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Everything posted by Ryu_Sakura

  1. o.0 Vicky what you put before was fine. Why did you take it out? Or am I just insane? Anyway, you're all in. But if your going to have somthing very powerful be sure to add limiations.
  2. [color=orange][size=1]Autumn is asleep, well, was. She had heard glass breaking a moment before, but her being slightly careful, kept her head down and eyes shut. After a moment and after the door shut she lifted her head and glanced around. The guy who was sitting on the other side of the bar was gone, broken glass at the foot of the seat. She signaled the bartender over. ?What happened?? She looked at him questioningly. ?Nothing much, but the guy? flipped, and stormed out.? ?What did you say?? Autumn was bored. ?How do you know I said anything?? he seemed as though he was hiding something. ?It?s always your fault.? Autumn responded smoothly and chuckled to herself. ?And how did you know I meant what did you say to make him mad, not repeat what you said?? She got up and walked toward the door. She wanted to find him, he seemed as though something enjoyable would follow. [/color][/size]
  3. [color=orange][size=1]Sign up: Name: Autumn Mage Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Human Description: [See Attachment] Weapon: Brushfire Blades Job: Bounty Hunter Bio: Ever since Autumn was little she loved to manipulate things, toy with peoples minds, which often caused great distress in her town, she was eventually banished with only three possessions her Brushfire Blades, her Red Mage Cloak, and her Lyf Deck. Her Brushfire Blades are her only weapon; they set the victim on fire while slicing them into bits, removing the evidence. Her Red Mage Cloak is a simple cloak scented with rosemary. The Lyf Deck is one of a kind, it tells, the future, but Autumn can?t get it to work right and so she?s never told the future. Mental description: Bad temper, Daring, slightly careful, and always out of place. Hope this is OK. By the way the image was done by: Sciros Darkblade on theotaku.com[/color][/size]
  4. [color=deeppink][size=1]The bell of future, or Fortruth, rang loudly thundering across the castle grounds, no one was up at the bell tower today for it was a celebration, and the bell rang on its own. The man or rather woman, who was supposed to be there recording the bells song was killed the night before. They were celebrating her death. She was the Prophet of Doom, according to legend as long as she was in the vicinity of the sound of the bell, Foreverworld would be doomed. The people rejoiced singing and laughing. Then a group of very observant children said, ?The bell in the tallest tower is ringing! Please! Stop and look!? One by one the musicians stopped causing the dancers to stop with in turn made the laughing men and women stop, when all was quiet the bell started booming with noise, the other prophets heard the sound and right away they screamed, ?Just like 600 years ago, all the Prophets of Doom are reeking their revenge! Flee!? ? ? ? Nobody knows what happened to that kingdom, only of its name and the night of rejoice. Then in the year 2072 in the Kingdom of Prophets, there is an bell jutting out of the ground like it was dropped or it was being pulled or pushed out of the sand, out in the Middle Desert, a passer by was walking along the desert only to come across a cracked bell. The man hurried to the nearest town to tell the people there. He became rich and dies rich, the town was excavated and all was well for a time. 50 years after the town was pulled out of its sandy grave ?accidents? began to happen. Terrible accidents, debris falling from buildings and landing on people 20 feet away, sand shifting so quickly people got trapped in the old buildings, and worst of all little boys who had done nothing wrong we flung around in the wind and landed on an old awkwardly placed spire, who?s blood and bodies fell onto the trucks where the artifacts were supposed to go in order to be shipped off for study. --------------------- Ok, I?ll add more later ishk gots a whole nother page to put up soon. --------------------- [i]Sign-Up[/i] Name: Age: (12-21) Gender: Race: (Human, elfin, nymph, or sprite.) nymphs and sprites are very different in this world. Occupation: (Prophet, wanderer, archer, bladewielder, ect...) Weapon: please no guns, laser cannons ect? Prophet: (Earth, Sky, Day, Night, Dark, Bright, Water, Air, Age, Despair.) I think the way I set it up sorta rhymes don?t you? (And the others are: Fire, Wind, Beast, Pair, Plant, Dare. Pair means twin. During the game never say twin it?s just not used.) You may choose more then one for more will be added later. Skills: Home Town: only one person may come from each town except the Pair prophets. Bio: Regular Appearance: no pictures I need to see your writing skills. Prophet Appearance: same as above. [b]Rules[/b] 1. No sudden skills or talents. 2. No new items without my clearing it. 3. No talking animals, or any of the such. 4. No god modding. NOTE: I am the only one who can say someone is dead, which will usually only happen if they have very bad posting skills and clog up the RPG. 5. There will be Goddess involved, the Goddess of Chaos, and the Goddess of Enlightenment. I control them, they make things happen. And what they say and do goes. My sign up will be posted after one person signs up, I will be the Prophet of Dark, Night, Age, and Despair. My Sign-Up Name: Yuri Katana, or Fiore. Nickname: Mori (It rhymes with Yuri and Fiore.) Age: 12 Gender: Female Race: Human Occupation: Prophet and Wanderer. Weapon: The Lily Sword, hence her name, and Kasumi Flute, the flute that changes weather. Prophet: Dark, Night, Age, and Despair. Skills: Telekinetic powers, and agility. Home Town: none. Bio: 2 years before the Goddess Chaos took over she fell from the night sky like a falling star. Ever since then she has been wandering, knowing only of the future, the other prophets names and her own prophecy. Regular Appearance: She wears a long dark purple cloak over a short black shirt and white blouse. Her eyes are pale silver and always seem to be seeing soothing other then what?s there. Her hair is black streaked with purple, silver and blue. Prophet Appearance: A purple cloak over a midnight black dress with dark blue and silver ribbons wrapping around the waist. She has a silver tiara that has three separate points on pointing up, on pointing left and one pointing right. With an aqua stone in the center. Her eyes change to a deeper silver flecked with blue. ***Note: This is the edited and updated version, not like the older one. Which was riddled with errors.[/color][/size]
  5. Sorry for not making myself clearer, but how i wanted it so it would completly fill the question is: Nayru the Oracle of Ages, Din the Oracle of Seasons, and Farore the Oracle of Secrets. Anyway I don't know the answer to yours but I wanted to clear this up.
  6. wrong, first you did not put which oracle they are, like (I'm making this up) Person the Oracle of Moo, and you forgot the last one, (she is not comonly known.)
  7. Hm... 7x7=49. So 49 boxes on your map. Q: What are the names (and which oracle they are) of the oracles in: Oracle of Ages, and Oracle of Seasons?
  8. I believe it was the smelter's (carpenter, no not the lumberjacks) assistant, or somthing. Not perfectly sure. If I'm right then the Q is: Q: Name all the dungeos in Oracle of Ages.
  9. *nods* I hate all peircings exept on your ears, other places are kind gross. But tattoos would be cool, if they wern't painful to get, painful to remove and costly. I have one, (It's really small) on my my ankle, It says "I am me." I just got it a while ago, and it hurt ALOT! (I have no pain tolercance, I can take being stabbed in the arm, but I can't take a tattoo. :sweat: ) But I would never show it to anyone, ever! Hehe, I don't know why I got, it, I guess to give myself self-esteem, because people are always saying, keep you head up. And to make matters worse my dad died a week ago. So, thats why. Oh, and almost all my female teachers have at least one tattoo, exept my science teacher, she is an old lady. >_> key: OLD. But she sometimes acts like she's 30, which scares me. 0.0
  10. [color=deeppink][size=1]Nayru panted, [i]It seems the weak heart was not limited to Yuki, but with her body I seem to have it too.[/i] Her breathing became hard and forced, she couldn?t stand any longer, she fell to the ground. [i]It?s irony, The Angel of Death cowering to beasts because she can?t breathe? Well, I don?t need to breathe![/i] Nayru got up with a little bit of struggling, and she wobbled on her feet a bit. ?Stupid creature taking advantage of me because I was in a human body? Think again!? She yelled at the creatures. Out of nowhere she pulled out a double-headed axe, and swung it at the closest of the monsters, and it vanished. She grabbed her hands back, her eyes widened with shock, [i]What? They are only holograms? Solid holograms?[/i][/color][/size]
  11. *nods* Yes, rapists shal die! Ahem... My Report: [B]What Would I do If I was President?[/B] First, I would make this place truly the land of the free, I mean people in NYC get arrested all the time for stating thier opinion, (Me being one, dispite I'm 12). Then I would equalize power, and limit weapon manufaturing. Soon after that I would ban guns ect... unless you passed a special test (almost impossible ect...), and you were 20 and older, or If you were law enforcement(special law enforcment). Next I would ban religios stuff, like "God Bless America" It is rude, hurtful and mean to other relions, but when it's on public property, I woudn't alow it, privite fine, parks and monuments? no. To finish that up I would change In god we trust on all the money and stuff to In Her We Trust, ya know that Statue of Libetry? at least that is less religous. I mean I could add more but then This would probaly extend to about 24 pages typed arial 12. Oh, and I just noticed I forgot the one I was most steamed about well, 2 actually, I would un-ban gay marrages, like others already said, and I would make it so kids in texas, cristian or not do not have to pray at the beginning of school. (It's true, from what I hear.)
  12. [color=deeppink][size=1]Naryu looked around not sure what was going on, a bunch of students started attacing that boy for no reason and then a bunch of monsters show up, and now every thing was shrouded in smoke?!?! [i]I may have thousands of years of knowlage, but I don't understand this at all![/i]Naryu was completely puzzled.[I]What if they are not after him but are after me? Uh-oh, this could mean big trouble.[/I] she quicly figured out that they were actually aiming for her by simple mind tresspassing, she had to run, she didn't want any one to get hurt, though she woudn't mind a few deaths, but no unless they were ment to die at that point. she decided, she was going to run past them to behind the monsters, so they would leave him alone and go after her. She ran for her, um... se coudn't say life so, her death! She ran as fast as this highly imted human body would permit. She ran past, and the monsters stopped atacing him, and clobberd after her.[/color][/size]
  13. [color=deeppink][size=1]Naryu was shocked, nobody ever saw through her simple half-truth, she was Naryu, but she was also The Angel of Death. But when asked to tell the truth, whether a Dark angel or not, she had to tell the truth. ?I?m Naryu.? She paused ?The Angel of Death.? She looked at them, they were almost laughing with disbelief. *** Sorry it?s short, my heater isn?t working and I am cold, so I need to fix the stupid thing.[/color][/size]
  14. [color=deeppink][size=1]Nayru opened her eyes suddenly aware of the moist, smoky smell, and the group of students staring at her, she checked her wings, [I]Good, they are almost faded, But why is every one staring at my like I?m some sort of hallucination? ? I get it, they don?t know what I really am.[/I] she sighed and walked over, aware that the wings are gone, ?Don?t say anything, no they were effects, yes they are fake, no I will not give you a pair, and yes, I would like to know your names.? Naryu giggled, human minds were easy to read. ?My name?s Naryu.? She almost said the Angel of Death, but caught herself. She waved her hand in front of the closest boy?s face, he was obviously stunned.[/size][/color]
  15. o.0 we are? ok here is my second: Name: Hotaru Tomoe Age: 10 Appearence: [url]http://ilsevet.tripod.com/pf/hotaru1.jpg[/url] Bio: Hotaru was in an acident at a lab involving a fire, her mother died but she was spared due to a folish agreement, her father permitted an evil being to take refuge in her body, and he had to help her fnd pure hearts. eventually the evil being as killed, and her father was too, they were illed by the Sailor scouts yata yata yata, (There isn't enough space to explian it all) more recently: Hotaru discoverd the truth about her powers and was throw into deniel, her being The Goddess of Saturn, Planet of Destuction. She had thought it was power in memory of her re-birth... (It's all to clouded for her to remeber after that) Job: Dark Mage Dimesion: Neo Tokyo (Sailor Moon Stars) Side: Emotion Siblings heh I was board, I like hotaru, this was good rpg to put her in. So, well, you see the end product.
  16. I know people from all over the wold: Africa, Asia, other parts of North America, South America, Europe, ane 1 from Australia. It's the only way I can keep in touch, being I refuse to speek often. So, For me, I like online relationships, well, first because I can Be myself, and don't have to fake it to be "in" because online I can find people who like what I like. It's a bad thing if you get so involved you become obsessed with this person you have to meet them in person. I think that is unhealthy, Because how do you know they're not faking what they say? Or if they are a bad (into drugs, guns, ect...) person? What would you do then? I mean if you know them really well, for like 5 years, you talk on web cam, or your freind knows them really really well, so much that they have met them in person before they talked online, (like at camp or somhing) I'm begining to ramble, but thats my bit.
  17. [color=deeppink][size=1]Nayru got up and brushed herself off, she was too pissed to waste her breath. She looked up and saw the hallway was empty, somthing scared the kids away... But in the classrooms she heard frantic cries from students. For a moment she almost joined them, but some one- or thing- was watching her. She flipped around to see a seventeen year old staring at her. Nayru wonderd what he was staring at only remebering that if she is in a dead human body, a piece of her spirt shows, she is the [i]Angel[/i] of Death so she supposed it was her wings. She flapped them about black feathers fluttering around, then vanishing into nothing. She paused only to see the boy stunned agian, he was speechless, and she could say nothing. It would take all her power and will, to hide them, but she had to, she needed to look normal. She focused on his life energy and borrowed a bit, not enough to kill him, he is probaly on of the few with a will strong enough to see her wings, but enough to get her heart beating again, and restore color to herself, instead of being a dead body walking around in a school. She sighed as her heart started to beat agian and color returned. He obviosly noticed the change and mustered up the guts to walk over to her. She felt her wings fading away, back into the shadows, waiting to be called apon.[/color][/size] *** I hope this is ok.
  18. [size=1][color=deeppink] Yuki stumbled into German class late. the teacher was obviosly not pleased. "Excuse me young lady. If you want to be late, please get a pass, or accept your detention." he yelled at her. "I'm sorry, I had troubling finding the class." She saw him reach for something on his desk, a moment later and blue ruler struck her head. She fell down, she has a heart condition, or at least Yuki does, Nayru Doesn't seemed affected by it. Yuki clutched her chest, trying to breath, trying to make her heart beat, but it was too late, she passed out... Nayru sensed people gathering around her, she knew her other side was gone, and only on her first day of school. [i]No! Now I don't have somone to take tests for me![/i] She kept her eyes closed for another moment, she knew her heart would never beat again, she just knew it. Nayru wasn't what you would call human or normal. She was in fact a spirit that was removed from the realm of Chaos in an attempt to stop her from dominating there. But they had no clue that she seeped her way into the Human world, and found a body with the mental capacity to hold two minds, but Nayru was dissapointed to see that this girl had a strong will, and was no fun, to Yuki it was all studying and extra credit. She opend her eyes now awaer that they were trying to get her puls, she yanked her hand away, "Hey, did you ever thing that I could have a heart condition, did you even bother to call the nurse?" she snapped at the group. "And excuse me, is it polite to poke at some one who is passed out?" she got up, and stormed off, alll her books in hand, [i]I can't let then find out.[/i] she her murmuring behing her. In wispers "She has no pulse... What you mean she is dead?... No, it's like it's too soft to hear or feel, but acording to every one in her class she has no pulse whatsoever, besides they also say, that after she passed out she lost some color, that's why she looks so pale... I mean she has no blood running through her." she tried toresit the rge to turn around and knock the life out of those girls. She clenched her hand into a fist and ran towards her next class. History... In the fade background she heard, "Look she has wings..." but at that she stopped lisnting and ran like hell, but she bumped into another kid... [/color][/size] I hope this is ok. I wanted to eliminate the "extra" mind.
  19. Name: Kana Age: 14 Appearance: Kana looks ten but is actually 14, she always wears a dark purple dress that seems to emit a pale purple glow, her eyes are a sorrowful purple that are stained/tinted red. Her hair is short, (or dow to the top of her neck) with a bit of hair on her right side that goes down to her shoulder. and is held in a bunch with an X shaped string of magic. She has a staff with the feeling of death, it is tinted red for it was made from the blood of those she killed. Her sword is a simple silver sword with a golden hilt. Bio: She used to be a normal girl, from earth, but was abandoned when she was ten, which threw her into an eternal depression, that kept her body at the age of ten, her feelings were so strong she was transported to the Land of Emotions. Now her life goal is to smile, but it seems her lips have forgoten the feel. So she reiks revenge on anyone who comes close to her. Job(s): Dark Mage, Psychic, Swordsman. Dimension: Land of Emotions Side: Emotion Sibling: Depression
  20. [size=1][color=deeppink]period 1: English period 2: German period 3: History period 4: Physics period 5: Computer Science period 6: [strike]P.E.[/strike] Study Hall period 7: Art Nayru stomped into english, [i]Late... crap, what a first impression. oh well, might as well be mean and scowl.[/i] That was so like her, thinking on how to piss someone off, kill them, or even drive them insane. She giggled to herself and pushed open the door, right away she was stuck in the face by a booming sound. Some one let fireworks out the window. [i]Heh, maybe this isn't going to be so bad.[/i] She smirked and walked in, she sat in the back and pulled out her CD player, and pressed play. Right away the sound of the fireworks faded with the music booming in her ears, she glanced at the window and saw it was the teacher on the roof. [i]Holy ****, I've never seen a teacher do that before.[/i] With that she got lost in the music, tapping her fingers on her desk, planning her next prank... Out of nowhere a bell rang signling 2nd period. Nayru lost contorl but Yuki was there waiting to take over. Yuki glanced at her class list. [i]Oh, no! I missed first period![/i] she put her CD player in her bag and rushed out there door.[/size][/color]
  21. Name: Autumn Mage Age: 13 Gender: female Species: half-demon (Fox) Small Bio: She was abondend when she was a little kid, so she grew up alone until she was 10 where a group of (fox) demons found her and kept her as a pet. She wanted revege for it. And got it. Apperence: ??? Weapons: A double headed axe, and a dagger. Future/Past: past Bad/Good: good I'll finish this later. I have to go to bed, I have a test, so save the spot for me! I'll probly be a form of demon.
  22. I feel SPEICIAL. ^^ heh ,my name is in the first post in bold, and it says, "based on a Ryu_Sakura Story", Which it is. Jro13 pmed me about it, and also invited me to join, isn't that nice? Crediting me for somthing I did. No one ever does that. jro I've been wondering where does this take place? (exactly) and What is the year there, and do we somhow get into anothe dimension? hehe, Skipping dimensons is fun... Or were you planning somthing else. The URL to the inspireration: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33153[/url]
  23. For my insanity tonight I blame the ads for FINDING NEMO. heheh you'll see why in a moment... Or if you look at my siggy. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16918[/IMG]
  24. that image on the left that is not faded out has the same placement, as a banner I made, and whats worse is that you should fully crop an image, not leave a little spot white. It doesn't fit.
  25. Oh, that project was easy, I did it in 6th grade. Just use lots of triangles, and lots of glue where they join. TIP: make sure it is even on all sides, one little mistake and your doomed! mwhahahahaha... It fried my brain too, escpecialy when another girl whom I have hated for a long time, "acidently" picked up (Naomisan24 and mine's) bridge and droped it, shattering all our work, we almsot failed the class, but due to my quick thinking I figured out how we could finish the bridge in less then 5 hours. Heh and it worked too.
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