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Everything posted by Jaganshi

  1. I absolutlely love this manga for all the reasons Cyriel mentioned and more. The characters are stuning and so is the artwork. If the plot was completle trash I'd probably pick it up just for the artwork. But that is not the case. I haven't been able to get my hands on the second volume just yet but as soon as I get paid it will be one of the first things I buy. And it'll go about the same when the other to volumes come out in August and November.
  2. Since we're all basicly constucting our dream guy I guess I 'll join in on the fun. Physical - 1. Eyes: I think everyones basically covered this one. 2. Long Straight Hair: I like long hair, but its not a must have. I just dont like bald guys and ones with their hair buzzed really short. And curly hair to me just doesn't look right on a guy. 3. Bone Structure: I like a guy with well defined bones. Basicaaly in other words I like my guys boney. Boney but not anorexic. 4. Muscal: I like a bit of muscal to go with those bones too.But I don't want someone that is all muscal. But I don't want a guy that is all flab either. Mayber that happy little ground inbetween. 5. Height: Hieght is not that much of a problem. Just as long as he's not that much shorter than me. Which can take quite a bit of effort, seeing as though I'm only 5 foot. I've only found on guy shorter than me that was my same age and that was Kitty. 6. Tattoos and such: I don't mind as long as they are not over excessive. Personality - 1. An all around good personality is good. But everyone has their flaws so this is a pretty broad spectrum. 2. Decent sense of humor: They don't have to be comedian material but I don't want some one whos humor runs toward slapstick either. 3. Intelligence: They don't have to have an IQ of 140 but someone whom on occasion I can clash minds with and have an intelligent discussion with. 4. Creativity: Doesn't have to be a pullitzer prize winning author just has to have some sense of creativity. Be it writing or art or drama, just something. 5. Shows some sort of respect toward me and most of mine. 6. Not a drunk or addict. Drinking every now and then (if of legal age) is alright as long as he is resposible. 7. Honest. [sings] Run for the hills! (sorry I had to) 1.Brings to many mentally unstable relitives into the relationship. Sorry but I have enough for both of us. 2. Too much hair that is not rooted in his scalp. This includes facial hair. I can deal with a 5 O'clock shadow, but full beards, goatees, ect, no. Back and chest hair also fall in line here. 3. A complete dolt. Sorry I like the tools in my shed to have an edge. 4. Horrid hygeine. I'm jumping on the badn wagon here. 5. Someone that is unrespectful of other peoples needs. If I ask him to go away I expect him to take the hint that I'm not in the mood to do anything, I need my space or I'm just not feeling well. 6. Someone that is clingy. I don't mind being needed every no and then, but I'm not his mum. 7. Someone that is overly touchy. I don't mind being touched every now and then but I expect him to not make a habit of petting or hugging or kissing me when I'm not really in the mindset for overly touchy-ness. Might sound a bit self-centered but I'm not the most touch oriented person in the world. I think that's about it.
  3. Yesh Jhonen is a god. I found out about him and his works through Invader ZIM's slightly short lived stay on Nickeloden. And after I figured out who was the artist behind it I saved up my pennies (and other related monies) so that I could buy JtHM. Needles to say my copy of the directors cut is falling apart and being held together by mailing tape. I also was mean enough to force it on several of my friends. One of which is waiting for me to die or buy a new copy so she can get my current one. Once Zim was cancelled by Nick I became a "Doomer" and worte a rant about those "people" at Nickeloden. It also doubled as a paper in my english class. I haven't read much of Jhonen's other works but I will own them this summer. Maybe. Hopefully. And yes Sennen Hellmo is the spiff.
  4. A new poem by me. It's based on a personal experiance. And I'd be oh so happy if I could get some constructive critisim (I can't spell right now so blah.). If You don't like tell me what you don't like and how I could possiblely fix it. If you like it tell what you like about it. But if you are going to just say "that poem is the sux" please don't. I was only happy when it rained, But then you took that away, And left the scar on my mind. It'll last till the end of time. Now tell me baby,... Are you happy when it rains? Are you proud of my scar? Of what you've done to my mind, And the damage you've done? Did I leave my mark? Did it hurt when I branded you? Did my fire scorch your mind? Is the smoke in your eyes? Just pull your hood up and turn away, It'll all be okay. Just keep saying that. Four more years and you are mine. Cos then I can get you outta my mind. I'll scratch and claw, Twist and bend... I'm locked in my white room, and the walls are closin' in. 4 more years can't come in time, Gotta get you outta my mind. Cause baby all infatuation dies. And there it is! Smolder My Mind. And just a little fun fact when I use the word smolder in the title here I mean both defintions. Pent up emotions and coals.
  5. Well it's been about three months since I obtained a new banner and avi. And I love The Nighmare before X-mas as much as the next person but I need a change. So I would like a The Demon Ororon banner and avi. For the color scheme I would like black,yellow orange and dark red. For the text I would like Madness is no kind of release. Or The only things that truly exist are children. Thanks in advance. And if you have any questions feel free to PM me.
  6. [quote name='Xander Harris']Yah, I'd like to check out CyberPunk 2020 someday, but I think I had better get Dnd 3.5 first. My current campaign has some cyberpunk elements in it (how can anyone's home-brew world avoid them in this post-Matrix age ;) ) but I have yet to do any pure cyberpunk.[/quote] Well if you want to find specificly 2020 you need to look on ebay or find a really good used bookstore.Even the gaming store I go to didn't even have a used copy.Though they did have a bunch of other titles I wanted to buy.But if you don't nessacarily want 2020 I think 2030 is still in print.From what I know the only diffrence is in the tecnology.
  7. I play CyberPunk2020 but I have AD&D,Chill and Shadow Run sitting on one of the many bookcases in the computer room at my Dad's house.CyberPunk 2020 is well set in the year 2020.Its in a way a less technologiacally advadced version of Cowboy Bebop the time period I mean.There are nine diffrent character types, techies, netrunners, corprates, fixers, nomads, solos, cops, rocker(boy)s, and medias We haven't really progressed that far in the current campaign I am involved in but so far so good.In the current campaign that I am in the charater I have is a female techie.She's not really well off but she deals.The group I play with is comprised of five people. Since I am relitivly new to pen and paper RPGs I dont really have any memories I am exceptionally fond of of that haunt my mind with every roll of my translucent purple dice. There really isn't any think I dislike about about pen and paper RPGS.Thought there are many thing I like about them.Personally I prefer them over RPG style video games.One of the things I really like about them is that you can use your imagination and creativity more than you can in a predesigned video game.And you can develop your character to a point where to you they are like their own seprate being.
  8. New Order is an awsome band.Back during the summer I got one of their newer albums "International".It came out about two years ago.It has some really awsome songs on it.I really like "Bizarre Love Triangle"(its the extended dance mix) and "The Perfect Kiss". And yes Kyonen I have heard "Crystal". It's a good song but not one of my absolute favorites. This is the only album of New Order's that I've heard but over all I am impresed with it and when I get enough cash and leave my computer desk I plan on going out and by some more of thier CDs.As well as a few other bands.
  9. [QUOTE] And now for a series: Everworld. It's based more on the horror side of sci-fi, but it's such a unique idea, all the gods of the world, on every timeline, all together in one world. The author, K.A. Applegate, (yes, the very same who wrote Animorphs) is also very good at character development, which is always a huge factor for me in considering whether a book/series is really good or not.[/QUOTE] Oh I completly forgot about the Everworld books. I absolutly love them. The bad thing is I can never find the 6th book. So I've only read the first five. Right now I'm reading a book called Tithe. So far it's really good. I'm surprised I could put down lomg enough to type this. The characters are believable and likable. And it doesn't glamurize the faeries in the story.
  10. I love names.Everytime i create a new charcater for anything I write I always take my time finding a name that fits.I find this ironic as my friend and I are dicussing the mmeanings of names on AIM right now. [U]Girls Names[/U] Arden Scrim* Lenore Taryn * Tess Terra Nox* Nixie* Faren Sade* Cyn/Cynna* Kathryn/Kat* Lirit Prim Rez Feral Dess Sairys* Evi* [U]Boys Names[/U] Gavyn * Ian * Iggy* Loki* William * Mitch James* [U]Unisex Names[/U] Tristan* Skel* Gage* [U]Pet Names[/U] Skizo(blue russian cat) Syco(black cat) Sico(black and white cat) Insomnia(albino ferret) Tweak(fish) And for some misc. elven name Oath of the cloth weaver to the Goddess of the Sea of Brightness. It's the meanings of my first, middle, and last names. And for my friends Famous Ruler Bright Fame Will Helmet. I think thats it for now but I might update later. *Names of characters I've created.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1][font=century] However, the shirt I want moire than anything is "Ride the Pig", with Invader Zim's Gir. ^__^[/color][/font][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=tomato]DeathBug I have that shirt and it is one of my favorite ones.I wear it all the time.It's full of holes now for two reasons. a)It went through the wash way to many times. b)It's from Hot Topic and their clothes fall apart fast. Besides that shirt I also love my Alanis Morissette shirt.It's black and on the back it says her name in all lowercase in a yellow font.And on the front it says inellectual intercourse.You have no clue about the number of people at school who thought the shirt was about sex.When I try to explain it to them they still can't get the idea that it's not about sex out of their.They still insist.Oh well I guess I'll just have tho throw dictionarys at them. I have one more shirt I abosolutly love.It's my Rick Springfield shirt.It's one of the tour shirts.I got back when I went and saw him when he played at the Skyline stage on the pier in Chicago.The shirt itseslf is black and all the writing is in white.On the front it has all the little faces on it and below them it has the name of the new album shock/denile/anger/acceptance.On the back it has his name,the album title and tour 2003-2004.[/color]
  12. [color=tomato]This is an BorderLand fanfic. BorderLand BTown and all related matters are copyright Terry Windling and their other respective owners.[/color] ------ [u]Emerald Butterfly[/u] I walked down Ho Street with my mother. Iwas on my way to see my little brother for the first time in my life. When I was two, my mother took me away from BTown citing it was too dangerous for a child. Even more for a halfie child. Throughout the two years in the World before my little brother was born, my mom would go back and forth from the World to BTown to visit Dad.When I was four Mom announced that she would be having another child. Nine months later my little brother was born in a World hospital. As soon as he was ready Mom took him to BTown to live our father. Normally this would incite a cry of hypocrite from me but this was mom and she just probably wanted him to live with his father and have a father figure around so that he could learn about why his Y chromosome makes him just a bit a superior to my two Xs. I release a sigh and glance at my surroundings. Elves, humans and a surprising lack of halfies border me to both sides. I glance at my mother. Then to the people around me once more. This time someone catches my eye. He's about average human build, but bit tall. I look for the tale tell sign. Bingo-the ears are slightly pointed. Meaning only one thing, he's a halfie like me. Either that or I've finally lost it. He's hair is silver with black bangs. He lifts his head up. His emerald green eyes meet my icy blue ones. A chill goes up my spine. I can sense something different about him. Pain and lost. Malice and sorrow. My mind fogs and begins to swirl. I hear a familiar voice. "Rayne? Honey were here." It was my mother's. I step out of the fog and see the red brick building in front of me. A sign on it reads "The Dancing Ferret." Mom holds the door open for me as we walk in. My mind floats back to the boy on the street. I shake my head and follow Mom to a booth with red leather seats in the back left corner of the club. At the booth sit an elven man and a young halfie boy. His reddish brown eyes set on my mother. He glances at the elven man, who gives a nod. The boy turns his eyes back to Mom and smiles. "Mom." He says his voice barely audible. "Gage." My mother replies. He stands up and hugs her. Mom gives an approving smile, and reciprocates the gesture. "I missed you so much Mom. Why didn't you stay here with us? We could've been a happy family." Gage looks up at mom with a pleading look. A chuckle escapes from Dad's lips. As I expected, Mom shoots him a glare. Dad ignores it. "Gage you know there is no such thing as a happy family in BTown. I demand to know where you heard such a myth." His voice was dripped in sarcasm. To add to the effect he smiles. Gage pouts and returns to his seat next to Dad with his arms crossed. "You know you're no help Dad." "I know." He sticks out his tongue. I walk and take a seat on the cool red leather next to Gage. He looks at me. His eyes are questioning. "You must be Rayne. Dad's's told me about you." "So he has."I glance to father who glances up at the sky and mock whistles."Well I really don't know much about you. I didn't even know your name till I heard used earlier." "Well go get use some drinks and I tell you my life story. I'm only 13 so I can't grantees it'll long or very exciting." He lets out a small chuckle. It sounds just like Dad's. Mom hands me some World money and I stand up. As I turn toward the bar, the front door opens and in walks the boy I saw on the street. He goes and sits down at the bar. He glances my way then turns back to the bar and orders himself a drink. I walk up to the bar slowly. When I reach the bar, I find myself standing next to him facing the bar. A man with a ferret on his shoulder comes over to me and asks what I need. As best I can I mutter the order and he shuffles off. The boy looks at me and extends his hand. "The name's Loki. Pleased to meet you." I stammer to find the words I need but eventually they come out."The name's Rayne."I extend my hand and we shake. His hands are cold. A cough comes from behind me and I whirl around to seen Ferret-man standing there with the four drinks I ordered sitting the bar in front of him. I hand him the money and try to pick up all four of the pint bottles. Loki notices my struggles and holds out his hand in an offer of assistance. "Need a hand?" "Sure." I hand off two of the bottles to Loki who then grabs his own bottle and gives a nod to Ferret-man. We both walk to the booth. Where I get a quirked eyebrow, a smirk, and a look of disapproval. We both set our cargo down. I toss Mom her change and sit down. I motion for Loki to sit and he kindly accepts. Gage looks to Dad who in return smirks and holds his hands up even with his shoulders. He then turns to Mom looking for a partner in his disapproval. All she does is shake her head. The tension in this booth alone is making me sick so I decide to break the ice by introducing Loki. "Everyone this is Loki. Loki the woman to the far left is my mom. Next to her is my Dad, and the disgruntled green haired boy is my brother Gage." Loki gives a wave to no one in particular. "So Loki are you a halfie." Gage asks with a bite to his tone. "Um..No. I'm human. The ears are just a genetic thing." "Oh . . . So what's your interest in my sister?" I elbow Gage in the ribs and mutter under my breath."Gage I can take care of myself." Loki quirks a smile. "My interest in your sister is just friendship. I only met her not even ten minutes ago." "Good." The area surrounding us fills with silence. I begin to tap my fingernails on the table top. Loki turns to face me. "Do you want to see something?" "Sure." The whole table looks at Loki as he holds out his palm. Loki closes his eyes the mutters something in elvish. Suddenly a green and black butterfly appears in his hand. It shimmers and flits its wings. Gage looks at it in disgust. "It's an illusion. Loki deals illusion mage work. Only thieves and liars do illusions." Loki closes his hand with the butterfly inside. When he opens it back up all that's left is black, green and silver dust. He dusts his hands off and stands up. He bows and erects himself again. "I bid you all farewell. May you have safe travels and that fate may reunite us on better terms." He turns around and leaves. I turn to Gage and meet his brown eyes. "I know that you were trying to protect your sister, but your sister is four years older than you and can take care of herself most of the time. Not all but most. There will be times when I need you. But just then was not one of them." Mom stands up and pulls a camera out of her bag. Conflict resolution. "Rayne scoot closer to Gage." I do as I am told and then put my arm around his shoulder. He folds his arms and scowls. I smile and Mom snaps the picture. I stand up and go give Dad a hug. I then give one to Gage whether he likes it or not. Mom gives her goodbyes and heads for the door I follow behind her. I stop and turn around. "Good bye Gage. Dad." Gage stays silent and Dad waves goodbye. **** When Mom and I get back to our house in the World. I get ready for bed. In my pants pocket I find a folded up piece of paper. In black ink it reads, "Rayne, When you come back to BTown and want to find me I'll be at the House of Fate. It's old warehouse on Mock Av. If I happen to not be there ask Scrim, the human girl with orange hair, she'll know where I'm at. And no she's not my girlfriend, she's my sister. Trust in the Fates, Loki" I fall back on my bed and close my eyes. "I'll be back soon Loki. Soon . . . " ---------- [color=tomato]Well that's it. Give me some feedback and tell me what you think about it.[/color]
  13. [color=tomato]Well I have two scars that really have a story behind them.The mulitudes of others that litter the rest of my body are your basic average nixs and cuts and misquito bites that really itch and you pick at them and they bleed and then the scabs start to vex you and you pick at them and they bleed and the who vicious cycle starts over again.It's a really a horrible cycle! Well back to main point.The first of the two is a scar I have on the back of my skull.It's about two inches in length(its shrunk) and sits on the left side of my head towards the center.In teh when category I got this scar when I was 1 1/2 two-ish.When your young time seems to blur.It blurs even more from head wounds.Now to the how.It was a sunny day sometime around spring.My grandmother's(Granny Faye) roses were in bloom and pollen filled the air(which caused me to sneeze,alot).I had decided to go into my grandfather's(Pawpaw Bruce) two story garage where he kept all of his equipment for his heating,electrical, and air conditioning business.Inside a shiney red refridgerator dolly(the thing they move them with)called to me.If it had the ability to speak it would said somrthing along the lines of "Come on Liz push me back and forth.It'll be fun." Well it was shiney so I took its nonexistant advice.I got to pushing it and was having fun.I started to push it harder.The harder the push got the more carless I got.This would be all fine and dandy if I had noticed the riding lawnmower battery behind me.Well we all know an 'if' means.Yup I fell backwards and hit my head on the corner.It began to bleed and I began to cry.Luckily Granny Faye was out weeding her white roses that grew along the edge of the garage.She heard me and came running.She picked me up and yelled for Pawpaw Bruce.All this camotion led to a trip to the local hospital on teh bypass.Once there I was rushed to the ER.Pawpaw Bruce stayed behind to call my mom who was working at a Gold Star Chilli in a neighoring large city which was about 45 minutes away.It only took her 25 minutes to get to the hospital.All in all I ened up with 18 stitches and I couldn't sit down for two weeks. Now for the other one. Back at the begining of this past summer I went to Chicago for a Rick Springfield concert(if you know who is pm me if not think Jessie's Girl,good now that you have that image of him lose it.He's not clean cut anymore,not that he was but that song was about stalking his friends girl.That's the short version anyway).That really isn't that important to the story but it just adds a little something.Anyways...I was at my dad's house the Monday after my Rick weekend and I decided to vist my cousins Rita and Lillie and My aunt Connie(nut job with a capital N) as well as Granny Faye and Pawpaw Bruce.As normal I was jumped by Rita and Lille who were screaming "Cousin Lizzy's here!!!Cousin Lizzy's here!!!".Well at this time they still thought Lillie had ADHD so she was on Ritalin(funfact she didn't have ADHD).Well the Ritalin wasn't "working" so she was violent and uncontrolable(the fact that she has never been punished in her life also adds to this).She decided that it was tackle Lizzy time.Well she tackled and I got tired of it.So she decied to punch me,keep in mind she was six.So I didn't really want to hurt her so I told her not to do it again.Logically she did it again.That's when I got fed up.I told her if she did it again I'd hit back and I granteed her I could hit harder than her.Well she didn't hit back she jumpped on my back and bit my right shoulder.With the shock of being bit I thew her down on the ground infront of me and pinned her down.I told her you don't bite people and that'd I let her up if she calmed down.That really didn't work because during my whole little 'mommy' speech she was trying to bite my wrists.I let her up and lifted up my shirt sleeve that remarkablly didn't have a hole in it only to find that I was bleeding alot.Granny Faye freaked and apoligized for Lillie.Which didn't work because she dicided biting her cousin was fun so she tried to do it again and I pined her down and got and left. Well there you go.My most notable scars.[/color]
  14. [COLOR=tomato][b][u]General Awards[/u] Overall Member of the Year:[/b] James [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] Syk3 [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] Sara [b]Staff Member of the Year:[/b] Charles [b]Funniest Member of the Year:[/b] Dragon Warrior [b]Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year:[/b] Poison Tongue [b]Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years:[/b] Adam [b]Best Newbie:[/b] Terra [b]Best Oldie:[/b] Shy [b]Most Likely to Become a Staff Member:[/b] Poison Tongue [b]Most Improved Member of the Year:[/b] Baron Samedi [strike][b]Favorite Banned Member:[/b] Rick Hunter, Taylor Hewitt, Dayday[/strike] [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] Star Wars 411 [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b] I...am...lone [b][u]Random Awards[/u] Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall):[/b] Semjaza Azazel [b]Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall):[/b] Sara [b]Best Location (Best Specific Location):[/b] Charles [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] Charles/Japan_86 [b]Best Looking Otaku:[/b] James [b]Otaku Clique of the Year:[/b] OtakuBoards League of Not-So-Extraordinary Gentlemen [b]Best MyOtaku:[/b] Charles [b][u]Otaku Writers[/u] Poet Laureate:[/b] Mitch [b]Writer of the Year:[/b] Charles [b]Orginal Story of the Year:[/b] OB: Enter the Net [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] Arcadia [b][strike]Brawler of the Year:[/b] Chaos, Raiha, Harlequin[/strike] [b]RPG of the Year:[/b] Kill Adam [b][u]Social Otakus[/u] Otaku Social Member:[/b] Japan_86 [b]Entertainment Otaku:[/b] Dragon Warrior [b][u]Otaku Anime[/u] Otaku of the Year:[/b] Maladusted [strike][b].hack//SIGN Member of the Year:[/b] AzureWolf, Black Phoenix, K.K.C.[/strike] [b][strike]Dragonball Guru of the Year:[/b] Burori, PiroMunkie, J17[/strike] [b][strike]Digipeep of the Year:[/b] Digital_Monster, Leh, Ben, Takuya[/strike] [b][strike]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b] Domon, Hitokori Zero, ZeroG214, Final Flash[/strike] [b][strike]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/b] Solo Tremaine, Deathbug, Domon[/strike] [b]Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member:[/b] Dagger IX1 [b][u]Otaku Gamers[/u] Otaku Gamer of the Year:[/b] Shimaru [b]Nintendo "Mario" Award:[/b] Shinmaru [b][strike]Sony Award:[/b] Dan, Charles, Tommy Vercetti[/strike] [b]X-Box Award:[/b] PoisonTongue [b]PC Gamer of the Year:[/b] DeathKnight [b][u]Otaku Artists[/u] Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):[/b] Syk3 [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.):[/b] Queen Asuka [b]Best Spriter:[/b] Dragonballzman [b][u]Series Otaku[/u] Series Otaku Member of the Year:[/b] Shinmaru [b]Square/Enix Member of the Year:[/b] Zidargh [b][strike]PokéPlaque (Pokemon):[/b] Lady Katana, Crimson Spider[/strike] [b][strike]The Triforce Award:[/b] Desbreko, Semjaza Azazel, OlgatheDwarf[/strike] [/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B][color=violet] Also, my brother called my husband Lincoln Lord of the Underworld when they first met. It kinda made me wanna go buy a pomegranite and call myself Persephone. (let me know if you get the joke)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=tomato]I got the joke.In Greek mythology Persephone was the daughter of Demeter goddess of the harvest.One day Pluto god of the Underworld asked Zeus for Persephone's hand in marrige. Zeus refused.So Pluto decided to kiddnap Persephone.Demeter went and asked Zeus to get Persephone back and said that if after a year she had not eaten any of the fruit from Plutos' garden she could come home.One day towards the end of the year Pluto tricked Persephone into eating a pomegranite seed (which are really good IMO).So what ended up happening was Zeus was able to cut a deal with Pluto.The condition were that Persephone had to spend a part in the Underworld with PLuto and another she could spend with her mother Demeter.When Persephone would leave for the part of year she had to spen with Pluto Demeter would be depressed which would cause the plants to die.And when Persephone would come back from the Underworld Demeter would be happy again causing the plants to bloom. And that is your Greek Mythology lesson for today class dismissed.[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE] Responding to the growing use of over-the-counter medications to make illegal drugs, an increasing number of stores are restricting access to commonly used cold, sinus and allergy remedies that contain ingredients of powerfully addictive methamphetamine. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=tomato]Okay I can understand wanting to put a stop to drug use, but limiting the amount of a product that a consumer can buy is a little ridiculous. And it's not just OTC cold-pills their doing this to.Wal-Mart is also limiting the quanity of lithum batteries you can buy to a maximum of four packages.All because they conatain an ingredient also used in making meth. If your going to do something like that you might as well take many types of household cleaning products and white out off store shelves.Because if someone wants to get high and can't buy the stuff they want to make meth what are they going to do?Go to the aisle with cleaning supplies and pick up a can of air freshener. What is your alls opinon in this matter? [/COLOR] [URL=http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=2027&ncid=2027&e=4&u=/chitrib_ts/20040126/ts_chicagotrib/methfearcutscoldpillaccess]The Yahoo! News article[/URL]
  17. In 7th grade my whole team did a scrapbooking project.Everytime we went on a fieldtrip pictures would be taken.There were also pictures of us disecting worms. Everyone did their own and at the end of the school year we go to take ours home.I enjoyed it alot.And not just for the fact we would do it during science for full periods at a time.Science is one of my favorite subjcts. I still have mine.Every now and then I'll pull it off my bookshelf at get all nastolgic.
  18. I'm not overly into fantasy but I recomend any of the BorderLand books. There are four anthologies (Borderland, Bordertown, Life on the Border, and The Essential Bordertown: A Traveller's Guide to the Edge of Faerie). And there are three novels (Elsewhere and Nevernever by Will Shetterly and Finder by Emma Bull) They are about a town on the edge between the real world we know(The World) and the Elflands. Finder has a bit of a depresso ending but it will drag you into it hook, line, and sinker. On the sci-fi end I recomend Hell: A CyberPunk Thriller. It's set in 2099 and plays off some aspects of the CyberPunk RPG. But you dont have to know about the RPG to understand teh book since the connection is a loose one.
  19. I plan on going to Eastern Kentucky University to study forensics.Most likely forensic psychology(cant spell at 4:00 am). The reason I decided to choose EKU over Tennesee is a) EKU is closer to where I live.b)I know the city like the back of my hand and c)I can mouch off of relatives who live near the campus.
  20. Ah New Years resolutions the bane my life. 1. Try and get my history teacher commited to an asylum. 2. Try not kill people. 3. Finish my fanfic. 4. Develop my charcters for my story a bit more. I think that's it.
  21. No I'm not talking about the holiday specials on TV I'm talking about holiday shows. At my school we have a thing every year called the Holiday Ham Show.No there is no ham invloved. Its where the teachers get to act like they just escaped from the funny farm. This years show was interesting.And by that I mean how often do you get to see a Charlies Angel dressed in a flapper dress kick Neo in the face because he pulled her hair? Or see your crazed history act like he has just been hit by a taser that was so high in voltage it could kill whale while he was trying to be "four calling birds" during the 12 days of X-mas? Then after that see your english and science teacher do a dance with giant candy canes. It tramatized me.I now need to find some bubble wrap or a really good shrink. But before I do that do any of you all do anything like this or did do anything like this at school?
  22. Well I have asked for a rainbow of duct tape before.I don't really know why. On the reciving end of thingsI really haven't been given any odd gifts besides makeup.I never wear makeup but every year with out fail someone gives me makeup.One year all my relitives gave me secented bath gel. Once my friends sister gave her some of the manly lotion Milo speaks of.
  23. My stepmom plays the ref in our current game of Cyberpunk.She has been going pretty easy on us since only her an dmy dad had ever played before.But she has told us about some refs she's had to play a game under.Some of them were really phsycotic.But most of them had played under other phsycotic refs and had some pent up rage and decided to take it out on the players.
  24. People at my school wear jelly bracelets(me included) but none of the people I know participate in this "activity, even the so called sex addicts who wear them. But they do pass around pull tabs. None of the teachers care about the bracelets unless we have them off our wrists.
  25. I wrote this one in careers class yesterday and just got around to typing it. American Dream They tell you how to be, How to see, And how to live How can I go day in and day out Living the way I am told to Having no freedom Liberty and Justice for all is a lie How can we go spewing those words from our mouths like fools Living in the dark like blind mice Turn a blind eye to people who are not like you Who do not believe in what you do Who do not live like you do Freedom of speech is encroached upon Privacy is no more Women are minorties All I strive for All I believe With as many rights I have I cannot be free The hypocrisy has yet to end We twist and bend to conform to society But conformity deforms I have another poem about the holoucast I have to get back from my english teacher.So it will be up soon.
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