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Everything posted by No

  1. [i][color=lightpink]Roxanne Leifen** It's ok no one can really spell it right. It's alright about me making the change. I dont' think i would have dont a very good job at Michelle.[/color][/i]
  2. [i][color=lightpink]Carmize has grown a bit more, now as tall as the others, but only aged to 17 now, knowing she should stop taking the pills. She walks around some finding a nice looking young man, pulling him to a private area and kisses on his neck softly, then bites down into his neck, sucking on it softly, the man only thinking that it's going to be a hicky. She doesnt drain his blood, laying him down, knowing he will have a major head ache when he wakes up. She looks around a bit, sighing deeply, seeing Chinkan and Aruzan, hearing Aruzan say, "I am waiting....." "....His blood tasted good..." She says softly licking her lips, not really looking like herself anymore. Her hair flowing down to her knees, her eyes a different shade of lavender. She had a black minischool girl skirt on with a tight black button up shirt, that cut just a bit too low. "So where are we going exactly?"[/color][/i]
  3. No

    J-Rock bands?

    [i][color=lightpink]Ya. So for now on I am swearing to myself, not matter how long it takes to get to my house. I'm going to buy it becuase i know it's not going to be bootlegged. I will buy from Yesasia.com more now. [/color][/i]
  4. [i][color=lightpink]Ohhhhh. Wow. How Interesting. So they wanted a son, but got 29 daughters and 1 son. Wow. they must have a large house for all of the girls. So that is interesting. Thank you so much. [/color][/i]
  5. [i][color=lightpink]I would like to know how Quatre got so many sisters?! I mean there are 29 of them! I feel sorry for him when they have their times of the month. Dang....cat fight city![/color][/i]
  6. [i][color=lightpink]Anima can be her. I've already changed mine around so ya. I don't think I come up with good Bio's *sighs deeply* I'm just horrible with it and don't have many good idea's you know? Oh well. Everything on mine has been changed so ya. [/color][/i]
  7. [i][color=lightpink]OMG! I was just poking around some on the internet and i found something that i just can't beilve. It has some spoilers to Kill Bill Vol. 2. [URL=http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0378194/]Here[/URL] [/color][/i]
  8. [i][color=lightpink]What's BFFL? [B]Name:[/B] Kalipso Chloe Sephyr [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Weapons:[/B] 6' Chain whip [B]Persona:[/B] She is normally mute, but can be very loud when she is mad and upset. She loves to sleep and is very deep about things. [B]Control:[/B] Telepathy & Can see the future [B]Rank:[/B] Assisstant/Messenger [B]Description:[/B] [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-10/454379/r.jpg[/img] [B]Bio:[/B] She grew up on the streets being homeless almost all of her life. She found the street group she is in currently, gaining some elements not knowing it and findingout in a shocking way, she found out her future seeing abilities 5 minutes before she got raped. Seeing it before it happened. ----------------------- Was that a little too much? [/color][/i]
  9. [i][color=lightpink]I liked Go-Go Yubari becuase of the fact that she killed the guy for wanting to do her. She didn't like it and stood up for herself and protected herself from him practically. And when you see her driving, it looks like she is drunk. I dunno, i'm just a freak like that. Oh! And, what does Bill look like. You don't ever see his face I think.[/color][/i]
  10. No

    J-Rock bands?

    [i][color=lightpink]OMG! I have 3 friggen bootlegged albums! They are: 1.) Gauze -Dir en Grey 2.) -Kai- Remix - Dir en grey 3.) Gluhen: Fight Fire with Fire - Weiss Kreuz I feel so sad now. That's just not cool. Where I got these albums from was here: chibitokyo.com & animecastle.com I advise to not buy from them becuase of the fact they sell bootlegged CD's. so you should really buy from yesasia.com [b]This is all my opinion. You don't have to listen to me!![/b][/color][/i]
  11. [i][color=lightpink]OOC: How is Carmize the bringer of bad habits?! O.O --------- IC: Carmize looked up at Chinkan and blinked some then looks to Aruzan hearing their conversation, making her eyes go wide "You're getting married?!" She stopped and looked up at them wanting to know the truth. "Yes we are Carmize" Aruzan stated and smiled wrapping his arms around Chinkan's waist. "Blah! No time for the mushy stuff. We gotta save people!!" Carmize hurried infront of them, trying to pry them apart long enough to get this done, then they can have all the time in the world to boink. "But...what's the plan Chinkan?"[/color][/i]
  12. No


    [color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna lays back down on the bed, falling back to sleep quickly, thinking stuff over more. She has a very strange dream. [i]Zsuzsanna laid in her bed on her side, coughing rather hard, unable to move, her chest feels like its caving in. She wished someone was there to help her out and take care of her, never being this sick. Then looks up hearing someone calling her name. "Zsuzsanna...." Garai sat next to her on her bed, wiping her forhead, setting a cold cloth on her forhead, smiling down at her.[/i] She heard someone calling her name and sits up quickly, falling out of the bed with the sheets wrapped around her legs. "Wha...?" ----------- OOC: I mean like how does Zsuzsanna pilots the ship.[/color]
  13. No


    [i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna sat up some and rubbed her head, looking over at Anya, raising a brow thinking that she must be having a bad dream then asks softly and quietly. "Hey..Anya...you gonna be alright?" she sounded a bit worried, her curls hanging in her face and jade eyes, that they even looked worried for her. Miles walks over to Anya and jumps up into her lap, only a small black kitten, mewinig softly, wanting to comfort her. ----------- OOC: Am I like Melfina from Outlaw Star? I'm wondering.[/color][/i]
  14. [i][color=lightpink]OMG! I saw the DVD at suncoast when i went there on Sunday and i looked at it and i was like "I must get this soon..." I've heard the VA/seiyuu's sing in japanese, and they sound sexy. Yes Yes. I just can't wait to buy it...once i get more money I will buy it and be happy. And they kinda remind me of Weis Kreuz. that's another good anime if you want to check it out! ^^; *is a Weiss Kreuz addict, ecpecially to the baddies... Schuldig... -drool-*[/color][/i]
  15. No


    [i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna was gripping on Garai's upper arm looking scared as every of the lift, it just scared her becuase she could see under them and the only thing that she, Garai, and Demi were standing on was a lift. She stood still for a moment then let go of Garai's arm, noticing that she was holding onto it. "Sorry about that...." she said softly to Garai, blushing deeply, walking for ward into the room more and sat down in a chair, Miles sitting on her lap. "Hey...how did you follow us...?"[/color][/i]
  16. [i][color=lightpink]Carmize started to wake up, moving around more now, starting to get back to her sences, shaking in fear then realizes she's in the hotel room alone again. She sighs deeply getting up quickly, running around th hotel room looking for anyone that could be there, not finding Hakira, or Miazmodon. "ARUZAN!! CHINKAN?! Where are you guys at...?" she yelled a bit loudly, then started to cry thinking everyone left her again, just waltzing right out of her life.[/color][/i]
  17. No

    Cloud Nine [pg13]

    [i][color=lightpink]Tellin looked down at Niko, brushing some of his bangs from his face and eyes, " You really need to be more careful of where you walk." she said trying to sound as calm as she could, she really didn't want one thing to happen to him, but remembered soemthing and whisperd to him, "I have a small surprise for you but...I'll tell you it later. They want you to go to the hospital and get another check up to see if anything is broken or not. That was one bad fall you had hun." she blushed when she said 'hun'. [/color][/i]
  18. No


    [i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna shook her head ending up on the floor again for the second time, just going to stay there and blurts out. "This planet has too much gravitational pull!" she exlaimes loudly, finding it out the hard way. "Yes it does." Garai agreed with her nodding. "Nah I'm just a clutz.." Zsuzsanna whispers softly shaking her head smirking a bit.[/color][/i]
  19. No


    [i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna lifted her head up from the bar counter, looking around a bit confused on where she is at, falling out of her chair, and onto the floor, feeling so weak and light headed, just blacking out for a small moment. Garai looked down at her unable to catch her in time before she fell. He knealed down next to her, patting her cheek some, trying to get her to come back into reality. "Hey Zsu...wake up.." "..hm?" Zsuzsanna mummbled some opening her jade eyes looking up at Garai's eyes smling some, and tries to sit up slowly, making it to there, holding her head a bit with one and and holding onto Garai so she doesn't fall again. Finding that fall very pain ful hitting her head on the ground. "I'm fine...don't worry...it happens alot.." appears to be very skinny as if she doesn't eat right.[/color][/i]
  20. [i][color=lightpink]O.O OMG!! YAY! I wont have to wait a very long time for the end. I want to tknow what happens sooooo much. I like freaked out when it ended at such a cliffhanger!! [/color][/i]
  21. No


    [i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna sat there listening to his music smiling, petting Miles, watching him start to fall asleep cuz of the music, she giggled softly at him, looking up at Garai with her jade eyes, some of her curls hanging in her face. She smiles softly at him, starting to fall asleep again herself, but she moved over one more stool closer to him, feeling safe around him. She laid her head on the bar again, half asleep whispering softly. "I really like your music...so soothing...someone could fall asleep to it...." by finishing that sentence she was out like a light again.[/color][/i]
  22. [i][color=lightpink][b]Name:[/b]Tellin [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Home City:[/B] Tor' Norath A remote floating city, generaly out of the way of the trading circle. Built to be rough, the city is a network of wooden beams and platforms.. only a Tor' Norath born person could walk along the city and not become overcome with vertigo. Despite its hostile looking layout, the occupants are very friendly. [B]Appearance:[/B]She's about 5'6", Long strawberry blond hair that goes to her lower back, but she pulls it back into a loose bun, some of her bangs hanging in her icy blue eyes. She wears what normal cloud people wear (i dunno!) [B]Personalitly:[/B] She is caring and sweet [B]Magic:[/B] She is currently learning fire magic [B]Bio:[/B] She was born and mostly grew up in Tor' Norath. She had a really good friend named Niko. Their families wanted them to have a strong bond, but hers grew to something more than that, making her sad when she had to leave comming back everynow and then, but she wants to stay there for good. Having news to when she meets him again. [B]Weapons/Skills:[/B] She usually caries a steel rod 2 inches thick. And her skill is in business. -------- Was that good? [/color][/i]
  23. [i][color=lightpink]I saw this movie just last night and I absolutly loved it. Ok I know this is going to sound gross but its the truth. I had to go pee the whole time and I didn't want to leave cuz I would miss a part so I waited til the end of the movie to go. But I've heard there are 4 Volumes to the movie. Is this true or not? I am really wondering. And can NOT wait til Vol 2 comes out.[/color][/i]
  24. [i][color=lightpink] OOC: Why did Hakira leave the party?! COME BACK MAMAN!!! And I'm gonna TRY to use Miazmodon for a small bit....gomen if you dont like it. ----------------- Carmize laid there slung over Miazmodon's shoulder, breathing heavily, she was still passed out. Miazmodon was taking her back to the hotel, he opened the door, seeing who all was still there and didn't find anyone, but he did see Chinkan and Aruzan in the pool, but he couldn't find Hakira anywhere, he laid Carmize down on one of the beds in the girls room, trying to not wake her up. He looked around for her frantically and sighed not seeing her, sitting down in a chair, slumping down in it some, thinking things over and where she could have gone.[/color][/i]
  25. No


    [i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna opened her eyes, raising her head up some, hearing her name again, wondering who was talking about her. She looked up at Garai looking peaceful and adorable becuase her bangs were everywhere, she asked horsely. "Is it time yet....morning i mean?" she hiccuped once and hid her face from him, unsure of what she is feeling around him, its all new to her, she didn't feel like this around the others but she felt so differently around him, she noticed Miles was in his arms and she blushed smiling. "I think Miles likes you...."[/color][/i]
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