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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. Scary... In real life, I have a photograpihc memory AND am a leftie. o.0 Am I weird? Anyway... sublime2004 your OK. And duorocks17, I pmed you what you need to fix. (Done) DDG your's is fine now. K.K.C. Good job. And... Swordmaster13 WILL YOU FIX IT ALREADY?!?!? NOTE: I live in Wectchester. Do you? I mean the one in NY. o.0 weird...
  2. I was thinking about that, NO INVISABILITY CLOAKS, and levatation. Sorry DDG. Here are the Schedules. [COLOR=deeppink]Ryu Sakura (Blaire Triforce) Class 1-Transfiguration Class 2-Charms Class 3-Sciences Class 4-Arithmetic Class 5-Potions Class 6-Defense Against the Dark Arts Class 7-Library Class 8-Advanced Herbology[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Swordmaster13 (Nimimi Firebolt) Class 1-Defense Against The Dark Arts Class 2-Transfiguration Class 3-Charms Class 4-Sciences Class 5-Arithmetic Class 6-Potions Class 7-Extra Class (Quiddich practice) Class 8-Extra Class (Quiddich practice)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]DDG (Erin Roland) Class 1-Transfiguration Class 2-Charms Class 3-Sciences Class 4-Potions Class 5-Arithmetic Class 6-Defense Against the Dark Arts Class 7-History of Magic Class 8-Advanced Charms[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]K.K.C. (Karl Hunter) Class 1-Charms Class 2-Transfiguration Class 3-Sciences Class 4-Potions Class 5-History of Magic Class 6-Defense Against the Dark Arts Class 7-Arithmetic Class 8-Animal Care[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Duorocks17 (Mary Kenze) Class 1-Charms Class 2-Transfiguration Class 3-Sciences Class 4-Arithmetic Class 5-History of Magic Class 6-Defense Against the Dark Arts Class 7-Potions Class 8-Elective (Choose: Advanced Herbology, Advanced Charms, Library, or Animal Care.)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]sublime2004 (Alton Willis) Class 1-Charms Class 2-Transfiguration Class 3-Sciences Class 4-Arithmetic Class 5-Defense Against the Dark Arts Class 6-History of Magic Class 7-Potions Class 8-Elective (Choose: Advanced Herbology, Advanced Charms, Library, or Animal Care.)[/COLOR] Please refer to this incase Schedules change.
  3. "Hey! Wait!" Fuji-Iro yelled after him! "Dam..." she pulled out her flute and pladed the song of flight, she lept into the wind and was tossed up. But she wasn't alarmed, only a bit surpries. "I don't remeber it being that fast..." She cought up to him, floating on the wind hmming to the sound of it rushng past her. *** Sorry short... I honestly and so confused it's not funny.
  4. Your image doesn't show. And alright you may be a third year, but, you must have limited powers, I must be fair to those who ask to be second of higher, and I refuse.
  5. Name: Blaire AKA Ghost Sex: Female Age: 15 Group: (You decide, whichever.) Description: She is a tall young girl with long blond hair. Her eyes are silver, and she usually wears a deeppink dress, that goes a little past her knees. She also has a scar on her back and a silver chain around her neck. Powers: To turn into ectoplasm (The stuff ghosts are made of.) Psychic powers aka telepath, and to hold fire and chuck it at people, but usually gunpowder. Bio: she doesn?t remember her childhood, or her parents, only that they left, and now she?s alone. I hope this is OK.
  6. Name: Fushi Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Human Class: Mage/Warrior (Part time alchemist and thief) Weapon: Mage flute, glass vile, and Yami Katana. (The flute is magical, but it doesn?t do much? And the vile is used for mixing things?) Partner: Tylerness, her pet dragon. Personality: She can be hyper, or moody. Appearance: Her dragon is gold with bright tender blue eyes. She, herself, has blond hair down to the top of her back, pale skin, and bright blue eyes. She wears a golden cloak over a brown knee-length dress with The Thief?s Crest. The Thief?s Crest is a heart with a sword piercing through the top left. History: Her history is shrouded in the mist, she remembers next to nothing, only that she has to find something? But more recently she became a thief and alchemist. And knows she has always been a Mage/Warrior. Hope it's OK.
  7. Those used to be my problems, then I kicked the bum of this "popular" kid, so they leave me alone. They used to pick on my freind, you may know her as SunnyBunny7, but she tells on them. The used to pick on another friend, you may know her as NaomiSan24, she is an evil mastermind, she can diss people so bad, even when they are in groups no one has a witty enough comback. I'm just like her, only less verbal.
  8. Yeah, and also for the past let's see... 5 years I have been learnig and realerning all the parts of the Civil War and the Revolutionary War. My teacher isn't biased, she's just so insanse she can make a major loos seem like nothing. Using her jokes I mean. Yes, as americans we tend to feel biased to our wins, not our losses. In my school you only learn about american until you reach High School, not Jr. High, High School. It is so boring, and then they tell us information we already learnd is friggan' inacurate, give it to us right the first time! And what's more, the little kids learn the same stuff we did, and then get told the same thing. Stupid, Stupid confused goverment.
  9. "Well mother's not here is she?" Fuji-Iro retorted. She walked into the house, continuing on her quest to find her flute. After almost tearing the house apart looking for it she finds in, on her counter. She walkes outside to see her siblings all talking. She joins them. "So, yeah, I found my flute... Can we kick their sorry [censored]'s now?" Fuji-Iro grins, she has been waiting to kill somthing.
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Blaire glanced around, she was new at Hogwarts, and yet to be sorted. Gossip was all round her talkings of a famous teacher, some Harry Potter. She sighed; no one she knew was going here. ?Might as well make friends?? She walked over to a group of girls about her age and smiled. ?Hello, I?m Blaire.? ?Ok. Come on, I told you we shouldn?t hang around the first years, they always think we?re new!? The oldest said sourly. The others nodded then walked very quickly away. Blaire sighed, ?Another day another enemy.? She shook her head; no way was she going to make friends. A young lady stepped up to the doors. She was dressed in a wonderful black robe; her hat was stunningly shard, her glasses shined without a speck of dirt. She open the doors. ?Before you all enter, I must ask of one thing, first years in first! Sorting shall be done in secret!? Whispers sped around, ?Who is that?? all the first years asked. ?Miss. Hermione Granger.? Replied all the second and third years, the older students just ignored them. Blaire joined the other first years walking in, until Miss. Granger stopped her. ?Will you come with me?? Blair nodded, wondering what she did wrong. ?Oh, no! You did nothing wrong, I was just curious if you had training in the arts a little already, your power is well controlled.? ?What do you mean? I?ve never used magic, I admit I have the ability to use telekinesis, but that isn?t a witch?s power, it?s a human?s brain capacity extended to beyond the first plane, reality, onto the next, energy.? Blair grinned, she loved telling people they were wrong and correcting them. ?Ah, but it is, a witch?s power comes from the energy, but their brain is not connected right to it like yours is along with other users of telekinesis.? Miss. Granger smiled, and then shoved Blair along. ?Don?t want to be late do you?? They entered a large room; the students were sitting down awaiting the ceremony. *** Sign-Up Name: Age: Gender: Year: First (No matter what, unless I give you permission to be a teacher, or whatever.) Bio: Personality: Appearance: House: (I shall put what house your in, in the first post but after you know what house you?re in please put it here to limit confusion and annoyance.) Familiar (pet): Wand type: Special Traits: Strongest subject: Special Ability: Worst Subject: Dislikes (food): Likes (food): Dislikes (teachers: Mr. Potter (Defense against the dark arts), Miss. Granger (Sub/Assistant for all classes), Mr. Snypeling (Potions) Mrs. Noble (Sciences) Ms. Griffanlyf (All others [don?t ask me how she doest it, I think clones.])): Likes (teachers, same as above): Schedule: (I?ll give you one once you have appropriately signed-up. Put it here.) Other items (besides your wand and all required items.): [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Please sign up. I will post my sign-up here, check back soon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]EDIT: My Sign-Up Name: Blaire Triforce Age: 11 Gender: Female Year: First Bio: She goes to an orphanage in Russia, or did until she was asked to go to Hogwarts, she doesn?t remember anything before she was nine. Personality: She is a smart mouthed, intelligent girl. Funny, yet serious. And loud. She is spunky, but doesn?t make friends too well, because? She just doesn?t. Appearance: Blaire is tall, much taller then normal. Her blond hair is long, shiny and straight. Her robes are a midnight black, her hat a pure black. Her eyes are mixed, the left is purple and the right is blue/silver. House: Familiar: Black cat, Slip. Wand type: 12 inch, Dragonwood, and Goddess Blood. Special Traits: One purple eye, and one silver/blue eye. She writes with her left hand. Also she has a photographic memory. Strongest subject: Dark Arts, though it is not offered at this school. Special Ability: Telekinesis. Worst Subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts. Dislikes (food): Fish, and any meat. Likes (food): Candy, seaweed rice balls. Dislikes (Teachers): Mr. Snypeling Likes (Teachers): Ms. Griffanlyf Schedule: Class 1-Transfiguration Class 2-Charms Class 3-Sciences Class 4-Arithmetic Class 5-Potions Class 6-Defense Against the Dark Arts Class 7-Library Class 8-Advanced Herbology Other items: Wood Flute[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red] Oh, yeah, and for all you Ron fans, Ron will be here later, his name is Ron, *Car Crash* Oops, look like you'll have to play to find out. *evil*[/COLOR]
  11. Ooh! Cool, thank you. :) I have no complaints, but if anyone else want's to make me one... I'll be really happy! :)
  12. Ummei tilted her head to the side; she had no clue what was going on. She hoped someone would fill her in on it. She tapped her ears, meaning, ?tell me.? Coje looked worried, Mika looked upset, and Mar was astonished. She looked at he half-siblings, they were upset too. ?Why?? Ummei thought. [Edit (Adding this in)] Fuji-Iro was looking at every one. "Stupid, idiots! And right beforew my birthday too! [censord]!!!" She cursed. "I hate those idiots! [more censordness]!" She growled. SHe stomped off to find her flute and dagger. *** Sorry, short... bord, no idea where I am... Oh, yeah, and Ummei tends to space out at dire moments. Just tellin' you. Oh, and before I forget, Fuji-Iro, now has a dagger... She just seems puny without one.
  13. Who would I want with me? Sesshomaru- Well, he is a demon, he can friggin' fly! (I think,[spoiler]like in that episode of Inuyasha, it's like the first time you see him and he has Inuyasha's "mom"[/spoiler]) Duo Maxwell-I would want him for the same reson's you do chibihorselady. He's so cute! And Shippo- I word 'Float'. Who would I not want? Miroku- PERVERT anyone? Jaken- *cough* ugly *dies* Kiaba- From Yu-Gi-Oh, He's evil! To him, "I'm better save me!" (I can actually picture him saying that. o.0) And The Zombie Bunnies from Hottopic- Why? Horrible, Hidus (SP?), Fluffy. (That's actually what the shirt says.)
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hey people, since no one replied to my last request, I'm asking for a new one. All I ask is: Sesshomaru is on it, And have "To be... Evil." in small font somewhere on it. I'm not going to be picky, like VERY pick like last time. So, yeah... and, If you don't want to put "To be... Evil." then just put "Evilness" [/COLOR]
  15. Fuji-Iro got up, "Bye." She started to wlak, looking for a tall tree. After a few minutes of walking she spotted one high enough, and climbed it. At the top she pulled out her flute and played the tune of the south, drawing a wind from the north. It was cold, she shivered and leaped onto it. A Few hours passed and she saw Chi looking for her. Fuji-Iro landed behind a tree. "Hi Chi." she smiled, "Sorry I was gone so long, I had to find somthing." "Oh, Ok. Well, do you have a place to stay?" Chi asked. "No. And I'm broke too." Fuji-Iro sighed, 'this always happens to me.' "I'll ask if you can stay with us." Chi walked over to the door and motinded her in.
  16. "Hm? Where is she going?" She looks down to see Sakin riding off. "Well, here is my chance to have some fun." she grins and pulls out a wooden flute. "Hm... now what way?... North!" She plays the tune of the north, a wind starts to blow from the south. "Heh," she puts the flute away and jumps into the wind and if not for her powers would have fallen to her death. She glides along the wind, heading north at an increadible speed. "Almost there..." she gasps as the wind slows and she floats to the ground several feet behind Sakin. "Hey, Sakin, mind if I follow you for a while?" "What? How did you catch up to me?" Sakin paused, "You look weak but your a good runner." *** Sorry for the shortness, I just got an idea for a drawing.
  17. ?Uh? No clue, I thought they wanted my money, but then they said something about their boss? So? I have no clue? But?? Fuji-Iro giggles, ?I?m lucky they didn?t kill me, an am also thankful I swiped those healing scrolls from this monk person a while ago.? She pointed to a little brown satchel, on her waist. ?Well, I have to go, I can?t stay here or I?ll never have any fun.? She looked around the room, wondering why in hell she was the center of attention, she hated it, and the only excuse she could use at this point was the no fun one. She picked up an orange and walked out. ?Bye!? After she was pout the door she got distracted by a big tree. ?A Tree! Yay!? She giggled and started to climb it; she hid in the top branches so no one could see her. *** NOTE: Kairi is Fuji-Iro, DO NOT call her Kairi, she told them she was Fuji-Iro. Ok? Ok.
  18. ?Let?s go after her!? Chi and Kaisui gave Fuji-Iro confused looks. ?Are you OK? Do you have a fever?? Chi questioned. ?I?m fine! But didn?t you see? If you look closely you can tell she was wearing a chest strap? A girl trying to become a knight.? Fuji-Iro retorted. ?A girl trying to become a knight? Cool! Let?s go after her!? Kaisui yelled startling people nearby. ?Don?t you think we should treat her properly first?? Chi motioned to Fuji-Iro. ?My name?s not Her or She, it?s Fuji-Iro! Stupid?? Fuji-Iro mumbled. ?And I?m OK, I just needed to have a little treatment.? She grinned and pulled out two scrolls, one that has the Japanese symbols for ?Heal?, and one with the symbols for ?Revive?. She grinned she uttered a spell, healing the wounds and giving her back energy. After the spell was complete the scrolls disintegrated into fine white sand. ?Shall we go?? She motioned to the door. [Sorry for the short-ish-ness, I couldn't think of what to put.]
  19. Number six will come out and destroy us all! But rteally folks, I love Demon Diary, It's funny, cute, weird, and really funny! I have no complaints about it, only complements. I like dark Raenef. He is so evil, just like me!
  20. Well, I decided to be another, here she is: Name: Ummei Age: 13 Parents: MirokuxCrystal Bio: She became mute after a terrible experience with demons. Despite the fact her mother was a demon, she was not. Description: She wears a simple Shinto priestess outfit, it?s purple. She is cold and quite. She glares, and never talks, she is mute. Her eyes are dark brown and her hair is black, no part of her is demon. Skill(s): Spell, and incantations. Hope she is OK.
  21. Name: Fuji-Iro Age: 11 (Soon to turn 12) Parents: SangoxSesshomaru Bio: Fuji-Iro means ?Light purple?, so going with light she is cheerful at times, but because of the purple, is also very mood and suppresses depression. Don?t mess with her is she?s feeling under the weather. She also hates her mother for making her a half-breed, her father spoils her trying to make her feel better, but it just makes her want to shred others up more, and like she says ?Pity, is for humans, I may only be half, but I?m not whole.? Description: She looks just like her father, tall and girlish. She has long silver hair, and where her father?s moon is there is a black star, but it?s pretty small. She wears a light purple version of her father?s brother her uncle, InuYasha, except she doesn?t look stupid in it. (But she has no rosary) Her eyes are a silver, not gold, she is pale and her usually face expression is a smirk. Skill(s): Fast, mind reading, and cute little claws that pop out when she?s pissed. Weapon(s): A wooden flute that she bashes people on the head with, and plays. Hope this is OK.
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Kairi coughed, she was in no condition to fight. She was wounded, she could barely breathe from the dust, and from the first impact, and her lip was bleeding. ?Thugs? They always pick on me? I should be used to this.? She dodged an incoming punch, it missing her by only 2 inches. ?Hey leave me alone! I have nothing you want! I don?t even have enough cash for a meal!? Her stomach growled. ?I haven?t eaten for a while now, so leave me the (edited out) alone!? Her chest was pounding, and her breathing was harsh. ?Oh, we don?t want your money, we?re being paid far higher then you could ever have? Just to kill you. But why the person was so desperate to kill you is beyond me.? He snickered. ?Now, the final punch please, we?re hungry too, the only way we get paid is if your dead.? He walked over to her and punched her in the stomach, she cringed over. He smirked, ?Well, your done for, why don?t you just give up and die? Or shall we have to hurt you more?? ?I-can?t?..give up? no won?t?.. give up?..? She collapsed on the ground and the thugs came over just to kick her, she played dead. ?Well, she?s dead, come ?on, let?s get paid.? The thugs walked off, leaving her ?dead? body on the ground. They vanished behind the trees. ?It?s going to take a lot more to kill me.? She wheezed, ?I can?t take this anymore.? She pushed herself up and onto her feet. She pushed herself along the path, until she stumbled onto a small town. Two nice looking girls just entered a building. ?Wait? For me?? She forced herself to get up to the door collapsing on the porch. She prayed someone heard her. ?I?m Fuji-iro?? she mumbled be fore she fell asleep. [/COLOR] Hope you cna understand it. :)
  23. There is actually a weekly Shojo Jump in japan, whth that name, silly isn't it? But it's in japanese, and run by the same people who do Shonen Jump or whatever... I've never read Shojo Jump, but I still whish they made it for america. *pouts* Why can't I every get to read anything cool? Grr... Oh.. well... I hope they eventuallt get it out here. EDIT: In Japan Shonen Jump is weekly.
  24. [quote name='Squall']I liked the first and second ones, they seemed really well done. The third one was okay, but I didn't like it that much. Oddly, I didn't like the last one so much, but it was still good. You're quite talented at this, I must say. Nice work.[/quote] Really? *sparkly eyes* Thanks, This is what I do since I have arthritis, yes, I'm very young, but I have broken my wrists and hands so many time, (plus I was born with it, well a little anyway) I can't draw very well, I can't hold a pecil correctly. So I type, and make poems or write stories, plus I'm always sick so I'm always home and alway's on my computer. So, thanks. Most people tel me I'm really good at things I'm not, but I don't think I've every talked (typed) in any discusion realted to you. So your opinion was un-biased. Yay, I'm better then I thought. :) *Happy* EDIT: New Poem Perfection Only skin deep, Beauty. Only years gone by, Age. Only thoughts inside, Intellegence. Only a friend, Lier. Only a life, Death. Only a side, Evil. Only a shade, Black. Only a color, Red. Only one, Me. Only one, You. Only a dream, Perfection.
  25. I know I suck at this type of thing, but I wanted an excuse to play around with PSP7, and I got it. Sorry about the terribleness, I was just playing round with the effects and I thought this looked pretty cool. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17614[/IMG] Edit: Really? Thanks. I just got adobe shop pro or somthing... but it's really confusing, and It's on my other computer, which I can't get to cause it's more then 20 feet from my bedroom and it is the middle of the night...
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