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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Well welcome back ultimamilz... or should I say, Ares? *bum-bum-BUM* Alright, anyway... concerning the people who have signed up since my last post: Good job, though I must stress one thing. I see a few hints in some of your sign ups of 'modern' type things. Example: Blue jeans, hodies, etc. You're all in if didn't intend the said parts of your sign up to be modern type, but please edit them if you did. God, I am being picky... bleh. Ah, almost forgot. Deimos, excellent sign-up, but his mental abnormaility is a bit too close to a magical power. I should have said the same for Inu-fandom, but what's done is done. Something a little less drastic please.[/COLOR]
  2. Muad'Dib

    Misfits [R]

    [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Faerin only glared again and started to turn around. Weylin seemed to be a little overwhelmed, but quickly regained his composer. "Ah, let's not have any threats now, yes?" Weylin certainly spoke strangely enough. He cleared his throat and motioned for them to follow, "Yes, this way, come now." Faeriney glanced back at the other two once more and turned to follow Weylin, wrapping his cloak around him again. Kylar looked from Weylin and Faerin to Takahiro and Sora. "Well... it was nice meeting you." She hurried off after Weylin. Takahiro followed also, looking like he could care less about Sora. "Hey," he ran up to Faerin," You didn't answer my question." Faerin stopped in his tracks and whurled around to face Takahiro. "You don't look like one of us. Someone like you shouldn't be here." He was tempted to threaten him with his knife, but turned back to follow Weylin instead. "I am one like you." Takahiro said, his voice still completely devoid of emotions, "You may not notice, but my ey-" Faerin walked a little faster and cut him off without turning, "I don't care." He was next to Kylar now, who glanced over as he walked up. "You don't have to be so angry. We're all like you- outcasts." Faerin looked over at her, wanting to walk off and ignore her. His eyesmet hers for a brief moment and he quickly looked ahead again, Weylin leading them on without looking back. Sora followed at the end, feeling he should follow them. OOC: Not to be picky, but you really must take into account how other people's characters act when you post Inu-F. Takahiro is supposed to be emotionless, yet you had him angry. Things like that can mess up the RP. Sorry for being a jackass about it, but it can tick people off.[/COLOR]
  3. Muad'Dib

    Misfits [R]

    [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: Inu-Fandom, You need to go back to Recruitment and add a country to your sign up as I asked. Until then you're not approved to post. Sorry. Oh, and when you do add that, be sure to type with capitals. Thank you. ~~~ Faeriney followed Kylarvi, or Kylar, into the school, not even sure why he had spoken to her. He almost never spoke to anyone, but he had given her his name without thinking. Maybe because she was... no, it's just that he wasn't used to being around his own 'kind'. He absently walked behind her, glaring at the surrounding walls as if wary of them. Kylar glanced back at him, walking backwards to face him. "So where are you from?" Faerin glanced up at her, stray hair hiding most of his green eyes. "[i]Thura'Kai[/i]..." he added as an after thoguht, "That sands to the west." He tried his best to ignore her as she spoke, and continualy wondered why he talked to her without hesitation. And no matter how he tried to distract himself, he kept seeing her face. Another person came down the hall from the other direction, a smile spreading across his face when he saw the two. "Ah, new students, yes?" The man was obviously one of them, with patches of rough greenish skin spread throughout his body. "I am Weylin, follow me, yes?" OOC: By the way kitten, nice prediction of how Faerin would react ^_^[/COLOR]
  4. Muad'Dib

    Misfits [R]

    [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Faeriney stood alone at the top of a barren hill, reminding him of his homelands dunes. The area was certainly bleak enough. Rough wind flew around him, blowing his hood back and whipping his oddly tinted hair. His eyes were fixed on the vast valley below, where a pitiful city was starting to spring forth. The buildings were all either half complete or half torn down due to poor craftmanship. One structure, however, stood tall amidts the veritable ruins surrounding it. That must be the school the people had been chatting about. Faeriney didn't see any point in turning around now, so he began the walk down the sun-scortched hillside. He held his cloak around him, shielding from the winds and shutting himself away from the growing number of people at the same time. He didn't see any way all of these outcasts would be able to work, much less live together. He made his way to the 'school' as they called it, standing in front of the massive front door. Sounds of chatter could be heard inside over the winds and talk of the crowds. Faeriney shook his head and entered, resting a hand on his knife inside his cloak. OOC: For full backstory, see the recruitment thread.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Well, very good all of you. lol, especialy you, my kitten ^_^ However, there are no guns Kayin. I should have made that clear, but I thought the magical, primitive setting would make it obvious. I'll start this up as soon as I get the chance (witch should be soon) but sign-ups will remain open. Thanks for joining ^__^ NOTE: Please be very mature with this RP. It's by no means comical or childish. Have fun. EDIT: Oh and the last person who signed up (sorry, can't see your screen name from here) needs to include a counrty.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garren swallowed hard, hoping one of his worst fears hadn't become a reality. He followed Arunue and Toshi as silently as he could, surprised by his own stealth. He noticed something else... every shadow, every bit of darkness was completely visible to him. He had been to disoriented to notice it earlier. Yet another thing he would have to wonder about until he had the chance to ask. It was a long walk, and it seemed they were having trouble finding the others, even though Arunue could track their energy. Garren continued behind them with ever growing worry, concerned that his stalking ability would slip up if they kept going. But that was the least of his worries. First off, what [i]had[/i] happened to Kano? In the short time he knew his son, he had been very attached to the child. Second, the question that still burned in his mind, why was Arunue acting so strangely? He had loved her for years... and he had almost always been able to bring out her good side if he tried, but she seemed different now. Distant. If she didn't love him anymore... he didn't know what he would do.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Oooo... purple... *cough* Anyway... Even if it's not 'showy', the image and text placement is very well done. The lines are all great, except a few of them block the eyes of the taller character. It is a little pixely, but you only notice when you stare at it... ... ...Ok, enough staring. By the way, do you know what the image is from? Cause I could swear the character looks familiar...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Gee KotR, thanks for ruining our happy little fantasy. lol I would probably stalk some famous director or author... like Stephen Spielberg or R. A. Heinlein. Why? Because those guys are cool. The imagination it takes to write a fantasy (or sci-fo) novel, or direct a film is something I admire. Oh, and of course I'd stalk Delirium (OB member) so I could see her in person[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]
  9. This RP is rated R as a precaution. Violence, blood, sexual situations, etc. [b]may[/b] occur, but are not guarenteed. [COLOR=SlateGray][CENTER]In the years following the rise of Entuel Rignon as king in the West, things began to stir up in Gellia. Gellia was still dependant upon Western independant tribes to provide them with valuable minerals and salt from the desert. A single unit of power was threatening to the steady flow of materials. The Easterners to the south of Gellia felt little pressure until the Westerners, now called The Kingdom of Enton, moved eastward to claim neutral grounds between the three countries. Rignon was a powerful speaker, and an equally powerful force. The people of the west followed almost without question. Several nomadic tribes broke away when he made the decision to move further into eastern lands, cutting into the eastern people's country. The Easterners warned the Enton forces to withdraw, but Rignon continued to press forward. About the same time, all trade with Gellia and Enton was halted, and Firleng Haltinon (the Gellian Emporer) took immediate action to persuade Rignon otherwise. When reasoning failed, Gellia put limited forces past neutral land and on the Enton border. To make a long story short, Haltinon ordered all forces to press into Enton territory until Rignon gave way to their demands. Imagine the superior Gellia force's surprise when they were out-classed by desert raiders. Furious, Haltinon ordered a full scale assault into the desert. Troops hurried into Enton territory, but died off quickly in the barren lands. The true location of Rignon's capital were unknown to all but it's residence. There were rumors it was all made of tents, and the city would move every month. Meanwhile, as Enton forces continued their march through Eastern territories, the United Council of the East ordered all Eastern forces to attack Enton troops on sight. Small skirmishes were easily won on their homelands, but many Enton troops lay just beyond eastern borders, in the half desert of the neutral lands. Still holding a grudge against the arrogant Rignon, the council odered more forces into the neutral lands to eliminate Enton forces. To make a long story short yet again, choas broke out. All seemed lost to every side until one man suggested to the Easter council a new type of soldier- [i]magic[/i] enduced 'super soldiers'. The East went on the offensive again, easily wiping out full Enton forces with only a few magic soldiers placed in each group. Word caught on to Gellia, and they imployed a siilar trategy. When Rignon recieved word, he was furious. He immediately ordered hundreds of soldiers to be magically altered. The war continued for many more years until the truce made in the Centrali year after Rignon died. Through the years, the magically enhanced soldiers reproduced among themselves, every generation being less and less acute in their abnormalities. Only in recent generations have they lost all magic abilities- but the mark of their heritage is still clear. These magic descendants were looked down upon by every country, shunned from every city. They served only as a burning reminder of the long brutal war. Now they live as outcasts, scorned by society further for their ways- the ways witch were forced upon them. However, someone has a soft spot for these outcasts. Someone, unknown to anyone but himself, has made a place for them and them alone. In the center of the neutral lands, right in the middle of a wasteland, a new city is springing forth. It is still small as word catches on to more and more of the soldier's descendents. One structure in particular draws attention- a school. A school for outcasts. ~~~[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Here's the score- you will play an outcast- a misfit- from one of the three countries. You are young enough to attend this strange new school, and decide (or maybe forced) to go. It is about rising above challenges, learning to stand up for yourself and back down when you must. SIGN-UPS: Name: make it creative Age: between 13 and 17 Gender: male or female- easy enough Country: West (Entol fell when Rignon died), East, or Gellia Unique~ (Every outcast has one thing unique about their physicle form witch makes them stand out as a soldier's descendent. Each outcast also has one 'mental' abnormality that may remain unknown except to themselves) Physicle: Mental: Description: What do they look like and wear? Personality: How do they act? Background: What's been going on with them so far? Here's mine- Name: Faeriney (fair-in-ay) (prefers to be called Faerin or Fae) Age: 15 Gender: male Country: West Unique~ Physicle:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Blue skin[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Mental: All of his emotions are nearly doubled in inensity. Description: He stands at 5'8'', short for his age. His hair is 'brown' but seems lighter and bluish due to his skin. His eyes are a lovely shade of greem, standing out on his blue complexion. His build is tough, dexterous, and slender. He wears a dark tan colored, long sleeved shirt, a lighter tan hooded cloak over it to protect from the western sun, loose brown pants and sand-proof boots. He also wears fingerless gloves to protect against rough rocks and sand. Personality: He is fiercly solitary and doesn't act well when grouped. His solitary nature makes him sometimes agressive towards others, amplified by his emotional abnormality. He usaly shyes away from relationships with others since he has never found anyone like himself as far as appearences. He believs hat no one really appreciates him, even if they say they do. Background: Faeriney was born among one of the independent tribes in the West. His father left him at a young age to go with part of the tribe that was breaking off from the rest. His mother died of a disease when he was ten. Unable to bear the stress of the constant abuse from other people in the tribe, he abandoned them when they neared a small city. He lived as an outcast in the desert town for a long time until someone caught word of this strange new place in neutral territory. He stole a desert knife and went of his way immediately, thinking anything was better than this life.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Yay! People like my art! lol Anyway, not all of them fit OB banner limits, but I try. And if you're wondering why most of them are about video games, it's because I can't think of much else to make them about. I always like to have some kind of caption or script in them, but can't always figure out what to make it... Anyway, here's anotehr Silent Hill banner. (Man, I've made a lot of those O_o) [img]http://origin.midaddle.com/adView.aspx?requesturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pix8.net%2Fpro%2Fpic%2F4728Ev1Ek%2F68517.jpg&mac=7cdbb8ae[/img] I actually used three different color effects to make it look like this, so it resembles something you would see in Silent Hill. PS: I'll try to remember to put borders my little kitten...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]It's Photoimpression 5... actually, it came free with a digital camera my mom got, so I'm not sure how high it is on the scale of good paint programs. But it works for me, so I'm happy. Thanks for your input Kayin, oh, and it's Orta, not Orca ^_^ lol[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Yeah, finally got something better than the default Paint. So, now I can finally make [i]good[/i] banners. I would appreciate some C-C [img]http://origin.midaddle.com/adView.aspx?requesturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pix8.net%2Fpro%2Fpic%2F4728Ev1Ek%2F67303.jpg&mac=7cdbb8ae[/img] This one is from Panzer Dragoon Orta- I liked the embossed effect. I tried to make a similar banner on paint and failed. [img]http://origin.midaddle.com/adView.aspx?requesturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pix8.net%2Fpro%2Fpic%2F4728Ev1Ek%2F67304.jpg&mac=7cdbb8ae[/img] This is also one I tried with paint, but it looks so much better now. It's from Silent Hill. [img]http://origin.midaddle.com/adView.aspx?requesturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pix8.net%2Fpro%2Fpic%2F4728Ev1Ek%2F67305.jpg&mac=7cdbb8ae[/img] This one is from Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. It features the lovely NanoMED device! ^_^ If you can't read the small text, it says, "NanoMED plus- We treat you right when the world treats you rough!" Please comment![/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garren kept close to Arunue, being as comforting as he could be. " 'Runue, come on, what's wrong? I can't remember the last time I saw you..." when she didn't answer, he looked up at the others for an answer, and Toshi shrugged. He turned back to Arunue and held his face close to hers. "Listen, it looks like you've been stressed lately... but please try and tell me what's the matter." Looking her over, he noticed the strange marks on her arms and decided to wait until later to ask about it. "Ok 'Runue..." he said calmly. He kissed her on the cheek once and sat next to her, remaining silent. He noticed what he was wearing and wondered what it was. They were Gaitei's clothes, but they fit him almost perfectly. He'd ask about that later too... not to mention what had been going on.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Garren looked around, dazed and altogether unsure of what was going on. He looked down at his hands as if making sure everything was real. "Uh... what's, uh... what's goin' on guys?" He said awkwardly,curious as to how everyone was here- where ever 'here' was. Toshi put a hand on Garren's shoulder. "Welcome back, Garren." Garren looked even more confused now. " 'Welcome back'? But where... how..." he didn't know witch question to ask first. Scanning the group around him, he saw familiar faces and just a few unfamiliar. He didn't, however, see the one he was hoping to. "Where's Arunue?" The others all seemed to look around. "Yeah..." Toshi said, "Where [i]is[/i] Arunue?" [CENTER]~~~[/CENTER] Gaitei's consciousness sat in the deepest reaches of Garren's subconscious, barely even existing. [SIZE=1][I]So this... this is Garren...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: Gaaah.... this is so f*cked up... don't even ask. ~~~ Gaitei's luminous eyes sunk to the ground, shifting again and again. Suddenly faced with the decision of returning- how could he call it returning when he couldn't even remember his past life?- to his former self, and maybe even being able to have Arunue love him, he couldn't speak at all. He wasn't even sure if he would be himself if he was Garren... what would be the point of having someone love you if you weren't... you? He couldn't stand this decision- what must he do? His hands clenched into fists, deep in thought and stress. Toshi stepped closer to him. "Gaitei, what will it be?" Gaitei looked up, right into Toshi's eyes. "Just... just do it..." He resisted letting a tear fall down his face. Would he ceast to exist except as Garren? Would he ever know he was Gaitei? But... he was Garren to begin with... it was too complicated for him to think about. He only prayed he could hold on to memories of his own life. OOC: take it away Runy, or someone... whatever.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]The three were absolutely silent, ducking through the dark corridors. Peace crouched and peered around a corner, giving Rylia and James the signal that it was clear. It seemed all the floors but the top one were completely empty. At least they hoped so. They found an old building map hanging on the wall with a convenient 'You are Here' dot marking their position. "How do they know?" James said in feign awe. Rylia rolled her eyes and walked in the direction the stairs. Peace faked sighing and wagged a fingure at James as if to say, 'tsk tsk'. The found the stairs, witch had a dim light showing at the top floor- two floor above them. Rylia, the first to approach them, peeked up the miidle, making sure it was empty. She nodded to Peace and James, starting to climb the generic concrete stairwell. "Hey, if they turn out to be terrorists, can I use this?" James asked, tossing a grenade up and down.[/COLOR]
  17. This does go in this forum, right? O_o Who here has seen the play [COLOR=Green]Wicked[/COLOR]? I saw it during a trip to New York, and out of the... *counts* four I've seen, it's the best. If you're not familiar with it, it's the story of [COLOR=Green]Oz[/COLOR] before Dorothy came along. It focuses on the life story of [COLOR=Green]Elpheba[/COLOR](sp?)- the future [COLOR=Green]Wicked Witch of the West[/COLOR]. Though this doesn't seem to be a great idea, they did it wonderfuly. It puts all the events in [COLOR=Green]Wizard of Oz [/COLOR] in a completely different light and/or perspective. The music is equally entertaining- there's not so much that you get sick of it, and the tunes are pretty damn good. If you really want to know what it's like though, you'll have to see it for yourself.
  18. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: Hey, yeah... this was a fun one! Assassinness! ~~~ James leaned on Rylia's shoulder as she leaned on the wall. "How about we start with the one on West Ady?" West Ady was a street not far from where they were. "Besides, I need some more coffee..." "Oh shut it James," Rylia said, standing up and causing James to faulter, "You're awake enough already." "If you say so," James feigned yawning. Both Rylia and Alina rolled their eyes and continued down the hall. OOC: Gah, sorry it's short... we need to geti t going again >.
  19. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OoooOOOoooh... that was nice! ^___^ *clap clap* It leaves a lot of room for expanding the story, but could survive on it's own as kind of a mini-story. The format was creative, with Shyl's (aka Leareth) thoughts in between paragraphs. You don't see that very often, but it makes for good plots. Very original, yet familiar in a way to other stories. 10- 10- 9.5 from the russian judge.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: Ok, typing from reltives house... last chance for internet probably ^^;; Toshi better not be fallin' inlove with Arunue... lol Gaitei: Grrr... ~~~ The whole time Gaitei sat in his usual position, knees hiding half of his face. He was oddly not hungry at all, but rather, the thought of food made him almost queezy. He would like to think the behavious unexplained, but he knew it was from the emotional chaos. Nothing seemed to be going right with him... and it bothered him, obviously. Once again, he started thinking about what he could do to somehow make Arunue like him... even the tiniest bit. Hiroshi was just outside the cave, calming Arunue down. Though it was dark, Gaitei saw them clearly. What was this about? She seemed to be angry at nothing. A feeling hit Gaitei, two at once actually. The first was worry- for Arunue. The second was jealousy- though not his own. He wondered where it had come from, though the answer was obvious. Hedidn't know why he would feel Arunue's emotions... but it was there, undeniably. The question for him was... who was she jealous of? He silently prayed he wasn't the subject of her anger, but it would bring him some level of releif to know that she was thinking about him at all. OOC: OK, I'm giving all rights to play Gaitei to Runy, since she knows how my mind works more than you guys. lol[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: Aye, but I ain't gone yet ~_^ ~~~ Gaitei gave an awkward smile at Arunue and Hiroshi's 'friendly aggression' with each other. Of course it was fun to watch other people's pain, but seeing Arunue laugh was even better. That was strange, because gaitei had never been one to laugh unless he was seeing someone else's misfortune. He briefly turned his luminous eyes towards the other side of the cave, looking around at all the others. All this talk about Arunue being the 'chosen one'... that had to be some kind of sign, right? He wondered what Garren had been like- what had drawn him and Arunue together? If he could have known that... well, maybe he would be a little less depressed now. He dozed off for a few minutes, his thoughts remaining on teh mystery of his past life. He dreamt then- dreamt about what Garren had been like. Little glimpses- that's all he got. Tiny peeks into his past and what Garren did. It was difficult to think of himself and Garren as the same person. That was why Arunue didn't like him. One memory seemed to assert itself, in Gaitei's unconscious state. Him- no, Garren- and Arunue, together. He couldn't tell where they were. Garren spoke, hardly over a whisper, "...You're the only one for me... my Arunue..." was all Gaitei could hear. Outside his head, his body spoke the words on instinct, in almost the exact tone. They were quiet, but Arunue heard... and was rather surprised. OOC: By the way, what the hell happened to me in those last few posts? I disappeared... ah well. Now I'm gone- buh bye.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Lol, someone must tell me how to swear in japanese... anyway, yeah. I wish they offered japanese classes in our schools. However, there was this summer thing I went to for a week on japanese culture, so I know bits and pieces of the language. They taught us all the generic stuff... hello, I'm american, and so on. It's a fun language though... especially if you can get the accent down. Oh, by the way, you're right Inuyashalvr... it's spelled 'arigato'. So you're right that you weren't right... or something.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Crap, I just accidentally deleted my character... You have a gift for these romantic RPs. Name: Connor Greenman Age: 16 Gender: male Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Erica Terric Description: (I might have a pic later) He stands 5'8'' with a wirey, slim, and slightly feminine build. His eyes are a deep green and his hair is very dirty blonde that comes down past his ears and curls a little. His face is soft and curved, usually showing emotion. He wears plain blue shorts that come down past his knees, a blue-green t-shirt that's slightly too big for him, and faded Nike shoes. Bio: Connor was mistaken for a girl before he was born, and his not-entirely-stable mother couldn't seem to understand that he was a boy for a good three years after he was born. This innevitably led to some odd behaviour. One look at his form, and it's easy to tell how the doctor mistook him for the opposite gender. He is neither the toughest or 'manliest' guy around, but he honestly doesn't care. He thinks nothing of flirting with anotehr guy just for fun and doesn't care if they're gay or not. Due to his upbringing, he is extremely un-prejudice and will talk to anybody. He finds it easier to hang out around girls than boys, but still likes to talk to other boys. Connor had a big crush on Emily for quite a long time, and seemed to flirt with her non-stop. When she disappeared- dead- he was depressed for a while. He likes his current girlfriend a lot, but to his dismay, still thinks about Emily every so often. Lol, second time I've done a character like this... always fun.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I saw this movie a few days ago, and was surprised at how good it was. I didn't expect, after seeing previews and so on, that the plot line would be what it is. The whole concept is rather creative, and the acting was pretty dang good. Anybody else seen this one? I think there was a thread on it a while back, but I didn't see it. The thread I mean. The ending wasn't my favorite, but was really good.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]It's nice... very nice. Though it's a bit plain, it's a great example of the flame affect. The caption is pretty nice, well, you know what I mean. Anyway, like I said, it's a good example... and that's about all I can think of...[/COLOR]
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