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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]There was blackness again. Dark... but just... dark. Connor's eyes opened, but not so quickly. He took a few breathes, staring at the ceiling. For the smallest of moments, he forgot about what had just happened, and then everything came back to him in a rush. Connor put a hand to his head and sat up slowly. His lips still buzzed from the demon's kiss and he felt his blush grow in intensity. He saw her leaning against the wall, and his breathing evened out abit, though he still shook. Words completely failed him. What shocked him the most was the fact that not a single image flickered in his mind's eye. His head was oddly silent and calm, though a flood of questions rushed up to take the space. For a while he simply stared at Lyllith, seeing for the first time her hypnotic, gold eyes, her flowing black hair, and her perfect body. It was the closest thing to perfection the boy had ever seen. Inside his head, an inner voice shook it's head, saying it was impossible. Impossible to feel this way towards a demon. But Connor resisted it, she wasn't just a demon. She was [b]Lyllith[/b].[/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Connor stood completely motionless except for his near-perpetual shaking. Every few seconds, a black image would flicker and he would blink, or flinch as if someone were throwing something at him. He swallowed and tried to talk. failing once, he tried again, "What..." some of the fear was gone from his voice and it was now dry and scratchy from the previous events, "...what are you... gon...gonna do?" He had wanted to say, 'What are you?' but had decided the mysterious girl was somewhat likeable. She smiled, an expression that made Connor, and all of the terrifying visions, pause for a moment or two. The smallest of blushes, witch normally would have shone out against his pale skin, appeared on his face, invisible in the semi-dark. Without knowing why, he began explaining things in his shaky, dry voice. "They're always doing something... they always want me to do something. Terrible... things, terrible things. I can't.... I can't..."[/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][CENTER]Connor's heart beat faster and faster, like a scared animal trapped in a corner. With every step the two took, more visions of demons and inhuman tortures forced themselves into his head. "Stay away!" His voice was weak and shaky with fear, and his mouth trembled with the attempt to speak. The girl took a step towards him and he squeezed against teh wall as if it would slow her approach. "Please..." now his voice came in desperate sobs, "just stay... stay away!" He crumpled even further, his mind reeling with horrible images. He muttered half to himself, half to them, "[I]They don't stop... they never.... never will...[/I]" An urgency in his voice made it sound even more pitifull, "[I]Please, make them go away... make the visions go away![/I]"[/CENTER][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][CENTER]Conner stood up very slowly, almost falling over because his legs were shaking badly. He caught the edge of his bed and took a few more deep breathes before attempting to continue. He grabbed some clothes from under the bed and changed quickly, unsure as to why he was even getting up. He assumed walking a bit might help calm him. He eased the door open slowly, careful not to wake anyone else. As Connor stepped into the hall, he heard voices from down the hall. His first instinct was to back up against the wall and sink to the floor, afraid it was one of his nightmares. He knew it wasn't, but so many years of the horrors still made him jumpy. He traced the yin-yang sign on the floor, helping to calm himself. He felt himself wanting to go down the hall now, for no aparent reason. That was where the voices were, and that's where he wanted to go. But he didn't want to go, why? Of course he did. Why wouldn't he? Cautiously, and still trying to calm his shaking body, Conner started down the hall. He rounded the corner just in time to see a couple of teens near his age walk into another room. As he glanced at the two, a sudden image of... God knows what, flashed through his mind. This would have made him shiver at worst, but it immediately triggered a barrage of more nightmare images. It was several minutes before Conner could stop shaking long enough to stand.[/CENTER][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][center]Dark... not comfortable, bedroom dark, but eery, malevolent dark that seems to bear down on you. It remained this way a long time until images, quick flashes of motion and sound, seemed to burst their way through the heavy dark. Horrid things came and went, some too fast to recognize, but all groutesque or sedistic. Conner felt fear, lots of it. But overriding even this, was a sick sense of satisfaction. He crashed into reality and his eyes flew open. Everything was still dark, though the pale moonlight shone through a single window. He was breathing heaily, his hands gripping the sheets as if his life depended upon it. In the darkness, shapes and outlines of the aweful violations he saw still flickered in his eyes. He immediately sat up, clenching his eyes shut and holding his hands to his head. He shook uncontrollably, tiny whimpers sounding every time he exhaled. A long time later, he slowly opened his eyes and relaxed a moment, still shaking. He took a few deep breaths and stepped out of his bed. He knew that today would be bad. Every day ways a horrible experience for Connor, but this one was going to be worse. He couldn't tell how he knew.[/center] OOC: Reporting for duty Skye-saishu ^-^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Danny ran for who knows how long, until he was sure Jim couldn't find him. He slumped down next to a tree and hugged his kness to his chest. He cried silently, letting everything flow out. Losing Steffanie wasn't just losing a friend... she meant than that to him. After his eyes seemed to run out of tears, he looked up. Nothing had changed in his view. The same forest, with darkness just beyond his vision. It was ratehr serene, with the small sounds of animals all around him. He closed his eyes for a moment, listening. Something echoed, but not in the trees. He opened his eyes and blinked. It was familiar, but hard to recognize, like distant voices. His first thought was Steffanie. But what direction had it come from? '[i]Steff...?[/i]' He called as far as he could. There was no answer, even if she did pick it up. Something told him she did hear it though... like a ping on sonar, he could sense that someone had picked up the message. Someone very familiar and close. Without hesitatiing, he called out to Jim, wherever he was. "Jim! I... I think I found her!" He gulped hard and prayed he was right.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][b]So dark...[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]but my, what talent you have. [b]Name:[/b] Connor Hilder (just a coincidence that his name is the same as Imogen's last name...heh) [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] He is 5'8'' and very scraggely. His build is meager and weak, his skin tone a bit pale. His dull blue eyes hold nothing but repressed horrors and fear in their depths. His hair is night-sky black, and he lets it grow out so that it merely touches his eyes and hangs over his ears. A keen eye or a long examination can find some level of lost attractiveness in his depression plagued face. He has few clothes, and prefers his old, baggy, torn up clothes to anything new his parents buy him. One constant feature is the yin-yang mark. Whenever he is wracked fear or that horrifying urge (see bio) he sees the yin-yang sign as something comforting, symbolizing the balance of good and evil. It could be drawn onto his sleeve, taped to his jeans, or even carved into his hand if he's desperate enough. [b]Reason:[/b] Constant thoughts of unspeakable things, usually brought to him by dreams. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Conner was born into a normal family, with a normal father and a normal mother, and a normal sister three years later. He had always been a little on the depressing side, his counselors suggesting small doses of medication. Things took a drastic turn for the worst when he turned eleven, having just gone through puberty. His dreams began to take on a tormenting, twisted form, and his mind was plagued with these horrible thoughts the entire day following such nightmares. Over time, they grew worse... and more clear. He could distinctly see people in his nightmares, terrifying things being done to them. What shocked him most was that in every dream, [i]he[/i] was the one doing it. 'It' ranged from torture, to molestation and even rape. The rest of his life has been spent repressing the sudden urgent need to fulfill these dreams. He suspects it will be like this for many years to come. He has no friends, his family is growing distant, and suicide is looking like a good option at this point.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: Everyone always forgets I'm here :( ~~~ Danny walked blearilt down a hallway, not going anywhere in particular. He could hardly sleep with all that had been going on. Stress had always kept him awake. Now he simply tried to walk it off, turning a corner when he must and just looking straight ahead. '[i]Nathaniel[/i],' he said in his mind, '[i]Nathaniel[/i]...' Steffanie had said she liked the name, so he said it over and over again, trying to see what she may see in it. To no avail. For now Danny, [i]Nathaniel[/i] he told himself, would settle for his unofficial name. "Trouble sleeping Nathaniel?" The proffesor's voice made him jump, not expecting to see anyone. He turned to face Proffessor Xavier and smiled weakly, obviously not really happy. "Yeah..." He remembered his last talk with Xavier and blushed automatically, though he didn't think the Proffessor could see it. A scream resounded through the empty hallway. Xavier turned his chair around quickly and Danny ([i]Nathaniel[/i]!) was filled with sudden dread that soemthing might be happening to Steffanie again. He bit his lip and followed the Professor to the scource of the screaming. Jean was already there. Danny was filled with horror for just a moment as he saw sTeffanie in teh room, but quickly realized she wasn't the one who screamed. He walked over to her "What... what happened?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray]Jon tossed around in his bed for a good length of tiem before giving up. He tossed the sheets off of him and sat up, holding his head with one hand. No matter how sleepy he was, he couldn't leave this unfinished. His own thoughts seemed to elude him as he hopped down from the stiff mattress and walked for the door. But he knew what he was doing, somewhere inside, he knew. The hallway was nearly silent as usual, but the faint sound of music echoed from one of the doors. Jon ignored it for now and stumbled to the stairs, somewhat bleary from his brief attempt at slumber. Once successfully down the stairs, he looked around for Anna, his heart thumping a little more vividly in his head at the thought of setting things straight with her. He found her eventually, standing in an empty room as if she was about to leave. Words failed Jon for a moment, but he found his voice quickly, "Anna!" He blurted out, utterly aware of how pitiful he sounded. He walked up next to her, averting his eyesto one side or the other. "Um, listen, Anna..." She shot him a rather accusing look, but he didn't see it. "Yes?" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, eyes still focused on anything but her face. "I... about earlier... I'm... I'm really sorry... I didn't mean..." he paused a moment, thinking over his next few words, "I didn't mean to treat Lei like that... I promise." He glanced up at Anna's face hopefully, giving a weak smile.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Well, despite the fact that the 'prophesy' plot line is used quite often, this is very original in my opinion. I can see the Eflquest influence pretty obviously ^_^ (for those of you who don't know Elfquest, tough luck). I would imagine the 'dying out' lion-blood species and so on would add a little urgency to the plot, making it more or less fast paced. You did an excellent job describing (not to mention imagining in the first place) the different spcies and their heierarchy. I can't wait for the first 'chapter' to be finished. I would draw it if I was any good at it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray]Jon walked slightly grudgingly to the small set of buckets near the rear of the building. He scrubbed his hands free of dust and grime, using a little of the water to wipe off his face. He wasn't sure why he bothered. The dust and dirt would return the next day, probably in twice the amount. He turned to see Anna coming down the same way. The otehr two boys had already left and most of the otehr children were probably busy with their own business. He gave her a slight defiant expression, but he knew he really didn't want to. Inside he felt... odd. As if even when they disagreed with each other, he didn't want to be angry with her. Jon walked away before she could say anything, not really feeling like having a conversation. He walked past a small table where a few of the children were standing around or sitting on the floor, talking amongst themselves. He grabbed a small piece of bread from teh table, glancing around the room at the others. Seeing no one of particular interest, he stalked off again, heading toward the stuffy second floor. The floor was just a long hallway of old rooms used when the building had sstill been an Inn. He chose his usual room and sat on the stiff bed, munching on the bread in his hand. While eating, he thought yet again about his conversation with Anna and Lei's paranoid behaviour. He knew that Lei couldn't help the way she was, but still wished he could get her to try and come with them. Now he found himself wishing he could talk to Anna again- to correct the mistakes he had made in that short conversation. He always felt like this when they had a disagreement. It was similar to the feeling of not wanting to be angry. He threw himself back onto the bed, wrapping dirty sheets around himself. Try as he might, sleep didn't come easy.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Danny ran for Steffanie, not even knowing what had just happened. He knelt down next to her and held her, trying to stop the pain she was feeling. He sent wave after wave of telepathic calming, trying desperately to break through the girl's much stronger barrier. Everything he sent seemd to rebound back, echoing whatever she was feeling. '[i]Imric! Imric, we need you NOW![/i]' Danny couldn't think of anything else to do, so he yelled telepathically for Steffanies brother. He remembered what Imric had done back in the institute and rocked Steffanie gently, hoping that it would help in some way. Jean seemed to come back to her senses and ran over to the two, then paused, remembering the state Soulin was in. She couldn't leave him there, but Steffanie needed help as well. It seemed in just that one day, all hell was breaking loose.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Danny was dozing off, but kept himself awake to watch over Steffanie. He looked dow nat her sleeping form and found himself blushing. She was unbelievably cute when she was asleep. He sighed and leaned back in his chair, still tired after a night of shifting in and out of sleep. Every few seconds he glanced back at Steffanie, eventually forcing himself to look away. He couldn't stand it anymore and got up to sit next to her on the bed. He brushed a strand of hair from her face and let his hand rest on hers. In truth, he felt a little foolish, but her sleeping body was warm and comforting. Not to mention the cuteness factor. A minute later, Steffanie stirred in her sleep and Danny nearly jumped, ready to blurt out a stream of 'I'm sorry' and 'I didn't mean to'. He relaxed when she didn't wake up and blushed more than ever at the close call. "[size=1]Nathaniel...[/size]" Steffanie muttered almost silently in her sleep. Danny really did jump this time, but somehow didn't wake her up.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Danny had been wrenched out of a more or less sound sleep, several small objects in the room jumping as he sat bolt upright. Steffanie's nightmare echoed through his head in disorienting waves. He dashed to her room, Imric metting him along the way. ((To Delirium's post-)) Danny sat on Steffanie's other side, severely worried as the others were. Imric rocked his sister back and forth as soothingly as he could. She still cried, but the heart wrenching sobs seemed to lessen in intensity. Danny gripped the sheets of the disheveled bed, feeling awkward and useless doing nothing. He caught Imric's eye and the older boy nodded the slightest bit. Danny cautiously put a hand on Steffanie's shoulder, scooting closer. He tried to think of comforting memories and feelings, sending them telepathically to her. He could feel her heart-beat, a steady thumping resonating from her chest. The subtle vibration was soothing in a way, despite it's quickened pace in the girl's fear and despair.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Ah, very good. Sign-ups (as stated in actual adventure thread) are actually closed, but since it's not said here, I'll let you join in anyway. Let everyone else be informed however, that sign-ups are now closed unless given permission. One comment on teh bio... [quote]...tried to find a job but no one wanted a dirty little child...[/quote] There really aren't many jobs left in teh first place. Perhaps the guy who runs the train, and maybe a few people who fool themselves into thinking what they do is important. Just thought I'd say it. No real problem.[/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DimGray]For a full backstory and character info., view Recruitment thread. Sign-ups are now closed unless given permission to sign-up. ~~~ The train once again screamed to a brief stop, barely able to pull it's weight to move again. Jon, Anna and two other children - Michael and Ben - hopped off as soon as it slowed. A large '13' was painted in scratched, fading letters on the gray walls of the station. Again, it was completely abandoned except for the four children. They didn't give the bleak station a second glance, already familiar with it's colorless layout. Jon was the first to set off, taking a quick pace towards the wide arch into the street. Anna Michael and Ben followed immediately after, each taking their own pace. After several long minutes of walking the barely red-tinted brick roads, the group stopped in front of a mid-sized building, not in any way unique from it's surroundings. It was obviously familiar to them. As they stepped inside the rusty, tattered door, the four children were greeted by a warm smile and Jellah's enthusiastic hug. "Ah, you're back!" the woman's voice had a slight French-sounding accent. "About time too... all of you need your rest." Jon almost protested, pausing to think about what to say before blurting out a complaint. "Jhel, can't we go back to..." "Jon, please, you've already been to the water's edge twice in teh past three days." Jhellah cut him off, taking an exasperated tone for emphasis. Jon gave an awkward frown. "Ok."[/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DimGray]Wow... there's no other word to describe that sign-up. That was amazing Arika! Ok, now that I've stopped rambling about the exceptional sign-up, I'll be starting this either tonight (it's very late as I'm typing, so perhaps not.) or tomorrow. I have Monday free also, so if for one reason or another it's not up by then, it will be. Glad you all decided to join, and hope you can all find the time to post often and well. "Being pessimistic makes you a less hopeful person, but almost always a correct one." - Andy Bodine[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: Oh, sorry, I forgot they were newcomers Steff! ~~~ Danny tried desperately not to blush when Steffanie said she liked his name, and when Xavier led him out of the room, it was like releasing built up stress. He breathed out and his face turned undeniably red. For lack of a better word, he felt fuzzy inside whenever Steffanie made comments like that. Even if they were a little sarcastic. Professor Xavier smiled slightly, though Danny couldn't see his face. His thoughts were all too easy for Xavier to read at this point. "You have feelings for her." Danny looked up, startled. "Huh? Well, uh... I, er, I mean, she..." His face turned even more red if it was even possible. Xavier chuckled lightly and waved a hand at him. "Don't worry, your 'secrets' safe with me." Danny did his best to smile. Later he lay in his room, after Xavier had shown it to him of course. That was certainly an interesting experience. With nothing else to do at the moment, he practiced his shaky telekynesis on small object around the room.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: No problem ~_^ We'll keep it up... right guys? ~~~ Danny, or Nathaniel as his mother named him, sat in a hallway, head leaning against the wall. Several fellow students passed by, even Logan walked through once, but nobody noticed him. That's what he wanted now. Just to think for a while. He constantly wonderd if Steffanie was going to make it, but shook the thought out of his head. If she was doing that badly, Xavier would tell them... wouldn't he? Not able to stand it anymore, Danny stood and startled a passerby who hadn't seen him until he moved. Ignoring the surprised student, he made his way to Steffanie, tension within him growing with every step. He walekd into the room a bit faster than he intended, making some noise. He instantly noticed Xavier and Steffanie's half-awoken form. "Oh... I'm sorry, I..." Xavier raised a hand to tell him to calm down. "It's Ok Nathaniel, Steffanie is awake now. Come in." Danny almost cringed when Dr. Xavier called him by his real name. He was the only one that did. He walked cautiously to Steffanie's side, hoping he wasn't disturbing her.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Well well, looks like things are coming along nicely... I love Ruby's sign-up, it's amazing. People should use it as a guideline for any RP. No exagerating there. Ok, so everyone so far is accepted, though if I get a lot of sign-ups that are much better than existing ones, things might change. But that probably won't happen. *sigh* If only every sign-up were as detailed as Ruby's. Ok, it's about time I posted my own sign-up... Name: Jon Age: 11 Gender: male Personality: Jon still holds on to a childish sense of wonder and hope, though his mind is maturing to the point where he realizes chances of anything good happening are slim. He likes to sit and think sometimes, but he derives more 'joy' from talking to the other children. Conversation comes easy to him, though it's usual about something trivial, like the sun or stars or some unexplored part of the city. He will try to comfort some of the other children, after all, they're all he or any of them has. Jon has a soft spot for Anna, and worries a lot about Lei. Appearence: Jon has a rather meager build, like most of the children. His hair is dark brown and unkempt, usually getting in the way of his eyes, witch are dull blue and having a slowly fading spark behind them. His face and hands are never clean of dirt, scratches, and the like. His skin tone is a very light tan, and only because he likes to explore the city. Jon wears relatively simple clothing that looks like it was woven together with a bunch of similarly colored strips of cloth. There's a gray 'shirt' that's particularly thick around his neck and shoulders, going all the way down his arm and ending just above his waist. His pants are loose and brown, torn and dirty from his explorations. He almost always wears a black-gray 'cap' that fits snuggly around his head like a modern day 'stretchy beanies'. Lastly, a pair of beat up shoes of undeterminable brand or type. Bio: Jon never had the pleasure of meeting his parents, and mostly wandered the streets before Jhellah found him. At first he was apprehensive and wary of the woman, but slowly grew to like her. He seemed to be naturally more ambitious than the other children, and constantly tries to convince them to go wandering with him. He knows this section of the once grand city like the back of his hand, and is always looking for a new place to map in his head. He's met a few people on these trips, but almost never seen them more than once. Having gone through puberty not too long ago, his behaviour can be odd sometimes. He's always been friends with Anna, but new feelings are confusing him, as uneducated as they are on the subject. Any Rescources: A good memory of a majority of the surrounding area. Well, we have someone who's going to sign-up as Anna, though if someone else wants to ask and makes a better sign-up (mind you a [u]much[/u] better sign-up) then feel free to do so.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray]Ok, good, good. So, here's who is accepted/ not accepted and why. Don't stop reading if you see your name on the not-accepted. There will most likely be a fixable reason. Accepted: yotska Not-Accepted: Attimus331- Reason: Two things, 1) The appearence should be more detailed, as in tell more about what he actually looks like, not just clothing. Ex: eye color, hair color, height, etc. 2) His special skill. Premonitions to the future? Sounds a little magical. None of that stuff please. Icarus2k- Reason: A crucifix that turns into a knife... not too bad, but perhaps a little extreme. You notice that under the PG-14 rating, there's no 'V' for violence. I don't say this for yotska's pipe because it only implys defending. Ok, no time to post mine now, but it will be here soon.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][center]Indeed it was a dim city, if indeed you could still call it a city. The bodies of the dead and dying strewn about the outskirts, rolled there by those who still clung to their bit of dignity. There was a stench throughout every desolate road of stail blood, urine, and sweat. The ruins of once graceful, imposing buildings make a painted shadow across an evening sky. There was a lack of color. Nothing, no matter how vibrant, seemed to have any quality of shade or tint. "I could... you know, I could show you..." The man's voice was slurred with drunkeness. It was muffled by his clothes, bunched up as he slid to the cold, stone ground. "...what it's like... you know... whatever." His words made no sense to the small girl staring absently at his disheveled form. Her eyes were curious, but uninterested in the drunk's words. "Anna! The train!" The voice of a boy, no older than the girl, rang through the nearly empty streets. His form poked out of a big arched passage; the sound of screeching brakes echoed from within. Anna stared a moment at the man previously occupieing her attention and turned on her heel to run for the archway. It was gray. Like every building for miles, it had lost all sense of color. Years of oppressing dark ages had drained all will to strive for anything more than this bland reality. It was all any of the new generation could hope for. The boy stood at the edge of a rail-way track, watching down the rusty tracks. He turned to Anna as she jogged into the room. "Come on, it's almost here!" The rest of the station was completely empty, except for two other children near them. "Jon, where does this one go?" Anna came to a stop next to the group of three. Jon checked the tracks again and said in a less hurried tone, "To thirteen. We can get to Jhel from there." Anna glanced out at the fading sky. "Jhel will be happy we made it so fast." Part of her words were drowned out by the screaming of the train's brakes as it slowed to a halt in the station. It stopped only for a moment, like a busy man paying his respects for the hundreth time and going on his way. The four children hopped on the broken down car that stopped in front of them, having just enough time to grab the edge of a wall before it sped away again. Jon smiled with childish satifaction. Anna looked back as the train shot forward, waving at the station they had just left. The other two chatted among themselves, eager to join the other nine children in block thirteen. ~~~ [/center] There's no distinct background to the history here. It has been lost in the years of cultural depression. The location, however, is somewhere near Paris. Or what used to be Paris. The technology is primitive at best. The most advanced guns in existence are single-shot, inaccurate rifles. And only the elite of the practically non-existant military would have them. Not that anybody would need one. Think of the Dark Ages. No technological advances in years, everyone's depressed. Everything is desolate. You will play one of the thirteen 10-12 year olds born in this nameless city. You are brought together by practically the only person that still cares for the new generation, Jhellah. She's in her mid twenties, and gathers children on the street to give them a chance. They all live in an old run down Inn, free to go out and explore the city, as long as they stay together. But life in this city is getting more oppressive than usual. The weight of countless years bears down on every citizen. There are rumors... of a nation across the sea. They call it the land of the free. Perhaps someone could finda life there. But how to get there...? SIGN-UPS: Name: Simple; nothing with more than three syllables basically. Age: 10-12 Gender: male or female. Personality: Keep it only slightly hopeful. Remember what they've grown up in. Appearence: Not too colorful. Detailed please. Bio: Not much to tell, so fairly short. Any Rescources: Any special skills or connections. Again, keep it simple. Any sign-ups not up to snuff get denied. You think you deserve to be in it anyway, PM me and redo your sign-up. No guarantees. I will be playing Jon, as mentioned above in the back story. And just for the heck of it, ask before signing-up to play Anna. No one plays Jellah. I'll control her myself.[/color]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Here I am! So the rest of ya know, I got her permission to be the friend character. Name: Nathaniel "Danny" Fern Mutant Name: Nerve Mutant Ability: Slight telepathy, telekinesis, 'mind evasion' (explained in Bio). Age: 13 Gender: male Appearance: Stands at 5'9'' with an average teenage build. He has bright blue eyes that may change very subtely from time to time. His hair is nearly black and he lets it grow out a bit. His face is rather innocent, though well on it's way to being a 'young man'. He prefers to wear a gray hoody with a big yin-yang symbol on the back, and a plain white shirt underneath it- Baggy black jeans, worn down and accidentally washed too hard a few times to make the black color fade a bit- blue and white Nike shoes with parts of the rubber underside peeling off and a dark green bandana he likes to wear around his forehead sometimes. Personality: 'Danny' always tries to look more or less on teh bright side of his life, but usually ends up remembering the bad parts. He does his best to be friendly to others, and- like any other teenage boy- can be a little awkward around girls. He's very defensive, but tries not to let it show too much. When he has a problem, he'll mostly keep it to himself. If he does tell anyone, it's probably Steffanie or her brother. Biography: Nathaniel Fern was born a more or less normal child. He never saw or knew his parents very much, as they were constantly away on 'Business trips' since he was a baby. Most likely, the real reason they were away so much was to hide from the child the fact that he was a mutant. His 26 year old cousin took care of him most of his life,so she was more like a mother figure to him. He never really liked his name and started calling himself 'Danny' at school. He got along pretty well with other people and had at least a few friends up until 6th grade. A dare from one of his peers to talk to what most considered teh school outcast changed his life. Quite literally. The dare was a bit more specific, but Nathaniel/Danny can't remember what exactly it was anymore. The importantt hing was, he found that Steffanie wasn't as bad as they made her out to be. He abandoned his friends, since they would never understand a person like Steffanie. He was her friend from then on, and even bonded a little with her older brother. f course, the thought of being something mroe than just a friend of Steffanie's has crossed his mind many times, he would be too embarressed to ever admit it. And of course, it happened. Danny fell out of their favorite climbing tree, and- stopped in mid air? They found Steffanie was telekinetic, and after several hours of curious experiementing, discovered he and her brother were as well. They all, of course, had their unique abilities. Danny eventually discovered he could become effectivaly 'invisable'. Other people simply wouldn't notice him until he wanted to be noticed. He had in fact shown the trate since he was small, but only realized it now. People would walk right past him, even step around or over him as long as he didn't want to be seen. Strange indeed. They were attacked. It still seems a slight blur to him, but Danny remembers that these... clones, seemed very interested in Steffanie.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: Ya know what, I'm sick of this... I tried, but there's no denying it... I hate you all, except Delirium of course. Deimos and Kayin, I have to admit, you did pretty well, but everyone else (besides Delirium again, lol) is a noob. If I offend anyone, tough. You can bitch about it through Pm, and please do if you feel like it. But I would like to ask, if it's not too much, and since it is my RP, if any mod could close this thread? Before my dignity disappears completely? Of course, now the mods will probably lecture me about being polite... and I shall listen, as I mean no offense, but I can't stand it anymore. It's driving me insane. If I've ever been truly disrespectful, it's now, and I don't care if anyone (including mods) holds it against me, but know that I never intend to talk like this about other members again. Thank you, goodbye. If you must keep on RPing, make your own recruitment thread, cause this is no longer my RP. And I don't want it under my name either. However, if you claim the idea as your own, you're going down. Have a nice day.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Hey buddy, you wanna mush those into one post before the mods get ya. Double posting's not aloud, remember? Anyway, the first and second ones are incredibly good. There's detail, but not so much that it makes it look smushed. The third is better than I could've done, but isn't all that great. (heh, no offense). For one, it's small. lol. Second, it looks crayon-ish... kind of... but it's just a character idea, so it's not too bad. Remember, you can put more than one attatchment into one post.[/COLOR]