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[i][color=lightpink][b]Race:[/b] Demon [b]Name:[/b]Nymphanie [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 2,579 [looks 15] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url]http://www.geocities.com/rozenkreuz_chick/nymphanie.html[/url] Her wings are black and metal, having to get them redone from a horrible battle that caused her to almost loose her wings. She is 5' tall. [b]Side:[/b] Lucifer [b]Persona/Manners[/b] She isn't the lightest with her manners. She is very vulgar with her language. She takes on the guys in fights alot over stuff that is senceless. She feels like she was ment to stand along with the guys. If she is frustrated she will bite on her bottem lip, or mess with her wings when she is bored. [b]Weapons[/b] A long-sword that she has killed many angels with. She carries it at her side or slung over her shoulder, training as often as she can with it, gaining her skills. [b]Biography:[/b] She grew up with 2 older brothers, always getting in fights with them toughening her up some. She felt like she was suppost to be with the guys and fighting, not like the girls who were only for pleasure. When she found out about the war against God and the angels, she joined it immeaditly, wanting her joy in it. She always loved being in fights, getting joy out of it.[/color][/i]
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
No replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[i][color=lightpink]Julia thought for a moment hearing what Dominic said and shook her head laughing a bit. "No I don't want you to shoot me. Or is that what you mean actually? I ment like someone else you can shoot. And you being pissed off isn't healthy one bit." She said while taking smll sips of wine she had, then downed the rest of it. " I think we are suppost to go somewhere..." she said a bit having this feeling that they all needed to go somewhere. ----- OOC: I'm so lost....x.x [/color][/i] -
[i][color=lightpink]Carmize just gave up on the neko, unable to make her motivate at all, wishing there was a way to help the neko come out of her shell. She looked up at the celing, and started to cry, curling up in a ball on her bed, knowing that she can't do anything and hating the fact that she is giving up. She didn't know anyway for her to help Hakira out of her phase, thinking about it for a few moments and gasped, she figured it out. It was Ryu and the Luna who she missed and wanted to help her again. She got up quickly rushing into Dracula's room, knocking on his door quickly, yelling into the door, "Lord Dracula! I know whats wrong with Hakira! I need to talk with you immediately."[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink][b]Name:[/b] Carmize Nikolai [b]Age:[/b] 17 (203) [b]Race:[/b] Yaksha [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] She is a 5'5" girl, only wieghing to 90 lbs, but truely she isn't and very naive at times. She had a black minischool girl skirt on with a tight black button up shirt, that cut just a bit too low. She has lavender eyes, and long curly black hair, that reaches down to her thighs, she'll normally have it ina small bun or braided. [b]Personallity:[/b] She is mean at times, but she does pretty well with killing things, she is ruthless to the core.[/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B][color=midnightblue]As much as I would like to have the Japanese version of the song in the game, I see no real relevance to it being either way. I mean, they the English-spoken song, Simple and Clean, in Kingdom Hearts.. I had no problem with them changing it. In fact, I think I may like the English version a bit more than the Japanese. It is just a matter of preference. [/color][/b][/QUOTE] [i][color=lightpink]Simple and Clean, both english and japanese versions were sung and writen by the same exact person. Hikaru Utada. She was born and grew up in New York. So she can speak both English and Japanese. [b]But[/b] the opening song on FFX-2 is not the same and Yes i do know they wont change it but I feel as if i needed opinions on it. *sigh* It's just a small pet peeve of mine. As of "leave it the original way" It just really ticks me off when someone redoes someone elses song. It just gets all f-ed up.[/color][/i]
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
No replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[i][color=lightpink]Julia sat at the bar, starting to nod off in to a sleep. She was partially drunk but not enough for her to not have good judgement on things. Looking around the bar lazily, with her jade green eyes, wondering where Dominic was, hoping that he would have been there for her to talk to, she only talked to him and Rebecca, feeling a bit odd when she spoke to the others, and got very shy around the Don. Ordering another glass of vodka, quickly downing it when she recieved it. Then almost startled when some one poked her side, following the hand, up to the arm, to the shoulder, then saw the culprites face. It was Dominic, the one who didn't go to the meeting. She looked at him and smiled a bit, asking softly, a slight slur in her speech. "Where were you...? Sleeping in eh?"[/color][/i] -
[i][color=lightpink]Ahh see there you are different Zidargh. You listen for the music as some do. Well you dont seem to acknowledge the other people who listen to the lyrics, and hear what they are saying with the music. And for the [quote]I know, I know! Let our countries declare war on eachother over one single computer game song... o_0[/quote] Was very unnessicary. I don't even want to go there about war at all, that issue is for another topic and not a very gentle one for me. I hate the whole war issue enough as it is, it made my birthday pretty sad too. Is there a post about this stuff about Iraq and ect?[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Zsuzsanna looked up at the lumianna her eyes a bit wide, almost as if she was afraid of the thing, taking a step back as well, bumping into Hak, causing her to snap out of it quickly. "Oh sorry Hak.." Miles curled up in a ball in Zsuzsanna's arms, asleep. Hak held her up for a moment, making sure she was on balance before he let her go. "Its alright. Just don't fall." "I won't...Oh Garai..What is this game that you play?" Zsuzsanna asked a bit tilting her head to the side at him looking even more confused suddenly. ----- OOC: I know its not much.[/color][/i]
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
No replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[i][color=lightpink]Julia sighed a bit, and stood up once the meeting was over, staying close to the Russians, becuase she is one herself, letting her body get used to standing and walking again. She went on to the social festivities, really enjoying them and being around the Sicilians, they did know how to have a great time all the time. She walked out of the meeting feeling a bit lighter becuase nothing bad had happened, which was a good feeling to have, heading towards the bar, and leaned on it, asking the bartender in her cute little voice with the sweet accent to it, for some vodka. She enjoyed having it, but she rarely got drunk off of it. Maybe it was one of those times where she could, she really hoped that wouldn't happen. She looked around the room waiting for her drink to come, seeing all of the men and smiled, finding them all very nice to look at, wondering why all Mafia men seem to appeal to her more than anyone else.[/color][/i] -
[i][color=lightpink]You know what. I agree with Dark Serena and TerraFlame. They make sence to me actually. I know I shouldn't have made a huge deal out of it but man, i saw the commercial at 2 am in the morning and i was upset becuase even the song was in the background. And I think we could have kept it in japanese, the original way, with either the translation in the book, or have subtitles. But as going as far as changing the singer is not right. [/color][/i]
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
No replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[i][color=lightpink]"Rebecca!" Julia Valaire Coren called out some, trying to get her attention, her blonde curls flowing over her bare shoulders, and onto the black fur that conected to her red silky dress. There could have been some blood on it and no one would notice it. "Oh The meetings are about to start and I thought you would like to know that. I'm informing people about it. So don't be late. They don't like people to read their watches wrong." She smiles some and waves to the man informing him as well. She turned on her heal walking away from them down the hall, the train of her dress following her.[/color][/i] -
[i][color=lightpink]OOC: I think it should be about their children!!!! I mean like when they all have children and stuff and they are grown up, and go on a HUGE adventure? Good Idea?! ---------------------- IC: Carmize dances with Damian, being happy and calm for once in her life today must have been the best day of her life. She laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes, smiling, just dancing with the music and with him. She leaned up and whispered into his ear, "I like you alot...I dont know if you feel the same way as me...I hope you do.." Damian heard her words and smiled, his fangs showing some, then leans down some, speaking to her softly. The next thing you know is that you hear Carmize laugh, that is something no one has heard in ages. She hugs him tightly knowing how he feels now and is glad that he does feel the same.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink][B]name:[/B] Rina Aiuchi [B]Year:[/B] 4 [B]Team:[/B] Parental Advisory [B]Label:[/B] "The popular one" [B]Description:[/B] [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-10/454379/kih.JPG[/img] [B]Bio:[/B] Rina always seemed to be the most liked throughout her life. She loved the attention and fame. Everyone looked up at her in someway. During her years at Kurookami High School, she treasured them in her mind. There was always one thing she could never get to have time for and wished that she did. That was a boyfriend. ----- Crappy aint it?[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]They could have fit both tracks on there but did they no. It just upsets me that we block out foreign stuff like we are afraid of it. Dunno, just my opinion and all, like that ever counts for anything. this just gets me to not like Final Fantasy anymore.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Carmize sat in the pew watching them getting married, so much more closer to bein in tears trying to hold them in for as long as she could, sitting next to a guy name Damian that she kinda had a thing for. They met at one of Dracula's little parties he had before the wedding. She was trying to not to cry infront of Damian. But, she let them out, tears running down her cheeks. Damian noticed that Carmize was crying, he leanded over and warpped his arms around her, coothing her some, trying to make her feel better. Carmize continued to cry a bit more, but stopped and wiped her cheeks and eyes, with a cloth that she had in her hand, then noticed that she was in Damian's arms. She couldn't believe someone was soothing her, or even attempted to. She sat up and looked at him then smiled softly to him, and mouthed, "thank you" to him. She turned and leaned against Damian a bit watching Chinkan getting married to Aruzan, actually not believing that they are FINALLY getting married. She was truely content at the moment.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Wow Terra...those are so pretty...especially the Aya one...I love Weiss Kreuz and you really...captured the pleasent Aya...Its so beautiful...I mean I wanted to cry...I felt so moved...and yes Im a bit of a weirdo but I really like these all. But how do you do the picture inside of the letters in the Naru pic...like a stencile. So pretty.[/color][/i]
[color=lightpink][i]OOC: Oh sh*t! Ok I must not be reading things correctly anymore. D*mn myself. Well Here I go...fixing what I did...hopefully! Sorry about the prblem and thank you so much for pointing it out to me!! ---------------------- IC: Symoni walked away from Toshi's appartment, going down the street thinking to herself. She shooke her head thinking to herself remembering that he [b]isn't[/b] her brother. It was her boyfriend. She hit herself in the forhead for her utter stupidity. Now she understood but shruged it off, thinking to herself ~~ She walked into the church again, wondering if anyone will find her there, if they even cared about her, she never knew if they did. [/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]I have RPGed before. In note books with friends most of the time, but it ended suddenly becuase my friend lost the notebook. It was good times. Well I RPed in chat rooms alot. From Weiss Kreuz to original ones. I remember my first RP character. Quistis. The first day i ever RPG/RPed I got married. And it was Gundam Wing based. Ok embarressing moment here....I RPGed when i was about 7 with my friend Kristin. We RPGed PowerRangers and got in fights about who would be the Pink Ranger. And we did a couple more together.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]"Fine..." Symoni stood up and turned around on her heel, walking out of Arunue's appartment, shaking her head, needing someone to talk to but doesn't have anyone to really speak with, but she knew that Arunue wanted to talk with her brother privately, so she just let them be until she could talk to Arunue or Garren privately. But there was something about Garren that made her very uneasy, something in his aura that just blew her mind away. ------ OOC: I know it isn't much but its something to keep going, no?[/color][/i]
Sign Up Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sexual references][Help needed]
No replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[i][color=lightpink][b]Name:[/b] Julia Valaire Coren [B]CodeName:[/b] Schuldig [b]Alliance:[/b] Russian Mafia [b]Bio:[/b] Julia grew up in the lower class Russia. She was always poor and on the streets looking for food or somewhere to stay when its really cold. She sometimes stole to get a good meal. She contiuously got in trouble with the police and being picked up, almost put in an orphanage. Yet in all those times her abilities to do things stealthly and secretly grew to a maximum, and her fights grew more feirce within times, so her ability to fight with whatever she has around her grew to a maximum point. Within time she was taken into the Mafia, and brought up a bit more to understand what goes on there, giving her somewhat of a home and a family. What she has always wanted was that. She is mostly content with the Mafia family aura there is. Durring one of the meetings with an alliance of the Mafia, the ones connected in New Orleans. She met a man there named Dominic at this meeting, finding a way to relate to him and understood his story about his family loss and how he got into the Mafia business, finding it interesting. She felt connected to him in a way, gaining a person that she would only talk to. [b]Personality:[/b] She is quiet and mean on the outside, never being really open or talk to anyone but Dominic. She found something in him that made her trust him. [b]Weapon:[/b] She uses her fists, and what ever she can get her hands on around her. But she had a handgun hid under her dress for when she needed it for an emergency. [b]Description:[/b] Look at the attachment. Wow...that came out better than what I though. If you want me to adjust anything about informoation to my post please tell me.[/color][/i] -
[i][color=lightpink]Ok I have a question then about this whole translating thing. When they sell it in other countries such as Germany, France, Mexico...ect. Will they have a new person sing the song in their language? It's what I am wondering.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]OOC: Yes I'm sorry i havent been posting, my internet went out for a bit, and im really confused. ------------- IC: Symoni blinked and listened to what was going on gathering information and stuff but looked really confused suddenly then asked directly to Arunue, "So you were gonna marry some nameless man....? Why would anyone do th--" She stopped in mid sentence and blinked looking at Garren, ready to fall over, but leaned herself against the chair, starting to finish the question, "Why would anyone want to do something like that?" She was looking down at the floor thinking to herself for a moment thinking and wondering if that really was Garren, there was something about them all that was so familier to her, and she knew what it was. They were all from the Realm of Imagination.[/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]Okok whoa there! Man...we got way off topic here...I mean i felt hurt when I heard the original version of the song being changed to something its not. Its like a whole new identity change. I feel that America (this is all my opinion) disconects itself from world culture. I know we have a bunch of foriegners and stuff, but, to the fact that compaired to other countries that have embraced our type of music plus their own. But yet we (americans) do not take it the same way. We just have people translate it and change it. That kind of upsets me. I have absolutly no problem with girls being the main characters. More power to them. That wasn't the issue to me at all. But...i'm lost in the game...and don't know who is who...with that Tidus look-a-like. What's his name again? And that chick that looks like Yuna too...I'm lost...and where is Tidus anyways?![/color][/i]
[i][color=lightpink]OOC: Anime Otaku, please do not spam. Either delete your post or edit it to be a post in the RP. Okay? ------------------ IC: Simone sighed some and shook her head at the words hiding her face and eyes into Dai's shoulder, not liking the feeling all of the blood and moving letters were giving off. She knew this kind of power but never spoke of it to anyone, she hated it when she had to. She only wished her father was there to help them understand this crazy thing, but there was a possibility that he might be behind it...she shook her head of that thought. She thought her father wasn't that kind of man. ----------------------- OOC again: Yes yes i know. but i think Dai only knows who Simone's father is. If you have seen Weiss Kreuz and know Schuldig from it then you will know who her father is and looks like. Its an attachment...[/color][/i]