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Spike's Chick

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About Spike's Chick

  • Birthday 10/27/1988

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  • Biography
    I LOVE Spike, Wolfwood, and Miroku
  • Occupation
    Spike's Wife

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  1. Five Iron Frenzy is breaking up? NOOOOO!! Well, anyway, I also like Bleach and other bands like that.
  2. I like this anime that comes on TechTv called Gatekeepers 21, it really rox! Anyone ever heard of it?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1] I hate it how people always say that junk, "Jesus loved U from the beggining," and so on. And do I care? Obviously since I don't believe in Jesus, I obviously don't. Eh. I did'nt mean to offend you or sound like I'm trying to sell you something. But what I'm saying is true. He always has loved you. He still does. Please don'y be offended. I'm not trying to preach to you or anything.
  4. Well, once U are saved, u can't slip back, Jesus loved U from the beggining. Well also these R my fave Christian bands: P.O.D., 12 stones, Stacie Orrico, and the Supertones.
  5. My personal fave anime couple has to be Miroku and Sango from Inuyasha. Plus Miroku's really cute!
  6. Thanx 4 replying guys, I think some of their songs could use some different variation in instruments on some of their albums, but all in all, I really like their sound. 12 stones rock too! "Broken" is one of my favorites of theirs.
  7. When I think of my life before, before I met my king, It was so very empty, but now I feel free to fly, I don't mind when others judge me, when they see I have Christ, he gives me strength to go on, with him I can fly, you don't need to be in chains, to give your life to him, he is the one love, with him all things are possible.
  8. When I listen to the song "Alive" by P.O.D. it reminds me of how I felt when I became a Christian. ^.^
  9. I like P.o.d. and 12 Stones, stuff like that. Relient K and The Newsboys. Some of the lyrics are: "Cause I'm broken you know I need you now, deep inside I'm broken, you see the way I am, I'm broken, others turn away, but even though I'm broken, I see the light of day." -12 Stones. That song is sooo cool!
  10. Yeah, I think so, I hope they replay them cuz sometimes I'm not at home on Wednesdays and I used to catch the e-z- view on Sunday. N-e- wayz, I luv that show,Clark is soooo cute!
  11. Spike's Chick


    I love these guys! They rock! I also like Relient-K, Stacie Orrico & 12 Stones. What about U guys?
  12. I LOVE ANIME and so do my sisters. Not alot of people know what it is where we live. But we don't let that discourage us. I draw it sometimes. Anime ROX!!! People that call you dork and dweeb are just insecure about who they are.
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