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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: Crap, I missed too much... ~~~ Daniel sat slumped ina corner as this all went on, the unused knife still in his hand. As soon as Zeddrick had knocked the raider away from Kaitlen, the clickiing, then more like pounding, had instantly stopped. He was dazed and was blushing the whole time, hating to see Kaitlen - even she had been enjoying it - in that position with... him. As the others filed out quietly, he glanced at Kaitlen, though she didn't notice... she was too PO'd. As the others went out, he glared at the unconcious raider, tightenign his hand around the knife. [i]No...[/i] he wouldn't. He couldn't. But it was tempting... to slice the bastard's skin. Daniel shook his head and stood, walking out with the others. Zeddrick walked up next to him, "Hey," he whispered so raiders and the others wouldn't hear, "are you alright?" "Yeah..." Daniel replied, completely un-like himself, "I'm fine." He glanced back up at Kaitlen in front of them.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Nice concept Exiles, but what's this business with only me n' you keepin' in touch? Me and Skye will stay in touch for eternity if we can! I mean, come on... no offense, but I think I'd stay in touch with Skye more than Natsu. Don't mind if I switch that bit around do you? GOOD! You jealous little girl you... lol. Name: Jacob Isami (Isami? Where'd I get that...) Age: 19 (I was in eigth grade so you know... well, still am anyway...) Appearence: Now 6'1'' and slightly longer hair (a little past his ears - brown) still blue eyes. The same, flexable/slim build, and everything. He wears the same kind of clothing - anything he finds in his closet. This generaly consists of knee-length shorts, a t-shirt of varying design, and tennis-shoes. lol Bio: He never lost interest in Skye and tried to keep in touch with her through the years. He remembers the days when Natsu and Skye fought over him... and is very glad those days are over, looking back on it. His dad died when he was in sixth grade, and his mom wasn't working for a while. Now he has a part-time job at a grocery store... at least it pays OK.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: Daniel's not gonna care if Kaitlen's poor and needy... lol ~~~ They sped off on teh horses, though at a slightly slower pace than before... both them and the horses were rather worne out. "I hope you know where you're going!" Charisma called up to Daniel, who was now in front of Valerie on a horse. Truth be told, he wasn't really certain. But sure enough, a large camp could be viewed just over the horizon. Another ping hit Daniel's head... like a hammer. At this point he wished they would stop, despite their obvious use in tracking the until now missing Kaitlen. Valerie saw him flinch and said over the pounding of the horse's hooves, "Are you OK?" Daniel didn't answer, but urged the horse on. Within ten minutes, they were within walking distance of the encampment. Daniel pulled the horse to an abrupt stop, Zeddrick and Charisma and Lei doing the same shortly after. Without speaking, they dismounted and started walking towards the unwary raider camp. Upon getting closer, they all ducked behind a tent, weapons in hand. Zeddrick peered around a corner, giving them a thumbs up and whispering to Daniel, "You know where to go?" Daniel nodded and walked in fornt of him, being careful to avoid the eyes of passing raiders. He froze a moment, waiting. Shortly thereafter, another ping hit his head, this time almsot unbearable, and his head was ripped to the left. They started walking again, and Daniel paused outside of a tent entrance, a steady stream of head-banging clicks going through his mind. He put his knife in a backwards position and cruoched at the entrance, eyes sealed shut with the pain.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: dirty little raider... lol ~~~ Something pinged in teh back of Daniel's head. His half-closed eyes flew open and he glanced around, not standing from his position. "Somethin's not right..." Valerie glanced in his direction. "What you want us to do about it?" Daniel sighed and put his head back down on his knee. It was pointless trying to explain the strange click in his head to the others. He didn't understand it himself. It pinged again and his head twitched to the side... it hurt that time. He stood and the others glanced up at him. "What is it?" Zeddrick asked. Daniel's hand went to the knife on the back of his waist. "Dunno..." A third ping, even harder, made him turn towards the North. "Where are..." he whispered to himself. "Val," he said aloud, "Get the horses ready... I think I know where they are." He really had no idea if he was right, but it was worth a shot.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: lol, I return! ~~~ Within half an hour, they had a primitive camp set up and a small fire burning. They all slumped onto the ground, perhaps not as exhausted as overwhelmed. Daniel ran the whole chain of events through his head, wonderign what they could have done differently. He decided they probably couldn't have done anything, but he still felt guilty about Kaitlen getting 'captured'. He had been flirting with her... after all, she was a very pretty, nice girl. Who knows what the raiders would do to her? After running through only three possibilities, he stopped the attempt, rather disgusted. "Now what?" he said, half to himself. "You tell me." Zeddrick responded. Daniel ran his hand over the knife he had bought, now thinking of all the ways he could slice that raider man if he 'tried' anything with Kaitlen.[/COLOR]
  6. Muad'Dib

    Internal Ninja

    [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Clesia sighed and looked back at Jerid. "Should have known this would happen." Torinte circled high above their enemies, waiting for Clesia's command. "Shall I?" Jerid said, lighting a small bit of oxygen on his finger. Clesia seemed to think for a moment, like a child teasing an adult. "Alright then." Clesia released a burst of air, sending it in a funnel towards Kayin and the rest, and Jerid quickly ignited it, the flames feeding off the stream of air. It surged towards the three of them, like a meteor out of the sky. "How do you like your rebels, my queen? I prefer Well Done."[/COLOR]
  7. Muad'Dib

    Internal Ninja

    [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Jerid sprinted through the trees, hardly breaking a sweat until he was jsut behind Clesia and Torinte. He hopped onto Torinte's back behind Clesia and Torinte took off higher into the sky. Out of respect, Jerid scooted a foot or two back from Clesia, so he didn't seem like a pervert in front of his queen. "I think they're chasing us." Jerid said to her. "Ah, let them. They can't catch up with my Torinte..." Clesia leaned on the dragon's neck, petting him. Jerid suppressed a small laugh. Clesia noticed and turned her head towards him. "Yes?" she said, hardly annoyed. Jerid laughed out loud, "I forgot to leave a note."[/COLOR]
  8. Muad'Dib

    Internal Ninja

    [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Jerid watched Kayin chop not thirdy yards away. A smile etched itself across his face. This would be too easy... they were staying in a wooden building, collecting [i]firewood[/i] and completely off-guard. He looked back over to Clesia. "Shall we?" Clesia nodded and they both sped off towards the building, in perfect tune with each other. Jerid stopped right in front of Kayin, smiling and standing completely still. "Hello." His voie was menacing. "You!" Kayin dropped the firewood and went for his sword. He didn't know Clesia was behind him. He instantly gave him a hard thwack in the back of the neck, and he stumbled slightly. "It was nice knowing you." Jerid leaped off the ground, sending a burst of flame directly at Kayin's center. Clesia hooepd out of the way, knowing it was coming.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Uki leaned back in his chair, thuroughly pissed off with Koge. There was no particular reason, it was just one of thsoe things. It was probably because he had always despised Koge for his success in most aspects of his social life, where Uki usualy got the bad end of the deal. As Koge walked off with Ami, Uki looked over at Berry, blushing when she noticed and quickly turning back to Ichigo. This somehow ticked him off even more... the fact that Koge was so easy around girls, but he could hardly look at Berry without blushing insanely and hiding his face. "So, uh... you see that movie on AMC last night?" Uki said to Ichigo, really just stalling (though for what, he wasn't sure). "The WW2 one?"[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Uki wandered the halls similarly, only he was looking for Berry. He really wasn't sure if she meant what she had said... he thought back to when he had walked her home. She seemed pretty sincere to him. He spotted her sitting on a bench resembling the one they ahd sat on that morning. He blushed and gathered his nerve. His subconcious cursed Koge for no aparent reason. He walked up to Berry and sat down next to her, still blushing. "Hey Berry... w'what's up?" this was harder than he thought... he was a nervous wreck. "Hello Uki... nothing really." she got that same smitten look in her eyes that she had gotten first the day he had walked her home and second earlier that morning. He gulped as silently as he could and tried to chat with her.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Yipee! Love your RPs love! Name: Chava Age: 15 Gender: male Appearance: 5'10'' with a flexible, durable build. He has dirty blonde (brown) hair that comes down past his ears and curls a bit at the end. His eyes are a deep blue and always curious or thoughtful. His skin is a mid-light tan with the occasional burn or scratch. His face is kind of boyish, but well on it's way to 'young-man' status. He doesn't have the best eye-sight, so he sometimes wears glasses that are just big enough for his eyes. He wears a light-blue, baggy shirt with a long, brown vest over it, darker blue pants that are slightly too long for him. He geos barefoot sometimes, but usually wears small padded boots. Powers: Fore-sight Persona: He is friendly and often very outward towards people, unless he doesn't know them very well or they seem suspicious and/or shifty. He takes criticism well, but isn't good at giving it out. When he's bored, he can find entertainment in many things (a blade of grass for instance). He is half-way determined, but will sometime give up if the odds are completely overwhelming. Short Bio: He grew up in a semi-rural town, without much excitement. His life started to go astray when his father died of an unknown disease, and he started traveling a bit more. He became fascinated with the world around him, and quickly learned to last on his own, though the need to do so wasn't common. He met Fyka during one of his little trips, and not having many girls in his hometown, was rather awkward around her. He asked a newly made friend of his what was going on, and he said he was probably falling for her. Chava assumed he was right and tried thereafter to tell Fyka, without success for quite a while. When he finally got aroud to it, he admitted to loving her and promised her and himself that he would stay here instead of returning to his hometown. He still writes to his mother. Family: Mother- Sena Father (dead)- Forrin Bond: Zenrei, an orange, white, and brown fox of quite a tall stature, though still not big by human standards.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: lol, it's Uki! Not Umi! ~~~ Uki looked up suddenly, half expecting to see an angry Ami. He relaxed when he saw it was only Steff. [i]'Guess trying to kiss Berry waits for later...'[/i] he thought. "Hi Steff." Uki replied. "Oh, hello Steff!" Berry's reply was a bit more excitable, though Steff didn't seem to mind Uki's bland response. She sat down near the two and looked over at Ami Koge and Ichigo talking still. "What up?" Steff asked Berry and Uki. Uki was still half-asleep (he's not a morning person) so Berry responded first, "Just waiting for school to start. Anything new Steff?"[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Uki watched the three of them, sitting on a bench. Well, this did solve a problem... Ami was interested in Koge and Ichigo, witch ment she wasn't in him, right? So it was no big deal if Berry liked him? Or if he liked her back... "...Ki, hey Uki! You awake?" Uki started, lost in his own thoughts. It was Berry, now sitting next to him on the bench. "Oh, hey Berry." he resisted blushing. Berry looked over at the other three, though Uki couldn't tell what she was thinking. Uki suddenly remembered Berry kissing him... this time all attempts to keep from blushing were futile. He looked over at her, wondering if he should...[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: :sweat: was that really necessary? lol... Uki had left. ~~~ Uki stood at Berry's door a moment, shocked... in a very pleasent way. He felt himself blushing and quickly turned away from the closed door, even though Berry was inside. Walking back to his own home, he thought about what had jsut happened... Berry liked him. Well, he supposed he had figured that out yesterday, but she had actually kissed him. He guessed he had been to surprised to kiss back. *Click* Reality hit for the second time that day, and he realized he had been kissing Ami. [i]Oh man...[/i] what had he gotten himself into? He had just kissed two girls in the same day... did that make him a cheater or a pervert or something? Well, he thought, it's not like [i]he[/i] had gotten himself into it... I mean, it just kind of... happened. But the guilty feeling returned. He had to admit, Berry was a lot easier to get used to... but Ami had approached him first... Uki decided it would be better to sleep on it. He was so screwed in the morning.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Uki stumbled back a little, blushing. That was the second time he had kissed Ami that day... and what confused him was he didn't know why. She seemed happy as ever now and sat down next to their stuff. Uki sat down also and glanced around, avoiding her gaze out of embarresment. "Alright, chapter 11... you did have your science book right?" Ami looked up at Uki. He nodded and turned to the right page. The rest of the time their was spent studying ,witch was kind of surprising given Ami's unpredictable nature. It was getting late and Uki thought he should get home. "I'll uh.. I'll see you tomorrow..."[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Uki smiled, "Yeah! I don't think I've ever had one of these..." he started walking, hoping Berry would follow and no think that he was trying to walk away from her. She did follow, and Uki let out a mental sigh of relief. He did, however, had to wonder why she seemed very friendly to him suddenly. Well, he supposed she had always been friendly, but she seemed a bit more-so today. She started talking, "Uh, nice weather huh?" He noticed somethign in the way she talked and the way she was walking. It hit him... and he blushed, though he hoped she didn't notice. What was he thinking? He had just kissed Ami... and now he was hal-attemptign to flirt with Berry? Well, he had never really said he was Ami's boyfriend or anything... but it bothered him in a strange way. He tried to shrug the feelign away and hoped Berry would get this over with... for his own sake.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Uki kind of sat there as Ami ran off. God knows what had inspired the quasi-silent boy to kiss her. He had to wonder if someone had seen them and that's why she was being called to the office... it was against the rules after all. He looked around to make sure no one was really watching and let out a deep breathe, sinking towards the ground a little. He relaxed and put his hand half-way through his hair before getting up and going inside. Things were getting pretty wacky around here. For him anyway.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Uki walked off, though he wasn't sure where. He thought about what had just happened. How could he have been so stupid? A girl (a cute girl) had just expressed obvious interest in him, and he just walked away... wait. He realized he had agreed to study with her. Man... maybe things would turn around for him. Reality hit. Yeah, right. Like things could go well for him for more than a few hours. He turned a corner, "Hi Steff..." he said subconciously, not even really realizing she was there.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Uki ((OOC: remember it's pronounced "Yooky" lol)) stood aimlessly at a window, waiting for a bell to ring or a teacher to tell him to get to class. He looked out to see the boys fighting, though it was a bit one-sided. "Show off..." he said, even though he knew Ichigo. It ticked him off how he and Koge showed off all the time, probably just flexing for the girls. Then it would piss him off further that he couldn't be more like that. He let his head thump against the window and waited still.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rodney could only stand there. Nothing ever went right anymore, especialy with him around. He turned to see Hunter there also. The rising spirits meddled in his head, saying, "[i]Yes, everything is his fault...[/i]" it worked only for a moment. '[i]Stop! Get out of my head![/i]' Rodney nearly yelled mentally. It must have been forceful enough to scare the feeble spirits away. But more, some possibly much stronger spirits were still coming as children ran across streets, house to house not far away. He could see the two girls, collapsed there in the grass. Memories flashed through his head, one after another. Meeting them all, the first hosptal visit... everything up until when Kris had kissed him and jolted him from his near-insanity. The irony of it all, though it wasn't obvious irony, seeped into his head. It was hilarious... this whole thing... and all Rodney could do was stand there and... laugh. He laughed like he hadn't in probably years. Laughed as even tears streamed down his face at the chaos. Everythign was deteriorating... nothing would make all of this better, except perhaps their deaths. He somehow convinced himself he would die here, his mind clouded with a combination of the spirits and self-doubt. So how laughed feebly and cried his eyes out for everything he would never do or feel... like love.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rodney got only bits and pieces of Kris's story, he was looking at the ground, his feet more precisely. Kris was right, he had needed the jolt, but before the slap... she had... kissed him? Was that part of the whole physicle jolt thing? He had never really been kissed by a girl before. A thought struck him... maybe, she was trying to show him? What it felt like? He must have been going on and on about Hunter and the rest of them... he couldn't remember exactly. Though he did seem to remember calling Hunter a bastard. Rodney got worried suddenly... how much had he said? How much of himself had he revealed to them? He knew he had talked about what Hunter and Kris must feel... or something along those lines. But had he talked about his own desire? Something made him wonder. What if he had? What would they be thinking now? His thoughts were just a string of questions. It would seem the kiss had enduced more thought than the slap. Something in it... it was like a demonstration. Rodney found himself crying silently, unnoticed, though not from Kris's life-story.[/COLOR]
  22. This time, Rodney did notice someone come out. Hunter... and not even he noticed the pathetic sight on the floor. Rodney started to laugh again, this time it was almost pitiful, liek a depressed or mad-man's laugh. "Oh, that is just great!" he said to himself in between laughing, "That is just freakin' great!" He stood up sakily and followed Hunter, righti nto the room where Kris was. "Hey, Hunter, you bastard!" he said as if he was drunk, "What the hell are you doin'? Me? I'm just hangin' around! But y'know, I think I'm finally crackin'!" Hunter couldn't have looked more confused. Rodney kind of swaggered around, still rambling mindlessly, "Oh, isn't this wonderful? We're all such a big happy family!" Hunter tried to calm him down "Rod! Quiet down! You'll wake Kris!" "Oh, is that what you're worried about?" Rodney walked over to Kris's figure and bent over. "Looks sound asleep to me! What was it that you had with her?" Hunter looekd even more confused, "Rod, maybe you should go sit down.." Rodney wasn't even listening, "L- l-... it was one of those l-words!" "Rod.." "Love! That's the one!" He laughed again, "Man, I wonder what it's like!" He collapsed int oa chair and kept laughing... he must have cracked.
  23. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rodney didn't even notice Joey leave, practically crying her eyes out. She didn't seem to notice him either, and he would have been thankful for it if he had noticed her. A torrent of doubt, questions, anger, and spite was still pounding on his head, either trying to escape or work it's way in. Nothing was right anymore, everything was wrong, wrong, wrong... and all because of this thing they all called love. Rodney heard Hunter talk to himself, not thinking much of it, the sentimental fool. But a second voice came in. It was deffinately old... but had anotehr quality to it... almost, [i]ethereal[/i]. He listened a moment, his mind again thrashing about as that voice mentioned "feelings". He tried to get himself under control.. and heard, "You get the same expresion on your face as your father did after he met your mother. It's love boy. Get used to it." He froze and slumped even further towards the floor. Is that it?! That expression Hunter is always getting?! That high-on-life, sentimental, touchy-feely expression he could see in his eyes?! Rodney laughed, a sickening, almost maniacle laugh that only he could really hear. He only wished it would start ot make sense.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rodney exited the small hospital room and walked over to the opposite wall. He stood for a moment, perhaps thinking, perhaps remembering something. Out of nowhere, he pounded his fist on the wall and sank to the floor, turning so that he was leaning on the wall. Hopefully he hadn't disturbed Hunter and Joey... ah, what did he care? Wasn't his problem. Or was it? He tried so hard to convince himself that it wasn't, but that damned feeling always came back. Maybe it was... no. He refused to even think of that.... but that was why he was slumped in the middle of a hospital corridor, having a mental break-down. He gripped his hair and let his head fall back, teeth clenched and eyes half furious, half chronically depressed. What was it about... that?! How could it bother him now?! He remembered the rest of his life... a haze of insanity, humor, and... denyel((sp?)). Now it all broke down, the dam bursting and the river slamming into his mind. How? How did they love? Why couldn't he? Why...?[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]lol, been expecting this one for a while, aye? Name: Uki Gendral (Uki is pronounced Yuki.. and it's not japanese actually) Age: 14 Grade: 10 Gender: male Appearence: A little tall for his age and kind of handsome under his glasses, always with either a look of thought, forboding, or embaressment (around girls) on his face. His hair is a light brown and rather messy, thought he can't help it. He wears a greenish-grey t-shirt and jeans most of the time, though if these are unavailable, he wears whatever he finds in his closet. Sometimes a cap. Skills: Card games, strategy, and making a fool of himself around girls. Bio: Uki tries his hardest to be social, but being silent msot of last year cost him. He's known as a lonely, sarcastic, under-achiever-attempting-to-be-an-over-achiever by those who do know him. Being left out a lot, despite his sometimes exciting and/or witty personality has left tiem for two things... studying and playing card games. He has absolutely no clue if anyone at all has a crush on him, and wishes he could be more like Koge sometimes.[/COLOR]
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