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Everything posted by FallOut

  1. I buy two types of candy at an Asian market. One I like is crystalized ginger, which is very spicy. The other has ginger in it too, but chewy like taffy and called Ting Ting Jahe. I don't know if they are Japanese candies or not, but they are very delicious. I've never tasted any other candy that I could compare it with here in the U.S. :)
  2. To Justin: As far as I know, I am speaking in an unknown tongue here, as no one seems to understands what I am trying to say. It's very simple you see. I haven't heard anything here that I haven't heard thousands of times before. Some of these debates, remind me of a bunch of old geezers sitting in front of a bowling alley drinking too much coffee, waiting for the bus. They still haven't figured it out. You call the god of your emotions and judgments Jesus. I call Jesus God. You call a prophet someone who tells the future. I call a prophet one who has the testimony of the finished work of Christ. You sit and wait for judgment day and call it faith. I say judgment day has come and gone. I say it wouldn't be faith to believe what you believe. It's too easy. Proof of death is all around you. I say it would be faith to believe what I believe. I have no proof, but know that it is true. To believe what I believe would be the death of your system. To believe what I believe you would have to throw your judgments away. To believe what I believe would be harder than dying many deaths. To believe what I believe you would have to accept the fact that Jesus said, "It is finished." "Father forgive them for THEY (meaning all) know not what they do." Sooner or later you will get it. Hopefully sooner. Why do you think Jesus told those women who were following him weeping as he was about to take away the sins of the "entire" world in His own sight, to not weep for him but for themselves and their children? (that was 2x) meaning there would someday be an end to their weeping. He said that because He knew that they would not recieve the truth for a long time. He knew that many would come using His Name like a rabbits foot. He knew that their emotions would cry out for more sacrifice and more blood. He knew that that they would take the old covering that they had on and hold on to the sleeve ends and turn the coat inside out for 2000 years like naughty children. He knew that their logic would cry out for proof and no proof would be given. But logic is a fool. He knew that the anti-christ spirit was in the world already. And that was to deny what He was truly going to do. And that was to give us eternal life without death. God could have sent a squirrel to do the job you claim He did. And yes the woman who hurt my sister was insane. It was her belief system that made her that way. It was passed down to her like a filthy rag. It was the only thing she knew. But vengence was Gods. 2000 years ago he took out our vengence upon Himself. When He looks at that lady, He sees her as bright and shining as the morning sun as he does all of us. Why would a God that sees no sin in us, condemn even one to an eternal hell? Especially since we know not what we do? The sacrifice is over. Hell and death have been removed. The truth has come back to the world now. I know, because it is in me. I know others that have recieved the truth. Not many, but a few. I could go on and on forever, literally, but I will stop now. I hope I answered some of your questions about my beliefs.
  3. To Circuit/J: The word rapture is not in the bible. If you can find it please show it to me. You can take all the things of the bible and try to twist them to what you believe and have been taught. You can take spiritual things and try to make them logical and logical things and try to make them spiritual. Jesus also said that Lazarus was asleep and then the disciples said that they were glad that Lazarus was resting. Jesus then informed them that Lazarus was really dead. That means there is no difference between those asleep and those dead, to God. If you have not truly received salvation from death, you have not woke up yet. Your faith is in death. You glorify death and your god of death. You call him Jesus. Your god is not my God. My God came to give life more abundantly. My God came to pay the ultimate punishment for sin so I wouldn't have to die. Why should I wait for the Kingdom when I have already been translated? My God is better is better than your god. Heck, I'm better than your god.
  4. To "Circuit/J: What did Jesus say to Martha before he rose Lazarus from the dead? That is where he said that you could recieve him after you were dead or recieve him while you lived and never die. In my opinion (which is not narrow minded) it means if you die, you never received him until then. Think about it. Christ also said that not all shall die, some shall be changed. John 3:16 says that God gave his only begotten son so that everyone who believed on Him would not perish (meaning die) and have eternal life. Also how can you believe in "By His stripes I'm healed, when you have to get sick and corrupt to die in the first place? I don't believe in a rapture. I've already been raptured man. This world is not going to stay the way it is. The incorruptibles will take over. I know a lot of people that died waiting for that joke to come to pass. What did God tell Adam and Eve would happen to them if they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Did he tell them that they were going to go to hell? No. He told them they would surely die. And that is what they do and they are born again, because all life is eternal since Christ died. Why do you think people saw the dead walking through the streets after His death. That was the first resurrection. The rest just have to be back here over and over again until they receive the truth about what Christ really finished. That is the second death and the next repeatedly until finished. (Study your Greek) For example 2x mean over and over with eventual end 3x means over and over forever. That was Hell and Death he finished, by the way. But His mercy stays in place for those who remain in judgment. You would not want to live forever in judgment. That would be hell and is what I believe to be Hell. As for your bible thumping, spirit filled, tongues talking, so called Christians..........one almost killed my sister............she actually died and was recusitated. 5 years ago when I was 5 and my sister was 10 a lady from church, this sweet lady from church as everyone believed, babysat for us for the weekend. After making us watch a marathon of about 12 hours of Christian T.V. she got the idea that we were posessed by the devil and she had to pray the demons out of us. Well this schizo lady starts purging our house of food and our toys and clothes and stuff, she then thinks that the rapture is coming and she better kill us before it comes so we don't get left behind. So she stabs my sister in the chest severing a main artery and doing damage to her heart with a butcher knife and cuts my sisters throat, larnyx and just missing the caroted arteries, but doesn't count on me running for help. Not only did my sister have to recover from the attack and all the surgeries and therapy, she had to fight a bad case of Hepatitis that she contracted from the blood of the babysitter, not a transfusion! She is still in recovery. My sister lives. She has seen God. He was not your god of death. My sister is Kanojo and she has been inside the Holiest of Holies. She has drunk from the face of eternal life itself. She has seen many visions and dreamed many dreams and she always speaks the truth. She could not have just dreamed up herself the wisdom she has been given. Not everything is as you believe it to be. All things are possible. You limit God to your logic and emotions. That is the 10 percent of mans mind used under the law of sacrifice and death.
  5. I haven't heard anything here remotely Christian as I see it. If the punishment for sin was death, and Christ is your savior, then why do you still have to die? You don't have salvation at all. To be saved from death, now that would be salvation from your sins. And why do the so called Christians think they are going to have a new body in a spiritual place? Why the heck would they need a body? And if Christ fulfilled the Lords prayer, wouldn't it be "on Earth as it is in heaven? And why are people waiting around for the end of the world? When it says that "once at the end of the world Christ took away our sins?" And why is everyone looking for Christ to appear? When He said himself that the Kingdom of God would not come with outward show, it would come from within? Everyone in the churches (or tombs) as I call them, are running around trying to do what Jesus would do. If they could do that, then why did Jesus have to die? They talk a talk, and walk a walk and it is all cra*. They give more power to satan than they give to God. Did Christ say, "All power is given to me in heaven and on earth" and then give the devil some back? They give the devil power to keep their stupid judgments alive. No, they have only taken satan's place. They are like Necromancers, lulling those asleep back to the second death. Every so called Christian I know has absolutely no power. The only power they have is like rubbing two sticks together. Their own sacrifice and their works. The ultimate power is to be transformed incorruptible now. If you could receive the truth about what Christ did, it would take down all the rest of your cra*. Nothing would be impossible. But that would take some faith man.... that's where faith would start, but not where faith would end. Until then, you haven't recieved squat. Jesus said you could receive salvation when you died OR you could receive it now and never die. It's as simple as that. Jesus is not a man anymore, He is God and god is all and in all. There is no separation between GodJesusHolySpirit. I've heard so called Christians praying to all three separately. What kind of image of God is that? The truth has already returned to this world....too bad everyone missed it. Yes I believe Christ will appear in all his glory, but that glory will be on those who have been truly redeemed from death. Not those waiting to die. They will have to stand in line.
  6. I'm surprised that they gave the kids 60 seconds to think for themselves! It's too bad some of them were worried that they wouldn't know what to do with those 60 seconds. Most kids are taught not to think. I can tell this by talking to my friends. If someone is not telling them what to do every second, they don't know what to do with themselves. I believe that God is in that 90 percent of the human brain that nobody thinks to use. I mean, how do you get in there anyways? I know. Does anyone else?
  7. Wow! There is sure a lot of misconception about homeschooling here. I joined OB just to be able to reply to this thread...I am 10 years old and have never been to a school. My sister is 15 and went to school until the 2nd grade. Maybe a few homeschoolers have led a sheltered life, but I haven't. For one thing, you don't have to stay at home to be home schooled. You can go fishing and read a book, go to a park, go to the library, or anywhere, and the best thing about it is that you can have and make friends where ever you go. Some days I just hang out at the beach. There is no peer pressure, I can sit in my underwear all day and read comic books or watch movies if I want. I can go to bed when I want, and get up when I want and basically study what I want. I can learn hands on everything and put to practical use everything I learn, and everyone can be my teacher. I can go to work with my dad or with my mom and learn their trades. I have more time to hang out with friends or just fool around, because I have no homework. I can cook and eat what I want. I can basically just be a kid with no worries and no stress. I play basketball and badminton for sports besides kayaking, fishing and surfing and model building. I wouldn't trade my life for anyones. When I grow up, I want to be a writer, and 100 other things. I hope you like school Lord Prozen, but I'm glad your mom gave you the option of only going for a year. I've been given the choice every year to go to school or remain a "self schooler" as my mom calls it, because she doesn't really teach us. She just reads to us and gives us interesting things to do and makes us work. That is how we learn. I don't think I'm missing anything, and all my friends wish they could be homeschooled like me.
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