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Dark Phoenix

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About Dark Phoenix

  • Birthday 09/25/1980

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  • Biography
    I am a college student and basically a slacker. I spend most of my free time writing and reading. And I know I haven't been around the OB much, I've been busy. But I am trying to rectify that now!
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  1. I think my two favorite pairings are Inuyasha/ Kagome and Ashitaka/ San(from Princess Mononoke). I also like Vash/ Meryl!
  2. I agree with you ReTarr. Our school never wore uniform, but sometimes I wish they did. You wouldn?t have to worry about what to wear and all the ?you don?t wear this so you?re not cool? crap would go with it.
  3. As a college student and past 18, I would say it didn?t change my life at all turning 18. I went off to college at 17 and that was a big change for me, so when I turned 18 during my freshman year, it was no biggie. So whether it makes your life easier or worse is a matter of circumstances.
  4. I feel your pain stardust. I was on marching band all through high school. Why do all the sports teams get support and not the band? I mean, their games would be a lot less interesting if it weren?t for our music and support! And our band never got along with the cheerleaders. There is just some unknown rule that states band and cheerleaders shall not get along. I won?t even get into the football team. Primarily because they always lost and we had to watch the lose every game?
  5. I love the 80?s and the music from it! I?m partial to ?Girls Just Want to Have fun!? I also really like ?Strut? and ?New Attitude.? I am also a big fan of 80?s fantasy movies! The Princess Bride, Willow, and The Legend are three of my favorite movies of all time!
  6. I am from Winshester, VA, but I go to school in WV. I always wonder where people are! Thanks.
  7. Dark Phoenix

    Dixie Chicks

    I have to agree with Poison Tongue, that not all celebrity talk is drabble. As for the Dixie Chicks, I am not a big fan of theirs, I only happen to like a couple of their songs, and I can tell they are not the most informed. But just because they didn't support Bush, doesn't mean they should get all the crap they did. To tell the truth, I don't know if I supported Bush or not! I definitly don't agree with him on a lot of things. Has this country come to the conclusion that everyone who doesn't support Bush is a moron? Or unpatriotic? I don't blame the Dixie Chicks for shying away from the country fandom. Why should they stay if they are going to get hounded for expressing an oppinion? Which IS ONLY an oppinion, I might add.
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