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Everything posted by Gentle

  1. Gentle


    Threads like this are not allowed, I'm thinking. You could keep this going if you discussed a little about the show or the character. Just giving a suggestion.
  2. When I was like 7 or so I never closed my room door. When I went to bed at night I turned to the side and I would look down the hall at my mother's bedroom door. I would see green and red demon like things and they wouldn't go away. I still see them sometimes when I'm in a dark place and I focus on one spot too much.
  3. My favorite food in general would have to be hmm....fish. Yes, the little stinky things that everybody stare and make faces at. I like it best especially deep fried. Mmm...the last time we had a family reunion I didn't get any and when I said it everybody stared at me like I had just been stabbed. I was the only one who didn't get fish. (besides my brother, he doesn't eat it) The music actually stopped too. It was like a scene out of a movie. I can cook anything period. I make mac and cheese, pizza, keish(sp) pie, cake, soups, varieties of meat, and basically all other food you can think of. Sometimes I'll go and make something by just throwing things together. It's always so good. My brother can always smell it and he'll come and stare at me. My sister eats it with me. I love cooking. I've never burnt anything before except some Ramen when I forgot I had them on the stove and some frozen pizza when I forgot to turn the heat off with the timer.
  4. Yu Yu Hakusho is now open to whoever wants to be its moderator.
  5. Gentle

    Super Teens.

    The freshman has gone home and is not participating in this RPG. And if you don't know, that's me.
  6. Gentle


    There are now 2 people aboard the X-Core. I won't be able to ost in the RPG so I'm backing out now.
  7. Gentle

    Dawn Spirit

    I'm sorry for all inconvience in this RPG. Animal is not free to whoever wants it. I won't be able to post in the actual thing due to some reasons.
  8. I have a small question I'd like to ask everyone. Would you rather have schools open later in the day so you could get more sleep? Really it makes very little sense how some people have to stay up all night working on homework and projects and then get up early in the morning so they can get to school on time. There are some schools who have a club at the end of the day, or the middle of the day so that students can have a 20 min nap. If you sleep longer than that you'd be more tired than before. Others are still speaking against it saying school is a place for work and home is for sleep. Think about it. If you go to school, go to sleep when you get home, you could oversleep and then not get up in time to finish a report you have due the next day. If schools didn't make some students get up 5-7 in the morning to make the bus or make the first bell then that wouldn't be a real problem. What are others opinions?
  9. Anyone who thinks something like that is mental. You shouldn't leave a one-year-old by themselves anyway. If they could just turn on the t.v. and start watching anime, then couldn't they just turn on porno or something. Nothing's stopping them. If every show on t.v. was like Rolie Polie Olie or Dora, everyone over the age of 5 would crack. I LIKED TELETUBBIES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! That little baby in the sun was so cute. Anyway, back to the point, it's not like the kids are going to grow into little super saiyans or start training all their life to become the greatest Pokemon master when they're not even real. Adults grew up on shows like Road Runner, Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry, and Daffy. Everyone either blew up or tried to kill each other in all of those. Kids could grab a knife and try to stab someone like they see Tom do. Anime, they all have powers and little animals helping them. Your son's going to train the dog to breath fire and headbutt you. Wow, won't that be fun to watch. The shows they watched were more violent than ours. On the other hand, Olie and Dora are educational I guess but making a 8 year old watch that isn't going to make them smarter. Why don't they just throw out the t.v. and teach their kids themselves instead of always saying "I'm too tired. Let me go to sleep for a few minutes." The next thing they smell smoke because the kid got hungry and you wouldn't feed them. Trifling.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B] Once I wrote a story with a fever of a hundred and six degrees farenheight, I thought I was going to die, and that kind of mindset spewed one of the best stories I ever wrote. Go figure.... [/B][/QUOTE] Woah......hothead. (different meaning) Anyway, I write best when I'm depressed because that's when I get all my ideas. I was so upset one night that I started a 300 page story. I got undepressed and didn't get pass the first page. When I start on something new I keep going until I realize I've calmed down or that I'm not all moody. Then I put it away until I'm depressed again.
  11. Gentle


    Name: Trina Age: 21 Race: Trinity-Live on a peaceful planet where only females reside. Do fierce combat with others who try to attack them. Weapons: Plasma Rifle Ship: X-core Side: X-Force Rank: Canmedo Description: [URL=http://www.ceres.dti.ne.jp/~mituba/mituba_hp/JPG/CG1/030720_As.jpg]Here[/URL] Bio: Loves to travel and hates it when she's not useful. Most fear her and try to keep her well pleased. If not they avoid most contact. Trina is sensitve outside of battle and adventure. She's a true bleeding heart that no one understands. I'm on a ship all by myself.
  12. Gentle


    Vicky, save me a spot. I have to go soon and I'll sign-up later. Thanks in advance.
  13. OOC: Hey Ayu, you should think about how you post. IF Harlequin catches how you do then he might close this. I'm just giving a little tip. And besides, this is 3rd person not 1st. Tia walked over to a gate and went through. She found herself in standing next to the new dungeon they had just put up. The man standing beside her looked down at her. "Is this your first time here miss?" he asked sounding slightly annoyed. Tia shook her head and proceeded into the entrance but was stopped by the man putting his arm in front of her. She looked up at him this time her being annoyed. "If I may ask that you have a party before entering." Tia pushed his arm away and walked inside ignoring his request. She saw 4 people walking away as she entered. "Interesting," she said to herself and begin to walk behind them quietly.
  14. Homeness stared blankly at the newest thread in th Yu Yu Hakusho Forum. The title was "age" so she decided to take a little peek before she went to the portal to Inuyasha. The thread read "How old are you?" Homeness almost passed out in the floor. She groaned and shook her head while closing the thread. Then seeing 3 more threads of the same thing listed she just closed them while walking by. [I]I'm going to be late,[/I] she thought as she remembered where she was supposed to be. She quickly left and went to meet the other mods at the portal.
  15. None taken. I'm just trying to give a little help where it's wanted.
  16. There's a number of songs that remind me of things. There's one called "911" basically it's about well 911. That was pretty simple. It reminds me that those little times when I feel like killing myself that I actually have a reason to live. Another is called "The Blood Song." It reminds me of a video I saw once that had a lot of blood in it. "Many Men" is something I listen to before "911" since that one makes me want to kill myself and the other one doesn't. I have so many more to name. I'll do two more. "A Song For Mama" reminds me of my mother and my grandmother who died one year before I was born. If I actually think about her when I listen to it I start to cry a little bit. My favorite part is this bit. "Your love is like tears from the stars, Mama I just want you to know, lovin' you is like food to my soul." And this bit, "You were always there to comfort me and no one else can be what you have been to me, you'll always be you always will be the girl in my life for all times." Last song is "If I Didn't Know Better." It reminds me of this guy that I like and all. If you know the song, then that's exactly how it would go.
  17. It's a good thing I'm not new to teaching. Here, I'll redo it a bit for you then you add in what's missing. Maybe it'll be better than before. Try this. I'm sorry but one line must be taken out. If it's AABBCC pattern then it needs to have an even number of lines. Time goes by and never ends just as the heart never seems to bend Broken spirits and fairy tales Eventually form their nightingales All alone a mocking bird ____________________ Calling for a friend to come In needed days unknown _______ Days slowly turn to years As the conquer _______________
  18. Ok then that's no problem. What is the rhyming pattern of the poem supposed to be? What's it supposed to be about generally? And how long have you been writing?
  19. Gentle

    Dawn Spirit

    Name- Tia Age- 14 Gender- Female Features- [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/anime/misao/artwork/original/girl.jpg]Click Here[/URL] Weapon- Street Fighting Techniques Persona- Tough and quite Bio- Tia was taken in by a family of all men. The mother had died of a heart disease and she took her place in the house. She became one of them quickly and learned different things from her new brothers. When she wasn't out fighting or sporting with them she was inside cleaning or cooking as the mother of the house also. Control- Animals
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Because kids with weapons is the most moronic thing I've ever heard. I would have asked a kid the same question, cause quite frankly, kids with access to weapons scares the S out of me cause they tend to do stupid things... thats why she asked... now try not to be so rude next time. [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude. I don't use actually use weapons. I learn a little about them and such. If I wanted to gain access to one all I have to do is stroll into Wal-Mart and grab some from the back. The only thing I actually have is a staff, but it broke so truly there's nothing to be scared of by me.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Why in the world does someone who is only under "Mature Teen" need a weapon, might I ask? Or are you just referring to the fact that you need a weapon's site? And why would you need that? O_o[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Why in the world do you want to know my business if I may ask? It's nothing really. I like weapons, that's all. I can find one instantly but I can't get on them anymore. There's nothing wrong with it.
  22. We have AOL so it's automatic that we have Parental Controls. At first she wouldn't put it up and really she didn't know how. When she learned how to I was put under Mature Teen. I can get to most of the sites I want to but it restricts me from useless stuff. Like I might not be able to download a certain document which really has nothing in it but designing and such. I can't get on sites for weapons and it's kinda hard when I need one. The thing I hate the most is when I'm on a message board and if the title is something like, "What do you think about sex?" I can't get on it because of the name it's under. I can still get on bad sites though. I looked up something in a japanese word that was bad and it took me right to it. But if I put it in english it won't work. Not that I'm saying I would......Not that I'm saying I won't. But it's not that protective. It even gave me spanish sites and then linked me to english. It's not that safe to use since the security doesn't seem to work the way it should.
  23. Would you mind putting up a story line soon? It sounds interesting I wouldn't mind signing up for it. I might not always check so could you PM me when you have it up?
  24. Your rhyming patterns are a bit off, but other than that it's a really good poem. Do you need help where there's a space at? Or do you need help trying to get it more focused in?
  25. I sing everywhere. In the shower, at home, in a car, near a lot of people, in the dark, in the light, anywhere I can think of. Yesterday people stared at me while singing in church. It felt awkward and such. I asked one of them why they stared and they wouldn't answer me. Someone else said it was because of the way I sing. Someone else turned around and smiled at me like I was a newborn child. I sung again today, everyone stared at me. After that I just sung in a loud place where no matter how high I went no one would hear me unless you know they were paying real close attention or right next to me. Singing in the shower I turn on some music and sing along to it but not that loud. If I do the bathroom door gets stared at or knocked on for the next 10 min. That's why I sing in my head or whisper to myself the song.
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