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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. Hm... nope never haerd of it. I'm sorry you got sick, but I've been getting sick several times this year, several of which sent me to the hospital. I wonder how you got it? Maybe toilet? *cough* Yeah I know this may have been said but if you to to the bathroom in a public place, like a resterant, and since you don't know who went before you I think it's a posiblity. I just hope your all right, and if not, get better. Now! o.0;; Sorry, I'm a little hyper, I have been sleeping constantly since I got sick the other day. So now I have lots of energy. And am bord...
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Eh... My dreams usually consist of, zombie bunnies, or somthing that will (and actually does) happan in the near future. My friend calls me "Futer-zombie-bunny-lady-person" o.0;; shi is a tad more insane then I am. Ok, here is an example of my dream (and it's and actual one.) So, I'm walking then I trip, yes I'm ditzy in real life, and fall into a hole, then it starts to shak, and I fall out in China. I am chased out by enraged bunny-haters, and end up in japan, where I spot a person I know, this girl named Ashly from my camp, she is japanese. So, I talk to her and she goes "Er... Ok...." and then we walk off to her house until I can find the hole agian which turns up inside her house and I fall in it agian, and end up in denmark. Then I see a plane and run after it, only then relize I can fly. So I fly home and go to sleep. o.0;; Yes it is a little insane. But it's a real dream. o.0 well, a weird one.[/COLOR]
  3. Ah well, I just had several inspirations to write the past couple days and dicided to post what I've written read and enjoy! (Oh, and make suggestions too.) [COLOR=YellowGreen]Dew A power strong, And very true. A song of earth, And morning dew. An angel?s tears soft and sweet, Spread above the pixies meet. Pixies take the angel?s tears, Tears of happiness and of fears. Holding onto the droplets pure, A heavy burden many bore. Dropping the water on the ground, Above little faeries safe and sound. The pitter-patter many feel, Wakes them up and breaks the seal. Now those tiny ones may still be in bed, Hiding from what lies ahead. Giving up and forgetting the moon, Praying for a beautiful noon. The faerie?s song wakes the sun, Telling them the job is done.[/COLOR] *** I really like this one... :) *** [COLOR=DarkOrange]A firefly cannot compare, To a pixie?s angelic flare. Their soft eyes and gentle stare, Pale skin and shiny hair. A pixie?s wings small and pretty, And a smile that is very giddy. Malicious thoughts float in their mind, Troublesome, tricky, and un-kind. But you always forgive them, yes you must, For their beauty is what will make you trust. But don?t be fooled, be wary, be smart, Their beauty is not their only art.[/COLOR] *** And, I think this one is OK. *** [COLOR=DarkOrchid]A petal from a rose makes dreams come true, While a petal for a purple tulip means I hate you. Flowers have meanings, Although not clear. But I have one, One that is great, Powerful, strong and one to hate. Only I can surpass the sea, I may only be, An angel without wings, One who is none, And one who can?t sing, But I?ll never been done, Never, ever, until I? Find my wings.[/COLOR] *** I think this one is one of the best I've written in years. *** [COLOR=deeppink]Just a word, A simple sound, Something that tells who I am, And what I may be. A syllable or two, That?s all I need, Easy, perfect and definitely me. A word that will understand, A word that?s keen, Something malevolency, Yet totally serene. A word that is me? Perfect, heartless, Childish, me? What a word I search for, One never to be found, Only looked for, One to create, And one to be. I am no angel, No human, No beast, A nymph? A pixie? A faerie? A sprite? A me? A me, that is I, One with beauty, And evil spite, A malicious aim, And a dark grin. A me, That is who is I, Someone individual, A me with no other, A soul who will never exist again, One who never existed before, Me.[/COLOR] I hope you like. I liked writing them.
  4. Name: Kairi Tomoe/Fuji-iro (Makes people call her Fuji-iro (it means light purple)) Gender: female Age: 13 Appearance: She is tall for her age, but very thin (like sickly thin), her bone structure is not very strong, so she tends to brake her bone easily. Her eyes are a dark purple flecked with light purple and rimmed in blue so dark it?s almost black. She usually wears a mage black (midnight) dress with long flowy sleeves, it goes down to her ankles. She is pale, and her dark (dark) purple hair is long, down to the middle of her back. Weapon: Enchanted flute (I hope that?s all right if not, bow and arrow.) Element: Wind Bio: She was abandoned as a little girl, when she was about five, so she doesn?t remember her parents. In her depression (which she is now over with) she buried herself in books and anywhere she could learn something, so now she is very smart. After she learned all she could, she left in search of fun. Personality: She is quiet and calm, but sometimes over reacts. She usually smirks though. And if in a bad mood is very cynical. I hope this is OK.
  5. As of today I have a new nickname, well several, Digi, Digit, Kairi, Kari, Karii, and Moose. Digi and Digit my friend got from a story I wrote, those of you who read the stories I post here would know. Kairi came from my obsession with Kingdom Hearts and befor that my obsession with digimon, which is also where I get Kari and Karii. My friends love to repeat things... Oh, yeah and moose is from when I scream Moo, moose, moo-ha, moo-ha-ha-ah and other stuff like that. Yes, I am still the Ultimate Wierdo.
  6. Has anyone heard of Al Franken? No? Then leave, if yes in honor of his book, "Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them" I want an animated banner with a picture of George Bush with an arrow pointing to his face that says "The lying liar who tells them." then a picture of Al Franken with an arrow that points to him saying "The dude who tells the truth unlike Ann Coulter." and make a quick showing of Ann Coulter's face. I'm not being too picky, But just have those basic parts.
  7. Ryu_Sakura


    [COLOR=Blue]So, from what you people have heard about it, what do you think? I personaly hate that they pushed the release back 2 days, from the 22nd of March to the 24th. Many people think that it is a remake of Pokemon Stadium, but it's not, It's like a 3-d pokemon game, with a battle mode. So, would you buy it? I would buy it well, first because I've beten EVERy Pokemon game in english, and this one seems so cool, I mean how can it not? You play an ex-villan![/COLOR] I'm not putting a poll up because I want thoughtful answers not poll marks.
  8. [COLOR=deeppink]Yu walked on the muddy ground it had just stopped raining and the soil was wet and easy to dig. In his right hade he clutched a shovel in his left a bag. He was a grave robber. He had to; it was the only thing he was good at. But this was this first time at the Cherry Blossom Graveyard, and he thought something was wrong, which it was. In the wind he heard children?s laughter, and in the drops of water from the trees he saw the faded faces. But he had no choice; he had to steal something valuable. He felt a hand on his shoulder; he flung around, no one. He continued walking only stopping to tie his shoe. He heard the laughter getting louder and once again felt a hand on his shoulder. He put his had where he had felt it, something moist, not solid, like steam, only thinner, yet with more feeling. He moved his hand around feeling only to discover it was the shape and size of a child?s hand. He turned around and saw 5 ghostly figures. He ran, ran as fast as he could, and even faster as the ghosts became clearer. A thick mist appeared and blocked his way out. He could no longer see what was ahead, he blundered around, trying to find the fence, only to fall, fall into darkness forever. Kagami drifted over to his lifless body, "Idiot, this is our graveyard, and you were stepping on my friend's grave, how nice of you." she glared at the corpse. "That's why your gone."[/COLOR] *** Sign-ups are still open.
  9. All right, I will start this, but it will still be open for more people, please join, and those who have, I may not be on all the time, but I will be on every once in a while. So don't slow down you posts! I may be gone for a week next month, I hope this lasts at least till then. I will start it now. Go on and post!
  10. [COLOR=deepPink]Kairi giggled, ?Are you sure?? Hikiri snapped, ?Of course!? ?Well, we don?t know if it will work?? Theelios mused. ?Am I not a genius?? Kairi smirked. ?Depends on what type.? Hikiri burst out laughing. Kairi?s cheeks turned red. ?That?s not nice.? Theelios whacked Hikiri in the head with the roll of newspaper she was holding. ?Ow! What?s in that? Lead?? Hikiri clutched her head. Theelios slid a metal bar out of the roll. ?Knew this was going to come in handy.? She smiled. ?Why you!? Hikiri drew her katana, lashing out at Theelios. Khirby held Hikiri back. ?Err? not now.? She tried to look innocent. ?Ok.? Hikiri chirped and sheathed her katana. She smiled a bight and cheery smile so big no one would or could notice the fire in her eyes. ?Yeah? Ok?? Kairi looked uncertain of her friend?s sudden cheeriness, but no one else seemed concerned so why should she? She calmed down, but at the same moment Hikiri drew her katana and started to whack Kairi with it, but it broke on her head. There was quiet. ?Uh? might I ask what happened?? Kairi?s eyes were shut and she had a smile, a confused smile but a smile. ?You got me whacked in the head? Now you break my katana?? Hikiri had rage all over her face. ?First, I whacked you of my own will second, no one not even she knows her past, so?? she was cut off by a gust of wind coming from the windows. They looked over. A man floated thru the window and stopped the wind by pulling it into his hand. ?My lord, you must come with me now.? All four of the girls had confused looks until Theelios spoke, ?Um? I think you need glasses or something, they?re aren?t any guys here.? The man blinked, ?But I was just summand here by the gods to take my new lord to his palace. They said a sword just broke on his head and someone was trying to kill him.? Kairi stood up. ?I?m no guy but a katana just broke on my head, and someone was trying to kill me.? The man laughed, ?Ha, but you?re a girl, you can?t be my new lord.? ?Well, excuse me mister pretty boy.? Kairi snapped back. He was obviously stunned; he was finally taking notice to the power surrounding him. His mouth was agape. ?But you can?t you have the power but?? he shook his head. ?No, the gods are teasing me. I may be the 5th strongest demon in the world, and Eclipse?s little brother, but that doesn?t give them an excuse to tease me!? he turned around. ?Wait did you say Eclipse?? Kairi asked. ?Yes, stupid mortal. He is my older brother, and 4th strongest demon in the world.? He smirked. Kairi closed her eyes. ?Take me with you.? Instead of her normal clueless expression her face was set in stone with pure determination. ?No, you have no right to come with me, the great Kharll.? Kharll crackled. ?But?? her hands were trembling. ?But I need to know about my past.? A tear dripped down her cheek. ?Uh? Well, What are your names? If I?m going to be nice and ask the gods I think I should at least know that.? Kairi wiped her tears. ?Kairi.? ?Theelios, the political genius.? Theelios proudly exclaimed. ?I?m Hikiri and that?s Khirby.? Hikiri pointed to herself and then Khirby. ?Hm? What interesting names?? Kharll mumbled. ?Well, I?ll be back in a moment.? In a flash of light and smoke he was gone. Moments later he was back with a bump on his head. ?Ow?? ?What happened?? Kairi inquired. ?Err? Kairi, I mean? My Lady.? Kharll Kairi?s eyes opened wide, her cheeks pink, her mouth open in astonishment. ?W-what?? ?You?re the demon lor--Err?lady.? Kharll obviously hated the way it sounded. ?I was instructed to bring all of you to her home, the castle of the late, Lord Rikkuu.? Theelios heard this and gasped. ?You mean Lord Rikkuu One of The Greatest Demon Lords to ever live?? ?Yes.? His response was solemn and mournful in tone. Theelios chirped ?Wow! What a great honor, but how can our Kairi be the next Rikkuu? She is a girl, and her name isn?t even Rikkuu. Demon Lord powers are passed thru names.? ?The gods wonder too. But for some reason she has the power to be the next Rikkuu. Despite different names and bloodlines.? Kharll answered. ?I?m only doing what I?ve been told.? ?But why are we coming?? Hikiri mused. ?Why would I know?!?!? He yelled his patience was going thin. ?Because you are the demon.? Khirby replied. ?Well, she is too!? He pointed at Kairi. ?She has the power to prove it.? ?Well, let?s go. I mean we have no one here that cares about us anyway. I just need to pack?? She paused. ?So would you leave us alone for a while? Otherwise you?ll be bombarded with clothes and stuff.? Kairi pointed at the door. ?Now.? ?Yes, my lady.? As he walked out his cape billowed out behind him like there was a strong wind. After he exited they slammed the door, and burst into talk. ?Let?s bring all we can. That way, we won?t get mad at ourselves if we forget.? Khirby yelled above the slamming of doors and drawers. ??K? everyone responded and continued on their packing. After about an hour they were done, the room bare, everything that can be carried packed. They opened the door and saw Kharll sitting on the floor. ?Ok, we?re ready.? Hikiri smiled, her voice cheerful. He got up and looked at everything they were bringing. ?What in hell do you think you are bringing? I?m not a chauffeur.? He fumed. ?We know.? Theelios replied flatly. ?We just don?t want to end up forgetting something important.? She paused then added very quietly, ?Like our project.? ?Come on then.? He pulled his hand out of his cloak and cast a spell to open a tesseract. ?Just jump in.? Theelios jumped, Hikiri jumped, Khirby jumped, and then Kairi jumped. Kharll followed. ?Girls, what weirdos.? Then he heard thru the tesseract, ?Thank you!? He walked thru and he appeared in a huge hall, the girls we looking around in astonishment. The first to speak was Hikiri, ?When?s dinner? I?m hungry.? ?Later, now I have to show you to your rooms.? He snapped his fingers and another man dressed in a black robe, wearing a black cloak over it. He seemed fairly young, possibly in what humans would think to be 21. He smiled; ?Yes?? then he noticed there were only two men in this room, Kharll and himself. ?Where is his majesty?? ?You mean, her ladyship.? He snapped at him. And pushed Kairi forward. ?This is her ladyship.? He paused ?And he is your teacher, Hellion. Alright Hikiri?? ?Who?s my teacher?? Khirby murmured. ?Your teacher is Theelios. I hope that?s ok Theelios. But you are far above genius, and we have no other teachers.? ?Oh, it?s ok. I don?t mind.? She smiled and walked over to Khirby, at the same time Hikiri was waking over to Hellion to talk, just so she won?t feel awkward first lesson. ?Then who is my teacher?? Kairi asks Kharll. ?Eclipse, and you will have a fellow student Raenef. But I have to warn you Raenef is an amateur. But you are not, being as before I even met you, you were using your powers in never before used ways.? Kharll walked off. ?Come on, I won?t show you your rooms again!? His shoes tapped against the floor making an even click, which was soon followed by many uneven taps and squeaks. ?So, we each get different rooms?? Hikiri had caught up to Kharll. ?Yes, why did you think you wouldn?t?? Kharll looked down at her, he was at least a good five heads taller. ?Hm?? Oh? I just didn?t know that?s all.? Hikiri slowed down a bit, falling into line out with Khirby. ?Hey Khirb. Do you think you could forge another katana for me?? ?You never give up do you?? Khirby was tired and looked it. That was the first time she was ever really tired, usually she?s hyper. Hikiri make a quick smart reply. ?Nope.? She grinned madly. ?You are all so immature.? Theelios walked quickly to catch up. ?Hey!? Hikiri?s face want as red as a tomato. Kharll stopped. ?Shut up you three idiots. Hikiri here is your room.? He pointed to two large wooden doors, with gold handles. ?Go in, it should suit your taste, it?s spelled so if you don?t like something it will change to how you want it.? Hikiri opened the doors, ?Bye.? She waved at them as they continued their walk. ?My legs hurt!? Khirby wailed. ?Your room is next, so be quiet.? Kharll was officially pissed. Khirby knew when to shut up. ?Ok.? She walked a little faster to keep up. ?And here it is.? Kharll stopped walking and pointed to another set of doors. Khirby walked in, waving good-bye. ?Bye-ness.? Kairi called back to her. Khirby shook her head, and then vanished thru the doors, which slammed shut. ?Why me?? Kharll complained. ?Because, I said so!? Kairi laughed evilly. He growled. ?And how much longer till my room?? Theelios inquired. ?Just a little further.? He snapped. ?Alright, don?t yell.? Theelios crossed her arms. ?Here you go.? He signaled two doors. Which Theelios walked thru without saying a word, or making any movement. ?And my room is?? Kairi said breaking the moment?s silence. ?Just ahead.? Kharll rolled his eyes. ?Girls?? ?Hey! That?s not nice!? Kairi yelled at him. ?Here is your room.? He pointed to two very large doors with elegant silver handles. ?Ok, I?m going to sleep. ?Night.? Kairi opens the doors and walks in. It is a large room covered in many shades of purple. Kairi is open mouthed, stunned, bewildered, astonished and amazed. ?W-wow, It?s just like my dream room.? She put down her stuff, smiles and skips over to the canopy bed. ?I?m tired, screw meeting up with them later, I need sleep!? Kairi pushes the curtains open, realizes she is still wearing her school uniform. ?Nope can?t wear this.? She walks over to her luggage and sifts thru it. ?Aha!? she gasps as she pulls out light purple silky PJs, with dark purple swirls. She grins then runs to the bathroom. After five minutes she comes out, teeth brushed, hair combed, and ready for bed. ?So tired?.? She mumbles as she slowly walks over to the bed. She jumps in and falls asleep. Kairi?s sleep is fitful, she tosses and turns, worried about what comes next.[/COLOR] Yes, I know there are mistakes. I still need to do a final edit, but it's mostly error free. I hope you all enjoy it. EDIT: Fixed the color, and thanks for the tips, I'm going to work on it today. :)
  11. [QUOTE=James][font=Verdana][size=2][color=dimgray]Just so you know, I made an announcement about sigs well in advance. If you didn't read announcements, you shouldn't blame anyone else for that; I'm constantly reminding people to read 'em. If you don't, you don't at your own risk.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=dimgray]As for your other comments...I don't really think there's any need for that type of stuff. If you have something constructive to say, that's fine. But just because the site is [i]different [/i]to how you remember it, doesn't necessarily mean that we've gone and done something totally random. lol[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=dimgray]Every single change has been planned for a long time. OtakuBoards is going to continue to push for higher quality, in all regards. If you don't want that...that's okay. Judging by the quality of your most recent post, at least, I'd say that maybe some of these "radical" changes are having the desired effect.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] James, I was sick a few days before the change, and was unable to get out of my bed, I would have. and I'm not blaming anyone for it, I'm just saying it's a little hassle for me to find the saved file on my com. But I'll do it. *sigh* But, I still think that the way this was done is *blip*. It's so squishy, and nothing's going to change my mind. EDIT: Since I don't wanna be spammy... To Sara: Eh... I have free time. And I hate blank. So, as soon as I lose the lazy, I'll do it. And I'll come back to post new creations, and stories and such. But, I still hate the way this is set up. *confused and annoyed*
  12. One word sums up this change: YUCK! I really absolutlym HATE it. It's all squshed it's confusing, and I'm not comming back until v.8. Thats how bad it is. NEVER EVER, do this type of thing again. It's so anoying.Plus what bugs the hell out of me is that our siggys were taken out. at least mine was, so now I have to search for it's saved file on my com. I'm paranoid so I always save it every time I change it. (on one document though) So I have all my siggies ever on one file. So now I have to go look that up. Normaly I wouldn't be so grouchy about this type of change, but now this place makes me think, "What in hell were they thinking?" If I was a guest, I wouldn't want to sign up. And normaly I'd sign-up at at a place like this.Well, I know I'm not logging in for a while. Over all I give this new look a: 2.
  13. Count D is so wierd, b ut in a good was, he's so cute. Like little kid cute which is scary, and then the fact that he sells those animals that [spoiler]kill the people who brake a rule.[/spoiler] Which is kinda ironic, being he seems so nice and all... No one has heard of it, my BFF Naomisan24, has 1-4 we love them! InuYokai like them too. Q-Chan is the bestest!
  14. So pretty! I love it. Only one problem repettive rhyming like, free, be then free. I know they are not next to each other going down but... It's just anoying and using free twice in one verse? Avoid it at all costs!
  15. [COLOR=skyblue][size=1]Now that I think about it I kinda like the pink, no one but me would thing of putting a bright color on a dark banner thing... Well, her is one I had a little fun with, But it didn't take me that long for the simple fact: Lack of effects. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17442[/IMG][/COLOR][/size]
  16. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Well, after seeing Haze's Welcome signs, I was inspired and had recently found a great pic, which is a major plus. So I came up with this, I think I should chnage that part from pink, but the other color I was thinking of makes it too dull. Any color suggestions and or comments and such?[/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17441[/IMG]
  17. Oh, wow, where did you find that pic? It's so pretty, and o.0 pink. I like pink, and purple. Very pretty. I see no fualts whatsoever other then the blank space above the Welcome is bugging me.
  18. My sign-up has been completed! ^^ So here it is: Name: (What the other ghosts call her) Kagami (On grave stone) Digit Code. Age: 13 Race: Ghost Gender: Female Ghost Item: The Looking Glass. How she died: Kagami didn?t die a normal, or normal by most standards. She insulted a rouge priestess, who did something to her causing her death, but it was quick and she felt no pain. Personality: She is mischievous, always doing as she pleases, not giving a thought on how it will turn out. But she is quiet and sneaky, two perfect qualities for being naughty. Bio: When she was alive, she always played tricks on other kids. But the whole reason she started playing tricks on them was because she was very pale and didn?t stand out, only at school where she was surrounded by kids wearing bright colors and tanned skin, while she wore black, crimson, or dark purple. To them she was a weirdo, they stayed away, laughing at her and making fun of her until the breaking point. Someone made up a story that she was afraid of almost everything. To prove that she wasn?t she did what most would not, she taunted a rouge priestess? Appearance: Kagami when she is an ectoplasmic figure (ghost), she is pure white with a flowy white dress, that goes to the middle of her shins, and the sleeves go to a bit above her elbow. As a flesh being she has seemingly empty silvery-blue eyes and high back length light blond hair. She is very pale even when flesh. She is tall, very tall for her age. Her dress is a dark reddish-purple with a white skull on the bottom left side. It is sleeveless, and goes to the top-middle of her shins. She usually looks detached from reality, and her face is unreadable so most think that she is planning something nasty, probably because she always has a smirk, for whatever reason. I hope more will join, and I thank you two for signing up. Tell your friends! ^^
  19. Why do people creat so many sterotypes about Germans? Yes, some of us area crazy, like me for example. I can believe that someone would eat another, they do it on islands where food is low. But if we humans eat eachother, then we can lower the population AND save poor little animals. I'm not saying go ahead and eat your friend or worst enemy, I'm saying that it's better then populating the world with humans, to the point, we all die because we eat each other anyway due to lack of food and water. And if you do keep eating those poor animals, at least use the entire animal, not just a little that could be used more efectivly in the hands of a starving person. Well, thats my bit. Some of you are so weird...
  20. Hakkai is mine! Hands off. I've only seen a few episodes but, I really like the series, naomisan24, knows what japanese legend it and many other anime's are based on. I forgot. :sweat: I was intrieged by it when we saw the preiviews form... either Animerica or ... somthing... Then me and my friends saw another few ones they were pretty neat. Goko is way too hyper... and whats with all the food? Gojyo is the perverted/gir obsessed one. (I think) and Sanzo, is too wierd. o.0 And you thought nothing was too weird for me.
  21. Only one problem, you need to eleaborate on it. And How they die is only if they are a ghost. how they became a vampire is what you should put. EDIT: Thanks, Swordsaint: Great job, just watch your grammer. :) oh and it's time freeze, not freeze time. ^^
  22. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1]Yu walked on the muddy ground it had just stopped raining and the soil was wet and easy to dig. In his right hade he clutched a shovel in his left a bag. He was a grave robber. He had to; it was the only thing he was good at. But this was this first time at the Cherry Blossom Graveyard, and he thought something was wrong, which it was. In the wind he heard children?s laughter, and in the drops of water from the trees he saw the faded faces. But he had no choice; he had to steal something valuable. He felt a hand on his shoulder; he flung around, no one. He continued walking only stopping to tie his shoe. He heard the laughter getting louder and once again felt a hand on his shoulder. He put his had where he had felt it, something moist, not solid, like steam, only thinner, yet with more feeling. He moved his hand around feeling only to discover it was the shape and size of a child?s hand. He turned around and saw 5 ghostly figures. He ran, ran as fast as he could, and even faster the ghosts became clearer.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [color=gray][B]Sign-Up[/B] [i][b][u]Be sure to read what?s starred![/b][/u][/i] Name: Age: Race: (Ghost*, Vampire**, Human with the Sight***) Gender: Ghost Item: 1 Only. (Ghosts only) ****Ghost Item List Vampire Skill: 1 Please. (Vampires Only) *****Vampire Skill List Sight?s Powers: 2 Tops. (Human with the Sight Only) ******Human with the Sight?s Sight Power List How they died (became a ghost)/Became a Vampire/Found out they had the sight: (This should be obvious.) Personality: Bio: (Like your life, what you do ect...) Appearance: (No images if possible) * Ghosts can be male or female, but they must be under 18. Can see all. Only the best 5 will be accepted. ** Vampires are genderless, unless once human. Can see the ghosts. The best 10 will be accepted. *** Human with the Sight: Only 1 permitted, the one with the best sign-up gets it. (Only if they want to be the Human with the Sight) Can see the Ghosts, Vampires and obviously humans. **** Ghost Item List: Looking Glass; a mirror with the ability to change things from ectoplasm to flesh and vice-versa. Flameless Candle; makes a room darker when lit. Cutting Edge; A dagger permanently stained with blood, capable of reviving the dead (turning them into zombies.). Poison Cup; a cup that no matter what liquid it poured into it will always be poisonous. Light Scent; a jar when opened will cause humans to fall asleep, and vampires to tear. Rotten Flesh: a dead body that does whatever the user wants. ***** Vampire Skill List: Flight, Transformation, and Immunity to Poisons. ****** Human with the Sight?s Sight List: Seeing the future, seeing beyond view, reading others minds, 3 moments time freeze. I will add my Sign-up once one person signs-up, I call Ghost, the Looking Glass, and The ability to deny anyone a spot because of a bad sign-up, although you may edit it to fit requirements. More will be added to the story once I get some Ghosts.[/color] [COLOR=crimson]EDIT: If you are confused which I'm sure you will be, PM me.[/COLOR]
  23. But there should still be an "Other Anime" Section because: How would you like it if you got sued because people put copyrighted anime charactors in the Original Anime section? Hm? Think about it... Yes, it would be bad. I have seen ao many pictures of anime charactors Like Rath from Dragon Knights for example, hje doesn't belong in that section it is an anime, But are you giving any credit to the creator of the anime? No. The person only said. This is Rath... or somthing similar.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Isen`tar [/i] [B]Well, both are easy, if you think about it. To get to sleep: Read some of the horrid stories on here. To get banned: Comment on them. :P [/B][/QUOTE] Really? :whoops: Heh, I don't usually sleep all that much. At max I sleep 2-5 hours a day. Thats why you see me on here in the middle of the night all the way up to 3 am. But when I'm really tired I just read. Usually mystery or fantasy. (Really I didn't know that Ryu Sakura's a unicorn lover. "I am not! Die 1 horned evils!" *cackles evily*) But if that doesn't work, try runnig around your hous till you fall, and breack you leg. The pain will put you to sleep. (It will?) Well, thats what happend when I brake somthing. I think it's because you need to heal... or somthing...
  25. It's still doing it. :flaming: This is SO anyoing... maybe it is going screwy because I'm putting quotation marks around it... Hm...
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