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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Woopsies... forgot to add a rating ^_^;; I've finally gotten into another poetic mood, or state of mind. I've been writing poetry in my spare time at school, which is interesting, considering that before this, I had only written one serious poem. Anyway. I hope that someone cares enough to comment, so I can post more as it's finished. This first one doesn't rhyme at all, and isn't meant to. Just an idea. [SIZE=1][U][B]Which One is Love?[/B][/U] How can we describe it? Love, oh wnderous love, Oh mysterious love, Oh hurtful love. If love was a door, It would be open wide, But confusion and fear would stay my feet, And I would not enter through. If love was a window, It would open to the most beautiful scene, But the glass would be clouded, And I would not see the truth. If beatiful love was a rose, It would capture my heart with it's grace, But the thorns are so sharp, And I would pull away in pain. If mysterious love was a hall, It would strech forever with endless possibilities, But the lights are absent and the path is dark, And I would stumble in blindness. If passionate love was a blade, It would pierce my heart, Sending me to eternal bliss, But only by uts merciless bite, And I woud cry. So how would we describe it? Love, oh infinite love? Its confusion, Its fear, Its shadow, Its bite? And its passion, Its grace, Its healing, Its depth? Which one is Love? Tell me, for I cannot see myself. ~[/SIZE] This one is, umm... abstract. But at least it rhymes. [SIZE=1][B][U]Forgotten Quest / Memory of a Flicker[/U][/B] Placid darkness, ever sleeping, Through the shadow, I hear weeping, Ever therein, my soul is keeping, Tell me what, through the dark is sweeping. From within the depths, a flicker came, Gently opposing, dull and lame, Glow and thunder, all wrought the same, Within it speaks, repeats my name. Because it touched too near my soul, It did reveal itself, its tortured whole, The impression it gave, of forgotten lore, Reminded me, what I forgot before. I spoke, 'Tell me, tell me, what you seek, For I am only frail and weak, But if within the dark you keep, You may find yourself in eternal sleep.' A revalation, the mass did shift, Disturbed or pleased, its veil did lift, Revealed to me a flowing rift, Remaining still, neither threat nor gift. 'I tell you now,' the light did say, 'What I seek, that I might be on my way, For within me lies a dark decay, I seek a light that shadow can't slay.' Back through the shadows, the flicker went, As if, for now, its light was spent, But with that bit of light that I was lent, The dark conformed, twisted, bent. Now tainted by the flicker's dream, The dark around me seemed to gleam, It streched now across an endless seam, A glowing, burning, hopeless beam. Ever slowly, it fades away, A passing wish, not meant to stay. So now I sleep in darkness, waiting, Memory of the flicker, ever fading. ~[/SIZE] Ok, obviously not the best in the world -__- But I'm proud of it. C&C please! PS: Thanks to Karma for commenting in the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44229]first thread[/url]! I'll have more sooner than later.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Agh, I shouldn't be joining this 'cause I'm gonna be gone over x-mas... XD Stop making such damn good RPs close to the holidays!!! [B]Name[/B]: Chojiro Ebisawa [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Appearance[/B]: [url=http://www.csusm.edu/anime/galleries/A-B/BrainPowerd/sm/handy.jpg]-Chojiro-[/url] Chojiro stands at about 5'8'' and weighs approx. 155 lbs. He wears A wrinkled old maroon shirt and dark blue, loose pants underneath a raggedy turquoise robe with deep red lining. His expression is generally either curious or clueless. [B]Personality[/B]: Chojiro is the guy that everyone's seen, but nobody hardly knows. Had he been in a comic, he would be described as 'the awkward one.' He is neither particularly brave or exciting, but often fun to be around. He also never seems to really have a grasp of what's going on. Despite the fact that he goes to the Intitute of Magical Sports and Weaponry, he doesn't really have a passion for it. Since he was small, he was more interested in the casting and crafting of magic, rather than it's militaristic uses. Although he is romantically hopeless, he is also a hopeless romantic. A dreamer and always curious. [B]Extra Notes[/B]: He fears that when he eventually has the chance to talk to a girl face-to-face, he'll make a complete fool of himself. And he probably will. Another Note- because he's more interested in casting, he secretly takes personal lessons from the male teacher at the girl's school [Imi-chan's crush] on weekends and sometimes late in the evenings. [B]Love[/B]: Though he doesn't know her name, Chojiro is secretly in love with Yedida [*gasp*] who he happened to see while taking lessons from Mr. Talbain. To him, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. And since he's stuck in a Guy's school, it's entirely possible that she is. Now his sole purpose is to meet her some day and get her name. Ah, I love little plot twists.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Alistair, after recovering from brief shock, smiled a little and stared out the window. He was still curious as to their destination, but he might as well enjoy the ride. After a long silence, he glanced at Jamie and smirked. "You have a girlfriend?" The question hit some kind of button with Jamie. He nearly put on the break, making Alistair jump forward again. He looked at the younger boy with a desolate expression. "No." Alistair considered this. "A boyfriend?" There was an exact repeat of the last ten seconds and Jamie turned towards Alistair. "No." He said flatly. Alistair smiled innocently and looked forward. "Ok then."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]XD Annie-sempai, you never cease to amaze me. Yes, with this Anthology thread, we shall annihilate all things 'DW'!! *ahem* Right, well, anyway... very creative. You gotta love these 'Story of the OB' kind of things... and this has got to be the best yet. Yes, even better than the infamous 'Enter the Net'. I look forward to the next chapter mon capitan! Bikini Bandits FoReVeR! By the way... what number am I? O.o[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Yes master. .-.'-'.-. Here's my attempt Runy ^_^ I might try a banner... maybe not. [b]EDIT[/b]: Ok, I made a banner too.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Blue]OOC: Thankshies Runy! We should get them to another bar sometime in the story... Alistair is funny when he's drunk ^___^ ~~~ Alistair smirked lightly. "Anxious, are we?" His innocent smile made Jamie raise an eyebrow. Just as he was about to protest, Alistair continued, "Alistair. Andy if you like." Jamie gave him a look like 'what the hell kind of name is that?' which was probably what he was thinking. As if sensing this, Alistair shrugged. He waited a moment before asking, "And you?" It was Jamie's turn to smirk. "Now why should I give you [i]my[/i] name?" Alistair shrugged again. "Jamie." Alistair smiled happily, "Nice to meet you Jamie." Jamie just nodded and turned the ignition. "So, where to now Jamie?"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][b][u]EDIT[/u]: Woopsies.... sorry 'bout that Runy. Shall I delete it...?[/b] The odd moment streched on for a what seemed like a long time before Jamie blinked and shook it off. Alistair still did not change, those analyzing eyes just staring at the older boy. Jamie stepped out of the car, followed a few seconds later by the placid Alistair. While walking towards the door, Jamie glanced back awkwardly to make sure he was following. Jamie pushed the door open and proceeded to the bar and sat down on one of the slightly cushioned round seats. Alistair hung at teh door a moment, eyes moving slowly over the room as if he was looking at an open field. Finally, he sat down next to his new companion. While Jamie ordered a drink, Alistair's eyes wandered again, looking at people's faces and watching them interact. "...-ou to drink?" Alistair looked up, an innocent smile across his face. "Pardon?" "What can I get you?" The bartender repeated. Alistair's smile relaxed, "Just water." He turned his head to Jamie, "Underage you know," he said with a mildly sarcastic grin. Jamie just gave him a sideways glance, "Right." He flicked his eyes around, awkward under Alistair's innocent yet oppressive gaze. At last the other boy looked away and Jamie relaxed. Alistair's eye twitched slightly as something, quite frankly, pinched his but. An older man, possibly in his early thirties, had mistaken the boy's thin form for feminine. In an instant, Alistair's hand was gripping the man's finger, pulling it backwards. As the man cried out in surprise, Alistair turned his head slowly to face him. "May I help you?"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Teal]Stephy, your siggy makes me feel all warm and melty inside... :3 Anyway, I love making Chii banners, so of course, I tried! My attempt... is a little pink-ish, but to turn it really red, I'd have to turn Chii's skin and hair blood red as well. Unless I went through to select every little bit of color... but that takes hooo-uuurs. Ok, so anyway. Here.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DimGray]OOC: Heh, there are two guys with gray-ish hair, so I'll just assume it's Alistair for now... ~~~ Jamie glared at this new face, obviously somewhat less than amused. Alistair just stared back, the usual expression on his face. It seemed to catch Jamie a little off guard and Alistair's lips twitched into a slight smile. "Well..." Alistair let the word hang in the air. "Well, what?" Jamie asked, a little impatient. "You said you needed something to do. Right?" Alistair's expression still didn't change. Jamie considered this for a moment then replied, "So...?" Again, a slight smile edged on Alistair's lips. "So come on. Let's do something." Jamie seemed a little taken aback, but sighed and said, "Alright. I drive." Begrudgingly, he walked back to his Escort, followed slowly and delibrately by Alistair. As they reached the car, Jamie turned around and looked at Alistair, "Hey, what's your name?" Alistair just grinned and looked right into Jamie's eyes. "What does it matter? You're bored, I'm here. Where we goin'?" His voice never lost it's neutral, mis-placed tone.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Teal]Name: Daniel Gernin Spirit's Name: Semel 'Jiko' Jikoran Age: 16 Gender: male Power: Bends Shadow Description: Imagine [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21711][u]Him[/u][/url], five or six years younger. (Also see attachment.) Personality: Quiet, unpredictable, and a bit of a romantic on occasions. (Didn't make it too long since it's optional.) Bio: Daniel was born, quite frankly, an average person. Growing up he was a little quiet, but was never short on friends. His grades in school were, and still are, never below a B, but hardly ever higher than an A-. He happened to meet Toba and the girl carrying her spirit when he was twelve, but never really got to know her. He still sees her in hallways or across the street and such, but never really thinks much of it. As far as his love life goes, he's the kid that always dreams about falling in love and ends up going unoticed. But it doesn't bother him. He lets himself dream. Semel was one of the King's peronal protectors. He worked for him for many years, but if you asked anyone, they would say they've never seen him near the king. Semel considers himself an artist of shadow. Though he is rarely seen, he was always near the king, ready for anything. Unlike most guards, he wore no armor or official signature. After several years, Semel became personal friends with the king and eventually earned the nick-name Jiko. Just a year before the princess was sent into the portal, Semel was assigned by the king to be her personal guardian. The infant child was hardly ever aware of his presence, which was exactly how he liked to work. His spirit is very close to awakening. Already it stirs within Daniel.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. Well, I don't know about spiffy, but here's my attempt at it. You know, all you have to do is resize an avatar if it's too big. The max here is 150x80 pixels.
  12. Muad'Dib


    [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]Me and my dad got interested in this show quite a long time ago,and ever since I've found it to be an extremely good series. Unlike a lot of the sci-fi series, it's not based on a movie or book (not that I know of...) and has some very original ideas. At first glance, it's your average space show, but when you get into the plot, Farscape is much more than that. Mind you, I've missed a good deal of episodes and am not always sure what's going on, but it's still always entertaining. There's such a variety of characters and oddities that so (in my opinion) accurately depict what kind of chaos would be caused by different species mingling. The first few episodes pretty much throw you into this strange situation with the main character John Criton. Anyone else taken an interest in Farscape? Come on, there's gotta be a few of you out there.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I would have to go with interactionism. It just seems the most plausable out of the lot. Though Materialism does have a level of truth to it, the fact that we've become self-aware kind of contradicts it. All of them, given that we haven't figured out the way the universe works, are entirely possible. Interactionism I suppose is the most appealing.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]OOC: I know tou tagged Albel, but I'm not gonna interfere with that too much. ~~~ Connor eased back into reality, relaxed by the steady beat of Cassie's heart. He was again nearly shocked at how cute the girl was asleep. He eased himself up on his hands, careful not to wake Cassie. He debated with himself silently wether or not to get up. She was so warm... Connor found his face growing closer to Cassie's, and stopped himself before waking her. He swallowed and took a breath before kissing her gently on the cheek instead. Sighing quietly, Connor relunctantly untangled himself from Cassie and stepped down onto the floor. Immediately, he leaned over Cassie and made sure she was comfortable. He took one last look at her sleeping form before grabbing his glasses and easing the door open quietly. He was just thinking of going back to Cassie when he was greeted by the scent of breakfast. Connor walked downstairs barefooted, wandering towards the kitchen. He was just in time to see a dazed Kim and the competitive looking Aria and Beth. The fact that all three of them were naked added to the oddity of the scene. He blinked a few times and knew he must of missed something. Aria and Beth continued their warped competition as Connor walked to the table and sat down in a daze. Kim turned back to the table, a surprised look still on her face. After regaining her composure, she noticed Connor was there and giggled slightly. Connor noticed and glanced over, questioning. Kim just looked away and hid more giggeling. Still confused, Connor looked forward again and wondered if Trey had told them something about him and Cassie.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]OOC: Argh! I must get Stephy to post more! >_< I can't carry the character relationship on my own! ~~~ [Ealier... AGAIN...] Cassie's eyes blinked open, bleary. "Hmmm..." it was more of a sleepy groan than speech, and Connor blushed even deeper, trying to climb off of her, though her arms were still locked around his neck. She came to consciousness slowly, "Connor...?" He lay stock still, unsure of what to do or say. "Uh... could... could you uh, let go of me?" Cassie stared up at him for a moment before realizing what he was talking about. "Oh! I'm sorry!" She said embarressed, quickly releasing him. She did, however, get a quick sense of intimate, cuddly pleasure as his light weight lifted away from her. Connor, once off of Cassie, stood by her bed awkwardly, trying to hide how good it had felt to be that close to her. Cassie sat up slowly, in a bit of a sleepy daze. "What's going on?" "Just... something outside. I think it's nothing..." Connor replied, forgetting about any thoughts of checking the situation. "Uh, sorry I woke you..." He averted his eyes, feeling very close with Cassie. "Oh... that's ok." There was a long silence before Cassie reached out and tentatively held Connor's hand. He blushed again and squeezed hers lightly. There was another silence before Connor slowly and carefully leaned forward. The pair's lips touched lightly and soon they were locked in a passionate kiss. Subconciously, Connor kneeled onto Cassie's bed, still holding her hand and kissing her. Slowly, the two lay back, lips parting. With their arms around each other and still bleary with sleep, the two curled up in the girl's bed. OOC: I'm just gonna leave them sleeping for now, but if anyone wants to walk in on them or something, have at it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, even though there's already plenty of boys, you never know what this guy will try and do with 'em. Hi Runy! [B]Name:[/B] Alistair 'Andy' Dernend [B]Age[/B]: 19 (Ha, youngest!) [B]Sex[/B]: male [B]Apearance[/B]: [url]http://www.we-love-anime.com/gallery/gal/Evangelion/Evangelion01073.jpg[/url] Alistair (Andy) stands at about 6'1'' and is rather light, weighing 162lbs. Oddly enough, his grayish hair and red-tinted eyes are completely natural, giving him an ethereal look. His skin is very light, on the verge of pale, and his body movements very subtle. Andy almost always wears his white, button up shirt, often with something orange or blue underneath. He also wears semi-loose black pants and generic looking white shoes. His expression is often the same: not so much a smile, but an innocent curve of his lips and a neutral, analyzing look in his eyes. [B]Personality[/B]: Andy's sexuality, quite simply, is a mystery. He's shown equal attention to boys and girl, but never enough to be called flirting. He interacts with other usually only when he has a reason to, but is very complient. Nothing daunts him, or phases him at all. No matter what you do or call him, his expression stays the same. Some would call him eerie, others, interesting. He does have a good deal of knowledge, though it is seldom heard. [B]Backround:[/B] Alistair had an odd childhood. When he was 3, his parents split up, but never truly divorced. He was given over to his grandmother, whos husband had died two years earlier. When she had a siezure (sp?), he was passed on to his aunt and uncle, who had a teenage boy. When he, Alistair's cousin, was discovered to be using a number of illegal drugs, Alistair was again passed over to another uncle. By now, he was 7. Things worked out until this uncle started drinking and became a danger to the young Alistair, now 9. Disaster and revalations seemed to follow the boy to whichever household he belonged. Eventually, he was living with his 21 year old cousin, Kaitlen. She was just about the last family he had before no one wanted him or could support him anymore. Life went smoothly living with Kaitlen from 14 to 16, until Kaitlen had a fiance. Evan, as he was called, had an odd aversion to Alistair. Eventually it got to the point when Evan got violent with the younger boy. Kaitlen was angered, but did not want to give up Evan. So it was decided Alistair would go to another home. This time, he ended up in a foster home with people he wasn't even related to, much less knew. Things at last went smoothly until he turned 19 and left for an Arts college in New York. Having been to so many different places, Alistair had a mixed education, if not entirely complete. Nevertheless, he was accepted into New York Institute of the Arts. Those he lived with in the foster home never truly did figure out his gender.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue](Please pardon me if I say anything that's already been said.) Alright... Last year, in eighth grade, I got real bad deppression. My dad had died the previous year, and I wasn't motivated at school [u]at all[/u]. For a long time everybody assumed it was because of my dad's death, but I never felt that way. It may well have been, but I didn't think so at the time. I acted like a complete jackass for the entire year. They had me on zoloft for a while, and it did seem to help (a bit) but I didn't [i]want[/i] to take it, which can be a problem. Anyway, it got better over the summer, but that's where everything goes down the drain again. First, I met my first girlfriend at Camp. We didn't really get to know each other, but had some kind of understanding. Unfortunately for me, we lost contact after camp. That got to me. Now here's the worse part, and the foolish one. We had saved up for a cruise up in Canada. I happened to meet, you guessed it, a girl. We completely hit it off, and everything seemed to be going perfect. But my sister still thought I was going out with this girl from camp, and told it to my new crush. Very, very bad thing. She got really distant, and I couldn't figure out why. When one of the other guys finally told me, I cried for about an hour because it was the last day of the cruise, and I couldn't find her. Well, this is too long all ready, so I'll leave it at that. Short version: ended up in St. Johns as an 'In Patient' and it still hurts every time I think about it. But I did get ahold of her over e-mail and sorted things out. But I'll still never see her again. [U]Depression, in short, sucks. Whatever you do, keep yourself motivated. If you sink down, you'll have one hell of a time getting back up. Don't let it happen.[/U][/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: My my, such inconsistancy beloved. ~~~ [Last Night, as Kareoke was coming to a close...] Connor and Cassie lay breathless on the cool grass, cheeks flushing and hormones going nuts. Eventually, Cassie swallowed and looked away slightly. "We should..." She began, "Yeah..." Connor agreed, already knowing what she was going to say. Delicately, they both got up and stood facing one another shyly for a moment. Silently, they headed towards the house. Connor felt the light touch of Cassie's hand on his own, and he grasped it wordlessly. Just as they were entering Drake was calming things down, so the pair began silently up the stairs and to the room that they shared. When the door closed behind them, Connor glanced at Cassie shyly, blushing deep red. Cassie did the same and they remained that way for a few moments. At last, Connor released her hand and walked to his bed, still silent. Before he fell asleep, he heard a soft "Goodnight," from Cassie's bed. "I love you." He whispered, probably to soft for her to hear. [Now.] Someone had forgotten to knock on Connor and Cassie's door, leaving the two asleep. Connor woke to a comotion outside, senses dulled by sleep. Slowly but surely, he got his brain active and stepped out of bed. He looked over at the sleeping Cassie and wanted to melt. She was the picture of cute: arms held tight against her chest, mouth slightly open, and that cute little nose burried in the pillow. He walked over and touched her shoulder lightly, "Cassie, wake up, there's-" He stoped in mid sentence. He had heard Cassie say something, muttering in her sleep. Curious, he leaned over her, trying to listen. "Connor..." She mumbled before abruptly reaching out and pulling his shirt collar. Connor fell over, caught completely off guard. To his surprise, Cassie was still half-asleep, eyes beginning to ease open with the weight on top of her. Just then, TJ opened the door, breathing heavily with urgency and exertion. "Hey guys, we'vve got a serious prob...lem..." He saw Cassie laying with Connor on top of her and his mouth hung open for a moment. "Uh, sorry, I'll come back later." He backed out of the room and Connor blushed deeply.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]Connor remained speechless for several seconds, his breath caught in his chest. The faint taste of Cassie's lips lingered on the edge of his mouth, witch was buzzing pleasently. Finally, he swallowed and released his breathe. "Ca... Cassie..." Slowly, laying there looking a Cassie's face, all thoughts of hesitation and nervousness slipped away inside of Connor. A familiar feeling, one that had been banned from his emotions for a long time, swelled within him instead. Slowly, almost cautiously, his hand cupped her cheek. Her lips touched his again, quivering slightly in anticipation. This time, his eyes closed and his cheeks flushed a little brighter with the pleasent feeling. When they parted again after what seemed like an eternity, Connor's eyes shone with the hint of tears. His other hand had moved around Cassie's waist. "Cassie... thank..." He hesitated. This sounded so stupid to him, "Thank... you." He choked back more tears, "For... for..." He closed his eyes, "For understanding." He nearly cried out. The cold of the night bit into his freshly tear stained eyes, but he wrapped his arms tightly aaround Cassie and the pain seemed to ebb away.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]OOC: Yay Stephy! Oh, and very nice post Legacy. Worked the song in nicely. ~~~ Connor's attention was on Cassie, but he made sure his eyes never rested on her, glancing around the room nervously. He wasn't acting like himself at all. His cheeks flushed and he felt tiny amounts of sweat form on his palms. Come on, he told himself, he couldn't let the past take control of him like this. But Jenny... No. He wouldn't think of that. He refused to. Alright, he thought with a small 'gulp', here goes. He stepped from his place at the door and took a long way across the room to Cassie. He took one more nervous breath before stepping up to her and starting to sit down next to her. "H-hey Cassie." He cursed himself silently. Stuttering; he might as well walk away now. "You, uh, feeling better?" Cassies face flushed as well, and she smiled weakly, averting her eyes. He tried to relax and ran a hand through his hair, red-tinted eyes facing the floor. "Um, listen, Cassie..." He paused, looking for words and feeling stupider every moment. Come on, he thought, I've thought this out already. "Look, I, uh..." Aggh, I'm so stupid!, "...I think that maybe... y-you, a-and I could..." Deep breath, "Cassie... I..." Oh God, how to say it, "...I really think... that..." Connor shut his eyes tight in frustration with himself and accidentally said the next few words louder than he intended, "Cassie, I love y- n-no, I mean, I think I like you, or..." He looked up at her hopelessly, unaware that several people in the room had looked back at him and the surprised Cassie.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Alright Steph, I'm getting you back into this story if it kills me! ~~~ ((Back when they were all at the village...)) Connor swallowed almost nervously, suddenly realising how close his face was to Cassie's. Immediately, he stood up and brushed some of his grayish hair back, "Well, um... I, uh, hope you feel better." He blushed and smiled awkwardly, and to his surprise, Cassie smiled as well. She stood up and wiped away a few tears. "Thank you." Was all she said before walking back to their temporary home beside Connor. ((Now...)) Connor yet again sat in the room he shared with Cassie, who was not there at the moment, with his drawings in front of him. But the hand with his pencil gripped within it remained still. A phenominon rarer than the giant sloth was occuring: Connor was brain dead. Not only that, but he couldn't concentrate. The scene at the village kept replaying itself; Cassie tugging his shirt, her silent tears, the closeness of her face. Connor felt his cheeks flush and put down his pencil. He needed to sort out his own feelings, he decided. Though how this was to be done remained a mystery.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [color=teal][font=comicsansms]OOC: Never heard of Earth Children... but I need a novel, so I'll look for it. Heehee. ~~~ This was deffinately not what Connor had been expecting. He tried to think of something to say with little success. As gently as he could, he put his hand around Cassie's shoulders. He felt the small burn of unshed tears behind his eyes, but didn't let them fall. "I'm sorry," He said barely above a whisper, "but... it's Ok now." He put his other hand on her arm, unsure of what he was doing. Nearly silent sobs shook her body, and Connor felt pangs of guilt for something he hadn't committed. His red tinted eyes wandered for a moment, searching for something, anything to say to her. Connor just held her silently, and gradually the sobs grew softer. He put a hand on her cheek, turning her to face him. "It's alright now Cassie," He said in the same gentle voice, "He can't hurt you now. Are you Ok?" She sniffed and seemed to calm down. Connor's heart thumped in his chest. OOC: Tag Rhian! Sorry for slight shortness.... brain dead.[/font][/color]
  23. [color=teal][font=comicsansms]OOC: Heh, would have posted earlier... circumstances. Ok love, basic plot so far... Aria has a thing for Kim, but Kim is confused because she's never had feeling for another girl. Aria is very very sad, and Kim probably feels guilty. Charles likes Cassie, but so does Connor, even though he won't admit it to himself. Now Charles thinks Connor is a complete jackass because Connor wanted to see his reaction (haha). Hmm.... Drake has pretty much given up on Beth, but seems to like Sakura. Alan, John and Charles are kind of a circle of friends. Team 1 just won the race, aaand... what did I miss? Oh yeah, Aria promised she'd walk around naked for a while if they won. And they did. Ha ha. ~~~ Connor hid his slight embaressment at Aria's promise with a nonchalant look and a push of his glasses. He made a mental note to avoid Aria on certain occassions. Seeing a naked girl was not what he needed at the moment. As the group started to head out again, Connor caught a glimpse at Cassie. She looked sad, and Connor should know, having an 'A' in Psychology. He wondered if this had anything to do with why she was crying last night. Well, he figured he would have to explain that morning sooner or later, so they might as well both spill it. He walked up beside her, which was easy as she was lagging near the rear. "Hey," he said gently, which was completely out of character for him, "you alright Cassie?" She looked at him briefly, then mumbled an "I'm fine." Connor frowned. He cautiously put a hand on her shoulder. "I hope you can hear this as coming from a friend, and not the jackass you know so well." She smiled only the slightest bit and he continued, "I don't want you to think I've been invading your privacy, but... this wouldn't have anything to do with the crying last night, would it?" He kept his voice as sympathetic as possible, which was difficult for Connor. Cassie looked very much surprised, then a little angry. But the anger subsided and she looked straight ahead again. Connor couldn't see her face, but he hoped she wasn't mad at him. OOC: Tag Rhian![/font][/color]
  24. [color=darkslategray][font=comicsansms]Adrian sat for what seemed like forever, the rain still pouring steadily on to the tree, and dripping down onto his head. Still, he only stared at his hand. What could he do? There were two sides to that question. The first was this; what could he do now that he had become what he had been taught to hate? How could he deal with himself? The second was simple; what could he do now that he was a witch? A worlock, he corrected himself. Did he have some kind of mythical power? What were the extents of this new quality? Hard footsteps, softened by the rain spattered ground, caught his ear. He looked up for the first time and saw Carter, still running. He had used a shorter, familiar path to get here, which is how she was behind him. He watched her a moment in slight shock. Then, unsteadily, he stood and called after her. "Carter! Carter, wait!" He stumbled in the grass and was on his knees. "Carter! Please! Please wait..." His voice grew softer until it was pitifully quiet. "Please... help me..."[/font][/color]
  25. [QUOTE=Moi][COLOR=DarkRed] Connor: "Let's go dumbass! Stop walkin' like my grandma and get moving! We're trying to win, not lose." Connor huffed and walked past Charles, hitting him offensively against the shoulder.[/COLOR][/QUOTE][color=darkslateblue][font=comicsansms] OOC: Sorry, but that's just not something Connor would do. Not in a million years I'm afraid. He'd be a lot more subtle about it for one thing. Second, he speaks with a level tone almost all the time. That's what I made him to be. Not blaming you or anything, just thought it needed to be pointed out. ~~~ Connor sat silently when the group stopped for lunch. He watched them all; their behaviours, their reactions. He noted especially Charles and Aria. He had purposely tried to piss Charles off to watch his reaction. A little hobbie of his. He frowned on his own effort though. He didn't think he was too convincing. Well, convincing enough for Charles, he thought. Aria he watched because, quite frankly, she had interesting behaviour. He noted how she continually moved closer to Kim, and the other girl's awkward reaction. He deduced the situation easily: Aria had a thing for Kim, but Kim didn't have an attraction to Aria. How interesting, he thought. Now, as they moved on, he kept his usual pace, but slightly faster to keep up with Aria's harsh leadership. OOC: Agh... just realized I already posted today. So sorry Jamie ^_^;;[/font][/color]
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