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Everything posted by No
[i][color=crimson][QUOTE]I personally don't care if you cant understand the words to songs, like the ending theme to Inuyasha (the one in the early part of the series) was just really cool.[/QUOTE] --------------- That is I think "Heart of Sword" by T.M.Revolution. He also does the opening for Gundam Seed "Invoke" I love both of those songs. Personally I dont listen to anything but J-rock. I refuse to listeng to american made music. And Dir en Grey's lyrics do have a point. If you have their new album "Vulgar" You should hear "R to the core" kyo talks about his problem with his left ear, as of late he did have a prblem with his ear, having to call off half of a tour. And for somereason I cried when i first heard "Kasumi". If you do have the "Vulgar" album, inside of the little booklete is a smaller one, it tells the bands history and has all of the song translations. And all of them make some kind of sence.
[i][color=crimson] OOC: Yay! I feel loved! *huggles* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Carmize nodded to Miazmodon, looking down at the necklace wondering why he did give it her, feeling happy and thankful, but more happy becuase someone actually gave her something out of kindness, never really seeing that were she came from, finding it very rare indeed. She looked down at the neck lace, just enchanted about how it looks and how well it fits her, the jewel in it matching the color of her eyes, jade. She petted Hikara smiling softly, thinking she is really nice. "Thank you, Hikara." she said softly, laying down on a mat falling asleep slowly, thinking over manythings.[/color][/i]
[i][color=skyblue] OOC: sorry...I just dont like playing with other peoples characters...it kinda bugs me...sorry that i dont post alot. *~*~* Carmize looked around some and sighs a bit, still not understanding the purpose of that silly back scratcher, shaking her head a bit, heading down the street slowly by herself. She stops at a booth and peeks over seeing what the man was selling, she sees that it's apples. "Sir can I have one please?" she asks cutely, amking a small pleading face. "1 coin a peice, lil'girl" The man replied back to her, smiling softly at her cuteness. Carmize pulls out a coin and hands it to the man, standing on her tip toes, smiling, taking the large apple the man was holding down to her so she could reach it better., "Thank you sir!!" She ran back down the street to Finny and the others, wondering what it's like to have parents, having none of her own.[/color][/i]
[i][COLOR=crimson]Has anyone seen the anime, Weiß Kreuz/Knight Hunters? I would really like to ask something if you have. Its: Who is Brad Crawford's VA (voice actor) In the japanese version of Weiß?[/COLOR][/i]
[i][COLOR=crimson]I think it would be pretty cool to see them get together and talk about how their lives are now. *nods* it would be pretty interesting.[/COLOR][/i]
[i][COLOR=crimson]I agree with you! I loved Milliardo and Trieze!! ^^ They were the cutest bishonens on there i think. Well thats just my opinion.[/COLOR][/]
[i][COLOR=crimson]Carmize sighs deeply as she thinks all of the new information over, still not understand one bit of it, she muttered some to herself, making a small growling noise, noting that she is very frustrated. "I hate being just a child!" she exlaimes very loudly, hinting every bit of it that she doesn't like it.[/COLOR][/i]
[I][COLOR=crimson]Carmize sighed deeply looking at all of them, crossing her arms infront of her body just leaving Aruzan and Chinkan alone, thinking they would just want all of the space they want and need, never going to bug them again. She walked over to Miazmodon and tugged on the bottem of his shirt, waiting for him to notice she was there, or anyone to that fact, she wanted to know why she was different why she is not like them. "Miazmodon...why am I different? Why can't I be like you?" she asked him looking upset and confused.[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=crimson]Carmize watches Finny pull out the new invntion and smiles, looking at how it extends and makes a funny face. "It's strange. What does it do again?" she asks tilting her head to the side.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=sandybrown]Carmize looked up seeing Finny and Kaelin pass her quickly, she only had a second to realize who it was and smiles, waving to them, "Hey! Finny! Kaelin! What'cha guys doing?" She askes them curiously wondering whats in Finny's backpack, then randomly pokes at it. "Hey Finny...whats in the pack?" She askes once, poking at it more smiling. Her eyes changing colors from green to blue.[/COLOR]
Carmize looked around, seeing if any of her friends were outside, wanting to play so much being so bored, knowing she wont be for long until the festival starts. She sighs softly, walking around knowing she doesn't have anyone yet. *** I know it was short but more later!
[I][COLOR=orangered]Carmize blinks, looking confused as ever, wondering whats really going on. Looking up at Hikira, talking to her softly, wondering if she knows about whats going on. Then she looks up at Aruzan and tugs on his jacket. "Mr. Aruzan...why are you hiding stuff from me...why am I different from you! why cant i be like yuo?" Carmize looks like she is on the brink of tears, hating the fact that she cant handle big people stuff.[/COLOR][/I]
Carmize tries to hide behind Aruzan from Miazmodon, she felt veru uneasy around him, peeking around Aruzan up to the man with her crystal lavender eyes, showing some fear, asking softly "who are you...?" she stops her sentence seeing him leave and sighs some looking up at Narika.
Carmize looks up at Harika and smiles cutely, being nice and friendly really, she doesn't have any friends, and is a runaway. She wonders if she will be able to start a new life, and starts feeling better, going over to Aruzan and tugs on his shirt some, being very quiet, she is timid and will start to get better at it. "Are you going to take care of me Mr. Aruzan?" Carmize asks very quietly, looking up at him with her lavender eyes, that have small pink specks in them.
Thats like what children do if their parents have a dream that they want to fulfill and then they croak/kick the bucket, it comes to the child to fill the shoes and finish it in the memory of the parent that died/croaked/kicked the bucket. It may sound strange but i think that is what Dekim is doing but its so MEAN. I think Mariemaia could have been nicer and sweeter, and a better child if she didn't be raised by Dekim.. Maybe living with Midii Une would be better for her...if i understand Endless Waltz correctly...in the ending she's in a wheel chair and happy with Midii...its a happy smile to...not a im going to rule the world smile...
Carmize looks to the deer then up to Aruzan and Chinkan, wondering who was oignt o eat first then she walks to it slowly a bit afraid, and starts to drink the blood from the side of its neck, closing her eyes, and grips the deer some, trying to keep control of her actions, having a major problem when she feeds, but she does keep her feeding neat and never made a mess. She pulls back leaving about 66% left in the deer, falling backwards, fainting from eating to quickly and too much at once.
Oki this might be a bit loose but it will make sence soon I hope... Name: Carmize Nikolai Age: 17 (203) Race: Full Vampire Looks: She is a 5'6" girl, only wieghing to 90 lbs, but truely she isn't and very naive at times. She had a black minischool girl skirt on with a tight black button up shirt, that cut just a bit too low. She has lavender eyes, and long curly black hair, that reaches down to her thighs, she'll normally have it ina small bun or braided. Personallity: She is mean at times, but she does pretty well with killing things, she is ruthless to the core.
A girl of 11, very small for her age, walks around the motel some, looking around, staying in the shade, being a full vampire, and looking sort of afraid, holding a dagger at her side that her friend gave her before she ran away. She looks around some and sees a man on the roof, then tries to hide herself wondering if he is after her and take her home or not. [I][COLOR=teal]I don't wanna go home...don't take me back there...[/COLOR] [/I] Carmize shakes her head at the thought a blood tear runs down her cheek, feeling so hungry havent ate in days, looking around for what she could eat and sees nothing.
[I][COLOR=purple]Ohhh I get it now..Thank you for your help on clearing it up. But what i would love to see is them follow up some on what happened to them after Endless Waltz. I would enjoy on finding out what happened. [/COLOR] [/I] [COLOR=deeppink].::. Roxanne Leifen .::.[/COLOR]
[I][COLOR=purple]I have a small question...In Endless Waltz...why did they send the gundams to the sun when they sent Quatre to Venus to get them back? Im still confused about that and I dont have my Endless Waltz DVD anymore. Please help me.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=deeppink].::. Roxanne Leifen .::. [/COLOR]
[I][COLOR=red]I saw the scans of it somewhere...ill try to find it again for you to look at. I read some of it and i couldn't stop laughing. And you get to see a 15 year old Zechs...its really strange but reallly cool! [/COLOR] [/I] [I][Color=sandy brown].::. Roxanne Leifen .::.[/COLOR][/I]
Anime What is your favorite gundam/character?
No replied to Belldandy Angel's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=crimson]I loved Milliardo and Trieze!! Milliardo just cuz of he wonderful voice, especially in the Japanese verson. And Trieze becuase of his lovely rose fragrant bath! [/COLOR] -
I liked Mariemaia. She was an interesting lil girl. But dont all children go through a stage of "i want to rule the world"? .::. Roxanne Leifen .::.