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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: yes, what's with Gaitei... lol ~~~ Gaitei was in his own little world, ignoring just about everything around him. He of course, was thinking back to earlier... Arunue had kissed him. In that moment he had felt that connection witch his past self must have felt with her. What surprised hi most was that he wasn't surprised. It was as if he had expected it, some natural feeling from Garren. Maybe... was it possible his original nature, Garren's nature, could be within him? Could Arunue see that? Gaitei's senses began to ping... everything seemed to go slower for a fraction of a second. He looked up- Uni and Ios had found them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: you know, Gaitei can see in teh dark.. he could have told you if anyone was in there XD ~~~ Gaitei rubbed his head sleepily. He normally liked staying up during the night, but things were uneasy. He sat up and wrapped his arms around his legs as he usually did, a look of spite on his face. Kieko noticed him, "Not a morning person are you?" Gaitei just spit at the ground, "I prefer the dark." For a good while he sat curled up in the cave, trying to enjoy every minute of the semi darkness. Arunue came back in, and Gaitei's attention snapped to her, seeing her form clearly in the dark. "We're gonna be staying here a while... no point in running to find something when we don't know where to start." Gaitei's head fell back onto his knees and he sulked for a while longer.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I got really interested in D&D quite al ong time ago... long story about a friend of mine. Anyway, I bought the 'starter game' or whatever you like to call it. Read through the entire beginer's rule book and tried playing it with my dad and sister... didn't turn out incredibly well, but I still love things related to D&D. I've got Neverwinter Nights, witch is a RPG based completely off D&D with huge multiplayer implications. It kind of keeps me occupied since I suck at the actual game. I've got the player's handbook, but there's so much information in there, it's impossable to memorize it all. I bought a monster manual just for the fun of it... pretty interesting creatures. There's still a lot I have to learn... I'll probably never get [i]really[/i] involved though.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]JCB's got a point there Box. In my opion, it's actually a great idea, it just needs some tweeking. You'd have to make it noticable and important to whoever's registering. Instead of having some lame text pop up like the rest of the pages, make it in big bold red letters and have "Important" written across it. Or, something along those lines. Anyway, Big Mac and JCB have got a good point: not all newbies do that, though it would be a good precaution to have something like Box Hoy is proposing here. Like they said, everyone was a noob once - heck, I even made a post somewhat like that... though it was actually a question... er, anyway... You just have to make it stand out from the other information in the registration.[/COLOR]
Art Silent Hill and Panser Dragoon Orta [banners]
Muad'Dib replied to Muad'Dib's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Alright, here's another one from Panzer Dragoon Orta. I liekd my original idea for htis one, but I had to scrunch the image so much to meet OB regulations, it looks like crap. And of course, I saved it as a .jpg, so it's ever blurrier. Someday I'll get a better image program and fix all that.[/COLOR] [img]http://img7.imagetown.net/92441811.jpg[/img] -
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]James leaned back in his seat, finishing off the last of his waffles. "We should go, we're probably late." Rylia sighed and finished hers as well. "Alright, let's get going." She left some money on teh table and the three of them got up. As they walked out to the car, James looked up at the sky, "What job is this? 23, 33? I can't remember anymore." Alina thought for a moment, "35 I think." James looked back down in time to avoid running into their car. "Ah... knew it was an odd number." Rylia was driving again, and Alina was in the passenger seat, leaving James in the back. They arrived at Kayin's office twenty minutes later, just waking up from the usual morning grog. As they walked into his office, Kayin glared at them for being late. However, all three instinctively turned their heads to Garett, trained to notice things they didn't expect. Seeing they were in no immediate danger (duh) they turned to Kayin once again. He seemed uneasy with two women looking at him, but kept his composure. James noticed and resisted snickering.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Gaitei hung back, walking slowly at the back of the group. His hands were in his pockets, and his eyes on the ground. Last night he had simply followed Arunue into the city, remaining silent almost the entire time. He had been foolish to think his little confession would solve everything just like that. His senses alerted him and he noticed Toshi hanging back as well, walking next to him. "What happened between you two last night?" Gaitei just glared at him and kept walking. "Look, I got knocked out, I've got a right to know. Come on." Gaitei's eyes narrowed and he walked a little faster. "There's nothing to tell." It hurt, deep inside. Toshi seemed to realize this. "He, I understand if Arunue's a little..." he searched for the right word, "Cold sometimes, but you gotta realize, she's a good person. Really." Gaitei seemed indifferent, staring at the ground. "Just..." he shook his head and walked away.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Gaitei's ears were immediately intent as Arunue spoke, his pulse rising when she wanted to go alone. But Toshi insisted. Gaitei wasn't sure what he had been hoping for... he had promised himself to try and not think about her. But he couldn't help it. Not able to stand it any longer, he made sure nobody else was payingclose attention and stood swiftly in the darkness. He followed the two for some time before deciding they were far enough away from the group. Toshi was slightly behind Arunue, and they weren't really talking. Perfect. Gaitei was suddenly on to pof Toshi, a hand over his mouth while the other searched for a nerve, trying to make him pass out. [i]'Damn it... not quick enough...'[/i] Toshi grabbed him and flipped him over. Out of nowhere, Arunue knocked Toshi out in Gaitei's place, leaving him with a very shocked face. " You should have just asked if you wanted to talk alone." Gaitei let out a small sigh of relief and looked at the ground, not entirely sure what to say. "A... Arunue... look, I know I'm not Garren," He resisted cringing at the name, "but I... I just can't... I can't stop thinking of you damn it! No matter how hard I try, there's this feeling deep inside, like I can't be without you..." There, he spit it out.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: WOOPY! ^_______^ ~~~ James smiled as he leaned on the wall outside Rylia's room. The day seemed to be going well so far. He'd already had to dodge one projectile and stuck his head inside a girl's room. And people thought the life of an assassine was always dark. "Ohh, my Ryyyliaaa..." he taunted her in a sing-song voice, his Russian accent standing out a bit. She came out of the door, fully clothed and smirking. "Ah, there's my-" James was cut off as another pillow struck him in the face. Flirting with assassins was dangerous. He grabbed the pillow and sighed, "So what's the agenda today Rylia?" he tossed the pillow back playfully. "As soon as Alina gets up we'll all go for some breakfast." Rylia threw the pillow back into her and Alina's room, leaning on the wall next to James. James sighed again, "Hm... you must really like me." Rylia seemed taken aback, "Why is that?" "Well, you've already thrown somethign at me twice today..."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]As Arunue walked off, Gaitei looked at the ground. It somehow hurt him to hear her say that. He pulled his knees to him again, staring at the ground. His luminous eyes didn't so much as twitch for a long time. He was thinking. Already he felt his past life's connection to Arunue... it was like nothing he had ever felt before, and that was really saying something. It almost ripped his heart when she said that.. but it wa true. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't be her Garren. His hands tightened, his eyes narrowing. No... this couldn't be right. He had never... never cried. Nonetheless, a tear made it's way down his face, dropping of his cheek and landing on the soft ground. He was glad it was dark now. When Arunue came back with Hiroshi, he simply sat there, doing his best to ignore her. The more he thought about her, the more it would hurt - he knew that.[/COLOR] OOC: BTW Box Hoy, it's spelled Gaitei, not Gaitea. lol
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Gaitei was awake on the ground, staring absently at the dark sky, made clear by his dark vision. He never really slept much, being more of a night person in the first place. His senses pinged again, and his eyes darted to where Arunue was sleeping. A form stood over her... that was bad. Suddenly, Toshi was there too, and he heard them talking to each other. So there's old nemesis... just perfect. Gaitei stood up slowly, hidden in the dark. Toshi and this new enemy circled each other menacingly, and Shakia struck out. It was a fair match, both being almost silent. Almost. Gaitei was used ot sneaking around... Shakia never sensed him coming up behind him. He jumped on Shakia's back, quickly and preciselywrapping his hands tightly around his throat. Gaiteis legs were wrapped around Shakia's stomach, his hands choking him and has arms keeping Shkia's arms down. He leaned his head in close, whispering as Shkia's breath ran out, "When you wake up, never come back." Shakia soon passed out, Toshi looking half glad and half surprised. Gaitei sat down cross legged and looked up at Toshi. "In my past life... when I was 'Garren'... what was with me... and Arunue?" Toshi almost laughed, sitting down across from Gaitei, "Well, there's quite a story behind that..."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Well, I've been playing a bit of each of these games lately, and was in teh mood to mess around with Paint... so here's my stuff. [img]http://img2.imagetown.net/36608606.jpg[/img] Here's the first Silent Hill banner. If you can't read the text, it says "Silent Hill - - You may not want to survive." [img]http://img2.imagetown.net/71337123.bmp[/img] This is the one from my sig - it says, "Remember your true self... ...also that witch you must become." witch is a line from s.H. [img]http://img2.imagetown.net/93943973.jpg[/img] This one obviously doesn't fit OB regulations for size, but I thought it was neat. It reads "Insanity is always an option." [img]http://origin.midaddle.com/adView.aspx?requesturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.otakuboards.com%2Fattachment.php%3Fattachmentid%3D20017&mac=7cdbb8ae[/img] This is from Panser Dragoon Orta... just thought is was kind of cool[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Gaitei sat down in the grass as well, though further away from the others. He mumbled something about no appretiation and put his arms around his legs, laying his head sideways on top. [i]'Who the hell is G- that guy anyway?'[/i] he stopped himself from thinking name to avoid causing himself pain. He sulked for a while, subconsciously listening to the others talk amongst themselves. This whole situation sounded really depressing... at least it did to Gaitei. Then again, a lot of things sounded depressing to him. When he came back to reality, he found he was looking at Arunue again. Quickly looking away (hopefully she hadn't noticed) he wondered what drew him to her in the first place. Maybe it was this Garren. He looked around - it seemed to be getting dark, and not because of the rainclouds. [i]'Well that's fine with me.'[/i] He could see in the dark anyway, so maybe the night would be a good chance to escape... but no. He didn't want to escape... he didn't want to leave... Arunue. How odd.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: You call that over-typing? Come [i]on[/i]... ~~~ Gaitei was dragged irritably behind Hiroshi, crossing his arms. As he came up to the others, Hiro let go of Gaitei, letting him fall to the ground. [i]'Thanks a lot jack-ass.'[/i] He thought. He stood up and dusted himself off. Looking around, almost every person there looked familiar in one way or another. [i]'Well that's just freakin' great...'[/i] Toshi and the others exchanged greetings with everyone, and left Gaitei looking confused. Kieko looked over at him, "Who's this?" Gaitei looked up her, about to answer when Hiro responded instead, "He's Gaitei. We think he's Garren." Gaitei cringed at the name again, and Kieko and the others got a confused look in his place. "You mean..." "Yup." Arunue cut in, "Garren was reincarnated instead of reborn or whatever happened to us... well, and Riv." "Will you stop saying that name?!" Gaitei held his head.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Wooh-hoo! The assassin-ness is finally here! ^_^ Name: James Rillick Call-name/alias: Silence Age: 19 Gender: male Appearence: 5'11'' with a tough, though durable, build. His eyes are deep green, and his hair is jet black and comes down almost to his shouldres in a scraggely mess. His face is soft and well-formed - a small/mid nose, and wide mouth. He wears a dark green, long-sleeved shirt underneath a black coat, black, worn down jeans, and specially made boots. Personality/Temperment: James is sometimes rather laid back for an assassin, usually confident with his occasionally elaborate plans. When not on a job, he can be found anywhere with interesting conversation. He doesn't get mad easily, though when he is mad, it shows. Three things define his style: quick, precise, and BOOM. Weapons: A Desert Eagal handgun, a long knife, and various grenades. Extra: He was born in Russia - therefore he speaks Russian and has a bit of an accent. He speaks little bits of several eastern languages, enjoys blowing things up, and makes friends easily - though he can betray them with little to no regret if it's for the right causes.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Gaitei lagged behind, unsure as to why he was following these two. Not to mention the fact that he knew Arunue's name... and he was drawn to her irresistably. Very strange indeed. She seemed so familiar it almost disturbed him. And who was Garren? Even thinking about the name made a reaction in his head. Gaitei finally spoke out, "Where are we going anyway?" Hiroshi turned his head and smiled awkwardly at him, "To find the others." "Other wha-" "Hurry up, you're slowin' us down." Hiroshi said before Gaitei could finish. [i]'Jerk.'[/i] Gaitei thought. He started walking a little faster, catching up slightly to the two of them. Once again, he found his eyes drawn to Arunue, her form occupying his mind. Tiny flickers of lost memories shot through his head - another world, a group of people, Arunue and Hiroshi among them, a child. Gaitei couldn't make sense of it all.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Yup, I always have to reply to your banner threads...lol Overall, they're all incredable, the inverted colors adding a lot of... whatever the word is. The first one seems a little plain, but it's an interesting concept. The second - I love the blue background, and the image is positioned pretty well, but that dull yellow color you got from inverting it is kind of... bleh. Anyway, the third one is absolutely amazing. The image is placed nearly perfectly, the colors (even inverted) match up, and it just looks... good. On the last two, the black background blends real great with the blues and whites of the images, though I'd say the second one is better... guess I just liek the image positioning.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Gaitei slowly gained consciousness, head still throbbing from the impact. He groaned and put a hand on his head, not even opening his eyes. [i]'What the hell was that about...?'[/i] he thought to himself. His senses began to tingle, but not from waking up. He whipped out a hand in time to catch Hiroshi's, not but three inches from his face and about to snatch his shirt to pull him up. Gaitei just loved his awareness ability. He opened his eyes and looked around before Hiroshi pulled his hand away and scowled at him. "Who the hell are you?" "Funny," Hiroshi said, "I was gonna ask you the same thing." Gaitei was somewhat less than amused. "None a' your damn business..." Gaitei put his hand back where his head throbbed and closed his eyes. "Then I don't have to tell you who I am." Hiroshi said sarcastically, "Fair enough." He reached for Gaitei again, and he wasn't prepared this time, "But you're coming with us anyway." "Aaaye! Let me down will ya?" Gaitei practically squirmed in Hiroshi's grip. "Give it a rest Hiro." Arunue finally spoke up. Gaitei's eyes shifted instantly to Arunue, almost as if by instinct. He was suddenly struck by how beautiful she was.[/COLOR]
Jail time? O_o Runy, have you been getting yorself into trouble? :nono:
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Gaitei withheld a curse as Hiroshi joined Arunue, completely ruining his chances of an easy meal. He knew that this stranger knew he was here... how he didn't know, but she knew. He would have to be more careful in future attempts. As the two walked away, Gaitei crept back into the shadows of nearby trees. He kept pace with the two, slowing when they did, quickening when they did - all the while not making a sound. His vision blended the darkness and brief light of the two's path seamlessly, making it all the easier for Gaitei to track them. Suddenly one of them stopped, closely followed by the other. Gaitei froze and hoped she didn't sense him, still creeping along the ground. "...Garren...?" when she spoke it, Gaitei's head throbbed, the name echoing in his head like a long lost memory. In his confusion, he cried out in brief pain. He immediately slapped a hand over his mouth and prepared to run... but... should he? Something about this stranger seemed familiar... and... graceful. Gaitei found himself almost entransed.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Gaitei hid in teh shadows of the forest, watching Arunue's every move. He didn't falter once, his eyes seeing through the semi darkness. This was odd indeed - a woman wandering in teh forest, watching over a dead man's body. Gaitei moved closer, trying to catch a glimpse of anythign that would give away this stranger's identity. Nothing revealed itself, and Gaitei decided it might be best to leave the stranger alone. But then again, he never did what was best for him. He got close enough to hear her breathing, using every trick he had to stay hidden. He was crouched close to the ground, eyes almost luminous like a cat's. She looked like an easy enough target, and he hadn't eaten that day. Perhaps she had some food with her. Gaitei inched closer still.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I rented this movie from Blockbuster yesterday, mostly because I can't resist anime. The story is a combination of modern technology and simplicity+happiness. Or at least, that's a deeper message you could get from it. Who else has seen Once Upon a Time? It's mostly a love story, with quite a bit of romance involved. The animation isn't the best, (far inferior to, say, a Miyazaki film) but the movement tends to be fluid if not slightly sketchy in some places. The dialogue is good, though it seems rushed in many places. So what's your opinion?[/COLOR]
Ah! ::slaps head:: Why didn't I think of that?! She emailed me a while back, so I'll be able to email her back... good idea Skitto. I'll get back to you guys if she replies.
You might have to give up on Noelle... I haven't seen her online in over two months I think. I sent her a PM once and she never got back online to reply. Sorry to burst your bubble.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]A'ight, so here it goes again. Wow, who'da known this one would go so far aye? Sorry for backing out on the last one... got behind and never caught up. So, reincarnation time... fun fun. Garren's Reincarnation-- Name: Gaitei (guy-tay) Age: 19 Special Techniques: He can see in the dark and often knows something bad is going to happen a few seconds before it does happen. Description: About 5'10'' with a slim, durable build. He has dark blue eyes that seem to glow slightly in the darkness and jet black hair. His skin is slightly pale in some spots - otherwise, a light tan. He wears a dark blue shirt that's almost black, a gray jacket with a similar blue lining, black jeans, and scraped up, dirty shoes. Background: The original Garren hailed from the Realm of Imagination where he met Arunue at a young age, falling for her after a very short time. He lost contact with her for quite a while and heard about her again when she began her murder spree. After hearing of her banishment to the realm of Reality, he decided to go after her... one problem. He had attempted to cross the realm before, with terrable results. He had lost all feeling in almost all of his body. This time, however, he was succesful and followed the rest of the group on their adventure. Much later, in another realm, he found out about his and Arunue's son... Kano. He had never known about Kano, as he had died very young- but now they found him in this other realm. The rest, is history. The new Garren - Gaitei - was born with a calling for the dark. Garren had always been slightly depressed, and Gaitei pushed this to a near-extreme. In his younger days, he spent most of his time slinking in the shadows, stalking random people for fun. As he got older, he realized his talent not only for hiding, but for sensing danger. This led to a rather risky life of sneaking and stealing - though he never stole anything other than essentials. If he didn't have his mind set on being a bad-***, he could have been something. Well paid even. Too bad. Now he just looks for adventure where he can find it- not caring what kind of trouble he gets into.[/COLOR]