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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: oh? me little what? hmmm? lol ~~~ Daniel put his head near Kaitlen's shoulder, teasing, "I saaaw that!" Kaitlen whipped around and gave him a look of what can only be described as very extreme annoyence. "Sorry... I was just teasin' ya!" Kaitlen started walking again, saying back, "Well at least [i]I[/i] can get a girl!" Daniel was hardly insulted, but loved battles of wit. "Hmm... she looked more, oh... [i]afriad[/i] to me..." Valeria and Zeddrick stood helpless, watching the two duke it out with verbal slap after verbal slap. Daniel finally got bored and said, "Anyway... I wanna practice with this thing," he pulled out the sand-colored knife. "I've always loved knife-fighting!"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Daniel aughed, stepping away from the slightly frazzled Zeddrick and leaning on Kaitlen instead. "Oh, come now... do only girls have the right to flirt with the same gender?" He had noticed her reaction to the shop owner/manager (whatever she was). Kaitlen blushed a little and actualy even looked kind of annoyed at Daniel's openness. Daniel resisted giggling "That's OK, I'm not really interested." He assured Zeddrick. OOC: hee hee, I'm havin' fun with this one...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Daniel turned to see who Kaitlen was waving at. It was the boy from earlier. "Ah... hello there." Daniel said as Zeddrick got closer. He seemed taken aback for a moment, just realizing that Daniel was a boy. Daniel suddenly realized he was still holding a knife and quickly put it down. The girls greeted him, and Zeddrick didn't seem all that confortable, but would you be in this situation? Daniel leaned on Zeddrick, ignoring his look of mild surprise. "So, you got any skill with a blade?" he asked out of curiosity. giving an aer of false flirting, even though he had no interest in flirting with other guys, Daniel found it fun to get confortable.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Daniel whistled. "My my, Kaitlen. Where [i]did[/i] you learn to use a knife?" Daniel walked over to the small table containing all the knives and picked one up. It was longer than most, 6'' long and kind of jagged on one side. It wasn't particularly balanced either... a hand to hand knife. He held it aloft and said in mock agression, "[i]En guard[/i]!" Kaitlen smirked, "You think you know how to use that thing?" Daniel shrugged, "Heh... I know a few little tricks." Kaitlen got a mischievious look in her eye and picked up another one. Within a second she had moved in and struck twice, Daniel blocking one with a small [i]clink[/i] but the other one came close to his shoulder... Kaitlen held it up to his throat, smirking still. "Why so mean to the guy in the group?" Daniel said sarcasticaly.[/COLOR] EDIT: woops, someone posted first... umm... well, I suppose it fits in OK... nevermind, I'll just leave it...
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rodney watched in awe and slight worry as Kris crawled into the flaming vehicle. He snapped back to reality and yelled after her, "What the hell do you think you're doing?! Kris, get back out here!!" But she was already inside, now facing a similar fate as Hunter. "****!" Was the only word that came to Rodney's mind at that moment. The firetrucks arived a moment later, rushing to the scene and pulling out hoses. Rodney was forced aside as firemen ran in to douse the flames. However, they only got worse, and Hunter and Kris were still in there. Rodney fell to his knees, "No! God damn it, NO!" ~~~ The firemen were somehow able to save Kris and the injured Hunter. Now they were all at a hospital for the third time... the [i]third time[/i]. Hunter regained concousness and attempted to sit up. "Tsk, tsk." Hunter started, looking over to see Rodney. "You should know better than to go and get yourself half-killed like that." Hunter was able to get a few words out, "Can it Rod."[/COLOR]
Israfel tensed up, almost dropping his weapon. But he was a legend... this trick wouldn't hold him back for long. "Do something!" Whisper yelled to the others. Azarus yelled back, "What are we supposed to do?! He's outside the arena! We can't go there!" Whisper looked frustrated, and Israfel took off, even without the low-grav settings of the arena to hold him aloft. The others and all the thousands of fans stood in shock as Israfel blasted through the arena wall and took off into the streets. Outside, Israfel almost isntantly disappeared into a back-ally, not to be seen again tht day. Back in the stadium, Azarus and Whisper went back into a suit-up area and the VCA removed the fighting images. Micheal stepped down from the small platform and grabbed his shirt (he had removed it so it wouldn't get in the way of the VCA image). "What the hell just happened?" But the employees didn't have an answer.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: well, since nobody's posting, I'll start the fun part up... the fighting. ~~~ [i]- Hello and welcome VCA fans, to the Grand Arena![/i] The loudspeaker announcment was met with roars from the audience, witch numbered in the thousands. Outside, Micheal was stepping out of a black car, sent to his home to get him to the arena on time. No one was sure who would be fighting today, but all the top twenty fighters were required to arrive. Looking around, trying to ignore the mob, Micheal couldn't catch sight of any of the other fighters. They were probably being dropped off at the opposite end. The arena was massive, able to seat thousands of loyal VCA fans. ____ Micheal stood in the back, waiting for the impending announcment. At last, the speakers came on again... "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for... todays fighters are..." there was an unbarable pause, "Grinder!" The crowd cheered, "Azarus!" Micheal tenced up at the sound of his Arena name, "and Dred-Israfel!" That couldn't be right... he had said three names. The roaring fans went through a moment of confusion. "That's right fans! This years final will be played out in fights of three-man free for alls!" The crowd again began to cheer, and Micheal was nervous for the first time in his VCA fighting career. Nevertheless, he stepped into the 'suit-up' area in front of him and stood still as "Dendread Micheal L. - - Loading image 'Azarus'" flashed across a small screen. Five second later, his body was covered in the familiar outfit, and the reassuring weight of his blade came to his back. Azarus, no longer Micheal, stepped out into the arena, closely followed by Grinder and Dred-Israfel at opposite ends. A large 'fence' encircled the arena instantly. Even though VCA images would disappear if they left the arena, the fighters wouldn't. "BEGIN!" All three fighters launched themselves in separate directions. It was all a blur,m and Azarus found himself lookign down the barrel of Israfel's massive weapon. [i] He MUST be good....[/i] Azarus thought. He dodged at near-lightning speed before an enourmous shock wave blasted his former position. Irafel seemed... distracted. He suddenyl drifted to the middle of the arena, and stood stock-still. Both Grinder and Azarus froze, obviously confused as to his behavior. The arena floor began to glow, and Israfel was drowned out in electrical light. There was a loud noise, and Israfel was moving again. However, he didn't go for the other players... he went for the crowd. The fence suddenly burst open, and somehow, Israfel was outside of the arena, blasting away. Inside the announcement booth, employees were going crazy, trying to figure out what had just happened. The conspiracy begins.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: well, it's certainly good, but the real thing behind the VCA is that you're actualy yourself, and you really are out there fighting... but the VCA creates a solid image around you, so that you appear like... whatever it is. Each VCA unti has a seperate "Loading" area, where the image, witch is linked to the 'player's' physiology, is uploaded and applied. (my apologies for not explaining... I wasn't intending there to be any real fights until the finasl began) In any case, I also faield to mention that only errr... 'licensed' VCa contestants are allowed to use the public (er... not 'public' then are they...) arenas. Kids for instance, wouldn't be allowed to come near a VCA, unless it was owned by an independent company (witch it very well could be). As for the physics of the game, remember you can 'jump' and 'hover' for certain periods of times (depending on your skill) and there are no rael decapitaions. Though you can slice through someones arm, it would not actualy be removed, even if they felt the pain. Again, my apologies for not explaining this sooner. You did a good job with the pods Xion, but it was intended to e unique in teh fact that there are none.[/COLOR]
Micheal gave her one of his innocent, irresistable smiles, though they didn't seem to affect her. "Yeah... with the finals coming up, it's non-stop." He remembered her in her virtual form and smiled a little more. The VCA contesants were getting creative lately. They were both living proof of that. "Have you seen any of the others?" "Are you kidding?" Willow said, "They're all out practicing or plotting our deaths." there was a slight pause. "Speaking of witch, we should be doing the same." Micheal sighed. "Oh, but it's such a nice night..." He started walking again, and Willow followed a little behind. "I can't wait to face Orion!" "What makes you think you'll get that far? You might have to go through [i]me[/i] first!" They both snickered a little. In the arena, you had to be ruthless, no matter how good friends you were. This could be hard, because all though the physicle damage wasn't real, the pain was.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: OK everyone, as you know, there is a conspiracy going on. For now, I want you all to just play out your characters (the line-up for the finals will be announced shortly). I will take the plot in the right direction very soon after the fights start. Good day, and have fun! (oh, and remember, outside of the arena they are mostly normal people... except for the extra publicity) ~~~ It was Friday, second week in May. The finals for the Game start tomorrow. Fans across the world flock to America to see the sparks fly in the Grand Arena, where all of the last fights will be held. Everything's going smoothly, and this year promises to be an explosion. Micheal walks down a half empty street in the dwindling light. It was better to walk during the night, when no one was around to say "Hey! You're that fighter!" The air was refreshing, despite the pollutants pouring into it from almost every building in the city. Micheal breathed deep. Tomorrow, he doubted there would be any time for strolling. OOC: OK guys, have at it. And remember, you are allowed to have contact with other players outside of the arena. There are no regulations about that kind of thing.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OK, pretty good guys. Ryu_Sakura, first off, the attachments didn't show up, so you probably just forgot to add them. Also, I'd like a little more detail in your bio... after all, it's your life. Xion, very good. Creative appearence, I must say. Kitty, yours is good overall, though are you sure you want to stick with a quarterstaff? A wood one? It would most likely be annihilated. But whatever. Unborn Lord Xion and Kittychanann are accepted, and Ryu_Sakura will be as soon as you get your appearence and bio. This is really enough to start with, though the sign-ups will remain open... now here's a list of a few of the other top twenty contenders... Terra-Nova - Terra, whose real name is Rei Ishimuta, hails from Japan. She is a favorite among many female fans, sporting a javeline-like weapon, and a very realistic VCA appearence. She came in second last year in the fight versus Orion. Orion - A VCA veteran, Orion's real name is Sam Gregin, he hails from Russia. His VCA body is flashy and efficient, sporting armor over most of his torso and two rather large 'beam cannons' as he likes to call them. He is the champion from last year, and is determined to win the title again. Grinder - Grinder's real name is James Hawkins. Grinder is all American, and has a personality to fit it. He's a recent addition to the Arenas, starting up last year. This year he's made it to the finals, leaving smoking opponents in his wake. In the Arena, he is covered with metalic plating all over, in shades of black and blue. Dred-Israfel - His real name is Timothy Arnok, and he hails from England. He is one of the longest lasting VCA participants in it's history. His style is ruthless and unforgiving. He is the champion from two years ago. Dred-Israfel's VCA appearence is a sight to behold. He has small black wings (witch are actually useless) and a long, flowing, Japanese style outfit. His weapon looks like a cross between a spear and a long gun barrel. The 'barrel' emits a blast wave capable of leveling a brick wall. Let the games begin![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Ah! Very good Love! Future joiners should use Goddess's sign-up for reference. Speaking of reference, for future reference, it is recomended that your character have at least one weapon. Fist fighting may be cool, but you might get your *** kicked. Now here's mine... Name: Micheal Lazlo Denraed (yes, Lazlo is a real name!) Arena Name: Azarus Gender: male Age: 20 Appearence: Micheal is 5'11'' and appears rather scrawny when not in the VC-Arena. He has brown hair (or dirty blonde if you prefer) that almost comes down to his neck. His features are soft and innocent, and his smile is nearly irresistable to the weak-minded. His skin is a very light tan, and his posture often flimsy and eluding. He has bright blue eyes and a spotty complexion. Micheal wears a grey-ish hoody, a white shirt underneath it, baggy jeans, over-used shoes, and often a blue cap (usualy backwards). Arena Appearence: He has a long-sleeved, white shirt, large, almost mechanicle looking red 'gloves', thick black pants, boots, and a sheath across his back. Abilities and Weapons: He is known in the arena as one of the fastest players. He can unsheath and resheath his sword almost before you see it. This is conditioned from two years of practice in a VCA unit. As mentioned above, his weapon is a thin sword (it's thickness is not very important, as most substances made in a VCA are nearly indestrucable) sheathed across his back. His sword style is a combination of wide arching motions and quick, curved, slashes. Personality: Micheal is best described as 'bouncy', especialy for a guy. His smile is his face almost 24/7, and he loves to flirt when not fighting in the VCAs. He is very open to people, accept about his recent (past three years) past. In the arena (or any fighting for that matter) his eyes can turn firey, and his expression cold. He more or less enjoys the publicity of being a VCA contender, but wants peace a lot of the time. Life is taking an uncertain turn for him. Bio: Micheal L. Denraed was born to Sarah and Harrold Denraed, in a peaceful part of teh suburbs around nice people. He got a good education, and enjoyed most of his youth. At fifteen, his father had a heart attack and died in a hospital bed. This wasn't very good for his mother, who began to drink, though was still a good mother to him. EVerything went downhill from there, and he found himself wandering around the city, lookign for something, though he didn't know what. At seventeen, he was captivated by the Game, and started training with an independent company that provided his own small VCA to perfect his style and his appearence. The rest of what happened in the last three years is for him to know, and you to guess.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Ichiro led them through the virtualy silent village, with angry villagers peering out of windows and around corners. Daniel looked around at them all, wondering still why they would feel such contempt towards them. Though the music was dying down in the girl's heads, Daniel caught an echo of it in his own mind, and it reminded him of a song... "I've been happy lately, thinkin' bout the good things to come, and I believe that something good has begun. I've been smilin' lately, dreamin' bout the world as one..." Kaitlen Valerie and Charisma all looked at him a little oddly. He noticed this and shut his mouth. Ichiro suddenly stopped in front of one of the buildings, and turned to the others. "We've arrived." OOC: If you're wondering, the song was Cat Steven's 'Peace Train' (got it off the Remember the Titans soundtrack)[/color]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]This RP is (or [i]will[/i] be) rated pg13, mostly for violence (imagine that) and swearing, though mature themes (OK, OK, sexual content) may appear. If that doesn't bother you, then keep on reading. We go now to Channel 5... [i]-It's a beautiful day today, with a high of...[/i] Well, we'll skip ahead a little... [i]- And for all our Game fans out there, remember the finals are starting tomorrow, that's right, tomorrow! All of the best players that fought through the last two months will be facing off over two weeks to see who's really the best! The top ten include some of this year's and last year's favorites, such as Terra Nova, Orion, and Grinder. We also have a rising star of the game this year, who goes by the name of 'Azarus'. Aparently he's taking the tournament by storm. We'll have to see how it turns out. --[/i] Now over to the sports network... [i]- Well Mike, how about yesterday's fight? - Yeah Bill, a real fan favorite. The sparks were flying! - We can use that literally too! - Indeed we can Bill. Well, as you all know, the finals for the Game are starting up tomorrow, and we're all waiting to find out what the line up will be. - This year we have a multitude of Game titans, including last year's favorite Orion, and the champion from two years ago, Dred-Israfel. - This will certainly be a tournament to remember Bill...[/i] Now, if you haven't caught the drift already, let's do soem clarifying. In the modern world, most sports have been drown out compared to a recent invention that we like to call, the 'Virtual Contact Arena'. The VCA was first invented as a possible research tool for studying human and animal anatomy, but a certain sports company saw great potential in the device. The VCA scans a biological form put over it and will design an image of the user's choosing around that form. The special thing is, it becomes completely solid, and recent low-grav technology allows the user to hover and 'fly' arounbd the space within the VCA's limited area. The company, now known as VCA Corp, constucted one massive VCA, and began work on how to turn it into a sport. It's potential for non-lethal combat was recognized very quickly. VCA Corp now has a total of six arenas across America, and holds a grand tournament every year. The Game, as it is known, has ecome extremely popular among every kind of citizen, and people from around the world are welcome to participate and watch. You will play a contender in the tournament. One of the top twenty (though I'll accept no more than ten... it would get too crowded) who have made it this far and intend to go home with the grand prize... a whooole lotta cash. However, this year is different. There are rumors circulating about some kind of underground conspiracy to affect the games. No one knows how, and it may not even hapen, but it's got the Game officials nervous. So come on and kick some a... *ahem* butt. SIGN-UPS Name: Something modern, and preferably ordinary. Arena Name: What you go by in the Games. Gender: pretty simple. Age: be reasonable. Appearance: What you look like of course! (pics are accepted, but not prefered) Arena appearance: No pics for this. What you look like in the arena. Abilities and/or weapons: This is for inside the Games only! No whippin' out kung-fu on un-suspecting civilians. Personality: What you're like. Try to be fairly detailed, as this will be a deeper RP than it sounds. Bio: So? What's your life been like? NOTE: You may use one of the characters mentioned above in the TV broadcasts, or you can make your own. I'll be using Azarus myself. Another NOTE: Youre appearance/abilities in the arena can vary from big mechanicle, laser shooting dude, to swift, graceful, sword swinging warrior. Long range weapons are limited however. My character will be up soon. Good-day.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: by the way... where exactly s our group heading again? ::reads past post:: oh, a town, right. IC: The group of 'travelers' walked for quite a while, though it only seemed like a few minutes with the small bits of conversation flying around. Miriku Tanji and Kayin led on, their stride almost never faltering. Daniel, somewhere near the middle of the group, was finally starting to feel like himself again and mock-leaned on Kaitlen's shoulder while still walking. "So where are you from anyaway?" Daniel asked, with that same fiegn-sarcasm. Kaitlen seemed about to answer, but her reply aparently slipped her mind and she instead said, "Oh, here and there." Daniel smiled, "Know what'cha mean." Just out of seeing range, the village that was their destination grew ever closer.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Jacob leaned on a small pillar near the entrance, nearly dozing off. Kiruna sat on the opposite side in a similar mood. "Hey Kiruna..." "... yeah?" "How were we convinced to come here?" "No idea man..." Skye and Natsu could be seen inside, looking at all the clothes, virtualy fascinated with it all. Jacob sunk a few inches. It was gonna be a looong day. OOC: lol, My mom has the soundtrack to "Wicked". Aparently it's a big hit.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Kayin now told Daniel to follow him again. He was led back out of the small cave room and through more winding passageways. "Where are we going now?" "Back out of course." Kayin said, not looking back. A little while later, the girls met them at an intersection near the mouth of the cave. Even in the semi-darkness, Daniel saw they looked, for lack of a better word, stunning. He resisted whisteling. Kayin, Tanji, and Miriku led the rest of the way, greeting each other before continueing to walk. Daniel found himself walking next to Kaitlen, and blushed a little, witch wasn't like him at all.[/COLOR]
Writing callmegoddess04's Spur of the moment poetry...
Muad'Dib replied to Skye's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Well, yeah, you could've done better with the rhyming, but the message it sends is pretty good once you understand it.The beat [i]does[/i] need to be fixed, as it seems a bit... hmm... choppy. It's short though, so I like it! The first one flowed pretty well, even if i didn't rhyme, though I think you could have made it a bit longer... or maybe I'd just like to see it longer. Whatever. Your style is very literal, witch can be a good thing because they're easier to understand when a poem is literal. Nice job over-all.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: oh.... OK, whatever. lol IC: Daniel followed Kayin through the twists and turns of the cave, going down a different path than the girls had. Every few paces, another light would flicker into being, so that Daniel could see his guide's back illuminated. Their path seemed to slope gradually downward, until they reached a room not more than twenty feet in width. It was not as decorative as the girl's room had been (though of course, Daniel didn't know this) but small cushioned stools and sheets scattered the floor. Kayin motioned for Daniel to sit, and he did so. Though he had no reason to, Daniel didn't feel like he could trust Kayin. The latter sorted through a small trunk and produced several articles of clothing. "Take what you like." was all he said. Daniel looked through the smal pile and pulled out a dark red long sleeved shirt, and a brown vest that went down a little past his waist. He pulled his shirt off and got these on. Kayin glanced at Daniel's jeans. "What?" Daniel said, "I like these pants!" when Kayin persisted, Daniel pulled out some earthy-brown, baggy pants and put them on in exchange for his jeans. "Happy?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Daniel heard Lei's 'Hello' and turned. He waved and replied, "Hi there!" Lei, looking hesitant, hopped over the small stream, nearly falling backwards into it. [i]Damn...[/i]Daniel thought, [i]all these girls... my karma must be improving...[/i] The other's all turned around to see Lei walking towards them, and 'Miriku' looked a little surprised, because she had not intended this one to come. OOC: ::looks around:: excuse my shortness in this post... make up for it later.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Jacob wasn't much of a fighter, but he did know one thing... pressure point. Somehow, he managed to get behind Tom and got him right below the neck... hard. Tom twitched and then fell over. Though he wasn't stunned (far too advanced technique) his back would hurt for a while. Meanwhile, Natsu got a good punch in on Mina, right in the nose. Mina backed off, cursing and holding her nose. Kiruna, who was gonna have a pretty nasty bruise, nailed Max in the stomach, who then slumped over, gasping. Skye had no problem with Tanya... the american was indeed a sissy.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Daniel leaned back, supporting his body with a hand and watching the landscape. There wasn't much to see, being in a forest, but it was all so... ethereal. He couldn't help it. "Does anyone have some paper... and a pencil for that matter." The girls gave a combination of 'nope's and 'what for?'s. That was rather disappointing, but he hadn't expected anyone to have any anyway. Looking around, he suddenly noticed a piece of paper and a pencil set orderly next to it on the trunk/table. [i]Odd... didn't see that before.[/i] He thought. Disregarding some suspicion, he nabbed the paper and began to draw the delicate lines of the forest around them. Five minutes later, with everyone still relaxing, the drawing was half-done. A thick tree, small leaves 'swaying' in the light wind could bee seen, and half a bush was beginning to evolve from a few sketchy lines. However, the drawing went unfinished, as Daniel noticed something to his right... a quick glimpse of... someone. His mind was suddenly compelled to follow the fleeting image. He glanced back at the others, all of them disracted, and got up to follow...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Heh, well that's not a lot to go with. First you really have to decide what genre it will fit in to. Judging be the name of the main character, you'd probably want an action/fighting manga. Once you've decided waht genre, you need something that will make it stand out from the other hundreds of mangas out there. Perhaps a character (the main character?) has some kind of weird disorder or something... or are they trying to complete some kind of mission/legacy? After that, a story comes pretty easily. You just have to be creative.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: woah... sinister. lol __________ Rodney watched Hunter walk away and turned back to the window. Watching the street lamps and passing car lights took your mind off things. The door was on the other side of the hospital, so he couldn't see him walk out. Rodney sighed, not exactly thrilled to be in a hospital for the second time that week. Having nothing better to do, he walked back to where Kris was, though she was probably asleep. Rodney was happy to see her awake... he needed someone to talk to before his head exploded, and it would be a shame to stain the hospital walls. Kris looked up as he walked in and tried to smile. "So where'd Hunter run off to?" she asked. "Not sure. Though he said he was looking for Joey." Kris's gaze dropped a little. "Hey, don't worry, I'm sure their both fine." Rodney said encouragingly. It didn't seem to help all that much. Rodney walked over and sat on the windowsil... again. "Well at least we aint dead."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]OOC: ::hides from "sexual content, violence, language, etc.":: IC: Daniel was having the time of his life around so many girls. Besides, he seemed to fit right in... to a certain extent. Daniel suddenly realized that someone might be looking for him... these thoughts were immediately pushed out of his mind. Who could possibly be looking for him? Why would anyone want to look for him? He was right here! "So, while we're all standing here in the middle of a desolate forest, why don't we find something to eat? Oh, I'm sorry, I said that in the wrong order... who's hungry?" Daniel had that air (or is it aer? or eir? can't remember...) about him that marked him as extremely sarcastic, but in that good way that you can't help but feel friendly towards. Several of the girls did seem a little hungry, and the descussion turned to where they would find food. "Uhh... well, we're in a forest, maybe there's some fruit or something." Valerie said. And so an epic quest began to find fruit...[/COLOR]