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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: I'm pretty sure one of 'em is a guy SB. (Mind if I call ya SB? lol) ~~~ Ivan walked down a sidewalk, intending to go to the Chinese resturaunt he worked at simply because he had nothing better to do. He played with a cigarette in his pocket indesicively. He had promised himself he'd quit, but stress was, well, stressful. He spotted Yutarin and a couple of Mystics. His first thought was that he knew at least on of those Mystics, his second was wondering what Yutarin was doing. His keen, near-luminous eyes caught Alex stalking away. He hurried to intercept him and blocked his path. "What the hell were you doing?" Alex looked pissed off, "Nothing you should be concerned with. Now move." Ivan stayed put, moving in front of Alex when he tried to go around him. "If you were doing what I think you were, you should have no reason to be threatening Mystics." His eyes grew defiant. Alex glared at him and shoved him aside. "It's none of your business to tell me what to do." ivan stared after him a moment before approaching Yutarin and the Mystics. He nodded to Yutarin to acknowledge his presence and turned to Leya. He had met her before, as a Mystic contact. "I hope Alex wasn't too..." he noticed the small cut on Leya's throat, "...aggressive." [/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Andy stared into space at a street light. "Wh... what?" He spoke into the phone. Caly repeated, her voice cracking a little, "Ren's family, they're dead Andy. All of them..." There was another shocked silence. "H... how...?" "A semi crashed into them on a roadtrip... Ren's in tears... " the pain in her own voice was evident. Andy swallowed and took a breath. "You're still at the mall?" "Yeah... in the parking lot." "I'll be there soon." He flipped the phone closed and stared again. A honk from a car behind him tore him back into reality and he realized the light had turned green. Immediately after getting into the mall parking lot, Andy took teh first spot he saw and rushed out. He remembered they had all parked near the entrance... There they were. Even Gary. Andy would wait to ask why Gary was there. There was the more pressing issue. He ran up to them and paused a few feet from Ren, catching his breath and trying to comprehend still what Calypso had said. He turned to her a swallowed, "All of them?" Calypso only nodded gravely.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Connor's hands teased their way up Lyllith's back, ruffeling the fabric of her tank-top as they slowly slipped under. He was so smitten with her, so in love, that he didn't even realize or care that he wasn't removing his own clothes. He just needed to feel her. Seeing his attention was focussed completely on her, Lyllith slid a hand under his jacket and slipped it off of him intimately and efficiently. Connor's hands quickly took their place back on Lyllith's slender body. He worked her tank-top over head slowly, almost subconsciously. She shivered slightly and let it fall away, her own hands playing with his shirt. Her hand rested a moment over his heart. They could feel each other's heart beat, their life rythym, with Lyllith's hand over Connor's chest and her own chest against him. That moment seemed to last forever, and their hearts beat as one.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  4. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Rodney jumped as a stick cracked and some small animal dashed off into the brush. He shook his head. It wasn't like him to be so jumpy. He had only just arrived, parking his car at Silent Hill's eastern border, deciding it would be nice to take a walk through the forest path. He was beginning to regret his decision. It was strangely cold, and an eerie mist spread through the entire area. The perfect set up for a slasher flick, Rodney joked to himself. He came at long last to a paved road. The fog dominated even the street, and Rodney thought it best to stick to the edge to avoid being run over. A half an hour later, walking blindy through the mist and not having seen a single car, Rodney began to lose hope that he was even in the right place. But he could have sworn the sign had said 'Silent Hill'. Even the paths were how he remembered. He noticed something jsut beyond the mist and jogged up to it. A long wall of bushes, and a gate leading into it. He was at the waters edge, the park. At last something he could recognize. He stepped expectantly to the gate only to discover it locked. He should have known. He leaned on the bushes, discouraged yet again. [i]Free-eee-eee[/i] Rodney turned his head. A high, annoying sound echoed through the air. He could best describe it as a whistle, but it went up and down in ptch as if whatever made it was bobbing up and down. He peered through the mist. The noise got louder. A thoroughly indescribably creatur hovered towards him, obviously the source of the whistling. It looked almost insectoid, but reminded Rodney immediately of some kind of movie monster. Long leg-like appendages hung stiffly at it's sides, and it's 'body' spun vertically in the center. Whatever it was, it looked big, nasty, and unfriendly. Rodney ran in the opposite direction, wishing he had brought a gun. Not that he even knew how to use one.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. Muad'Dib


    [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I hope you'll excuse me if I'm getting a tad bit off subject, but I can't help but comment on some of the quotes from LizerisCnh's post. Interesting how these people who see themselves as rightious Christine people immediately call any other religion a tool of Satan. Though it may show they have a lot of faith, it also shows their own close-mindedness. Can they not even consider for one moment that there is more to religion in general than their own beliefs? Christianity was certainly not the first religion, and it's deffinately no more or less valid than any other. You could use the phrase "It doesn't matter what kind of faith you have, as long as you have faith." Not to mention you, Lizeris, made it perfectly clear that Wicca was more of a 'focus on inward strength' religion. Nothing about Wicca even [i]suggests[/i] it's a tool of Satan. What about Buddha? Allah? Are they forms of Satan as well? Hell, (no pun intended) who says Satan even exists? In a completely non-bias, realist point of view, all religions are a result of human nature (I say that as just another point of view, not neccessarily a fact). A lot of people never even consider the possibility that there is no real 'God' like power, or 'higher being'. It's entirely possible that each and every religion was created out of our human nature. What is there to prove any religion? In christiantiy for example, what proof is there that any of the Bible is true? Some event obviously happened, yes, but who's to say they happened like the bible says? It was, after all, made by people. A lot of people. Ok, that's all I have to say. I again apologize for going just a bit off subject. ^_^;; [size=1]Things like that just make me wanna say something...[/size][/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOrange]Andy took a deep breath and smiled. It hadn't gone so bad... considering he had sobbed on James' shoulder. Swallowing, he held out a hand to James. A little startled, James took the hand and they shook. It was brief, but honest. They released each other's hands and Andy stepped back, grinning. "No hard feelings James?" James smiled in a similar manner, "No hard feelings Andrea." Andy nearly cringed. "Could you not call me that?" James gave him a sarcsatic look that almost matched his own. "It's your name." Andy knew that James knew damn well what he meant, but shrugged it off. "See ya Mr. Ar- James." He waved and started walking out the door. Before leaving, he paused and looked back at James. "Oh, by the way, I'll get Caly down here later." He winked, "So no worries." James smiled again and waved after him. Andy wondered silently if James still felt anything for Caly or vise-versa.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Weehee, I'm here! God this is going to be fun... Name: Niko (Nee-koh) Age: 12 Gender: male Personality: Obsessed with, novice *scribble scribble* EXPERT in, and always thinking about the power of the Ninja! He's generally sociable, until he remembers he's a Ninja and goes, for lack of a better word, nuts. He's convinced that the power of the Ninja can beat anything, but he usually gets his butt kicked anyway. Appearance: No taller than three feet, with big, curious, cute-si eyes. He's always dressed in nothing but his ninja outfit. Little strands of orange hair stick out of his hood, getting in his oversized eyes. (Sorry it's so short, but everyone had pics and I couldn't find a chibi ninja =( ) Weapon: Yellow cushy-bat (nearly bigger than he is) Bio: He was born more or less normally... even though his mom was obsessed with fish and... well, anyway, that changed. He fell off of a conveniently placed cliff edge and hit his head on a cenveniently placed rock. After the conveniently placed mdics arrived, he woke up thinking he was the greatest ninja EVER!!!! He immediately grabbed the nearest cushy-bat and beat the medi- I mean, rival ninjas, to the ground. He procceeded to avenge his downed comrads, who never really existed, by annihilating the surrounding town. The damage resulted in a few angry shop keepers and a ten dollar fine. But Niko was not detered! He signed up for The Cookie Avengers to prove he was the greatest ninja. Of course, he has no idea he's supposed to be on a team. Usualy he ends up getting blown up while attempting to outwit the enemy with his ninja stealthiness. Speciality: Blowing himself up on accident.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Ivan watched Yutarin and Kitzume quietly, sighing silently. He wasn't annoyed, just bothered that things never changed. When they all eventually calmed down, they started talking. Most of it was about Dead Moon's future. They were still completely nutral, and some of the others were getting restless. "I had a sight earlier," Ivan cut in, dropping into his natural Russian accent for the hell of it, "Though it's probably already happened by now." The other three looked at him expectantly. "It was a Mystic, dead. Killed by a Crimson, or maybe somebody else. He looked foreign." Yutarin became attentive suddenly. "I saw him. He gave me this." He said, showing his wounded arm. Ivan went back into silent thought, considering this. Kitzume and Alex looked a little concerned, but not entirely worried. Yutarin wouldn't die from it. The conversation started up again. It became a debate on witch side, if any, they should fight for. Ivan spoke out again, "The Mystics would be the wiser choice. Their goal is pretty much only survival. We fight for the Crimsons, they overrun everything else and we lose." Alex looked at him questioningly, "Why do you favor them so much? You've been hangin' around with them to." Ivan only shrugged and waited for the conversation to pick up again.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Connor blushed a little, but was comforted in Lyllith's presence. He took a small step backwards, arms still wrapped around Lyllith, and leaned on the smooth side of a white, barkless tree. The trunk was wide enough to be almost comfortable to lean on. Lyllith stepped up to him, leaning her form slightly on his. "I missed you too Lyllith." He said her name like it was that of an angel. They kissed again, melting away into blissful oblivion. Connor subconsciously sank lower, until he was sitting on the soft grass a few fallen leaves, with Lyllith leaning on him, supoorted by her knees. Their kissing grew more passionate, and Connor shivered as the demoness' toungue touched his own. His breathing quickened, and he felt the pure need to hold her.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Teal]The group was, for now, as happy as ever. Andy was back to his sarcstic self, more or less, flicking tiny pieces of food at unsuspecting passerbyes. A few of the others thought it was a little funny until Raven finally cut in his fun, "Enough Andy, alright?" He grinned across the table at her, "Yes, oh wise master." Oddly enough, Raven and Calypso were on one side of the booth, with Andy and Ren on the other. Odd since Ren obviously had feelings for Raven, and Andy would pick sitting next to Calypso any day. Strange how things work out in the world. They all chatted off and on about pretty much random topics, just trying to get their minds off of everything. Andy avoided Calypso's gaze carefully, half from embarressment, remembering her kiss, and half from the fear he would do something stupid. A while later, Andy paused, thinking. A strange expression crossed his face and he stood up relunctantly. "Hey, I just remembered something... I gotta go for a while." ~~~ Andy stood at the desk of the hospital, leaning in to talk to the man behind the desk. "Um, is there a James Archer here?" The man looked through a list and nodded. "Down that hall, room 219," he said, pointing. Andy waved his thanks and walked down the hall, pausing a logn time at the door. He finally nudged it open and stood in the door, looking over at James nervously. He swallowed. "Hello Mr. Archer." He wasn't here to cause trouble. Only to... he wasn't even sure. To make ammends? To apologize? To plead with him? He'd have to wing it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Heehee, just imagine the smilie's going "I am not worthy oh Goddess" '-' .-. '-' ~~~ The world seemed to fade out and then blink away around them. Perhaps it was because both Connor and Lyllith had their eyes closed, but it was more likely a much deeper feeling. With every kiss, their lips seperated more relunctantly. Connor found he was breathing a little faster, the taste of Lyllith's lips lingering in his mouth. The hurt in Lyllith's eyes faded away slowly, the relaxed look returning. They both seemed like they were ready to try again, but Connor was struck with a thought. "Lyllith..." She came to attention, her eyes attentive. "I had a vision earlier... in the hospittal." The demon's eyes widened a moment, worried at what might have happened. "It wasn't another nightmare," Connor assured her, "But... I saw, a girl, or a demon... she was in soem kind of pain, and there were four others around her..." He gazed questioningly into her eyes.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  12. Muad'Dib


    [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][url]http://www.religioustolerance.org/wic_intr.htm[/url] Well, never got into it myself, and I wouldn't even know it existed if Delirium hadn't informed me of it. However, I found this site a long time ago. It has more information than you'll ever need to know on Wicca. It really is an interesting religion. Reading about it, it seems like there's absolutely no, well, how to say it, 'down side' to it. Anyway, hope I helped
  13. [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Yes master '-' .-. '-' (
  14. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Morganna... close to a classic witch name. Morgun... Le'Fay was it? Morgun Le'Fay... that sounds right. Ok, I'm rambling... old story. ~~~ A shiver ran down Connor's spine. He was lying in a hospital bed now, several bandages wrapped around his chest. There was something ethereal in the air, like when something malevolent is hiding in the shadows. He swallowed and hugged himself, tryign to thwart imaginary cold. He could swear he saw a light flicker briefly, but convinced himself he was imagining things. A flicker of blackness. Connor froze. He didn't feel like a nightmare was coming on... but something had deffinately forced its way into his mind. It flickered again, this time slightly longer. Connor got the smallest glimpse of what looked like... a girl? No, a demon. It must have been. He wasn't phased by the thought of demons anymore though, at least, not since Lyllith had shown what demons were capable of. Did that even count? After all, she was under a curse... The image flickered again, this time long enough to see movement. She was deffinately a demon, but in pain. Four figures surrounded her, one of them familiar. But yet it was still too fast to recognize. After a minute, it seemed to stop and Connor was left wondering what he had just seen and why.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I love metaphors. Anyway, this isn't 3D art or anything, it's three banners I made that go together. I thought the first one was kind of cool, so I made two more. Heh heh... Ok, C&C please![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Defiance-[/COLOR] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/Leto/Defiance-1.bmp[/img] [COLOR=Navy]Disorder-[/COLOR] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/Leto/Disorder-.bmp[/img] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Destruction-[/COLOR] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/Leto/Destruction-.bmp[/img] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]So what do ya'll think? Anybody? PS: If you really like 'em, I'll let you use one. Yeah right.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Teal]Andy held her as comfortingly as he could. Through a mix of James' blood stained form and Calypso's crying, he felt like all the hate and contempt he had felt for James were somehow forgotten. He had to restrain himself from crying as well, concentrating on comforting Calypso. After tending to several immediately treatable wounds, the medics lifted James onto a stretcher that was just barely able to fit in the small space. They carried the bloody man out to the waiting ambulence and climbed in. Andy gently urged Calypso to stand and led her downstairs and outside. A medic asked them if they were family and Andy shook his head. The sirens faded into the distance and Calypso's sobs grew even more instense. Andy hugged her tightly and made a gentle 'Shh' sound in her ear. It seemed to help a little, but Andy was at a loss. "Please Cal, it'll be alright... everything's fine now. We'll go see him later Cal, don't worry."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Teal]OOC: "Chris poked his head out..." Chris is a girl XD ~~~ Andy froze. He hadn't been crying, though he had to try hard not to. He sat in silence for a moment, debating in his mind wether or not he should even asnwer Calypso. He swallowed and stood a little shakily. Opening the door, a blush appeared on his cheeks and he said, "What is it?" His tone was strange, at least for him. It it was flat, hurt, and defiant without the slightest hint of humor. "Andy, it's Ja- Archer. It's serious Andy, I swear. You've got to come and help..." the desparity in Calypso's voice was almost heart-wrenching. Andy hardly moved, hands clenching the side of his shirt. He could think of absolutely no reason why he should give a damn what happened to Mr. Archer... but he didn't want to make Calypso even more upset. "Alright." he said after taking a deep breath. Calypso looked thankful, but couldn't think of anything to say. They both hurried off back to James' house. Andy paused at the door, considering what he would even do. At a desperate look from Calypso, he stepped inside, obviously getting silently angry at having to help Archer. Whatever was happening, he thought, he deserves it. But he owed it to Calypso... at the least, seeing Archer in some kind of pain might help Andy be able to forgive him.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Andy stood for a moment in numb disbeliefe. His hand rested frozen on the small red mark left by Calypso. He slowly came back to reality, letting his hand drop to his side and his entire form seemed to droop. "I... I'm sorry..." he said to the door, turning suddenly and walking away. He walked dejectedly in the general direction of his own home. How much more hectic were their lives going to get? The group was falling apart. Perhaps it was better this way... the killings would stop if they all hated each other. No, that couldn't happen. No matter how malevolent their intentions, they were all friends... they were the Chaotic Club. Briefly, Andy imagined stepping up to Raven and telling her he had another target for them. He shook his head and gripped his hair. He had to stop thinking like that. He looked up and realized he was at his own drive way. Sighing silently, he walked inside and ignored Chris, who was already home. He went to his room and closed the door behind him, sitting on his bed and hugging his knees. Calypso was right... he was just jealous... for as long as the group had been together he hadn't even realized it. He burried his face is his knees and ran his hands through his already messy hair. He was stupid to think Calypso would even have those kinds of feelings for him anyway. Nothing was right anymore. Everything was slipping into chaos.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Andy cringed at seeing Calypso so angry, but swallowed and looked her in the face. A voice in his head mocked him, 'Nice goin' genious.' "Look..." his eyes wandered again, too embarressed to look straight at Calypso. "This... this isn't..." Calypso practically fumed, staring angrily at Andy's ashamed face. His fists clenched nervously, gripping the sides of his shirt again. He was hardly able to finish a sentence. He closed his eyes a moment to try and regain his composure. Within his mind was a battle over what to say next. Line after line rolled through his train of thought, each rejected until one forced it's way out of his mouth, "Calypso, you can't do this!" [i]to me[/i], his conscence persisted, but he resisted it. His tone was a little more bold now, even hurt to an extent. "You can't do this with some twenty year old crush! He liked you artwork for God's sake Caly! Do you even realize that him doing this with a minor is considered rape even if you're willing?! ((That's true too!)) Cal, it's not... it's not..." his mouth wanted to say 'worth it', but his mind wanted to say 'fair'. He finally just snapped and almost broke down. "Caly, why... just..." his voice was pleading and hurt. He held back tears, wondering what the hell they were doing in his eyes in the first place. She looked apprehensive and he hoped to god that she didn't go back inside and leave him here.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Andy stared, blushing more than both of them combined. He watched them go up the stairs and started shaking badly. He stopped himself from putting a hand on the glass window as if he could go through it. Nothing seemed right. He sank to the ground and leaned on the wall. This couldn't be. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. Andy sat there a long time, eyes staring into space and hands gripping his shirt as a meager way to stop the shaking. He repeated constantly in his head, 'This isn't right, this isn't right.' Leading on to, 'It's not fair, it's not fair' and lastly, 'It's gotta stop.' He stood up relunctantly and glanced back in the window, knowing the two were already upstairs. He clenched his hands, trying to gather the nerve to do something. Anything. He gulped and tried to suppress his own blush to no avail. Deciding it was the only thing he could do, he stepped up to the door and paused a long moment. All he had to do was push the bell, and all this would stop. Just had to push that little button. But what came after that? What would he do? What was keeping Calypso from coming back? No, he must not think of that. Just push the button... push the button and everything's right again. [i]Diiinnng... Doonng[/i][/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]Ah, sorry Aqua, slipped my mind. I'll have Ivan have forsight. Thanks for accepting me ^_^ Hope this one turns out well![/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I am [b]so[/b] going to copy-right that name. lol [u]Name[/u]< Faein Blindsight [u]Age[/u]< 46 [u]Gender[/u]< male [u]Race[/u]< Part human, possible Elven lineage, and part Kharkien (animal people)(Thought to be something kanine ex: fox, wolf, coyote) [u]Position[/u]< Scout & Novice Ranger [u]Appearance[/u]< Faein stands at 5'9'' with a slender, flexible build. His skin tone is mid-tan with a slightest hint of a red tone. His hair is shockingly bright orange/red and falls down the sides of his head and face in disorderly bunches. He has deep green eyes witch reflect light in the darkness, giving another subtle hint to his heritage. His hands a slim and dexterous, his face still young looking (perhaps in his later teens?)because of his mixed ancestry. His ears only barely hint at elven and Kharkien blood. Faein wears a dark green cloth wrapped around his torso in a specific way so that it covers most of his chest and stomach. Over this is is a ragged dusty-brown article, too thick to be called a shirt and too thin to be called a coat, it splits down the middle and has long sleeves. His pants are a deep navy blue and fit loosely around his nimble legs, a long strip of cloth tied around them at his waist to secure it. He enjoys walking barefoot, but carries around soft, padded boots. [u]Weapon/Magic[/u]< He uses 'ambient' magic, or nature magic. (Carries long dagger just in case) [u]Spells[/u]< [b]Spectre[/b]: Uses natural energies to creat large, floating spectres to either scare or defend against enemies. [b]Meditation[/b]: Best done when near a lot of growing plants. Comes into deep contact with nature and 'goes to sleep' for a while to heal or think. [b]Growth[/b]: Can be used on any living object (most effective on plants). Causes a controlled outburst of growth from the lifeform that can be used for any number of things. [b]Misc. Spells[/b]: He can do a few odds & ends with his stored up natural energy, witch serves various small purposes. This is a unique one Steffy-saishu ^-^ Very nice work.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: T-T you people do too much without me... *sniffle* ~~~ Andy walked with his head leaning back on his folded hands, staring into the sky. For the second time that day, Raven glared at him, "Hey! Are you listening?" Andy didn't turn his head from the clouds, but sighed silently. "Yeah, I'm listening." Raven gave a him a curious look. "Come on, the last time I saw you this quiet was when you fell asleep in class." He shrugged, obviously in some kind of deep thought. Raven had told him how Calypso had acted after school ended. For the first time, sarcasm failed him and he was worried. "We've gotta do something about this." Raven looked back in front of her so she didn't run into anybody. "We might not have to. Mr. Archer got fired." Andy's expression became a little more worried. Not only did this mean they would have a crapy new Art teacher, but who knew how Calypso would take it? He still remained silent. He chanced a look away from teh sky and look ahead of them. Was that Gary? It didn't matter. He looked to both sides, realizing they were already passing by their former art teacher's house. He would have shrugged it off, but something caught his attention. When he stopped, Raven turned around, "What?" He didn't reply, but instead walked slowly towards Jame's window, glancing inside. He froze immediately. Raven got there a second later, "Andy, what are you..." She froze as well. Raven's mouth fell open and Andy just stood there blushing. OOC: I feel evil... besides, you were having fun without me! :p [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Teal]OOC: XD 'Tootles' Heeheeheehee! God my sister says that all the time
  25. [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Palatino Linotype][U]Name[/U]: Ivan Hedling (Ivan is pronounced the Russian way- Ee-vahn) [U]Nick Name [/U] (if any): Dust, Glow [U]Age[/U]: 19 [U]Gender[/U]: male [U]Nationality[/U]: Russian, American [U]Race[/U]: Psychic [U]Group[/U]: Dead Moon [U]Weapons[/U]: 8'' Dagger [u]Occupation[/u]: Usually doesn't have one job for over a few months- currently working in a chinese place. [U]Personality[/U]: Ivan is often silent and withdrawn, giving advice or input only when he needs to. In the right mood though, he can nearly dominate a conversation. Nothing misses his sharp eyes, but even if he notices something dangerous or interesting, chances are he won't mention it until absolutely neccessary. He believes everything has a purpose, but not that everything happens for a reason. His mixed philosophy seperates him from many people, but he usualy enjoys the solitude. Ivan is by no means the religious type, and usual finds some way to disprove any religion that comes to his attention. It's a habit in a way. He doesn't trust strangers at all, but will trust close friends with his life. [U]Appearance[/U]: Ivan stands at 5'8'' and has a build that suggests he spends a lot of time outside. His skin is a mid-dark tan with a light dusty undertone and most often dry from the weather or marked by dirt and scratches. His eyes are an unnaturaly bright blue, enough to earn him one of his nick names. His hair is naturally jet black, though seems to have faded into a dusty color in places; it hangs about the frame of his face in a frizzy mess. His face is capable of compassion, empathy, sorrow and a number of other feelings, but is most often solemn or thoughtful. Ivan wears very baggy blue jeans, faded from their orignal dark color into a lighter blue. He has a a plain white shirt that comes to a little down his thighs and pretty much hangs about his form, and a dusty brown jean-jacket with numerous pockets. His shoes are old and scruffy, though they still fit. [U]Bio[/U]: Ivan was born in Russia to a Russian mother and an American father. His father had come on a 'business trip' and his mother... even he doesn't know. For a good two years he was raised near Moscow, but there were complication between his parents and his father moved back to America... taking the child with him. Ivan grew up rather solitary, his Russian accent the victim of quite a bit of teasing. However, he was determined to at least make some kind of impact; wether it be on his friends, the nation, or even the world. At sixteen, growing weary of his father's addictive and adulterous habits, Ivan left home and found a part time job and a cheap apartment. Since then, his accent has coem under control, though he can speak in a lovely russian accent when he wants to. He joined the Dead Moons to be a part of something, but quickly grew sympathetic of the Mystic's cause. He tries to remain in contact with Mystic, and the only reason he doesn't join is because he still has friendly ties within Dead Moon.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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