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Everything posted by Gentle
I was in the school choir for about 7 years in elementary school. Middle school and high school here don't have one so there wasn't anything to join. All there is is band. In church I'm a soprano and lead most of the songs. If someone else can't make it, I end up singing for them since I know all the words to every song. The instructor doesn't even know them all. The funding is well, nothing. If we're asked to go sing somewhere else sometimes we are thanked and given a small amount of money. Maybe somewhere between $20-120. I don't think it'll go that high though. It usually depends on where you are. We pay for things ourselves by collecting maybe $10 or $5 from everyone on the choir. The president and treasurer are never there so it's hard to get by sometimes. We don't pay dues to help pay for anything either. Besides, we do it for the fun or it. Not for anything else.
Poems, what did you think it was going to be? Nude pics of a baby running around. Yes and I know the last one sucks so don't point it out to me. ~~~~ [I]Heart broken[/I] It was true what was said Of all those hard cold lies That you told me on the last day When you knew I would sit and cry The moments of forever The ones we always spent Lasting until the ends of time Until the last kiss was sent You left me sitting there Never thought of how I felt While I was left with a heart As it finally begin melt The words have now been said The truth is finally spoken And I'm still left here Sitting with my heart broken ~~~~ [I]Crystal Tears[/I] The child was sitting alone Laying in his bed Thinking of the world around Of the little wooden sheds Of the people that came and went Of those who could never talk Ones that would pitch his cheeks And still could never walk Thinking of the sunny days The days when there was rain When lightning would strike the sky And cause many so much pain Wondering of the girls and boys Checking under beds with fear And then he drifted into a silent sleep And cried his crystal tears ~~~~ [I]Temptations[/I] Follow me my little child Come with me into the wild To find a place so bright A place filled with so much light To a land so very far away Where the others come to play A pretty place that we love And no one will ever push and shove Come away from your homes Only with candy and ice cream cones Where you have no time to rest Only to see if you shall wear thy crest
Personally, I couldn't care any for someone who would go and change their sex just because they don't approve with the way they are. You're made a certain way for a reason. You should approve of it anyway no matter what. Having surgery to turn a penis into a vagina is just sick and wrong. It's still wrong to think of the same sex as attractive but I don't have anything against that really. But changing your body figure is just, twisted. Your body is fine the way it is. You don't have to change it just to be satisfied. Some operations aren't always sucessful either. Things could slip out of place and fall. That would be a loss of money and you wouldn't look the way you had planned to in the first place. To me, you're disgusting if you try to go do something like that. Just stay the way you are and hope someone will except you for who you are. I've known people who've actually done something like this too. Now, they fight their sister for her boyfriend and say they got with him. It's disturbing.
Tima stared and woke up. She looked around as if someone was trying to sneak up on her. A soft sigh came from her lips as she stood to her feet. [I]That's enough rest for today,[/I] she thought. [I]Maybe some other time.[/I] She started on her way again through the forest to the clearing before, where she had saw the strange few gathered. She noticed that they had been joined. "How interesting...." Tima whispered quietly to herself trying to pick up any conversation they had. The sounds were faint so she moved in closer to hear better. Words became clearer and better to understand the closer she came to them. She stopped ten yards away and crouched down behind a nearby trunk. She peeked over the top and listened carefully to the conversation going on in front of her.
Name:Serene Mana Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://www.ceres.dti.ne.jp/~mituba/mituba_hp/JPG/CG1/2k1_0319.JPG]Here[/URL] Weapons: Sword, dagger Race: Human Extra Items: 70-year-old charm braclet
Well...... Laptop-I dream of one then I won't have to use this virus infected piece of **** of a computer anymore. I know I'm not getting one though. Money-I'm broke. A new PS-Just the first one. It broke and I can't get to the PS2 to play any games. Money-I'm broke. Photoshop Thingy-Paint sucks and I can't get all my work done with it in time. Money-I'm broke. New and More Art Supplies-I need more paint. I can't finish any of my paintings and my drawing pencils are running low. Money-I'm broke.......still. Stereo-Mine is constantly being stolen and held captive. Money-Did I already say this? All I desire-I want to be satisfied. Money, Money, and more money!!-I'm always going to be broke.
Hmm, I can't remember exactly but I had this one doll that I took everywhere with me. I can't remember what it was though. My aunt would steal it from me just to make me cry. That wasn't very nice. But I loved it so much. Now, I have no clue where it is. But if there is one I know of that I can find is my Toby Terrier. I loved that little dog so much. I used to watch the movie and hug him at the same time. It was so cute. I would never let anybody clean it. He had went from white with brown spots to brown with dark brown spots and his jacket had ripped. If someone touched him I would bite them. No one touched my Toby! NO ONE!! I'm still obsessed with stuffed dogs now. I have about 20 in my room. I'll still bite if you touch them too so don't come near. My bears you can look at but still no touchy.
This sounds..........interesting. Name: Ayul Age: 221 Race: Demon Bio: Died in a car crash after killing a priest's daughter for trying to be a special friend to her father. She was automatically denied on Judgement Day and sent to the depths of Hades. There she sits in a corner and watches everyone else until the day when Cupid arrived and started to torture. She watched this also until it started to affect her as well. Now, she's obsessed with Care Bears and Neopets. Appearance: [URL=http://www.ceres.dti.ne.jp/~mituba/mituba_hp/JPG/CG1/2k1_0215.jpg]Here[/URL] Personality: Quiet, stubborn, easily offended.
Tima walked through the faintly lighted forest as morning started to come and the sun began to rise. The trees around gave her some shade to protect her from the heated ball that rose on the left of her. She yawned loudly and stretched her muscles as if she hadn't moved for the last seven weeks. Out the corner of her eye she noticed someone stooped behind a tree looking at something. She stopped walking and watched the person for a moment and realized they weren't human. She took a few steps behind it quietly to see what it was looking at. A demon lay on the ground sleep with a few embers beside them. Tima shook her head and backed away as quietly as she had approached. She walked away until she was far enough that no one would come into her area and she would have peace. Tima sat and leaned against a young oak in the forest. She sighed quietly and looked around. "I guess it's quiet enough," she said to herself and closed her eyes to rest. "Anyway, I'd kill whoever tried to disturb me." Her body grew heavy as she dozed off in the faint shade. Her arm dropped from around her and fell to the ground.
Thanks for saving me a spot. Name: Tima Kin Age: 19 Race: Wood Elf (not the same as elf) Magic of the heart: Yes Weapon: Bow & Arrow Apperance: [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/anime/misao/artwork/original/girl.jpg]Hidden Here[/URL] [URL=http://www.ceres.dti.ne.jp/~mituba/mituba_hp/JPG/CG1/natsu.jpg]See the difference[/URL] Bio: Wood Elves are like their High Elf and Dark Elf kin they are a slender noble race with pale skin. They live deep with the forests and are guardians of the natural world and work with the forest they try not to damage the forest like other races do. Tima is extremely agile. Her main method of attack is the bow, but they will use hand-to-hand fighting. Wood elves like to use stealth as there are fewer of them compared to the High Elves and Dark Elves. They prefer not to wear armour this allows them to move more rapidly through forests. Tima's hidden in the human world away from her race and family for years past. She wishes to learn other things about the enviroments around her. Yeah well, it's the background of them and her own history. It's not the same as an elf though. There's a bit of difference.
Has anyone ever had those moments when you forget how to spell something really simple? When I was in elementary school, I forgot how to spell "if" twice and once I forgot how to spell "a." I sit there trying to figure it out and I yelled out and asked if anyone knew how to spell it. Everyone stared at me and then as soon as I asked I remembered. I felt embarassed and stupid after that. It's a good thing the teacher had left. In middle school. I forgot how to spell "and." I kept quiet that time. Then we had a test and I forgot what a adverb was. It took me almost 20 min. to finish at test with 7 questions. A story the class read out of out literature book we had a test on that too. I forgot the name of the main character and got a "F.' Most of the questions involved putting his name. That took out 12 min with only 5 questions.
It's mostly a good show but when they kill the [I]Blue[/I] It's not really the most pleasant thing to look at. It really isn't something parents should let their children watch at 12:30 in the middle of the night. It would lead to nightmares and phycilogical(sp) damage. But other than that it's pretty good. The storyline is something that would attract more people. It leaves you wanting more and waiting to see what's going to happen next. The characters fit their appearance well too. It's a decent show, I'll gice it that.
Inuyashagurl_15, I didn't ask for either of those characters in this particular RPG. Either you edit into one that I asked for, create on our your own, or atleast PM me and ask first. Ryu, thank you for changing your post. I still find it faintly disturbing but it is still acceptable in a way. It's not the worse and I can see you did do something to it. Maikiratori and Charlie are fine. Neither of you have anything to worry about. Sunnybunny7, uhh.....a lot of those ages are wrong and Shippo can only has his normal attacks. The book you have is japanese but we're going by the American version. That might be why the ages are off by decades.
[I]Inuyasha watched the stream quietly alone. Kagome emerged from the wood behind him. She sat down next to him in a kneeled position. Inuyasha's hand moved closer to her and Kagome jumped. In his hand he held three small pebbles. He gave her a confused looked and stood up. He skipped them across the stream and walked back into the depths of the dark forest. Kagome watched him leave and sighed quietly. She turned back to look at the rushing clear water in front of her. The light caught an object laying in the water. She squinted her eyes to see better at what it was. She crawled over to the water and stuck her hand inside to retrieve the silver substance before it was swept away. In her now wet hand she held a tiny crystal about the size of her thumb. ~~~~ Sango, Miroku, and Shippo sat quietly, at the same time, in a small clearing in the forest. They watched Inuyasha as he sat high on a tree limb about to fall. He looked back down at them as they all waited underneath him. Miroku pointed his staff at the limb above his head. He sent a slight gust of wind up toward Inuyasha fell to the ground in a loud smash as everyone from under him. As soon as he fell Kagome came into the clearing with the crystal she found around her neck with the shards of the shikon jewel. Sango was the first to notice it and she walked up to her. She touched the it with the tip of her finger. She yelped quietly looking down at her scratched finger. Everyone crowded around Kagome and stared at the the crystal that had just scarred Sango's finger. They all backed up slowly as strange volts started to surround the jewel. Kagome stared at it herself and grabbed it and threw it off from around her neck. Inuyasha sat on the ground and moved out the way not to get hit the the object hurled in his direction. Instead he was knocked backward by a shadow sweeped past him. The shadow grabbed the crystal along with the shikon jewel still on the necklace holding it. It then jumped into a high tree and stopped peering down at the five below him. "Thank you for retrieving my possession and saving me the trouble." He then disappeared from the clearing and left the wanderers standing alone. They stared blankly into nothingness as the two jewels traveled farther away from the forest.[/I] ______________________________________________ Character Sign-Up: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapon: (optional) Bio: (optional) Personality: You can make your own or choose one of the following characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Kinel(shadow person). Name: Mia Serene Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: Shoulder length black hair curled slightly at the end and dark brown eyes. Light blue and white kimono with dark blue sash. Lightly tanned skin and white bow pinning hair up. Weapon: None Bio: Raised in a small village with her younger brother and father. Took care of them generously as a mother would her family. Soon after her other sibling became dreadfully ill with a rare disease not known to close villagers, she left the village to go find him a remedy to cure his illness. Personality: Quiet person who's very loyal. If often offended easily by rude remarks and gestures towards herself and others.
Would you mind explaining this a little bit better? I would love to join it but I'm having a bit of confusion. I need a little help figuring it out.
Well, this isn't a custom but it does seem to happen every year. At Christmas everyone on my mother's side of the family goes to my grandmother's house for breakfast. Then for dinner we go to my aunt's house which is also my grandfather's house, on my father's side. We don't plan to do it but it always ends up happening. Something else that was never planned but kept happening was on Sunday nights we had a real dinner at the table all of us. And on Friday's we go to get pizza, chinese, and McDonald's and some movies to watch while we eat it. Long, long ago when I was still young, every morning me and my brother would wake up and our parents would call us down the hall. Then say that we were going to the store. For some reason I still haven't figured out, me and my brother would start to cheer and jump up and down. We would go to Wal-Mart, then McDonald's, then come back home. This would take 4 hours out of our day. How lazy we people are.
Yeah I know, I saw what it said. It could atleast be stretched another 5 miliseconds or something though.
My old bus driver is the grandmother of one of my friends who's the 1st cousin of my 2nd cousin who lives down the road from me, and is identical to someone I know who lives in Maryland, which is near where my aunt lives, who told me that my secretary from my old school was my great aunt. My brother's girlfriend is cousins with one of my friends who is cousin's with someone I like, who is friends with someone else I like, who acts like Bruce Bruce, who I haven't seen in weeks. My ex-friend looks like someone that I tried to choke in the 3rd grade, who sits with people, that I don't like, who talks to someone that punched me in the back of the head in 4th grade, who I tried to choke and got suspended, and had to stay at my grandfather's who's mother just died, who's daughter just died.
A lot of the times when I'm about to go get something to eat, someone comes up to me and asks if I'm hungry so we can go out to eat. Or if I'm tired and want to sleep, everyone leaves and goes somewhere else and I have a quiet house to myself. Everything just loves to go my way.
Lol, that's kinda cool. The screens go by a little fast and makes it hard to read though. You should try to slow it down some.
Oh yes, what a stupid question to ask. But what if we really are. There might be other living being that we think are monsters but they think the same of us. I first thought about this in a dream I had last night. It might happen to us and we wouldn't remember a thing about it. It could happen in a few hours or while we're sleep and when we wake up, it could just be a dream to us. This isn't the first time I had this dream though. The last time it was me and my brother that changed. I was young when I had it so I would run down the hall in fear that something might jump out at me. [I]Dream Sequence[/I] Everyone was at our house and then my mom came up the driveway coming home from work. The weird thing was she was wakling. Her face and hands looked like the thing from [I]The Haunted Mask[/I] and it scared everyone out the house. I wanted to go grab my stuff too and then go out my room window and my brother kept trying to stop me. He said that I knew what it was and that it happened to us before. It was in our blood to become monsters at some point in time. Then the scene switched to the porch outside the house. Our mom came up on the porch and looked at us then walked into the house. I followed her in and she was in my room on the bed with her face covered. When she looked up at me again, she was back to normal. I smiled and hugged her, then I woke up.
I rarely make banners unless I just need something to do. This one didn't turn out too well and Vash's neck looks kinda horizontally challenged. Comments and Critism?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Gentle: I used to wrestle. Yes, I wrestled boys (and beat most of them, too). None of them tried to do anything inappropriate. So don't discount co-ed sports.... although I am sorry that you've had bad experiences with them. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] Well, it was a bit different. I was playing basketball and it was just with some of my friends. Too many things get happening to the girls.
I'd rather prefer a co-ed school like the one I'm in now. I've even been taught in school that you should be in groups of both sexes to progress more in socializing. It also helps when you want to get to know someone better because you're interested in them. Although that doesn't matter that we learned that because we all hated the teacher who taught it to us. Boys aren't distracting at all if you know how to concentrate and block out everything else around you. The girls are louder than the boys most of the time but still get off easier. (not including me) You shouldn't worry about how much noise they make anyway. Just listen to watch you're being instructed. If they say distractions are from interest in such in the opposite sex then that just depends on the person and how much control they have. If they want to sit there and stare at someone all day they can but if they want to actually learn something then pay attention. I just don't think it's fair when both sexes are separated then the boys are allowed to do more physical things than girls. When they're together they still do the same thing. My gym teacher told the boys to come and move a table with him and the mats. Mats for crying out loud. Yes, oh so heavy. No girl is strong enough to do that. When a girl went over to help, she got yelled at. Not so nice. Off Topic: Co-ed sports, don't even try to do it. I've thought about it and experienced it. Not fun and way too many "accidents" happening.