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  1. [i][color=lightpink]Symoni walks around the Realm of Immaginations, insepcting stuff as much as she could, trying to take in every detail. Wanting to know the facts and slowly making her way over to Rein and hugs him tightly, just out of want finding that she missed him greatly. "I missed you so much Rein...I did honestly. But, where have you been all this time? Why not tell us about this invasion sooner?" Symoni asked him looking questionable about it, wanting to know the answers thinking that this could have been prevented from growing anymore.[/color][/i]
  2. No

    newer banners

    [i][color=lightpink]I honestly love them all. Veru good work indeed. I just couldn't ever figure out how you do that picture inside of the text. O.O It's so cool looking...with Kyo's eyes in the back ground. Just one thing doesn't look right with the 3rd one. She just...doesn't match the setting of the picture...Kyo with black hair is sexy already.... ^^ I'm picky...I know, but, it's Kyo-sama we're talking about. I love them. And how do you make an animated banner?! [/color][/i]
  3. [i][color=lightpink]OMG! I am so sorry. I went to do sign up before and it didn't let me so I lost the thread and I just came back and now I am going to sign up now. And it might be bad and all and Im sorry. I just dont remember anything from Symoni's past and...ya know how that is so...im gonna reado it....sorry if it isn't the same. If you notice that there is something wrong please tell me so I can change it!!! [center]*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Symoni Kitsove [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] She nice and carefree at times, always trying to cheer everyone up so they arn't sad. She didn't like to see people sad or upset anymore, wanting those to be past times. [b]Maritual status:[/b] Single...but [b]REALLY[/b] likes Rein!! (shhh!) [/color][/i]
  4. No


    [i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna giggled softly, putting her hands over her mouth, trying to muffle them a bit. Walking up behind Vedette and Kala, looking behind them just to make sure that no one was following them. She smiled when she say that the coast was clear for them, etting Kala and Vedette into the cabin first. She rushed in behind them and shut the door quietly and quickly. "So...we wait for them now...don't we?" Zsuzsanna asked quietly and a bit confusidly. She smiles some at the thought of them comming to pick them up and get them all away from Rosenkreuz. "Yes...they are comming to get us asap...They understand our possitions and reasoning." Kala replied to Zsuzsanna, while helping Vedette to sit down in a chair at least.[/color][/i]
  5. No


    [i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna continued to carry Vedette down the tunnel, keeping a good hold on her so she didn't drop her or anything like that. She didn't want her to walk on her ankle more than she really needed to. And Zsuzsanna didn't mind it at all, becuase to Zsuzsanna, Vedette was light as a feather. It made her wonder if she didn't eat enough at times. Looking over at Kala and seen a smile running across her face and picking up the small image she had as well, seening her swooning over Brad Crawford. Teasing lightly, pulling Kala back to reality. "Hey over there. It'll be very soon that you can see Brad all you want. Just right now, we've made it" Zsuzsanna said in a teasing like way, trying to just lighten the mood a bit, wanting to see if Kala would get mad at her for seeing the same thing as she did.[/color][/i]
  6. No


    [color=lightpink][i]Zsuzsanna thought to Schuldig and heard him telling them to calm down and go one at a time. So she let Kala talk to him, knowing she would be at loss of words. Blushing as they had their eyes closed. She didn't know what they were going to do or if they were going to anything to get out of this awful country. She sounded sad and hurt when she had her turn to tell him something. "Schuldich....please...help us. They'll get us within a couple hours...don't let them take us back. Not to Herr Schlutz..."[/color][/i]
  7. [i][color=lightpink]Carmize sighed deeply and walked around town, seeming lost and confused. She didn't know what to do and decided on going back to Dracula's castle and stay there waiting to see if anyone would come back or not. She really didn't know if they were dead, gone, or just never comming back. This kind of hurt her but, she knew she had to go through this and not be stuck in the middle of it again. She walked around the castle and found a small hidden room, slowly entering and looking around and say a bed in the middle of the room. She made her way over to it, her dark hair flowing behind her as she looked down at the person on the bed. It was someone she didn't know but the man was barely alive and slowly spoke, in a soothing and gental voice. "Are...you alive...?" To her surprise the man spoke back weakly, causing her to jump. ------ OOC: Can someone please do his part in talking to Carmize? I know for sure that I would screw up some where.[/color][/i]
  8. [i][color=lightpink]OOC: AHH! I forgot about htis RP!!! So what happens to Symoni? Im really curious and wanting to know. And is there a thing that goes after this becuase i want to be in it!!!![/color][/i]
  9. [i][color=lightpink]Ok...please spell her name right. For the sake of love...or something. It's: Ayumi Hamasaki. Not Ayunami Hamasuki. Close but off by alot. Ims orry I have to correct you Undefeated.[/color][/i]
  10. [i][color=lightpink]Ohh!! I'v seen this show! I loved it too. I thought it was really funny and interesting, even though its not the translation but it's still humorus. I was wrestling my friend while watching it and we stopped when it came back on. ^.^[/color][/i]
  11. [i][color=lightpink]So it WAS them that I heard....COOL! I mean I found a song and it was called La:Sadies. so I got it and I really liked it. Now What is this that I hear that Dir en Grey is releasing some sort of single/album thing in March, called "Let's put an end...The Final." Ok is this some sort of album or just they are going to disband. I would seriously be sad if they do. And my other question is. Does Kyo have a twin brother?[/color][/i]
  12. [i][color=lightpink][b]Name:[/b] Simone Crawford [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Ability:[/b]Pyrokenetics. She grew this ability at a very young age. ARound th age of 3 years old. She grew upset about something and she seemed to be drawn by the glowing of the flames. She laughed some and seemed to play with the fire place and fires seemed to pop up in the fireplace without any notice at all. Her parents started to wonder how the fire started up by itself. They never once thought it was their little girl doing it. On the day of her birthday. She was becomming 4 years old. Looking at the candles and a smile grew on her face she had saw the flames and touched it with her finger. Her parents started to freak out but she never cried or felt the pain from it. Her parents didn't really understand what had really happened to her or why it had happened in the first place. They looked into it and found out that she had a very rare case of Pyrokenetics. [b]Nationality:[/b] She is full German. And can speak in both English and German fluently. [b]Occupation:[/b] She works a german whore house for extra cash. She doesn't have a real occupation, and never seemed to have one. [b]Weapon:[/b] A silver .45 Colt Hand gun. [b]Appearance:[/b] *Look at Attachment* [b]Location:[/b] Berlin, Germany [b]Bio:[/b] Simone was born on April 22. It was a cold and rainy day, dark and dreary. Just a cold miserable day for anyone. Her parents were overly happy about her comming so soon. She was born about two months early. A pre-mature child from the start. Only being 14" and 2.8 lbs. She continued to grow up as a normal, yet above average child. She learned to speak a bit by the time she was 1, and able to fully walk. She started to understand things more clearly and quickly, learning how to clean up after herself and how to operate things. By the age of 3 to 4 years old. She grew to adore fire and seemed to be drawn to it. She played with it at times and even touched it a few times as she was growing older and more aroused by it. Now 10 years into the future, her life wasn't too bad at all until she hit the age of 18. She was kidnapped from her home becuase of her Pyrokenetics. She didn't know who they were or why they had taken her, but she soon found out that they were bad evil men who just wanted her for her powers. But she wouldn't give it to them so they threatened her and tried to take it by force. They continually tried to get it out of her but she ended up escaping from them, and ended up in a whore house. They gladly took her in for shelter and heard all about her story finding it fastinating. Soon enough she was working with the other whores, and was in charge of burning some of the sheets or the beds, or anything that needed burned. She was glad she could help with her powers. She never heard from those men that kidnapped her again. And of course she was thankful for it.[/color][/i]
  13. [i][color=lightpink]Naru covered her eyes with her hands quickly. She saw Kietarop's package and blushed deeply. She didn't expect to see anything like that and was baffled at the sight. "Get that man some clothes. It's not right of him to show his [b]thing[/b] to us!" Naru said quickly, peeking out from behind her hands wondering if Kietaro was gone yet or not. -------------------------- OOC: Umm...Help..I'm confused![/color][/i]
  14. No


    [i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna sighed some and looked around a bit. She shivered some and thought of what was next. They were out of the school and needed to get to Japan as soon as possible. "Ok we need to get to Tokyo. Schwarz is there." she spoke quiety starting off towards Berlin. "What?!" Vedette and Kala said at the same tieme, being shocked. Not sure if they heard her correctly. "We need to get to Tokyo, Japan as soon as possible. Please they are our only chance." Zsuzsanna pleaded with them, she really wanted to go to Tokyo and get in contact with Schwarz. It was the best thing that she thought up and she knew that they would keep them safe if they had heard what was going on now.[/color][/i]
  15. [i][color=lightpink]Naru walked around the HIna Household. She heard yelling outside and heard the word 'pervert'. It left her wondering if there was a guy here, but at that thought, she tripped over Keitaro's bags and landed on her butt pretty hard. "Ouch..." She stood up and rubbed her butt a bit, looking at the bagage and seen it was new and not anyone. So concluded that it was the perverts and wondered why that person was here.[/color][/i]
  16. No


    [i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna leaned back against the wall, her clothes were covered with blood, and she was holding her upper left arm. She winced a bit when she moved it, realizing that she had come in contact with a bullet. "Okay, masterminds, what comes next?" Vedette has asked directing it to Kala and Zsuzsanna. Honestly, Zsuzsanna couldn't reconize this section of the building at all, then looks up and curses. They were standing infront of Herr Schultz's office and private quarters. "We...have to go...else where...like now...Not a good spot to stop at...." Zsuzsanna spoke softly to them really wanting to get away from this area quickly.[/color][/i]
  17. [i][color=lightpink]I have the biggest question in the world and it does have to contain to this type of music in general. Well. Is it true that fads go west to east? I have been told this and been called "A woman before my time". It's odd but I want to know if it does happen or not.[/color][/i]
  18. [i][color=lightpink] I know this is going to be a crappy sign up BUT I am getting this info out of the first Love Hina Manga that I own just lucky. ^.^ And sorry to arcadia about the short one-liner post. I hate myself for this and I'm [b]trying[/b] to do this better the second time. Please don't hate me! [center]*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Naru (Midori) [b]Age:[/b] *not sure yet* [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Occupation:[/b] Student (I think) [b]Personality:[/b] She is sometimes boneheaded. A philanthropist. She is most of the time in other words an air head. (And don't blame her for it becuase she lost her memory!) [b]Description:[/b] ~Look at Attachment~ [b]Short Bio:[/b] Not much is known of Naru's past. She was originally named Midori but she hit her head on Keitaro's head when she fell down into Keitaro's room through the floor. And ended up loosing her memory. Keitaro named her Naru. [/i][/color]
  19. [i][color=lightpink]Kalipso sighed deeply, leaning down next to Lorns and CRs bodies. She knew they were in the same place now, but she wondered how it had really happened. She wanted them to come back, feeling so cold and alone suddenly. Never really feeling too close to Ryin and Michelle, nothing against them just felt more attached to CR and Lorn. "Come...back...please...Lorn...come back...CR...Just please come back.." she spoke softly holding in the tears and sobs. she was trying to controll herself and not cry again for today, but this was hurting her alot, just close enough to break down again.[/color][/i]
  20. No

    Darkstar Pirates

    [i][color=lightpink]Lucrezia walked around some, exploring the ship as wouldl a child would do. She enjoyed finding out new things, and what was on the ship to be entertaining. Humming a small song as she went along, slowly she became lost on the ship. "Uh oh..." She looked around and said to herself softly, then yelling out, "HELLO! Anyone there!? I'm...lost!"[/color][/i]
  21. [i][color=lightpink]I do wonder how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-roll pop, as well. I guess we will all never know for sure. Some scientists need to figure this stuff out so the public will know for sure. Ya...right...kike the government would ever do something like that...who am I kidding? Gay American government...!! Well as I have stated before and will again...I LOVE TOO MUCH![/color][/i]
  22. [i][color=lightpink]I can remember long japanese titles. And I have just realized that the title for "shiroi" was indeed longer when I looked up the lyrics for it and I'm sorry that I mislead anyone. And TeRRaFLaMe...you know too many J-rock bands and don't share with me. And indeed the reasons for DLQ's break up was sad. Aand go figure for me I end up liking a band that breaks up. Oh well. I still love the "Rodeo" PV. And in addition to Sweet Pie. I love "Becase of you" by Ayumi Hamasaki and haven't gotten to watch the PV yet. I wish i could but it's on my friends comp and I can't go over there for about 2 weeks. *sighs* I wonder...is that all for now-- WAIT! I wish I could really tell between Gackt and Klaha. And I still question and havent found out exactly WHY Gackt left Malice Mizer. Someone help![/color][/i]
  23. No


    [i][color=lightpink] Zsuzsanna nodded to both of them, more to Vedette to verify the plan. "Yes we are. And we need to leave before morning comes...I killed that doctor guy and they'll find him in the other doctors will find him in the morning." she explained quickly as her german accent was comming back. "You what...?" Kala said quickly and quietly, unsure if she heard Zsuzsanna correctly. "Yes...I killed the doctor...so...he was going to give me a shot. And most likely have Schultz rape me...while I can't move..." Zsuzsanna really wanted something to hit now, being pretty pissed off when she said that. "So get your valuable stuff and nothing to big. We need to leave." [/color][/i]
  24. [i][color=lightpink]Kalipso heard everything going on and slowly came downstairs a bit hesitently. She was afraid of what happened and didn't want to know really, but this feeling in her stomach made her want to know, knowing it was [b]Lorn[/b] that was mentally ill or something. She looked at them then to CR. "What's wrong with Lorn....?" She asked a bit shakily, her voice cracked some as she trailed off.[/color][/i]
  25. No


    [i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna looked at Kala and nodded to each other, then Zsuzsanna speaking softly to Vedette. "We are getting out of here and we want you to come along. We can do it with all 3 of us. And I know where to go exactly. Do you remember Brad Crawford, Schuldig and them?" "Oui..." Vedette spoke quietly, trying to not be caught at all. "Well we are going to Japan and asking for their help. For them to protect us from this awful place. And I'm personally sick of all of the personal favors Herr Schultz asks me to do. Yes I am insane and all but it will work and we have to go now! So are you comming iwth me or not?" Zsuzsanna explained quickly and quietly, she really wanted both of them to come with her.[/color][/i]
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