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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER]The warmest feeling known to the human race swelled up inside of Connor. Just laying there, looking down at Aimee in his arms, made him want to melt away with her. He sighed silently and held her a little tighter. "There's a first for everything I guess..." Aimee smiled up at him again, "Though I wasn't expecting to have a first try being human." Their eyes met as they had many times that day. Connor's lips parted the slightest bit and their faces grew closer. As the pair's lips barely touched, a shiver ran down both their spines, but not for the right reason. They were both suddenly alert and Connor glanced around. Aimee whispered, "Was is this..." Connor stared into space, "Demon..." Now Aimee knew what is like for a human to feel a demon's presence. But she could swear this felt familiar. A beautiful 'young woman' unexpectadly appeared before them, her face bearing the signs of recent crying. Aimee's eyes widened, "Naomi..." OOC: ^_^-V peace! me be back![/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][CENTER][COLOR=Navy]OOC: That post was... beautiful. Somehow, just beautiful... *claps* ~~~ Connor brushed a tear that had fallen onto Aimee's cheek, smiling warmly, "I know..." He kissed her forehead affectionately, "And I love you... my Aimee." For a moment, saying her new name felt awkward, but he was captivated by it's unexplainable beauty. They were both silent a few moments, Aimee relaxing and reveling in her new human feelings, and Connor holding her tightly, falling in love with her all over again. He hadn't laughed like that in years... and for the first time, he silently thanked Nyler. If it weren't for him, Lyllith the demon would never have become Aimee the lover. Suddenly Aimee twitched a little, a confused expression coming over her face. She got up a little, her body half seperated from Connor's, and looked towards her waist. "What... I feel..." It was aparently a new feeling that came with being human. "I feel... like... I don't know. There's tension..." Suddenly, Connor laughed. "You have to go to the bathroom."[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Garamond][CENTER][COLOR=Indigo]As soon as Lady Death had come to them, even Connor could feel the presence. It was undeniably there, but hard to say exactly where until you saw her. When her eyes locked into his, he found himself unable to look away, and shivered as her mental voice spoke. Now he embraced Lyllith - Aimee - more passionately than ever before. He felt guilty making her leave behind her immortality, but knew they could be truly one now. Their love was no longer taboo. Death stood a few moments longer, a smile tugging the end of her lips. "Then it is decided, Aimee Taylor," Death spoke softly in an almost etheral voice, "Good luck, my child." Lyllith, to be called Lyllith for perhaps the last time, bowed her once more as Lady Death stepped back and seemed to fade away. Connor heard one last echo of Death's voice within his head, "You are a lucky boy." With Death gone, and the streets nearly empty, they suddenly felt desolate. Aimee shivered from the slight cold, and Connor held her more closely. Her human skin was familiar to him, though it was not Lyllith's skin, it felt warm and comforting. He looked down at her, and she up at him. Their lips touched gently in a soft kiss that seemed to last an eternity. OOC; I just remembered a Beatles lyric that fits this RP: Some kind of innocence is measured out in years, you don't know what it's like to listen to your fears.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I made two banners out of the pic of Chi, so witch ever one you like best! Haven't made an avatar yet, but I'll add onto this post's attatchments when I do. Hope you like 'em.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]EDIT: Ok, the avatar is up now![/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [QUOTE=Reise][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] But now it'll be 2 months this Friday, so it worked for me. Hope it goes ok with you[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER]Congradulations! Really, I'm not being sarcastic. That's touching. So far, all the suggestions have been good, except for wrist cutter(remind me to hunt wrist cutter down). Well, how long have you known him? Because if it's, say, several years that you've known him, it would be different advice from knowing him a few months. Anyway, wait for a time when you're both alone. You know, a nice quiet place. Or semi-quiet at least. Try to ask him out, but don't just blurt out "Do you wanna go out??" Lead up to it ex:"We've known each other a long time you know..." If you're successful with this, go on a few dates with him, or be around him more often than usual. When you feel you're [i]really[/i] close to him, ask him if you can talk for a minute. Confess your feelings then. After that, I guess you're on your own. I really do hope it works out for you ^_^[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  6. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=Indigo]"I know," Connor said just barely over a whisper. He felt like hiding in a hole somewhere for even bringing up the subject, but he looked into Lyllith's eyes. Even as Venessa, they were hypnotic... and beautiful. Connor gripped Lyllith's hand, half to comfort her, half to keep himself from breaking down again. He just wanted to forget the conversation had ever happened, but he had never had great control over his thoughts. She returned the affectionate grasp, a few tears sliding down smooth cheeks to fall off her chin and land on her arm. Conner's mind betrayed him, already trying to think of solutions. There had to be something or someone that would know what to do. His mind worked hard to think of such a someone, but he didn't know very much about demon affairs. "Lyllith," her name rolled off his toungue, and she brought her attention to his words, "maybe... how powerful [i]is[/i] Death?" Lyllith thought for only a moment, "Death... I doubt I've seen the real limit of her power." A few more tears welled up in her eyes, making it harder for Conner not to sob, "But Conner, I don't know... I don't know if even Death can do this. The Fates control everything."[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  7. [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Lyllith and Connor found themselves sitting on a bench on the sidewalk. It was a nice evening, and the passerby were few. They held each other's hand, fingers laced in the familiar fashion, and Lyllith leaned on him slightly, eyes half closed. Connor blushed and sighed silently. His moment of peace was interupted again by the nagging feeling... something he had to tell her... or ask her. but he couldn't think of what. It was important, he knew, but what [i]was[/i] it? His mind raced to find the answer, and realization came slowly. He swallowed and turned his head towards Lyllith slightly. "Love..." Her eyes opened and shelooked up at him, "Yes?" Connor took a deep breath and hesitated. Lyllith got a more worried look and sat up a little, "Is everything alright?" Connor nodded and tried to speak again, "Lyllith... how... how long..." He took another breath to reassure himself, "How long do demons live?" Lyllith looked confused a moment, wondering why he would ask. Then it dawned on her as well. Lyllith was near immortal. Conor was human. He would age and die, and Lyllith would still be there, her heart broken. He started shaking and looked at the ground, ashamed.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  8. [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOrange]David skipped happily out of class, despite the slight disappointment of not gaining Imric's affection. He shrugged and kept on down the hallway. He saw Imric turn a corner and sighed silently at how cute he was. But enough of thinking about Imric... David had spotted Nathan, who he had English with. Out of nowhere, he hugged Nathan from behind, again wrapping his arms around the taller boy's neck. "Hi Nathan!" david said in a sing-song voice. Nathan was shocked at first but then gave in and just let David hang on. "Do you always have to do this?" "Mm-Hmm!" David hummed his affirmation. Two girls passing in the hallway looked at the two and giggled to themselves, and David giggled right back. Eventually, David released Nathan and the two started for their class. As David walked through the door, he noticed Imric down the hall again. He paused a moment. He wanted to ask him why on earth he had asked a girl out, but thought better of it and procceeded into the classroom.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  9. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Gray]Alright! Two sign ups already! Very good, both of you. Well now, it's about time I got my own up. [B]Name[/B]: Aesirik (Subject01) [B]Age[/B]: Unknown - Looks anywhere from late teens to late twenties. [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Appearence[/B]: Aesirik stands at exactly 5'10'', with a build almost unnaturally even. His hair is a mix of dull, charcoal gray and shocking orange, and despite being a little messy, grows very evenly. His face is strangely ambiguous, though the genital area clearly shows he is male. His eyes are ever changing - when he is unconscious, they are a lifeless gray, but when conscious, they seem to change with emotion and other conditions. His skin tone is pale, but with a dark undertone, and smooth to the point where it could be mistaken for synthetic. It also seems to turn a darker shade of tan under direct sunlight. All along his body, dull silver 'scars' mark where the Jurn was connected with him. They form organic, and sometimes even intricate patterns along his arms, legs, and torso. If examined very closely, the marks have specks of color smaller then a piece of dust. As of yet, Aesirik has not been given any clothes, since he is kept almost constantly unconscious on a medical examination table. Unless you count the sheet covering the lower half of his body. [B]Personae(Personality)[/B]: In short, Aesirik is unresponsive. He observes rather than taking action. Since he is still learning how to interact with people, he may seem very awkward or odd sometimes. However, he does show signs of emotion. He becomes defensive of anything concerning the Jurn or it's complex. After being in long contact with different people, he shows signs of like and dislike. So far, anger has yet to be observed. It is unknown if he feels any physicle attraction to humans. [B]Bio[/B]: Nurtured for uncounted centuries in the depths of the Jurn. His past and purpose are all unknown to him and others. Perhaps it was the Jurn's purpose to protect him until humans arrived? Or did the Jurn create him? Aesirik doesn't know, but he feels somehow that he serves a deep purpose. Something important. Who can tell? I included a Bio for the hell of it. Just so ya'll know
  10. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=SlateGray]Within it's protective metallic walls, the [i]Jurn[/i] felt violated. The [i]Jurn[/i] sat nestled in the heart of it's complex, it's smooth, arching frame giving off a pale blue glow at seemingly random intervals along the structure. The glow had gotten brighter ever since [i]they[/i] entered, casting pale shadows on the dark floor before it. Now they peered into the [i]Jurn's[/i] own chamber, using their burning, violating instruments to open the door that had been the last barrier between them and the [i]Jurn[/i]. The glow intensified almost two-fold immediately. Deep within itself, the [i]Jurn[/i] stirred, releasing that which it had nurtured. A single curved tube, still glowing with blue light, jutted forth. As blue turned to yellow, pieces of this new development broke away, revealing what lie curled underneath. Aesirik dropped unceremoniously to the floor. Wires and mechanicle tubing were bound to every part of him, cutting through skin and binding to muscle and bone. A tube covered his mouth, a plate his eyes, and the rest formed organic patterns on his arms, legs- everywhere. His mouth tube broke away with a hiss, and Aesirik gagged and choked. a few seconds passed with no sound, Aesirik's body begging for oxygen, unused to breathing. Finally, he took his first breath and shuddered. Everywhere, wires and tubing began to unattatch themselves, fresh blood spilling onto the floor as they broke away. Aesirik wretched, his whole body twitching and writhing with pain. Finally, his body was bare except for the plate which still covered his eyes. Aesirik gasped for breath, still shaking and cowering in his own blood on the floor. [i]-Feel child-[/i] the [i]Jurn[/i] spoke to it's creation. [i]-You must do the works of [/i]Auhd[i] now child-[/i] Aesirik's shuddering calmed and he breathed more steadily, though his lungs still burned with the feel of air. [i]-Stand child-[/i] Aesirik cowered still. [i]-Stand child-[/i] Slowly, shakily, Aesirik got to his feet, hardly able to support his own weight. [i]-Your time of blindness is ended child- -See-[/i] The plate on his eyes loosened and retracted into the [i]Jurn[/i]. Aesirik's eyes immediately dailated, then returned to normal size. The light of the [i]Jurn's[/i] glow made his mind burn, flooding his senses. [i]-Aesirik-[/i] Archeologists and Scientists flooded into the chamber, eager to see what they had discovered. Aesirik stood defiantly, watching. ~~~[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrange]The basic plot: Obviously, this takes place in the future. Humans, upon discovering another inhabitable world like Earth, flooded into space to see their find. Soon after colonizing the planet, now deemed 'Terras', ruins and ancient complexes were found beneath the surface. But no signs of life. Even dead life. So now, they've found what they think is something significant. aesirik, though they don't know that is his name. To them, he is a discovery. Something to be tested and experimented on. How can he exist on an alien world? What are these marking on his body? What was the use of the room he was found in? Yet so far, no answers have been revealed to the eager humans. Aesirik is kept in almost constant unconsciousness. Scientists and doctors watch over him day and night. Is he human? Maybe. ~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]There will be some 'assigned' characters for this RP. You don't have to PM me to post a sign up for them, and if there are more than one, I'll pick the best. I'll except six people total. [size=1]Though I doubt I'll get that many...[/size] Characters: ~ Dr. Kessa - female - Currently in charge of 'taking care' of Subject01 (Aesirik) ~ Dr. Clemont - male - Currently in charge of tests for Subject01 (Aesirik) ~ General Hirkison - male - In charge of all military operations on Terras. ~ Heather Hirkison - General's daughter (female) - Learning biology from Dr. Kessa. Again, I'll pick the best if there are multiple sign ups for one character, and there is room for two new characters. A total of six people is the max I'll accept. ~[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]SIGN-UPS: Name: (If not assigned char., use normal name) Age: (be reasonable [ex: Dr. Kessa can't be fourteen]) Gender: Appearence: (no pics unless accompanied by a description) Personae(Personality): (No listing- be detailed) Bio: (For new characters only- Assigned characters do not require a bio) My character (Aesirik) will be posted soon. Hope you enjoy :)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Well that's a silly question for two reasons... 1) Love is love. Once you feel love, it's impossible to forget. Anything less than love from then on doesn't feel right, or whole. It's the [i]need[/i] for love. Addicted? In a way I suppose. You could say love is one of those natural highs. Ah, here's a metaphor for you: Love is riding a roller coaster. It gives you a thrill (though roller coasters don't give you that feeling of being close to someone...) but a roller coaster can also be frightening, or painful. It has it's ups and downs. 2) It's human nature to desire something that feels good. And Love, [i]real[/i] love, is quite possibly the best feeling thing on the planet. And I would know...
  12. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Of course it can! Just give all the sign-up people a good thwacking to get 'em back! ^_^ ~~~ Connor thought a moment. The memory of his sister was fuzzy - most of his were. Blurred by the constant pull of Nyler's curse for all those years. He could barely remember most of it. "She's... odd." He stared blankly at the pavement in front of them, remembering. Lyllith raised an eyebrow. Connor was silent a moment before continueing, "She would never... react. Especially when I was..." He trailed off and Lyllith knew what he was talking about. "She would just stand there... staring... like she was watching." He shivered with the memory of his sister's placid stare. He swalloed before continueing again, "She's a good kid... happy. But nothing ever bothers her. Like she's seen everything there is to see... like she's bored with it." Lyllith considered this, a concerned expression coming over her disguised face. Connor suddenly felt clingy and held her hand, gripping her fingers gently.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  13. [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Indigo]David peered at the note over Jamie's shoulder. "That's no fair..." he said quietly so Mr. Hogin wouldn't hear. Jamie once again jumped at the reminder of the boy's presence. David had a playful little frown and Jamie pretended to go back to her notes, quickly scribbling a reply. David put his head down on his arm and traced little designs on the table with his finger. He looked up at Imric, who was watching Jamie and waiting for her reply. He pondered over the fact that a gay boy had chosen to go out with a girl instead of a bi boy. [i]Oh well,[/i] He thought.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  14. [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Indigo]"He's cute." Jamie practically jumped. She had forgotten David was there. He simply smiled innocently and giggled at Jamie's slightly shaken expression. As the girl calmed down and stared after Imric, David fished his table of elements out of his backpack. It was a little sloppy... but at least it was done. Annoyed voices could be heard through the door as Mr. Hogin complained about Imric's late arrival. Jamie turned back to the table and sighed disappointedly, "Too bad he's..." "You mean too bad for [i]you[/i]," David cut her off playfully. He had his eye on Imric... then again, he had his eye on half the boys and girls in the highschool. Jamie looked somewhat less than amused, and David gave a sideways frown. "Aw, come on Jamie... you know I didn't mean it." The girl sighed again. "Come on, there are plenty of other guys."[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  15. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Indigo]David came around the corner to the trio's left, practically skipping. A small, loose blue backpack hung on his back. He saw Jamie Matt and Nathan and picked up his pace, already rather fast, to greet them. "Heeey!" He cried out in a ridiculously cheerful tone, his small voice thick with laughter. He nearly tackle hugged whoever he came in contact with first, who happened to be Nathan, flinging his arms around the other boy's neck. David's feet only barely touched the ground, half of his meager weight being pressed on Nathan's spine instead. "You three were amazing! How do you do it? It's just so cool...!" David started rambling on in almost a constant stream of words. Nathan tried awkwardly to un-cling the boy from his neck. Jamie suppressed a laugh and looked at Matt, who was in a similar condition. "... and you couldn't have done better! You must have won! You guys are the best...!!" Nathan finally relinquished David's grip and sighed, but nevertheless had a smile. David immediately flung his arms around Matt instead, and after succeeding in almost knocking him over, did the same to Jamie. The girl patted his head, trying desperately not to laugh. "We know David, we know! You said the same thing after the competition!" He still clung to her childishly, "I know but it was just so awesome!" Jamie rolled her eyes jokingly and successfully detatched David from her. "Come on you... first class is gonna start."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Blue]^__^ I call David! lol Name: David Kergan Age: 15 Gender: male Appearance: Short for his age, David stands at 5'6''. His build is small and looks fragile, but he is very flexible. His skin has only a hint of tan, and is very smooth- compared to most guys at least. David's hair is deep brown, appearing lighter in the sun, and although it hangs about his head in a mess, it's very fine- not a tangle to be found. His eyes are a nearly entranzing shade of blue, and show his emotions as effectively as the rest of his face. Speaking of which, his face is... 'cute' would be the best word. Childishly so, with big, curious eyes and a little nose. Normally, David wears a 'dark magenta' t-shirt that's about three sizes too big and hangs over his small shoulders. He also wears a baggy pair of blue jeans with a good number of scratched, faded spots and a pair of blue and white Addidas (shoes). During school, he wears an orange t-shirt under a blue cotton jacket. His pants are royal blue and come just past his knees. Personality/Character Clip: David is a fun loving kind of person, but does feel a bit awkward in big crowds. He enjoys flirting with both genders, always trying to make everyone happy. His temper is non-existent. There's no way to make David angry, but when he's sad or someone is being mean to him, he becomes shy and reclusive, a hurt expression on his face. He has crushes on so many people (both genders) both in and out of school, most of his day is reserved for playful flirting and teasing. Clubs Joined: Poetry & Newspaper[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=DarkOrange]Niko, formerly testing how far he could cross his eyes, snapped to attention. "A rival ninja challenges the Cookie Aveng-" "-.- You're not a Cookie Avenger yet..." Dobbel cut him off. Niko pause in mid sentence, cushy-bat pointed anti-dramatically at the door. Yet another bang sounded against it. "Come on, let me in!!!" Niko grinned maniacly and brandished his cushy-bat. "Die evil scum!! >..< HE IS EVIL NINJA!!!" Kitty didn't move and Niko flailed about hopelessly, "I WILL KILL YOU!!!!" He said half to Kitty, half to the stranger behind the door. Denshi watched it all in mild surprise. "Ummm..." Dobbel sighed "-__- They don't pay me enough for this..."[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  18. [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOrange]A pair of bright, ridiculously large, blue eyes peeked over the ladder. They shifted from sdie to side, searching for enemy activity. Dobbel looked questioningly at them. "Yes...?" The eyes fixed momentarily on Dobbel before disappearing with a 'swoosh' noise that sounded oddly like it came from a mouth and not moving air. Dobbel stared at the ladder for a moment. The eyes appeared again, slowly this time. Suddenly, Niko jumped up the ladder, yellow cushy-bat at the ready. "Freeze!!" "..." Dobbel stared a moment, "Why?" Niko was thrown off by Dobbel's obviously superior intellect. "Because... because..." "Are you here to sign up for the Cookie Avengers?" Dobbel questioned, annoyed. "YES!!" Niko pointed at him with the cushy-bat, witch looked odd as the bat was nearly twice his size. "I am NIKO! The greatest Ninja EVER!" "Uh-huh..." Dobbel said dryly. Niko was not detered. "And to prove it, I shall become the Cookie Avenger! For I am the Ninja!" He leaped onto the table, cushy-bat pointed towards the sky in a herioc posture. "Hey, get off my table!" "..." Niko considered this, "Ok." He promtly hopped down and took a seat next to Denshi, who looked at him curiously. Niko glared at Denshi menacingly, grinning and gripping his yellow cushy-bat menacingly. Denshi quickly looked away.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  19. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Connor almost sighed, looking apologetically at his mom and sister. He leaned closer to Lyllith, suddenly needing to be very close to her. There were several moments of silence, everyone thinking and judging their next action. "Let's... let's go." Connor finally spoke quietly to Lyllith. She nodded in agreement and they both began to turn around. Before they were out of sight, Lyllith flashed a friendly smile at Heather, who stared curiously. Connor's mother didn't attempt to come after them. Once again, the two found themselves walking hand in hand down a sidewalk. Connor's mind drifted to their passion in the forest and he immediately blushed, though still clung tightly to Lyllith. He glanced over at her like a shy boy admiring a crush. He wanted so desperately to tell her something, but he didn't know what it was. The affectionate words flowed irresistably from his mouth, "I love you." Lyllith smiled warmly and leaned a little on him, still walking. But there was still a nagging in the back of his head. He had to tell her something... just had to. "Where do we go now?" He asked to distract himself.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: >.< Agh, sorry it's been a while. Things have been chaotic. ~~~~~ Sefir was finally fully awake, after some careful urging from Ivan. Perhaps careful wasn't the word... "Did you have to zap me so hard?" Ivan shrugged. He had used what psychic power he could muster to jolt Sefir back to reality. "I wanted to be sure." He looked out a window, feeling restless. He felt they should be out there doing [i]something[/i]. "The Mystics accept new members, yes?" He asked without looking away. Sefir considered his answer a moment, "Yes. We need all the help we can get." Ivan sighed and turned to look at him. They were both sitting at a table, Ivan leaning back a bit in his chair. "Dead Moon has all but fallen apart." He said in a serious tone, "I can't remain neutral." He glanced at Sefir's face to be sure he was listening, though he knew he was. "I see." Sefir thought for a few moments. "Well, welcome to the Mystics I suppose."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Connor gulped nervously, averting his eyes from his mother. Meanwhile, the middle aged woman looked rather flustered and could only manage to speak an enraged, "Excuse me?!" Lyllith stared defiantly into her eyes, expression stern and unchanging. The human woman was at a loss for words, trying to give Lyllith a lecture, but unable to mouth the right words. She finally threw up her hands and turned around. Connor looked at Lyllith curiously, wondering what they should do next. A smirk lingered at the edge of the demoness' mouth for a moment before she turned to Connor. Her look told him she had it under control. His mother at last found her voice and went practically into a rage. "You, get out of my home! You have no right to be here, talking to me like that!" Lyllith's expression didn't change unless it was more defiant. "You have no right to control Connor's life. He's old enough to make decisions on his own. And you have no right to command me." The woman's face grew red, "You little brat! I have more authority over you than you'll ever have! Leave!" She was silenced a moment later. Lyllith's shirt disappeared and her wings appeared on her back, stretching to their full length. She gazed directly into the other woman's eyes, "Be quiet."[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Connor's face grew worried a moment. Maybe Lyllith wasn't afraid of his mom, but he would hate to face the consequences... his mouth turned back into a gentle smile. "Sure. Come on Love." He realised a moment later he had just called her 'Love' the first time. Lyllith smiled warmly and held his hand. Connor felt his face flush childishly as they walked inside and he squeezed her hand gently. It was absolute bliss just to be around her. Anybody with a little wisdom could see the love painted over his face. Hs train of thought brought him to thinking of other couples... human-human couples. His mind often went through thoughts very quickly, and soon he was thinking of the issues that humans had. He wasn't the least bit worried he and Lyllith would have to worry about those kinds of things though. Then the big one popped into his head... pregnancy. He nearly shivered and immediately tried to push the thought away, but it persisted. He calmed himself down; after all, they had only done it once. And could demons even have human children? Of course, all of this was thought in a rush, starting from when they entered the door to when they approached the specific apartment. As they neared the door, Lyllith squeezed Connor's hand affectionately as encouragement. He opened the door and immediately his mother was there, looking flustered.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: As you wish m'Love '-' .-. '-' ~~~ Connor breathed very quickly, hardly able to keep himself under control. He tried to calm himself, taking a deep breath and swallowing. It wasn't that he was doing this with a demon, he trusted Lyllith. These thrills were completely new to him. [spoiler]With another breath, Connor got himself calmed and kissed Lyllith's shoulder with a passion. His hands gripped her tighter as her own hands slipped further along. He almost felt ashamed, having to hold her so tightly, but a soft sigh came from the demoness. She enjoyed the embrace. Ever so slowly, she lowered her waist down to his. Skin touched sensative skin, and Connor found his breathing increasing again. She slipped down onto him in a graceful push. Both lovers emitted a short gasp.[/spoiler][/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Indigo]Rodney stumbled blindy through the impenitrable fog. He had long outrun the 'whisteling' creature, but he was scared and lost now. He had seen several parked cars on the side of the road now, but they all looked completely abandoned. He at last stopped to catch his breath and leaned on the wall of the nearest building. After he could breath steadiily, he looked up to see where he was. A sign above the building's door read 'Midiwch Elementary'. Yes, now he remembered this place. He had passed the school several ties all those years ago. Looking about one more time for signs of anybody else, or any more creatures, he stepped inside. He was surprised the door was open, though all the lights were out inside. He tried a light switch to no avail, and dug around in his pockets for a flashlight. Nothing. He would just have to get used to the dark. He walked down the entrance hallway, feeling strangely cautiuos. Everything seemed normal, but he assumed the though of an abandoned town and no lights was creeping him out. Rodney opened a door at the end of the hall, trying to make out anyhting in the darkness beyand it. Able to see nothing, he procceeded and froze. The walls, the floor, even the ceiling... all covered in red, black stains. Like blood splattered across the room that had long since dried and soaked into the plaster. This was getting weirder and weirder.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Connor's face flushed with heat, his hands running along the demoness' now bare legs. His breathing grew even quicker in anticipation, and his whole body cried out as her hands paused. This was his first time, and he was a little nervous, yes. But being with Lyllith made things come naturally. For a moment, his mind was thrown into turmoil at why she, who had seduced so many humans, would hesitant at that moment. However, his mind relaxed, knowing she loved him and he loved her. He didn't care if she took years, they were together at last. He gave into the desire to let his lips work around her throat. He almost began shaking with the thought of going through this with her. Half his young life, he had been plagued by images of rape and even more horrible things, oppressed by the constant urge to do so. He had never experienced love until now, and to be honest, he was nervous as hell. No pun intended. But he needed her... had to hold her, to love her. Nevertheless, he breathed unsteadily. He hoped she didn't notice. OOC: I guess we shouldn't go into great detail since we're on OB Love. ;; ~_^[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
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