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Everything posted by Gentle

  1. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Dominique Daniels [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.ludd.luth.se/~silver_p/Manga/Miyalice.jpg]See Here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] A real slacker at heart but one who wants to do well in just about everything she tries. Anything that doesn't seem important to her can be put off until some other time when there's nothing left to do. When it comes to class and study times she doesn't pay the smallest bit of attention but before it's over, every things been packed into her mind and ready to be used. A lover of most all children and wants to help the mentally challenged or slower ones. She wants to teach them exotic things that would surprise an average person for them to know and make it seem better for the child. [B]Bio:[/B] As set as she can be, school is a upset to Dominique. It doesn't seem that important but she only does it to get what she wants out of life. She knows she already has the skills to do what she wants but not the signed agreement that says she can. Communicating is simple for her since she loves being around people but doesn't mind some time to herself. Anything about the past is almost new to her though and would fail at anything dealing with History and her own memory personal memory for that matter. Dominique's time is spent watching and observing everyone and everything around her. It's all recorded in a journal keeps with her at all times. [B]Lessons Taken:[/B] English Literature, Psychology, Latin [B]Extra:[/B] Woodworks I'm sorry for that. Little misunderstanding. Thank you.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]I think that it was Daja but it's been a while. It was about a year or so after they separated from each other for the time being. And the two twins were girls at that. Identical: one outgoing and one shy.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]There was one book [B]Cold Fire[/B] by Tamora Pierce that I fell in love with last year. About a 14-year-old girl who tutors two 12-year-old twins when she discovers there magic hidden inside them while at the same time, trying to catch a criminal who was been setting fire to random places through the town she's staying in. It was one I had gotten at the library so I looked for the other's like it since it was part of a series called [I]The Circle Opens[/I] I think. There weren't any more which upset me so I got a little mad and caused a silent scene to anyone who was looking past me at that time. Another two were by Robin McKinley. [B]The Blue Sword[/B] and [B]The Hero and the Crown[/B] I was so driven into the both of them I tried to steal the story and copy it onto a file to keep reading. The wondrous unpopular heroines just took me by surprise and I never wanted to leave then again. I got a lecture about copywriting and never got a chance to. The both of those were from a library, too. Every time I try to get another of her books, someone else always snatches it up first. Usually the same person. The closest bookstore is about a hour away at the mall so it's no use trying. Two years ago I read [B]The Ancient One[/B] by T. A. Barron. A teenage girl travels into the past in the middle of trying to stop men from cutting down a ancient tree that lived in a forest near her grandmother's hut for over 700 years. Longest one I think I've read. They all looked like the same length but I never payed much attention to that.[/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=DeepPink][SIZE=1]I prefer romances and fantasy in manga. Though action usually evens out the whole thing to make it interesting. From the list you gave, I'd have to pick between Saiyuki and Fushi Yuugi. I'm a sucker for romances at any time. Fushi Yuugi would have to be my favorite because it still has some action in it and everything doesn't draw out into this long boring love story that reals like forever. And I think the art in it is a little better. Saiyuki is kinda too bland for me. Exciting, but bland. The whole demon and priests thing drags a little bit. But the fighting is better than Fushigi Yuugi. It's still pretty cool though.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepPink]Eh, first I just suggest you edit and put those into the same post. Anyway, songs. Your stanzas make no sense and your little rhyming scheme makes less. You switch between rhyming and not again and again. It just throws everything off kinda. Then I just started to fade away from the meaning.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Michelle walked past Eiji and Nami on her way out of an old warehouse. She eyed them quietly but kept on going. It was getting later into the morning and if she skipped school again there was high chance that her parents wouldn't hesitate to send her away for a few years. There was a quiet sound as Michelle walked down the street to a fair bookstore and went inside. The owner stood behind a counter on the other side of the room and looked up from his puzzle to see her. Smiling, he turned around and shuffled through a few things and turned back tossing a cd to Michelle. "42," he said plainly and went back to his crossword when she caught it. A groan came from Michelle as she looked down at the cd in her hand. It didn't matter anyway. There'd be a serious homocide case on the news if she wasn't back up in the next few weeks. "Let me have another," she said to the guy and he looked up at her again. Shrugging, he grabbed another disc from behind him and tossed it to her. "Have fun." Michelle walked out the store mumbling to herself and headed to her school. "Life sucks." Someone drove by her slowly catching her attention enough to stop. They stared at each other blankly for a moment before Michelle became annoyed with him. "What?" came her already agitated voice. "What? Just looking," he said and smirked at her. "Whatever." With that she started to the school again which miserably was still a few blocks away. 'Hopefully, I'll still make it before noon,' she thought to herself.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepPink]That's good since some people nowadays don't really think about taking out that much time to write a poem or something similar. And I'd have to agree that, [center]"I trusted them too, I trusted them more than they knew."[/center] does work much better for this. It'd be nice to read the short and long story to it. You were right about things being meaningful.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepPink][B]Name[/B]: Michelle " Short Tap" Offray [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Age[/B]: 14 [B]Appearance[/B]: Standing at about 5'2 or so, with short black hair, light brown eyes and the only one in her gang that wears her school uniform. She only dresses differently outside of school and on Tuesdays; no one really cares or knows why. At these times, Michelle is usually fitted with a red v-neck blouse with the top two buttons undone and black dress pants that have a loose but snug fit. Black dress shoes with a one inch heel that clacks whenever she steps on a solid floor. Being farsighted, she keeps her glasses atop of her head until she needs them. They're very small oval shapes with dark purple rims. Wherever she is though, you'll always find her with a few screwdrivers in her pockets. [B]Personality[/B]: A quick-witted kid that is usually counted on for anything technical. Can't really do much off of a computer unless it can be explained the same way into the situation which will take about a minute or so to do. Her slow mental mind keeps her loyal to her gang and keeps her honesty open but safe. She'll never lie to anyone, who it be, but she'll keep the truth hidden from them. [B]Bio[/B]: School was always was a drag for Michelle because she lacked the attention span and patience that it took. After getting caught breaking into the computer lab the 4th time, she was sent to ASI for a few weeks where she spent her time taking apart her desk and putting it back together over and over again to pass the time. After time was spent, Michelle was noticed by the Black Wings, two very bulk girls and one guy, and another girl and boy with them. Being the shortest one there and always having either her shoes tapping on the floor or tapping on the computer, they called her "Short Tap" repeatedly until the name grew on her over the next few months. Without much else to do, too many more things fell apart in the school after that. [B]Gang position[/B]: Wiz Kid [B]Gang name[/B]: Black Wings[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepPink]That's interesting, Vicky. Very. In ways, it's somewhat dumbstruck to me because of words I've learned to hate in it. If this was a challenge for something you've never written, then you've done good. I like the little pattern you got going on there. I'm hoping this is fiction, though. A hero's sins are like the blood of the earth. You never know what might happen because of it.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]A smile stretched across Arista's face in triumph as she walked away proud of her takings. She counted the money again to see how well she could spend it. It was a fair amount for the next two days but not much more. Tonight, there was enough to sleep at an inn instead of the usual dirt ground that left backaches in the morning. The day had gone oddly well so far. Nothing had gone wrong besides an unsatiated hunger that was still begging to be fed. Food would always taste best with hunger. The two were destined for one another. Just bread alone would have made her feel better. If only that lunch of hers would have had some kind of taste, there would be no need for all of this uncomfortable feeling in her gut and it wouldn't be teasing her for being so weak. Now, the only problem was to find one. Arista twirled her staff around in her left hand while looking around for a place to stay. Her head moved everywhere searching every building passing by. Finally finding one, she stepped inside slowly and looked around. Everything looked pretty normal. People were sitting around talking to one another. Satisfied with the way it looked, Arista came all the way in and searched for an empty table; there were about 3 or so. She chose one at the far wall and sat down at it. About an hour later she was leaning back in the seat and rocking it on the legs careful not to fall out. Arista yawned and came down to the floor with a thud. Three women behind her were talking among each other and she sat quietly listening to them. It was something or another about one's husband, seeing he had just left two days before one a trip. It was a boring conversation and Arista came away from it after a minute or so. [I]Now, let's see what kind of people are staying here,[/I] she thought glancing around to every face inside. There were quite a few varieties sitting and standing around. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. Gentle

    Tears of Autumn

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]It was too late now. Mariangela chucked a rock across the air in frustration at the hold up because of the assassination attempt. Things were just about quiet now but the commotion earlier had driven her into agitation that she was told to leave and return to guard duty. The world seemed to be against her today. [I]The hell with this,[/I] she thought feeling this as a worthless cause. Two Domos ran by carrying a female civilian with them. She sighed at the look of guilt going across the young girls face while trying to keep an eye out for anyone else. "Hey you," someone yelled behind Mariangela distracting her. She turned around a saw man standing there; she waited patiently for him to say something. "I have to get out of her. It's very important that I leave." "Too bad," she said back and turned away from him. The irritation was getting worst now and the humid air wasn't helping any. "This'll all be over in a few hours." The man scowled at Mariangela and turned to another Domo that was standing nearby. Unlucky for him that she was being nice. The man was hit and taken back to his seat for interferring with their work.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue]Arista sat high on a rooftop of a village grocery and plucked slowly apart a small piece of fish that was supposed to serve as a meal for her. The bland taste of it gave it no meaning or fullness that would satisfy the hunger of anyone. It was hard to see how someone could enjoy such a tasteless thing. Carrying herself off, Arista came down from the roof and disposed of the fish quickly without any hesitation. It would do her no good. The streets weren't very busy at the time. It gave enough to move around freely without worrying about the untrusting people there. Too bad for them, though. It was interesting to see how common people interacted with each other. There was such a mystery to what they really thought when they spoke and gestured. It's easy for someone to pass hand without notice. "Such a nice place," Arista said quietly to herself and wondered around lazily. There had to be something to do in such a large place. She could go watch a blacksmith at work if there was one. Not much of a chance to try and search. It would take far too long and there wasn't sign of many things that would be needed to use a blacksmith. Such hard luck. [I]So what shall I do with all this free time?[/I] The thought crossed her mind yet again that day. There was a young woman standing with her husband outside of a small house. A questioning look came over Arista's face at the sight of them. It would have been easy to swipe just about anything from them the way they appeared to be paying attention. And they looked like quite wealthy people themselves. Atleast it was something to do to until night came.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1]Both Son Gokus were based from the same legend. That's why they're so much alike. Even their weapons somewhat. Goku's (Saiyuki) demon form and Goku's (DBZ) full moon transformation are the same because they were only altered a bit but still the same people. There's no big mystery behind it. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=deeppink]That's pretty cool. Definetly original. For the missing names, you could try and use an actual subject. Like using words such as Armor, Trade, Integrate, and etc to name an organization or in your case countries and armies. If you notice, it's taken a lot of different things have turned out that way. Or by using the name of a real country like Mesopotamia.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepPink][B]Name[/B]: Arista Lenett [B]Age[/B]: 30 [B]Class[/B]: Maiden Thief [B]Appearence[/B]: [URL=http://img.imagetown.net/57684507.jpg]Maiden[/URL] [B]Bio[/B]: Deprived of a civilized childhood, Arista was brought up by a band of thieves that stole her from her home only a few months after she was born. They also took with them her family's most treasured weaponry that would have eventually been handed down to her when she reached the final stage of maturity. Growing with the low class of thugs, she grew found of one in particular, Revus, that have saved her life when the rest thought it better to kill her off when they thought her useless. From him, she learned the how to strive for herself from unseen lessons. At 12, she stole from the thieves a silver hilted knife that had once belonged to her family and fled leaving behind her best wishes to Revus. Later carving the very staff she is commonly seen with from the knife. Edit: Well, thanks for letting me know that I actually can't think outside of what an average person can. Cause guess what? I don't really care because I don't pay any mind to what other people put. It's none of my business.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. Gentle

    Tears of Autumn

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Mariangela looked to each face of the people in her unit. They all stood waiting for their next order in the dim dawn light. She sighed heavily and turned to Lt. that had been told to give them instructions. She listened distinctly as he called out commands and they were dismissed for the next hour. Turning to the nearest stone she could see, Mariangela walked over to it and sat down, resting her chin in the palms of her hands. "Can't wait for this day to be over," she mumbled to herself and eyed a few others walking off to a nearby building. Not long after someone walked over to her and sat down. "How ya doing?" he asked souding more cheerful that what someone could stand. Mariangela glanced at him from the side of her eyes and shook her head. "Nothing," she answered, leaning back to lie down. "What do you want?" "Nothing, just thought I'd give you some company, seemed kinda depressed that's all. Is something wrong with that?" He turned to see her better behind him. "No." "Good then. Mind if I get your name?" "Lean." "Daniels, nice to meet ya." He held out his hand for Mariangela to shake. She did so and then got up and started walking away. "Hey, where'ya goin?" "Nowhere." "Then you don't care if I come with you, huh?" A childish smile came up to his lips as he was given a questioning look. "You're not the cheery type, huh?" "No." Daniels looked down and a mumble could be heard coming from him. Mariangela scoffed despite herself and said, "Come on."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=deeppink]Volumes 1 and 2 are all I've read so far but I'm taking a grab at 3 as soon as I can. I wasn't much attached until I started the second. I've been focused the most on Cho Hakkai because of his mysterious calmness in any situation. I've been stuck on him although since I started reading. I love his personality and awkward humor. It's why I'm so into him. It's what most of my favorite characters are like in just about any manga or anime. I really hate the enemies and youkai however. They're not much different from what you usually see and just drags the story a bit. The fact that Sanzo passes out at the end of volume 2 ticked me because I really hate suspense. It's going to take me weeks before I can get to see what happens. But I'm not one to wait that long. Most likely I'll look it up somewhere and find out far more than I need to. Then the story will bore me as I read through.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=deeppink][B]Name:[/B] Mariangela Lean [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Hair:[/B] Dark Green [B]Eyes:[/B] Violet [B]Skin:[/B] Lightly Tan [B]Build:[/B] Light [B]Clothing:[/B] Prefers to carryijng very light clothing on her body, Mariangela wears a sleeveless white t-shirt that tucks with her body and a pair of very deep black jeans that she cut off at mid-calf, (held by a belt). Tough, high, leather boots. Mariangela also wears fingerless gloves, white on her left hand and black on her right. Becoming upset of her hair constantly falling into her face, she wears a dark blue bandana over her head to keep it from getting in her way. [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] Although she would rather use her fist to defeat an enemy, if close range isn't possible she uses her plasma rifle attached to the back of her belt. [B]Vehicle:[/B] Rides a black and yellow motorcycle. [B]Speed:[/B] Above Average [B]Maneuverability:[/B] Above Average [B]Armor:[/B] Poor [B]Vehicular Weaponry:[/B] Light artillery near front of bike. [B]Bio:[/B] Slowly growing, Mariangela was raised by her father and two brothers since her mother died of lack of nutrients after giving birth to her. Her father was an assistant in the work of creating the assembled parts of robots and was often away from home working. Her brothers taught her basic fighting that they would practice on each other every day as she self-taught herself any task that they were too afraid of doing for themselves in the house. When Mariangela was twenty-two, she left home and moved to very low city where she took care of her grandmother after her uncle died a few weeks before and therefore, could no longer. They both lived fair there until from a fatal heart disease took away her grandmother's life as well at twenty-five. This left Mariangela to either stay where she was, move back with her father and brothers, or find somewhere else to live again. Oddly she chose to stay. She had grown fond of the old, rundown city where she was. Using the things she was taught when she was younger, Mariangela used them to get through life. Once every few months she goes back home to see how her brothers and father are doing. [B]Political Alignment/Reputation:[/B] The Domo Faction [B]Reputation:[/B] [B]Anti-Mechanoid League:[/B] Distrusted [B]Robotica:[/B] Despised [B]Mutants For a Better Life:[/B] Very Disliked [B]Prospectors/Merchants:[/B] Trusted [B]Righteous Lightning:[/B] Distrusted [B]Vigilante:[/B] Disliked[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR=pink][SIZE=1]One of my first choices to you would be Wolf's Rain since it and Bebop were produced by the same people though it has far less humor and stays in dramatic stages through most of the series. It might spark an interest to you. But if you're looking for something a little more similar then I don't suggest it. I'd also say Outlaw Star. It's somewhat the same. A group of bounty hunters. None of them alike in any way except that they travel together. This one is closer to Cowboy Bebop and might work better for you. But you do know that no two shows are going to be the same in every way. The two do have differences that stick out easily.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. Gentle


    [COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1]Why do people dislike maths so much? That and reading are the most important part of your education. Without the simpliest knowledge of either one, you'd be stuck in this world as a bum. Unless of course by some known miracle you're honored and become celebrity one fine day which is a rare occasion, trust me. And really, algebra isn't even that hard. If I could learn it without even being taught, then someone who is should have no problem. But then of course people with slower brains might have to struggle. I took the SOL for it today and found it exceptionally easy. I spent most of the time playing around and not doing the actual thing until maybe an hour before it was time to finish and still beat more than half my peers. It's a shame really. People take everything for granted. Your taught different things for a reason and if it was too hard for you, you wouldn't be given it at that stage. All work issued is at the level of the student's mind. Nuff said.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=magenta][SIZE=1]Cool is a word. Why it's used to describe a person, I know not, but I do know that it means nothing. You can see a person as cool if you want or you don't have to if you wish not. Most kids think that it's anyone that can get a girl/boyfriend, get into a fight, do drugs and get drunk, smoke, wear a purse that matches their outfit, and is an athletic person. All which I think are pathetic excuses to hang around with someone. And in a person's eye as mine, it's just anyone who can run around and be ignorant and rude to others who they themselves think is "cool." Poor simple-minded creatures. That's why I prefer to be with the others who aren't considered "cool." They make a lot more sense and like you for your personality and beliefs. Or you could just call them the geeks, nerds, outcasts, loners, weirdos, freaks, etc. Though the only time I'm considered away from that area is when I write a depressing poem and people stalk me for a copy.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Magenta]Wow, it seems you worked hard on this. Characters are thought out and developed well. Your main plot is out. But be sure you have what you need. As said, if your character backgrounds don't match your plot, you'll run into a little snag and be stuck. Make sure that your characters somehow, are all fit into the plot or with each other. Your setting should also match your time period. Since your drawings aren't up, I'll say something about that later if I can think. But sweet idea. You plan well. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1]Yes, true that it would be nice to have a [U]Shoujo Jump[/U] in America for trying to capture a different audience although [U]Shounen Jump[/U] does so already. Mainly, the female audience deals more in romance and drama genres. In Japan, some are these are a bit graphic and would take a few extra years for anyone in America to try and publish. Even though there are some graphic novels here now, they took some time before becoming public. Finding a decent manga for girls to read would take time to do. Maybe even finding some that would appeal to both genders to increase it's popularity to make more money. Most likely Viz would be the one to do this. If even now, they were thinking of this, if would take years for the project to begin. If suggestion were given to them, it could speed up the process.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. Gentle

    new idea

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=deeppink]Your plot is original in some ways. I don't believe it has been used for any anime or manga ideas so far. But many have thought of an Heaven and Hell battle though not the exact same as yours. Though still, it is well and you can tell you thought it out instead of using previous ideas. On to your drawings. I think you should try your wings again. The ends shouldn't be as flat and are a tad bland. There's also little detail in them. The few lines you used to represent feathers make the picture seem bland and unwanted in some ways. Truly wings are very easy to try. It takes no effort at all. If you'd like, I could tell you. And your faces could also use a bit more detail. I know that might seem like a bit much, but it could be done in no time. Other than that, there's nothing wrong with your drawings. Original characters and nice designs for them. As for your character Balthos, he seems a little overused. I've seen many like him. Especially kinetic abilities. Maybe you should change that to something different. Just a suggestion.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1]I could think I might be able to help with that. And if it's futuristic, I just practiced some designs yesterday for that since I'm trying out my own manga as soon as soon as I can come up with decent character designs. And the plot I'm pretty sure I can help with if I knew a had a little more information. But I do have one question. Why would you need music for a manga?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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