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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: OK, I'm back now... er, but I'll be leaving again on Monday, so I'll miss a bit. ~~~ David smiled uncontrollably along with his friends. They all sat down at a booth and waited for Imi... not to mention their food. Ally, predictably, sat next to David and he blushed a little as she scooched closer to him. Matt sat patiently on the edge, waiting for Imi as Kelsei leaned ever closer to Sam, Daniel joked around with the rest of the group, and Sandy sat on the other corner, attempting to have a good time. Soon enough, Imi came by, struggeling to carry their food. Matt automatically got up and helped her set it down, moving over so she could sit next to him. The conversation got, simply, pretty funny. The whole group, even Imi, David, and Sandy, were laughing like they hadn't laughed in months by the end of the meal.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"I..." Isaac stood not but ten feet away from the three girls, somehow fascinated and entranced with them. This went against his depressing, dark nature, but he replied, "I'm Isaac... I..." his voice trailed off, and the three girls didn't seem to hear the last part. He stood there awkwardly, waiting for something to happen. His eyes drifted towards the ground, trying for some reason to seem modest around these three. There came an awkward "Hello" from Skye, who had asked in the first place. Naomi and Alice looked at each other and then back at Isaac, who's face was growing more and more like it's old self... depressed. "Well," Naomi spoke up, breaking the silence, "I'm Naomi, this is Skye and Alice." She motioned towards each one in turn. Isaac nodded, keeping his eyes on teh ground. However, his eyes seemed to have different plans as they looked up towards the girls, analitical. He waited for the oncoming insult or 'polite' dismissal.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Isaac now watched the three from the cover of a bush, wondering what on Earth they were doing. He hid not because he was shy, but because he wasn't in the mood to start off the morning with more taunting and jeering as the others did. His head tilted side-ways as one of them began to weave flowers into little hats or crowns of some sort. He never understood why people did such silly things... like he had any passion for such matters as making flower hats. He sighed silently and brushed his hair out of his face, the feeling of tiny horns behind his ears reminding him of his unfortunate leaniage. This lead to the thought of why a demon would bother to have him with a human in the first place. Who cared. He was here, and his life sucked.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC The life of the party is here ya'll! ~~~ Daniel shoved aside his moment of struggeling feelings and ran full-force into the skirmish. It didn't take long for him to be knocked off of his horse, but he was going on blind, raw, emotions now. He shouldered a raider in teh gut and brought his knife into his stomach. The raider keeled over, blood pouring from the wound. Another came from behind him and gave Daniel a good smack on the spine, sending pain straight through his body. He instinctively flipped his arm around and slashed the raider across the face, blood spraying his dirtied clothing.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Isaac slumped in the damp grass, already disgusted with the day. Nothing good ever happened anyway, so he could pretty much assume every day was a hell-hole. About the only thing he could think right now was how hungry he was. He hadn't eaten since the previous afternoon and what he did eat was rather meager. He happen to notice the irony of a single rose drifting in the sky about half a mile away. He had good eye-sight. That, he thought, was simply ridiculous. Might as well check it out though.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Jerid stood straight, looking at the three with nothing but spite. As if on que, Torinte, with Clesia riding, swooped in and landed beside him. Clesia hopped down and tapped Jerid on the shoulder, "Be a good boy and tell the guards to come and help." Jerid nodded slightly and turned back to the fortress, a high, resonating whistle calling the attention of every guard that was in earshot. Kristen and Kayin both stood in front of Yuki, shielding her from the impending onslaught. Guard began to run over the small hills and towards the scene, mosto f them wondering what was going on. Jerid looked Kayin straight in the face, "Are you ready [i]rebel[/i]?" He was already igniting thin streams of air around him.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Jerid, having practically the time of his life, flicked tiny little fire-balls at unsuspecting guards. The surprised guard would the nturn to see what happened, while Jerid would already be on his other side, flicking another fire-ball. Clesia seemed rather amused by the whole thing, and had her own fun by blowing weapons or helmets down the hallway. Jerid noticed anotehr guard, limping slightly. [i]Well well, we can't have that...[/i] He flicked a fireball at the back of the guards neck, who cringed and turned around. Jerid got a quick glimpse of the guard's face and was surprised to see someone rather familiar. "What the..." he snuck around closer to the 'familiar' looking guard and suddenly appeared in front of him... or was it her? "Boo." Jerid loved that line. The guard nearly jumped back and Jerid saw who it was. "Tsk tsk, can't have you running around." But Yumi summoned a small resavior of strength and blasted Jerid full in the face with a water stream. This not only gave her time, but really pissed Jerid off.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Jerid happily followed Clesia outside, though he would so like to stay and torture Yuki a bit more... oh well. He walked along side her down a long, metal lined hallway towards what they liked to call 'the big room thing'. They turned down several more hallways and came through a large double door. As soon as the doors opened, Jerid skipped inside, doing a cartwheel for no particular reason. He remembered his manners and bowed as Clesia walked in and the doors wooshed shut behind them. Clesia sat down in a large throne like chair and Jerid stood beside her, leaning on the seat. Most wouldn't dare to come three feet near her, but Jerid had been around her so long it was natural and comfortable to act like this around her. She turned towards him and spoke, "Jerid, I noticed your flame techniques were getting more affective... good work." For some reason, Jerid blushed at her compliment and smiled.[/COLOR]
Sign Up Heaven Falling [PG-13, Blood, Cursing, Sexual Referencing]
Muad'Dib replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Oooh... this sounds like fun. (lol, and those three are cute!) Name: Isaac Gender: male Age: 14 Species: Half-breed - Half demon and half human. Biography: He never really fit into any group, cast out by a number of them. It has turned him into a vary awkward person... if you can call him that. He's made very few friends and has spent most of his time thinking. Anything he does seems to be criticised, rejected, and destroyed. He tries to ignore the people and other beings mocking him from a distance, and the few that have the nerve to say it to his face. He's given up searching for anything or anyone that can make his misery worth while. Appearence: (I'll see what I can do for a pic, for now a description...) About 5'9'' with jet black hair that he's let grown out until it covers his eyes and lays across his shoulders. His eyes are narrow and depressed - one is green, the other blue. His build is more or less sturdy, but appears meager due to his slumped posture. He wears the same clothes all the time, washing them when he happens across a water source and no one is around - a black, woven shirt, slightly too big for him and ripped and torn from so much use, dark blue pants of similar condition and old shoes. He has tiny horns, no more than an inch or two long, behind and slightly above his ears. Weapons: A small knife he keeps in self-defense. Skills/ Fighting styles: The only thing he can really do well is evade with unexplainable skill. EDIT: My bad Ryu... thought you meant no more [i]pure[/i] heaven beings, didn't know we coudln't have crosses either.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Not much later, Clesia, Jerid, and their new captive were back at the huge fortress. They hopped off of Torinte as he let Yuki drop to the floor and shrank back to his usual size. Clesia walked up to the bound Yuki and tilted her head towards hers. "She looks like a good fighter... too bad we're holding her captive." Jerid was taken aback... he had never heard Clesia say anything like that. She turned and looked at him. "Just kidding." He relaxed... close call. ~~~ Not much later *again* Jerid sat next to the helpless Yuki, bored out of his mind. "Know any good jokes?" Yuki was barely concious and he got no reply out of her. "Hmph." Clesia walked in adn he isntantly stood up. "Can a burn her, pleeeaaase?" He said as if he was a little innocent kid wanting to play with a new toy. Clesia sighed, "I guess so... just don't kill her." A wide smile crossed Jerids face and he turned back to the half-awake Yuki. "You'll be regretting waking up."[/COLOR]
Gaming What GBA game would you recommend for someone who plays RPGs?
Muad'Dib replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
A great RPG for the Game Boy Advance that I've seen my friend play (and played a bit myself) is Golden Sun. It's a lot like a Final Fantasy game, but a bit unique in the way some of teh magic and such works. It's a great game overall and very entertaining in my opinion. It has a sequel now I think. -
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Thoroughyl thrown off by the strange vision, Chava got up and took a step outside. It was a nice day, though he had been saying that to himself through the whole trip back. He noticed suddenly a very annoyed Zenrei, his bond. The fox stood up from his sitting position and walked right past Chava into the small house. :You left me behind.: The fox said without turning. : Did not! You were sleeping! You know your way back!: but Zenrei only snorted and layed down. [i]'Just like him...'[/i] Chava thought, [i]'... sleeping again.'[/i] He shrugged his irretable bond out of his mind and headed out for no particular reason. He looked out over the samll expanse of open feild, scannign the horizon towards the pond. He spotted a figure heading for it, on horseback. Unmistakable, it was Fyka. He grinned and started off at a run. By the time he reached her, he was out of breath. "Fyka!" he talked in between breathing. Her head turned and she smiled when she saw who it was. "Hello Chava."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: lol, oh boy ~~~ David looked over at Ally with a look that said 'who the ******* is that?' Ally shrugged and Matt continued to look and feel very awkward. Imi suddenly looked very ticked off, witch was unusual for her. 'Willow' noticed and shot a sly look at her. "Sorry, is this hot one yours?" Imi blushed and said, "Yes!" very deffensively. Willow looked like she was deciding if she should say 'tough' or walk away. She finally decided on the latter and walked around the room, that same sly look in her eye. Of course, she came up to David and started the same routine. David back off a bit, almost running into a mic. "L-look, we should really wait for K-Kelsei..."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Chava reached his tiny little home in a matter of minutes, and dropped his pack on the ground. He rubbed his shoulder, relieved to have free movement of his arm again and wondering why Damien had looked so flustered for a moment. He looked around the room, a cuboard in one corner, a small stove in another, a bed in the third and last but not least, a stack of various belongings piled in the last corner. He sighed and stretched... he had promised himself he would clean that when he got back. Rubbing his shoulder one last time, he decided it would be better to get some rest first... after all, it had been a long trip to walk. He stretched out on the bed, not bothering to take off his more-than-a-little-dirty boots. Soon he was dozing off, tense muscles relaxing. It wasn't long before his [i]foresight[/i] decided to kick in as well. ~[i]Blue all around, like looking straight into a cloudless sky - it was the ocean. Foam and the occasional fish drifted by in the lazy waves. However, something wasn't right... a great dark form loomed in the depths, menacing - as if it meant to reach out and grab you. It came up farther, getting bigger as it came closer to the surface..[/i]~ Chava snapped awake. That had been odd indeed[/COLOR].
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]David pulled back from teh kiss, breathing as if he had held his breath. Truth be told, that was his first kiss as well. It had seemed... instinctive, for lack of a better word. It was as if it had been the perfect moment to kiss her. He put his hands on her shoulders, pretty sure he had her attention. "Ally... I was just so worried for you... you... you scared me, running off like that." He was looking into her eyes, using most of his will to keep his eyes there. "I... I really like you Ally... I just want to know... what's wrong..." he could feel his cheeks flushing.[/COLOR]
Well, it's done rather well overall, and the character's personalities are very obvious, witch is a good thing in my opinion. I like the 'couple of average people and a shop' kind of attitude. Though I must ask, why does Anne have bunny ears? heh heh, just wondering. Citicism, criticism... the dialogue is a little generic, but then again, most play dialogues are. Also, it seemed a little short for an entire act, though it looks long when it's typed.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]David stood up as Ally entered, worried for her, and now he knew she liked him from Sam and Matt's curiosity. He walked over to her, seeing her eyes a little red from crying. "Ally..." he started, but she shoved her way past him towards her books. Imi and Matt remained oddly silent as Ally picked up her stuff and headed back out. David ran after her, blushing already. "Ally, wait!" She stopped and turned, looking David in the face. Startled again from ehr swift reaction, he paused. "Ally... why... I mean, w-what were you so upset about?" He kept his distance, feeling awkward. She seemed to be deciding wether or not she should turn around and leave. "You... Imi just... oh, nevermind!" she turned and stormed off. David ran after her again, "Ally, please wait!" He put a hand on her shoulder, suprising himself. "I just want to know... please. I... was worried... about you..."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: nice Beatles crack man ~_^-V "Helter Skelter" ~~~ David kept glaring. A smile slowly ebbed it's way onto his face. Normally he was rather quiet, but this was gonna be fun. David walked up toa mic and finished Matt's verse. Matt glared at David in turn. It was a stand-off... Matt started the beat up again, and they traded off verses. Each one sang until they were out of breath, taunting one another. The song ended and they stood there, still shooting daggers at each other. "Did you know they could do that?" Imi asked of Ally. "Not a clue."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]David slumped back on the pavement with the other two. "C'mon, a little more up-beat!" He said to Matt. Matt smiled slyly and started drumming the pavement double-time. Imi's foot started tapping in the faster rythym and David's head bobbed. Soon David's dad came out, needing the car. "Uh... why is there a girl sleeping on my trunk?" he asked. They all sat there awkwardly and Matt resisted laughing. "I'll wake her up..." David stood and walked over to where Ally lay sleeping. [i]Man, she's cute when she's sleeping..[/i] he thought. He gently shook her shoulders. "Hey, Earth to Ally." Imi leaned over to Matt, "So much for Sam."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: woopee! lol ~~~ David sat on the back of his dad's car in his driveway. It was a pretty average day, and the weather was nice, but he had to admit... it was boring. He only wished the rest of the group would come by and they could get a beat going... but who knew what everyone was doing. Since no one was around, he flipped on a cd player next to him and sang along with the track he had burned... he loved to burn CDs of his favorite songs, witch were mostly from the 80s and such. "She-- said her love for me, would never die..." he started with the CD player, in almost perfect harmony with the real singer. "That'll change if she ever finds out about you and I..." He was a good singer, but never sang around the others, slightly embarressed though they had known each other for quite some time. OOC: this is gonna be fun...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Chava wandered into the 'Hall' and looked around, sliding his pack off his shoulder. It was so nice to see all these friendly, familiar faces again. But he couldn't spot Fyka among them. Perhaps she was in here somewhere... he missed her. He sighed and shouldered his pack again. '[i]Guess Fyka waits 'til later...[/i]' He turned around and headed back for the small 'hut' they had given him permission to stay in since he was living here now but wasn't officially a student. He ran into Desiree and Damian on teh way, and half-bowed, delighted to see them. "Excuse me, but have either of you guys seen Fyka?" he wasn't ready to give up the search yet. "Sorry, but she just left. You might not want to bother her right now." Desiree told the eager and curious Chava. He frowned, "Oh... then I'll be back in a while, gotta get this pack off my back." He walked off reluctantly, waving back at them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: OHhhhh! SOOO sorry for missing so much! You changed part of the title and I completely missed it! I'll try and make up for it! Forgive me! ~~~ Chava walked through the grass wearily. He had gone to visit his mother back in his hometown. She had said she was missing him in a letter, and he couldn't just leave her alone. He could see the familiar buildings not far away, and thought of all the friendly faces he had grown accustomed to there. His mind hit Fyka, and he closed his eyes, remembering a few months ago... ___ [i]A nervous Chava stood in front of Fyka, blushing and looking at his feet. "Listen, Fyka..." he started, though it was obvious she was alreay listening. "I... we've known each ohter a while now right? I mean... we really got to know each other..." Fyka stood patiently, waiting for Chava to spit it out. "... and I... I think I..." he blushed even harder, attempting to look into ehr eyes and ending up looking at the ground again. "I think I... love you..."[/i] ___ That was a fond memory of his, though he still blushed when he thought about it. OOC: again, I'm sooo very sorry for being late... I read most of it, but had to skim through a bit, so if I screw anything up, feel free to yell at me for being stupid![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]No way... I was gonna make a band RP of my own XD lol Name: David Arinso Age: 16 Appearence: 5'9'' with black hair and green eyes. He has a pretty skinny build and likes to wear t-shirts with things like "Normal people scare me" and the like on them. He also wears blue jeans or knee-length shorts and sometimes a cap. Personality: He's more silent than the rest of the group, and tends to only talk when spoken to. However, when he really gets to know someone, he can become talkative, happy, and even flirtatious. Bio: He met the group about half a year ago, and fit right in somehow. He has a crush on just about every girl in the group, but tries not to let it show in case it messes with things. The rest of his life if relatively stable, though rather meager. The group doesn't know it, but he's a very good singer, able to 'warp' his voice according to the song.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]"Oh... yeah, sure. I'd love to." he couldn't believe his own stupidity at forgetting to answer. He held her hand and kept close, a warm feeling swelling in his chest. They reached a split in the hallway and turned to each other. "What class do you have?" Uki asked her. "Math." Berry asnwered. Uki had science... at the other end of the school. "OK... I'll see you later then..." Before walking away, he leaned in to kiss her, blushing the whole time.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: you two... ::shakes head:: ~~~ Uki tried to find Berry in teh hall before it was time to take pictures, running out of time. He paused as he saw Koge and Ami with some other kid. Strange, didn't look like he was fro maround here. He pushed this thought aside and began his search again. He spotted Berry ahead of him, hoping she hadn't gotten her picture yet. He walked up to her, blushing. "Hey Berry... Do you.. I mean, would you like to... er, you wanna do a couples picture?" He stood there nervously.[/COLOR]