First Name: Liz
Age: 13
Hair Color: Natural Red
Eye Color: Dark brown,almost black.Some poeple say they're red when I'm really po'ed
Height: 5 ft
Wardrobe: Black tees and cargo pants ( no need for a purse when you can fit it all in your pockets)
Personality: Scarcastic ,cynical ,out spoken( you know your average soap-box toter). My histoy teacher now has everyone thinking I'm a genius though. And in the immortal words of my friend Vada "morbid humor".
Hair Style: I comb it and am out the door
Favorite Music Type: What ever is on the radio that doesn't suck. (Can't spell Crap w/out rap.)Which basicly means I dont listen to the radio much.
Favorite musical Band/Artist: I've been listening to Dream Theater,Billy Idol ,and Hole a lot lately.Does that count?
Hobbies: Pen and paper RPGs,writing,drawing ,reading ,and whatever else that'll keep me awake in science class.