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Everything posted by No
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Now I ask you how you do that border...I want to do that but I dont know how. Can you help?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Aww Its too big. And I dunno how it got all fuzzy. It just appeared that way.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Oh sorry! And thank you so much!! Its from Final Fantasy 12. Very nice pictures...bah! They do have pictures of the girl in the viel alone. Bah...here... Im sory for changing my mind so much. Its just I didn't notice those were there. [url]www.ffxii.net[/url] Thats a good place to look for stuff from the game if you are wanting to look at it. ^^ Thank you again and I will tell you more and more.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]So. Its already out in Asia...? Hm...But the only question that i'm holding right now is: ~Will this be dubbed or subtitled?~ I would be very upset if its dubbed becuase it kinda takes away from the whole movie. But then again who in america would want to see an asian speaking movie? I would no matter what. But I would love to see it in its original language with subtitles. I seen the preview to this movie when I went to see Kill Bill Vol. 2 in theaters. And to say I cried durring that movie.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Oh my gosh...I just realized this when I took a look at the guy in the picture. He looks [B]exactly[/B] like Gackt. [ Note: for those of you that dont' know who that is...its a jpop singer! ] And very nice indeed. And I love the Images...very nice but can you make the couple seem sharper...or is the word clearer?[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]No...I wouldn't want to. If its healthy and alive. Then no matter what gender it was, if it didn't have a gender then I would still love it no matter what. "I think of it as: I just gave birth to this chilld, its healthy and I brought another being into this world. I will love it and protect it as much as I can." So...thats my answer. Wow..I was really super blunt. But hey...I'm to the point becuase its 5 AM. Time for bed! [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Well...I attempted at my banner and avi..but I dont like how they turned out. Could someone help me recreate them in a better manner? Please...pictures are supplied as attachments. The couple is the banner and the girl is the avi. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Aww Thats so cute!! I love pandas! Very good artwork...thought the shaking Kitty word was messing with my head. lol. Still great.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Symoni blinked slightly and looked around at everyone seeming so confused and lost. Sitting herself down on the ground playing with the edge of her skirt, finding it to be torn in a couple spots sighing deeply. Cursing softly when she found them, looking at the others calmly, her eyes settling on Garren and Arunue. Tilting her head to the side, remembering a while back when they were all just sitting there in Arunue's apartment and them visiting the church she would hide out in. Smiliing some back on the days that she knew of being partilly sad that she couldn't go back to them. A tear ran down her cheek as she wiped it away quickly, surpressing her feelings and acted like she was bored. Her head was hung down looking over her skirt once more. Just waiting for them to figure out what was going on next.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[I][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Verdana]OOC- Guess what! Im here! ^^; And well Kieko...Symoni already had her baby before you guys found her. Sorry for not making that clear at all. *Feels bad for not being here for most of this RP* I think this might be short and I'm sorry if it is...I have no clue what to put in this post at all. ----------------------------------------------- IC- Symoni heard the explaination from Veil and how a Lemaria can possibly bring back someone's past life if its done by a lover. She honestly had a hope that it would work and she could have Rein back, wanting him to at least see what his daughter looked like. She remembered what she had to do to find all of her old friends and find out about Rein not waking up. It hurt her but had that hope that she could bring him back. Thinking it over as she ran up behind them soon catching up to Veil and asked rather quietly so only Veil could hear. "So, where exactly can you find this Lemaria?"[/FONT][/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Well...I kinda skimmed over it...and I'm still lost...But where do I start my post if I do post..? I ned help there..and thank you Kieko for carrying on Symoni. I love you! But...help on the post please?[/FONT][/COLOR]
Anime Otakon 2004, Anime Weekend Atlanta 2004 & other conventions
No replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
[I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I'm so jealous of you all if you go to Otakon. I wish I couild go honestly. I really wanted to see L'arc~en~Ciel. Again I miss another J-rock band. I'm seriusly going to cry, I really wanted to see Sid at ACEN But i missed it becuase I had school. *Sighs* If you see them you are lucky. Be happy that you get to have the opportunity to go see them live. Just think you are living the dream that someone has. Like me. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/I] -
[quote name='FirePheonix727']You might have to give up on Noelle... I haven't seen her online in over two months I think. I sent her a PM once and she never got back online to reply. Sorry to burst your bubble.[/quote] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]You wanna freaking bet on giving up eh? Never thought you would give up so easily. Sorry everyone but guess what!? IM BACK!!! *Smiles evily* And here is my bio if I can still join.. ------------------------------- Name: Symoni Avtie Age: 16 Special Characteristics: She is mostly very emotional. She is calm and cool at hard times. But she does have this temper when she gets upset. Apperance: She is 5'8" very skinny, Cuz she doesn't eat much. 110 lbs. Long cherry blond hair, reaches her lower back. Her eyes are mostly violet, with some silver in them. She wears black baggy pants, and a belly shirt that says "Moi-même Moitié" (Half myself). She has her belly button peirced. Bio: She grew up in the Realm of Reality. But really she was born in the Realm of Imagination. Finding herself always alone and different. But she found someone that did talk to her and became her friend. Her name was Arune. She knew there was something majorly different about Arune when she first met her, but she just couldn't tell what it was. But really she met Arune when she was 2 years old. hen got kicked out of her world by accident and is left with nothing.[/FONT][/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Symoni looked up at the door when she seen Arunue jump suddenly. Smiling when she saw Toshi, jumping up herself and gave him a tight hug after Arunue did, just happy to see him alive and well. That is all that she wanted now was her friends to live through this. Though her issue was is that she didn't understand Toshi's words very well tilting her head to the side a bit confused. Looking behind her and at the food on the plate that her and Rein were sharing. Starting to feel even more hungrier but resisted becuase she wanted to keep her figure for now. Then she thought of how good it was and closed her eyes in frustration, grabbing another piece of bacon and ate it.[/FONT][/COLOR][/I]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: I'm sorry that i havent posted in ages!!! So much has been going on and I'm sick again. So more time at home thankfully. And I was so confused but now I'm kinda undrstanding what is going on becuase of Boy Hox's summary of where everyone was! ^^ Thanks! So...I'm just going to say that I'm waiting for everyone to come back...? I hope that works out... -------------------------------- [I]Symoni looked around some and sighed deeply. She didn't know when they would be back or what was going on. She honestly wanted to know what was happening and if they were winning. Thinking to herself for a moment wondering if she was able to contact Rein or anyone at all from the group, from where she was at using mental abilities. But not sure if it would go to a different Realm. Sighing and tried her hardest to contact someone. Trying to talk to Rein to see if he was alright. "Rein...love...are you alright...? What is happeneing....? Oh love please answer.." She spoke softly to him hoping that he or someone would hear her and know who she was. Shaking some and shook her head trying to calm herself down as she waited for a reply. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [/I]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I][FONT=Trebuchet MS]OOC- Would this help me with Realm of Immaginations? Becuase I dont understand some of the people and who they are with and ect. I need help with that majorly. So this could and might help me? *looks pleading* Because if it does help me. Then I should say that I'll join.[/FONT][/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]OOC- Oki!!! Stop making me cry! No more crying for Symoni got it?! *looks threatening and sues Runy and wins!!* Yay! ----------------------------------- [I]IC- Symoni sighed deeply and nodded to Rein, moving around some in her sleep. Not sure if she should really go to Alfhiem becuase she wouldn't know their language. But, she could always learn and be tought. Possibly if she was there long enough she could teach the baby elven. She turned over and watched Rein sleeping, smiling to herself just enjoying the way he slept for somereason. Just so calm and peaceful, so happy. She enjoyed seeing him happy and wanted to do anything for him to keep him that way. Then a thought crossed her mind, 'what if he got killed when the chaos will break out?' She shook that thought away not even wanting to think like that. And would keep herself in close contact with him to make sure that he is alive. And if he was on the brink of dying she would go to him no matter what the elven people said. She would even comprimise with them if she had to. But, nothing would keep her away from Rein. Now all she had to do was wait for him to wake up.[/FONT][/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Symoni sighed and grabbed Reins hand dragging him off to the side and away from Toshi. Rolling her eyes some and looked up at Rein very seriously. She took a deep breath and let it all out. Speaking to him quietly and very quickly."Rein I am pregnant and it's yours. There I said it...now hurt me or do what yoiu want with me. Make me to where I can't have the child. Or even be mad at me..." She looked up at Rein and waited for his reaction to her news.[/FONT][/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS][I]Alright. I have a big question about the animated avitars/banners. I have the clip that i want. But I dont know where to put it and it keeps showing up as a windows movie maker file. How can I change that and the size. If I can get help will someone help me? And I hope I posted this in the correct area. Please help! Thank you in advance![/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS][I]Symoni shook her head some, sitting outside of the dojo, thinking to herself. Not sure what had happened really. But, heard all of the commotion inside and didn't know what to do or think. She didn't want Kano to be brought into this, standing up and walked inside standing next to Garren. "I agree with Garren. His son shouldn't be put or brought into this. Why do you need him to be in it? To fight then die? It's hard to loose a child you know. Especially at his age. Not even living to the fullest of his life, never understanding fully of what it is. Damn! He wouldn't even hit puberty!" She looked at them all sternly. Not going to move from her ground now, really thinking that itwas wrong of them to bring a child into it. He shouldn't know about the ways of killing for another good 15 years. She wouldn't want her child to get into stuff like this. That suddenly reminded her about something, looking around quickly for Rein needing to talk to him about something. But, she didn't see him around and it was in too much of a rush earlier to even get one word out.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Symoni sighed a bit and looked down at Kano, wondering how she had a mother's instinct all of a sudden. Her eyes widen and tugged on Arunue's arm some, needing to talk to her alone. "Arunue...I have to ask you somthing important...and its personal...Please?" "Alright...What is it?" Arunue asked as Symoni took her outside of the small house. Looking at Symoni partially concerned by her emotional state lately. "How did you know that you were...going to have Kano?" Symoni asked quickly and looked up at Arunue very impatient and wanting to know if she had the same feelings as she did. Getting ancy waiting.[/FONT][/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Natasha sighed deeply and walked towards the ship, carrying a bag of tools, instruments, blank scrolls and ink so she could map out the exploration. She looked around and noticed that she was the only girl on the whole ship. Not sure if there ever were a female pirate but would be the first if there wasn't. Standing next to a tall man, looking over at up at him. Seeing him wearing an eyepatch that looked homemade, and he was smiling all strange like. Taking one step away from him, keeping her distance so none of the men would look down her shirt. She looked around for the captian of the ship, wiating patiently.[/i] ---------------------------------- OOC- I got a picture for my char. And LMAO at Lynx. I love that line from POTC!![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]OOC - Yes I know I shouldn't be doing this but ive had enough! Where in the fricken hell am I at the moment?! I dont understand what is going on becuase of the side stories that I dont know about. I would like to at least be somewhat part of the RP. Or did I just get left behind like normal?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Noëlle sighed some as she got off of the bus. Looking at the other girls and shook her head some. Walking towards DW. Hugging him gently, and spoke uietly. "My name is Noëlle. It's nice to meet you." She walked where the other girl went, blushing becuase she was shy.[/FONT][/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Symoni sighed a bit and paced around the small cabin (i think that it is). Wondering where Rein was at the moment. STill shocked over the fact that Arunue and Garren had a child together. And he was so adoreable as well. She just wanted to hug him tightly. It made her think if she wanted to have children or not. Thinking it over as she sat down in a chair. Wondering why she was always left behind on the good stuff![/FONT][/I][/COLOR]