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[i][color=lightpink]Hey Tog I have something to tell you about Dir en Grey. It just really depends on which album you have heard or not. Becuase each of their albums have a different -type- of sound. I have the Gauze album (it's bootlegged! DAMN YOU EVERANIME!) and their newest Vulgar album. And I was blown away by how different they sounded on Vulgar than what I was used to on Gauze. But anyways. ^^ I absolutly love Ayumi Hamasaki. Just her newest ablum makes up for how short it is. I love all of the songs on the Memorial Album. And I love the song "I am..." Its really pretty. And my banner and avi is Ayumi. ^^ Gackt just has a voice that I love to hear. But when he was in Malice Mizer, was that him singing "Shiroi" or was it Klaha? Becuase whoever sang that song, was god! Now me and TerraFlame are sad becuase Due le Quartz spllit up as some of you know. I loved them alot. Especially "rodeo" Luna sea, "Kiss" & "Feel" Weiß Kreuz (Koyasu Takehito, Miki Shin'ichiro, Seki Tomokazu, Hiro Yuuki) - They all have their own version of "Epitaph" And there is a version where they all sing it together. ^.^ Miki And Koyasu have [b]great[/b] voices. Well...enough rambling for me. ^.^[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink][center][b]-Rated R for Violence, Sexual Situation, and course language.-[/b] I hope this goes great. I plan it on being very good! I need Annie and Arcadia post first about them getting out. Then we'll go from there. *~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*[/center] Zsuzsanna smiled to herself looking up at the doctors, planning quickly on what she had in mind. She was planning to kill the doctors before they gave her the schedualed medication and breaking out. [center]*~*[/center] The Headmaster and Herr of Rosenkreuz, Schultz, stood there watching the doctors head into the cell where Zsuzsanna was assigned. She sat there in a straight jacket, having a dagger in the sleve right where she could pull her arm out and grab it, looking up at them and her eyes widened when she saw the shot they were going to give her. She really didn't like shots and deathly afraid of needles. No matter what even though she couldn't feel pain, she still always somehow felt the needles. "No...stop!" Zsuzsanna cried out some, backing up into the corner, trying to get away from the doctors and the medication shot. "It will only hurt for a moment my dear." The doctor said to her getting ready to put it in but heard her saying no to him, smacking her across the face with the back of his hand. The ring he hand on his finger cut her cheek as it connected, going in pretty deep. A blood trail went down her cheek and left several red spots on her white straight jacket. Now she was mad and aroused in a way to fight since she smelled blood. Looking up at him with hurt eyes, letting him come closer to her body, to put the medication in her thigh. Though the doctor didn't notice, Zsuzsanna had gotten free and held the dagger in her right, free from her bindings, grabbing the back of the doctors hair gripping it tightly so he couldn't move. Zsuzsanna slashed the dagger across the doctors neck quickly, slitting his throat open. She dropped him onto the ground, sliding off the blood covered straight jacket, putting it over the doctors upper neck. She was covering up the evidence, wiping the dagger off onto the straight jacket, slipping out of the cell quickly. She knew it was the perfect time for her escape, it was midnight and none of the other doctors were in to check on the patients. She was the last one to be checked and given medication. Walking out of the mental institution quickly, heading out to the girls dorms, needing to find Vedette and Kala quickly so they can get out as well. She only hoped they would get out successfully and alive. [/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink] Alright I have a plan. We all Kan work together and play Ken and Farfarello. Just to inform you for who don't know. Farfarello is insane and adores knives. He has something against god and likes to hurt him. Ken is a soccer player and teaches little league soccer for children. (I think that is right..becuase I saw it on the anime. ^.^) He loves children and fights with Yohji alot. Now I'll get this started up today or tomorrow. I hope you have fun with this. [/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie shook her head remembering the mission Gam was given and her eyes go wide with shock. She flew quickly to Delnorath, pulling him away from battle for a moment to tell him what would happpen if he talked to a dark angel named Gamialiel. "Delnorath..you need to be warned of a woman named Gamialeil...she is a dark angel and going to try to turn...you to Lucifer's side. You must not accept it at all costs. I have warned you now please do as warned. Heed it. Please." Nymphanie spoke to him thoroughly trying to get him to understand the importance of what she said. Continuing to fight the dragon with Artemus and Delnorath.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink] Yay! We have a Schuldig. Now I'm just going to think maybe we can all just play as Ken and Farfarello. Like make them do something within a post somewhere. I'm not saying every post, just random ones. You have all been accepted. ^.^ [/color][/i]
[color=lightpink]Q: In episode 6 of Season 1 ("The Son Also Draws"), what type of place does Lois bet the car and lose it? [i]A: At an Indian Casino. (Can't remember the name of it.)[/i][/color]
[i][color=lightpink]Alice flew along with Yzane, looking around with a bit of caution, answering his question about what had happened. She only helped him when he was in trouble. She looked over at him and got closer, heading down to the ground to a concealed area, taking him with her. "We need to talk alone..and on the ground..." She spoke softly, and she was afraid of hights.[/color][/i]
Art Movie: Super Otaku Brothers (Rated PG-13)
No replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[i][color=lightpink]Ohh! That was so funny. But what happens to the room of sexy women. Do they go back to it?! I loved this one as well. It was great. I couldn't stop laughing. ^.^ [/color][/i] -
[i][color=lightpink]Symoni looked back behind her and saw Rayne grinning evily. She shook her head and looked to Shakia, not sure if she killed Shakai would toshi be stuck in Rayne's body, or would he return to his own body. She was so upset and pissed now. She was unsure if Rayne would attack her or the others. Or him ending up going after Shakia. So much went through her mind, wanting the answers.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]OOC: Sorry about not posting. Behind on stuff. x.x; Please forgive me. ----------------------------------------- Symoni sighed deeply seeing another person dying before her eyes. She really didn't like seeing it, but knew it has to happen and keep the flow of life and death at even. She climbed up in to the tree, oposite of where Arunue was, sitting there and watched the fighting. She cheered Toshi on and always wanted him to win. And not get hurt. It would have hurt her greatly if Toshi got hurt. She would blame herself for somereason.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]You are all accepted. ^.^ Annie says she has a really good feeling about this RP. I am very excited on when to start it up. All we need is 4 more people. [center]Ken Hidaka Farfarello[/center] They are the ones we need still. Sign up please!!![/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie sighed deeply and looked at the fire raising up, she backed away from the spouts of fire, looking a bit afraid. She really never liked the fire, looking down at the ground and saw Gam, her eyes widened a bit, floating down infront of her and stood there for a moment. She smiled softly and scenrenly to her. "Gam...don't you see the nonsence in fighting? Lucifer is wrong with his ways, as [b]was[/b] God at one time. He saw the error in his ways and corrected them. Lucifer has too much pride for himself to understand what is going on up here. He can't even control a rioting pack of demons. How does he plan to control Hell, Heaven, and the mortal realm?" Nymphanie spoke to Gam, being peaceful about it and felt a strong passion behind what she was saying, knowing it was the honest pure truth. She seemed a bit woried for Artemus hoping that he would be alright.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink][B]Name:[/B] Zsuzsanna Kudou [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Special Ability:[/B] Telepathic [B]Weapons:[/B] a katana, 2 Normal Daggers [B]Nationality:[/B] Half German/ Half Japanese [B]Picture/Description:[/B] [url][/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Zsuzsanna grew up in Berlin, Germany. She had a good family to grow up in. Slowly her and her win sister Simone grew apart, and got into many brawls with each other. She accidently got stabbed by Simone in the leg on their 10th birthday. So Zsuzsanna and Simone had to be parted as so, Zsuzsanna was transferred into a private school called Rosenkreuz. Her parents knew of her telepathic abilities as a child, but her sister didn't have any special abilities at all. The only problem Zsuzsanna had in her first year of Rosenkreuz is that she started to go insane. They put her in the mental institution area, in a cell right next to Farfarello's cell. They talked at times about how god had betrayed them. But often she saw a red haired man named Schuldig come and visit Farfarello and check up on him for Brad Crawford. One day Schuldig came and visited her as well, knowing only 2 other people who came to see her at all, and those were on the days she behaved. Soon enough the beatings and mental abuse Mystiker recieved from the instructors at Rosenkreuz. She talked with the other two individuals of Mystiker and planned a way out of the school. Only when Zsuzsanna was forced to kill the doctors in the labritories at Rosenkreuz that pushed her to leave the school with the other two.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink][center][b]---Notice---[/b] Yes I just did something so stupid. I need all of you who have posted in this rp, need to redo it. I went to delete my one post becuase I double posted. But I accidently deleted the who thread. Please forgive me everyone. I'm just stupid and tired. I can't see well either at the moment. I am hating myself becuase I did this. Please Sign back up.[/center] This is my first RPG that I have made. I have taken time and thought into this becuase I want it to turn out perfectly. In order for me to do this I need people who know about the Weiss Kreuz (Knight Hunters) Series. [center]*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*[/center] This takes place after the first series and before Gluhen. It is set in Tokyo, Japan and at a mansion. Schwarz and Weiss have became friends to protect the Mystiker girls. Weiss, Schwarz and Mystiker have been forced into a mansion. Mystkier ran away from Rosenkreuz. not liking how they were. now the Rosenkreuz assassians were out for them to take them back to Rosenkreuz. Schwarz knows how it was there and takes it upon themselves to protect Mystiker and help them hone their special abilities. Weiss and Schwarz have come together in this giving Mystiker extra protection from Rosenkreuz. Rosenkreuz wants to keep their students in line. Though Mystiker ran away becuase of what they have done to them. All they did was get abused mentally and physically. Especially Zsuzsanna. She was already mentally unbalanced as it was. But the torment of her mental abilities didn't help it much. Rosenkreuz would stop it nothing to get their little pets back. Schwarz knew how it was becuase they went to Rosenkreuz as well and hated it. So they are giving Mystiker extra protection and helping them with their special abilities. Weiss does not have special abilites like Schwarz or Mystiker. They only help protect Mystiker wanting the best for them as well as Schwarz does. [center]*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*[/center] ~Weiss~ Aya (Ran) Fujimiya - PiroMunkie Yohji Kudou - Terra Ken Hidaka - Omi Tsukiyono (Mamoru Takatori) - TeRRaFLaMe ~Schwarz~ Brad Crawford (Precognative) - Doukeshi03 Schuldig (Telepathic) - Geist Farfarello (Just can't feel pain.) - Nagi Naoe (Telekenic) - Braidless Baka ~Mystiker~ Zsuzsanna Kudou (Telepathic) - Noëlle Kala Crustov (Precognative) - Annie Iolanthe Vedette DeVaries (Telekenetic) - Arcadia ~Rosenkreuz~ Sei Gen (Disable Abilities) - Metatron [b]Bad Guy![/b] These spaces are taken becuase they helped me get information and helped me with ideas to pull this RP together. And if you are interested in this RP but don't know enough or any information at all. Please PM me and I'll inform you about it. *Bows* Have a nice day. ^.^ [center]*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*[/center] ~Sign up Sheet~ Name: Age: Special Ability: (Schwarz and Mystiker) Weapon: (There are certain ones and you better get them right.) Ethniticity: Description: (Please have a pic or a good description about the person. I expect the right stuff.) Bio: (For Mystiker and Weiss) I am going to be very picky about this. And you better know what you are doing. I will post mine after a few people have posted theirs up. [center]*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*[/center] Rules ~ Please use correct Punctuation!! That does mean capitalize at the beginning of your sentences. Use commas, periods, and those to shift keys you have![/i][/color]
Art My Gift to OB: How the James Stole Christmas (animation)
No replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[i][color=lightpink]It was so funny. I actually started to cry while laughing. It's hard to be quiet and you just have to laugh so you keep it in and then you start crying. I love it DW! It was truely a work of art. I give it a 102% It was so beautiful. I loved it and can't wait till your next work of art comes out. ^.^ [/color][/i] -
[i][color=lightpink]Sylvia blinked and looked down at the silver handgun she recieved from the strange host. His name was Mr. Roger Stephen, but she didn't take notice to his name. She turned on her heal heading inside of the mansion, her bag on her shoulder still. Sylvia headed upstairs slowly she was being cautious and curious, wondering what Mr Stephen's did to the place to help cuase their death. She knew about these kind of games. It was just 'oh make it through the night...you'll get money'. She mummbled a bit, in a deep accent. "Ya..where have I heard that sh*t before?" She walked into one of the bedroom, setting her stuff down on the bed in the room, knowing she woudn't be sleeping anyways, so why was she even there. For her own safety and secruity measures. She sat down on the bed and held the gun, facing the door way, ready to shoot at any one who came in.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Sylvia loked at the others she was not the talkative type of person around new strange people. She decided that she should at least tell them her name and try to make peace with them someway. "I'm Sylvia...It's nice to meet you all. Is there a host or not?" She asked curiously, tilting her head to the side, her blonde curls rolling over her shoulder. The accent of her russian background is thick. OOC: I feel like I'm in a clue game. Or maybe the movie Clue. ^.^ [/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie thought all of the things going on, trying to sort everything out, figuring out what the secret was. Gam could persue heaven and start to take over so Lucifer could follow. She thought of Lucifr as a spinless prick. She spat at the ground whenever she heard or thought of his name. She followed Artemus to the half-dragons, looking a bit afraid of Delornth, hiding behind Artemus, peeking around him.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie smiled softly hearing what God had done. A wave of joy and happiness ran through her body. She had never felt this way ever, but it was new and strange but she liked these new feelings. Out of the burst of happiness she hugged Merrium tightly, smiling happily. She turned around and bowed to god gracefully. "Thank you God. You have done a wonderful thing. So kind indeed." Nymphanie smiled softly and spoke with truth in her words. She was truely sincere about it. "I have a question for you though. You have feelings for Artemus do you not?" God asked her simply knowing that Artemus had feelings for her but did she know about it. Nymphanie blinked and nodded, blushing lightly. "Yes I do." "Well Do you know Artemus has the same feelings for you as well?" "No I didn't. But I do think he does....does he?" Nymphanie replied a bit, she seemed shocked by the news. "Yes he does. You both share the smal feelings for each other." God spoke lightly, seeing the look on Nymphanies face made him smile with joy. "May I go to the gates?" She asked lightly, wanting to see Artemus come back into heaven.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie smiled back to ARtemus, feeling so happy now. She could make a difference in this war. She tthought it was over a dumb reason that not even people knew the truth about the real reason. She reached out a bit, running her fingertips along his left cheek, loving the fell of his skin. "So I could help make a difference in this war...as a greater help to God...?" Nymphanie said softly making sure she was correct or not. Artemus nodded to her lightly. "Yes you would be a great help..."[/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MaggieMehve [/i] [B]I've finally have heard of Björk's music finally! ^_^ I heard the music while browsing through the music CDs at Barnes and Noble's CD section. And I love her songs, I just need enough money to finally buy one of her CDs. O_o I like various bands and artists. Most of bands that i like to listen to are in different languages. Heh..But anyways, here are some: The Pillows- They did the music for FLCL. w00t Nanase Aikwa (sp?): I really love her voice, its not too high pitched nor is it screaming like most Japanese rock singers do. Evanescence: I can relate to their lyrics, and all of their songs aren't just about love, but also the opposites. The Vipers: I believe they did the song of "Turning Japanese". Berlin: An old 80s band, yet still I like them. Do as Infinity: They did Fukai Mori and Shinjitsu no Uta, awesome songs that they have also. Ayumi Hamasaki: Even though she does J-Pop, I still like her singing and that she writes most of her lyrics herself. Every Little Thing: Good Japanese band. *nods head* [/B][/QUOTE] [i][color=lightpink]Hmm...Well I can really disagree with you on the Japanese rock singers screaming part. Really they dont all that much. I hear more yelling in american rock than in Japanese rock. You really should listen to: -Dir en Grey
[i][color=lightpink]Syliva Vovlui sighed deeply walking around the town a bit, seeming lost. She couldn't really speak their language, but did have an address wrote down on a piece of paper. Walking up to a person asking for directions nicely and in some language they did understand. The man pointed her down the road for about a half mile, then look left to see the gates to the mansion she was looking for. She continued on her way, nodding in thanks to the man, walking up to the gates and sighes some seeing a man walking up the path, advoiding from looking at his rear, heading up the path behind him. She didn't do to well with heels but wore them anyways. Getting closer to the mansion seeing how much bigger it got, then looking down and seeing two girls already there. A chinese girl, a rich twig, and a very nice looking pirate.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie listened to Artemus and nodded when he made a point, almost finding it unblievable that Lucifer was winning and he didn't even acknowledge that. That is what she hated about Lucifer, he never took notice to anything besides himself. She saw him as an unfit ruler the whole time. Shaking her head a bit looking up at Artemus. "I really dont want Lucifer to win. He is the most unfit ruler I have ever seen in my lifetime. You....would make a great leader Artemus..." she said softly, blushing a bit when she said the ending part, but believed in what she said. Hugging her knees closer to her chest starting to float on her own.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Well this is a change in the types of RP's I have seen lately. I like it! [b]Name:[/b] Clover [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Skills:[/b] Potion Making and Telepathy [b]Weapons:[/b] Water Dagger & Water Staff [b]Bio:[/b] Clover grew up in a good family to start out with. They seemed perfect, while living in a mansion. They were related to a royal family. But her father was a drunk and her mother wasn't able to take good care of Clover. Her mother couldn't even take care of herself. Clover was sad and upset when her parents did argue and fight. One night her father died of OD on something that she didn't know and her mother gave her up to the noble school, seeing it as the right thing to do for her. [b]Description:[/b] Clover has long curly red hair that flows down to the middle of her back. Her eyes were green with silver flecks in them. She had a few freckles on her nose. She normally wore a black dress that went down to right above her knees, her heeled black boots went up to the middle of her shin. She was very frail and tall looking. If you have a problem with the bio or description please talk to me.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]OOC: I have to redo this post...it didnt work becuase I wasn't logged in. I hope its good. --------------- Nymphanie smiled softly and looked up at the sky, letting the wind brush against their wings, feathers, and hair. She loved the feeling of the wind, finding it so soothing and calming. She noticed the clouds becomming puffy and grey, raising a brow looking over at Artemus. "Why are the clouds grey and puffy?" she asked softly full of questions. "Becuase God is not at ease." Artemus responded, shaking his head slightly. "Is it becuase of something you did?" "Most likely it is." Artemus looked over at Nymphanie smiling softly to her, leaning over to her some, brushing some of her bangs from her eyes.[/color][/i]