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Everything posted by Jaganshi

  1. The hardest thing I have ever had to go through physically was when I cracked my skull open on a lawnmower battery when I was two. I was playing with a refridgerator dolly when it fell on me causing me to fall backwards onto the battery. I had to go to the hospital and get stitches. I still have a scar. The hardest thing that happened to me emotionally was when I was in fourth grade.My stepmom was going to have a baby but I couldn't be there for it. Now I am kinda glad I wasn't there to see it because I don't know how I would have reacted when they told it me was still-born.I know it had to be really hard on my stepmom waiting nine months to see her little baby girl then only to find it still-born,It was hard on me and I hadn't even gone though all that.All I really know is that seeing a little baby in coffin does something to you,even if it's not your own flesh and blood.No mother should ever have to see or go through that. Another thing that really hit me hard was the very next year on the Saturday before Christmas my great-grandmother died.I was closer with her than I was my own mother.I practicly grew up in her house.Every year we would go to her house and the whole family would get together and celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving.Well earlier that year she was hospitalized and we fould out she some type of cancer.(At least I think that was what she had,nobody every really told me.)They released her from the hospital for Thanksgiving.It was really hard for me to see her hooked up to oxygen tanks and laying in bed.It was hard on everyone.After Thanksgiveing she was admitted back into the hospital because her condition worsened.On the Sunday before Christmas my mom got a call from my dad telling her that she had died.When my mom told me I broke down in tears.I got really depressed after this happened adding on to the depression that my sisters death had caused.But what was really spooky was that at my grandmas house they were getting ready to leave to go vist my great-grandma when their rotating x-mas tree fell over causing the stand to bust.In a way I kinda find this symbolic because afetr her death nobody really ever came to the gatherings anymore.She was like the foundation of family and when that colasped the entire family fell apart. Well I guess I'll stop depressing you now.
  2. I have tons of nicknames.Some of them I accept willingly, others not so. Fyi: My names Libby. Zipper-head: This one was given to me by my great uncle.He dubbed me this because when I was two I cracked my head open and I had to get stitches, which he calls my "zipper". Libbness: My friend Lacy started calling me this because she wanted to give me a nickname.So far its caught on with some of my really good friends, all three of them. Libby-Lou: A teacher at my old school gave me this nickname.Some people who knew back then sometimes call me this.Those people have deathwishes. Liz,Morbid,Bik:These are the names of some of my alter-egos.My friend Lacy is notorius for calling any(or all) of these when Libby and Libbness don't get my attention. Genius: This is one my history teacher(who is a crazed spaztic crack head who is in dire need of a trip to the funny farm) started calling me.There's quite a story behind it.It all started the first day of this school year( 8th grade) when in history class we had to take a "test" to see how much we knew about American history.Well you see I got the highest score on the team(kinda like classes.Three teams a grade about 100 people per team),a 91%.The average was 51%.The teacher decided to inform all of the other students about my score.So for about the first two months of school almost everybody was calling me this.Now only a few do.The teacher does on a daily basis. I think that's all for now.
  3. Nitrogen.It's explosive when mixied with right elements.It also makes up most of the air we breath, it fertilizes our plants and is also one of the main ingredants in nitrous oxide.Good ol' laughing gas. Out of the other elements I would have to go with fire. Why its just so beautiful.And I'm not just saying that because I'm a pyro.Well maybe I am.It also creates and distroys at the same time.
  4. I am going to post my random poetry here.The first one I am going to post is a tanka.A tanka is a form of Japanes poetry that is comprised of five lines that follow a pattern of 5-7-5-77. Life Death and Love; pain Rip my heart out, let me bleed And feed it to me Now feel the pain you caused me Vengeance is as sweet as you The next one is haiku, another form of Japanese poetry.Haikus are comprised of three lines that follow the pattern of 5-7-5. Torture, pain, anguish The shadows are everywhere Human Nature One more for today.This one is a poetic cryptogram.It's basicly a sentence or phrase where you regroup the words.Try and figure it out.I'll give you a clue it's four words. Onl yt hep ari noi dsu rv ive.
  5. I play Cyberpunk with my family.We started playing back in the summer.We normally play the 1st saturday of every month.We play for a couple hours at time.Back after we first started playing my dad took me to get my very own dice.They're tranluscent purple.^_^
  6. I had tons of fun but it was hard dragging my dad away from the hentei.I had no money to spend but I had a good time none the less.My family is all planing on going next year for all threee days.And my dad says he's bringing at least $500 w/him and justr not for porn.
  7. Thankies. ^_^ Well since it's my first time I don't think I am going to cosplay.I might next year if I go.But if I did I would be Ed.I was her for halloween and only one person new who I was.Oh well. Thanks for the tidbits.
  8. Okay I follow the wiccan religion and hate to burst your bubble but Charmed is just a TV show.We can't do any of those things,like be empaths.We can cast spells but there's this thing called the rule of three."Ever mind the rule of three what you send out comes back to thee." Aka karma.we can't trun people into frogs or make you fall in love with the hot jock in homeroom.BUt you are on teh right track with the fact Satan is not a part of the wiccan path.when you belive in something evil you give it power. Just thought I'd put mt two cents in.
  9. I am going to my first con this weekend. It Sugio Con in Covington Ky.And I was wonding if any of fine people had any tips or warnings or words of wisdom for me.I am only going to be there Saturday becaused I am pressed for cash.I wouldn't even be going except for that fact that my dad owes my big time.I am also wondering if anyone else will be there.Feel free to share your con experiances too. So give me advice and tell me if you'll be there
  10. Just thought since no one knew where Uganda is I thought I'd tell you all.Uganda is a small African country that is above Rwanda.It's toward the center of the country and lies not to far south of the Sahah desert. I had to memerize all the countries in Africa and Europe last year. And me I wouldn't do the assignment.But that's just me.
  11. I used to RP there but after the boards went to hell in a handbasket I shyed away.Every now and then I'll go there and scout for a decent Rp that doesn't already have 100 posts.My username there is morbid_one_ i don't like it very much .When my old account got froze I just thought something up on whim.
  12. I have thsi problem as well just not w/ anime.Poeple like to call me "witchcraft" or "gothic"(and I 'm not goth).They have been in this mind set for about the past 4 years.And their insults never change.So when they call me names I turn around and tell them to come up with some new material and try again later.Then I walk off leaving a stunded preppy standing there like an idot. And the whole getting your panties in bunch about them calling you things just gives them a sense of satisfaction.They got to you and they'll just do it again and again.So just ignore them or show them up intalectually(sp? cant spell today). And just remember we're all pink and squishy on the inside.All that really matters is how screwed up we are in the head.
  13. In my family I'm the only one who is really into manga.But when I bring some anime home they mostly sit down and watch it with me.I sorta got my dad hooked on Escaflowne.He was mad when the tape was over because he couldn't see what was going to happen.I had to explain that there were only four episodes on the tape.My mom could really care less.I got my little brother to watch SD Gundum with me one day and now he sits around quoting it.It was cute for the first hour and a half after that it got annoying.Just imagine a six year old running around saying "Zako?Zako zako..." Now to the positive end of the scale. My little cousin absolutly loves Sailor Moon.So we sit around and watch SM for hours and once I had the manga with me and I read it to her.It was cute till she bit me.(long story)She also has me print out pics for her.Once I made her a coloring book.I gave it to her as a present when she got out of the looney bin.She even runs around screaming random attacks and tranformation sentences.Its cute. My stepbro really isn't picky just as long as there are no subtitles. That experiment didn't go to well.He tried reading manga but it confused him.He's not the brightest crayon in the box.But he did like the pictures in Ranma 1/2 and Inuyasha. My stepmom is starting to love anime and manga.She's even taking me to Sugio Con in 10 more days.w00t! But she is a little mad at me because I told her to read the first volume of Marmalade Boy and she ened up liking it but I didn't have the volume.So she hopes that I get it soon. Well I guess that covers it.
  14. I watched Barney till he ripped me off. Well not him directly but his fanclub.My grandpa worked at PBS/KET so I grew up on Sesame Street and Mr.Rogers. Now Mr.Rogers gives me nightmares even though he's dead. [QUOTE]Fraggle Rock.... 'nuff said.[/QUOTE] Fraggle Rock was awsome.It was like the muppets on acid. I watched Lambchop too.*sings This is the song that never ends...* There was just something about that puppet.
  15. I have my ears pierced a couple of times and wouln't mind getting my them done a couple of more times.Or my eyebrow.My stepmom got her bellybotton done and it got infected.My aunt also got hers done but it ripped out.She said it getting ripped out wasn't painful but it sounded painful.My dad has his nipple and ear done.My stepmom also has her ears pierced 5 times total and her nose is pierced.She wanted to get her tounge done but the vien that ran through the middle of her tounge was too thick.My girlfriend says she's goning to get her belly done but I wouldn't.That's just me though.So if you want to get yours done more power to ya.
  16. My school has drug searches every now and then and only if they get a hint someone has drugs.But normally these drugs are just painkillers or other OTC drugs.They won't even let us have cough drops w/out a doctors note.I think that's a bit much but oh well. When they do the searches they are always after school and w/no notice unless you heard by word of mouth.The last time they did one was about 2 months ago.They never check students.And with weapons my schools pretty liberal.They let me and some other people wear ankel lenght trench coats.My stepbrothers school wont them do that. Well I'm rambling so I'll stop typing now.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stephanie Ayler [/i] [B]Ever since I was a about 3 or 4 years old, I had alot of Barbies in my bed, closet, and in a big chest. Unfortunatly, some of them had no heads. I use to sleep with a headless Barbie at my side; and it didn't scare me. When years passed, I've benn collecting Holiday Barbie Collections; from 1997 to this year. I can't wait for the new Holiday Barbie. [/B][/QUOTE] My Grandma has all of the holiday barbies from 1990 to 2003.She got this years from the Barbie fanclub magazine/catolog thingy.
  18. Well aren't we all quite messed up? I still have barbies,they're in a tub in my closet with all their little stuffies.^_^ I still play with from time to time.And almost all my barbies are lesbians. One of my most recent barbie adventures ended up with her shoved into my locker at school beneath all my textbooks.What I did was I made a nose out of brown yarn and put her in a cheerleader outfit.Then I taped her up in my locker.I took her down because almost all the guys in my grade would come over and lift up her skirt or the little piece of fabric that was called a skirt. That doll is now at my grandmas house with 3 inch screws in her eyes. teehee I've never melted a barbie.I've set their hair on fire and gvae them "make overs" with gell pens and skissors.But never the way of the microwave have they ventured. My gandma (who is 55 )collects barbie dolls.And in her current she has left them all to me.Because she says I wont sell them.I wont sell them they will just be horrible mutilated.You know all this talk of barbie dolls make me want to go play with them. *scampers off to bedroom to play with barbie and her many clones* Oh and one more thing.I don't belive that stacey and skipper and kelly are her sisters.They have to be her daughters. (fun fact:A barbie comercial just came on.)
  19. Almost evry little girl has played with Barbie.Some have blown her up or had her make out with her brothers G.I. Joe doll.Some people even make little plays or skits with their Barbies.Well me me and Barbie had some good times when I was little and sometimes I wouldn't talk to her for days.But my most memorible account with Barbie was when she and Ken went to divorce court.There is a story behind that. [flashback] I was two and Ken had just called Barbie a b*tch and in return she called him a b*stard and told him to get the hell out of her house.Ken then took her to divorce court. Mommy came home and watched my little playtime charde.She was not at all happy.She asked my aunt where I had that.My aunt replyed with an "I dont know".But mommy knew where i had. [/flashback] ::coughcough::aunt::coughcough:: Well now that've told my story I want you to tell me yours.What horrific things did you do with Barbie?
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]Schizophrenia (sp?) is when you have more than one personality living in your little mind. Usually it's one justice personality and one criminal personality. If you just talk to yourself, there's no way you're schizo. I talk to myself plent, usually when I'm trying to work out a problem. [/B][/QUOTE] I hate to correct you but what you're talking about is mulitipule personality disorder.Schizohrenia is wher you see and hear things that aren't there. I be Paranoid Schizophrenic.My dad is too.My stepmom is maniac depressive.My aunt is homicidally insane.She has been put in the nut house 3 times now and is doped out on meds.They put my stepbrother on Prozac not to long ago.Hell almost everyone in my family is on Prozac.My mom and my little cousin are bi-polar. At 1st they thought my cousin had ADHD so they but her aderol(sp?) and that stopped working so they put her on Ridilin(sp?)and that just made things worse so they put her in lonney bin after she bit me and my aunt(the insane one) said she couln't handle her anymore.After a week at Charter Ridge they said she was schizophrenic and they decided to keep her for another week.And then they said she was bi-polar and sent her home with about 14 pills a day to take.She's better now but she has gotten really paranoid lately. Okay in the end my family is crazed all the way around and there is no way around it.
  21. Well normally I can't really smell anything thanks to my allergies.But when I can breathe though my nose I really enjoy the smell of brand new manga.I t just has a smell that I really like.Some might says that smelling books is quite odd but I think they smell good. I also like the smell of blueberry and black cherry candles.
  22. Fish sat in Mr.Lunais' class reading out of the text book.She could care less about what just happened to Bueller.Just as long if it wasn't her she was fine. "It doesn't matter if people know what happened in the past,they're still doomed to repeat it anyway." she thought to herself.Mr.Lunais shot a look at her,as if he could read her mind. A cold chill went through Fish's body. "Someone's dancing on my grave."she mummbled to her self. "What was that Miss.Burton?I don't think I heard you." Mr.Lunais said already at he end of his rope. "I said; Someone's dancing on my grave." Mr.Lunais stood up and began tp make his way toward Fish. "And what does this have to with reading?" he asked with a hint of hostility to his voice. "Nothing sir." "That's what I thought."Mr.Lunais was now right above Fish."Get reading and be quiet."Mr.Lunias walked back to his desk and put his headphones back on. Fish let out a small sigh of releef. "I was lucky this time." She thought. Fish turned her attention back to the text book and began to read.
  23. Name: Lillie Burton aka Fish,student/sterotype Age: 16 (11th grade) Gender:Female Appearance: 5' 9",115 lbs, orange hair that grazes her shoulders choppy at the ends,green eyes she wears glasses though,her skin has a sickly yellow tone to it,lean and stout bulid.Fish wears a pair of black cordorish slightly baggie pants with a plain black belt,a black tee with a white up arrow ( -> flip it around) on it , black combat boits with steel toes that come to mid claf,a white lab coat,a chain she waers around her neck at a chocker,a small maybe 2" long silver dagger on a 18"silver chain. Weapons: A swiss army knife and a zippo lighter that she normally puts to much lighter fluid in.^_^; Race/Nationality: A bit of everything,mostly German and Irish. Attitude:Fish is scarcastic,cynical,out spoken,intelligent,and she likes to blow things up (she comes by it honestly). Bio: Fish spent two years in Germany as a child because her father was in the Navy.They came back over to the states when she 2 1/2 years old so she doesn't really remember much of it.Her father after his short stay in the Navy became a biochemist and divorced her mother.Coustody of Fish was granyed to her father because he had a house and a steady job.Fish hasn't seen her mother since. When Fish started high school she was pretty much ignored and she liked it that way.But when she entered 11th grade she a got a pretty crazy history teacher.At the begining of the course all the students in his class had to take a "test" to see how much they knew about American history.Fish got the highest grade in her class and after that point the teacher dicided to nickname her genius.She hated this so one day Fish decided to stop answering questions in class and put less efort into her work.Her teacher wasn't happy with this so one day he pulled her into his classroom and beat her with one of the history books(the books are about 3" thick).She ended up in the hospital with cracked rib and a concussion.
  24. Where I live there are about 15-20 haunted houses/tralis.I don't normally get to go to any of them due to a lack of funds.But this year I won to tickets to one of the trails off of a radio station.I think the biggest one is Industrial Nightmare.They work on that one for about six months.The people from Industrial Light and Magic lend their talents to it.
  25. I've read the 1st and 2nd vol. Haven't gotten ahold of the 3rd one yet (it's always checked out!).I don't really prefer one of the chars above another because they all have they're highs and lows.
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