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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I'll suggest to you the only two PS2 games I've bought in the past several years, and I recommend looking them up elsewhere before you buy them, as they're both a little on the odd side. [B]Okami[/B], for one. Just imagine a Zelda game where you're a wolf with magical caligraphy powers (so says every game review site that's even touched on the game). Don't get me wrong, it's very unique, but some of the play style, and particularly the interactions with the people around you smack of Zelda. But isn't that a good thing? And the other unexpected hit, [B]Shadow of the Collosus[/B]. Short, short game. But brilliant. And strange. The gameplay consists of finding and then destroying sixteen 'collosi' (is that how you spell plural collosus?). I won't go into the story, but if you like new types of gameplay, you've got to try it. Again, look 'em up. Don't take my word for it.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. Muad'Dib

    E3 2008

    [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]As an Xbox/Microsoft fanatic, I had to physically restrain myself from spiraling into spats of fanboydom during the Microsoft presentation. The general opinion here seems to be that it was somewhat unsatisfying, but it personally got me very excited for everything coming up this year. We've known about most of the titles they showed already, but I would say the new features and footage revealed for all of them was well worth it. I particularly enjoyed seeing an actual demonstration of Fallout 3, and I haven't even played the previous titles. And for those of you who watched G4's in-studio demonstration, [spoiler]I can't wait to start killing people with teddy bears.[/spoiler] Despite myself, I'm terribly excited over Fable 2. It looks like it may be everything the first title wasn't. I think the whole orb co-op feature is a little odd, but could actually be really cool. The co-op itself promises to be incredibly fun. I can't say much for the new Xbox Live format they've got planned. It's got some awesome features (party-system, Netflix, etc.) but I didn't really like the look of it. Oh well. Small price to pay. Now a brief venture into my inner fanboy: OMG, flamethrowers in Gear 2?! F***ing aw3some.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]This little birdie brings death to anyone involved with it. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/Leto/bleach_chad0013.jpg[/IMG] Ugh, did I just post a Bleach pic? I should kill myself.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I'm gonna go ahead and post another... maybe it'll get things going again. [U][B]Battlefield: Bad Company[/B][/U] [I]as played on a 360[/I] [B]Overview[/B]: The latest installment of EA's Battlefield franchise, which began way back in '02 with Battlefield 1942, Bad Company promised a lot of new and interesting features. Thankfully, it has delivered. Bad Company is the first Battlefield game to have a strong focus on the single-player campaign. While previous titles (Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, for example) had sort of a plotline, BC actually creates memorable characters and gives you a specific motivation for completing the game. But, as always, the real draw of the game is the online multiplayer, which has also had a huge makeover. But don't worry, the gameplay elements you've always loved are still there, and better than ever. [B]Gameplay[/B]: Bad Company plays very similarly to previous Battlefield titles, which is good, since most of them were very fun. One of the first big differences you'll notice is the fact that the single player campaign has become a very open-ended experience. While it doesn't achieve real non-linear gameplay, like that achieved in games like Oblivion, you can now take any of several paths (or cut through all of them) to your next objective. The maps or enormous, allowing you to spend plenty of time exploring the terrain for enemy outposts, which is often rewarded with collectable weapons and gold (yes, gold; see the story segment). One of the big differences in the way you actually control you soldier is the new weapon/gadget system. You now have a fixed number of weapon and gadget slots, two each. Your weapon slots will almost always be taken up by a primary weapon and grenades, while gadgets range from vehicle-repair tools to laser guided bombs. However, one of you gadgets slots (in the campaign) is always taken up by the auto-injector, a device which instantaneously heals you. It makes the game a bit easier than it should be, but I admit it may well be impossible without it. Another change is in the way you aim your weapon. Previously, you could be just as accurate firing 'from the hip' as while aiming through the scope or down the sights. Bad Company has adopted something akin to Call of Duty, which means your gun will be much less accurate if you're not using the sights. This is actually somewhat irritating, especially in close-quarters situations where using the sights makes you lose sight of much of the room around you. But on the whole, you can still tell you're playing Battlefield. Also unlike older titles, you now have a small squad of three other individual soldiers (each with their own personality) which will stick with you through the entire game. They're generally pretty handy, but seem to have trouble actually hitting their targets, which might explain why your enemies will [i]always[/i] choose you over them when deciding who to shoot at. As irritating as that is, I must (again) admit that the game would probably be far too easy otherwise. Whenever you die, the game throws you right back in with whatever weapons you already had and all the enemies you just killed still dead. Why does it insist on babying you? But I still haven’t touched on the (arguably) greatest improvement Bad Company introduces: destruction. Every building in the game, with just a few exceptions, can be blown to pieces. While a few walls will always remain standing, houses can be reduced to bare-bones shells of their original construction, drastically changing their strategic value. And despite what some people say, blowing walls open and bringing down bridges never gets old. [I][B]Multiplayer[/B][/I]: Despite a revamped campaign mode, most of the game’s draw still lies in its multiplayer. The traditional class system has returned, making you select a kit before you enter battle. However, you now have the option to select which particular firearm you bring to the fight. Unfortunately, they all have to be unlocked by ranking up and using credits to pick the weapons you like the most. The same applies to particular pieces of equipment for each kit, which leaves you feeling somewhat inadequate until you’ve gotten enough credit to unlock them all. Fortunately, ranking up goes quickly, and your starting guns aren’t bad at all. Incredibly, the old Conquest game mode has been dropped in favor of a new one called Gold Rush, which divides the teams into attackers and defenders. Attackers try to destroy a series of gold crates while the defenders fend them off. It’s pretty fun, and still feels similar enough to conquest to keep hardcore Battlefield fans from complaining. Best of all, EA is releasing the traditional conquest game mode in a free update sometime in the future. The only complaint I can reasonably make is the fact that friends and enemies are difficult to tell apart. The games shows a blue dot over friendly heads, and an orange over enemy, but in desperate situations (particularly those involving mixed groups of enemy and friendly units) it’s a bit hard to tell who’s who. This leads to lots of accidental team kills or even simply team damage, which still detracts points from your score if you do too much. [b]Story[/b]: As previously mentioned, Bad Company has a stronger story than any of the old Battlefield titles. You’ll follow the exploits of a four man squad from B-Company, the army’s reject bin, as the ‘new guy’. Early in the game, you and your misfit buddies discover gold bars that the enemy mercenary big boss guy uses to pay his troops. You motivation becomes finding more gold as your squad goes AWAL. It’s not the most believable scenario, but really, who cares? The comical antics of your squad mates is overshadowed by the fun of blowing the **** out of everything in your path. As stories go, it’s not the most interesting. But it gets points for trying and keeping the game going without the same old Battlefield formula of an impersonal military campaign. And the fact that your squad is taking orders from itself for much of the game allows for new situations that the Battlefield franchise hasn’t really seen before. [b]Graphics[/b]: Bad Company is definitely the best looking game in the franchise so far. Landscapes look realistic and often let you see for miles around. Weapons and character models are wonderfully detailed, right down to the iron sights. To date I have not seen any environment seams or awkward clipping moments. Explosions are simply beautiful, and you’ll be seeing lots of them. If you like pretty games, you can’t miss this one. [RIGHT][B][U]Judgment[/U]: Overall - 9/10[/B] [I]Gameplay[/I] - 9/10 [I]Story[/I] – 6.5/10 [I]Graphics[/I] – 9.5/10 [I]Replay Value[/I] - Moderate[/RIGHT][/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]As far as romantic comedy is concerned, the best I think I've seen is [B]Ouran High School Host Club[/B]. It's a bit girly, yes, but absolutely hilarious. Not quite as random as Azumanga Daioh, but really has its own brand of humor. If you don't like the first episode, don't bother watching the rest. It's more of the same. This one I'm not sure if you'll like, because I have trouble classifying it. It's called [B]Dennou Coil[/B], and you may have trouble finding it. It's pretty new, I don't think it has an American license yet. But if you can find a legal copy (I know they're out there) then more power to you. It's essentially about a group of kids with these internet-like virtual reality glasses that let them see and do things in the real world that aren't actually there. But there's a big mystery about whether or not the glasses can kill you. Great fun. I'm not sure if this counts, but if you liked Cowboy Bebop [i]at all[/i] (you only gave it a three...) then you should see the movie. Doesn't matter if you've finished the series or not, as it's supposed to take place at some time within it. Short description: it rivals Miyazaki in terms of awesome. And if all you've seen of Ghost in the Shell is Stand Alone Complex, then for God's sake, go see the first movie. Waaay better. If the stand alone series is a 3, the original movie is a 7. After all, the movie came first. Lastly, (I should have thought of this earlier) [B]DNAngel[/B]. I would recommend the manga version of this one, as I can't say much for the anime. It's kind of a shonen, but with a lot of romance (and a good deal of comedy) thrown in. And a very original art style. At least I think so.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. Naota deflects satellite-strikes from space with a f***ing guitar. That's epic. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/Leto/flcl_takun0174.jpg[/IMG]
  7. [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Collectable card games are for sissies. Real men play real cards. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/Leto/cb_others0014.jpg[/IMG] Er, those two guys in Aceburner's post are still from Yu-Gi-Oh (or however you spell it), right?
  8. [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Where logs are born (just ignore Iruka and that other guy).[/FONT][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/Leto/naruto_leafnin0013.jpg[/IMG]
  9. [quote name='Kitchen Sink']o_O' I posted a pic of a plane crashing into a tree. Where'd the Hulk come from? Aberinkula wins!!! I guess. :animesighGreen M&M's rule.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Your link must not be working then. All we're seeing is a big green frown face.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Actually, that's called "practicing" in the Land of the Living here. :p[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]XD Let me expand... all you have to do is perform a [i]single[/i], vaguely related action over and over again. Heh.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]~ You can dance a jig behind your foes and never be noticed, as long as your sneak skill is high enough. ~ If you have a map, you can teleport anywhere you like. ~ Every giant evil monster thing will have an obvious weakness. ~ Bullets won't hurt if you shoot your buddy. ~ You can be a master in anything, all you have to do is repeat an action over and over until it makes sense. ~ You can beat a man wielding a pistol with a crowbar. ~ Everything in the world comes to a stop if you decide to open a box.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26614&d=1213853200[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]A white thing? How about [i]thousands[/i]?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/Leto/eva_angel_eva011.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]So are hers. Mecha > Motorcycle[/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. "He's just pissed that the gamma radiation didn't give him super-powers."
  15. [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Jacob stood by as Skye attempted to teach Paul how to surf, smiling as he failed miserably. It wasn't that he had anything against Paul (though he personally thought he was a self-absorbed ass), but seeing his closest friend and occasional girlfriend interact like that with him sent a sharp stream of jealousy right through his heart. It was reflecting on those feelings that made him miss for a moment the fact that she had run after Kiruna, who was himself running off to nowhere in particular. He fell with a [i]thunk[/i] back into reality and walked at a brisk pace after the two of them. He arrived within earshot just in time to hear, "...I uhm..." but Kiruna saw him approaching and suddenly shut his mouth. "What going on? Something wrong?" Jacob stood next to Skye and gave Kiruna a worried look, making the two of them standing next to each other look like a comedy duo. "No, no, nothing at all!" Kiruna quickly reassured them. Skye would have none of it, "Hey, wait..." she stopped as she realized it perhaps was not wise to have this conversation around Jacob.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/Leto/ak_others013.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]This guy is waaay uglier. (sorry for grainy-ness)[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] How about just use a different site for pics, because the one you are using is obviously not working for hotlinks.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]It looks fine on my screen. Anyway, I'll find another. Sorry.[/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] No hotlinks ALLOOOOOOOOOWED.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] What do you mean? You want me to save and re-post it or what?
  19. [IMG]http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/cowboy_bebop/jet_black/cb_jet0046.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]The lack of hair makes him manly. A shiny 'fro is no match for a shiny scalp.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [IMG]http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/Azumanga_Daioh/chiyo/azu_chiyo0035.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Because Zabuza is a sucker for a cute kid (i.e., Haku). ... That sounded inappropriate.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/Leto/rbhs_ryoko003.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]She's got a hieght complex because she's tall, not short.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [IMG]http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/Akira/Tetsuo/ak_tetsuo008.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Garamond"]Because his vengeful quest for power was a lot more bad-a**.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Jacob kneeled down next to Skye, watching her fascination with the mussell. She looked over at him and smiled again, that smile that made his heart jump several beats before landing solidly in his throat with the intent of obstructing his speech. He looked at the sand for a moment before saying a bit quieter than he had wanted, "I'm sorry too." She frowned for a moment before nudging him with a shoulder and causing him to tip over into the sand. "You don't have to be. I know it wasn't your fault." He smiled back at her as he propped himself up, "Well, it was, but thanks anyway." Her grin widened as she gave him a brief and somewhat sandy hug and went back to the search for shells. Jacob sat next to her for a while, just watching. He turned away from her then and dug a small hole in the sand, just deep enough for sea water to leak up into the bottom. He poked her shoulder, "Watch." He grabbed a fistful of wet sand and let it syphon through the bottom of his hand onto a patch of dry beach. As it hit the ground, it froze in place, forming a neat little coral-like tower. ~~~ OOC: That actually works by the way.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Jacob sighed as he sat down on the sand, not bothering with a towel. Skye kept running off before he could say anything. He knew better than to think she would purposefully try to cause him anxiety, but damn it if it wasn't irritating. Jacob was wearing a white t-shirt over his pale green swim trunks, always the self-conscious one. He noticed Kiruna looking at him and gave him the 'what are you looking at?' face. Kiruna just smiled and leaned over to say, "So did you have that talk with Skye?" Jacob put his face in his hands, "Well... not really. She kind of ran away." Kiruna gave a mock sigh of frustration, trying to do what was best for his friend. "You've gotta just work yourself up and [i]do it[/i]. If she runs off, follow her!" Jacob glared at him with an eyebrow raised. "You're one to talk. Don't think I didn't see you falling over yourself with 'Ms. Katie'," he said with a glance to make sure Katie wasn't listening in. Kiruna didn't respond for a minute, and Jacob thought, '[i]Got him there.[/i]' Then Kiruna got up and started walking toward Katie, "Yeah, well, watch how easy it is!"[/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]All I have to say is... free-roam multiplayer, no friendly fire, all rockets. Everyone goes flying through the air with no damage (until they land). It's the most fun I think I ever had with the game. It turned into a contest of seeing who could launch someone else on top of the nearest building without killing them. We also discovered that you could sit in an exploding car and take no damage (provided it was blown up by a friendly RPG). So you'll be sitting in a burnt out husk of a vehicle as if it was completely normal. I'd recommend this game type to anyone who just needs a few laughs.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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