I would have signed-up, But I was feeling lazy. o.0 Lazy.. It has a z in it! 0.o yes, it does! Don't mock me!
  15. Fenryl dashed down the hall heading toward Seto?s room. ?Is Seto OK?? She asked Joey. ?Well, OK. But-? he was cut off By Fenryl ?What in Hell is that?!?!? She pointed at the blue hedgehog. ?A blue hedgehog. You got a problem?? It yelled at her. ?He was right, I am stressed. SETO! Your sister?s here!? she burst into his room. ?Are you OK?!?!? She glomped him. ?OW! That hurt stupid!? He snapped. ?Sorry. So what happened? Did something go berserk? Was it my programs?? Fenryl freaked. ?No, I was testing my experiment to make dual monsters here in the real world? when something happened then I was here. WHY DIDN?T YOU COME VISIT ME?!?!? He yelled at her. ?I was in New York City fixing some problems with the City?s dual stage. Stupid.? She got off him and pulled over a chair, she sat on it backwards. ?So, what?s up? ?Um? Excuse me but he needs his rest, why don?t you join your friends out side?? A nurse said. ?Oh, all right.? She retorted. ?Love ya? bro!? She stepped outside the room. ?Hi guys.? She smiled, ?Good to know he?s OK.? *** Hope you people post.
  16. *nods* Good topic indeed. Offline I'm a nerd. o.0 Except with out the one inch think glasses. I have a few friends, only four which I think are nice (wow, that's specific! :rolleyes: ): Eli, Naomi, Megan (Who I currenlty am fighting with, we have a little problem with somthing.) and Katie. I stay at home all day.Online. *sigh* Stupid addictive websites! *cough* OB *cough* Online I have alot of good friends: DDG, T-man, Ruby, My real life friends, and a few other's who's usernames currently slipped my mind. But, I don't know what you would call me.... Maybe, weirdo, or control freak. Offline I'm lazy and don't control anything. Here, I am a major control freak, it's not my fault! I have to agree with Kinetic, Life [I][B]Is[/B][/I] Boring.
  17. [COLOR=deepPink]Your Name: Arylle Your Gender: Female *gasp* Your Age: 12, well 12 1/2. Your Appearance: You can't describe me! I'm too perfect. XD But really, I have straight ash blond hair down to a little below my shoulders. My left eye is blue/silver(-y) with black rims, and the right is a deep blue, rimmed black. oh, and I'm a little tall comared to my friends. (Second tallest.) And my fave t-shirt is black, with a zombie bunny on it. It's Horrable, Hidius, Fluffy! I wear black alot. *sigh* I just do. Your Reason: Why? Simple, Dragon Warrior is teh sexay beast. ;)[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=seaGreen]Fuji-Iro used her magic to send a wind back at him, slowing him down for a moment. "Nuya!" She stuck out her tounge beating him. "Told you!" She smiled, 'ah, the power of... me.' "Chi saw her and the drgon went faster, this time knocking both Fuji-Iro and Kayin back for a bit. "Waoh... Dizzy..." Fuji-Iro muttered as she spun around. "Stupid dragon!" Kayin yelled as he was flung backwards into a cloud. Fuji-Iro was bored. "Aw who the hell cares? I'm tired!" She complained. she was still moving forward, but a little slower. "Time for a nap!" She spelled the wind so it would follow the dragon as she slept. And she did, she went to sleep pretty fast too. "Little kids... How annoying? Very." Kayin glared at Fuji-Iro.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DeepPink]?Come on. I don?t have all day.? Shouted a nasty Slytherin prefect at Blaire. ?Well, excuse me for being in your house? toad!? She added that just for fun, but now it was not fun seeing as he could not yell only croak, and he looked very like a frog. ?What?? she glanced down and saw that her wand?s tip was shimmering green. ?Oops?? She shuffled away following the other prefects. ?Password, now you mindless twits!? Shouted a snake statue at the end of the hall. ?NOW!? It hissed menacingly. ?Dragon bane.? Retorted a prefect. ?Is that our password?? Alton asked. ?Yes, now come through.? The snake moved to the side and let them pass. He closed the hole after they all were in. ?So, where?s the girl?s dorm?? Abby murmured. ?I?m tired.? ?To the right, follow me.? A prefect led them to the girl?s dorm then stopped off. ?What? with her?? Abby glared at the fading shadow. ?Don?t know. Well, I hope the rest of our house gets here soon, this places is a little creepy.? Blaire muttered. ?Hey look! Our stuff!? She ran over to her cat?s cage and pulled her out. ?Slip! I hope you're Ok!? the cat purred. __________________ Ok. I hope people post, this is VERY annoying. Waiting forever for one person to post, they post, no one else does. *curses* Anyway... here is an URL to the Harry Potter opening theme, It's at the bottom. [URL=http://www.ryuuen.com/p3/midi.htm]Harry Potter Theme[/URL][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DeepPink]Blaire glanced around, she was new at Hogwarts, and yet to be sorted. Gossip was all round her talkings of a famous teacher, some Harry Potter. She sighed; no one she knew was going here. ?Might as well make friends?? She walked over to a group of girls about her age and smiled. ?Hello, I?m Blaire.? ?Ok. Come on, I told you we shouldn?t hang around the first years, they always think we?re new!? The oldest said sourly. The others nodded then walked very quickly away. Blaire sighed, ?Another day another enemy.? She shook her head; no way was she going to make friends. A young lady stepped up to the doors. She was dressed in a wonderful black robe; her hat was stunningly shard, her glasses shined without a speck of dirt. She open the doors. ?Before you all enter, I must ask of one thing, first years in first! Sorting shall be done in secret!? Whispers sped around, ?Who is that?? all the first years asked. ?Miss. Hermione Granger.? Replied all the second and third years, the older students just ignored them. Blaire joined the other first years walking in, until Miss. Granger stopped her. ?Will you come with me?? Blaire nodded, wondering what she did wrong. ?Oh, no! You did nothing wrong, I was just curious if you had training in the arts a little already, your power is well controlled.? ?What do you mean? I?ve never used magic, I admit I have the ability to use telekinesis, but that isn?t a witch?s power, it?s a human?s brain capacity extended to beyond the first plane, reality, onto the next, energy.? Blaire grinned, she loved telling people they were wrong and correcting them. ?Ah, but it is, a witch?s power comes from the energy, but their brain is not connected right to it like yours is along with other users of telekinesis.? Miss. Granger smiled, and then shoved Blaire along. ?Don?t want to be late do you?? They entered a large room; the students were sitting down awaiting the ceremony. A beaten up hat was sitting on a stool. ?Now, that you?ve arrived, I shall start.? It cleared its throat and began to sing, ?Oh, you may not think I?m pretty, But don?t judge me on what you see, I?ll eat myself if you can find, A smarter hat then me. You can keep you bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I?m the Hogwarts Sorting Hat, And I can cap them all. There?s nothing hidden in you head, The Sorting Hat can?t see, So try me on and I will tell you, Where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff, There they are just loyal, Those patient Hufflepuff?s are true, And unafraid of toil; Or yet wise old Ravenclaw, If you?ve a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Always find their kind; Or perhaps in Slytherin, You?ll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. So put me on! Don?t be afraid! And don?t get in a flap! You?re in safe hands (although I have none) For I?m a Thinking Cap!? ?Alright.? Miss. Granger looked at her list ?Abeler, Kiataa.? Kiataa walked up and put on the hat. ?HUFFLEPUFF!? It shouted. ?So few this year?? Miss. Granger murmured. ?Hunter, Karl.? He walked up and put on the hat. ?Hm? Tough? but? GRYFFINDOR!? ?Intinal, Perri.? A small girl walked up, tripped, and got up. Then put on that hat. ?AHA! Ravenclaw!? ?Karrei, Sen.? A young boy skipped up to the hat and plopped it on his head. ?GRYFFINDOR!? ?Kenze, Mary, please.? She walked up and put on the hat, it went over her eyes. ?Hufflepuff.? The hat seemed bored. ?Roland, Erin.? Erin walked up and sat down dropping the hat on her head. ?Oh? So? Alright? RAVENCLAW!? ?Rosen, Abby.? A blond girl walked up, her head was held up high. ?So? you don?t want that, but you? So many mixed thoughts? But if you insist. SLYTHERIN!? it chanted. ?Triforce, Blaire.? Miss. Granger nodded at Blaire. Blaire walked up to the hat, and put it on. ?Oh. My? More mixed thoughts, confusion?? it paused ?So many places would work? but. You would succeed best in SLYTHERIN!? Blaire was stunned; she thought she would get Ravenclaw. ?Now, for the last one? Willis, Alton.? She said. He muttered something and went over to the hat and placed it on his head. ?Simple. Slytherin.? ?Now that you have your house, group with others in you house and come with me, I will into duce you to the rest of the school. Well, your house.? Miss. Granger walked off signaling the rest to follow. They came to a group of Hufflepuffs where Mary Kenze and Kiataa Abeler where dropped off. After a little while they came to a group of Ravenclaws reading books. Erin Roland and Perri Intinal introduced themselves as the rest of the group left. Near the door to the dungeons several Slytherins were talking. Abby, Blaire and Alton stopped there. ?Now go up the stairs please, sorting took longer then it should have your guide will be at the top.? Miss. Granger sighed. ?Please go now, don?t dawdle.? The new Gryffindors, Sen Karrei and Karl Hunter, went up the huge staircase, at the top they met their guide. *** Please post. If you want to be a first year, choose a name from the list that is not being played. Then sign-up and post. SIGN-UPS ARE OPEN FOR FIRST YEARS UNTIL: March 15, 04.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?Yup. So you?re a wind elemental too? Cool.? Fuji-Iro smiled. ?But would you mind filling me in on what?s going on?? ?Well, Kaisui had a vision, and I think she ran off.? He muttered. The other boy was getting away. Fuji-Iro went a little faster. ?Well, I?m bored. Let?s go!? she sped off. Then went back a bit. ?Are you at top speed? ?Cause if you are you?re REALLY slow!? she giggled and went off once again, this time dodging clouds or going right thru them. __________________________ Sorry, I still am kinda losted...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DeepPink]Sign-Up's: [B]Name:[/B] Blaire Triforce [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Sign:[/B] Aquarius-Mercury [B]Element:[/B] Air [B]Special Powers:[/B] Telekinesis, and illusions. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=kohimeohse&image=29]Blaire about to fight aka kick butt[/URL] [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=kohimeohse&image=23]Blaire fighting[/URL] [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=kohimeohse&image=25]Blaire, the old Gemini, and the evil mage that killed her (the old Gemini) [/URL] [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=kohimeohse&image=22]The Thunder Sword (her sword)[/URL] (Those are all links) [B]Personality:[/B] She is quite and reserved until you get to know her, then she is really spunky. [B]Biography:[/B] When she was little she was spoiled, then her family got bored of her and sent her to an orphanage in Russia. She ran away from there, but it was too cold? That?s when she discovered her powers, and used them to save herself. [B]Others:[/B] She?s a lefty and has a photographic memory.[/COLOR] (I'm out. No thanks, I DON'T want to be any others, Mercury is my all time fave, and there is no other Mercury-air is there? And, the only other one I would be is Leo. But I would be, if only it was air, and I'm far to lazy to correct you on your erros in this. You have quite a few.*pissed off right now* If you would kindly ignore me until I calm down I will be grateful and think about editing it.) I think I might.
  23. [quote name='Crimson Spider']FYI: A part of your brain is active ONLY when you dream.[/quote] Then that part must be pretty small for you. j/kin'! Last night in the two hours that I slept I had the most bizzar dream. I was in a zelda game palying Link. o.0 It was the 2 dimensuonal word with evil thingys lurking around and killing you EVERY ime you move. Which mad constant game overs, then who ever was controlling me (then just made me walk into the mosters and die) turned the game off, and I was lost, not even data left to show my exsistance. Pretty weird. No?
  24. [COLOR=DeepPink]Advice: Talk to her about boys in general, ask her who she likes, DON'T let her convince you to say first, make her, if she likes him she'll probaly say it. If she say's it, ask her if she'll ask him out. If she says no and makes a joke about it, that means she will, or wants to. If she just says "No! I don't think he likes me like that..." then persur you love. But trust me, it's only a crush, you'll both get over it before the end of March. (I sound like a mother don't I? Well, it comes from expiraince with boys, and the same situation.)[/COLOR]
  25. Fan Made Duelist Name: Fenryl Kaiba (Please?) Age: 15, and Seto's twin sister who was recently added to the familly. Gender: Female Duel Monster(Do you mean Deck Master?): Dark Magician Girl and The Magician of Faith Desctription: She is just like her brother, only she's a girl, and a little taller, about an 1/8 of an inch. Her hair is down to her shoulders and her eyes are cerulian blue. She wears an outfit exactly like Seto's but it's more feminine, meaning, shaped to fit a girl... Bio: She helps run Kaiba Corp, she is a computer nerd, yet an amazing duelest, never lost, and beat Seto many times. Up until she was adopted into the Kaiba family she was Seto's twin. Then he was taken away which threw her into a depression. Then she found him, and begged to be adopted into the familly.
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