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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. [quote name='Moi'] He had feelings for Cassie ever since he first saw her, and he was determined to make her his.[/quote] [color=darkolivegreen][font=comicsansms]OOC: Well well, let the competition begin my friend. Haha. ~~~ Connor walked near the back of the group, hands in his pockets. Though it appeared he was lagging behind, he had been going at a steady pace the entire time. Not a single bead of sweat showed on him. Pacing, he had comfirmed, was the key. Earlier, as their team had passed the other, Connor had tried desperately to avoid looking at Cassie. That morning had it's effect, and he knew he now felt something for her. What it was exactly, he niether knew nor wanted to know. Connor was too afraid of what his feelings could do to him. Or rather, what [i]her[/i] feelings could do to him. As they walked, he cursed silently. Being roomates with her wasn't going to help. Part of him wanted to be with her, to try a relationship. But, for now at least, he was glad to be a little distanced. A few of the team members started asking Aria for a break, but the self appointed leader kept going. Connor was unphased while several of the others began to tire. He even started to pass a few, still only walking at a slightly faster pace than normal.[/font][/color]
  2. [color=teal][font=comicsanams]OOC: Sheesh Captain, chill. You don't need to get all worked up 'cause someone called your character horny. People state their character's opinion of others in RPs. Get used to it. ~~~ Connor had skipped breakfast, deciding it wasn't that necessary. He returned to the room to find a still sleeping Cassie curled up on her bed. A smile tugged his lips as he though how childishly cute she was asleep. Having nothing better to do, he again down to draw. Eventually, she left without him noticing. He admitted that there was no furhter detail he could add to his xenomorph drawing, so he brought out the chestburster he had intended to scare his roommate with. While he sat and sketched, his mind wandered and rested on Cassie. He had to admit, she was a sweet girl, despite their first encounter. And she had that little bit of attitudde that Connor admired in any person. After avoiding the thought for a considerable amount of time, Connor realized how cute she was. Slightly messy, blonde hair, big blue eyes... and that slender figure... Connor caught himself. He shook his head and stood up, blushing furiously. He refused to let [i]those[/i] thoughts creep in. Not after his last relationship... not after Jenny... He pushed open the door and found it was being pulled from the other side as well. He looked up to see Cassie there, coming in to change out of her pajamas. He tried to walk past her, but she stopped him. "Hey, you don't lok so good, you OK?" "I'm fine." Connor replied a little too quickly. Cassie grabbed his shoulder as he tried to pull away and they both stumbled. "Hey!" Cassie cried as they fell to the floor. "What's the big..." she paused in mid-setence, crouching over Connor, who's glasses had fallen off in the fall, "...idea." They both looked at the other for a moment. Then Connor scrambled back and got up quickly. "S-sorry." He said quickly before walking quickly off down the hall.[/font][/color]
  3. [FONT=comicsansms][COLOR=Navy]OOC: Don't think I've posted today... have I? Gah, it's been a long time anyway... ~~~ [i]~The Previous Night~[/i] Connor was back in his room, sleepily putting away the drawing supplies he had left out from earlier. Cassie hadn't come back yet, but he didn't really notice. He glanced at the window and saw the moon shining bright between the shades. He normally wasn't one to stargaze, but it really was pretty. Connor pulled up the shades and leaned on the window, staring out at the moon and stars. As he was about to slip into his bed, he noticed a form on the ground by the lake. Curious, he tried to take a better look. Still, he couldn't tell. Ever intrigued with the slightest of puzzlements, Connor walked downstairs and walked quietly towards the person. By the time he was thirty feet away, he could tell it was a girl, and at fifteen he recognized her as Cassie. He sighed and started to turn around. At leats he knew where she was. He paused and smirked that dubious smirk. He turned back towards the unwary Cassie with every intention of scaring her out of her wits. But when he was close enough to hear the steady beat from her headphones, his ears caught anotehr sound. A choked, raspy, sad noise. Frozen for several moments, he stood stock still. He listened to Cassie cry for several minutes, a condemned expression on his face. Finally, with a silent apology, he turned and left for the house. At the door, he paused and looked back at the curled form framed by the water of the lake. Connor sighed and went up to their room. He paused at his bed, turned around and stood next to Cassie's. Carefully, he removed the picture he had placed there to frighten her. [i]~Morning~[/i] Connor yawned and stepped into the kitchen. He was the first one up. He hadn't expected that. He sat down at a table simply to wake himself up.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [color=dimgray][font=comicsansms]Adrian just stood in disbelief. This went against everything he had been raised to believe. His mouth opened as if to say something, but he just stared. His eyes went from Connor and Rita to the man threatening them with death. After what seemed like forever, he took a step back and ran. [center][i]His camera lay like a momentum on the blood stained floor.[/i][/center] Rain hit his head and dripped down across his oddly red eyes. Though he never thought about it, they had always been an obvious mark of his peculiar heritage. The falling water seemed to entranz him a moment, and Adrian simply stared at the ground. Shaking free of the feeling of being lost in oblivion, he looked up, about to run. Two men stood near the door and he froze. He watched them a moment and they stared right back, caught by surprise. Adrian's heart beat hard, though he didn't know why. At last he ran again, heading subconsciously for a small park near his apartment. The grass squished beneath his feet, mud bubbling up from the soaked earth. He huddled near a tree and sat down. His legs were splayed out in frotn of him, his back against the tree and his head down. His eyes gazed unblinkingly at his hand in front of him. [center][i]The rain fell like a condemning sentence.[/i][/center][/font][/color]
  5. [color=teal][font=comicsansms]Connor worked diligently in his and Cassie's room, a pencil worn down to an almost entirely flat edge flying across a sheet of paper. This was a fast sketch, but even so, was incredibly detailed. Connor had a thing for detail. Finally, he held the paper stained with number two lead at arms length. A smirked came over his mouth and he walked up to Cassie's bed. Carefully, he put the picture, revealed to be a full frontal face shot of a chestburster xenomorph, on the girl's pillow. He brought the sheets up over it and grinned with a ridiculous expression. A waste of a drawing, he admitted, but he couldn't wait to see her reaction. Realizing suddenly how desperately hungry he was, Connor sighed and walked out of the room. Once in the kitchen, he snuck up behind Cassie and Kim while the few other people in the room ate or chattered. He stood right behind them, a subtle but irresistable smirk plastered on his face. "Well now, this is kinky." Both girls spun around, Cassie still embracing Kim gently. She glared at Connor, not needing to speak to give him a warning. "Sorry, sorry." He sighed and pushed his glasses up, circeling the table to the fridge. "I know how much you just adore my company." He said without turning to look at Cassie. OOC: Haha, everyone has their own way of flirting XD[/font][/color]
  6. [color=darkslateblue][font=comicsansms]OOC: Haha, I just realized I forgot to put a 'not' on Connor's last quote XD He was supposed to say 'I'm not entirely a jackass.' Hahaha. ~~~ Connor smirked, feeling a little more comfortable now. "Sure." He caught up with her and walked towards the villa. She had some attitude, he thought, this might not be so bad. He looked up at the sky, lightly covered with leaves and tree branches. "Oh, you might want to know..." Cassie looked at him, an eyebrow raised sarcastically, "Yes?" "We're roomed together." That caught her off-guard. Connor smiled more broadly. "Say what?" Cassie asked. Connor just pulled his file out of his pocket and showed her the gender section. She smiled sideways. "I see." She handed it back to him, grinning. "So you're a hermaphrodite." Connor just about tripped and Cassie laughed. "Not quite." He said, somewhat less than amused. Inside though, he congradulated her for the humor. They reached the door and both walked inside.[/font][/color]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Adrian just stared, mouth agape. His camera lay forgotten on the floor beside him, the hand that had held it twitching nervously. "W... What..." His eyes were wide in terror, his complexion turning paler. "Wi.... witch... craft." He was shaking, his eyes suddenly darting all around the room. The guide in front of him repeated his statement with a more commanding voice. Adrian came back to reality and his attention turned to the man. "Wh-what?" "You heard me witch. Leave now!" The guide stepped closer, and all four of the teens backed against the wall even harder. Adrian's mouth twitched. "But... I... I'm not a witch, er, w-warlock. I... I can't be." He whirled around at the other three. "No... it's you... g-get away from me!" He started to back up, only to be pushed back towards them by the older man. "No!" Adrian cried out, "I'm not one of them! They... I hate them! You can't..." "Enough!" Their guide took another step towards them, looming over the teenagers. Adrian jumped as a hand touched his shoulder. It was Carter's. "You have to accept it now." She stared at him gravely. Adrian shook his head, not able to believe it. He stuttered several seconds before swiping her hand away. "Stay away from me!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Courier New][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Connor felt instantly guilty and embarressed as Cassie stormed off. Blushing inside, but not letting it show, he turned back to his drawing. After the brief encounter he felt his artistic feel slipping away. Cursing himself silently, Connor packed away his supplies and set about finding his room. He thought all through his wonderings about this Cassie girl. There was no way he was going to let her ruin these five weeks. Well, he figujred, they were probably ruined anyway. Nevertheless, it wasn't right to just leave someone thinking that's the way he was... Finally, he found a door marked with his name. And... Cassie's? "Oh no... oh hell no..." He immediately retrieved a copy of the personal file that had been given to the school from his pack. On the gender tally, a small 'f' overlapped a more lightly written 'm'. He slapped his forhead. They had accidentally marked him as a girl, meaning he was roomed with a girl who now hated him. "All right..." He said to himself," Have it your way." Leaving his pack in the room, Connor went looking for Cassie. It he didn't want this period of time to be hell, he had to settle things between them. He caught her near the shore of the lake, floating. He leaned againts a tree, Cassie not seeing him yet. "I thought you should know," Cassie spun around, surprised, "I'm entirely a jackass." A semi-friendly smile wormed it's way onto his lips.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][quote name='Captain Jack Sparrow']Man, what's with some of the girls being all yuri style?[/quote] OOC: Well, no one said we couldn't have a guy-guy relationship ~_^ ~~~ Connor sighed and followed everyone inside, pushing up his glasses. Less than half an hour into this trip, and he already felt irritated by the people around him. He found it difficult to believe some of these people were considered top in the nation. But that was just him. He carefully avoided the small multitude of girls, prefering not to embaress himself twice in the same day. Having been successful at this, he found himself a desk in the middle of a hallway. He had no clue as to the layout of the building, but this seemed as good a place as any. He dropped his pack next to him and sat down, digging around in the pack to find what he was looking for. Checking one more time to be sure no one was around to disturb him, Connor set about adding detail to his alien head. He had almost finished adding shadow to it's gaping jaw, when someone walked by. It was a girl, and Connor simply kept his eyes on his paper. Through the corner of his eye he saw it was Beth, who he had heard talking to several others. She almost tried to start a conversation, but seemed to realize he wasn't the type to talk much and walked away. Connor glanced at her back as she left, realizing for the first time what she was wearing. He coughed to hide his surprise at discovering she was wearing a bikini. Not but a few minutes later, the boy Drake walked by as well, still wet from his swim in the lake. He too tried to talk to Connor, he convinced himself he would just keep walking if he didn't reply. He would have been glad to talk earlier, but this was more important. His drawing couldn't be interupted. Finally, yet another girl walked by. This one actually got a few words out and Connor's form slumped. Sighing, he turned around in his chair to catch her last few words. "...ssie, what's your name?" His eyes unchanging and uninterested, Connor replied, "Connor. I'm sixteen, male, five foot ten and one hundred and fourty nine pounds. Yes, I happen to be drawing, and no, I'd rather not go anywhere." She looked a little surprised and Connor just smiled at her through gritted teeth. "Any questions I missed?"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Does nobody ever consider the fact that my character is in this RP as well? He was kind of interacting with Beth and Kim, but you people just ignore him like a piece of wood. >.< It happens in every friggin RP...*goes off to grumble* arrggghhh! People make me angryyyy!! ~~~ Connor stared for several seconds in disbeliefe. Finally he came to, only to shake his head to make sure he wasn't seeing things. He brushed gray-silver hair away from his eyes and looked again. Sure anough, she wasn't wearing anything. That, he thought, is simply ridiculous. He took a breath, his face still red, and walked up to Kim as Beth talked to Cassie. His oddly tinted red eyes looked side to side, up and down, anywhere but on Kim. "Uh... you... you do know you don't... have any clothes on... don't... you?" He managed to stammer out.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][CENTER][I]A hungry xenomorph held a helpless prisoner in it's clawlike hands. It's mouth opened wide, lips retracting to reveal it's 'tounge'. The inner mouth shot forward, spraying blood across the scene.[/I][/CENTER] Connor played this scene over and over in his head, trying to catch the essence of the moment from his photographic memory. The movie Alien 3 held particular interest for him, as a story of human survival and their own personal apocolypse. His sketch, he reminded himself proudly, was coming along nicely. The xenomorph head could be seen clearly, it's jaw like toungue extended in frightful beauty. It was now, of course, packed away on his back. The french villa now loomed in front of him, drawing his thoughts away from science fiction. He liked the idea of this trip, as it would leave him time to do as he pleased. Draw, write, observe, daydream. He detested, however, spending so much time in close contact with others. Not what you'd call a 'social butterfly'. He walked casually up to it's small porch, his seemingly uninterested eyes looking over the structure. Aparently satisfied, he turned back around. He would not be able ot go inside until the other students arrived. Now he walked along a different part of the path, not really caring where he went. He happened to look to his right in time to see Beth, and the more prominent Kim. At first, nothing seemed odd about this sight. Then, with a bang, it dawned on him that Kim wasn't dressed. He froze. His mind had come to a full stop for several seconds. Kim noticed his motion and glanced over as Connor's face turned bright red.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rain pounded on a gray windbreaker jacket, spattering and sliding to the ground. Adrian clutched his camera inside the soft black interior of the jacket, praying none of the rain got to it. He arrived at his destination and stopped by the door, sheltered from the rain. He leaned a moment on the wall, catching his breath. The story was, some school class had gotten caught in the storm and were stuck here. Even if it wasn't a major event, finding a good story was hard these days. Adrian ducked inside and looked around at the mess of students. His camera was now out in front of him, waiting for him to decide what would make a good picture. Greg wasn't here yet. It didn't matter. He could still take pictures, even if the novice journalist hadn't arrived. That was the way of things. Greg wrote the story, Adrian took the pics. He walked around a bit, glad to be in the warm air. These students were an odd bunch. Maybe it was just because they were from out of town, he thought. He noticed someone famliar next to a wall. "Carter." He said with a not entirely friendly voice. He knew the rumors. She was one to watch. She only nodded back, clearly seeing his dislike of her and her type. Meanwhile Adrian turned to the bunch of students splayed across the floor, tilting his head once in a while to find a good photo. Little he knew that small tugging in the back of his mind was the call of one witch to another. And that in Carter's sight, his aura shone clear blue.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Everyone's picking art... mind-reading-copy-cats!! =P [u]Name[/u]: Connor A Desren [u]Age[/u]: 16 [u]Gender[/u]: male [u]Appearance[/u]: [url=http://www.we-love-anime.com/gallery/gal/Evangelion/Evangelion01074.jpg]Connor[/url] in a good mood and without his [b]glasses[/b]. [u]Personality[/u]: Connor gives a first impression of refinement and friendliness. That isn't necessarily true. Though he does spend a good amount of his time sketching or writing [notes, ideas, etc.], when interupted or forced to socailize, he can be snappy, sarcastic, or just overly friendly through gritted teeth. When caught in a good mood, he's often relaxed and informative. He is insesently critisizing more quick-tempered people for their lack of reason or simply confusing them and walking away. [u]Hobbies[/u]: Adding detail to previous sketches, observing other's behaviour, pretending to be uninterested in girls [and constantly hiding blushed on the rare occasion he talks with one], and watching long, complex sci-fi movies to later critique and sketch. [u]Best Subject[/u]: Art, Psychology [u]Personality Trait[/u]: Logic[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Indigo]Here ya go... I uploaded right on OB, so no big fancy url. Hope you like it![/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Navy]Role: (New one approved by Methuselah) Witch hater turn Witch? *gasp* [B]Name[/B]: Adrian Desnon [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Appearance[/B]: [url=http://www.game-loader.de/psycko-manga/grafix/gallery/guy9/nagisa5.jpg]This Guy.[/url] [B]Occupation[/B]: Photographer (Journalism) [B]Personality[/B]: Adrian is an ambitions young man, though it may not always show. Most of the time, he's smiling and is an avid listener. He loves to get to know other people, their feelings, their motivation. He feels it's all part of his job as a photographer. He'll often give tidbits of advice, that can have a deeper meaning than he intends them to have. Concerning witches, however, he's as cold as anyone in Salem. Even if his best friend was thought to be a witch, he would turn them away. With some relunctance of course, but he's led on by the old legends of evil and wicked beings. How ironic that he's wondering about these odd signs that continue to show up within him. [B]Bio[/B]: Born and raised in Salem, taught to hate witches and anyone who helps them. His parents have left salem to be with relations, but Adrian stayed in his apartment. Being a photographer for the local paper (and getting the odd job with a magazine) let's him have a lot of free time, but the unsteady pay can cause problems when paying rent. He graduated from Highschool last year, and is looking forward to a career in some kind of photography. The thought of art has even passed his mind once or twice. Through the past month though, things have been gettig strange. Adrian can't explain it, but things keep happening. Little things. Unatural things. Little he knows he's a witch himself.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Sienna]Well, this was an idea that floated through my head several months before I wrote it down. While I've got the plot down, I came up with the exact dialogue and actions as I went, so parts of it don't seem entirely proffessional. Anyway, I hope some of you think it's good. Oh, and one other thing... normally I don't put so much cursing into my writing, but that's just how that character is. [B][U]Maniac's Story[/U][/B] There was the light clink of metal as the pure white door unlocked and an orderly pushed it open. A tall man, in his twenties and rather handsome, strolled through the open door in a way that gave a false impression of order. At a closer look, he was really more rugged than handsome, but most people couldn?t tell the difference. The small badge on his chest read ?Michael Stormridge? in capital letters across the top. It gleamed in the light of a single, bright, florescent light fixture hanging from the placid ceiling. This did not, however, make an impact on his over all ?street? look. Classic Tough-Guy Cop. He sat down at one end of the small table occupying the room as the door creaked shut behind him. He glared smugly across the table at the only other person in the room. He was considerably younger than Mr. ?Tough Cop?, but bore an expression of equal, if not greater, self-righteousness. His, however, was mingled with that of a very deep despising. Obviously the expression was reserved solely for this man who now sat before him. The younger man wore only a simple white uniform witch marked him as a member of the asylum?s less than respectable ranks. Green eyes stared directly into the officer?s face. ?Well well, long time, no see, aye Aedry?? the cop spoke first. Aedry shot him a look of absolute loathing, ?Not long enough you bastard.? Mr. Stormridge frowned sarcastically, ?Aw, come on Aedry, don?t be like that.? ?Does this have a purpose or do you enjoy seeing me in a mental asylum?? There was a long pause, both men?s figure reflected in the one-way window on the wall. Eventually Stormridge shifted in his seat and glanced down at the beige folder in front of him on the table. He opened it and looked over its contents. ?Aedrius Elturi, age 18, male?? Aedrius rolled his eyes, annoyed, ?Damn it Michael, you?re stalling.? Michael continued without looking up, ??IQ of 203, nice Aedry, very nice.? Aedrius didn?t respond. He slumped back in his chair with a scornful look on his face. Stormridge kept reading, ?Height, 5?11??, eye color, green, hair color, brown? bye the way, like the new style.? ?I like it the old way.? Michael paid no heed to Aedrius? comment, ?Stability level, mid. Ooh, looks like you need some work there Aedry.? ?God damn it, you know you?re just stalling Michael! You?re the bastard who put me in this nut house!? Michael closed the folder and leaned back, wagging a finger at Aedrius, ?Now, now, you?re a dangerous criminal with a record of instability?? Aedrius hardly suppressed his rage, knowing that orderlies would rush in to contain him at the first sign of trouble. ?Well,? Michael said in a bored voice, ?I suppose I could tell you why I came.? Aedrius waited impatiently for Michael?s explanation. Michael seemed to be taking his sweet time considering the idea. ?The Pentagon, the U.N. and all them are trying to decipher some signals they?ve picked up not far from Earth. They look real similar to the ?Uitonous? codes you hade translated in the complex. Anyway, considering they have no idea how to decode them, and the nature of previous messages you deciphered weren?t terribly friendly, they want you there to check ?em out.? Aedrius looked at the wall, obviously more pissed off than before. ?Figures? those government dumbasses couldn?t understand a word of Uitonous if I drew it out for ?em.? He spit on the floor. ?Tell Ferdingam to go to hell.? ?Gee Aedry, I would, but I think they?d throw me out.? There was another long silence as Aedrius stared at the wall with contempt. Michael arched an eyebrow, making his tough-guy face look ridiculously awkward. ?Well??? ?What are they offering?? Aedrius said before Michael could even finish the word. The officer only smirked and leaned back in his chair. ?Some more comfortable quarters and less invasive surveillance. Maybe some entertainment.? Michael shrugged. ?Is that it?? Aedrius scoffed, ?They expect me to help their pitiful ***** for a better room and one less camera? They can kiss my ***.? ?Well,? Michael said resignedly, starting to stand up, ?if that?s the way you feel about it?? Aedry growled, annoyed. ?Alright, damn it, I?ll do it. But only if they can get me a secluded living space. If they still want to watch me, fine, but make sure the cameras are less obvious.? Stormridge smiled pleasantly and put a hand on his hip. ?I?m sure that can be arranged.? ~~~ That's it so far. I hope I didn't post too much at once... heh heh. C&C please!![/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Sienna]Ah! I'm late! You can't start the party without me! :all: Ok, so... Imi Kagami: Wow... you do clothing really well! Even the transparent stuff was pulled off with near-perfection. The bright red hurts my eyes a little, but it's a great character design. Oh, one comment- the shuriken she's holding looks a little awkward because the end she's holding is long than the others. Unless that's how it's supposed to be. Not good at drawing girls? Nonsense! By the way, I like the short hair style with the beanie-style cap. Fallen Angel Imric: Oooo, everyone loves wings! Reminds me of Israfel/Tsukasa... um, anyway! The blood was pulled off rather well, despite what you think, and the coloring looks nice and smooth. The only fault I can find is that his face looks awkward because the foreheads a little elongated. But like you said, it started out as a doodle... Imric Gift: Hahaha, Steph is gonna flip out when she sees this! ::remembers he hasn't made her a neat little banner in a long time:: ... ok, gotta go! Good work! [SIZE=1]wish I could draw that well ;_;[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [quote name='Pumpkin][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1] And yea girls feel pain. lucky us. [/FONT'][/SIZE][/quote] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Um, concerning that. I feel stupid asking, obviously, but I'm also very curious. As any guy would be I'm sure... asking any girl in the thread that has already ahd sex, how much pain do you go through? Putting this in blunt terms, it's gotta hurt like hell... but I'm wondering. Hmm, if it's not off-topic that is. I'm gonna shut up now.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Ha ha, well, the alien quadrilogy does convey a sense of... hmm... what word to use... 'completion'? Especially in the first one. The sole survivor of the crew drifting off into space after blowing the alien into the airlock. It just makes you feel like [i]'Yeah... that was nice.'[/i] Just like any other movie - everything seems to come together in the end. (Ok, not ALL movies...) But the sense might be a bit stronger with the Alien quadrilogy because of just how damn scary and chaotic it can get. And like James said, nastalgia.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Absolutely not. It's not strange at all! It's probably the best thing to do to wait. But I'm not gonna preach about what all the health teachers drill into our heads... cause all of us already know that. Looking at things from a completely naturalistic point of view, humans have sex strictly for reproduction. But being sentient, it means something deeper than that to us. Not just pleasure - but even deeper. Love, quite simply. For some people (whom I have great respect for) love is what it's all about. Besides reproduction that is. You should be proud that you've made the decision to wait. I congradulate you, and give you my respect. ^_^ I've decided to wait for love myself, but there's kind of a long story that goes with that...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [QUOTE=Sword Breaker] Last Exile: I really like this OP becouse of the Animation! Last Exile has some of the best animation i've seen in a while, it was just breathtaking and it was why I got into that series![/QUOTE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Hey! That's MY line! I love the Last Exile OP not just because of the wonderful visuals, but because the music is so... so... what's a better word for 'fantastic'? Oh well. The first few words are in english, then in goes into a long stream of japanese. Of course, there's a short, melodically impressive pause, and then the melody changes. The name of the song (it's in the begginning credits, heh) is Cloud Age Symphony. Forgot who sings it though. The End Credits have equally good music, though it's much calmer and soothing. The little changes in key make you shiver... or at least they make [b]me[/b] shiver. Has anyone mentioned Rouroni Kenshin's intro yet? I can't remember... ah well. I just love that song! I've heard the full version of it, though I can't remember where. And the visuals are pretty coold too, showing some of the nice little action scenes. I'm done now.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Sienna]Heheh, well, you've got the right idea I suppose... but they're all 1) Scrunched up and 2) Rather low-tech. It may just be because you have a crappy program, but still... To fix the squishing-thing, just pick a smaller portion of the picture you're using and try to keep it only a little bit above the size you want it. That way it doesn't look smooshed when you resize it. Try using some different fonts on the text... the default just looks plain and boring. Anyway, you've got some interesting ideas. if they looked a little better, I'd give 'em at least 3/5 or 6/10.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. Muad'Dib


    [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Indigo]Well, put simply, anybody like Sting? I happen to be listening to the one CD I have, and thought 'heck, why not make a thread?' So here it is. Oh joy. To keep this from being spam, how 'bout we explain how you started listening to Sting? My mom, actually, is a fan. She happened to put on the CD 'Sacred Love' during a long car trip, and I liked it... a lot. So now I pretty much just play that album over and over again, seeing as it's the only one I have. It's amazing what Sting can do with synthesizers... heh heh. Every song is just so unique. At least on my album. So, anyone else? I know at least [i]one[/i] certain person thinks he's sexy *coughcough*. Oh, by the way, can anyone reccomend another album? I like these songs, but they're getting old...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Blue]Another banner made for fun. I wasn't planning on using it while I was making it, but I like the end product. So tough. Anyway, if you don't know D-N-Angel, It's a pic of Daisuke(The small red-head) and his alter-ego Dark(the other guy). So whadda-ya think? Anyone? C&C? Pleeeaaase?![/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]Sorry Arca- wait, what am [i]I[/i] apologizing for?! Did anyone notify Steff? Her new sn is Rhian in case you didn't know ^_^ (This is Phoenix by the way). Name: Jacob Hosami (Not real last name... duh) Age: 17 Gender: male Looks: People are always telling him he looks older than he is (it's true). He stands at 5'11'' and weighs approx. 145 lbs. His hair is light brown and long-ish, curling a bit at the ends (which can be annoying). His skin is a mid-shade of tan. Jacob wears a maroon-colored, long-sleeve shirt, with the sleeves slightly over his hands, fairly dark blue jeans that fit nearly perfectly (key word: nearly) and occasionally a grey, slightly redish cap that reads "Strawberry Fields - Central Park NY". Also wears grey-ish glasses. Personality: Jacob tries to enjoy his life, but ADD can get in the way, belive it or not. His mood is pretty stable, and generally pretty good as well. He retains information well, especially is he sees it drawn or written down. Jacob gets attatched to certain people pretty quickly, but will never be more attatched to anyone than he is to Stephanie. Grade: 12[/COLOR][/FONT]
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