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[QUOTE=kyonen]Yeah, sounds great. All I know, is it's an accoustic. What I meant was, after all that "Rettou Gekishin 5 Ugly Kingdom" Touring, right after, they work on a new album. Suicidal Tendencies, I tell ya.[/QUOTE] [I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS] Are you implying that Kyo from Dir en Grey is suicidal?[/FONT][/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS][B]Name:[/B] Natasha Katz [B]Gender:[/b] Female! [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Occupation:[/b] Cartographer- person that makes maps. I hope this is alright DW! [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/I]
[I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Celia heard one of the girls on the boat say, "I think I see land." It was Audrey who had said it. Celia didn't know anybodies name at all. Standing up and walked over to the front of the boat, seeing land. Smiling at how much more beautiful it was as they came ever so much more closer to it. Finally, getting onto land and all of them escorted off of the boat by a man in a tux. "This way..." Said the man in the black tux, motioning them some with the extension of his arm. Leading them down a gravel path, to the huge double doors as the entrance.[/I] ------------------------- OOC- Let's liven this up some! Post!! [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[I][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC- Um...someone help me. I'm behind and confused. I really dont understand what is going on and where they are at..could any of you help me understand so I can actually post? And I am behind becuase my explorer took a dump and decided it wouldn't work. Thank you the one who helps me. Just PM the info plz.[/COLOR][/FONT][/I]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]OOC: What am I suppost to do?! o.o; Oh and its Edward Wong Hau Peperu Tivrusky the 3rd. Yes I know. But that's the actual spelling of her name and if you say it fast enought to someone they'll be like "what?" I did it to my friend...she laughed cuz she knew what I was saying. ^___^' ----------------------- [I] Symoni nodded to Kieko and hugged her once before they left. "Bye...hope to see you soon I guess...have fun!" She smiled a bit and walked back over to Rein. Wrapping her arms around his waist, hiding her face in his neck. Sniffling a bit, trying to not cry again. She was getting better at holding the crying in, not wanting to do that anymore. But now she was wondering where he was taking them to now. Leaning up slowly and whispered into his ear. "Love...where are we going now...? I dont seem to remember."[/FONT][/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Ok. Bad news. I can't type my persons name x.x; Its dumb I think . So its really now going to be Celia Tares. Sorry about that K.K.C.!! ---------------------------- [FONT=Trebuchet MS][I]Celia sighed deeply and coughed a bit when she inhaled second hand smoke from the man that was smoking his fifth one. She didn't like smoking very much. Laughing a bit when she saw him drop his lighter into the sea. Looking out at the horizon and smiled softly to herself. Knowing that this was going to be a very interesting contest and hoped she would win. So she could become the Queen of England. Always wanting to be her. Turning her eyes some and looked up at the mansion they were approching and smiled wider. Speaking to all of them, becuase they weren't paying attention enough to see that they were almost there. "Aww! It's so big! And pretty as well! This man must be really rich." She spoke to them and nodded softly.[/color][/I][/FONT]
That is very pretty. I enjoy the light pink color of it. And it's a guy....or no? I still say "good job" becuase i love how you made these and they look so smooth and beautiful. *nods* I give you: 10/10
[COLOR=Pink][B]Your Name:[/B] Noƫlle [B]Your Gender:[/B] Of course I'm a female! [B]Your Age:[/B] 15 (til March 21!) [B]Your Appearance:[/B] I am 4'8" 90 lbs. I have short black hair that flips out to the sides. (Like Yuna from FFX-2!) My eyes are a honey color and sometimes they turn green. I normally wear, dark blue hip huggers (size 0), a t-shirt that always seems either too short or to tight. And I wear healed boots to make myself seem a bit taller. [B]Why?:[/B] Becuase I think Gavynn and Dragon Warrior are very sexy men. And they seem very nice and caring. Knowing how to treat a woman correctly.[/COLOR]
[I][FONT=Trebuchet MS][color=darkslateblue]"Hey! I didn't know where in the hell I was going. You can't blame me for that problem. It was a surpirse to me thank you very much. And excuse me for having sex dammit! God it's not like you ever did it before in your damn life!" Symoni yelled at Hiroshi in a fit of rage. He couldn't really blame her becuase she didn't know where Rein was taking her. And she couldn't have faught anyways becuase of the fact that she was mostly drunk still when the fight started. Turning around quickly and walked away from Rein and the others shaking her head wanting to think alone where it was pretty quiet. -------------------- Can we say....mad at Hiro becuase he ruined the mood! XD! [/color][/FONT][/I]
[color=lightpink]I love Daft Pink. I was watching their music video on Cartoon Network. (Yes long ago they showed it once.) And I seemed to fall in love with them. They just drew me to them more than any other band. And they're [i]french[/i]? Cool! ^__^ I have their album "Discovery" And I love the song 'Aerodynamic' Just how it sounds makes me happy. I hope to find more of their albums.[/color]
[quote name='kyonen']It's like I said, he needs to take a break from music. A lot of people think Dir en grey should've too, what with last year's extensive touring. It could help a few artists.[/quote] Dir en Grey had taken a break in 2001 if im correct becuase of Kyo's ruptured typanum. They got that well deserved break for Kyo recovering. And yes I know exactly what happened becuase I just did a speech about them and I had to find that info. And I have heard a clip of their new single "The Final" And I love it.
[color=slategray]"Hey wait a moment. Have either of you seen Kanya?! Did she go off alone again?" Zsuzsanna asked quickly. "Yes she did. I haven't seen her since last night." Keno replied back to her, and raised a brow. "Damnit! Didn't we tell her to not do that at this time. And just stick with us so she didn't get into trouble. Well no and I hope she does get introuble for going off alone." Zsuzsanna noticed that her sister seeming to be the same age as her and they almost looked exactly the same except for their eyes. She shook her head and growled a bit, seeming really pissed off at her sister.[/color]
[color=lightpink]O.O; A love scene and I didn't know about it! -gasp- AWWW! So sweet then Hiro ruined the moment! -shakes fist- --------------------------------- Symoni sighed some and sat up, looking for her clothes. Pulling them back on quickly, looking down at Rein sadly. Arunue was dead now and it hurt her. She had always looked up to her and she wasn't even there for a day and these mesily little things killed her. She didn't find it very fair at all, leaning down and tugged on Rein's arm. "Come on! We have to go back! Put you fricken clothes back on please?!" She tossed him, his own clothes trying to get him to hurry up. Much to her surprise he actually rushed to put his clothes on. Grabbing ahold of her and took them back to the Realm of Rivers. They walked over to where Hiroshi and Garren were at, looking them over and to Arunues body. Symoni's eyes widened and a tear ran down her cheek, looking away quickly. She tried to speak to them but it was hard for her to make sence she was frantic and speaking quickly. "W-what killed her!?" ----------------------------- They killed her friend! She's pissed and will be freaking out and wanting to kill the thingy's that they were killing. -nods- so watch out! lol![/color]
[color=pink]Symoni swayed a bit and pulled out her daggers, getting ready to fight one of those strange things that were comming from the forest. She wan'ted to help and fight with them, but just couldn't at the moment. She couldn't even see or think straight, wanting to be in a warm comfortable bed asleep with Rein watching over her. "But..Arunue...I want to fight with you..." She spoke with a slur and had to pause between some of her words showing that she was in no condition to fight.[/color]
[COLOR=Pink]It's like clue!!!!!!!!!!! ---------------------------- [B]Name:[/b] Savilone Tares [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url]http://schuldigswife.250free.com/1042813202.jpg[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] She is calm and peaceful at times. She starts to freak out over the smallest stuff, and sometimes she'll see things that arnt really there. Her moods vary from the morning to the night. She is a morning person so she is in a good mood in the morning. And dislikes when she has to sleep. [b]Things Packed:[/b] Some clothes, toothpaste and tooth brush. She had forgotten to grab her medication. (lol!) [b]Gifts & Other odd things:[/b] She is a [b]very[/b] forgetfull person. She has a short term memory issue. So she has to reminded of things constantly. Especially with her medication but seeming to have forgoten that at home. [b]Prize:[/b] To be the queen of England! [/COLOR]
Now I wonder what that was all about SSJMaster... Well. It's hard to find any of the games around here. It sucks but i got one off of ebay and its being shipped to me by wensday. *wants it to be wensday* And I hate it when guys look at girls chests when they do the jumps!
[color=silver]Sumie looked at her older brother and shook her head not beiliving him at all. She thought that he had inherited traits like their uncle Inuyasha. She was ashamed of them for tearing through the house like they did, cuasing a huge mess that she would have to be the one to clean it up becuase they didn't seem to do their share of the choirs. [B]"So...what do you guys really plan to do when we meet up with those three again?" [/B] She needed to know the plan and understand what her part in it was. [/color] [CENTER]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/CENTER] [color=slategray]Zsuzsanna leaned against a tree listening to her brothers talking about something senceless to her. Her ears twitched a bit and lifted her head up, openeing her golden eyes. She turned to her brothers and spoke softly. [b]"One of them are comming...alone. Do either of you want to take her on?"[/b][/color]
[color=silver]Sumie gasped a bit when she heard her little sister cussing after every sentence. But she just couldn't blame her but didn't ever want to hear those words comming out of her sisters mouth. She ran after her sister, trying to catch up to her so she could ask her one improtant thing. Finally catching up to her and grabs the boomerang. Asking her sister quickly [B]"What would mother think if she heard you talking in such ways?"[/B][/color] [CENTER]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray]Zsuzsanna stood behind her brothers, looking at the souls that were there, laughing a bit to herself. She knew mom and dad would be very proud of them now if they could see them. [B]"So...are we fighting them...? Becuase you know they're going to come for these." [/B] Her crimson eyes glittering some as she smiled evily to them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray]I wish i could actually find the game around here somewhere and buy it. So I dont have to order it off of the internet. v.v; I'm getting mad at my bro becuase its been 6 days and he still hasn't paid for my auction but he has my money. And I agree about wanting to go to the arcade and play it. I find it fasinating (sp). ^^[/COLOR]
Ohh! Interesting!!!!! I'm going to have two characters....oki? -------------------------- [COLOR=Silver][B]Name:[/B] Sumie [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Parents:[/B] SangoxSesshomaru [B]Bio:[/B] She is a tall and skinny half-breed. She talks most of the time. Never really liking the fact that her father was a full demon and her mother was a human. Always seeming closer to her mother than her father. Sango had handed down her bomerang (is that right?) to Sumie hoping that she could use it in the future, teaching her some techniques with it. Finally able to at least throw and catch it properly. [B]Description: [/B] Sumie has long black hair that goes down to her knees. Light lavender eyes that change to golden ones when she is upset/mad about something. She weas a light pink outfit that she had recieved for her 12th birthday for her parents. It resembles her fathers outfit. And wears black sandals. She looks more like her father with the fangs. She has two small red dots on her forhead, like her father and sister. [B]Skills:[/B] Small poison claws. And able to jump very high and far. [B]Weapons:[/B] Sango's bomerang![/COLOR] [CENTER]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* [/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][B]Name:[/B] Zsuzsanna [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Parents:[/B] NarakuxKikyo [B]Bio:[/B] Zsu is mean and evil just like her older brother Keno. Helping him steal the Shikon Jewel and the adults souls. She enjoys her mother and her spiritual powers, inherting some of them herself. Being taught by her mother how to use them to take souls. She seems to be a daddies girl and look up to her father alot. She seems a bit too quiet at times but only seems to talk to Keno and has him talk to their parents. [B]Description:[/B] She has long black hair, and usually styles it like her mothers but uses a red bow to match her outfit. She wears a balck outfit like her mothers, but on the pants are white and red flowers snaking up the sides. Wearing white sandals as well. She resembles her father in the facial features. [B]Skills:[/B] She has spiritual powers like her mothers. [B]Weapons:[/B] Kikyo's weapon.[/COLOR]
[color=silver]Symoni was still asleep in Reins arms, not going to wake up for a bit longer. In a deep sleep with everyone in a different area and wouldn't reconize where she was unless someone was there and going to help her understand where she was and how she got there. Her dream was slowly broken as she went to roll over and couldn't, cuasing her to wake up and see that Rein was craddling her in his arms while she was asleep. Looking at him confused then around to the others, only speaking in a mumble but still understandable. "Where...are we?"[/color]
Well why dont you check this place on the 'Song Lists' section. [url]http://www.ddrfreak.com[/url] And how long have you been playing DDR?
[i][color=pink]Samoyni sighed abit and looked around bored. She walked downstairs to the bar, looking for something to drink. Sitting at the bar and asked for the bartender. "Bartender...can I get a bottle of vodka?" She asked softly and the bartender giving her a look of disbelief. "You sure...? Awful strong for someone of your size..." "I can handle it. Trust me. I dont get drunk that easily." [center]*~*~*~ 2 hours later. ~*~*~*[/center] Samoyni hiccuped and finished the last of her 4th bottle of vodka. She was obviously drunk off of her butt, and did this rarely. Paying the bartender and got escorted up into Rein's room. Laying down on the floor in a ball, giggling quietly till she fell asleep a few minutes later. --------------------------- Sorry for the mess up on my post. I'm not used to the switching pages thing still. ^^; Thanks for fixing it! I hope I'm doing this part right. Sorry if I'm not.[/i][/color]
[i][color=pink]Symoni blinked and opened her eyes, looking around for Rein wondering where he was at the moment. She wanted to talk to him but couldn't find him. She looke dodnw sadly and got up. Starting to walk around the place seeing if she could find Rein or not. Slowly comming across him in his room, peeking in on him seeing if he was awake or not. She walked into his room and over to his bed, sitting on the edge of it. Whispering softly "Rein..? You awake babe?"[/i][/color]
[i][color=lightpink]Carmize walked around in the garden, just trying to figure things out in her mind. Slowly starting to cry as she looked over at Dracula's castle. So much heartbreak for her. She was worried about Hakira and how she was doing, and how Orin was now. Really wanting to go in and ask if he was. Finally nodding to herself and walks up to the castle, knocking softly. The doors open by themselves, expecting her to enter. She did quickly, walking around slowly looking for everyone and came across them in the parlor, tilting her head to the side. Only one word came out of her mouth. "Orin..." She collapsed on the floor fainting.[/i][/color]