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Everything posted by No

  1. [i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie folded her wings in some, they only had a few black feathers on them, her lavender bangs covering her eyes, she pushed them back a bit and looked up at Artemus answering the question. "he is mean and vile. Whenever he gets upset at one of us for not doing something when he says it...we get punished for it. And when he is really mad he'll 'cook the town'. I honestly don't think he'll win the war. If I can....I want to leave Lucifer." Artemus nodded a bit and closed his eyes thinking for a slight moment, then spoke... ---------- OOC: Annie do you think you could finish that. I dont know what to put. Im at a loss for words.[/color][/i]
  2. [i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie looked up at Artemus almost at a loss for words, yet when she heard him asking what her name was she smiled softly up to him being shorter. She saw the smile across his face, it causing her to be more confident. "My name is Nymphanie...May I ask what is yours...?" "I'm Artemus. It's a pleasure to meet a lovely lady like yourself in these times." he spoke softly to her, kissing the top of her hand. Nymphanie at this moment would give up anything, even her allegience to Lucifer jus to be with Artemus. She blushes slightly when he kissed the top of her hand, seeing that he had manners. Soemthing she never saw where she came from, wanting to melt in his arms. "It's lovely..." she spoke softly unsure of what to do or say now.[/color][/i]
  3. [i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie just watched Artemus soaring through the air, enjoying just how he looked when he soared. She was just swooning over him, never seeing someone so elegant as him before. She never say Lucifer as 'elegant' or sexy' as the other girls did, she really longed for something more, and when ever she looked at Artemus she felt complete. ------------ OOC:I had to do something...[/color][/i]
  4. [i][color=lightpink]Carmize held Hakira close, letting her cry and realizes that Ryu -is- back in town now. This only made Carmize want to comfort her more, wanting to do something for her, wanting to know where in the bloody hell Ryu has been this whole time. She mummbled a bit and sighed stroking Hakira's hair, realizing that Hakira was a bit drunk, causing her to laugh. It was interesting to see the neko drunk, to the fact that she hasn't ever had a drink before.[/color][/i]
  5. [i][color=lightpink]Im going to try to do the girl that asked for help. Name: Lucrezia Hyde Age: 19 Gender: Female Weapon: ~none~ Appearence: [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=23[/url] Background/Bio: All she can remember is running away from these strange men that were chasing her. She never found out why they were looking for her in the first place, not even knowing why they wanted her. She hated where she woke up at. Being glad when Lezs hid her from the men and took her in. She loved doing things for Lezs.[/color][/i]
  6. [i][color=lightpink]Carmize shook her head some, walking out of the Castle, needing to walk around clear her mind, get some fresh air. She wlaked around a bit, heading into the town, she didn't really like the town that much, her cravings her going up against and she was going to bite out of impulse not having no control over her own body. She needed to get in a tavern or something. She stopped, having ran into someone not really noticing that she did. "Oh..sorry.." Said the guy that she ran into. He was tall and thin, but had a good mucular build to him. He leaned down picking her up in his arms, thinking he hurt her ankel becuase Carmize was holding it. "No its alright...ow.. " Carmize said softly picking up on him thinking that her ankel was hurt, but she was in the perfect spot to bite him then and now. She leaned up kissing the spot lightly whispering to him. "Now..this might be a pinch...just dont yell..ok?" "Alright I wont." The man replied back. Carmize kissed the spot against sucking softly on it, her fangs grew out a bit more. She sunk her teeth into his neck, sucking some of the blood from him, feeling him flinch some.[/color][/i]
  7. [i][color=lightpink]Oh..I had two of those dumb things. Oh so much they were dumb. Couldn't even feed themselves so they rely on the owner to feed them. But why couldn't they give them arms? They have feet and ears. So ugly. I threw mine against a wall but then it made an god awful noise. So i just stabbed it witha screwdriver.[/color][/i]
  8. [i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie looked up knowing something was going on up there in the mortal's place. A fight was going to happen, but she already knew about the demons going up there to take over and kill all angels. But deep down..she was one herself. "I'm going on up there..." she said softly, walking towards the portal to the mortal realm, she knew it was going to be a bit cold but didn't mind it. Comming out at an inhabited village of demons, smiling as she looked up squinting her eyes, seeing Delnoreth, charging at an angel but yet it was different.[/color][/i]
  9. [i][color=lightpink]Ahh Fujimaya yours is so funny!! Aya is a man with not much to say. ^^ Here's mine from Weiss Kreuz...*evil grin* [b]-Yohji-[/b] 'Ohayo minna-san. This is the machine of Yohji Kudou. If you a pretty lady please leave me your number...Ciao" *BEEP* [b]-Ken-[/b] Im at soccer practice or out doing stuff. Just leave a stupid message and I might get back to you. *BEEP* [b]-Brad Crawford-[/b] Mr. Takatori called me in...d*mn butt plug. Well dont leave a long message. *BEEP* [b]-Schuldig-[/b] If this is Yotan (AKA Yohji) calling please leave me a message...now if you are NOT him. Don't bother calling here again! *BEEP* [b]-Farfarello-[/b] God cries when you hurt his angels. *BEEP* [b]-Nagi-[/b] I love you Tot! *BEEP* ya I know...dumb as usual. Well I hope you like them.[/color][/i]
  10. [i][color=lightpink]Carmize sighed a bit walking around the castle some, feeling alone and almost helpless. She knew something was going on around here and people wasn't suppost to know about it yet or even at all. Rain and Hakira gone. Aruzan and Chinkan talking to this one girl name Cherie. Dracula off doing his own thing that she didn't want to know about. And her just walking around sitting off to the side not doing a single thing. She honestly wanted to know what was going on for once in a long time, not having this feeling before. It was a feeling of longing for something or someone.[/color][/i]
  11. [i][color=lightpink]It would have been a good fight!!!!! Trieze and Zechs going at it! But I think they would actually get into a stupid fight first on who smells prettier. *sighs* But that would be so cute.[/i][/color]
  12. [i][color=lightpink]Kalipso sighed some walking around the house. Then outside, walking around some heading towards the tree, climbing up into it, sitting on a branch needing time to think things out. She leaned her head against the trunk of the tree, closing her eyes, thinking about things that have happened recently, not sure if she should tell Lorn about is she likes him or not. Starting to hit her head against the tree trying to help herself think.[/color][/i]
  13. [i][color=lightpink]Symoni sighed a bit rubbing her eyes, trying to think as straight as she could, wanting to stay awake to hear what was going on. Looking over at Toshi seeing him happy was actually starting to make her feel a bit better. For once in her life she made someone happy, never having done that before, and loved the feeling, but now she was feeling somthing else chewing at her and realized this feeling. "Hey guys...I have this super bad feeling that something bad is going to happen here...seriously..." Symoni said softly and quietly , hoping that someone would hear her. "What kind of bad thing...would happen? We are safe here in White Lane Inn." Toshi asked looking at Symoni with a questioning gaze. Symoni shivered some thinking for a moment then nodded. "Something against us all. I just know somethin really bad will happen to us...And I know it's not going to be pretty."[/color][/i]
  14. [i][color=lightpink]Carmize walked around the caslte a bit, rubbing her eyes and temples trying to make the throbbing headache go away. She walked past Chinkan and Aruzan, hearing Hakira's & Rain's name, stoppng for a breif moment. "Halira...tried to kill herself..falling off of my balcony...Rain bit her..and gave her some of his blood...Rain left..Hakira is well...going to find Rain now." Carmize said softly, wiping her cheeks, wanting things to go back to normal.[/color][/i]
  15. [i][color=lightpink]Julia ducked down a bit, firing her gun with perfect aim, but started to fall over, rolling over sitting on the ground now. The spot where she was at previously was just bein fired at, being glad that she did move, and heard everything just go so silent. Looking up and blinking her eyes some seeing the enemy dead. "Wow..." she couldn't say anything else, standing up walking over to Rebecca and Petir. Looking down at her feet and realized she had several bullet holes in her dress, finding a couple of them to be close calls. [/color][/i]
  16. [i][color=lightpink]Xavei sat up in Avanel's bed holding the sheet over her body looking at him wondering what was going on, tilting her head to the side. "So what's going on.....?" Avanel smiled and shook his head, "Nue-chan seems to be better and left." "Oh...wonder why she left...?" Xavei laughed some thinking she knew why Avenue left. Becuase she didn't want to hear anything if they started doing stuff again, bringing a small blush to her cheeks, looking down at the sheets smiling.[/color][/i]
  17. [i][color=lightpink]OOC: Wow You did a good job. Thank you Boba Fett for using my character. -------- Julia blinked and heard some of the russian comming out of Petir's mouth, surpressing any giggles that was trying to escape her lips, looking up at the clock seeing that they only had 20 minutes left til the 'big boom' happened. She was dancing around impatiently wanting Stefan to hurry up a bit so they could all get out of there before anthing bad happened to them. She heard the bad language in russian comming out of Petir's mouth and talked on the radio for a moment. "Hey Petir..could you lighten up on the russian cursing?" Julia managed to say without giggling like mad. Jedgar in the back heard Julia and started to chuckle a bit to himself, shaking his head. Knowing all they could do now at the moment was wait for Stefan.[/color][/i]
  18. [i][color=lightpink]Symoni followed everyone up the stairs to room 304. (hey isn't that from a dir en grey song?) She felt worried as ever about Arunue, wishing for her safety and best for her, wanting her to make it through this. She let everyone go into the room, stopping at the door and leaned against the door frame, thinking to herself more, knowing that she shouldn't be thinking so much. It only ended up painful for her and others around her. "Kieko...is she going to come out of it soon...?" Symoni asked quietly trying to not wake anyone that was asleep in the Inn. She did have some sympathy for the people who could sleep. Garren carried Arunue's body over to the bed, laying her down gently trying to not harm her anymore. He set her head on the pillow, trying to make her comfortable. "Soon she will. I'm not sure when but I hope soon." Kieko responded moving towards Arunue's body, starting to clean her wounds out so she doesn't get any infections.[/color][/i]
  19. [i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie shook her head some smiling at the thought that had eternity to wait for it to happen, but wished it could be sooner than later. She honestly hated to wait for anything t ohappen, especially war and battles. She loved it. "So what you are saying is that Lucifer would be upset to find out the weakness of heaven, and cook the town. Or are you saying that if someone doesn't tell him soon he will cook the town?" She seemed a bit lost on the cooking the town issue at hand.[/color][/i]
  20. [color=lightpink][i]Ohh this sems like the anime/manga Battle Royal...interesting...very... Name: Sylvia Vovlui Age: 18 Appearance: [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-10/454379/yumi.jpg[/img] Bio: Sylvia grew up in the middle-class area of St. Petersburg, Russia. She had many friends and they all had a good time. Her friends told her about a show that could help her out with her parents financial problems. Her parents were almost to the point of being poor now. So to her best interest and care for her family she stepped up and wanted to win money for her family, hoping they wont need to go poor. She hated the thought about that wanting them to have money and live happy lives again.[/color][/i]
  21. [i][color=lightpink]Carmize looked up at the celing, shaking her head some smiling to herself, knowing Rain went up there. She waited for him to come out, figuring that he wouldn't anytime soon. Standing up, stretching her arms above her head, yawning some, feeling tired from all of the stress and questions flying everywhere. Especially her mind, it wasn't the brightest place to look at the moment, and with Damian's disappearence, didn't help one bit. She really wondered where he could have gone. "Ahh why can't I stop?!" Carmize sat back down, holding her head wanting to stop bringing up so many different questions and thoughts.[/color][/i]
  22. [i][color=lightpink]OOC: sorry i haven't been posting...i've been studying and working alot so ya...gomen nasai!! This might be a bit short sorry!! And if im off a bit sorry about that too!! ------------------- Symoni backed up from Arunue's body watching her fall forward. She didn't want to do any killing but knew she had to, this was her first time at killing anyone and it was a shocking experience. "Why Arunue...why?" She almost started crying, never crying about anyone or anything in her life except when she was a child. But hasn't cried for a long time, letting it out.[/color][/i]
  23. [i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie stood in the middle of a cliff looking down at the firey pits, shaking her head, continuing her training. She went through many techniques that she had come up by herself. Her black bladed scythe swung in many directions, anything it could have made contact with, would have split into pieces. She stoped and blinked looking up quickly, breathing a bit heavily, seeing Legnakrad walking away from Lucifer's castle, seeing the sad look on her face figuring that she didn't tell him again what the weakness of Heaven was. Personally, she didn't know it either, but knew it had to be about that, wishing she would come forward with bravery and tell Lucifer what it was exactly. "Legnakrad...you didn't tell him did you?" Nymphanie asked quietly, looking up at Legnakrad, with an almost worried expression.[/color][/i]
  24. No

    Vampiric Legacy

    [i][color=lightpink][b]Name:[/b]Alice Noelle [b]Age:[/b] 21 (4,126) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Alice is a kind and sweet girl, at times she is a bit strange on predicting things, talking in riddles at times. [b]Race:[/b] Changed Vampire [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-10/454379/40.jpg[/img] [b]Weapons:[/b] She has a pack of cards that are really throwing blades that she made herself. And a long blade sword that she won in a fight after a game of poker. [b]History:[/b] Alice was changed into a vampire by Yzane, in a side alley. She forgot everything from that moment on, leaving her past behind her making a new life for herself with Yzane. She goes with him almost everywhere, being the only person that she can really only speak to becuase he would understand her.[/color][/i]
  25. No

    Castle Fortuna

    [i][color=lightpink]Tabby looked at Ki and nodded, having a bit of a headache looking around the beach again trying to find more people. Then she asked Ki quietly starting to sound really shy. "Do you think you could stay with me so i dont feel all alone and uncomfortable? I mean like, til we find more people. I know there are more and we could all come together and think something out."[/color][/i]
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